improvement assgmnt 2 ecm

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  • 8/21/2019 Improvement Assgmnt 2 Ecm




    Before improvement


    Refuse were dumping and

    compacted at landfill


    Collected leachate is

    transferred to wastewater


    Landfill gas being release

    to atmosphere

  • 8/21/2019 Improvement Assgmnt 2 Ecm


    After improvement


    Refuse were dumping at



    Collected leachateRefuse is processed through

    RDF and gasification process

    Transfer to

    wastewater treatment


    recirculationThe landfill gas is being

    treated through gasification

    process to make renewable


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    When the waste disposal unit is remote to the collection area, a transfer station is

    employed. At a transfer station, waste is transferred from smaller collection vehicles to larger

    transfer vehicles, such as a tractor and trailer, a barge, railroad car and etc. The decision to build

    or not to build a transfer station is often an economic or regulatory decision. If the one-way haul

    distance from the point of the full-collection vehicle to the discharge point is short, then it is

    likely that no transfer station is needed. On the other hand, if the discharge point is far away and

    the collection vehicle will have to be away from its primary role of collecting refuse for too long,

    then a transfer station might be warranted. Longer distance will warrant the construction of a

    transfer station, while shorter hauls will make it uneconomical. Sometimes, a transfer station is

    required regardless of distance to a landfill. In Malaysia, the common types of collection vehicle

    being used are Compactor Lorry, Open Lorry, Roll On-Roll-Off Lorry, Long Haulage Vehicle

    and Tricycle motorcycle. The Long Haulage Vehicle commonly being used in transferring the

    refuse from the transfer station to the landfill area. The reason is to minimize the traffic and air

    pollution impact at a landfill. At certain landfill, a permit may limit the landfill to only receiving

    waste from transfer station only. This significantly reduces the number of vehicles travelling to a


    There are 750 tonnes of rubbish are produced daily and lorries need to make over 180trips to transport the rubbish to the Ampang Jajar transfer station before finally shipped to Pulau

    Burung after compression. If the garbage truck is used , this will caused a serious shortage of

    fleet in servicing garbage collection. That would mean there is no transfer station available for

    the garbage trucks to be emptied so that the trash can be collected from other routes, compacted,

    and loaded into larger trailers for transportation to a landfill. Each trip will easily take up about 4

    hours, this will drastically cut the number of trucks in servicing garbage collection. As day

    passed by, the shortage of trucks collecting garbage on behalf of the MPSP (Majlis Perbandaran

    Seberang Perai) is expected to worsen, as it will end up struggling to catch up with collections.

    The total trips will be more than 200. It would turn out to be a very expensive operation.

    Imagine how it going to be an eyesore with an overpowering rancid stench and garbage scattered

    all over the streets when the trucks ferrying the garbage polluted the street with leachate.

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    The primary reason for using a transfer station is to reduce the cost of transporting waste

    to disposal facilities. Vehicles reduces hauling costs by enabling collection crews to spend less

    time traveling to and from distant disposal sites and more time collecting waste. This also

    reduces fuel consumption and collection vehicle maintenance costs, plus produces less overall

    traffic, air emissions, and road wear.

    The first day of operation at Pulau Burung landfill trucks have to wait for 12 hour to

    unload the garbage. Traffic flow in the area was reduced to a crawl for several hours. This

    seriously affected the schedule for garbage collection.

  • 8/21/2019 Improvement Assgmnt 2 Ecm


    Leachate Treatment and Disposal

    The buried organic material decomposes anaerobically, producing various gases (such as

    methane and carbon dioxide) and liquids that have extremely high pollutional capacity when

    they enter the ground water. This liquid is called leachate.

    Leachate tends to contain a large variety of organic and inorganic compounds at relatively low

    concentration that can be of concern if groundwater and surface water contamination occurs.

    These compounds are often constituents of gasoline and fuel oils (aromatic hydrocarbons such as

    benzene, xylene and toluene), plant degradation by-products, chlorinated solvents (such as used

    in dry cleaning) and pesticides. Inorganic compounds of concern are lead and cadmium, which

    come from batteries, plastics, packaging, electronic appliances, and light bulbs. There are several

    improvement can be implanted to make the treatment of leachate be more effective.

    A) Transport the wastewater off-site to commercial wastewater treatment facility.

    This option allows landfill owner or the operators to focus on their primary solid waste

    management charge while letting the wastewater experts handle the treatment of contaminated

    liquids. Off-site treatment of leachate also alleviates some of the permitting, testing, monitoring

    and reporting requirements for the landfill owner. Thus, this method is likely can reduce the

    operational cost of the leachate treatment.

