impacts on the society

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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1. Golden Age of Athens Impacts on the country/society 2. The Athenians were very much interested in two things :truth and beauty.In theur gatherings,the Athenians had learnt to talk,argue and reason about any subject.This helped them think. 3. Soon,they started using reasoning not only for everyday matters but also for the whole nature.They had already thought about the creation of the universe and the reason of every form of life.This kind of thinking is called Philosophy 4. Socrates:Inner- self,soul,knowledge,virtue,good- bad,fair-unfair. He refered to the only one God and to the inner ''demon'' meaning ''consciousness'' 5. The Greek artists depicted the world in a natural aspect (painting-architecture) 6. Poetry(Homer,Isiodos,Sapfo) Theatre(comedy-tragedy-satire) 7. Astronomy:reports about the universe,solar system,the planets were made at that time. (Plato,Thalis,Pythagoras,Dimocritos) 8. Other sciences: Medicine:Hippocrates Mathematics- Geometry:fklides,Pythagoras Engineering:Aristotle History:Thoukididis-Herodotus Geography:Dikearchos Zoology: Biology: Aristotle Botanology: Numeral system:Archimides ....and many many others...