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(A Classroom Action Research in the Second Year of MTs Nurul

Falah Tangerang)



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Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini,

Nama : Siti Latifah

Tempat/Tanggal lahir : Tangerang, 8 Mei 1988

NIM : 106014000432

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris



TEACHING AND LEARNING (CTL) (A Classroom Action Research in the Second Year of MTs NURUL FALAH Tangerang)

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Fahriany, M. Pd

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya

saya sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqasah.

Jakarta, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2013

Mahasiswa Ybs.


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Latifah Siti, 2013. Improving Students’ Understanding in Using Indirect

Speech of Yes-No Question Through Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL) (A Classroom Action Research in the Second Year of

MTs Nurul Falah Tangerang) Skripsi, English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advisor: Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd

Key words: Indirect Speech of Yes-No Question, Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL) This study was carried out to improve the Students’ Understanding in Using Indirect Speech of Yes-No Question Through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in the second year of MTs Nurul Falah Tangerang academic year 2011/2012. The subjects of this study were consisted of 31 students’ second year of MTs Nurul Falah The method used in this study was Classroom Action Research (CAR). The classroom action research design applied in this study was a collaborative classroom action research. It meant that the writer collaborated with the English teacher of MTsN Nurul Falah Tangerang as an observer and collaborator. This study was conducted following Kemmis and Taggart model with the following procedures of the action research: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The study carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of three meetings. The data gathering in this study through interview, observation checklist, field notes questionnaire and test. The results of the study showed that there was improvement of the students’ Understanding in Using Indirect Speech of Yes-No Question. Most of the students gradually gained good scores at the end of each cycle. The score of Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) of English lesson was 60 (sixty). The students’ mean score in preliminary study was 55.3. The mean score in the first cycle was 61.8. The mean score in the second cycle was 65.6. Besides, it showed that there were 83.3% students participate actively in the first cycle and 90.5% students participated enthusiastically in the second cycle. The class condition during teaching learning process was also quite good. In addition there was a positive response from the students and the English teacher about implementing the action. In conclusion Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

can improve students’ Understanding in Using Indirect Speech of Yes-No Question it can improve students’ participation.



Latifah, Siti, 2013 Improving Students’ Understanding in Using Indirect Speech

of Yes-No Question Through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

(A Classroom Action Research in the Second Year of MTs Nurul Falah

Tangerang) Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Advisor: Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd

Key words: Pemahaman Siswa tentang Indirect Speech Pertanyaan Ya-Tidak , Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang

Penggunaan indirect speech Yes-No Question di kelas delapan MTs Nurul Falah Tangerang tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Subyek dari penelitian ini berjumlah 31 siswa.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Classroom Action Research (CAR). Desain penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian tindakan kelas kolaboratif. Peneliti bekerjasama dengan guru bahasa Inggris dari MTs Nurul Falah Tangerang sebagai pengamat dan kolaborator. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mengikuti model Kemmis and Taggart dengan prosedur penelitian tindakan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari tiga kali pertemuan. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan instrument: lembar pengamatan, catatan lapangan, angket , wawancara dan tes.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbaikan dari kemampuan siswa dalam memahami penggunaan Indirect Speech Yes-No Question. Kebanyakan siswa mendapatkan nilai yang bagus secara bertahap pada akhir siklus. Nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) adalah 60. Nilai rata-rata siswa pada penelitian awal adalah 55.3. Nilai rata-rata siswa pada siklus pertama yaitu 61.8. Nilai rata-rata siswa pada siklus kedua yaitu 65.6. Disamping itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 83.3% siswa berpartisipasi aktif pada siklus pertama dan 90.5% siswa berpartisipasi dengan antusias pada siklus kedua. Kondisi kelas selama proses belajar mengajar juga cukup baik. Selain itu, ada tanggapan yang positif dari siswa dan guru bahasa Inggris terkait penggunaan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) dalam meningktatkan pemahaman siswa dalam menggunakan indirect speech Yes-No Question. Kesimpulannya, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) dapat memperbaiki kemampuan siswa dalam Memahami indirect speech Yes-No Question dan meningkatkan partisipasi mereka.



First of all Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, who has given the writer

His love and compassion to finish the last assignment in her study. Peace and

salutation be upon the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and

his adherence.

There are so many people who had given valuable contribution to this

writing, firs of all, the writer would like to express her greatest love and honor to

her beloved parents for their examples of strength and faith, with the gratitude for

their love, care and prayer, her beloved sister and brothers and all families who

always encourage her to finish this ‘skripsi’.

The writer would like to express her great honor and deepest gratitude to

her advisor, Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd for her valuable help, guidance, comments,

corrections and suggestions and who has been very patient to sacrifice her energy

and time to assist the writer so that the writer could finish this ‘skripsi’.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contribution to:

1. All of lecturers who have given her knowledge in different ways hence this

skripsi is processed until it become a complete writing which will be presented

to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Art) in English Language


2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, as the head of English Education Department.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum as the secretary of English Education Department.

4. Dra. Nurlaela Rifai, MA. Ph. D. as the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

5. Hj. Nastriyah. the principal of MTs Nurul Falang Tangerang.

6. Sri Nafsiati S.Pd as the English teacher who has given ideas, time, guiding,

advice and support during conducting the research.


Last but not least, the deepest thanks are to all her beloved friends in English

Education Department 2006/2007 academic year with whom she exchanged ideas,

especially Nindia, Zaky, Viki, Teh Eni, Mami Rani, Nia, Wiwit, Ulfah, Puji, Nina,

Ina, Dila, Yuning, Abi, Lala, Tita, Ibah, Nci, Mumut, Bunda Rina, Riri and C

class. The writer hopes Allah will always bless them all.

The writer does realize that this skripsi cannot be considered perfect without

critiques and suggestions. Therefore, it is such a pleasure for her to get critiques

and suggestions to make this skripsi better.

Jakarta, December 2013

The Writer




ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i

ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. viii

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. ix

LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... x


A. The Background of the Study .......................................... 1

B. The Limitation and formulation of the problem .............. 5

C The Objective of the Study .............................................. 6

D. The Significance of the Study ......................................... 6


A. The Indirect Speech ................................................................ 7

1. Form of Indirect Speech ................................................... 7

2. Tense Change ................................................................... 9

3. Time Change .................................................................... 11

4. Pronoun Change ............................................................... 12

5. Reporting Verb ................................................................ 12

6. Reported Speech Question .............................................. 13

B. Contextual Teaching and Learning ......................................... 14

1. The Understanding of CTL .............................................. 14

2. The Characteristic of CTL ................................................ 16

3. The Principle of CTL ........................................................ 18

4. The procedure of CTL in Teaching Indirect Speech ........ 22

C. Previous Related Study ............................................................ 36


A. The Setting and Subject of the Study ...................................... 24

B. The Design of the Study .......................................................... 24


C. The Procedures of the Study ................................................... 27

D. The Technique of Collecting Data .......................................... 30

E. The Technique of Data Analysis ............................................. 32

F. The Validity of Data .............................................................. 33


A. The Description of the Data ...................................................... 37

1. Findings of the Preliminary Study ..................................... 37

a. The Result of Interview .................................................. 37

b. The Result of Pre Questionnaire .................................... 38

c. The Result of Pre Test .................................................... 39

2. Findings of the First Cycle ............................................... 42

a. Planning........................................................................ 42

b. Acting ........................................................................... 43

c. Observing ..................................................................... 43

d. Reflecting ..................................................................... 47

e. Revision of the First Cycle ........................................... 48

3. Findings of the Second Cycle ............................................ 49

a. Planning.......................................................................... 49

b. Acting ............................................................................. 49

c. Observing ....................................................................... 51

d. Reflecting ....................................................................... 54

4. Findings After Implementing the Action ........................... 56

a. The Result of Post Interview .......................................... 56

b. The Result of Post Questionnaire ................................... 57

B. The Interpretation of the Data ................................................... 59

1. Data of Observation .............................................................. 59

2. Data of Field notes ................................................................ 60

3. Data of Questionnaire ........................................................... 61

4. Data of Interview .................................................................. 61

5. Data of Test ........................................................................... 62



A. Conclusion ......................................................................... 64

B. Suggestion ......................................................................... 65

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 66

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 68




Table 2.1 Tense Change ...................................................................................... 9

Table 2.2 Time Change ....................................................................................... 16

Table 4.1 Students’ grade pree-test ..................................................................... 40

Table 4.2 Students’ Score of pretest, post test 1, posttest 2 ................................ 52

Table 4.3 A brief scenario of the result of classroom action research ................ 54




Figure 3.1 Action Research Spiral, Model from Kemmis & Teggart .................. 26

Figure 3.2 The Classroom action Reserch Procedure Adapted from Kemmis &

Taggart ................................................................................................ 27

Figure 4.1 The Students’ Participation in Grammar class .................................... 60

Figure 4.2 The Students’ Achievement in Grammar Exercise ............................. 62



Appendix 1a Interview for the English Teacher in the Preliminary Study ....... 68

Appendix 1b The Result of Interview in the Preliminary Study ....................... 69

Appendix 2a Interview for the English in the last Classroom Action

Research ...................................................................................... 71

Appendix 2b The result of interview after Classroom Action Research .......... 72

Appendix 3a Questionnaire for Students in the Preliminary Study ................. 75

Appendix 3b The Result of Questionnaire in the Preliminary Study................ 76

Appendix 4a Questionnaire for Students in the Last Classroom Action

Research ...................................................................................... 77

Appendix 4b The Result of Questionnaire in the Last Classroom

Action Research .......................................................................... 78

Appendix 5a Students’ Writing grammar Scores

in the Preliminary Study .............................................................. 79

Appendix 6a The Students’ grammar Score in the First Cycle ........................ 80

Appendix 7a The Students’ Grammar score Second Cycle .............................. 82

Appendix 8a Observation Checklist for Students’ Participation in the First

Cycle ............................................................................................ 84

Appendix 9b Observation Checklist for Students’ Participation

in the Second Cycle ..................................................................... 93

Appendix 10a Field Notes in the First Cycle ...................................................... 102

Appendix 10b Field Notes in the Second Cycle ................................................. 105

Appendix10a Lesson Plan ................................................................................. 108




A. The Background of the Study

Nowadays, English has become an international language which holds

important roles in people’s life. It is necessary to learn and master it, in order to

communicate well with people from different countries. In addition, it will give

great influences in our life if we have already mastered it. English can help us to

compete in the globalization era where the competition of job marketing is very

strict so we are demanded to use it as a means of communication.

Language is a way of expressing ideas, feelings using movements, symbols,

and sound.1 English as an international language is used in communication, an

activity which people deal with every time. People need to communicate in doing

daily activities and making an interaction to other people in their life. As an

international language, English is undoubtedly is one of the well known language

in the world. It has become the most widely studied foreign language on the earth.

Richards and Rodgers said, “English is the world’s most widely studied, five

hundred years ago it was Latin”.2 However, English has become the most widely

studied foreign language today.

English has become international language which holds important roles in

people’s life. English is considered as the most prominent international language

and has wide influence in the various fields of activities, such as: communication,

economics, education, technology, politics, etc.

Considering the importance of English in people’s life, especially in

education, the Indonesia government, English becomes the first foreign language

and the compulsory subject in Secondary Schools3. In addition, it has been taught

1 A. S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (Oxford:

Okford University Press, 2000) p. 721 2 Jack C. Richard and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 1 3Depdiknas, Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No.22 tentang Kerangka Dasar dan

Struktur Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris SMP dan MTS, (Jakarta: 2003), p.9


in elementary schools as optional subject or local content materials. English is

also considered important since it is one of requirement subjects to pass National


In learning English, language skills and language aspects cannot be separated.

Language aspects can complete the language skills. To learn English the students

should be able to use appropriate basic structural patterns and master grammar

and vocabulary. Grammar is an important aspect for forming words and building

English sentences. Because grammar is important in communication, the students

should master it.

The importance of grammar ability, according to the language experts has a

big role in students’ English fluency; however mastering grammar doesn’t mean

mastering the entire language, mastering grammar should be integrated with

language skills and the language factors in order to make the students easier to

understand the language during the communication. Proficiency in grammar can

give self confident for students to communicate in the target language, knowing

they can use the right expression will reduce the scare and embracement when

they have talk.

There are many aspects discussed in English grammar. One of them is

indirect speech. Indirect speech is a way of reporting what someone has said,

using an introductory reporting verb and subordinate clause.4 Indirect speech or

Reported speech is used to express what others have said. First of all, to make

sentences in reported speech someone needs verbs like say or tell. On the other

hand the tense used to express and idea is also an important factor. In direct

speech the speakers gives the exact word. For example: She said “I’m very well.”

In indirect speech the reporter repeats and gives report the original speaker’s


Indirect speech is normally used when conversation is reported verbally.

When a speaker turns the direct speech into indirect speech, like in the example

above some changes are usually necessary, such as tense, pronoun and adverb.

4 Sylvia Chalker and Edmund Weiner. Oxford Dictionari of English Grammar. (New York:Oxford University Press, inc . 1994), p. 202


And these are most studied by considering statement’s, questions and comma

separately. In addition, writing product in transforming direct into indirect speech

is necessary to be grammatically correct. Consequently, in order to be able to

produce a good sentence, a writer must have grammatically ability. In contrast to

direct speech, indirect speech is used mainly in conversation and is concerned

more with communicating the exact meaning than the exact words. As such, the

reported message may vary depending on the point of view of the speaker and the

vocabulary selected: She said/told him she would phone/call/ring him when/as

soon as she (was) finished (at) work.

When shifting from direct to reported speech, Swan writes that grammatical

changes may need to be made to the original text in order to account for the fact

that “words spoken or thought in one place by one person may be reported in

another place at a different time, and perhaps by a different person.”

When reporting questions, the changes already mentioned in regard to

statements apply. In addition to these, there are also several other areas to

consider. Firstly, the word order changes to that of a statement, namely subject-

verb, and so accordingly reported questions are usually not punctuated with a

question mark. Secondly, the auxiliary verb do is dropped. Finally, yes/no

questions start with if , or whether .

There are some problems that arise especially for students who want to

master the indirect speech because the indirect speech is very different from the

direct speech but students in Second Year of MTs NURUL FALAH have lack of

understanding Grammar pattern. The following are the areas of the students’

mistake in making indirect speech from the sentence is mistake in transforming

the indirect speech into direct speech; the students must know the changes of

tenses, personal pronoun and adverb of time.

Today many kind of method or technique have recognized for teaching

learning process. Based on this case, the writer will give an alternative technique

to enrich students’ comprehension by using Contextual Teaching and Learning.

Contextual mean links between prior knowledge, material and environment.

When the contextual is integrated into teaching-learning situations, the students


are hoped that they can connect between what they learn with they have known.

According to Jhonson, CTL is an educational process that aims to help student see

meaning in the academic subject with the context of their daily lives, that is, with

the context of their personal, social, and cultural circumstances. To achieve this

aim, the system encompasses the following eight components: making meaningful

connections, doing significant work, self-regulated learning, and collaborating,

critical and creative thinking, nurturing the individual, reaching high standards,

and using authentic assessments.5

From the statement, the writer says that CTL is the method that helps students

relate subject matter content to real world situations and motivate students to

make connections between knowledge and its applications to their lives as family

members, citizens, and workers and engage in the hard work that learning

requires. In such an environment, student will discover meaningful relationship

between abstract ideas and practical applications in the context of the real world.

In teaching learning theory, this method is based on constructivism ideology.

In teaching and learning model, students construct their own knowledge by testing

ideas based on prior knowledge and experience, applying these ideas to a new

situation, and integrating the new knowledge gained with preexisting.

Constructivism calls for active participation in problem solving and critical

thinking regarding an authentic learning activity that students find relevant and

engaging intellectual constructs.

According to Elaine B. Jonshon said that “Contextual teaching-learning is a

system of instruction based on the philosophy that students learn when they see

meaning in academic material, and they see the meaning in schoolwork when they

can connet new information whit prior knowledge and their experiences”.6

Based on the Jhonson stated above, it can be realize that CTL Corresponds

the way the universe work because to learn contextually is to liar in way that

naturally draws fort a system that helps teacher related the subject matter to real

5 Elaine B.Johnson, Contextual Teaching and Learning: What It Is and Why It.s Here to

Stay (Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, Inc, 2002) p.25 6 Jhonson B. Eline. Contextual Teaching-Learning: what it is hear to stay. (uinted State

of Amerika: Corwin Press, inc. 2002), p. vi


situation and motivate students to be more active to make connections between

their knowledge and its applications into their real life.

The writer chooses it as the object to study because transforming direct into

indirect is rather difficult because in transforming direct into indirect speech the

students must know the changes of tenses, personal pronoun and adverb of time.

There are still so many students who have difficulties in transforming English

direct into indirect speech. And the students of MTs Nurul Falah face those

problems. Therefore, in this research paper the writer take a study on the error

analysis of transforming direct into indirect speech with the report is entitled

“Improving Students’ Understanding in Using Indirect Speech of Yes-No

Question Through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) (A Classroom

Action Research in the Second Year of MTs Nurul Falah Tangerang).

B. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem

1. The Limitation of the Problem

Grammar covers a lot of language element such as part of speech,

tenses, auxiliary, etc. To discuses in this writing are fairly impossible, and

therefore the writer limits the study on improving students’ understanding in

using indirect speech of yes-no question trough Contextual Teaching and

Learning in the Second Year of MTs Nurul Falah Tangerang.

2. The Formulation of the Problem

In line with the background of the study, the writer formulates the

research question as follows:” Can Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

improve students’ understanding in Using Indirect Speech of Yes-No question

trough Contextual Teaching and Learning in the Second Year of MTs

NURUL FALAH Tangerang?”.


C. The Objective of the Study

According to the formulation of problem above, the objective of this study

is to see whether and to know how Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

improve students’ understanding in Using indirect speech of yes-no question

trough Contextual Teaching and Learning in the Second Year of MTs NURUL

FALAH Tangerang.

D. The Significance of the Study

The study is expected to be valuable for school quality, English teachers,

students, and other future researcher. For school quality, this study is beneficial

to improve school quality especially in English study because it aims improve

students’ understanding of indirect speech of yes-no question trough

Contextual Teaching and Learning. For the English teachers, the finding of this

study is useful for enriching their teaching strategy to be applied in teaching

Indirect Speech. For the student, it enables students to improve their grammar

ability. This study is also expected to be a reference for other future researchers

who have the same problem and interest in conducting the similar studies.




A. The Indirect Speech

1. Form of Indirect Speech

Direct speech is used mainly in writing to report a person’s words

exactly. It is found in conversations in books, in plays, and in quotations,

and is often used in situations where accuracy is important, such as in areas

relating to law and public media. Indirect speech is a way of reporting what

someone has said, using an introductory reporting verb and subordinate

clause.7 Reported speech refers to using a noun clause to report what

someone has said and no quotations mark is used.8 Swan said that “Indirect

Speech is the way of quoting somebody’s word or thought”. In this case, we

talk about the idea that was expressed without quoting the exact words that

we used, and we connect it more closely to our sentences (for example, by

using that or whether).

So he comes into the pub and says (that) he’ll have paint.

And then I wondered whether he really mean it.9

According to Thompson and Martinet in their book “A Practical

English Grammar” Indirect Speech is to give exact meaning of a remark,

without necessarily using the speaker’s exact words.

From definitions above, it brings us to the conclusion that indirect speech is

used to relate or to repeat somebody’s words or thought without using or quoting

the speaker exact words.

Indirect speech is used to report declarative, interrogative, directive, and

exclamative. The nominal clause reporting indirect speech are commonly

7 Sylvia Chalker and Edmund Weiner.

O x f o r d D i c t i o n a r i o f E n g l i s h G r a m m a r .(New

York:Oxford University Press, inc . 1994), p. 202

8 Betty S. Azar. U n d e r s t a n d i n g U s i n g E n g l i s g G r a m m a r .

(USA: Prentice Hall Regants.

1989) p. 275 9 Micheal Swan. P r a c t i c a l E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e .

(Oxford University Press. 1983), p.533


complements of verb of speaking or thingking, they may also be complements of


In making indirect speech, there are some verbs used only in reported verb,

they are:10

1) Indirect speech using say and tell

Indirect speech using say and tell is followed by a pronoun object,

another pattern in a past form with say in used of to + a pronoun object.

Example: Any said to me that she was hungry. Or

Hari told me to come to his party.

2) Indirect speech using ask if

When the question has no question-word, but it is one of the kinds that

can take yes or no for an answer, whether or if is used as link between

the introducing verb and the reported speech.

Example: Mr. Lee asked me whether I was sick

In indirect speech the actual words of the original speaker are usually

changed, in that the pronouns, time and place adverbials, and tense are adjusted to

the overview of the person now reporting. Let us begin by looking at these

changes. When using indirect or reported speech, the form changes. Usually

indirect speech is introduced by the verb said, as in I said, Bill said, or they said.

Using the verb say in this tense, indicates that something was said in the past. In

these cases, the main verb in the reported sentence is put in the past. If the main

verb is already in a past tense, then the tense changes to another past tense; it can

almost be seen as moving even further into the past.

Verb tense changes also characterize other situations using indirect speech.

Note the changes shown in the chart and see the table below for examples. With

indirect speech, the use of that is optional


Betty S. Azar and Barbara F. Mathies. F u n d a m e n t a l o f E n g l i s h G r a m m a r .(USA:

Prentice Hall Regents: 1995) 2nd

edition p. 258


2. Tense Change

Normally, the tense in reported speech is one tense back in time from the

tense in direct speech:

She said, "I am tired." She said that she was tired.

Table 2.1

The changes are shown below:

Simple present Simple past

"I always drink coffee", she said She said that she always

drank coffee.

Present continuous Past continuous

"I am reading a book", he explained.

He explained that he was reading a


Simple past Past perfect

"Bill arrived on Saturday", he said.

He said that Bill had arrived on


Present perfect Past perfect

"I have been to Spain", he told me. He told me that he had been to Spain

Past perfect Past perfect

"I had just turned out the light," he


He explained that he had just turned

out the light.

Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous

They complained, "We have been

waiting for hours".

They complained that they had been

waiting for hours.

Past continuous Past perfect continuous

"We were living in Paris", they told


They told me that they had been living

in Paris.

Future Present conditional


"I will be in Geneva on Monday", he


He said that he would be in Geneva on


Future continuous Conditional continuous

She said, "I'll be using the car next


She said that she would be using the

car next Friday.


1. Do not need to change the tense if the reporting verb is in present, or if the

original statement was about something that is still true, e.g.

He says he has missed the train but he'll catch the next one.

We explained that it is very difficult to find our house.

2. These modal verbs do not change in reported speech:

might, could, would, should, ought to, e.g.

We explained that it could be difficult to find our house.

She said that she might bring a friend to the party.

3. Time change

If the reported sentence contains an expression of time, you must change it to

fit in with the time of reporting.

For example we need to change words like here and yesterday if they have

different meanings at the time and place of reporting.


Table 2.2

Today + 24 hours - Indirect speech

"Today's lesson is on


She said yesterday's lesson was on


Expressions of time if reported on a different day

this (evening) › that (evening)

today › yesterday

these (days) › those (days)

now › then

(a week) ago › (a week) before

last weekend › the weekend before last / the previous weekend

here › there

next (week) › the following (week)

tomorrow › the next/following day

In addition if we report something that someone said in a different place to

where you heard it we must change the place (here) to the place (there).

For example:-

At work At home

"How long have you worked


She asked me how long I'd worked


4. Pronoun change

In reported speech, the pronoun often changes.


For example:

Me You

"I teach English online." She said she teaches English online.

5. Reporting Verbs

Said, told and asked are the most common verbs used in indirect speech.

We use asked to report questions:-

For example: I asked Lynne what time the lesson started.

We use told with an object.

For example: Lynne told me she felt tired.

Note - Here me is the object.

We usually use said without an object.

For example: Lynne said she was going to teach online.

If said is used with an object we must include to ;

For example: Lynne said to me that she'd never been to China.

Note - We usually use told.

For example: Lynne told me that she'd never been to China.

There are many other verbs we can use apart from said, told and asked.

These include:-

accused, admitted, advised, alleged, agreed, apologised, begged, boasted, complained, denied, explained, implied, invited, offered, ordered, promised, replied, suggested and thought.

Using them properly can make what we say much more interesting and informative.

For example:


He asked me to come to the party

He invited me to the party.

He begged me to come to the party.

He ordered me to come to the party.

He advised me to come to the party.


Yes / no questions: This type of question is reported by using 'ask' + 'if /

whether + clause:

a. "Do you speak English?" He asked me if I spoke English.

b. "Are you British or American?" He asked me whether I was British or


c. "Is it raining?" She asked if it was raining.

d. "Have you got a computer?" He wanted to know whether I had a computer.

e. "Can you type?" She asked if I could type.

f. "Did you come by train?" He enquired whether I had come by train.

g. "Have you been to Bristol before?" She asked if I had been to Bristol before.

B. Contextual Teaching and learning (CTL)

1. The Understanding of CTL

The philosophy of CTL was rooted from progressivisms of John Dewey11.

John Dewey, an expert of classical education proposed the theory of curriculum

and teaching methodology related to the students experience and interest.

Principally, the students will learn effectively if they can make a connection

between what they are learning with the experience they had, and also they

actively involved in learning process in the classroom. John Dewey, as quoted

by Donald freeman, said that “What an individual has learned in the way of

11 Nurhadi,Dkk., Pembelajaran Kontextual (Contextual Teaching and Learning/CLT)

dan Penerapannya Dalam KBK (Malang: Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang, 2004), p.8


knowledge and skills in one situation becomes an instrument of understanding

and dealing effectively with the situation which follows. The process goes on

as long as life and learning continue”12.

The theory of Cognitivisme also influenced the philosophy of CTL. The

students will learn so well if they actively involved in the classroom activities

and have a chance to inquiry it by their selves. Students will show their

learning achievement through the real things that they can do. Learning is

regarded as an effort or intellectual activity for developing their idea through

introspection activity13.

Based on two theories above, the CTL philosophy was developed. CTL is

a proven concept that incorporates much of the most recent research in

cognitive science. It is also a reaction to the essentially behaviorist theory that

have dominated American education for many decades. CTL is promoted as the

alternative for the new learning strategy. CTL emphasizes the learning process

through .constructing not memorizing and teaching is interpreted as an activity

of inquiring process not only transferring knowledge to the students. In CTL,

student are expected to develop their own understanding from their past

experience or knowledge (assimilation). It is important because our brain or

human mind functioned as the instrument for interpreting knowledge so that it

will have a unique sense.

Meanwhile, several attempts have been made to define the meaning of

CTL method. In the process of searching the meaning of CTL, writer has found

several definitions about it from different resources.

Johnson defines CTL as follows:

CTL is an educational process that aims to help student see meaning in the academic subject with the context of their daily lives, that is, with the context of their personal, social, and cultural circumstances. To achieve

12 Donald Freeman, Changing Teaching: Insight Into Individual Development In The

Contexts Of School, On Christopher Ward and Willy Reynanda (Ed.), Language Teaching, a New Insights For The Language Teacher (Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Center, 1999), p.34

13 Nurhadi,Dkk., op. cit., p.9


this aim, the system encompasses the following eight components: making meaningful connections, doing significant work, self-regulated learning, and collaborating, critical and creative thinking, nurturing the individual, reaching high standards, and using authentic assessments14. In addition, Berns and Errickson stated that,

Contextual teaching and learning is a conception of teaching and learning that helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world situations and motivates students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their lives as family members, citizens, and workers and engage in the hard work that learning requires15.

Meanwhile, The Washington State Consortium for Contextual Teaching

and Learning, as cited in Nurhadi, formulated the definition of CTL as follows,

Contextual teaching is teaching that enables students to reinforce, expand, and apply their academic knowledge and skills in a variety of in-school and out-of school settings in order to solve the stimulated or real-world problems16. Based on the previous four definitions, the writer concludes that CTL is

the way or the concept of teaching that help teacher and students to relate subject

matter to the real life situation and motivate student to connect and apply all

aspect of learning into their role in real life. When we talked about context, most

people say that it related to their social life. In the classroom teaching, CTL means

teacher should present the student real world inside the classroom.

2. The Characteristics of CTL

14 Elaine B. Johnson, Contextual Teaching and Learning: What It Is and Why It.s Here to

Stay (Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press,Inc,2002) p.25 15 Robert G. Berns and Patricia M. Erickson, Contextual Teaching and

Learning:Preparing Students for the New Economy., it was retrieved on November 1 2007.


Nurhadi,Dkk., P e m b e l a j a r a n K o n t e x t u a l ( C o n t e x t u a l T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g / C L T )d a n P e n e r a p a n n y a D a l a m K B K(Malang: Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang, 2004) . , p . 1 2


Johnson, as quoted by Nurhadi, characterizes CTL into eight important

elements as follows:

1. Making Meaningful Connections

Students can organize themselves as learners, who learn actively in improving

their interest individually, person who can work individually or collectively in

a group, and a person who can do learning by doing.

2. Doing Significant Work

Student can make relationship among schools and the various existing contexts

in the real world as business maker and as a citizen.

3. Self-Regulated Learning

Students do the significant work; it has purpose, it has connection with others,

it has connection with decision making and it has the concrete results or


4. Collaborating

Students are able to work together. The teacher helps students in order to work

effectively in a group and teacher helps them to understand the way how to

persuade and communicate each others.

5. Critical and Creative Thinking

Students are able to apply higher level thinking critically and effectively. They

are able to analyze, to synthesize, to tackle the problem, to make a decision and

to think logically.

6. Nurturing the Individual

Students carry on their selves, understand, give attention, posses high wishes,

motivate and empower themselves. Students can’t get the success without the

support from adult people. Students should respect their companion and adult


7. Reaching High Standards

Students know and reach the high standard. It identifies their purposes and

motivates them to reach it. Teacher shows to students how to reach what called



8. Using Authentic Assessments

Students use academic knowledge in the real world context to the meaningful

purposes. For example, students may describe the academic information that

have learnt in subject of science, health, education, math, and English subject

by designing a car, planning the school menu, or making the serving of human

emotion or telling their experience17.

These eight characteristics make CTL different from other methods.

These Characteristics became the main components in applying CTL method.

It is also clearly seen that these eight characteristics ask the students for

actively involving in classroom activity. Collaborating, nurturing the individual

and creative and critical thinking ask the students responsible for their own

learning. The role of teacher in CTL is to facilitate student to find the fact or

the meaning, concept, or principles for their selves. Once these eight

characteristics applied in classroom, it will help both student and teachers in

creating a good atmosphere where the learners have a great responsibility in

achieving their success in leaning.

3. The Principle of CTL

1. Constructivism

Constructivism is the foundation of CTL. The basic premise is that an

individual learner must actively build knowledge and skills. However, all

advocates of constructivism agree that it is the individuals processing of stimuli

from the environment and the resulting cognitive structure that produce

adaptive behavior rather than the stimuli themselves18. In the classroom

teaching learning process, the application of constructivism are applied in five

step of learning that are activating knowledge, acquiring knowledge,

17Nurhadi,Dkk., Pembelajaran Kontextual (Contextual Teaching and Learning/CLT) dan

Penerapannya Dalam KBK (Malang: Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang, 2004)., p.14 18 it was retrieved on January 1



understanding knowledge, applying knowledge and reflecting on knowledge19.

The constructivism paradigm has led us to understand how learning can be

facilitated through certain types of engaging, constructive activities. This

model of learning emphasizes meaning making through active participation in

situated context socially, culturally, historically, and politically.

2. Inquiry

Basically, inquiry is a complex idea that means many things to many

people in any contexts. Inquiry is asking, asking something valuable that

related to the topic discussed. Inquiry is defined as .a seeking for truth,

information or knowledge. seeking information by questioning. in applying

inquiry activity in the classroom teaching, there are several steps that should be

followed that are formulating problem, collecting data through observation,

analyzing and presenting data (through written form, picture, report and table)

and finally, communicating and presenting the result of data to the readers,

classmates, and the other audients.

3. Questioning

Questioning is the mother of contextual teaching and learning, the

beginning of knowledge, the heart of knowledge and the important aspect of

learning. Sadker and Sadker, as quoted by Nurhadi, mentioned the important of

questioning technique in classroom teaching. They said,

To question well is to teach well. In the skillful use of the question more than anything else lies fine art of teaching; for in it we have the guide to clear and vivid ideas, and the quick spur of imagination, the stimulus to thought, the incentive to action. What’s in a question, you ask? Everything. It is the way of evoking stimulating response or stultifying inquiry. It is in essence, the very core of teaching. The art of questioning is the art of guide learning20.

19 Nurhadi,Dkk., Pembelajaran Kontextual (Contextual Teaching and Learning/CLT)

dan Penerapannya Dalam KBK (Malang: Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang, 2004).,p.33

20 Nurhadi,Dkk., Pembelajaran Kontextual (Contextual Teaching and Learning/CLT)

dan Penerapannya Dalam KBK (Malang: Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang, 2004).,p.45


Sometimes, the teacher asks the students before, during and after the

lesson. At other times, they are posed effectively by the students to focus their

own lesson, keep them engaged and help them monitor their understanding of

what was learned. In a productive teaching learning, questioning activity are

useful for checking students comprehension, solving problem faced by

students, stimulating responses to the students, measuring student’s curiosity,

focusing student attention, and refreshing students prior knowledge.

4. Learning Community

In learning community, the result of learning can be gotten from gathering

others and also can be taken from sharing with friends, other groups, and

between make out person and not. Actually, learning community has the

meaning as follows: 1).Group of learning which communicate to share the idea

and experience, 2).Working together to solve the problem and 3).The

responsibility of each member of learning group

It is sometimes forgotten that language classes operate as communities,

each within its own collection of shared understandings that have been build up

over time. The overall character or each language class is created, developed,

and maintained by everyone in room. Each class member has a specific role to

play, even those with ostensibly low profile such as .onlooker. or .observer.

