improved laplacian smoothing of noisy surface meshes

EUROGRAPHICS ’99 / P. Brunet and R. Scopigno (Guest Editors) Volume 18 (1999), Number 3 Improved Laplacian Smoothing of Noisy Surface Meshes J. Vollmer, R. Mencl, and H. Müller Informatik VII (Computer Graphics), University of Dortmund, Germany Abstract This paper presents a technique for smoothing polygonal surface meshes that avoids the well-known problem of deformation and shrinkage caused by many smoothing methods, like e.g. the Laplacian algorithm. The basic idea is to push the vertices of the smoothed mesh back towards their previous locations. This technique can be also used in order to smooth unstructured point sets, by reconstructing a surface mesh to which the smoothing technique is applied. The key observation is that a surface mesh which is not necessarily topologically correct, but which can efficiently be reconstructed, is sufficient for that purpose. 1. Introduction A useful approach to acquire complex geometric models in computer graphics is digitization. From the cloud of points scanned by digitizing devices like laser scanners or tactile scanners, a surface description may be obtained by connect- ing the points in an appropriate manner into a surface mesh, e.g. a mesh of triangles. Figure 1: From left to right: origin, noisy mesh, three itera- tions of the Laplacian algorithm. Unfortunately, the digitized points often do not reflect the correct location on the real surface, because of physical noise added by the technical scanning device. The effect is that the reconstructed surfaces often do not look satisfactory. The consequence is that the mesh has to be smoothed, with the goal to remove the noise. Figure 2: From left to right: origin, noisy mesh, three itera- tions of our algorithm. One approach to surface smoothing is the Laplacian al- gorithm. Versions of Laplacian smoothing are e.g. known in image processing and finite-element-meshing. 1234 The ba- sic idea in image processing is to replace the grey value of a pixel with an average of the grey values of pixels in some neighborhood. Similarly, the location of a vertex in a finite- element mesh is corrected by calculating a new location as the average of the locations of vertices in the neighborhood c The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishers 1999. Published by Blackwell Publishers, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.

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Page 1: Improved Laplacian Smoothing of Noisy Surface Meshes

EUROGRAPHICS’99 / P. BrunetandR. Scopigno(GuestEditors)

Volume18 (1999), Number3

Improved Laplacian Smoothing of Noisy Surface Meshes

J.Vollmer, R. Mencl,andH. Müller

Informatik VII (ComputerGraphics),Universityof Dortmund,Germany

AbstractThispaperpresentsa techniquefor smoothingpolygonalsurfacemeshesthat avoidsthewell-knownproblemofdeformationandshrinkage causedbymanysmoothingmethods,like e.g. theLaplacianalgorithm.Thebasicideais to pushtheverticesof thesmoothedmeshback towardstheir previouslocations.Thistechniquecanbealsousedin order to smoothunstructuredpoint sets,by reconstructinga surfacemeshto which thesmoothingtechniqueisapplied.Thekey observationis that a surfacemeshwhich is not necessarilytopologically correct,but which canefficientlybereconstructed,is sufficientfor thatpurpose.

1. Introduction

A usefulapproachto acquirecomplex geometricmodelsincomputergraphicsis digitization.From thecloudof pointsscannedby digitizing devices like laserscannersor tactilescanners,a surfacedescriptionmaybeobtainedby connect-ing thepointsin anappropriatemannerinto a surfacemesh,e.g.a meshof triangles.

Figure 1: Fromleft to right: origin, noisymesh,threeitera-tionsof theLaplacianalgorithm.

Unfortunately, thedigitizedpointsoftendonot reflectthecorrectlocationontherealsurface,becauseof physicalnoiseaddedby the technicalscanningdevice. The effect is thatthereconstructedsurfacesoftendonotlook satisfactory. The

consequenceis that the meshhasto be smoothed,with thegoalto remove thenoise.

Figure 2: Fromleft to right: origin, noisymesh,threeitera-tionsof our algorithm.

