implemented – used of power point presentaon for several...

The Master TreeGrower (MTG) iniave introduced through the Overcoming Constraints to Community-Based Commercial Forestry in Indonesia, an ACIAR Project No FST/2008/030, provides a new extension approach in Indonesia to promote smallholder learning. This evaluaon report provides a crical analysis of this new and promising approach. The MTG course has helped to promote further changes, not only at the level of outputs, but up to the outcomes. Figure 1 ilustrates these chains of changes due to MTG course and iniave. Pendekatan pelahan Master TreeGrower (MTG) – diperkenalkan melalui proyek kerjasama penelian ACIAR FST/2008/030 'Overcoming constraints to community-based commercial forestry in Indonesia'–memberikan suatu pendekatan baru terhadap dunia penyuluhan di Indonesia. Laporan evaluasi ini menyajikan analisis kris terhadap pendekatan baru ini. Pelahan MTG dapat membantu mendorong perubahan lebih lanjut, dak hanya di ngkat output namun hingga pencapaian outcome. Gambar berikut dapat memperjelas rantai perubahan yang terjadi dengan adanya pendekatan pelahan MTG. ACIAR Project No. FST/2015/40 Enhancing Community-Based Commercial Forestry in Indonesia BRIEF Info No. 2 2017 EVALUATION OF THE PILOT MASTER TREE GROWER (MTG) TRAINING COURSES Evaluasi atas Ujicoba Pendekatan Pelahan Master TreeGrower (MTG) Forestry and Environment Research Development and Innovation Agency Ministry of Environment and Forestry 1 Phone: 0251 8633944 Fax: 0251 8634924 Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: implemented – used of power point presentaon for several evaluasi ini menyajikan ... didesain, dan dilaksanakan

The Master TreeGrower (MTG) ini�a�ve introduced through the Overcoming Constraints to Community-Based Commercial Forestry in Indonesia, an ACIAR Project No FST/2008/030, provides a new extension approach in Indonesia to promote smallholder learning. This evalua�on report provides a cri�cal analysis of this new and promising approach. The MTG course has helped to promote further changes, not only at the level of outputs, but up to the outcomes. Figure 1 ilustrates these chains of changes due to MTG course and ini�a�ve.

Pendekatan pela�han Master TreeGrower (MTG) – diperkenalkan melalui proyek kerjasama peneli�an ACIAR FST/2008/030 'Overcoming constraints to community-based commercial forestry in Indonesia'–memberikan suatu pendekatan baru terhadap dunia penyuluhan di Indonesia. Laporan evaluasi ini menyajikan analisis kri�s terhadap pendekatan baru ini. Pela�han MTG dapat membantu mendorong perubahan lebih lanjut, �dak hanya di �ngkat output namun hingga pencapaian outcome. Gambar berikut dapat memperjelas rantai perubahan yang terjadi dengan adanya pendekatan pela�han MTG.

ACIAR Project No. FST/2015/40Enhancing Community-Based Commercial Forestry in Indonesia

BRIEFInfoNo. 2 2017



Evaluasi atas Ujicoba Pendekatan Pela�han Master TreeGrower (MTG)

Forestry and Environment Research Development and Innovation AgencyMinistry of Environment and Forestry


Phone: 0251 8633944

Fax: 0251 8634924

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: implemented – used of power point presentaon for several evaluasi ini menyajikan ... didesain, dan dilaksanakan

Strengths of the MTG course are organized as follow:

(1) MTG course was developed, designed and implemented through a par�cipatory process with the local partners and stakeholders. The par�cipatory approach is not only cri�cal to create a sense of belonging to the program and ac�vi�es, but it is a l so important to respect farmers' experiences, develop commi�ment and responsibility as part of empowering farmers or smallholders.

