importance of needs assessment for implementation of e-learning in colleges of educationimportance...

Importance of Needs Assessment for Implementation of E-Learning in Colleges of Education 1 Oct, 5-6, 2013 H. Md. AZIMI RESEARCH SCHOLAR UNIVERSITY OF MYSORE DEPARTMENT OF STUDIES IN EDUCATION MANASAGANGOTRI, MYSORE

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Importance of Needs Assessment for Implementation of E-Learning in Colleges of Education


Page 1: Importance of Needs Assessment for Implementation of E-Learning in Colleges of EducationImportance of needs assessment in implementation of e learning

Importance of Needs Assessment for Implementation of E-Learning in Colleges of Education


Oct, 5-6, 2013H. Md. AZIMI




Page 2: Importance of Needs Assessment for Implementation of E-Learning in Colleges of EducationImportance of needs assessment in implementation of e learning


Higher education sector can take greatest advantage of

the increased use of technology, especially the Internet,

in delivering the educational product. Distance learning

via the Internet will drive tremendous growth.

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Usage of new technologies, internet and e-learning

in higher education especially in educational

programs, can increase speed of development, and

educate citizen familiar with ICT and needs of

living in 21century.

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E-learning, or electronic learning, has been defined a

number of different ways in the literature.

In general, e-learning is the expression broadly used to

describe “instructional content or learning experience

delivered or enabled by electronic technologies” (Ong, Lai and Wang, 2004).

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Some definitions of e-learning are more restrictive than this one, for example limiting e-learning to content delivery via the Internet (Jones, 2003).

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Holmes and Gardner (2006) point out that e-learning provide access to resources that promotes learning on an anyplace, anytime basis.

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He received a B.A. in Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA. Badrul Huda Khan was born and grew up in Chittagong, Bangladesh in the 1970s.

E-Learning Framework

Managing E-Learning Strategies: Design, Delivery, Implementation and Evaluation, Information Science Publishing, 2005Badrul K


Badrul Khan

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1. Instructional Design (ID)

2. Multimedia Component

3. Internet Tools

4. Computers and Storage Devices

5. Connections and Service Providers

6. Authoring/Management Programs, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software,

7. Server and Related Applications

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1. Instructional Design (ID)

(a) Learning and Instructional Theories

(b) Instructional Strategies and Techniques

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2. Multimedia Component

(a) Text and Graphics

(b) Audio Streaming (e.g., Real Audio)

(c) Video Streaming (e.g., QuickTime)

d) Links (e.g., Hypertext links,

Hypermedia links, 3-D links, image maps, etc.)

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3. Internet Tools (a) Communications Tools

(i) Asynchronous: E-mail, List servs, Newsgroups, and so on.

(ii) Synchronous: Text-based (e.g., Chat, IRC, MUDs, messaging, etc.) and audio-video conferencing tools.

(b) Remote Access Tools (Login in to and transferring files from remote computers.)

(i) Telnet, File Transfer Protocol (ftp), and so on.

(c) Internet Navigation Tools (Access to databases and Web documents.)

(i) Text-based browser, Graphical browser, VRML browser, and so on.

(ii) Plug-ins

(d) Search Tools

(i) Search Engines

(e) Other Tools

(i) Counter Tool

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4. Computers and Storage Devices

(a) Computer platforms running Graphical User Interface (GUI) based operating systems such as UNIX,

Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and non- GUI based operating systems such as DOS. Mobile devices such as handheld personal digital assistants (PDAs) running Palm operating system, Pocket PC Windows, and other platforms.

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4. Computers and Storage Devices

(b) Hard drives, CD ROMs, DVDs, and so on.

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5. Connections and Service Providers

(a) Modems

(b) Dial-in (e.g., standard telephone line, ISDN, etc.)

and dedicated (e.g., 56kbps, DSL, digital

cable modem, T1, E1 lines, etc.) services

(c) Mobile technology (e.g., connected wireless, wireless LAN, wireless WAN, wireless PAN or personal

area network)

(d) Application Service Providers (ASPs), Hosting Services Providers (HSPs), Gateway Service Providers, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and so on.

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6. Authoring/Management Programs, Enterprise

Resource Planning (ERP) Software,

(a) Scripting Languages (e.g., HTML - Hypertext Markup Language, VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language, XML – Extensible Markup Language, RSS - Rich Site Summary, is a text-based format, XSL - Extensible Style Sheet language, XHTML – Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, CSS - Cascading Style Sheets, WML-Wireless Markup language, Java, Java scripting, etc.).

(b) Learning Management System (LMS) and Learning Content Management System (LCMS)

(c) HTML Converters and Editors, and so on.

(d) Authoring Tools and Systems (easier to use than programming languages)

(e) Enterprise Application or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software in which e-learning solutions are integrated.

(f) Interoperability, Accessibility, and Reusability Standards

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7. Server and Related Applications

(a) HTTP servers, HTTPD

software, and so on

(b) Server Side Scripting Languages - Java Server Pages (JSP), Active Server Pages (ASP), ColdFusion, Hypertext Preprocessor, Common Gateway Interface (CGI) - a way of interacting with the http or Web servers. CGI enables such things as image maps and fill out forms to be run.

(c) Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) gateway - changes the binary coded request into an HTTP request and sends it to the Web server

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Mitchell (1993) describes needs

assessment/analysis as

"an examination of the existing need for training within an organization".

It identifies performance areas or programs within an organization where training should be applied.

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Community organizations

Government agencies

Health care facilities

As well as Education institutions

…..In higher education, the needs assessment process

appears in several contexts.

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Needs analysis can help institutions to match the needs of their target audience with the e-learning courses and programs they plan to market.

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• Any institution venturing into e-learning should conduct a needs assessment survey to find out its expected customers’ (i.e., learners’) willingness to enroll in its e-learning courses.

• Needs analysis will help institutions analyze the short-term and long term needs for their e-learning initiatives, and in turn will be instrumental in developing their e-learning strategies.

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Needs analysis can also provide information about the technological and other support services needed for their e-learning initiatives.

Through a comprehensive needs assessment process, an institution can establish its e-learning goals.

(Badrul Khan, 2005)

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Teachers play a very important

role in a student's life. It is, to a great extent, the teachers who decide the shape

a student's life will take. So, it is very necessary to be adequately equipped with

resources that will make the teacher a perfect role model to the students.

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Integrating of e-learning technology in education and having skilled faculties and students as future teachers should be an integral part of the Teacher Training colleges’ curriculum to developing in IT and Knowledge based societies.

Having a clear profile of needs analysis on e-learning components, current level of knowledge in computer skills of faculties and students (as future teachers) of colleges of education and provides vital information about situation of colleges of education.

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The findings of this kind of studies will facilitate the process of decision-making and planning of usage and implementation of e-learning in teacher education colleges.

Clarifying potential differences or similarities on gender, work experience, level of education, type of institution, type of subject (learning for students and teaching for faculties) will show a mirror with a full feature of selected sample and finally population of colleges.

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