One approachto surfacesmoothingis the Laplacianal-gorithm.Versionsof Laplaciansmoothingaree.g.known inimageprocessingandfinite-element-meshing.1 � 2� 3� 4 Theba-sic ideain imageprocessingis to replacethegrey valueofa pixel with anaverageof thegrey valuesof pixels in someneighborhood.Similarly, the locationof a vertex in a finite-elementmeshis correctedby calculatinga new locationastheaverageof the locationsof verticesin theneighborhood


TheEurographicsAssociationandBlackwellPublishers1999.Publishedby BlackwellPublishers,108 Cowley Road,Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and350 Main Street,Malden,MA02148,USA.

Page 2: Improved Laplacian Smoothing of Noisy Surface Meshes

J. Vollmer, R.Mencl,H. Müller / ImprovedLaplacianSmoothingof NoisySurfaceMeshes

on themesh.Thisprocessof averagingcanbeapplieditera-tively, until theresultis satisfiable.

Averagingcausesa smoothingeffect which is similar tothat which we desire in our applicationof surface meshsmoothing.This observation can be transferredto surfacemeshesby calculatinga new locationof a vertex on a sur-facemeshby averagingthelocationsof theneighboringver-tices.Figure1 shows theresultof aniterative applicationofthisapproachto a dataset.For demonstration,theoriginallysmoothverticesweredisarrangedby noise.

However, the exampleof figure 1 shows an undesirableeffectof thatapproach.Theessentialdifficulty is thattheap-plicationof theLaplacianalgorithmshrinksthemesh.Evi-dentlytheresultingsmoothskull is significantlysmallerthantheoriginalone.

In thiscontribution,wepresentageneralapproach,calledHC-algorithm,which preventstheeffect of shrinking,whilepreservingtheeffect of smoothing.Thekey ideais to pushthe verticesobtainedin eachstepof iterationof the Lapla-cianalgorithmbackinto thedirectionof theoriginalvertices.Figure2 shows theresultof anapplicationon thedatasetoffigure1. Thesmoothedmeshis quitesimilar to theoriginal,alsoin size.

After fixing therequirednotationin section2, in section3we introducein somemoredetail the Laplacianalgorithmfor surfacemeshes,including several useful variants.Sec-tion 4 describestheHC-algorithm.In section5, thebehaviorof convergenceof the iterationof theoriginal Laplacianal-gorithmandtheHC-algorithmis given.Section7 discussesthe moregeneralcasethat only a cloud of pointsnot con-nectedby a meshhasto besmoothed.Thebasicideaof oursolutionto thatproblemis to constructa surfacemeshcon-nectingthe given pointswhich, whensmoothed,yields thedesiredsmoothedpointset.Theinterestingobservationwiththis approachis that it is not necessaryto constructa topo-logically correctmeshwhichmakesthetaskmuchmoreeasythantherathercomplex surfacereconstructionproblem.

2. Formal conventions

In thefollowing a meshM with vertex setV ��� 1 ��������� n isgivenby a tupel K � p � , whereK � 2V is a simplicial com-plex andp : V IR3 is a function,whichmapsevery vertexi to its position pi . In generaldifferent verticesi �� j canhave the samepositionpi � p j . The "set" of pointsp willbe representedin the following by the vertical point vectort p1 ��������� pn � . The setof verticesV is split up into two dis-joint setsof fixed verticesVf ix and movable verticesVvar.The set of adjacentverticesof one vertex i is denotedbyadj i � . Let E : ��� e � K ��� e��� 2 be the setof edgesandF : ��� f � K ��� f ��� 3 bethesetof facesof M.

It is characteristicallyfor smoothingalgorithms in con-trast to swapping-(seesect.7) andsubdivision algorithms

(seesect.6) that they modify the positionspi � i � Vvar ofthe(moveable)verticeswhile keepingthetopologyK of themeshunchanged. We follow the convention,that oi aretheoriginal givenpoints,qi thecurrentpoints(beforetheappli-cationof the algorithm)andpi the new, modifiedpositions(afteroneiterationof thealgorithm),e.g.a smoothingalgo-rithm startswith vertex positionso � : q andmapsthecurrentpositionsq ontop by onestep.

Usually, thenew positionpi of any vertex i dependssolelyon thepositionsof its adjacentverticesj � adj i � . To avoidproblematiccases,westatetheconventionthatif adj i �����theni � Vf ix.

3. Laplacian smoothing

In this sectiontheoriginal versionandtwo modificationsoftheLaplacianalgorithmwill be introduced.They belongtotheclassof smoothingalgorithmsdefinedasabove.

