
The Rise of Western Dominance Imperialism

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Page 1: Imperialism

The Rise of Western


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IntroductionLate 19th century expansion is called imperialism.

“A national policy of conquest of other regions or peoples for the purpose of extending political and economic control and of exploiting the resources of other regions or people.”

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BackgroundAs Ottoman and Qing empires weakened, European states expanded.Nationalist sentiments allowed mobilization of populations.

Industrialization game them the tools to expand.

Trade connections gave them information about the rest of the world.

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Effects of ImperialismTrade encouraged between dominant states and their colonies.Migrations of people based on labor needs and opportunities.

Modern racism developed.

Development of nationalism in colonial lands.

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Motives of ImperialismColonies served as a supplier of

raw materials.

A market for manufactured goods.An outlet for surplus population.

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Political MotivesColonies provided:Strategic sites on trade routes.

Harbors to supply naval ships.

To gain advantages and withhold from rivals.

Domestic pride in imperialist success.

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Cultural MotivesOpen new lands to Christian missionaries.

To fulfill a civilizing mission (the White Man’s Burden).

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The Tools of ImperialismBased on European technical

advantages such as:

Transportation: railroads, steam ships.Military technology: rifled gun barrels, breech-loading machine guns.Communications: telegraph.

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European ImperialismThe British in India

Decline of Mughal state in India allowed the British East India Company to expand its influence.By the 1750’s, it won the right to rule from local authorities and Mughal emperors.

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An army of British and natives called Sepoys enforced rule.

The Sepoy Revolt 1857-1858.

Sparked by the use of animal fat to lubricate cartridges!

The British Government imposed direct control after this mutiny.

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The Transformation of IndiaEncouraged export crops of tea,

coffee, and opiumConstructed transportation and communications infrastructure.

English schools taught British culture.Suppressed Indian customs that conflicted with westen values, especially the sati.

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Imperialism in AsiaAs the Qing grew weaker, central Asian republics came under Russian control.Dutch East Indies came under Dutch control.The British established colonies in Malaya and Singapore.

Indo-China: France controled Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos by 1890’s.

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The Scramble for Africa

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Before 1878, Africa was mostly free of European domination.

Missionaries and adventurers explored the interior of Africa.

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Dr. David Livingstone(Scottish Missionary)

Henry Morgan Stanley(American Newsman)

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European Claims in Africa

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BelgiumBelgan King Leopold administered an abusive colonial regime in the Congo.Abuses caused the Belgian government to take control in 1908.

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The British in EgyptMuhammad Ali and Egyptian leaders borrowed heavily from Britain to build the country.When loans were not repaid, Britain took control of Egyptian finances.Egypt was occupied by the British Army in 1882 after a rebellion.

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This was justified to protect the Suez Canal.

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The Berlin Conference 1884-1885Established ground rules for

occupation of unclaimed territory in Africa.Used as a justification to take over.African forces were defeated easily with modern military equipment.Only Liberia, a U.S. protectorate, and Ethiopia remained free.

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The PacificSettler colonies were established by Britin in Austalia and New Zealand after Capt. James Cook explored there.Convict settlement established near Sydney in 1788.

Land drew other free men.

Good land in New Zealand attracted others.

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Native populations in both countries treated much like North American native populations.Many killed by disease, others driven into scrub lands.

Australian natives pushed into reservations by 1900.

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The Maori in New Zealand placed under British protection by Treaty of Waiangi in 1840.

Land wars in early 1860’s ended with Maori confined to reservations.

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United States ImperialismThe Monroe Doctrine proclaimed

the Americas a U.S. protectorate in 1823.Justified U.S. intervention in American Affairs.

Mostly guaranteed free trade in the region benefiting U.S. and European merchants.

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Hawaii became a U.S. possession in 1898 after planters and businessmen overthrew the monarchy in 1893.Panama rebellion against Columbia was assisted to get approval for the Panama Canal.

U.S. military also protected American economic interests in Central America (gunboat diplomacy).

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Japanese ImperialismJapan resented unequal treaties they were forced to accept in the 1860’s.Japan rapidly modernized its military.Developed a modern navy and used it to dominate Korea.

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Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895War over the control of Korea.

Resulted in an easy Japanese victory over Qing forces.1895: Peace treaty freed Korea and ceded Taiwan, and other territory to Japan.Japan also aquired treaty rights like Europeans in China.

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Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905War over control of Korea and

influence in Manchuria.

Japanese easily defeated the Russian Navy and drove the Russians out of southern Manchuria.Japan received recognition of interests in Korea and China.

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Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905

Victory made Japan a major imperial power.

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The Legacies of Imperialism

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Empire and EconomyColonies were built up as suppliers of natural resources.

Mines and agriculture built up.

Most of the benefits went to the colonial powers.

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In India…Raw cotton went for export rather than local use.Railroads aided this process.

Indian textile producers lost out.

New crops also introduced to meet European demand, tea, lumber, rubber, etc. Opium was planted in India to export to China.

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European Labor MigrationsEuropean migrants went to

temperate lands as free cultivators and industrial laborers.From 1800-1914, 50 million left for overseas opportunities.

About 32 million went to the U.S.Free land and labor shortages drew them. Some went as indentured laborers.

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Indentured LaborersMost indentured labor came from Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands.Most went to tropical and subtropical regions.

Laborers offered free travel to destination, a small salary, and free transportation home after second term of seven years.

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Empire and MigrationEuropean migrations were possible because settler societies were established in many areas.Indentured movement made possible by European control of mines and plantations.

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Scientific RacismEnglish philosopher Herbert Spencer developed the Social Darwinism Theory.Stronger races dominated just like stronger species in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.

Justified domination by Europeans.U.S. and Japanese developed same ideas.

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Nationalism and Anti-Colonial Movements

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Colonial ConflictConflicts between subject people and colonizers developed as resentments grew.

Sepoy Rebellion in India is the best known.

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The Indian National CongressThe most important Indian

reform group

Founded in 1885 to allow educated Indians to express their views on public affairs.

By 1900 began to call for self-rule as part of the British Empire.

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Demands resulted in limited franchise (vote) for the wealthy in 1909.This was too little, too late…..

Mass movement developed that called for independence.

A few turned to violence.

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Mohandas Ghandi pushed for peaceful resistance to British rule.

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Ghandi and the Indian National Congress formed a model for independence leaders in other countries.

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ConclusionEuropean influence came from wealth and economic power.

Imperialism had large influence on colonies.Shaped economies and societies.Created multicultural societies.

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ConclusionDeveloped subject peoples sense of national identity.

Still influences colonial countries today!