improving major project delivery: project initiation routemap · improving major project delivery:...

To achieve more efficient outcomes and address the high cost of delivering infrastructure in the UK it is necessary for both public and private sector clients to ensure their capability aligns with the challenges they face and to optimise their approach to engaging their supply chains. The need to improve initiation The recent NAO report on Delivering Major Projects in Government (2016) and the Infrastructure UK Cost Review (2010) both noted that projects continued to encounter problems in their early stages – and, particularly that projects often publically announced timelines and costs before plans have been properly tested. The Routemap update will help address these challenges by offering support on strategic decision making during project initiation based on the latest thinking and knowledge acquired from delivery of Major Projects. Through a series of structured exercises it enables sponsors and those responsible for project delivery to properly align complexity with the necessary capabilities and plan enhancements to ensure a more successful outcome. What is the Routemap? The Routemap is a process that walks clients through the key considerations for initiating a Major project. The Routemap has a suite of tools and guidance that helps clients and sponsors to better understand: Where complexity needs to be managed The existing vs. required level of delivery capability; The implications of your strategic decisions and how to apply best practice from other major projects. When timed correctly the Routemap supports the development of a robust business case, by offering early insight into the challenges the project needs to address before moving into the delivery phase. Who is it for? Supported by the Infrastructure Client Group (ICG) the Routemap is aimed primarily at public or private sector sponsor and client organisations that deliver major projects. Building on its success with economic infrastructure, the Routemap is being expanded to cover all construction projects and longer- term transformation projects as well. It provides particular value where a proposed project is either new in its nature to the participating organisations, is being delivered in a different way, or is on a significantly bigger scale than those previously undertaken. How does it work? The Routemap provides assistance in addressing the most common capability gaps that sponsors and clients need to enhance, such as blurred governance structures, or lack of alignment between benefits and requirements. The tools within the Routemap can be used as a self- assessment, peer-assessment or external assessment. Understand the delivery environment you HAVE, then CREATE the one you need.” Andy Mitchell, Chair of Infrastructure Client Group Improving Major Project Delivery: Project Initiation Routemap Fact Sheet Align for Success Sponsor Asset Manager Client Market New to Organisation Same but more complex Same complexity approach Complexity Capability A s s e s s C o m p le x i t y A s s e s s C a p a b i l i t y Id e n tify G a p s P la n E n h a n ce m e n ts D el iv e r E n h a n c e m e n t s & C h e ck Procurement Risk Management Asset Management Organisational Design Governance Requirements Execution Strategy Align for Success Assess Complexity Assess Capability

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Page 1: Improving Major Project Delivery: Project Initiation Routemap · Improving Major Project Delivery: Project Initiation Routemap Fact Sheet Align for Success Sponsor Asset Manager Client

To achieve more efficient outcomes and address the high cost of delivering infrastructure in the UK it is necessary for both public and private sector clients to ensure their capability aligns with the challenges they face and to optimise their approach to engaging their supply chains.

The need to improve initiation

The recent NAO report on Delivering Major Projects in Government (2016) and the Infrastructure UK Cost Review (2010) both noted that projects continued to encounter problems in their early stages – and, particularly that projects often publically announced timelines and costs before plans have been properly tested.

The Routemap update will help address these challenges by offering support on strategic decision making during project initiation based on the latest thinking and knowledge acquired from delivery of Major Projects. Through a series of structured exercises it enables sponsors and those responsible for project delivery to properly align complexity with the necessary capabilities and plan enhancements to ensure a more successful outcome.

What is the Routemap?

The Routemap is a process that walks clients through the key considerations for initiating a Major project. The Routemap has a suite of tools and guidance that helps clients and sponsors to better understand:

Where complexity needs to be managed

The existing vs. required level of delivery capability;

The implications of your strategic decisions and how to apply best practice from other major projects.

When timed correctly the Routemap supports the development of a robust business case, by offering early insight into the challenges the project needs to address before moving into the delivery phase.

Who is it for?

Supported by the Infrastructure Client Group (ICG) the Routemap is aimed primarily at public or private sector sponsor and client organisations that deliver major projects. Building on its success with economic infrastructure, the Routemap is being expanded to cover all construction projects and longer-term transformation projects as well. It provides particular value where a proposed project is either new in its nature to the participating organisations, is being delivered in a different way, or is on a significantly bigger scale than those previously undertaken.

How does it work?

The Routemap provides assistance in addressing the most common capability gaps that sponsors and clients need to enhance, such as blurred governance structures, or lack of alignment between benefits and requirements.

The tools within the Routemap can be used as a self-assessment, peer-assessment or external assessment.

Understand the delivery environment you HAVE, then CREATE the one you need.”

Andy Mitchell,

Chair of Infrastructure Client Group

Improving Major Project Delivery: Project Initiation Routemap

Fact Sheet

Align forSuccess





New to Organisation

Samebut morecomplex

Same complexity


Complexity CapabilityAss

ess C



Assess Capability

Identify Gaps

Plan Enhancements



& Check


Risk Management

Asset Management

OrganisationalDesign Governance


Execution Strategy

Align for Success

Assess Complexity

Assess Capability

Page 2: Improving Major Project Delivery: Project Initiation Routemap · Improving Major Project Delivery: Project Initiation Routemap Fact Sheet Align for Success Sponsor Asset Manager Client

The assessments typically comprise information gathering (interviews, surveys, documentation review), gap analysis and enhancement plans.

It is not intended to be prescriptive; rather it is a reflective process. It does not lead to a single solution, but ensures that the ‘right’ questions are asked and that the key risks and opportunities are identified.

The intention is to address issues as early as possible in the project life cycle to support the development of the robust business case. However, as projects progress the outputs can be reviewed in order to fine-tune the enhancement activities.

What does it contain?

Complexity Assessment - the consideration of the challenges, complexity and risks to delivery of the project, policy or area of work.

Capability Assessments

Sponsor - strengthens understanding of the requirements for the sponsor’s capability during the investment and delivery planning process

Asset manager - highlights key operational constraints and requirements to be considered

Client - considers the ability of the client organisation to engage effectively with an appropriately selected supply chain, and to manage the delivery outcomes

Market – reviews the market’s ability and appetite to respond to the requirements.

The complexity and capability assessments identify the areas that require enhancement in order to achieve project success. To support enhancement a series of supplementary modules

have also been developed to help with topics that commonly need to be addressed.

Align for Success modules

There are currently seven Align for Success modules that provide organisations (predominantly clients) with advice on enhancing capability in the following areas:



Execution Strategy

Organisational Design & Development


Risk Management

Asset Management

Getting started

When planning to undertake a Routemap exercise for the first time, guidance can be provided by Infrastructure and Project Authority on the most appropriate approach for a specific project.

You can download this publication from:

Gap AnalysisPlan Enhancements

Deliver Enhancements

Assessment / Information Gathering

Implementation of enhancement plans and reviewing their affect Incorporated in Project

Execution Strategy Specific project-level

enhancements plans Integrated with

corporate improvement initiatives

Diagnosis of the root causes of issues and opportunities to make informed enhancement decisions (closing the gaps) Obvious/ undoubtable

quick wins for ‘fixing’ red level characteristics, issues or opportunities

Priority actions and longer term enhancements (project vs. corporate)

Interdependencies of decision-making across enhancements

Synthesis of assessment outputs and information gathered Overall alignment

of capabilities to the challenge

Issues and opportunities related to the management of complexity and the capability to deliver

Thematic findings (systemic issues)

Delivery Environment Complexity

Sponsor Capability

Asset ManagerCapability

Client Capability

Market Capability


The following organisations have contributed to the development of the Routemap