Keunggulan dari pela�han MTG adalah sebagai berikut:(1) Pendekatan MTG dibangun,

didesain, dan dilaksanakan melalui proses par�sipa�f yang melibatkan mitra lokal dan parapihak terkait. Proses yang par�sipa�f ini �dak hanya pen�ng dalam menumbuhkan rasa memiliki atas kegiatan tersebut namun juga pen�ng untuk menghargai pengalaman yang dimiliki para petani serta membangun komitmen dan tanggung jawab bersama atas upaya penguatan kapasitas petani.

(2) MTG course use market first approach. Farmers' decisions on trees and farm management should be based on the market expecta�ons, informa�on, and demand (�mber species, quality, price, and �me). Visi�ng �mber processing industries is also cri�cal to develop smallholders' understanding and a�tudes toward trees and farm management prac�ces. They can be convinced for the link between �mber quality and the way they manage the trees and farms.

(3) The MTG courses addressing par�cipants' lack of awareness and knowledge, unfavourable a�tudes, percep�ons, skills, aspira�ons and prac�ces. MTG learning process is taking place in the class as well as in the farms and �mber processing industries. Par�cipants learned from resource persons, field observa�on and discussions, and doing real things such as prunning and thinning, and measurement. Combining classical presenta�ons, field observa�on and doing real thing is an ideal approach to change peoples' knowledge, a�tudes, skills, aspira�on and prac�ce.

(4) Effec�ve selec�on of MTG course par�cipants was a cri�cal step in MTG course. This study found that the par�cipants did share their knowledge and skills with other farmers in their respec�ve groups, and even with other family and community members at their village. As results, these non-MTG par�cipants changed their knowledge, a�tudes, skills, aspira�on and prac�ces.

(5) Conduc�ng MTG course at the local, village and close to farmers' places is another strength of the MTG. Farmers prefer to stay close to their place and farms as they do have farming ac�vi�es such as feeding their animals such as goat and ca�le. Adults learning principles gives a direc�on “Farmers learn well at their more comfortable places”.

(6) Working closely with local authority and government is another strengths of the MTG course. The local governments have not only provided strong supports to the project, but also adopted the MTG learning approach to help their smallholders and communi�es. This approach has helped in addressing issues of sustainability of the project impacts.

(2) Pendekatan MTG menekankan pendekatan pasar adalah yang pertama. Keputusan petani atas pengelolaan pohon dan lahan seharusnya didasarkan pada harapan, informasi dan permintaan pasar (jenis kayu, kualitas, harga, dan waktu). Mengunjungi industri pengolahan kayu menjadi pen�ng untuk membangun pemahaman petani dan menentukan perilakunya terhadap praktek pemeliharaan pohon dan lahan. Petani menjadi yakin akan kaitan antara kualitas kayu dan cara mereka memelihara pohon dan lahannya.

(3) Pendekatan MTG ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan pengetahuan, sikap, persepsi, ketrampilan, aspirasi dan praktek petani. Proses pembelajaran MTG dilakukan di kelas dan di luar ruangan termasuk di lahan petani dan penggergajian kayu. Para peserta belajar dari narasumber, melakukan observasi lapangan dan diskusi serta praktek pemangkasan, penjarangan, dan pengukuran pohon. Kombinasi antara paparan di kelas, pengamatan lapangan dan praktek langsung merupakan pendekatan ideal untuk mengubah pengetahuan, sikap, ketrampilan, aspirasi dan praktek yang selama ini dimiliki atau dilakukan petani.

(4) Pemilihan peserta MTG merupakan hal pen�ng. Salah satu temuan dari kajian ini adalah peserta pela�han benar-benar membagikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang mereka dapatkan kepada petani lain dalam kelompok taninya dan juga kepada anggota keluarga dan tetangga sekitar. Hal tersebut mempengaruhi pula perubahan pengetahuan, sikap, ketrampilan, aspirasi dan praktek yang dilakukan petani yang bukan peserta pela�han MTG.