3.1. The original version

The Laplacianalgorithmis quite simple:the positionpi ofvertex i is replacedwith theaverageof thepositionsof adja-centvertices(figure3). Wehave

pi : � �1�

adj � i � � ∑ j � adj � i � q j � i � Vvar �qi � i � Vf ix �














Figure 3: TheLaplacianalgorithm.

Thereare two techniquesto calculatenew positionspi .Thefirstmethodis tomodifyall positionsq p byonestep.So every new positionpi , i � 1 ��������� n, dependscompletelyonthesamesetof positions,namelyq. Thismethodis calledthesimultaneousversion. Thesecondvariantis to updatethenew positionspi immediately. This variantis calledthe se-quential version. In this casea position pi may not solelydependon the “set” of old positionsq but can dependona previously calculatednew positionp j , too. Hencethe re-sult of onesmoothingpassthroughall verticesi � Vvar willdependon theorderhow theverticesareconsidered.

The simultaneousversionneedsmore storagespaceforall old positionsq until the new arecalculatedcompletely.However, the resultsof this techniquesarebetter. Surpris-ingly, amongall othersmoothingalgorithmsthe Laplacian


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algorithmsolely hasthe propertythat the limits of the twotechniquesarethesameif they exist (see3.3and5).

Figure 4: Laplacianalgorithmappliedto a noisytorus.

Figure4 showsmesheswith Vf ix �!� after1,2,and3 itera-tionssmoothedwith theLaplacianalgorithm.Wecanrecog-nizeastrongdegreeof shrinkage.If thenumberof iterationsk goesto " themeshwill beshrinkingtowardsa point.

3.2. Inclusion of the central point

It is noticeablethatonly thepositionsof theadjacentverticesandnot thecurrentpositionqi is includedin thecalculationof thenew positionpi . This couldbedoneby extendingtheLaplacianrule to

pi �$#% & αqi ' 1 ( α�adj � i � � ∑ j � adj � i � qi � i � Vvar �

qi � i � Vf ix �It turnsout thatthis modificationis not essential.We obtainneithera bettersmoothingquality nor betterpropertiescon-cerningthe shrinkingeffect. This modificationonly delaysthesmoothingprocessin comparisonwith theoriginal ver-sion.

3.3. Inclusion of the original point

In general,theLaplacianalgorithmmight not converge.Forthis,considerameshconsistingof only two verticesi � j jointby oneedge � i � j . Theoriginal simultaneousLaplacianal-gorithmletsthepositionspi ) p j exchangealternately. Butin mostcasesthemeshconvergestowardsonepoint.

Figure 5: ExtendedLaplacianalgorithmwith α � 0 � 2.

Figure 6: ExtendedLaplacianalgorithmwith α � 0 � 4.

An ideato avoid thesedisadvantagesandto forceconver-genceagainsta non-trivial meshis to include the originalpointsoi α-weightedin thecalculation:

pi : � �αoi ' 1 ( α�

adj � i � � ∑ j � adj � i � q j � i � Vvar �qi � i � Vf ix �

Dependingon the location of α nearat 1 or nearat 0,we canchoosebetweena strongor a weakbinding of i tothe original position oi . It will be shown in section5 thatnon-trivial convergenceis guaranteedif α * 0. An interest-ing questionis whetherwe can solve the deformationandshrinkageproblem by this idea. Obviously, the last torusin figure 5 is quite better in comparisonwith the resultproducedby the original Laplacianalgorithmshowed in 4.However, it is not free from shrinkage.Concerningshrink-agewe ratherwould like to obtaina meshshown in figure6. Unfortunately, thismeshis notsmoothenough.All of ourexampleshave shown that theresultsof this techniqueonlyform a badcompromisebetweensmoothingquality andde-greeof deformationor shrinkage,respectively.

4. The HC-algorithm

The ideaof the HC-algorithm(HC standsfor Humphrey’sClassesandhasno deepermeaning)is to pushthemodifiedpoints pi (producedby the Laplacianalgorithm e.g.) backtowardsthepreviouspointsqi and(or) theoriginalpointsoi

by theaverageof thedifferences

bi : � pi + αoi ' 1 + α � qi �,� i.e. by

di : � + 1� adj i �-� ∑j � adj � i � b j �

p j2


p i

p j3

q i

q j3

q j4

q j2

b j2

d i b i

b j3

d ip i+

Figure 7: The definition of di in the case of the HC-modificationbasedontheLaplacianalgorithm(for simplifi-cationwith α � 0, i.e. withoutinfluenceof oi).