    B) Leachate Recirculation.

    Another types of effective treatment of leachate is by implanting the leachate recirculation

    system. Most sanitary landfills are traditionally constructed so the leachate is collected and

    removed. The rate of stabilization in "dry" landfills may require many years, thereby extending

    the acid formation and methane fermentation phases of waste stabilization over long periods of

    time. Under these circumstances, decomposition of biodegradable fractions of solid waste will be

    impeded and incomplete, often preventing commercial recovery of methane gas and delaying the

    closure and possible future reuse of the landfill site.

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    In contrast, leachate recirculation may be used as a management alternative that requires

    the containment, collection, and recirculation of leachate back through the landfilled waste. This

    option offers more rapid development of active anaerobic microbial populations and increases

    reaction rates of these organisms. The time required for stabilization of the readily available

    organic constituents can be compressed to as little as two to three years rather than the usual, 15

    to 20 year period. This accelerated stabilization is enhanced by the routine and uniform exposure

    of microorganisms to constituents in the leachate, thereby providing the necessary contact time,

    nutrients, and substrates for efficient conversion and degradation. Hence, leachate recirculation

    essentially converts the landfill into a dynamic anaerobic bioreactorthat accelerates the

    conversion of organic materials to intermediates and end products.

    The main goal of leachate control is to prevent uncontrolled dispersion. During leachate

    recirculation, the leachate is returned to a lined landfill for reinfiltration into the municipal solid

    waste. Leachate is returned to the landfill using a variety of techniques, including wetting of

    waste as it is placed, spraying of leachate over the landfill surface, and injection of leachate into

    vertical columns or horizontal trenches installed within the landfill. This is considered a method

    of leachate control because as the leachate continues to flow through the landfill it is treated

    through biological processes, precipitation, and sorption. This process also benefits the landfill

    by increasing the moisture content which in turn increases the rate of biological degradation in

    the landfill, the biological stability of the landfill, and the rate of methane recovery from the

    landfill. It is important to design and operate other landfill components, such as gas management

    systems, leachate collection, and final and intermediate cover so that they are compatible with

    bioreactor operation.

    There are numerous advantages to treating leachate through recirculation and the landfill

    productivity benefits as leachate is being treated.

    1) Landfills that use leachate recirculation experience a decrease in the concentration of theleachate compared to landfills without recycle treatment. This reduces the amount of leachate

    treatment that is needed and therefore costs are also reduced.

    2) The increased moisture content within the solid waste enhances the system conditions for

    improved biological decomposition of organic matter in the landfill.

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    3) The organic matter in the leachate, which requires treatment outside the landfill, receives

    further treatment each time it is recycled through the landfill. This reduces treatment costs of the


    4) The reducing environment within the landfill removes inorganics in the leachate through

    precipitation and sorption.

    5) Leachate recirculation stabilizes the biological system in the landfill and this reduces the

    environmental threats of the landfill, and reduces the amount of post closure monitoring that is

    required. It also provides the opportunity for landfill mining and space reclamation.

    6) Leachate recirculation increases the rate at which the waste decomposes and this increase the

    rate of methane production. This makes methane recovery for energy much easier.

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    Refuse-derived fuel (RDF)

    An alternative to allowing refuse to biodegrade and form a useful fuel is the combustion

    of refuse and energy recovered as heat. The potential for energy recovery from solid waste is

    significant. Refuse can be burned as in mass burn combustors or being processed to produce a

    refuse-derived fuel.

    Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) is produced from combustible components of municipal

    solid waste (MSW). The waste is being shredded, dried and baled and then burned to produce

    electricity, thereby making good use of waste that otherwise might have ended up in landfill.

    RDF consists largely of combustible components of municipal waste such asplastics and

    biodegradable waste.RDF processing facilities are normally located near a source of MSW.

    Biodegradable waste is a material that can be broken down by living things into simpler

    chemicals that can be consumed by living things such as paper, wood, fruits and others. The heat

    content of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) depends on the concentration of combustible organic

    materials in the waste and its moisture content. Mixed plastics and rubber contribute the highest

    heating values to municipal solid waste and food and yard wastes the lowest. Non-combustible

    materials such asglass andmetals are removed during the post-treatment processing cycle with

    anair knife or other mechanical separation processing. The more the solid waste is processed

    prior to its combustion, the better is its heat value and usefulness as a substitute for a fossil fuel.

