impeachment andrew johnson & the radical republicans

Impeachment Andrew Johnson & the Radical Republicans

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Page 1: Impeachment Andrew Johnson & the Radical Republicans

ImpeachmentAndrew Johnson & the Radical Republicans

Page 2: Impeachment Andrew Johnson & the Radical Republicans

Main Ideas

1. In the months after the Civil War, the nation began the effort to rebuild and reunite.

2. As African-Americans entered politics, some white Southerners began to resist Republican reforms.

3. Reconstruction ended as Democrats regained power in the South and in Congress.

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How Things Look

Page 4: Impeachment Andrew Johnson & the Radical Republicans

Radicals Take Control

1866Congress passes 14th Amendment

18671865Civil War ends;

Lincoln assassinatedCongress passes Military

Reconstruction Act

187015th Amendment


• Before Civil War, fight breaks out in Congress• Sen. Charles Sumner

(MA) severely beaten w/ cane by 2 congressmen (SC)• 3-year recovery from

head injury & trauma

• During war, Sumner was first to insist abolition of slavery as war goal

Page 5: Impeachment Andrew Johnson & the Radical Republicans

Radicals Take Control

1866Congress passes 14th Amendment

18671865Civil War ends;

Lincoln assassinatedCongress passes Military

Reconstruction Act

187015th Amendment


• In absence of Southern Democrats, Radical Republicans see opportunity to remake social order of South & ensure political equality for African-American men

• Lincoln opposes many of their measures• Believes unity would come

faster if South not treated as enemy

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Radicals Take Control

1866Congress passes 14th Amendment

18671865Civil War ends;

Lincoln assassinatedCongress passes Military

Reconstruction Act

187015th Amendment


• After Lincoln’s death, one person stood in Radicals’ way: Andrew Johnson

• Johnson even more Southern-friendly than Lincoln• Governors he appointed

during Reconstruction passed Black Codes to restrict legal rights of African-Americans• Allowed white planters to

retake control of gov’t & society

Page 7: Impeachment Andrew Johnson & the Radical Republicans

Black Codes

1866Congress passes 14th Amendment

18671865Civil War ends;

Lincoln assassinatedCongress passes Military

Reconstruction Act

187015th Amendment


• Intended to keep African-Americans in condition similar to slavery

• Required them to enter annual labor contracts• Those who refused arrested

for vagrancy & forced into involuntary servitude

• Established labor hours & required licenses for non-agricultural jobs

Page 8: Impeachment Andrew Johnson & the Radical Republicans

Radicals Take Control

1866Congress passes 14th Amendment

18671865Civil War ends;

Lincoln assassinatedCongress passes Military

Reconstruction Act

187015th Amendment


• Some Southern states refused to cancel Confederate debt & ratify 13th Amendment (banning slavery)

• Republicans win heavy majority in Congress in 1866 • Now had 2/3 majority to

override presidential veto

• Ends era of “presidential Reconstruction”

• Begin work extending Freedmen’s Bureau & passing Civil Rights Bill

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The 14th Amendment

1866Congress passes 14th Amendment

18671865Civil War ends;

Lincoln assassinatedCongress passes Military

Reconstruction Act

187015th Amendment


• Johnson vetoes both

• Moderate Repubs join Radicals to override vetoes & pass both bills

• Foreseeing that SCOTUS could reject bill, Repubs draft 14th Amendment• Guarantees full citizenship

to anyone born in U.S.• Johnson opposes

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“The Fourteenth Amendment represents a major shift in power away from the states to the federal government, something that was never intended by the framers and that goes against the nature of our Constitution.”

Johnson on the 14th Amendment:

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“After the 13th Amendment prohibited slavery, Southern states passed Black Codes in a blatant attempt to return freedmen to a condition akin to slavery. This new amendment is necessary to keep all Americans free.”

Sumner on the 14th Amendment:

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The 14th Amendment

1866Congress passes 14th Amendment

18671865Civil War ends;

Lincoln assassinatedCongress passes Military

Reconstruction Act

187015th Amendment


• All Southern states (except TN) refuse to ratify amendment

• Congress forced to pass Military Reconstruction Act• Divides South into 5 occupied

military districts• Each ruled by military governor

• Under MRA, states HAD to ratify 14th Amendment & allow African-Americans to vote• Or else lose representation in

Congress• 14th Amendment ratified in a year

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Johnson on Reconstruction“The main goal Reconstruction must be to rapidly bring the South back into the Union and to heal the wounds of Civil War; punishing the South is counterproductive. What’s more, attempts by the federal legislature to dictate the structure of state governments goes against the nature of our Union. Finally, the Radical’s move to keep the Supreme Court from reviewing their reconstruction Acts is a gross violation of our system of checks and balances. I will oppose these measures with all of my power!”

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Sumner on Reconstruction“The South must be changed while we have the opportunity. The president is a Southern sympathizer, and his prejudice is keeping him from upholding our Constitution. The federal government has an obligation to ‘secure the blessing of liberty’ for all Americans. We will override every one of his vetoes in order to bring racial equality and justice.”

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Radicals vs. Johnson

1866Congress passes 14th Amendment

18671865Civil War ends;

Lincoln assassinatedCongress passes Military

Reconstruction Act

187015th Amendment


• Congress passed all four Reconstruction Acts into law over president’s veto

• Political offices throughout South were filled by Unionists, carpetbaggers, & even African-Americans• All Republican


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Radicals vs. Johnson

1866Congress passes 14th Amendment

18671865Civil War ends;

Lincoln assassinatedCongress passes Military

Reconstruction Act

187015th Amendment


• Secretary of War directed to enforce Acts with military, if necessary

• Expecting Johnson would fire him, Congress passed Tenure of Office Act in 1867• Required Senate approval

to fire anyone appointed by previous president• Johnson tries to fire him


• Congress impeaches Johnson

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1866Congress passes 14th Amendment

18671865Civil War ends;

Lincoln assassinatedCongress passes Military

Reconstruction Act

187015th Amendment


• Impeachment: charging a president with “treason, bribery, or… high crimes & misdemeanors”• Accused Johnson of

breaking law by refusing to uphold Tenure of Office Act

• Senate put Johnson on trial• Needed 2/3 vote to

convict & remove from presidency• Fell one vote short

“Andrew Johnson is innocent because Benjamin Wade is guilty of being his successor.”

-- Newspaper, 1868

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1866Congress passes 14th Amendment

18671865Civil War ends;

Lincoln assassinatedCongress passes Military

Reconstruction Act

187015th Amendment


• Johnson remained in office, but finished term quietly

• Did not run for office in 1868

• 1868: Republicans nominate Ulysses S. Grant (fmr. Union general)

• Union troops enabled African-Americans to vote in large numbers• Grant, therefore, won 6 Southern

& most Northern states