(5) Pela�han yang dilaksanakan secara lokal di desa dan dekat dengan tempat �nggal petani menjadi keunggulan lain. Petani akan lebih nyaman berada di dekat tempat �nggal dan lahannya karena mereka juga terikat dengan kegiatan pertanian dan memberi makan ternak. Hal ini sesuai dengan salah satu prinsip pembalajaran bagi orang dewasa yakni “Petani belajar dengan baik di lokasi yang dirasakan nyaman olehnya”.

(6) Bekerja sama dengan pemerintah setempat juga menjadi kelebihan dari pela�han MTG. Pemerintah setempat �dak hanya mendukung proyek yang dilakukan namun juga mengadopsi pendekatan MTG dalam program kerjanya sebagai salah satu cara membantu petani dan masyarakat. Pendekatan ini membantu menjawab isu keberlanjutan sebagai dampak dari pelaksanan proyek.

Figure 1 MTG In�a�ves and the Iden�fied Chains of Changes

Gambar 1 Rantai perubahan dari pendekatan MTG


Page 3: implemented – used of power point presentaon for several evaluasi ini menyajikan ... didesain, dan dilaksanakan

Suggestions from this study The MTG Future Design

1. Keep the existing process or approach; do it in a more informal way.

Process and approach in delivering the topics such as visit to timber processing industry, field visit & practices on the farms, short theoretical session and more discussion, participatory process during the sessions (discussion and reflection). These processes reflect the use of effective adult learning principles such as “seeing is believing and learning by doing – direct experiences”.

2. MTG participants should be selected properly, they should be young, energetic, have good leadership skills, from tree grower groups or informal leaders. They should have teak plantation, have potential to share with others.

Knowledge and skills gain from the MTG course would not only be used for them selves, but also shared with other farmers.

3. Keep the existing contents, but go in-depth; Add contents on teak pest and diseases addressing issues on “penyakit penggerek batang” or locally called as “Olan-olan”; effective use of space under the trees for Non Timber Forest Products; include also topics on tree species – seedling; a subject on tree grower groups and associations; do more specifict training need assessment.

The existing topics given in MTG course are “mastering the art of tree growing, markets, measurement, management, and farm visits, graduation and the future”. More time is needed to deliver the topics, especially the topic on measurement (refer to suggestion no.4). Including other topics on pest and diseases for teak and sengon, NTFP, tree species and seedling, farmer groups/institutions.

4. Repeat the subject on measurement (tree volume and height).

Alocate more time for this topic and or think about the process effectiveness!

5. Have follow-up activities after the completion of the course.

Monitoring the changes and get participants feedbacks during the course, or doing the course at the village level where the participants can come and return to their place at the same day and implementing the knowledge and skills straight away.

6. Establish “Demonstration Plot” or “Teaching Farms”.

Identify the successull or model farms and use these to show participants the best practices (help demonstration the results and the processes.

7. Provide supports in document such as modules or other reading materials.

Prepare documents as reading and supporting materials.

8. Working closely with local government, especially the forestry office.

Future MTG courses should be discussed with and involved local government (the Forestry Office).

Saran dari kajian ini Desain MTG mendatang

1. Proses dan pendekatan dapat dilanjutkan namun perlu dilakukan dengan cara yang lebih informal.

Proses dan pendekatan dalam penyampaian topic-topik kunjungan ke usaha penggergajian, kunjungan dan praktek lapangan, sesi teori yang lebih singkat dan waktu diskusi yang lebih panjang, proses partisipatif selama sesi berlangsung (diskusi dan refleksi). Proses-proses tersebut merefleksikan penerapan prinsip pembelajaran untuk orang dewasa yakni “mempercayai yang dilihat dan belajar dari praktek pengalaman langsung”

2. Peserta MTG perlu diseleksi dengan kriteria: muda, enerjik, berjiwa pemimpin, anggota kelompok tani atau pemimpin informal. Mereka harus punya lahan dengan tanaman kayu, potensial untuk mau berbagi.

Pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang diperoleh dari pelatihan MTG tidak digunakan untuk dirinya sendiri namun juga dibagikan kepada petani lainnya.

3. Materi yang sudah ada dapat dilanjutkan dengan menambah materi tentang hama dan penyakit, pemanfaatan lahan sela untuk HHBK, pemilihan bibit, kelembagaan kelompok tani, lakukan penilaian kebutuhan pelatihan secara lebih spesifik.

Materi yang disampaikan dalam pelatihan MTG adalah “penguasaan seni menanam pohon, pasar, pengukuran, pengelolaan lahan, kunjungan lapangan, kelulusan dan langkah ke depan”. Lebih banyak waktu diperlukan untuk menyampaikan materi-materi tersebut terutama materipengukuran. Memasukkan materi lain yakni hama dan penyakit, HHBK, pemilihan bibit, dan kelembagaan kelompok tani.

4. Mengulang materi pengukuran (volume dan tinggi pohon).

Alokasikan lebih banyak waktu untuk materi ini atau bagaimana agar prosesnya lebih efektif

5. Ada kegiatan tindak lanjut setelah pelaksanaan pelatihan.

Memonitor perubahan dan meminta tanggapan peserta selama pelatihan, atau melaksanakan pelatihan di desa sehingga mereka dapat langsung menerapkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang diperoleh.

6. Membangun plot percontohan atau kebun pelatihan.

Mengidentifikasi lahan yang berhasil dan dapat dijadikan model percontohan bagi peserta (membantu memperlihatkan hasil dan prosesnya).

7. Memberikan modul atau bahan bacaan lain. Mempersiapkan dokumen sebagai bahan bacaan dan pendukung.

8. Bekerja sama dengan pemerintah setempat terutama yang terkait dengan kehutanan.

Pelatihan MTG mendatang perlu didiskusikan dengan pemerintah setempat yang terkait dengan kehutanan.

Kesimpulan umumPendekatan MTG terhadap pembelajaran petani efek�f untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, ketrampilan, sikap, dan aspirasi petani. Pela�ha MTG �dak hanya memfasilitasi pembelajaran namun juga mendorong perubahan praktek pengelolaan lahan oleh petani. Mayoritas peserta MTG menyatakan telah menerapkan teknik pemangkasan pohon. Namun, praktek tersebut �dak diterapkan pada semua tetapi hanya sebagian pohon dengan berbagai alasan antara lain luas lahan, jumlah pohon, umur pohon, kondisi fisik petani, ketersediaan tenaga kerja, dan biaya. Pela�han MTG �dak hanya memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta untuk belaka dengan mendengarkan langsung dari presentasi narasumber namun juga dari pengamatan dan praktek langsung di lapangan. Kunjungan ke usaha penggergajian menjadikan mereka mengetahui harapan pasar terkait dengan jenis pohon, kualitas, harga dan perlunya menerapkan praktek pengelolaan lahan yang baik untuk menghasilkan kayu berkualitas.

General Conclusion The MTG approach to smallholders' learning has been effec�ve to promote smallholders' knowledge, skills, a�tudes, and aspira�on improvement. The MTG courses have not only facilitated smallholders' learning but also promoted smallholders' change in farm management prac�ces. Almost all MTG par�cipants claimed for the implementa�on of the new pruning techniques learned through MTG courses. However, due to various reasons, some of these tree growers have only pruned a propor�on of their trees. Various factors associated with these levels of pruning such as the farm size, the number of trees, the tree age, farmers' physical condi�on, and the availability of cash and human labour. The MTG courses have not only allowed par�cipants to learn from listening to the resource person presenta�ons, but also from observing, and doing something they are learning. Visits to the �mber processing industries allowed them to understand the market expecta�ons – the �mber species, the quality, the price, and the need to implement best tree management prac�ces.