It turnsout (seesect.5) that in this case(in contrasttosect.3.2) thedifferencebi at thecentervertex i mustbe in-cluded,weightedby a scalarβ �/. 0 � 10 sothat

di : � βbi ' 1 + β� adj i ��� ∑j � adj � i � b j �


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Figure 8: Fromleft to right: noisymesh,four stepsof Lapla-ciansmoothingonly. Wenoticea highdegreeof deformationandshrinkage.

Algorithmus 1 HC-algorithm(simultaneously)p : � o; // initialize points with original locations

repeatq : � p;for all i � Vvar do

n : �1� adj i ��� ;if n �� 0 then

pi : � 1n ∑ j � adj � i � q j ; // Laplacian operation

end ifbi : � pi + αoi ' 1 + α � qi � ;

end forfor all i � Vvar do

n : �1� adj i ��� ;if n �� 0 then

pi : � pi + βbi ' 1 ( βn ∑ j � adj � i � b j � ;

end ifend for

until 2 condition* // e.g. smooth enough

Figure 9: Fromleft to right: origin, noisymesh,alternatelya Laplacianoperation anda HC-modification.

Hence,there are two steps:the given smoothingalgo-rithm, thatmapsq to p, andtheHC-modification,thatmapsp to p ' d as a kind of correction.It is remarkablethatthis calculationis similar to the Laplacianoperation(fromsecti.3.2) too, not relatedto thepointspi but to the differ-encesbi .

Four iterationsof thetwo stepsareap-pliedto anoisycubein figure9. Wemakeout that the size of the cubede- and in-creasesalternately. Thelastcubeseemstobe shrunka little. The right figure showsthatthisisnotthecase.Thereasonfor thisopticalillusion arethecutedges.

Obviouslythecubessmoothedby theLaplacianalgorithm

only (figure 9) areshrinkingmuchmore.In both casesthesimultaneousversionof thealgorithmshasbeenperformed.

5. Mathematical treatment

Thegoalof thissectionis to investigatetheconvergencebe-havior of the Laplacian-and of the HC-algorithm.In sec-tion 3.3wasmentionedthattheversiondescribedtherecon-vergesin every case.It becameclear too that convergenceonly doesnot guaranteea goodsmoothingalgorithm.How-ever, it shouldbetheminimumrequirementwe expectfroman algorithmthat works iteratively. While the convergenceof theextendedLaplacianalgorithmdescribedin 3.3is quiteevident, this is not the casefor the HC-algorithm.We for-mulatetheiterationstepof thesimultaneousLaplacianalgo-rithm in matrix notation,sinceit is themoreimportantcasein practice.The treatmentof thesequentialversionis moreextensive. Both versionscanbe interpretedastwo kinds ofnumericalalgorithmsfor solving the samematrix equationAx � b. Additionally, this implies that the two limits areequalas mentionedabove. Furtherdetailson this are notconsideredhere.

Let M �3 K � p � be a meshwith vertex setV andsetofedgesE. Without lossof generalitywe requirethatVvar �� 1 ��������� m andVf ix ��� m ' 1 ��������� n . Sothepointsp1 ������� pmarethe interestingmoveablepoints.Onestepof the Lapla-cianalgorithmcanberepresentedin matrix notation:456



798: � T



798: ' 456r1...


798: �It is easyto verify thatthematrixT �; ti j � i < j = 1 < > > > <m is definedby

ti j : �@? 1AB� adj i �-� if � i � j C� E0 else

�andthevectorr : � t r1 �������D� rm � by

ri : � 1� adj i ��� n

∑l = mE 1

? pl if � i � l F� E0 else

�The iterationsof the Laplacianalgorithm provide a se-

quenceof vectorst p1 ��������� pm � thatwill bedenotedby x � k �wherek is theindex of theiterationnumber.