(noticing what is going on), .knower. (being privy to shared class

understanding) and follower (reacting in the same way as everyone else to

certain teacher or student initiatives).

5. Modeling

Basically, modeling is verbalization of ideas, teacher demonstrates to

students to study and acting what the teacher need to be implemented by

students. Modeling activity can be summarized into demonstrates the teacher’s

opinion and demonstrates how does the teacher want the student to learn.


6. Reflections

Reflection is the ways of thinking about what the students have learned

and thinking about what the students have done in the past. Reflection is

figuration of activity and knowledge that just have received. Teacher need to

do the reflections in the end of teaching learning process. In the end of teaching

learning process, teacher spends a little time and ask student to do the

reflection. The realization of reflection can be done by giving direct statement

about the information that is acquired in the lesson, some notes or journal on

student book, some impression and suggestion from students about the learning

process and discussion.

7. Authentic Assessment

Authentic assessment is a procedure of achievement in the CTL. Assessments

of students. Performance can come from the teacher and the students. Authentic

assessment is the process of collecting the data that can give the description of

student learning development. In the process of learning, not only the teacher that

can be placed to provide accurate assessments of students. performance, but also

students can be extremely effective at monitoring and judging their own language

production. They frequently have a very clear idea of how well they are doing or

have done, and if we help them to develop this awareness, we can greatly enhance

learning21. Meanwhile, authentic assessment has some characteristics that are :(a)

Involves real world experience, (b) Allows access to information, (c) Encourages

the use of computer, dictionary and human resources, (d) Engages the students by

relevance, (e) Uses open-ended format, (f) Includes self-assessment and

reflection, (g) Warrant effort and practice, (h) Identifies strength to enable

21 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, the Third Edition

(Longman, 2002), p. 100


students to show what they can do and (i) Make assessment criteria clearer to


Essentially, the question that needs to answer by authentic assessment is.

Does the students learn something?. not .What have they already known?. So, the

students are assessed through many ways, not only assessed their examination


3. The Procedure of CTL in Teaching Indirect Speech

Seven main components of CTL that explained above are the main

requirements in classroom teaching learning process. Below are the procedures

how to apply CTL, including speaking class activity, in the classroom teaching

learning process.

1. Improve the understanding that student will learn more effectively through

self-learning, self-inquiring, and self-constructing using their own knowledge

and experience. First, Teacher need to encourage student to actively involved

in learning process and use the student’s idea and experience to conduct the

learning and whole learning unit

2. Do the inquiring activity to achieved desired competences in speaking

activity In this step, the teacher presents the speaking material (e.g in the

form of certain pictures or visual aid that describes some activities) in which

the student need to analyze it by their self. Try to challenge the students with

their own ideas and conceptions to interpret it. Allow them to present their

own idea and encourage them to apply their own ideas, experience and

interest to direct learning process.

3. Create learning community or learning in groups This step will help student

to improve their leadership and their cooperation among the student. In this

step, the students discuss the material with their friends and then they present

it in front of the class. To make the learning process more effective, teacher

22Nurhadi,Dkk., Pembelajaran Kontextual (Contextual Teaching and Learning/CLT) dan

Penerapannya Dalam KBK (Malang: Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang, 2004).,p.43


need to encourage the students to express their own ideas before the teacher

did it.

4. Questioning as a learning tool. it is useful for improving student’s curiosity

The teachers allow the students to ask something related to the material after

the discussion and presentation session finished. It will give them more

understanding in material discussed.

5. Do the reflection in the end of learning to make student feel that they have

learned something. Provide enough time to reflect, analyze, and respect all

ideas that are expressed by all students. Teacher need to engage the students

in searching the information that can be applied in solving the problem in

their own life. So, the learning process will give them many benefits in their

real life.

C. Previous Related Study

The research about Grammar using Contextual Teaching and Laerning had

been done many collage students one of them was Ovalina, she wrote about

“Improving Students’ Ability In Using Simple Past Tense through Contextual

Teaching and Learning ”.23 This research explains about the Contextual Teaching

and Learning method in teaching past tense. She said that this approach improving

the students score in grammar especially Simple Pat Tense and also can increase

students involvement, it was found most of student were actively in teaching

learning process at the of cycle 2 and based on the result post questionnaire there

was the improvement regarding the students’ response to the implementation of

CTL. She said students will be interested if the context of the text that they learn

is familiar with their real life.

By using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) , the researcher hopes

that the students will be interested in grammar, then it is easier for the researcher

to transfer her knowledge to the students. This is suitable such as what the

researcher does to her research.


Ovalina, I m p r o v i n g S t u d e n t s ’ A b i l i t y I n U s i n g S i m p l e P a s t T e n s e t h r o u g h C o n t e x t u a lT e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g ,skripsi, (Jakarta : FITK UIN, 2010),




A. The Setting and Subject of the Study

This study was conducted at MTs Nurul Falah Tangerang. The school was

at Jl. M. Toha Km 3.8, Tangerang, Banten Province. It was established by the

Abdul Majid Naseer

The school has 1 language laboratory, 1 science laboratory, 1 audiovisual

room, 1 library, 1 music room, 1 computer/internet room, 1 principal’s room,

1 teacher’s room, 1 administration rooms, 1 mosque, 1 canteen, 7 restrooms

and 15 classes. There were 5 classes for grade VII, 5 classes for grade VIII,

and 5 classes for grade IX.

In addition, this school has three English teachers. This school was chosen

as the field of the study based on some reasons: first, the researcher was a

trainee-teacher graduated from this school, so she knows the condition of this

school, and she could identify the problems faced by students in learning

grammar. Second, after identifying the problems, she suggests to apply suitable

technique to solve students’ problem in order to develop students’ ability in

grammar for better quality of the school.

The writer selected the second year of VIII-A Class of MTs Nurul Falah

Tangerang, which consists of 31 students in the 2010-2011 academic years as

the subjects of the research. This class was chosen based on the interview result

with the English teacher and the observation that this class had the lowest

achievement on grammar test compared with other second grade classes.

Therefore, their grammar ability needs to be developed by using effective


B. The Design of the Study

The design of this research called Classroom Action Research (CAR used

for the next term) because it attempts to overcome students’ problem in their

teaching-learning activities. Besides, this study conducted based on the


preliminary study to describe students’ problem in English learning process.

CAR was part of action research which conducted in a certain classroom.

The design of this study was classroom action research. It is called CAR

because the study focuses on a particular problem and a particular group of

students in a certain classroom. According Wallace, CAR is a type of

classroom research carried out by the teacher in order to solve problems or to

find answers toward context-specific issues.24

Classroom action research is an action research which carried out at the

classroom aimed to improve learning practice quality.25 Mills defines an

action research as any systematic inquiry conducted by teacher researchers,

principals, and school counselors in the teaching and learning environment to

gather information about (a) how their particular school operates, (b) how

teachers teach, and (c) how well their students learn.26

The essential component of action research according to Kember as


• Concerned with social practice;

• Aimed towards improvement;

• A cyclical process;

• Pursued by systematic enquiry;

• A reflective process;

• Participative;

• Determined by the practitioner. 27

Based on the definition above the implementation of classroom action

research was unable to give improvement of the quality of teaching and learning

of school in education since it can diagnose and solve the problem in teaching

learning activity.


Michael J. Wallace, A c t i o n R e s e a r c h f o r L a n g u a g e T e a c h e r s ,

(Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2006), p.5 25

Suharsimi Arikunto, P e n e l i t i a n T i n d a k a n K e l a s, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009), p. 58.

26 Geoffrey E. Mills,

A c t i o n R e s e a r c h : A G u i d e f o r t h e T e a c h e r R e s e a r c h e r . ( 2 n d e d ), (New

Jersey: Merril Prentice Hall, 2003), p. 5. 27

David Kember, A c t i o n L e a r n i n g a n d A c t i o n R e s e a r c h ,

(London: Kogan Page Limited,

2000), p. 23-24.


The writer used classroom action research model proposed by Kemmis and

Taggart, which consists of four steps, namely, planning, acting, observing, and

reflecting. Improvement of the problem in this study was brought about by a

series of cycles. The figure can be seen below:

Figure 3.1: Action Research Spiral, Model from Kemmis & Taggart (1988)28

The classroom action research design applied in this study was a collaborative

classroom action research. As stated by Arikunto that ideally, CAR conducted

collaboratively between the practitioner and the observer.29 It means that the

writer collaborates with the English teacher of MTs Nurul Falah Tangerang as an

observer and collaborator. In carrying out the study, the writer’s role was as an

English teacher who though Indirect Speech through Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL) to the students, while the real English teacher’s role was as an

observer who observes the action of the study while teaching-learning activities

happens in the classroom. Also she acts as a collaborator when helps the writer in

designing lesson plan, carrying out the reflection, and determining the follow up

of the study. The researcher is as an active participant who is not only as an


Prof. Dr. Rochiati Wiriaatmadja, M e t o d e P e n e l i t i a n T i n d a k a n K e l a s ( U n t u kM e n i n g k a t k a n K i n e r j a G u r u d a n D o s e n ) , (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006), p. 66.

29 Suharsimi Arikunto, P e n e l i t i a n T i n d a k a n K e l a s

, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009), p. 17.


observer but she also take actions by making lesson plan and giving assessment.

Moreover, she also collect and analyze data together with the teacher.

C. The Procedure of the Study

Figure 3.2

The Classroom Action Research Procedure Adapted from Kemmis &


Acting Conducting the lesson plan

Preliminary Study Interviewing the English teacher, giving questionnaire and pretest to the students, in the second year of MTs Nurul Falah Tangerang

Analysis and findings

Analysis : Analyzing the result of preliminary study Finding : Result of students’ grammar score was still low. Causes :

1. The students have difficulty to transform the tense. 2. The students were not actively involved in grammar class.


1. Designing lesson plan. 2. Preparing the model of Contextual

Teaching and Learning 3. Preparing the materials and media. 4. Setting the criteria of success.

Observing Observing the teaching learning condition

Reflecting 2. analyzing the collected data 3. determining whether or not

the action is successful

Succeed Fail

Conclusion and report

Revise the plan and continue the next cycle


Here, we have known that based on Kurt Lewin’s concept. The CAR consists

of four phases within one cycle. They are planning, acting, observing and

reflecting. If the students cannot exceed the criteria, so it is necessary to continue

to the second cycle with the same concept of the first cycle which used the same


This classroom action research is carried out by following several phases.

Before entering the cycle of classroom action research, the writer conducts the

preliminary study. It is as the preparation for planning the action. Preliminary

study is useful for analyzing and identifying the problems faced by the students in

teaching learning process.

In conducting the preliminary study, the writer carries out several activities as

follows (a) interviewing the English teachers in terms of the techniques and

activities employed in teaching grammar, (b) giving questionnaire to the students

in terms of learning English, and (c) assigning the students to answer the question

of Indirect Speech of Yes-No Question to indentify the students’ observing and


After carrying out the preliminary study, then the writer goes on to the next

phase. The first cycle of action is done involving planning, acting, observing and


1. Planning Phase

According to Kemmis and Taggart as quoted by Kunandar that “planning

phase is the development of the action plan to improve what has happened.”30 In

this phase, the writer and the collaborator made some planning based on the

finding of preliminary study. The following activities in this action planning were

designing lesson plan, preparing the model of Contextual Teaching and Learning,

preparing materials and media, and determining criteria of success.

Designing lesson plan aims to provide the teacher with the guideline of

teaching and learning activities. The lesson plan is included the following items:


Kunandar, L a n g k a h M u d a h P e n e l i t i a n T i n d a k a n K e l a s ( S e b a g a i P e n g e m b a n g a n P r o f e s iG u r u )

, (Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada, 2008), p. 71


specific instructional objectives, the instructional materials and media, procedure

of presentation, and procedure of assessment. (The detail lesson plan can be seen

in appendix 4 and 6).

Next step was preparing the model of Contextual Teaching and Learning; the

use of Contextual teaching and Learning in improving student’s ability of

transforming Indirect Speech was applied. A model of Contextual Teaching and

Learning which developed by the writer and collaborator in teaching Indirect

speech was using narrative text.

The last step was to determine the criteria of success. It is useful for

measuring whether the action of this study was successful or not. In line with the

study, the criteria of success are decided based on the agreement between the

writer and the collaborator as follows:

a. The students’ writing score improves at the same as the Minimum Mastery

Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) of English (60.0) or above.

And it is considered successful if 75% (26 out of 31) of the students with

individual score in grammar achieve at least the same as or above 60.0.

b. The students’ participation in writing activities increase that 75% (26 out of

31) of the students should get involved in writing activities and their

involvements are in scales “Good” and “Very Good”.

2. Acting Phase

The action here means that action that controlled and consciously

conducted.31 In this phase, the writer carried out the action based on the lesson

plan that had been made. In implementing the action, the writer acted as the

English teacher who taught Indirect Speech trough Contextual Teaching and

Learning. Meanwhile the collaborator acted as the observer who observed all the

activities that happened in the teaching learning process. The implementation of

the action involved three meetings in each cycle.


Kunandar, L a n g k a h M u d a h P e n e l i t i a n T i n d a k a n K e l a s ( S e b a g a i P e n g e m b a n g a n P r o f e s iG u r u )

, (Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada, 2008), p. 72


3. Observing phase

Observation aimed at collecting the data from the influence of action.32 This

phase discusses the process of recording and gathering all relevant data about any

aspect occurred during the implementation of the action. The important aspects in

observation were sources of data, the instrument used in collecting the data, and

the technique for data collection. In doing the observation, the observer observes

all the activities that happen in the class.

In conducting the observation toward the implementation of the action, the

observer used field notes and observation checklist for gathering the result of

observation dealing with the teacher performance, the students’ participation and

the class condition.

4. Reflecting Phase

Reflection was to remember and reflect the action as the result of

observation.33 Reflecting phase was the last phase in one cycle. The aims of this

phase were to reflect the data from the implementation of the action and to know

whether the action is successful or not by matching the result of the observing

phase with the criteria of success. Reflecting phase is carried out by the writer and

the collaborator focusing on the discussion about the result of the action. If the

finding of the first cycle is satisfy marked by reaching the criteria of success, so

there will not be the next cycle. Meanwhile, if the finding of the action did not

reach the criteria of success, so the next cycle needs to be accomplished.

D. The Technique of Collecting Data

This study used both qualitative and quantitative data as technique of

collecting data. Qualitative used to describe data which are amenable to being


I b i d ., p. 73

33 Kunandar,

L a n g k a h M u d a h P e n e l i t i a n T i n d a k a n K e l a s ( S e b a g a i P e n g e m b a n g a n P r o f e s iG u r u ), (Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada, 2008), p. 73


counted measured in objective way, and are therefore ‘subjective’ while

quantitative is broadly used to describe what can be counted or measured and can

therefore be considered ‘objective’.34 The qualitative data consists of observation

and interview while quantitative data used questionnaire and test (pre-test and


The technique of collecting data used by the researcher to get the data

observation by using:

1. Interview applied for the English teacher before the classroom action

research and after classroom action research. It was applied before

classroom action research to know the students difficulties in study

grammar, the students’ participation in grammar class, and the teaching

strategy in teaching grammar. Meanwhile, it was conducted after

classroom action research to know the teacher’s response about the

learning strategy focus on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL).

2. Questionnaire was written of questions to be answered by the students.

These instruments take all students as the respondents. It were applied at

the preliminary study. Also, it is used after classroom action research to

know the students’ response toward teaching and learning activities

through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL).

3. An observation checklist was done to monitor and record the data of the

students’ performance during the teaching and learning processes. The

data is taken based on the students’ participation during teaching and

learning activity according to lesson plan. The information obtained from

these observation checklists was used as a basis to determine the planning

for the following cycle.

4. Field notes used to record detailed information about the implementation

of the study in the classroom that might not be covered in the observation

checklists. In addition its used to know the good point from the student

and the teacher side and things to consider for the next meeting. The writer


Michael J.Wallace, A c t i o n R e s e a r c h f o r E n g l i s h T e a c h e r ,

(Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.

Press,1998), p.38


and observer record a description of classroom atmosphere, the setting of

the class, and the students’ activities during the teaching and learning of

grammar using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL).

5. Test, is used for getting data of study result and students activities in

teaching learning. There are two tests used in this study as follows:

1. Pre-test is done before implementing Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL). It is to measure students’ grammar skill at the first


2. Post-test is implemented after using Contextual Teaching and Learning


In this research the test is done in form of multiple choices. The test is held on

every second action of each cycle.

E. The Technique of Data Analysis

In this research the writer used analysis qualitative data that is the observation

of writer and students’ activities during teaching learning process. The writer will

discuss about entire data collection in every observation from performing action

research cycles are analyzed descriptively by using percentage to see tendency

that happened in learning activity.

