in 1950 about 14% of earth was covered by rainforests but today more than half has been eliminated....

Tropical Rainforest By: Clinton Mack

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Tropical Rainforest

By: Clinton Mack

• In 1950 about 14% of earth was covered by rainforests but today more than half has been eliminated.

• More than 200,000 acres of rainforest burn every day !

Geologic Features

• Temperature rarely rise above 93 degrees or drops lower than 68 degrees

• Average humidity is between 77% and 88%• Also rainfall is often more than 100 inches per



• Insects make up the largest single group of animals that live in tropical forests.

• They include brightly colored butterflies, mosquitoes, camouflaged stick insects, and big colonies of ants.

• Common characteristics among mammals and birds include adaptations to a life in trees such as monkeys.

• Other characteristics include sharp patterns, loud vocalizations and diets heavy on fruits.

Types of Animals

• Rainforests have layers in them which is where the plants live the common layers are:

• Emergent trees which are spaced widely apart and are between 100 and 240 feet tall and are spread out like canopies.

• The upper canopy is trees that are 60 to 130 feet tall

• The understory consists of 60 foot trees.• The forest floor is completely shaded and

contains many small trees and plants.

Types of Plants

• The growing population of humans causes the need of space so the trees get cut down, also the people need the jobs. By cutting down these trees they make money for major lumber companies.

• We cut down the trees and ruin habitats for animals and take away their food supply so then the animals die off also.

Human Impact

• About ¼ of all of the medicines we use come from rainforest plants.

• More than 1,400 varieties of tropical plants are thought to be potential cures for cancer.

• Quinine, from the cinchona tree is used to cure malaria

Commercial Value

• Did you know that paper companies buy chunks of forest and converts that land into paper plantations?

• Did you know you can donate to saving rainforests at

• Did you know that about 3,000 fruits are found in rainforests?

Did You Know ?



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