From sthis study, there are some sugges�ons for future MTG course as follow:

Melalui kajian evaluasi terhadap pela�han MTG dapat disampaikan beberapa saran untuk pelaksanan pela�han MTG mendatang yakni sebagai berikut:

(1) MTG course was too formal which maybe due to the room or seat arrangement or the way they were (1) Pela�han MTG yang telah dilaksanakan masih dirasakan terlalu formal yang kemungkinan karena pengaturan

implemented – used of power point presenta�on for several subjects con�nously during the day.

ruang kelas atau cara pelaksanaan – misalnya presentasi dengan powerpoint sepanjang hari.

(2) The MTG courses were also cri�cised for the issues of “too old par�cipants”. (2) Pela�han MTG juga mendapat catatan karena beberapa peserta sudah yang terlalu tua. (3) Limited �me was allocated for the discussion session. (3) Alokasi waktu yang terbatas untuk melakukan diskusi. (4) The absence of MTG follow-up ac�vi�es led to the issues of difficul�es to know the progress and to monitor (4) Tidak adanya kegiatan �ndak lanjut dari pela�han MTG menyebabkan sulit untuk mengetahui perkembangan

the change of par�cipants' prac�ces.

dan memonitor perubahan perilaku dan praktek yang dilakukan para peserta.

Even though there are some strengths that support the effec�veness of the MTG course, there are also some cri�cs or limita�ons such as the following:

D i s a m p i n g ke u n g g u l a n e f e k � fi t a s p e n d e k a t a n pela�han MTG, terdapat beberapa kri�k dan kelemahan yakni sebagai berikut:


Page 4: implemented – used of power point presentaon for several evaluasi ini menyajikan ... didesain, dan dilaksanakan

Studi Kasus: Perubahan Penghidupan Petani Hutan Rakyat di Kabupaten Pa�

Salah satu kajian yang dilakukan dalam proyek 'Enhancing CBCF' berupaya untuk mengetahui perubahan sosial, ekonomi, budaya yang

Case Study: Changing in Smallholders' Livelihood in Pa� District

One study within 'Enhancing CBCF' project aims to explore social, economy and cultural changes of smallholders comparing with condi�ons from a similar study from the previous project, 'Overcoming constraints to

CBCF'. From the study in the previous project, four years ago, market for sengon from community forests in Pa� District was newly developed. The farmers sold their first or second rota�on of sengon in form of whole standing trees in a lot. All harves�ng ac�vi�es managed by the buyer. Logs from the farms then transported to processing industries in other districts (Semarang, Temanggung, Kebumen) even to other province (East Java). Nowadays we can find some wood processing industry in Pa�, 6 unit of sawmills and 1 unit of veneer factory. Therefore a big por�on of logs from Pa� can be processed locally.

terjadi pada petani hutan rakyat. Melalui proyek sebelumnya, 'Overcoming constraints to CBCF', diketahui bahwa p a d a e m p a t t a h u n y a n g l a l u perdagangan kayu sengon rakyat di Kabupaten Pa� baru berkembang. Saat itu petani baru mulai menjual hasil panen pertama atau kedua. Mereka menjual kayu dalam bentuk hamparan lahan dengan “sistem tebas” tanpa sama sekali terlibat dalam pelaksanaan pemanenannya. Hasil panen kayu sengon dikir imkan ke industri di Semarang, Temanggung, Kebumen dan bahkan ke Jawa Timur. Saat ini di Kabupaten Pa� telah terdapat 6 unit pabrik penggergajian dan 1 unit pabrik

Our study loca�on lies in a hilly area. A special condi�on here is in some area, land can be func�oned as ricefield when the water flow is retained or can become a dryland if the water is allowed to flow downward. Recently, farmers set their land as dryland, expanding the area and number of planted trees (sengon) with mixed species (e.g. cassava, pepper, chili, jengkol, peanuts, banana, taro) used for home consump�on and commercial sale.