If we initialize x � 0� : � t o1 ��������� om � thesequencesof thepointsproducedby thefollowing equations

x � k E 1� : � Tx � k � ' r (1)

x � k E 1� : �G.αE ' 1 + α � T0 x � k � ' 1 + α � r (2)

x � k E 1� : �G.H 1 + α � T0 x � k � ' αx � 0� ' 1 + α � r (3)

representthe iteratedpoint vectorsof the threeversionsofthe Laplacianalgorithmdescribedin sections3.1, 3.2, and3.3,respectively.


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It follows from Banach’s fixpoint theoremthat thosese-quencesconvergeif thematrixstandingin front of theitera-tion variablex � k � hasonly eigenvaluesλ with � λ ��2 1. It caneasilybe seenthat the sum∑m

j = 1 ti j of valuesof every ma-trix row is I 1.Equalityhappensif thecorrespondingvertexis joinedwith no fixedvertex. Sincethis is thegeneralcasewe only can conclude � λ �JI 1 for the eigenvaluesλ of T.The sameholds for the matrix αE ' 1 + α � T. But in thethird casewe canensureconvergencebecause 1 + α � T haseigenvalues � λ �K2 1 if α * 0. The following theoremsum-marizestheseobservations.

Theorem 5.1 Thesequenceof pointsmaintainedby thethreeversionsin sections3.1,3.2,3.3 of theLaplacianalgorithmaregivenby thethreeequations(1), (2), (3), resp.Let ρ de-notethe radiusof the spectrum.Convergenceis ensuredinall casesif ρ T �L2 1.Sincethisdoesnotholdin general,con-vergencecanbeguaranteedonly in thethird caseif α * 0.

A more preciseanalysisshows that convergencein thefirst two casescanbeconcludedif we only requirethat themeshis connectedandhasat leastonefixedpoint.However,in the usualcaseVf ix �M� for surfacemeshesnot even thiscanbeassumed.

Now, we will considerthe HC-algorithm.Let T be thematrix asdefinedabove. We canexpressthe HC-algorithmin termsof T, namelyby

x � k E 1� � Tx � k � ' r + βE ' 1 + β � T �JNOTx � k � ' r + O αx � 0� ' 1 + α � x � k �DPLP �

Theorem 5.2 TheHC-algorithmconvergesif α * 0 andβ *0 � 5.

Proof Transformingthe describingequationof the HC-algorithmsyields

x � k E 1� � Tx � k � ' r + βE ' 1 + β � T �JNOTx � k � ' r + O αx � 0� ' 1 + α � x � k � PQP�O + 1 + β � T2 ' 2 + α �- 1 + β � T ' 1 + α � βE P x � k �' αβE ' α 1 + β � T � x � 0� ' 1 + β �, E + T � r �

Responsiblefor theconvergenceis thematrixin frontof x � k � ,i.e.

H : � + 1 + β � T2 ' 2 + α �- 1 + β � T ' 1 + α � βE �Theeigenvaluesof H areobtainedby applyingthepolyno-mial

p X � : � + 1 + β � X2 ' 2 + α �, 1 + β � X ' 1 + α � βto theeigenvaluesλ of T whichareknown to satisfy � λ �RI 1.Calculatingthe amountof p X � for X � CI �,�X �KI 1 is noteasy. Fortunately, all eigenvaluesof T arereal.To seethis,

we consider

D : �455556 � adj 1��� 0 ����� 0

0 � adj 2��� ......

. . . 00 ����� 0 � adj m���

7 8888:andnoticethatDT is symmetric.Matricesremainsymmet-ric if they are multiplied from the left and the right withthesamediagonalmatrix. Now it is � adj i ���B* 0 for all i �� 1 ��������� mS� Vvar becauseof theconventionthatadj i �T�;�implies i � Vf ix. Therefore,it exists an inverseelementand

asquareroot.Hence,D ( 1U 2 exists(notunambiguously)andis a diagonalmatrix. Multiplying DT from the left andtheright with D ( 1U 2 resultsin D1U 2TD ( 1U 2 whichis symmetricandsimilar to T. It follows that all eigenvaluesof T areinIR.

This result makes it much more easy to show that� p X ���V2 1 if X I 1, α * 0, andβ * 0 � 5. This technicaltaskwill notbeshown herein detailbecauseof thelackof space.A proof canbefoundin 5. W

Theconclusionλ � IR is importantsincetheupperbound1 for p X � will beexceededif X � CI and �X �XI 1. For β �0 � 6 andα � 0 � 1 is p X �Y� + 0 � 4X2 ' 0 � 76X ' 0 � 54 andso� p i ���Z�1� 0 � 94 ' 0 � 76i �Z[ 1 � 2.