Here, she looked for the average of students’ grammar score per action within

one cycle to analyze numerical data, those are:

First, it is done to know how well students’ score on grammar skill:




X : mean

x : individual score

n : number of students


Second, to know the class percentage that pass the KKM 60, the writer uses

as reference is according to Anas Sudijono (2006) it is called by of relative

frequency distribution whose formula as follows: 35

P = f x100%


P : the class Percentage

F : total percentage score

N: number of sample of students.

Third, after mean of students’ scores per action gained. She identified

whether there was or no students’ improvement scores on grammar from pre-test

up to post-test score in cycle 1 and cycle 2. In identifying that, she used the


P = %1001 ×−



P : percentage of students’ improvement

y : pre-test result

y1 : post-test 1

P = %1002 ×−



P : percentage of students’ improvement

y : pre-test result

y2 : post-test 2


Anas Sudijono, P e n g a n t a r S t a t i s t i k P e n d i d i k a n, (Jakarta; PT Raja Grafindo Persada:

2006), p. 34. 36

David E. Meltzer, T h e R e l a t t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n M a t h e m a t i c s P r e p a r a t i o n a n d C o n c e p t u a lL e a r n i n g G a i n s i n P h y s i c s : A P o s s i b l e H i d d e n V a r i a b l e i n D i a g n o s t i c P r e t e s t S c o r e s ,


Departmentof Physic and Astronomy, 2008), p.3


F. The Validity of Data

Validity is an essential criterion for evaluating the quality and acceptable of

the research. Regarding validity in action research, the writer adopts Anderson,

Herr, and Nihlen’s criteria that mention the validity of action research including

democratic validity, outcome validity, process validity, catalytic validity, and

dialogic validity.37 In this study, the writer uses democratic, process, and dialogic

validity. Anderson defines outcome validity as:

Outcome validity requires that the action emerging from a particular study leads to the successful resolution of the problem that was being studied, that is, your study can be considered valid of you learn something that can be applied to the subsequent research cycle.38

Based on the explanation above, the outcome validity could be seen from the

result of the test. When the result of cycle two was better than cycle one, it means

that the study is successful. Then, Process validity is “the validity that requires a

study has been conducted in a “dependable” and “competent” manner.”39

It could be seen from the outcome of observation. In this case, the writer

notes all events happening during the CAR. When there might have some

mistakes in the method of teaching, then the writer discusses with the teacher to

modify the further strategies. Next, the dialogic validity; “it involves having a

critical conversation with peers about research findings and practices.”40 In this

case, the writer and the teacher discussed and assess the students’ test result of

cycle one and cycle two together. It was done in order to avoid invalid data.

To analyze the examined test items, the writer implements the credibility of

the test. There are some phases including:


Geoffrey E. Mills, A c t i o n R e s e a r c h : A G u i d e f o r t h e T e a c h e r R e s e a r c h e r

, (Columbus:

Merrill Prentice Hall, 2003), p. 84. 38

I b i d., p. 84.

39 Geoffrey E. Mills,

A c t i o n R e s e a r c h : A G u i d e f o r t h e T e a c h e r R e s e a r c h e r, (Columbus:

Merrill Prentice Hall, 2003),p . 8 4


I b i d . p . 8 4


1. Discriminating Power

The analysis of discriminating power of test items is to know the performance

of the test through distinguishing students who have high achievement and low

achievement. Discriminating power provides a more detailed analysis of the test

items than does item difficulty, because it shows how the top scores and lower

scores performed on each item.41

The computing of discriminating power uses the formula as following:42

U – L

D = � � � � N

In which, D : The index of discriminating power

U : The number of pupils in the upper group who answered the

item correctly

L : The number of pupils in the lower group who answered the

item correctly

N : Number of pupils in each of the groups

Next, the discriminating scale used:43


0.6 – 1.0 Very good

0.4 – 0.6 Good

0.1 – 0.3 Ok

-1 – 0.0 Bad


Kathleen M. Bailey, L e a r n i n g a b o u t L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t : D i l l e m a s , D e c i s i o n s , a n dD i r e c t i o n ,

(London: Heinle & Heinle Publisher, 1998), p. 135. 42

Wilmar Tambunan, E v a l u a t i o n o f S t u d e n t A c h i e v e m e n t ,

(Jakarta: Depdiknas, 1998), p. 139. 43

J. B. Heaton, C l a s s r o o m T e s t i n g

, (New York: Longman Inc, 1990), p. 174.


2. Difficulty Item

The difficulty item analysis concerns with the proportion of comparing

students who answer correctly with all of students who follow the test. Item

difficulty is how easy or difficult an item is form the viewpoint of the group of

students or examinees taking the test of which that item is a part.44 The formula as



P = � � T

In which, P : Index of difficulty

R : The total number of students who selected the correct answer

T : The total number of students including upper and lower group

The criterion using as follows:46


0 – 0.30 High

0.30 – 0.79 Medium

0.80 – 1.00 Low


John W. Oller, L a n g u a g e T e s t a t S c h o o l ,(London: Longman Group Limited, 1979), p. 246.

45 Norman E. Gronlund,

C o n s t r u c t i o n A c h i e v e m e n t T e s t ,(New York: Prentice Hall, 1982),

p. 102. 46

John W. Oller, L a n g u a g e T e s t a t S c h o o l ,(London: Longman Group Limited, 1979), p. 427




A. The Description of the Data

1. Findings of the Preliminary Study

a. The Result of Pre-Interview

Pre interview carried out in this study was the unstructured

interview. It was held on Friday, March 18th 2011 started at 14.15 P.M

and finished at 15.00 PM. The writer asked to the teacher some

questions. The questions were divided into three categories of

questions, involving: the general condition in English class especially

in grammar material, the difficulty faced by students and their

participation, and the strategy used by the teacher in teaching

grammar and asking about Contextual Teaching and Learning method.

First category discussed about the general condition in English

class especially in teaching grammar. The teaching learning process

conducted as usual, there were pre activities, while activities and post

activities. In teaching grammar, the teacher used some activities like

grouping, fill in the blank, Multiples choice, and arrange the sentence

into a good paragraph and so on. The media used was text which

relevant to the topic. (see item numbers 1, 2 and 3 of interview)

Second category talked about the difficulty faced by the students

focus on English grammar. The teacher said that grammar was the

difficult sub skills to be learned whereas the students must achieve the

Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM).

The students’ difficulties in learning grammar lied on transforming

the tense. Consequently, the students got bored in learning grammar,

and students’ participation in grammar class was not too active. ( see

item numbers 4,5 and 6 of interview)

The last category is about the strategy used by the teacher in

teaching grammar and asking about Contextual Teaching and


Learning method. The teacher said that she has ever used Contextual

Teaching Learning in English class. She assumed that Contextual

Teaching and could be an effective strategy in teaching grammar

because it could facilitate the learning. So, it might be able to improve

students’ ability in learning grammar. (See item numbers 7, 8, 9, and

10 of interview).

The conclusion of the interview in term of the students’

difficulties in learning grammar was the students’ of A class still have

difficulties in grammar in term of transforming the tense and the time.

(The detail result of pre interview can be seen in appendix 1b).

b. The Result of Pre Questionnaire

The pre questionnaire was conducted to know about the students’

response about English lesson especially in learning grammar. The

questionnaire used in this study was open questionnaire. The

questionnaire was given to the students in the second year of A class

on Saturday, March 19th 2011. The questionnaire had five questions.

The description of the pre questionnaire as follow:

1. The feeling toward the English lesson

The result of the questionnaire showed that 9.7% of students

like English lesson very much, 54.8% of students like English

lesson, 32.3% students felt fair to the English lesson. It can be

drawn the conclusion that most of the students of A class like

English lesson.

2. The Understanding in grammar material

58.1% of students assumed that grammar was easy to

understand. Meanwhile, 32.3% of the students consider that

grammar was difficult to learn.


3. The feeling toward teaching learning process of learning


The result showed that 54.8% of the students like to study

grammar and 32.3% of the students just so-so. It was indicated that

some students should be given the innovation in studying in order

to change their feeling become interest in learning grammar.

4. The feeling if the students learn grammar.

It showed that 22.6% of the students got difficulties in learning

grammar. Meanwhile 41.9% of the students felt easy with


5. The teacher’ style when teaching grammar.

The result was 9.7% of the students felt very interested in

the way of the teacher teach, 48.8% of the students felt interest,

meanwhile, 41.9% of the students felt fair about it. It indicated that

although there was not problem about the way teacher teach, but

for some students it still needed the innovation to develop teaching

learning strategy.

The conclusion in term of grammar problem was this class still

got difficulty in learning grammar and need improvement to reach the

Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM).

(The detail result of questionnaire can be seen in appendix 3b).

c. The Result of Pre-Test

The writer had done pre-test before CAR. It was conducted on

Saturday, March 19th 2011. It started at 14.00 A.M. there are actually 10

questions in multiple-choice form in which the students carried out the

test during 15 minutes.


Here, the table of students’ grade in pre-test:

Table 4.1

No Students’ Number Pretest

1 S1 40 2 S2 60* 3 S3 60* 4 S4 60* 5 S5 50 6 S6 50 7 S7 60* 8 S8 60* 9 S9 50 10 S10 65* 11 S11 50 12 S12 60* 13 S13 60* 14 S14 60* 15 S15 40 16 S16 50 17 S17 60* 18 S18 60* 19 S19 70* 20 S20 60* 21 S21 60* 22 S22 60* 23 S23 60* 24 S24 50 25 S25 60* 26 S26 30 27 S27 50 28 S28 50 29 S29 50 30 S30 50 31 S31 70*

Mean 55.3

*student who passed the KKM The scores are processed from students’ answer sheets


From the data above, it can be made a chart as follows:

To get the mean of the pretest score, the researcher calculated the data

by using the following formula;






Then, to the percentage of students who passed the KKM score, the

researcher used the following formula:







Based on the result of the pre test on the table, the data showed that

the mean score of pre-test was 55.3 there were 18 students who derived the

score above the minimum mastery criterion (KKM) meanwhile the other

13 students were below that criteria where the lowest achievement gained

score 2. Next, the percentage of the students who passed the KKM was

58.1 %. From that analyzing, it could be seen that almost of the A class

students’ grammar for indirect speech tenses was still low. Therefore, the

researcher needed to apply the technique which can solve students’

problems. (See Appendix 5b).

The action needed to improve students’ ability in learning grammar.

The action research conducted in two cycles. Every cycle followed the

procedures of action research involving planning, acting, observing, and

reflecting. Every cycle was conducted in three meetings. The following

was the explanation of the action research results.

2. Findings of the First Cycle

a. Planning

In this phase, the writer made a planning for the Action Research

based upon the problems faced by students toward grammar. In this

case, the writer determined selected material and exercises into lesson

plan. Based on syllabus, there are some kinds of text on this term, as

follows: recount and narrative. But narrative was chosen as the text to

be delivered for students. That was only discussing some sentences

that consist of indirect speech. In the lesson plan, there were some

paragraphs to identify grammar structure.

Besides of making lesson plan, the writer also prepared observation

sheet to observe the students and writer’s activities in teaching

learning process whether it was in line with the lesson plan had made

before or not. Next, the writer and collaborator determined the criteria

of success. The criteria of success were 75% of the students’ grammar

score achieved the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan


Minimal (KKM) of English (60.0) or above and 75% of students

participated in learning grammar. Besides, the writer prepared the

instruments for research such as: posttest 1, observation checklist and

field notes.

b. Acting

Action of the first cycle was done on March 19th, 21st and 26th. The

writer implemented the teaching leaning process based on the lesson

plan had been made. This teaching learning process used Contextual

Teaching and Learning method. Here, after the writer started to

convey what materials that would like to be learned by students, she

began to ask students to read the text silently. Furthermore, some

students were asked to point out the sentences used Indirect speech of

Yes-No question. Next, the students were asked to see activities

around them and made the direct speech to be changed the indirect

speech sentence. Here, the writer asked them to repeat their answers

up to get the right one. Then to make sure students’ understanding

indirect speech of Yes-No question, the writer showed flash card to

the student and asked him to make indirect speech sentence that the

answer was repeated by his friends.

Afterwards, to know how well students’ understanding of indirect

speech of yes-no question given, the writer explained the vocabularies

attached and sentences’ structure used. Finally, asked the students’

difficulties and gave exercises by using Indirect speech of Yes-No

question based on context. This task was done by the students

individually. In the last meeting, the final test was the posttest 1.

c. Observing

In this phase, the observer observed the students’ participation

through observation checklist and observed the teaching learning

process through field notes. Also, after accomplished the first cycle,


the writer collected the data for posttest 1. The result of observation

checklist in the first cycle was 83.3% of the students were involved in

learning grammar. It meant that most of the students of A class have

done the class activities well.

The result of field notes revealed that the teaching learning has

done well although the class still had some problems such as: First,

some students had problem in looking for vocabulary and correct

grammar. Second, some students looked difficult in following the

class activities. Third, some students looked lack serious and some

students still had difficulty in grammar, they spent too much time to

accomplish their task.

The result of posttest 1 showed that the mean score of the class

derived 61.8 in which there were 26 students who passed the

Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) 60

(sixty). The following were the detail results of instruments used in

the first cycle:

� The Result of Students’ Participation in Grammar Activities

The result of students’ participation in grammar activities was

determined by observation checklist that showed their active

participation in teaching learning activities. The activities that was

monitored involving the group activities. In the first meeting, there

were 81.3% of the students who participated actively in teaching

learning activities. There were 82.7% of the students involved

enthusiastically in learning grammar in the second meeting, while

in the third meeting; there were 86.1% of the students who

participated actively in Learning grammar.

In conclusion, 60.7% of the students were involved in grammar

class activity in Cycle 1. This was assessed by adding the

percentage of the students’ participation in all meetings (Meeting 1

+ Meeting 2 + Meeting 3) divided by 3. From the students’

participation, it indicated that the students were motivated in the


teaching and learning of grammar. It indicated that the second

criteria of success had been achieved. In addition, the findings were

also sustained by the data obtained from field notes which used to

make notes related to the data which were not be covered in

observation checklist. (see appendix 8a)

� The Result Of Field notes

Concerning the teaching procedures, the field notes revealed

that in Meeting 1, Meeting 2, and Meeting 3 of Cycle 1, there were

some problems found during the teaching and learning process.

First, some students still had problems in looking for the difficult

vocabulary; they did not look to try hard to find out the vocabulary

they need. Second, other students (not many) had problems in

following the class activities; they tend to ask more than write.

Third, some students also looked lack serious, and some students

still had difficulty in grammar, so that they spent too much time to

accomplish their task. The possible factors that caused those

problems were that the writer did not give sufficient explanation

about difficult vocabulary and did not give sufficient guidance to

the students in the stages of grammar. The writer also did not give

clearly instruction.

The good points also derived from the field notes. First, more

students paid attention on teacher’s explanation and they looked so

motivated. Second, More Students wrote and revised their exercise

in their group enthusiastically; they revised their exercise following

the guiding questions, step by step, helped by the teacher. Third,

some students were cooperative to support the teacher’s teaching

goal and they edited their exercise through peer correction

seriously using modeled of editing guide. (See appendix 9a for the

detail result).


� The Result of Students’ Grammar

To know the result of students’ writing, the writer needs to

calculate the mean score firstly. The mean score derived from

the following formula:







Then, the writer calculated the class percentage whose

passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM) using the following formula:






The data showed that the mean score of posttest 1 was .

There were only tweleve students or 38.7% of the students who

got the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) meanwhile the other 19 students

were below that criterion. It implied that the first criterion has

not fulfilled.

Based on the result of the students’ grammar in the cycle 1,

there was a slight improvement of students’ mean score from the

students’ writing on the preliminary study to the students’

writing on the first cycle. The mean score of the previous score

was 53.3 and the mean score of the students’ grammar on the

first cycle was 61.7. That means that there was 6.45 points or

12.10% of mean score improvement. The improvement

percentage derived from the formula:


%1001 ×−



P = %1009.53


P = %10.12

The detail of all students’ scores in the first cycle can be

seen in Appendix 6a.

d. Reflecting

Based on the result of observation cycle 1, the writer as researcher

found success and failure for action given. By observing teaching

learning process had done, it looked that some students (girls) start to

develop their activities and to improve their ability in learning

grammar. Besides, students’ performance was also showed their

confidence to propose their ability. However, the implementation of

contextual teaching and learning had not maximal yet mainly in

developing students’ understanding of indirect speech of yes-no


Here, the writer and collaborator analyzed the problem and found

the main causal factors of failure to reach indirect speech of yes-no

question by using contextual teaching and learning were students’ lack

of vocabularies, mistake in transforming the direct into indirect speech

and their ability in using verb both regular and irregular. This could

identify that there was students’ enthusiastic in “grammar”. In

teaching learning process had not succeed yet in spite of had started

appear. It could be proven that there were many students not discipline

by making dialogue and joke. Even, initiative to repeat the answer till

got the right one should wait her command. Hence, she tried to modify

in order students more understand in using passive indirect speech of

yes-no question and in order 80% of students in the class could pass

the minimum mastery criterion.