Farmers in Giling village are able to fullfil home consump�on from

their farm and doing side jobs (e.g. as labor, bricklayer/carpenter, driver,

food/grocery stall). Therefore, the money received from selling �mber is

not en�rely used for consump�on but can be put in saving account or

buying livestock. Farmers in Payak dan Gunungsari are star�ng not to sell

standing trees but in logs by doing the harves�ng themselves (pay chainsaw

rental, labor and truck). They can enjoy the advantageous added value from

these ac�vi�es. They are confident in selling logs since they have access to

the market through working in sawmills or selling through truck driver who

have access to sawmills.

pabrik veneer. Dengan demikian kayu rakyat dari Pa� yang semula dijual dalam bentuk log ke industri di kabupaten lain sebagian besar dapat diolah menjadi barang jadi dan setengah jadi di wilayah Pa�.

Lahan di lokasi studi Pa� umumnya berada di lereng bukit. Lahan dapat difungsikan sebagai sawah bila aliran air ditampung di petak lahan atau dapat menjadi lahan kering bila air dibiarkan mengalir terus ke bawah. Saat ini petani memilih menjadikan lahannya sebagai lahan kering agar dapat ditanami berbagai jenis tanaman yang pasarnya baik dan harganya �nggi. Tanaman utama yang dipilih adalah sengon karena harganya yang menarik dan dicampur dengan ketela pohon serta berbagai tananam bawah tegakan lainnya (cabai, merica, pisang, kacang, talas).

Di Desa Giling, rata-rata petani saat ini juga memiliki pekerjaan sampingan sebagai tukang, buruh, sopir, usaha warung dan lain-lain. Kebutuhan konsumsi sehari-hari dipenuhi dari upah kerja sampingan tersebut sehingga sebagian besar hasil panen kayu sengon dapat ditabung di BRI atau dibelikan ternak kambing dan sapi. Petani di Desa Payak dan Gunungsari saat ini mulai menjual sengon dengan cara menebang sendiri (membayar pemilik chain saw, tenaga kerja, sewa truk). Meskipun lebih banyak ak�vitas yang harus dilakukan namun petani dapat memperoleh nilai tambah yang menguntungkan. Petani dapat mengakses pasar karena bekerja di penggergajian atau melalui pemilik truk yang menjualkan sengon ke penggergajian.


The research collabora�on

'Enhancing CBCF in Indonesia'

involves various ins�tu�ons

including government, university,

research en��es, NGO as well as

v a r i e t y o f t e a m m e m b e r

background as researcher,


The most interes�ng of the project regarding these women

researches is that the research focus on smallholder. Tu� Herawa� (Tu�),

works as seconded scien�st at CIFOR, said that smallholder is the important

actor in forest management in Indonesia. Therefore, social dimension

analysis is needed to understand condi�on of the smallholders and its

changing over�me, as stated by Asih. In addi�on, said Tri and Dewi Ratna

Kurniasari – junior researcher from FOERDIA Bogor – focus on the

smallholder also requires appropriate policy support as well as training to

improve farmers' capacity in managing their forests.

These women researchers share a same expecta�on for the next 5

years, that this research can deliver good outputs for many par�es

especially to improve capacity and welfare of the smallholders. In addi�on,

the research is also expected to provide evidence-based and applicable

policy recommenda�on on social forestry.

scien�st, prac��oner and policy maker. This is conveyed by Aneka Prawes�

Suka (Aneka), the research team coordinator. The picture shows project

leader, Digby Race, with some of women reaserchers involved. These

women researchers have a common interest in interac�ons with

communi�es around the forests, NGO, central & local government,

industry, scien�st and other researchers, na�onal and interna�onal. The

interac�ons are very important to formulate good research results as basic

evidence for provide policy recommenda�on, as stated by Kris�ana Tri

Wahyudiya� (Tri) – management & policy maker of FOERDIA. The research

results also need to be shared in form of ar�cles to enrich the scien�fic

knowledge, as stated by Se�asih Irawan� (Asih) – senior researcher from