    The residual material can be sold in its processed form (depending on the process

    treatment) or it may be compressed intopellets,bricks or logs and used for other purposes either

    stand-alone or in arecursive recyclingprocess. Thus, by implanting the RDF would make the

    landfill is more economical and environmental friendly.
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    Figure 1 shows the separation of combustible and non-combustible material in RDF.

    RDF is extracted frommunicipal solid waste usingmechanical heat treatment,mechanical

    biological treatment or waste autoclaves. RDF can be used in a variety of ways to produce

    electricity. RDF can also be fed intoplasma arc gasification modules,pyrolysisplants and

    where the RDF is capable of being combusted cleanly.
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    Gasification is the main technology for biomass conversion to energy and an attractive

    alternative for the thermal treatment of solid waste. Gasification becomes an alternative to mass

    burn or RDF combustion unit. The advantages of this technology are lower air emissions and less

    ash, but this advantages are offset by higher the costs and lower energy output. The gasification

    systems were less costly per kWh of electricity generated than the combustion plants, because of

    their higher efficiency of converting thermal to electrical energy.

    The number of different uses of gas shows the flexibility of gasification and therefore

    allows it to be integrated with several industrial processes, as well as power generation systems.

    Gasification is a biological decomposition of organic matter in waste under controlled conditions

    to obtain methane and other gases. Gasification converts any carbon-containing material into a

    synthesis gas (syngas). The syngas is a combustible gas mixture - sometimes known as producer

    gas - and it typically contains carbon monoxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and

    methane. The syngas can be used as a fuel to generate electricity or steam. Alternatively, it can

    be used as a basic chemical building block for a large number of applications in the

    petrochemical and refining industries. The overall thermal efficiency of gasification process is

    more than 75%. Gasification can accommodate a wide variety of gaseous, liquid, and solid

    feedstocks and it has been widely used in commercial applications for more than 50 years in the

    production of fuels and chemicals. Conventional fuels such as coal and oil, and wastes such as

    petroleum coke, heavy refinery residuals, secondary oil-bearing refinery materials, municipal

    sewage sludge, hydrocarbon contaminated soils, and chlorinated hydrocarbon byproducts have

    all been used successfully in gasification operations.

    The facility will process residual commercial, industrial and municipal waste, which will

    be continuously fed into a gasifier that is also supplied with oxygen and nitrogen via an air

    separation unit. The waste is pre-shredded to avoid blockages. Once in the gasifier the waste is

    thermally treated by the system's plasma torches to generate a synthetic gas (syngas) which is

    then put through a gas cleanup stage.

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    The end product is a clean syngas consisting of carbon monoxide and hydrogen which is

    used to fuel a Solar Turbines gas turbine driven generator. Gasification uses a relatively small

    amount of oxygen or water vapor to convert the organic compounds into a combustible gas. It

    has two inherent advantages over combustion: The volume of process gas per unit of MSW is

    much lower than that in combustion. Also, gasification generates a fuel gas that can be integrated

    with combined cycle turbines or reciprocating engines and thus convert fuel energy to electricity

    more efficiently than the steam boilers used in combustion of MSW. For long term effect, the

    facility has the potential to generate renewable hydrogen which could be deployed for

    commercial use, such as fuelling public transport.

    In Sri Lanka, 40 MW plasma gasification facilities is planned to treat 1000 tonnes per day

    of waste, is reported to be under construction with the cost for $248 million. In United Kingdom,

    the company of Air Products has begun construction of a 50 MW plasma gasification facility in

    Teesside. Air Products has chosen to build a 50 MW plasma gasification facility in Teesside in

    the North East of the country. According to Air Products, the facility - currently under

    construction at the New Energy and Technology Business Park, near Billingham - will be used to

    generate enough electricity for 50,000 homes. The plant is also expected to divert up to 350,000

    tonnes of non-recyclable waste from landfill per year, which is helping to meet the UK's waste

    diversion targets.

    The gasification becomes more popular nowadays in the developed country because of

    gasification plants produce significantly lower quantities of criteria air pollutants instead it seems

    costly. In addition, most developed country are agree that gasification is the best ways to reduce

    the risk of polluted environment compared with combustion of MSW. Gasification reduce the

    environmental impact of waste disposal because it can use waste products as feedstocks

    generating valuable products from materials that would otherwise be disposed as wastes.

    Gasification's byproducts are non-hazardous and are readily marketable. Gasification offers the

    cleanest, most efficient means of producing electricity from coal and the lowest cost option for

    capturing CO2 from power generation. The layout below shows how the gasification benefits our

    society and our environment in order to dispose the municipal solid waste into renewable energy.

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    3. (Craig Freudenrich, n.d), How Landfill work.