Here, the writer still had difficulties in contextual teaching and

learning in the class, she had idea to walk around the class to check

students’ activities to avoid they made any noise and cheated each

other in doing tasks. Next, some students said that the writer’s

explanation was too fast till made them confuse and asked her to repeat

the explanation more slowly and clearly.

So, there must be more efforts to develop students’ understanding

indirect speech of yes-no question through contextual teaching and

learning. It needed to be improved again in the next cycle. This effort

was done in the next lesson plan of cycle 2.

In this phase, the writer and the collaborator talked about the result

of the action. Based on the analysis of the students’ grammar that

showed 38.7% of the students who got the score above the Minimum

Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM), The students

have not achieved the criteria of success that 75% of students must

achieve the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM). Therefore, it needed to be revised before the implementation

of the next cycle so that it could achieve the criteria of success of this

study. Meanwhile, field notes showed that the teaching learning

activities has done well although there were some problems that should

be solved. Although the second criterion has achieved, but it still need

to accomplish the next cycle to improve students’ score.

e. Revision of the First Cycle

Based on the result of reflection stage, the writer and the

collaborator concluded some revision of the first cycle. First, the

students had to bring dictionary at least one dictionary in one group in

order to help them to find out the difficult word. Next, the students

were free to choose their group in order to make them comfortable

with their friend. In addition, the students were given more time to do

their exercises. And the last, the teacher should give more explanation


about the material and give clearly instruction in order to make the

students understand about the activity that they have to do. All of the

revision in the first cycle would implement in the second cycle.

3. Findings of the Second Cycle

a. Planning

In this phase, the writer and the collaborator made some planning

for the action based on the revision of the first cycle. The planning of

the action was served into lesson plan. There were not significant

differences with the previous lesson plan. The material still related to

narrative paragraph but it is focus fable. The media used was still same

with the previous media but the picture used in this cycle was funny

picture and also prepared dictionary. Beside of that, the writer still also

prepared the observation checklist, field notes to note the classroom

activities, camera, and the writer also prepared the posttest 2 to collect

the data.

b. Acting

The action of the second cycle was done on April 9th, 12th, and 16th

2011. The action was done based on the lesson plan. In the first

meeting, The writer introduce a new topic about narrative text,

introduce a new design of contextual teaching and learning and asked

the students to make their own story of narrative text facilitated by the

dictionary based on the picture given and collected it. In the second

meeting, the students were asked to find direct speech on the text and

asked them to transform into indirect speech. In the third meeting, the

students were asked to answer the question of indirect speech of yes-

no question. The final draft was the data for the posttest 2.


c. Observing

The observer conducted the observation to the class through

observation checklist and field notes. In the second cycle, 94.4% of

the students participated in class derived from observation checklist’

result. The field notes showed that the class condition had a good

atmosphere in teaching learning process. The students looked

enthusiast in doing the class activities. Some problems also appear in

teaching learning process such as the class condition was still noisy

and so on. Although still seem some problems in class condition that

observed through field notes, but most of the students have done the

class activities well. In the last meeting of the second cycle, the teacher

was held on posttest 2 that is taken from the students’ final draft. The

mean score of the students was 65.6 in which there were 28 students

who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM) 60 (seventy). The following were the detail

description about the result of instruments used in the second cycle:

� The Result of Students’ Participation in Grammar Activities

The result of students’ participation in grammar activities was

90.5%. So, it has met the second criterion of success. It is derived

from adding the percentage of the students’ participation in all

meetings (Meeting 1 + Meeting 2 + Meeting 3) divided by 3. In the

first meeting, there were 83.3% students who participated actively

in teaching learning activities. There were 90.1% students involved

enthusiastically in Learning Grammar and doing their exercise in

the second meeting, while in the third meeting, there were 96.1%

students who participated actively in editing and completing their

final exercise. (see appendix 9a)

� The Result of Field notes

The result of field notes showed the good points of the students.

In the first meeting showed that: first, more students pay attention

on a new text, some students participate in making narrative on the


white board, more students look enthusiast when reading the text

and making group and the students bring dictionary in each group.

In the second meeting, the field notes showed that: first, the

students wrote and revise their exercise in their group

cooperatively and enthusiastically. The Students did peer

correction to check their friend writing. In the third meeting, all of

students do the exercise of indirect speech of yes-no question. In

the other hand, there were things to consider such as: the class was

still noisy and some students still asked about indirect speech in the

first meeting. In the second meeting, some students still had

difficult to understand the instructions given. In the third meeting,

some students had difficulty to find the mistake of their friend

writing. (see appendix 9b)

� The Result of Students’ Grammar

The calculation of the mean of students’ score in writing posttest

2 gained 65.6. It was derived from:







Then, The calculation of class percentage about the students

who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM):






Finally, the calculation of the improvement percentage is gained

from the following formula:


P = %1002 ×−



P = %1003.55×

P = %32.19

Based on the result of the students’ grammar exercise, there was

better improvement of students’ mean score in the preliminary

study to the students’ writing in the second cycle. The mean score

for the first one was 55.3 and the mean score of writing posttest 2

in the second cycle was 65.6. It means that there was 10.3 points or

19.32% of mean score improvement. The students who passed the

Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM)

were 28 students or 90.32% if it calculated into class percentage. It

indicated that the first criterion of success has been achieved. The

following was the table of students’ score. (see appendix 7a)

Table 4.2

The Students’ Score of Pretest, Posttest 1, Posttest 2

No Students' Number Pre-Test Post-Test 1 Post-Test 2 1 S1 40 65* 65* 2 S2 60* 75* 80* 3 S3 60* 60* 75* 4 S4 60* 65* 70* 5 S5 50 65* 75* 6 S6 50 60* 70* 7 S7 60* 60* 70* 8 S8 60* 60* 60* 9 S9 50 65* 70* 10 S10 65* 60* 70* 11 S11 50 60* 60* 12 S12 60* 65* 65* 13 S13 60* 60* 60* 14 S14 60* 50 50* 15 S15 40 65* 65* 16 S16 50 65* 65*


17 S17 60* 60* 60* 18 S18 60* 70* 70* 19 S19 70* 70* 60* 20 S20 60* 60* 70* 21 S21 60* 60* 65* 22 S22 60* 60* 65* 23 S23 60* 60* 70* 24 S24 50 50 50 25 S25 60* 60* 60* 26 S26 30 50 50 27 S27 50 65* 65* 28 S28 50 50 65* 29 S29 50 50 60* 30 S30 50 60* 65* 31 S31 70* 90* 90*



61.8 65.6

*: The student who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal KKM (60)

It could be seen from the table above that the number of students who passed

the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) also

increases from preliminary study and each cycle. There were only three students

or 9.67% of the students who got the score above the Minimum Mastery

Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) in the preliminary study; There

were only tweleve students or 38.7% of the students who got the score above the

Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) in the first

cycle; and in the second cycle, The students who passed the Minimum Mastery

Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) were 28 students or 90.32%. It

proved that the target of the first criterion of success in which minimum 75% of

the students passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM) could be achieved.


d. Reflecting

After getting the result of observation checklist, field notes and posttest 2, the

writer and the collaborator carried out the reflection. They felt satisfaction with

the result of the action. The result of the posttest 2 showed that 90.47% of the

students got the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM). So it has met the first criterion of success that 75% of the

students must get the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Also, the students’ participation in the second cycle

achieved 92.3%. It meant that the second criterion of success has achieved.

Because of the satisfied result, so the writer and the collaborator decided to stop

the action.

Table 4.3

A brief scenario of the result of classroom action research

Planning in the first cycle

1. Designing lesson plan for the first cycle.

2. Preparing the model of contextual teaching and learning.

3. Preparing materials and media.

4. Determining the criteria of success.

5. Preparing the

instruments for research.

1. (The lesson plan can be seen in appendix 11a)

2. The materials took from English text books and media used were laptop, several pictures, colored marker and paper.

3. 75% Students gain score > 70 and 75% Students get involved in grammar class

4. Posttest 1, observation checklist, field notes

Acting 1. Conducting the lesson plan

1. Implement contextual teaching and learning

observing 1. Observation 1. 83.3% of the



2. Field notes

3. Posttest 1

students were involved in writing class activity

2. The teaching learning has done well although the class still had some problems

3. The mean score of the class derived 55.3

Reflecting 1. Result of Posttest 1

2. Result of Observation checklist and Field notes

1. The students have not achieved first the criterion.

2. The students have achieved the second criterion.

Revision 1. The students had to

bring dictionary. 2. The students were

free to choose their group

3. The teacher should give more explanation about the material

Planning in the second cycle

1. Designing lesson plan for the second cycle.

2. Preparing the model of contextual teaching and learning.

3. Preparing materials and media.

4. Preparing the instruments for

1. (The lesson plan can be seen in appendix 11b)

2. The materials took from English text books and media used were laptop, several pictures, colored marker and paper and dictionary.

3. Posttest 2, observation checklist, field notes



Acting 1. Conducting the lesson plan

1. Implement contextual teaching and learning

observing 1. Observation checklist

2. Field notes

3. Posttest 1

1. 89.5% of the students were involved in grammar class activity

2. The teaching learning has done well.

3. The mean score of the class derived 61.8

Reflecting 1. Result of Posttest 2

2. Result of Observation checklist and Field notes

1. The students have achieved first the criterion.

2. The students have achieved the second criterion.

4. Findings After Implementing the Action

After conducting classroom action research, the writer carried out the

interview to the English teacher who acted as collaborator and observer to

know her response about implementation the action and gave

questionnaire to the students to know their response about the

implementation of Mind Mapping in teaching writing.

a. The Result of Post Interview

Unstructured interview was conducted on Saturday, April 16th 2011

after accomplishing cycle 2. It started at 03.15 P.M and finished at 04.00

P.M. In this case, the writer divided into three criteria of questions. First

criterion talked about the general condition in grammar class during

implementing the action. It was found that the students’ condition were

better than before. In this sense, they looked enthusiast in learning

grammar and of course. The students’ participation was good because the


activity in the classroom involved the students. (see items number 1, 2,

and 3 of interview)

Second criterion was about the barrier and its solution in implementing

contextual teaching and learning during implementing the action. It was

observed that most of the students difficult in transforming direct into

indirect speech. So, it was suggested for the students to bring dictionary.

(see item number 4 and 5 of interview)

The last criterion is about the opinion of contextual teaching and

learning strategy. It was said that contextual teaching and learning was a

good strategy in teaching English. It could be an effective way to help the

students’ grammar. Beside it might be able to improve the students’

grammar; it could be an alternative strategy and could motivate the

English teacher to use it. (see item number 6,7,8,9,10 and See appendix 2b

from the detail result of interview)

From the explanation above, it could be drawn the general conclusion

from the post interview that the teacher gave a positive response toward

the implementation of contextual teaching and learning in teaching-

learning grammar. In addition, contextual teaching and learning gave a

good impact for improvement of the students’ ability in learning grammar.

b. The Result of Post-Questionnaire

The post-questionnaire was conducted to know about the students’

response after learning grammar through contextual teaching and learning.

The questionnaire used in this study was open questionnaire. The

questionnaire was given to the students in the second year of MTs Nurul

Falah 2 class on Saturday, April 16th 2011. This questionnaire has five

questions. The following was the description of the result of post



1. The feeling toward teaching learning grammar through contextual

teaching and learning

The result of the first question showed that 61.3% 0f the students like

using contextual teaching and learning, 38.7% of the students just so-so

like to learn grammar through contextual teaching and learning. The result

indicated that most of students like to learn grammar through contextual

teaching and learning. The students’ reasons were contextual teaching and

learning was an interesting activity and it could develop their creativity.

2. Contextual Teaching and Learning help the students to be more

understand in learning grammar in English

The second question showed that 64.5% of the students agree that

contextual teaching and learning could help them more understand in

learning grammar because it needed to explore their experience in learning


3. The feeling toward learning grammar in English.

The result showed that 16.1% of the students like grammar very

much, 64,5 of the students like toward grammar in English, 9.7% of the

students didn’t like learning grammar and 9.7% of the students did not like

it very much. This meant that the students feeling toward learning

grammar was better.

4. The students’ responses about teaching grammar through Contextual

Teaching and Learning.

The result was 58.1% of the students assumed that grammar through

Contextual Teaching and Learning were easy and 3.2% of the students

were so easy, and 35,5 % of students were not to difficult in learning

grammar and 3.2% of student felt grammar was still difficult to learn. So it

indicated that contextual Teaching and Learning was easy and interesting

to be applied in teaching learning process.


5. Teacher’s style during teaching grammar through Contextual

Teaching and Learning

The result showed that 60.7% of the students were interested in the

teacher style during the action, 16.7% of the students were very interested,

20.0% felt fair about the teacher’s style. It indicated that the teacher had

done the action well.

The conclusion in term of students’ response toward Contextual Teaching

and Learning was positive based on the result of post-questionnaire. The detail

result of post-questionnaire can be seen in appendix 8b.

B. The Interpretation of the Data

In action research, we should not rely on any single data but we have to

look the various data sources to sustain the result of research. Data sources

used in this study was triangulation. It was used to know and to check whether

the result of each instrument was in line with the result of other instrument. So

it could produce the validity of the data and it could be clearly seen the

accordance of the research findings.

1. Data of Observation

Based on the result of the students’ participation in grammar class

through observation checklist, it was indicated that the students’

participation gradually increase from the first cycle into the second cycle.

In the first cycle, the students’ participation was 83.3%. Meanwhile, the

students’ participation in the second cycle was 90.4%. It meant that the

improvement percentage was 7.1% (90.4% - 83.3%). Hence, it has met the

second criterion of success. The students’ participation improvement in

grammar class can be seen in the following figure:


Figure 4.1: the Students’ Participation in Grammar Class

The improvement of students participation meant that the

implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning and a series of

activities in grammar class has successfully improve the students

participation in writing class. It was because the Contextual teaching and

Learning activities could make the students interest in doing it. Also, the

process approach used in grammar class has influenced the students’

participation because it forced all the students to involve into the activities.

(see appendices 8a and 8b)

2. Data of field notes

The data gained from field notes revealed that the teaching learning

process when implementing the contextual teaching and Learning has done

well. Although there were some problem occurred in the process of the

action such as some students still made noisy in the class, some students

had difficulty in transforming the tense, and also some students had

difficulty in following the instruction but those problems did not disturb

the action. The students still enjoyed the activities and the activities have

well done. It showed that the implementing of Contextual Teaching and

Learning has given positive impact in teaching learning process. (see

appendix 9a and 9b)


3. Data of Questionnaire

The data from the pre questionnaire revealed that grammar was one

of the English sub skill that difficult to master. The students had difficulty

in term of transforming the tense, changing the verb and choosing the

words. Those problems made the students did not interest in learning

grammar of indirect speech. However, after using contextual Teaching and

Learning in teaching grammar, the students gave positive responses toward

that action. The students assumed that Contextual Teaching and Learning

could throw away boredom and it could facilitate in learning grammar, and

also it was interesting activities because it served student experience,

knowledge, and built the students’ creativity. Hence, Contextual Teaching

and Learning could make the classroom atmosphere more interesting and

make students easier in Learning Grammar. (see appendix 3b and 4b)

4. Data of Interview

The data gained from the pre interview with the English teacher

indicated that the students’ ability in learning grammar was poor because

the students had some difficulty in grammar, and the students’

participation in learning grammar was not too active. Consequently, it

needed to do the innovation in teaching learning process. The writer

suggested implementing contextual teaching and learning strategy in

learning grammar. After conducting the action, the English teacher gave

positive responses toward the action. The English teacher felt satisfied

with the improvement made by the students focus on grammar

understanding and their participation. Hence, the English teacher would

use contextual Teaching and Learning as an alternative strategy in teaching

grammar. (see appendices 1b and 2b)

5. Data of Test


Based on the result of students’ grammar score, it was found out

that the students’ learning grammar was gradually improving. It meant that

there was a positive impact of Contextual Teaching and Learning strategy

toward the increase of students’ ability in learning grammar. In other

words, the use of Contextual Teaching and Learning could increasingly

help and make them participate to learn for better in learning grammar.

Thus, most of them gradually gained good scores at the end of each cycle.

The students’ mean score in preliminary study was 55.3; in the first cycle

the mean score was 61.8; and the mean score in the second cycle was 65.6.