6. Discussion

We could see that the HC-algorithm yields quite satis-fying results.However, a smoothingalgorithm with HC-modificationis not completelyfree from shrinkage,too. Sofurthermodificationsarepossible:

Smoothingalgorithmsmap qi to pi for eachvertex i �V, accordingto our definition. Immediatelyafter a localLaplaciansmoothingoperationat vertex i it is µ i � : � pi +∑ j � adj � i � q j � 0. Clearly, after a completetreatmentof allverticesµ i �\� 0 cannotbe expected.Rather, µ i � is a dis-cretenormalvectorandcanberegardedasa measureof thecurvature at vertex i (it even is a discreteapproximationoftheLaplacianoperator∆, which is for its partanapproxima-tion of themeancurvature.6) A meshis planar if µ i � tendstowardsthezerovectorfor all i. On theotherhand,a meshis smoothif neighboringnormalvectorsµ j �,� j � adj i � , aresimilar. This is an important difference.Hence,for meshsmoothing,the µ i � neednot necessarilytend towardsthezerovectorlike for theLaplacianalgorithm.Rather, it is ap-propriateto filter the high frequency partsfrom µ. For thispurpose,a spectraldecompositionor Fourier analysis,re-spectively, of µ would benecessaryto geta filteredfunctionµ] .

TheHC-algorithmis a stepinto this direction.α � 0 andβ � 0 � 5 imply µ] � 0 � 5µ ^ µ, i.e. theHC-algorithmfilters thedifferencesof secondorder. Probably, therecanbe founda


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betterchoicefor µ] which perhapscan avoid deformationandshrinkagecompletely.

TheHC-modificationcanalsobeappliedin combinationwith subdivisionalgorithmsliketheDoo-Sabin-or Catmull-Clark-algorithm.7� 8 Mostof thesubdivision algorithmscon-tain rulesthatcalculateaveragesof adjacentpoints.Hence,they haveacomponentof shrinkage,too.It is possibleto ex-pandsuchrulesby theHC-modificationin thesameway aswe did with theLaplacianalgorithm.

7. Smoothing of noisy sample points

Mesh smoothingtechniquesmay also be usedin order tosmoothanoriginal cloudof pointswithout surfaceinforma-tion. The immediateidea is to reconstructa surfacemeshfrom the cloud of points.Smoothingof the resultingmeshyields vertices in new locations which are taken as thesmoothedcloud.Thedifficulty with thisapproachis thatsur-facereconstructionin generalis not an easyproblem,cf. 9

However, it will turn out in the following that, for the pur-poseof smoothing,it is not necessaryto reconstructa per-fect mesh.The only requirementis that the neighborhoodson thereconstructedmeshareaboutthesameasthey areontheunderlyingrealsurface.Whenever a reconstructedmeshthroughthe noisy point set is not available,the RFS-mesh(replacementfor surface)canbetaken in orderto eliminatethenoise.This RFS-meshcontainsnearlythesamenumberof facesasa valid surfacemesh,but about50 percentmoreedges.Facescancrossandoverlapin aRFS-mesh.

Figure 10: Left: thenoisypoint set.Right: theEMST.

TheRFS-meshis basedon theSDG(surfacedescriptiongraph)of Mencletal. 10� 11. Thekernelof theSDG,in turn,istheEMST of the given point cloud.TheEMST (Euclideanminimum spanningtree) is a tree connectingall points ofP with line segmentsso that the sumof its edgelengthsisminimized(seefigure 10, right). The EMST (asinitial sur-facedescriptiongraph)is thenextendedto the surfacede-scription graph(SDG) of higherorder by addingedgesatappropriateregions(cf. figure11, left for anexampleof theSDG).This graphconsistsof significantlymoreedgesthantheEMST andcanserve asa basefor gettingneighborhoodinformationwhengeneratingtheRFS-mesh.

Independentlyfrom the degreeof noise,the SDG-meshis alwaysdefined.It containslessedgesthana surfacemesh

Figure 11: Left: theSDG.Right: theRFS-mesh.

but "good"edges,i.e. it containsedges,that"lie" closeto theassumed(but actuallyunknown) surfacethatis describedbythenoisypoint set.

