importance of subject lines in email marketing

Importance of subject lines in E-marketing Do you have a finely crafted content for your e-marketing? Does it have a compelling subject line to interest the reader? If not; this write up is sure to make you aware about the importance of subject lines of any promotion email. Drafting subject line sounds to be simple but practically needs creativity and innovation to draw customer’s attention. Subject lines are pretty much guaranteed to generate better results as they are the ones which helps you stand out from your rivals. These few words definitely decide the destiny of your e-marketing efforts. Thus read on to know how to design an informative subjective line. If you want to get more hit off on your e-marketing messages, you got to do better jobs of writing subject lines that compel recipients to open them. Below said are sets of “do’s that should be adhered while writing a subject line. Be Crisp - The shorter your subject line, the higher is your open rates. From the history of marketing, the email which had a short subject line is the one which had got more click rates. A crisp subject line gets your message out as quickly as possible. From expert’s suggestion it is advisable to use 35 to 45 characters to address it. Latest ideas - It is good that your subject line bears the latest ideas that you have added to your range of services. According to marketing research, the three types of email subject lines with the highest open rates include those that promise a discount, offer a free product/trial and the one which posts the latest ideas under a familiar brand name. Interesting start - Study the interesting subject line templates before you write one for you, compare your past subject line that didn't fetch you much returns to know where you went wrong. It is difficult to coin the right content in the start but as you practice you can see things falling at the right place; therefore practice to draft an interesting subject line with an interesting start.

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Importance of subject lines in email Marketing

Importance of subject lines in E-marketing

Do you have a finely crafted content for your e-marketing? Does it have a compelling subject line to interest the reader? If not; this write up is sure to make you aware about the importance of subject lines of any promotion email. Drafting subject line sounds to be simple but practically needs creativity and innovation to draw customer’s attention. Subject lines are pretty much guaranteed to generate better results as they are the ones which helps you stand out from your rivals. These few words definitely decide the destiny of your e-marketing efforts. Thus read on to know how to design an informative subjective line.

If you want to get more hit off on your e-marketing messages, you got to do better jobs of writing subject lines that compel recipients to open them. Below said are sets of “do’s that should be adhered while writing a subject line.

Be Crisp - The shorter your subject line, the higher is your open rates. From the history of marketing, the email which had a short subject line is the one which had got more click rates. A crisp subject line gets your message out as quickly as possible. From expert’s suggestion it is advisable to use 35 to 45 characters to address it.

Latest ideas - It is good that your subject line bears the latest ideas that you have added to your range of services. According to marketing research, the three types of email subject lines with the highest open rates include those that promise a discount, offer a free product/trial and the one which posts the latest ideas under a familiar brand name.

Interesting start - Study the interesting subject line templates before you write one for you, compare your past subject line that didn't fetch you much returns to know where you went wrong. It is difficult to coin the right content in the start but as you practice you can see things falling at the right place; therefore practice to draft an interesting subject line with an interesting start.

Page 2: Importance of subject lines in email Marketing

Clear, Creative, Convincing topic - The one liner which is on the top of your mail has so much of powers within to attract customer. A clear subject line is a trump for your e-marketing try. Using creativity based on customer’s expectation could be a turn on for your attempt and being unique is definitely going to be a boon. Use words that tell your customer exactly what they’re going to get. Concentrate on these three C’s to get more clicks.

Getting rid of spam words - First impression is always the best, and when it comes to e-marketing the subject line stands in the first. It’s mere a single line but it has the content to depict your ideas for customers. Hence to make a list of keywords that reduces the spam rates, make your content more attractive and readable with those keywords. You must be sure of delivering your e-mail to your prospects inbox instead their junk box.

Using your ex- experience - Subject lines is still the most commonly tested element in email marketing. As a service provider or a product vendor you should have come across a lot of real time experience while carrying out an e-campaign. Prioritize them first; make a list of those unusual statements that reduced your ROI, make sure that you don’t repeat it when it comes to your next turn of broadcast.

Being precise - Long subject lines don’t work many times, therefore being precise about what you convey always helps to top the mind of your readers. Use your SEO team efficiently to grab those precise keywords; try using them on your subject line to see what works best for you.

Testing - Testing is the final topic of this article. To leverage your click rates testing turns to be mandatory. Use trial and error method to test all that you have done on the process of subject line construction. Let out your e-mail content for a trial along with your subject line to quantify the response, based on the report work for the areas which needs improvement.

Written By:

Amelia Watson