There was 6.5 points or 11.66% of mean score improvement from

students’ score in preliminary study up to the first cycle, and there was

10.3 points or 18.66% of mean score improvement from the students’

score in the preliminary study up to the second cycle. (see appendices 5b,

6a, 7a) The students’ improvement in the learning grammar from the

preliminary study to the second cycle was recapped in Figure below:

Figure 4.2: the Students’ Achievement in Grammar Exercise

All of the result of instruments after accomplishing the classroom

action research revealed the good results from implementing Contextual


Teaching and Learning Strategy in teaching Indirect speech of Yes-No

Question. The result of observation checklist indicated that the action

could improve the students’ participation because it served interesting

activities. It meant that the students could accept the activities and most of

the teaching learning activities have done successfully. The result of

observation checklist sustained by the result of field notes that the teaching

learning process of the action has done well and showed the positive

atmosphere in the classroom. It meant that the action has given a good

impact of the teaching learning process. In addition, the result of

questionnaire indicated that the student like to study grammar trough

Contextual Teaching and Learning. It was because Contextual Teaching

and Learning was an interesting strategy. It could facilitate them in

Learning Grammar and help them become more creative. Furthermore, the

interview implied that Contextual Teaching and Learning was a good

strategy in improving students’ grammar and it could be an alternative

strategy in teaching grammar. The interpretation above described how

Contextual teaching and Learning improves the students’ learning

grammar. The data from the test supported the other data. It indicated that

there was the improvement of the students’ score. It meant that Contextual

Teaching and Learning could improve students’ ability in learning

grammar especially indirect speech of yes-no question.




A. Conclusion

Related to the research conducted at the 8th grade students of MTs Nurul

Falah, the writer concludes that the implementation of Contextual Teaching

and Learning in the teaching of Indirect speech of yes-no question can

improved the second year students’ ability in Learning of Indirect speech of

yes-no at MTs Nurul Falah in academic year 2011/2012. It can be seen from

the result of data gained from the quantitative study: tes result (pretest and

posttest) and questionnaire result, and qualitative study: observation and

interview result.

The improvement could be seen from the increase of students’ mean

grammar score from 55.3 in the preliminary study, and 61.8 in the first cycle,

to 65.6 in the second cycle. Besides, it showed that there were 83.3% students

participated actively in the first cycle and 90.5% students participated

enthusiastically in the second cycle. It was supported by the result of field

notes that the class condition during teaching learning process was also quite

good and creates the positive atmosphere in the classroom. Finally, the

teacher’s response about the implementation of contextual teaching and

learning was positive and it would be alternative strategy in teaching

grammar. Therefore, Contextual Teaching and Learning could improve the

students’ learning grammar of indirect speech of yes-no question.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion that has been mentioned above, there are some

suggestions to offer to the English teachers and the other researchers based on

the research findings and discussion.

It is suggested that the English teachers implement the Contextual

Teaching and learning strategy as an alternative strategy in English

instruction, the teacher should be selective in choosing the material in


grammar aspect of tense and she/he should be also creative in connecting that

material to the students real life because material is one of the external factors

which can motivate students to learn joyfully

To the further researcher, particularly those who have the same problem

and interested in conducting research, it is suggested that this study can be a




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Appendix 1a: Interview for the English teacher in the Preliminary Study

(Before Classroom Action Research)



1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas?

2. Aktivitas apa yang dilaksanakan dalam proses pengajaran Bahasa Inggris?

3. Media apa yang anda gunakan dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris?

4. Sub Skill apa yang anda anggap paling sulit dalam pengajaran bahasa


5. Apa kendala dalam pengajaran Grammar?

6. Bagaimana partisipasi siswa ketika pengajaran Grammar berlangsung?

7. Strategi apa yang anda gunakan dalam pengajaran grammar?

8. Apakah anda pernah mendengar strategi pembelajaran Mind Mapping?

9. Apakah strategi pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning efektif

diterapkan pada pengajaran grammar?

10. Menurut anda, apakah strategi pengajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning

dapat meningkatkan kemampuan Grammar dalam bahasa Inggris pada siswa?


Appendix 1b: The result of interview in the preliminary study (Before CAR)


Kepada Guru Bahasa Inggris (MTs Nurul Falah Tangerang)

Pewawancara : Siti Latifah Pihak yang diwawancarai : Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd Jabatan : Guru Bahasa Inggris Hari/ Tanggal : Jumat, 18 Maret 2011 Waktu : 14.15 - 15.00 Tempat : Ruang Guru

1. Tanya : Bagaimana proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas?

Jawab : Proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas meliputi beberapa langkah. Langkah pertama diawali dengan kegiatan appersepsi yang bertujuan untuk mengingatkan siswa dengan materi yang lalu dan mengenalkan materi yang akan disampaikan. Kemudian pre-test untuk mengetahui sebera besar pemahaman siswa terhadap materi baru yang akan disampaikan. Langkah selanjutnya yaitu kegiatan inti. Yaitu pemberian materi pembelajaran dan activitas terkait materi. Langkah terakhir yaitu memberikan evaluasi guna untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa terhadap materi yang diberikan.

2. Tanya : Aktivitas apa yang dilaksanakan dalam proses pengajaran


Jawab : Aktifitas yang dilakukan dikelas selain mengerjakan tugas secara individu, juga menggunakan grouping. Contoh aktifitas yang biasa dilakukan yaitu siswa mengerjakan soal dalam bentuk Pilihan Ganda atau Fill in the blank dan menyusun Kata menjadi kalimat yang benar

3. Tanya : Media apa yang anda gunakan dalam pengajaran Grammar?

Jawab : Media yang digunakan yaitu berupa text yang sedang dipelajari dan suara guru tersebut.

4. Tanya : Subskill apa yang anda anggap paling sulit dalam pengajaran

bahasa inggris?

Jawab : Skill yang paling sulit dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris yaitu speaking karena dalam pembelajaran speaking anak- anak sulit untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris dikarenakan kurangnya rasa percaya diri dan malu jika mengucapkan kalimat yang salah. Selain itu juga anak sering sekali mendapatkan kesulitan dalam memahami grammar


yang menjadikan siswa tambah kurang percaya diri dalam berbicara bahasa inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

5. Tanya : Apa kendala dalam pengajaran Grammar?

Jawab : Kendala dalam pengajaran grammar yaitu siswa cepat bosan. Selain itu siwa juga kesulitan dalam mengubah dari bentuk grammar yang satu ke bentuk grammar yang lain.

6. Tanya : Bagaimana partisipasi siswa ketika pengajaran grammar


Jawab : Umumnya partisipasi siswa cukup aktif jika siswa dihadapkan pada kegiatan yang melibatkan mereka. Maka dari itu guru seharusnya mempunyai aktifitas yang melibatkan semua siswa contohnya penggunaan metode Contextual teaching and Learning.

7. Tanya : Strategy apa yang anda gunakan dalam pengajaran grammar?

Jawab : Strategy yang digunakan dalam pengajaran grammar yaitu berkenaan dengan Kegiatan pembelajaran diantaranya melengkapi kata dalam kalimat (fill in the blank), menyusun kata menjadi kalimat yang benar, mengerjakan soal dalam bentuk pilihan ganda

8. Tanya : Apakah anda pernah mendengar strategi pengajaran Contextual

Teaching and Learning?

Jawab : Ya, Contextual teaching and Learning ini sudah cukup banyak digunakan dalam pembelajaran.

9. Tanya : Apakah strategi pengajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning

efektif diterapkan pada pengajaran skill writing?

Jawab : Contextual teaching and leraning dapat mempermudah pengajaran, jadi kemungkinan efektif.

10. Tanya : Menurut anda, apakah strategi pengajaran Contextual teaching

and learning dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa

dalam bahasa Inggris?

Jawab : Mungkin akan meningkatkan kemampuan anak karena dapat mempermudah dalam pengajaran grammar.

Tangerang, 18 April 2011 Interviewer Interviewee Siti Latifah Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd


Appendix 2a: Interview for the English Teacher after Classroom Action Research




1. Bagaimana kondisi siswa ibu dalam pembelajaran Grammar setelah menggunakan metode Contextual Teaching and Learning?

2. Bagaimana kemampuan pemahaman Grammar siswa ibu setelah menerapkan metode Contextual Teaching and Learning?

3. Bagaimana partisipasi siswa ketika pembelajaran Grammar menggunakan

metode Contextual Teaching and Learning berlangsung?

4. Kendala apa yang terlihat ketika belajar Grammar menggunakan metode

Contextual Teaching and Learning?

5. Menurut anda, bagaimana cara mengatasi kendala itu?

6. Apa pendapat anda, setelah melihat pembelajaran Grammar menggunakan metode Contextual Teaching and Learning?

7. Apakah Ibu merasa termotivasi setelah melihat penggunaan metode Contextual Teaching and Learning dalam pembelajaran di kelas?

8. Menurut pendapat anda, bagaimana activitas yang dilaksanakan dalam

proses pembelajaran Grammar dengan menggunakan metode Contextual

Teaching and Learning?

9. Setelah mengobservasi pembelajaran Grammar dengan menggunakan

metode Contextual Teaching and Learning, apakah metode Contextual

Teaching and Learning efektif diterapkan pada pembelajaran Grammar?

10. Setelah menjadi observer, Menurut anda, apakah strategi pengajaran

metode Contextual Teaching and Learning dapat meningkatkan

kemampuan Grammar siswa dalam bahasa Inggris?


Appendix 2b: The result of interview in the last of classroom action research


Kepada Guru Bahasa Inggris (MTs Nurul Falah Tangerang)

Pewawancara : Nia Mariana Syahrani

Pihak yang diwawancarai : Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd

Jabatan : Guru Bahasa Inggris

Hari/ Tanggal : Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Waktu : 16.00 – 17.00

Tempat : Ruang Guru

1. Tanya : Ketika ibu menjadi observer, bagaimana kondisi siswa dalam

pembelajaran grammar setelah menggunakan Metode Contextual

Teaching and Learning?

Jawab : Saya mengamati siswa terlihat termotivasi dalam pembelajaran

grammar, mereka jadi merasa tertarik dan merasa perlu untuk belajar

grammar agar dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar.

2. Tanya : Bagaimana kemampuan pemahaman Grammar siswa setelah

menerapkan Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning?

Jawab : Saya sangat senang melihat perkembangan kemampuan siswa

dalam grammar, apalagi setelah kita sama-sama melihat hasil dari nilai

mereka yang menunjukkan perbaikan.

3. Tanya : Bagaimana partisipasi siswa ketika pembelajaran Grammar

menggunakan Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning


Jawab : partisipasi siswa cukup baik dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas.

Walaupun pada awalnya siswa terlihat pasif namun dalam dengan adanya

kegiatan yang melibatkan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran dan siswa


dituntut untuk melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut, sehingga siswa lama

kelamaan berpartisipasi. Jadi partisipasi siswa cukup baik dan terkontrol.

4. Tanya : Kendala apa yang terlihat ketika belajar Grammar

menggunakan Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning?

Jawab : Kendala yang terlihat yaitu ketika siswa harus mengingat kembali

tenses yang telah mereka pelajari sebelumnya dan harus menghapalkan

kata kerja yang berbeda-beda ketika menggunakan tenses yang berbeda

juga, dan kebanyakan mereka kekurangan vocabulary sehingga mereka

kesulitan dalam menemukan kosakata yang mereka maksud.

5. Tanya : Menurut anda, bagaimana cara mengatasi kendala itu?

Jawab : Seperti yang telah kita diskusikan pada pase refleksi bahwa

penambahan kamus atau ketentuan wajib membawa kamus minimal 1

kamus dalam satu kelompok itu merupakan cara yang tepatbaik dalam

mengatasi kendala tersebut.

6. Tanya : Apa pendapat anda, setelah melihat pembelajaran Grammar

menggunakan Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning?

Jawab : ya, bagus. Pembelajaran Grammar menggunakan Metode

Contextual Teaching and Learning ini merupakan suatu penyegaran dalam

pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris khususnya grammar

7. Tanya : Apakah Ibu merasa termotivasi setelah melihat penggunaan

Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning dalam pembelajaran di


Jawab : ya, Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning ini bisa menjadi

alternative dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggrris. Metode ini dapat

memperkaya strategi pembelajaran yang akan saya gunakan di waktu yang

akan datang.


8. Tanya : Menurut pendapat anda, bagaimana aktivitas yang

dilaksanakan dalam proses pembelajaran grammar dengan

menggunakan Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning?

Jawab : aktifitasnya sangat menarik dan kreatif, karena di dalam kegiatan

pembelajarannya dibentuk beberapa kelompok yang mengkondisikan

siswa untuk bekerjasama secara kooperatif. Selain itu aktifitas yang lain

yaitu peer correction yang dapat melatih kejujuran siswa dalam

memeriksa hasil teman mereka.

9. Tanya : Setelah mengobservasi pembelajaran Grammar dengan

menggunakan Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning apakah

strategi pembelajaran Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning

efektif diterapkan pada pembelajaran grammar?

Jawab : ya, saya rasa Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning ini

cukup efektif dan juga dapat meningkatkan kreatifitas siswa karena dalam

mempelajari grammar.

10. Tanya : Setelah menjadi observer, Menurut anda, apakah Metode

Contextual Teaching and Learning dapat meningkatkan kemampuan

menulis siswa dalam bahasa Inggris?

Jawab : ya, saya metode ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan grammar

siswa karena dapat mempermudah siswa pemahaman siswa dalam belajar

grammar dalam bahasa inggris dan itu juga dapat terlihat dalam nilai siswa

yang menunjukan perbaikan dari setiap siklus.

Tangerang, 16 April 2011

Interviewer Interviewee

Siti Latifah Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd


Appendix 3a Questionnaire for Students in the Preliminary Study



1. Pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut ini berkaitan dengan pengajaran menulis pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Mohon diisi dengan sebenar – benarnya.

2. Jawaban anda sama sekali tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai. 1. Apakah Anda suka pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

a. sangat suka b. suka c. biasa saja d. tidak suka e. sangat tidak suka

Alasan: __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

2. Apakah kamu dengan mudah memahami materi grammar dalam bahasa Inggris selama ini? a. sangat mudah c. mudah e. sangat sulit

b. cukup mudah d. sulit

Alasan: __________________________________________________________


3. Apakah Anda senang terhadap pelajaran grammar dalam bahasa Inggris? a. sangat senang b.senang e. sangat tidak senang.

c.biasa saja d. tidak senang

Alasan: ___________________________________________________________

4. Bagaimanakah menurut Anda grammar dalam bahasa Inggris?

a. Sangat mudah b. Mudah c. Biasa saja d. Sulit e. Sangat sulit.

Alasan: ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

5. Bagaimana cara guru anda mengajar pada pelajaran grammar dalam bahasa Inggris? a. sangat menyenangkan c. biasa saja e. sangat tidak menarik

b. menyenangkan d. tidak menyenangkan Alasan: _______________________________________________________


Appendix 3b: The Result of Questionnaire in the Preliminary Study



No Questions Score Percentage

a b c d e a b c d e


Apakah Anda sukapelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

3 14 9 1 0 9.7 54.8 32.3 3.7 0


Apakah kamu dengan mudah memahami materi grammar dalam bahasa Inggris selama ini?

0 14 9 3 0 0 54.8 9.7 32.3 0


Apakah Anda senang terhadap pelajaran grammar dalam bahasa Inggris

1 14 9 3 0 3.2 54.8 32.3 9.7 0


Bagaimanakah menurut Anda grammar dalam bahasa Inggris

0 12 11 7 0 0 41.9 33.5 22.6 0


Bagaimana cara guru anda mengajar pada pelajaran grammar dalam bahasa Inggris?

3 15 13 0 0 9.7 48.8 41.9 0 0


Appendix 4a: Questionnaire for Students after Classroom Action




Pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut ini berkaitan dengan pengajaran menulis pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Mohon diisi dengan sebenar – benarnya. Jawaban anda sama sekali tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai.

1. Bagaimanakah perasaan Anda terhadap pembelajaran grammar dengan

menggunakan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)? a. sangat suka b. suka c. biasa saja d. tidak suka e. sangat tidak suka Alasan: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

2. Apakah belajar dengan menggunakan CTL membantu Anda lebih memahami grammar dalam bahasa Inggris? a. sangat membantu b. membantu c. kurang membantu d. tidak membantu e. sangat tidak membantu Alasan: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

3. Apakah sekarang Anda senang terhadap pelajaran grammar dalam bahasa Inggris? a. sangat senang b.senang c.biasa saja

d. tidak senang e. sangat tidak senang.

Alasan: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

4. Bagaimanakah menurut Anda belajar grammar dengan menggunakan CTL? a. Sangat mudah b. Mudah c. Biasa saja d. Sulit e. Sangat sulit. Alasan: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

5. Bagaimana cara guru anda mengajar pada pelajaran grammar dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan CTL? a. sangat menyenangkan b. Menyenangkan c. biasa saja d. tidak menyenangkan e. sangat tidak menyenangkan Alasan: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Appendix 4b: The Result of Questionnaire after Classroom Action Research.



No Questions Score Percentage

a b c d e a b c d e


Bagaimanakah perasaan Anda terhadap pembelajaran grammar dengan menggunakan Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)?

0 16 11 0 0 0 61.3 38.7 0 0


Apakah belajar dengan menggunakan CTL membantu Anda lebih memahami grammar dalam bahasa Inggris?

5 20 3 3 0 16.1 64.5 9.7 0 0


Apakah sekarang Anda senang terhadap pelajaran grammar dalam bahasa Inggris?

1 18 12 1 0 3.2 58.1 35.5 3.2 0


Bagaimanakah menurut Anda belajar grammar dengan menggunakan CTL?