In the following we outline thecomputationof theRFS-meshoutof theSDG.

If required,theSDGcanbefilled with additionalnearest-neighbor-edges.To respectvariationsconcerningthedensityof the noisy points we usean adaptive numberof nearestneighbors(estimatedby usingtheSDG-meshasreference)for differentvertices.

Around eachvertex a coronaof faceswill be createdonbaseof incidentedgeslike aspanningumbrella.By this, foreachfaceonenew edgewill becreated,if it doesnotalreadyexist. Theseedgesareimportantfor theconnectivity of thenew mesh.

Facesthatdonot fulfill agivenmeshqualitymeasurewillbedeleted.Weusea quality measureintroducedby Bank&Smith.12

To make edgeswapping(betweenneighboringtriangles)applicable,incidentfacesto anedgearedeletedby compar-ing their encloseddihedralanglesuntil thereremainat mosttwo at anedge.If therearemorethantwo facesat an edgewe keepthatpair of edgesthat form themaximumdihedralangle.

All edgesthat do not have at leastoneincident facearedeleted.

The resultingmeshis called the RFS-meshand can betakenasinput for theHC-algorithmin orderto eliminatethenoiseoutof thepoint set.In figure11 (right) anexampleforanRFS-meshis depicted.If wewould take theRFS-meshofthis figureasinput for thesmoothingalgorithm,a point setof similarquality (with respectto thenoisereductionfactor)to theoneof figure2 in section1 will beobtained.

During thesmoothingprocessit is advantageousto applyedgeswappingandonestepof theHC-algorithmalternately.Edgeswappingbetweentwo adjacentfacesis usedto in-creasethesumof dihedralanglesatall five edgesof thetwofacesin thetriangularmesh.Freitagetal.13 foundoutthatthecombinationof edgeswappingandsmoothingyields better


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resultsthanoneof thetwo techniquesonly. This wasexam-ined in the field of finite elementmethods,i.e. for meshesin IR2 andtetrahedronmeshesin IR3. We foundout thatthisis alsovalid for surfacemeshes.Thereasonis, thatsmooth-ing techniquesdonotchangetheconnectivity formedby theedgesandfaces(seesect.2). All examplesshow thatwecanimprove thedegreeof smoothnessif we permitedgesto ad-just themselvesin a new manner. Note, thatedgeswappingdoesnotchangeany vertex positionandhencethemeshdoesnotshrinkthereby.

Figure 12: Noisysetof points.

Figure 13: Temporary RFS-mesh.

An examplefor the smoothingprocessis shown with alargepointsetin figures12–16.Thefirst figure12shows the

noisy input point setandfigure 13 its correspondingRFS-mesh.In figure14 theRFS-meshis smoothed.Thecompu-tation time for the whole smoothingprocesswasabout10seconds.It canbeseenthattheRFS-meshis not a valid sur-facemesh.Thesmoothedpoint setof the RFS-meshis de-pictedin figure15.Thissmoothpoint setwastakenasinputfor thesurfacereconstructionalgorithmof Mencl et al. 10� 11

andtheresultis shown in figure16.

Figure 14: RFS-meshsmoothedby the HC-algorithm incombinationwith edge swapping.

Figure 15: Noisereducedset of points maintainedby thesmoothedRFS-mesh.

8. Conclusions

A techniquefor the eliminationof noisein setsof samplepointsandsurfacemesheshasbeendevelopedandapplied


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Page 8: Improved Laplacian Smoothing of Noisy Surface Meshes

J. Vollmer, R.Mencl,H. Müller / ImprovedLaplacianSmoothingof NoisySurfaceMeshes

Figure 16: Reconstructionbasedonthenoisereducedsetofpoints.

successfully. The proposedtechniquepresentscertain ad-vantages:_ it canproducemesheswith thesamesmoothingdegreeas

theLaplacianalgorithm,_ in contrastto the Laplacianalgorithmit preservesshapeandsizeof thesampledobjectfar better,_ it preservesthepointdensityof themesh,_ the algorithmworks very fastandrequiresonly calcula-tionsof simplevectorarithmetic,_ it is easyto implement.


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