in d e x [] · in d e x vols 397, 398 legislative council ... q 770. surgical couars, 846, 851....

IN D E X VOLS 397, 398 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (Bills are listed alphabetically under "Bills") A Abattoirs-Industrial disputes, 607, 609. AboriaiDaI Affairs-Living conditions, q 465. Fund- ing of cooperatives, q 537. Watherong commun- ity, q 539. Culture in Echuca area, q 672. Public housing, q 891. Kerrup Jmara EJders Corporation, Lake Condah, q 1234. Sobering-up centres, q 1235. Employment opportunities, q 1375. Proposed MaJcarrata, 1545, 1547. Barunga statement, 1597, 1598. Copyright law, q 1609. Bairnsdale commun- ity, q 1609. Accideat Compeas.tioa Commission-Quarterly reports, 108, 1949. Accident Compensation Tribonal-Quarterly reports, 108, 1049. Administrative Appeals TriboDal-Drainage dispute, 966; Administrative Arraaaements-Order No. 74,474. Aaed Services- General-Looking Forward To An Older Victoria. q 376. Public transport facilities, 134, 140, q 348, 449, 459, 602, 610, 850, 853. Housing: units in Ararat, 455, granny flat program, q 1143, q 1145; Project Partnership scheme, q 1474; West Brunswick installation, 1693, 1696; Ministry pro- gram, q 1812. Fishing licence fees, 848, 853. Age discrimination, q 981, q 1713. Personal emer- gency alarms, q 1817. Nursing Homes-Footscray day hospital, q 378. EdeMope, q 668. Kingston Centre, q 887. South Port Community, 1358, 1362. (See also "Pension- ers" and "Senior Citizens Week") Aariculture and Rural Affairs, Departmeat of-Fund- ing for women, qn 338. Daratech Pty Ltd, 350. Somerset poultry farm. Keysborough, 453. Fruit- fly outbreaks, 846. Alcoa of Australia Ltd-Portland aluminium smelter q 1551, q 1554. ' Alcohol-Alcohol and drug services program, qn 156. Abuse, q 885, q 1147, q 1235. Advertising, q 1301. Related violence in Geelong, q 1706. (See also "Health") AmlMalance Services-Presence of observers in vehicles, q 770. Surgical coUars, 846, 851. Inter-hospital transfers, qn 855, q 1371. AMECON Lid-Frigate project, q 1604. Animals-Dingoes, 241, 242, 601, 610. Retraining of vicious dogs, 1107, 1111. Apprentices-Training, q 243. Ararat Regional Development Board, 524, 525. Architects-Deregulation of profession, qn 469, 606, 610, q 1609. Daryl Jackson Pty Ltd, qn 869. Arts, The- General-Heide Park and Art Gallery collection, q 372. Banyule gallery, 449, 456. Programs in Swan Hill, qn 868. Painting The Ritual 1986, qn 878. Ministry-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 368, qn 881. Staffing in Mildura area, qn 1367. Fund- ing for women, qn 1368. Asbestos-Related illness, qn 147. Health risks, 1106, 1110.

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VOLS 397, 398


(Bills are listed alphabetically under "Bills")


Abattoirs-Industrial disputes, 607, 609.

AboriaiDaI Affairs-Living conditions, q 465. Fund­ing of cooperatives, q 537. Watherong commun­ity, q 539. Culture in Echuca area, q 672. Public housing, q 891. Kerrup Jmara EJders Corporation, Lake Condah, q 1234. Sobering-up centres, q 1235. Employment opportunities, q 1375. Proposed MaJcarrata, 1545, 1547. Barunga statement, 1597, 1598. Copyright law, q 1609. Bairnsdale commun­ity, q 1609.

Accideat Compeas.tioa Commission-Quarterly reports, 108, 1949.

Accident Compensation Tribonal-Quarterly reports, 108, 1049.

Administrative Appeals TriboDal-Drainage dispute, 966;

Administrative Arraaaements-Order No. 74,474.