0 8 15 7 0 0 25.8 48.4 22.6 0


Bagaimana cara guru anda mengajar pada pelajaran grammar dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan CTL?

5 19 6 1 0 16.7 60.7 20.0 3.3 0


Appendix 5a : Students’ Grammar Score in Preliminary Study



No Students' Number Score

1 S1 40

2 S2 60

3 S3 60

4 S4 60

5 S5 50

6 S6 50

7 S7 60

8 S8 60

9 S9 50

10 S10 65

11 S11 50

12 S12 60

13 S13 60

14 S14 60

15 S15 40

16 S16 50

17 S17 60

18 S18 60

19 S19 70

20 S20 60

21 S21 60

22 S22 60

23 S23 60

24 S24 50

25 S25 60

26 S26 30

27 S27 50

28 S28 50

29 S29 50

30 S30 50

31 S31 70

Total 1,715.0

Mean 55.323

Maximum Score 70

Minimum Score 30


Appendix 6a: Students’ Grammar Score in the Cycle 1



No Students' Number Score

1 S1 65

2 S2 75

3 S3 60

4 S4 65

5 S5 65

6 S6 60

7 S7 60

8 S8 60

9 S9 65

10 S10 60

11 S11 60

12 S12 65

13 S13 60

14 S14 50

15 S15 65

16 S16 65

17 S17 60

18 S18 70

19 S19 70

20 S20 60

21 S21 60

22 S22 60

23 S23 60

24 S24 50

25 S25 60

26 S26 50

27 S27 65

28 S28 50

29 S29 50

30 S30 60

31 S31 90

Total 1,915.0

Mean 61.774

Maximum Score 90

Minimum Score 50


No Level Number of students percentage

1 70 ≥ 100 12 38.710

2 60 ≤ 0 19 61.290

Total 31 100


Appendix 7a: The students’ grammar score in the cycle 2



No Students' Number Score

1 S1 65

2 S2 80

3 S3 75

4 S4 70

5 S5 75

6 S6 70

7 S7 70

8 S8 60

9 S9 70

10 S10 70

11 S11 60

12 S12 65

13 S13 60

14 S14 50

15 S15 65

16 S16 65

17 S17 60

18 S18 70

19 S19 60

20 S20 70

21 S21 65

22 S22 65

23 S23 70

24 S24 50

25 S25 60

26 S26 50

27 S27 65

28 S28 65

29 S29 60

30 S30 65

31 S31 90

Total 2035

Mean 65.6

Maximum Score 90.0

Minimum Score 50.0


No Level Number of students percentage

1 70 ≥ 100 21 67.742

2 60 ≤ 0 10 32.258

Total 31 100


Appendix 8a: Observation Checklist for Students’ Participation in the First


Teaching and Learning Activities Monitored for Observation Checklist

Cycle/Meeting : 1 / 1 (One) Day/Date : Saturday / March 19th , 2011

Time : 14.15 – 15.25 Theme/ subtheme :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Pre activities

1. Explain the instructional objectives. 2. Brainstorming by giving questions

Pre activities

1. Listen to teacher’s explanation. 2. Answering the questions

Whilst activities

1. Explain about Indirect Speech

2. Reading the text based on the Thema

3. Write the direct speech on the text

4. Explain the vocabulary related to the topic

5. Give the example of direct speech on the text

6. Ask the students to make a group of 5 or 6 .

7. Ask the students to change the direct speech into indirect speeech

8. Ask the students to collect the the direct speech into indirect speeech

Whilst activities

1. Listen to the teacher’s explanation

2. Listening to the teacher

3. Write the direct Speech on the papaer

4. Pay attention and give the meaning of vocabulary

5. Give the example of direct speech on the text

6. Make a group of 5 or 6.

7. Make the direct speech into indirect speeech

8. Collect the the direct speech into indirect speeech.

Post activities

1. Do reflection on the activities that have done in the class.

2. Remind the students that in the following meeting they will write the indirect speech of Yes-No question

Post activities

1. Do reflection on the activities that have done in the class.

2. Listen to the teacher’s explanation.



Cycle/Meeting : 1 / 1 (One) Day/Date : Saturday / March 19th , 2011

Time : 14.15 – 15.25





Phase of Activities

Pre (2) Whilst (8) Post(2) Total

Notes 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2



S10 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 10 VG 2 S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 3 S5 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 4 S4 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 5 S5 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 6 S6 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 7


S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ √ - 8 G 8 S8 √ √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ - √ 9 G 9 S9 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 10 S10 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 11 S11 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 12 S12 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 13


S13 √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 9 G 14 S14 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 15 S15 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 16 S16 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 17 S17 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 18 S18 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 19


S19 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 20 S20 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 21 S21 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 22 S22 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 23 S23 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 24 S24 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 25


S25 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 26 S26 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 27 S27 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G


28 S28 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 29 S29 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 30 S30 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 31 S31 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG

Total 31








31 31


24 249


Notes: I. VG (10 - 12) = all of the activities were done II. (16 - 21) = all of the students do

(Successful) G (7 - 9) = almost of the activities were done (11 - 15) = almost of the students do (Successful)

F (4 - 6) = some of the activities were done (6 - 10) = some of the students do (fail) P (0 - 3) = few of the activities were done (0 - 5) = few of the students do (fail)


involvedarewhoScoreofNumberTotalPercentage =


249== x Observer

Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd


Teaching and Learning Activities Monitored for Observation Checklist

Cycle/Meeting : 1 / 2 (Two) Day/Date : Monday/March 21st , 2011

Time : 14.15 – 15. 25

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Pre activities

1. Reviewing the previous lesson by asking students some questions.

2. Ask the student to sit in their group.

Pre activities

1. Answering the questions

2. Sit in their group.

Whilst activities

1. Ask the students to write the direct speech based on the text

2. Ask the students to exchange their exercise to their friend in a group.

3. Give the sheet of revising guide and explain it step by step.

4. Ask the student to give comment and suggestion of their friend’s writing.

Whilst activities

1. Write the the direct speech based on the text

2. Exchange their exercise to their friend in a group.

3. Listen and check their writing correctly.

4. Give comment and suggestion of their friend’s writing.

Post activities

1. Ask the student to collect their exercise

2. Do reflection on the activities that have done in the class.

Post activities

1. Collect their exercise

2. Listen to the teacher’s conclusion



Cycle/Meeting : 1 / 2 (Two) Day/Date : Monday /March 21st , 2011

Time : 14.15 – 15. 25





Phase of Activities

Pre (2) Whilst (8) Post(2) Total

Notes 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2



S10 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 10 VG 2 S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 3 S5 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 4 S4 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 5 S5 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 6 S6 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 7


S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ √ - 8 G 8 S8 √ √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ - √ 9 G 9 S9 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 10 S10 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 11 S11 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 12 S12 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 13


S13 √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 9 G 14 S14 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 15 S15 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 16 S16 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 17 S17 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 18 S18 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 19


S19 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 20 S20 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 21 S21 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 22 S22 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 23 S23 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 24 S24 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 25


S25 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 26 S26 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 27 S27 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G


28 S28 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 29 S29 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 30 S30 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 31 S31 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG

Total 31








31 31


24 250



I. VG (7 - 8) = all of the activities were done II. (16 - 21) = all of the students do (Successful)

G (5 - 6) = almost of the activities were done (11 - 15) = almost of the students do (Successful) F (3 - 4) = some of the activities were done (6 - 10) = some of the students do (fail) P (0 - 2) = few of the activities were done (0 - 5) = few of the students do (fail)


involvedarewhoScoreofNumberTotalPercentage =


== x Observer

Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd


Teaching and Learning Activities Monitored for Observation Checklist

Cycle/Meeting : 1 / 3 (Three) Day/Date : Saturday / March 26th , 2010

Time : 14.15 – 15.25

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Pre activities

1. Reviewing the previous lesson by asking students some questions.

2. Ask the student to sit in their group.

Pre activities

1. Answering the questions

2. Sit in their group.

Whilst activities

1. Give the instruction about the activities that are going to do.

2. Ask the students to swap their exercise that has been revised.

3. Give the sheet of editing guide question and explain it step by step.

4. Ask the student to edit their friend’s exercise.

5. Ask the students to do the the final exercise.

6. Ask students to answer their final exercise.

Whilst activities

1. Listen to the teacher’s explanation.

2. Swap their exercise that has been revised.

3. Listen and check their exercise.

4. Edit their friend’s exercise


5. Write the final exercise

6. Answer the final exercise.

Post activities

1. Ask the student to collect their exercise

2. Do reflection on the activities that have done in the class.

Post activities

1. Collect their exercise

2. Listen to the teacher’s conclusion



Cycle/Meeting : 1 / 3 (Three) Day/Date : Saturday /March 26th , 2011

Time : 14.15 – 15. 25


Group Students’


Phase of Activities Pre (2) Whilst (8) Post(2) Tot

al Notes 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2



S10 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 10 VG 2 S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 3 S5 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 4 S4 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 5 S5 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 6 S6 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 7


S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ √ - 8 G 8 S8 √ √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ - √ 9 G 9 S9 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 10 S10 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 11 S11 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 12 S12 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 13


S13 √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 9 G 14 S14 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 15 S15 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 16 S16 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 17 S17 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 18 S18 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 19


S19 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 20 S20 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 21 S21 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 22 S22 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG


23 S23 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 24 S24 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 25


S25 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 26 S26 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 27 S27 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 28 S28 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 29 S29 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 30 S30 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 31 S31 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG

Total 31 22






31 31 31


24 260


Notes: I. VG (9 - 10) = all of the activities were done II. (16 - 21) = all of the students do (Successful) G (7 - 8) = almost of the activities were done (11 - 15) = almost of the students do (Successful) F (4 - 6) = some of the activities were done (6 - 10) = some of the students do (fail) P (0 - 3) = few of the activities were done (0 - 5) = few of the students do (fail)


involvedarewhoScoreofNumberTotalPercentage =


== x

No Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Total Meeting (TM) Percentage (P)

1 81.3 82.7 86.1 250.1 83,3% P = TM/3

= 250.1/3 = 83.3 Observer

Sri Nafsiati, S, Pd


Appendix 9a:

Observation Checklist for Students’ Participation in the Second Cycle.

Teaching and Learning Activities Monitored for Observation Checklist

Cycle/Meeting : 2 / 1 (One) Day/Date : Saturday / April 9st , 2011

Time : 14. 15 – 15.25

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Pre activities

1. Explain the instructional objectives.

2. Brainstorming by giving questions

Pre activities

1. Listen to teacher’s explanation.

2. Answering the questions

Whilst activities

1. Explain about Direct and Indirect Speech

2. Showing the text of narrative text 3. Write the transformation of direct

speech into indirect speech 4. Explain the vocabulary related to

the topic 5. Give the example of indirect

speech of yes-no question 6. Ask the students to make a group

of 5 or 6. 7. Ask the students to change the

direct into indirect speech 8. Ask the students to collect their


Whilst activities

1. Listen to the teacher’s explanation

2. Read the text 3. Write the transformation of direct

speech into indirect speech 4. Pay attention and give the

meaning of vocabulary 5. Give the example of indirect

speech of yes-no question 6. Make a group of 5 or 6.

7. Make the direct into indirect

speech 8. Collect their exercise

Post activities

1. Do reflection on the activities that have done in the class.

2. Remind the students that in the following meeting they will study of ndirect speech pf yes-no question

Post activities

1. Do reflection on the activities that have done in the class.

2. Listen to the teacher’s explanation.



Cycle/Meeting : 2 / 1 (One)

Day/Date : Saturday /April 9th , 2011

Time : 14. 15 – 15.25





Phase of Activities

Pre (2) Whilst (8) Post(2) Total

Notes 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2



S10 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 10 VG 2 S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 3 S5 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 4 S4 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 5 S5 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 6 S6 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 7


S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ √ - 8 G 8 S8 √ √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ - √ 9 G 9 S9 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 10 S10 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 11 S11 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 12 S12 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 13


S13 √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 9 G 14 S14 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 15 S15 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 16 S16 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 17 S17 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 18 S18 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 19


S19 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 20 S20 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 21 S21 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 22 S22 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 23 S23 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 24 S24 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 25


S25 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 26 S26 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 27 S27 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G


28 S28 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 29 S29 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 30 S30 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 31 S31 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG

Total 31








31 31


24 254


Notes: I. VG (10 - 12) = all of the activities were done II. (16 - 21) = all of the students do

(successful) G (7 - 9) = almost of the activities were done (11 - 15) = almost of the students do

(successful) F (4 - 6) = some of the activities were done (6 - 10) = some of the students do (fail) P (0 - 3) = few of the activities were done (0 - 5) = few of the students do (fail)


involvedarewhoScoreofNumberTotalPercentage =


== x Observer

Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd


Teaching and Learning Activities Monitored for Observation Checklist

Cycle/Meeting : 2 / 2 (Two) Day/Date : Monday / April 11th , 2011

Time : 14. 15 – 15. 25

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Pre activities

3. Reviewing the previous lesson by asking students some questions.

4. Ask the student to sit in their group.

Pre activities

3. Answering the questions

4. Sit in their group.

Whilst activities

5. Ask the students to write the direct speech based on the text

6. Ask the students to exchange their exercise to their friend in a group.

7. Give the sheet of revising guide and explain it step by step.

8. Ask the student to give comment and suggestion of their friend’s writing.

Whilst activities

5. Write the the direct speech based on the text

6. Exchange their exercise to their friend in a group.

7. Listen and check their writing correctly.

8. Give comment and suggestion of their friend’s writing.

Post activities

3. Ask the student to collect their exercise

4. Do reflection on the activities that have done in the class.

Post activities

3. Collect their exercise

4. Listen to the teacher’s conclusion


OBSERVATION CHECKLIST FOR STUDENTS’ PARTICIPATION Cycle/Meeting : 2 / 2 (Two) Day/Date : Monday / April 11th , 2011

Time : 14. 15 – 15. 25





Phase of Activities

Pre (2) Whilst (8) Post(2) Total

Notes 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2



S10 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 10 VG 2 S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 3 S5 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 4 S4 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 5 S5 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 6 S6 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 7


S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ √ - 8 G 8 S8 √ √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ - √ 9 G 9 S9 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 10 S10 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 11 S11 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 12 S12 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 13


S13 √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 9 G 14 S14 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 15 S15 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 16 S16 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 17 S17 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 18 S18 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 19


S19 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 20 S20 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 21 S21 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 22 S22 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 23 S23 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 24 S24 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 25


S25 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 26 S26 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 27 S27 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 28 S28 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG


29 S29 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 30 S30 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 31 S31 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG

Total 31








31 31


24 277



I. VG (7 - 8) = all of the activities were done II. (16 - 21) = all of the students do (Successful)

G (5 - 6) = almost of the activities were done (11 - 15) = almost of the students do (Successful)

F (3 - 4) = some of the activities were done (6 - 10) = some of the students do (fail) P (0 - 2) = few of the activities were done (0 - 5) = few of the students do (fail)


involvedarewhoScoreofNumberTotalPercentage =


== x Observer

Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd


Teaching and Learning Activities Monitored for Observation Checklist

Cycle/Meeting : 2 / 3 (Three) Day/Date : Saturday / April 16th , 2011

Time : 14.15 – 15. 25

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Pre activities

1. Reviewing the previous lesson by asking students some questions.

2. Ask the student to sit in their group.

Pre activities

1. Answering the questions

2. Sit in their group.

Whilst activities

7. Give the instruction about the activities that are going to do.

8. Ask the students to swap their exercise that has been revised.

9. Give the sheet of editing guide question and explain it step by step.

10. Ask the student to edit their friend’s exercise.

11. Ask the students to do the the final exercise.

12. Ask students to answer their final exercise.

Whilst activities

7. Listen to the teacher’s explanation.

8. Swap their exercise that has been revised.

9. Listen and check their exercise.

10. Edit their friend’s exercise


11. Write the final exercise

12. Answer the final exercise.

Post activities

3. Ask the student to collect their exercise

4. Do reflection on the activities that have done in the class.

Post activities

3. Collect their exercise

4. Listen to the teacher’s conclusion



Cycle/Meeting : 2 / 3 (Three) Day/Date : Saturday /April 16th , 2011

Time : 14.15 – 15.25


Group Students’


Phase of Activities Pre (2) Whilst (8) Post(2) Tot

al Notes 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2



S10 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 10 VG 2 S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 3 S5 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 4 S4 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 5 S5 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 6 S6 √ - √ - - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 8 G 7


S7 √ - √ - √ - √ √ √ √ √ - 8 G 8 S8 √ √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ - √ 9 G 9 S9 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 10 S10 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 11 S11 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 12 S12 √ √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 13


S13 √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ - - 9 G 14 S14 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 15 S15 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 16 S16 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 17 S17 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 18 S18 √ √ √ - √ - √ √ √ √ - - 8 G 19


S19 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 20 S20 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 21 S21 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 12 VG 22 S22 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG


23 S23 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 24 S24 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 VG 25


S25 √ - √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 10 VG 26 S26 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 27 S27 √ - √ √ - - √ √ √ √ √ √ 9 G 28 S28 √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 29 S29 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 30 S30 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG 31 S31 √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √ √ - √ 10 VG

Total 31 22






31 31 31


24 293


Notes: I. VG (9 - 10) = all of the activities were done II. (16 - 21) = all of the students do (Successful) G (7 - 8) = almost of the activities were done (11 - 15) = almost of the students do (Successful) F (4 - 6) = some of the activities were done (6 - 10) = some of the students do (fail) P (0 - 3) = few of the activities were done (0 - 5) = few of the students do (fail)


involvedarewhoScoreofNumberTotalPercentage =


== x

No Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Total Meeting (TM) Percentage (P)

1 83.3 90.1 96.1 271.5 90.5% P = TM/3

= 271.5/3 = 95.6 Observer

Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd


Appendix 10a: FIELD NOTES

Cycle/Meeting : I / 1 (One) Day/Date : Saturday/ March 19th, 2011 Time : 14.15 – 15.25

I. Good points

� From the students’ side

• Some students pay attention on teacher’s explanation • Students looked so motivated to Study Indirect Speech

� From the teacher’s side • The teacher chose the good teaching in explaining Indirect Speech • Teacher gave intensive guide by answering all of the questions.

II. Things to consider � From the students’ side

• Students need to explore their vocabulary hard. Some students don’t

look to try hard to find out the vocabulary they need. • Students need to give interesting explanation to attract the students.

� From the teacher’s side

• Teacher should give the way how to get the vocabulary, because most of students have lack in vocabulary field.


Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd



Cycle/Meeting : 1 / 2 (Two) Day/Date : Monday /March 21th , 2011

Time : 14.15 – 15.25 I. Good points

� From the students’ side • Students looks so cooperated, it’s good. They discuss the work to

make indirect speech based on the text • Students wrote the exercise in their group enthusiastically. • Students revised their exercise following the guiding questions, step

by step, helped by the teacher. � From the teacher’s side

• The teacher gives a good activity and also good choice to get the goal of teaching. They are divided into some groups. It is good.

• The teacher reminded the students that they should pay attention to the content and organization.

• II. Things to consider

� From the students’ side

• Some students don’t understand what they need to do. They only know the little about the activity. So, they know later. Finally they were left.

� From the teacher’s side

• Before starting to a new activity, teacher should explain or describe clearly what the students are going to do. In this case the teacher only told a little of what students will do. So, first they did not look motivated.


Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd



Cycle/Meeting : 1 / 3 (Three) Day/Date : Saturday /March 26th , 2011

Time : 14.15 – 15.25 a. Good points

� From the students’ side

• Students are cooperative to support the teacher’s teaching goal. • Students edited their exercise through peer correction seriously using

modeled of editing guide. � From the teacher’s side

• Teacher masters the technique and the material she gives. • Teacher checked the students’ work by walking to their table and

giving comments.

b. Things to consider � From the students’ side

• Some students look lack serious. • Some students still had difficult in grammar such as in using simple

present tense. � From the teacher’s side

• Teacher should make sure if the students are ready to listen to her explaining. If the students are not ready yet, try to make them ready so what she explains can be understood.

• Teacher sometimes forgot to give reward to the students who succeed in accomplishing his / her task early.


Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd


Appendix 10b: Field Notes in the Second Cycle.


Cycle/Meeting : 2 / 1 (One) Day/Date : Saturday / April 9st , 2011 Time : 14.15 – 15.25 a. Good points

� From the students’ side

• More students pay attention on a new text and explanation about

indirect speech of Yes-No Question

• Some students participate in making Indirect Speech on the white


• The students bring dictionary in each group.

� From the teacher’s side

• The teacher introduce a new text and explanation about indirect speech

of Yes-No Question

• The teacher gave the chance to the student to choose their group,

b. Things to consider

� From the students’ side

• The class still was noisy.

• Some students still asked about indirect speech of Yes-No Question

� From the teacher’s side

• The teacher should have effort to make the student keep silent.

• The teacher should make her voice louder.


Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd



Cycle/Meeting : 2 / 2 (Two) Day/Date : Monday / April 11th , 2011 Time : 14.15 – 15.25 a. Good points

� From the students’ side

• Students wrote and revise their exercise in their group cooperatively

and enthusiastically.

• Students had chance to ask questions as many as possible freely in

English and Indonesian.

� From the teacher’s side

• The teacher gave sufficient explanation and guidance to the students

in transforming direct into indirect speech.

• The teacher used example revising guide to help students in revising

their exercise and explained the points in it one by one.

b. Things to consider

� From the students’ side

• Some students had difficult to understand the instructions given.

� From the teacher’s side

• The teacher should check the students to make sure that they are

understand about the instruction.


Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd



Cycle/Meeting : 2 / 3 (Three) Day/Date : Saturday/ April 16th, 2012 Time : 14.15 – 15.25

a. Good points

� From the students’ side

• All of the students did peer correction to check their friend excercise.

• All of the students edited their exercise

• Some students read their final exercise within their group.

� From the teacher’s side

• Teacher taught used modeled of editing guide.

• Teacher spoke more loudly and clearly.

• The teacher checked the students to make sure the entire student

understand about the instruction.

b. Things to consider

� From the students’ side

• Some student had difficulty to answer the final exrcise.


Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd


Appendix 10a: Lesson Plan





Sekolah : MTs Nurul Falah Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : VIII (Delapan) Semester : Genap Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 35 Menit Jenis Teks : Narative Tahun Pelajaran : 2010/2011



Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.



Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar berbentuk recount dan narrative.


Siswa dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative 2. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika teks narrative 3. Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks narrative 4. Menemukan informasi dari teks narrative 5. Mencari dan mendiskusikan makna dari kalimat yang berpola

indirect speech pada wacana yang ada. 6. Merubah kalimat direct speech menjadi indirect speech



Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat: 1. Mengetahui makna teks berbentuk narrative 2. Ciri kebahasaan teks essai berbentuk narrative 3. Tujuan komunikatif teks essai berbentuk narrative 4. Langkah-langkah teks essai berbentuk narrative. 5. Mencari dan mendiskusikan makna dari kalimat yang berpola

indirect speech pada wacana yang ada. 6. Merubah kalimat direct speech menjadi indirect speech


• Narrative texts used to entertain the reader/listener with our stories. • A narrative text usually has three main part:Orientation,

complication and resolution

The cowardly Lion

Dorothy and her friends were walking through the forest when they heard a terrible roar. The next moment, a great lion ran onto road. Dorothy and her friends were very frightened, but little Toto ran ahead and barked at the huge beast.

When the Lion saw the little dog, he opened up his mouth as if to bite him. Dorothy became so angry at this that she came forward and slapped the Lion on the nose.

“Don’t you dare bite Toto!”She shouted. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a big Lion like you,

trying to bite a little dog!” “I didn’t bite him,” said the Lion, as he rubbed his nose with

his big paw. “No, but you tried to,” Dorothy answered. “You are nothing

but a coward!” The lion felt Very ashamed. He told Dorothy and her Friend

that although he was the king of the beasts, he was actually a coward. He was afraid of almost everything and everybody.

The Scarecrow scratched his straw head. The he said, “Maybe Oz could give you courage.”

“If only I had courage, than I could truly be king on the Beasts.” said the Lion.

So Dorothy, the Scarecrow and the Tinman invited the Lion to join them on their journey to the Emerald City. The Lion agreed, and the friends continued to follow the yellow Brick Road toward the home of Great Oz.





Direct speech and Indirect Speech

We Use Indirect Speech when we report what people said. In indirect speech, the tense usually goes ‘one step’ back. Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Simple Present Tense

“I always go to school on foot”

Simple past tense

She said that she always went to school on foot

Present Continous

“I’m doing my homework” Past continous tense

She said that she was doing her homework

Simple past

“ I did not do my test well” Present Perfect

“ I hane sent an email “

Past Perfect

She said that she had not done her test well Past Perfect

She said that she had sent an email. Modals

“ I’ll see you at the party” “ I can tell the stories in English” “You must be careful”


She said that she woukd see me at the party She said that she could tell stories in English She said that I had be careful

3) Indirect speech using ask if

When the question has no question-word, but it is one of the kinds that can take yes or no for an answer, whether or if is used as link between the introducing verb and the reported speech. Example: Mr. Lee asked me whether I was sick


Three-phase techniques




Waktu Aspek / skill

( menit ) Yang di


I. Kegiatan awal :

•••• Greeting (memberi salam dan tegur sapa)

•••• Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa

•••• Guru mengabsen siswa •••• Brainstorming tentang topik yang

akan dibahas

II. Kegiatan Inti :

• Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan tentang Narative texts teks

• Membahas kosakata terkait dengan tema

• Menunjukan contoh tulisan narative paragraph telah dibuat

• Menentukan kalimat yang berbentuk indirect speech bersama siswa

• Menjelaskan tentang formula indirect speech

• Siswa dalam kelompok membuat kelompok untuk membuat kalimat direct speech memjadi kalimat indirect speech

• Mengumpulkan hasil kerja siswa

III. Kegiatan akhir :

• Kesimpulan tentang apa yang telah dipelajari

• Mengingatkan siswa bahwa di pertemuan selanjutnya akan menulis paragraph descriptif

10 Menit 50 Menit 10 Menit

Menyiapkan diri siswa sebelum masuk materi baru Siswa dapat mengenal teks narative dan menemukan kalimat Indirect speech dalam text Feed back dan reinforcement



A. Sumber Belajar

• Buku text English on Sky • Kurikulum KTSP Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII • Silabus SMP Kelas VIII

B. Media Belajar

• Script teks yang terlampir.


a. Penilaian diambil dari observation checklists mengenai partisipasi siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dan field notes untuk menilai proses KBM.

b. Instrument = Terlampir

Mengetahui Tangerang, 2011

Observer Researcher

Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd Siti Latifah

NIM. 106014000432



Lembar penilaian KBM (Kegiatan Belajar mengajar)


The cowardly Lion

Dorothy and her friends were walking through the forest when they heard a terrible roar. The next moment, a great lion ran onto road. Dorothy and her friends were very frightened, but little Toto ran ahead and barked at the huge beast.

When the Lion saw the little dog, he opened up his mouth as if to bite him. Dorothy became so angry at this that she came forward and slapped the Lion on the nose.

“Don’t you dare bite Toto!”She shouted. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a big Lion like you, trying to bite a

little dog!” “I didn’t bite him,” said the Lion, as he rubbed his nose with his big paw. “No, but you tried to,” Dorothy answered. “You are nothing but a coward!” The lion felt Very ashamed. He told Dorothy and her Friend that although

he was the king of the beasts, he was actually a coward. He was afraid of almost everything and everybody.

The Scarecrow scratched his straw head. The he said, “Maybe Oz could give you courage.”

“If only I had courage, than I could truly be king on the Beasts.” said the Lion.

So Dorothy, the Scarecrow and the Tinman invited the Lion to join them on their journey to the Emerald City. The Lion agreed, and the friends continued to follow the yellow Brick Road toward the home of Great Oz.

1. Underline the direct speech and circle the indirect speech.

2. Make the direct speech on the text to Indirect speech.






Sekolah : MTs Nurul Falah Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : VIII (Delapan) Semester : Genap Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 35 Menit Jenis Teks : Narative Tahun Pelajaran : 2010/2011



Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.



Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar berbentuk recount dan narrative.


Siswa dapat:

7. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative 8. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika teks narrative 9. Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks narrative 10. Menemukan informasi dari teks narrative 11. Mencari dan mendiskusikan makna dari kalimat yang berpola

indirect speech pada wacana yang ada. 12. Merubah kalimat direct speech menjadi indirect speech



Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat: 7. Mengetahui makna teks berbentuk narrative 8. Ciri kebahasaan teks essai berbentuk narrative 9. Tujuan komunikatif teks essai berbentuk narrative 10. Langkah-langkah teks essai berbentuk narrative. 11. Mencari dan mendiskusikan makna dari kalimat yang berpola

indirect speech pada wacana yang ada. 12. Merubah kalimat direct speech menjadi indirect speech


• Narrative texts used to entertain the reader/listener with our stories. • A narrative text usually has three main part:Orientation,

complication and resolution

The cowardly Lion

Dorothy and her friends were walking through the forest when they heard a terrible roar. The next moment, a great lion ran onto road. Dorothy and her friends were very frightened, but little Toto ran ahead and barked at the huge beast.

When the Lion saw the little dog, he opened up his mouth as if to bite him. Dorothy became so angry at this that she came forward and slapped the Lion on the nose.

“Don’t you dare bite Toto!”She shouted. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a big Lion like you,

trying to bite a little dog!” “I didn’t bite him,” said the Lion, as he rubbed his nose with

his big paw. “No, but you tried to,” Dorothy answered. “You are nothing

but a coward!” The lion felt Very ashamed. He told Dorothy and her Friend

that although he was the king of the beasts, he was actually a coward. He was afraid of almost everything and everybody.

The Scarecrow scratched his straw head. The he said, “Maybe Oz could give you courage.”

“If only I had courage, than I could truly be king on the Beasts.” said the Lion.

So Dorothy, the Scarecrow and the Tinman invited the Lion to join them on their journey to the Emerald City. The Lion agreed, and the friends continued to follow the yellow Brick Road toward the home of Great Oz.





Direct speech and Indirect Speech

We Use Indirect Speech when we report what people said. In indirect speech, the tense usually goes ‘one step’ back. Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Simple Present Tense

“I always go to school on foot”

Simple past tense

She said that she always went to school on foot

Present Continous

“I’m doing my homework” Past continous tense

She said that she was doing her homework

Simple past

“ I did not do my test well” Present Perfect

“ I hane sent an email “

Past Perfect

She said that she had not done her test well Past Perfect

She said that she had sent an email. Modals

“ I’ll see you at the party” “ I can tell the stories in English” “You must be careful”


She said that she woukd see me at the party She said that she could tell stories in English She said that I had be careful

4) Indirect speech using ask if

When the question has no question-word, but it is one of the kinds that can take yes or no for an answer, whether or if is used as link between the introducing verb and the reported speech. Example: Mr. Lee asked me whether I was sick


Three-phase techniques




Waktu Aspek / skill

( menit ) Yang di


II. Kegiatan awal :

•••• Greeting (memberi salam dan tegur sapa)

•••• Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa

•••• Guru mengabsen siswa •••• Brainstorming tentang topik yang

akan dibahas

II. Kegiatan Inti :

• Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan tentang Narative texts teks

• Membahas kosakata terkait dengan tema

• Menunjukan contoh tulisan narative paragraph telah dibuat

• Menentukan kalimat yang berbentuk indirect speech bersama siswa

• Menjelaskan tentang formula indirect speech

• Siswa dalam kelompok membuat kelompok untuk membuat kalimat direct speech memjadi kalimat indirect speech

• Mengumpulkan hasil kerja siswa

III. Kegiatan akhir :

• Kesimpulan tentang apa yang telah dipelajari

• Mengingatkan siswa bahwa di pertemuan selanjutnya akan menulis paragraph descriptif

10 Menit 50 Menit 10 Menit

Menyiapkan diri siswa sebelum masuk materi baru Siswa dapat mengenal teks narative dan menemukan kalimat Indirect speech dalam text Feed back dan reinforcement



C. Sumber Belajar

• Buku text English on Sky • Kurikulum KTSP Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII • Silabus SMP Kelas VIII

D. Media Belajar

• Script teks yang terlampir.


a. Penilaian diambil dari observation checklists mengenai partisipasi siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dan field notes untuk menilai proses KBM.

b. Instrument = Terlampir

Mengetahui Tangerang, 2011

Observer Researcher

Sri Nafsiati, S. Pd Siti Latifah

NIM. 106014000432



Lembar penilaian KBM (Kegiatan Belajar mengajar)


The cowardly Lion

Dorothy and her friends were walking through the forest when they heard a terrible roar. The next moment, a great lion ran onto road. Dorothy and her friends were very frightened, but little Toto ran ahead and barked at the huge beast.

When the Lion saw the little dog, he opened up his mouth as if to bite him. Dorothy became so angry at this that she came forward and slapped the Lion on the nose.

“Don’t you dare bite Toto!”She shouted. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a big Lion like you, trying to bite a

little dog!” “I didn’t bite him,” said the Lion, as he rubbed his nose with his big paw. “No, but you tried to,” Dorothy answered. “You are nothing but a coward!” The lion felt Very ashamed. He told Dorothy and her Friend that although

he was the king of the beasts, he was actually a coward. He was afraid of almost everything and everybody.

The Scarecrow scratched his straw head. The he said, “Maybe Oz could give you courage.”

“If only I had courage, than I could truly be king on the Beasts.” said the Lion.

So Dorothy, the Scarecrow and the Tinman invited the Lion to join them on their journey to the Emerald City. The Lion agreed, and the friends continued to follow the yellow Brick Road toward the home of Great Oz.

3. Underline the direct speech and circle the indirect speech.

4. Make the direct speech on the text to Indirect speech.