Aaed Services-General-Looking Forward To An Older Victoria.

q 376. Public transport facilities, 134, 140, q 348, 449, 459, 602, 610, 850, 853. Housing: units in Ararat, 455, 458~ granny flat program, q 1143, q 1145; Project Partnership scheme, q 1474; West Brunswick installation, 1693, 1696; Ministry pro­gram, q 1812. Fishing licence fees, 848, 853. Age discrimination, q 981, q 1713. Personal emer­gency alarms, q 1817.

Nursing Homes-Footscray day hospital, q 378. EdeMope, q 668. Kingston Centre, q 887. South Port Community, 1358, 1362. (See also "Pension­ers" and "Senior Citizens Week")

Aariculture and Rural Affairs, Departmeat of-Fund­ing for women, qn 338. Daratech Pty Ltd, 350. Somerset poultry farm. Keysborough, 453. Fruit­fly outbreaks, 846.

Alcoa of Australia Ltd-Portland aluminium smelter q 1551, q 1554. '

Alcohol-Alcohol and drug services program, qn 156. Abuse, q 885, q 1147, q 1235. Advertising, q 1301. Related violence in Geelong, q 1706. (See also "Health")

AmlMalance Services-Presence of observers in vehicles, q 770. Surgical coUars, 846, 851. Inter-hospital transfers, qn 855, q 1371.

AMECON Lid-Frigate project, q 1604.

Animals-Dingoes, 241, 242, 601, 610. Retraining of vicious dogs, 1107, 1111.

Apprentices-Training, q 243.

Ararat Regional Development Board, 524, 525.

Architects-Deregulation of profession, qn 469, 606, 610, q 1609. Daryl Jackson Pty Ltd, qn 869.

Arts, The-General-Heide Park and Art Gallery collection,

q 372. Banyule gallery, 449, 456. Programs in Swan Hill, qn 868. Painting The Ritual 1986, qn 878.

Ministry-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 368, qn 881. Staffing in Mildura area, qn 1367. Fund­ing for women, qn 1368.

Asbestos-Related illness, qn 147. Health risks, 1106, 1110.


Ashman, Hon. G. B. (Boronia Province) Conservation-Preservation of coastal land between

TorQuay and ApoUo Bay, Qn 1141. Construction Industry Long Service Leave (Amend-

ment) Bill, 1024. Consumer Affairs-Credit legislation, Q 886, 1360. CPS Rehabilitation Service, 604. Education-Long service leave for teachers, 760,

Qn 1948. Environment Protection Authority-Report a

Smoky Vehicle campaign, Qn 663. Fireworks-School fete permit, 330. Fluoridation-Plants, Qn 882. Health risks. Qn 1368. Health-Fluoride-related diseases, Qn 1368. Decen-

tralisation of departmental services, 1449. Budget for Statewide operations, Qn 1944.

Housing-Funding of organisations in Barwon region, qn 1140.

Housing Guarantee Fund Ltd-Claims handling procedures, Q 1373.

Labour, Department of-Duties of employee, qn 873. Expense claims, Qn 873, Qn 874. Official duty statements, Qn 874. Building and Construction Industry Division Training Foundation audit reports, Qn 877. Cost of Inspire system, Qn 877. Employment programs, Qn 877. Staffing levels in Mildura, Qn 880. Wageline, 965. Directory of occupational health and safety consultants, Qn 1225. Lift safety inspections, Qn 1457.

liquor Industry-Proposed levy for police services, 1941.

Ministry. The-Responsibility of Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. q 1232.

Municipalities-Amalgamation offacilities, qn 1698. Occupational Health and Safety (Miscellaneous

Amendment) Bill, 728. Olympic Games, I 996-Melboume bid. qn 1945. Pensioners-Home equity borrowings. q 886, 1360. Petitions-Municipal boundaries, 1595. Questions on Notice-Answers, 985. Roads Corporation-Speed limits, 137. Road fund­

ing, 439. Signal and crossing coordination in Knox, 651, qn 1114. Red light cameras, qn 1141. aear­ways, 1291. Road upgrading in Boronia area, Q 1364. Road accidents and fatalities in Boronia Province, Qn 1548.

Sherbrooke, Shire of-Boundaries, 1595. Shop Trading (Amendment) Bill (No. 2), 1322. State Bank Victoria-Transactions at Mooroolbark

and Ballarat branches, 454. State Insurance Office-Report for 1988-89, qn 366. Supply (1990-91 , No. I) Bill, 1254, 1520. WorkCare-CPS Rehabilitation Service, 604. Pu~

lie Service Board management unit, Qn 1142, qn 1227.

Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91, No. I) Bill, 1254.

Youth Guarantee, qn 872.

Attorney-General's Department-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 338. Funding for women, qn 530. Asset sales, qn 662.

Auditor-General-Proposed inquiry into State Bank Victoria, 674, 767. Reports: Ministerial portfolios, q 1045, Q 1375, 1376; Alfred Hospital, q 1369.

Australia Day Committee, qn 367.

Australian Football League-Ticket scalping, 1152, 1360,1362.

Australian Newsprint Mills-Recycling of newsprint. qn 772.

Australian Retail Financial Network Ltd-Debt col­lection practices, 1220, 1223.


Balfour, The Late Hon. J. C. M., CBE, 1459.

Banyule GaUery, 449, 456.

BASS Victoria-Seat allocations, 654.

Bathing Boxes-At Brighton, 1106.

Buter, HOB. W. R. (North Eastern Province) Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Planning) Bill,

1020. Business of the House-Adjournment of second­

reading debates, 545, 700. Suspension of Sessional Orders, 1610.

Oassification of Films and Publications Bill (No. 2), 1759.

Community Protection Bill, 711, 756. Community Services Victoria-Staff accommoda-

tion in Wodonga, 965. Country Fire Authority-Building program, qn 145. Courts (Children's and Magistrates') Bill, 1730. Crimes (Family Violence) (Amendment) Bill (No.

2),633. Crimes (Unsworn Statements) Bill, 1798. Deaths-Sir Henry BoUe, GCMG. 6. Mn E. S.

Gleeson, 20. Sir Rutherford Guthrie, 30. Hon. J. C. M. Balfour, CBE, 1461.

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amend-ment) Bill, 1003.

Electoral-Proportional representation, 481. Food (Validation) Bill, 1631. Health-Department: Budget allocations, q 161; sale

of public assets, Q 1814. Work. practices in insti tu­tions, Q 975.

Health Services (Amendment) Bill, 1329. Hospitals-Inadequacy of services, 562. Waiting lists,

Q 666. St Andrew's, Q 768, 911. Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, 911. Work practices and rede­ployment, q 975. Nursing staff, Q J 470. WorkCare premiums, Q 1607.

House Committee-Report on Parliament House, 1823.


Baxter, Hon. W. R.-continued

House Contracts Guarantee (Further Amendment) Bill, 1858.

Land Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 1780, 1781. Land (Further Miscellaneous Matters) Bill, 324, 353. Legislative Council-Proportional representation,

481. Liquor Licensing Commission-Fee collection,

q 1231. live Weight Selling Review Committee-Govem-

ment assistance, q 1373. Medicare-Review, q 1297. Mental Health (General Amendment) Bill, 512. Ministry, The-Ministerial responsibility: Treas-

urer, 71, q 468; Minister Assisting Treasurer, q 245; Minister for Industry and Economic Plan­ning, q 468. Appointments, 463.

Municipal Sale yards Association-Government assistance, q 1373.

N athalia, Shire of -Construction of drains, qn 143. National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1912,

1924,1934. Parliament-Report of House Committee, 1823. Points of Order-Offensi ve remarks, 1554. Private Agents (Amendment) Bill, 1766. Questions on Notice-Answers, 212. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill-Correction of previous

second-reading speech, 106. Roads Corporation-Road funding, 413. Recon-

struction ofWodonga in'tersection, qn 527. Rooming Houses BiU, 994, 1485. Shop Trading (Amendment) Bill (No. 2), 1323. State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility, 71,

q 245. Tricontinental Corporation Ltd, q 123. Proposed Royal Commission, 260. Injunction, 260. Board of directors, q 343. Release of documents, 396.

State Electricity Commission-Dartmouth power station, q 1144, 1353.

State Emergency Service-Road accident rescue, 133. State Finance-Management by Treasurer, 71. Asset

sales,q 1814. Supply (l990-91, No. 1) Bill, 1427. Water-Loch Garry, qn 144. Lake Hume level, 521.

Dartmouth dam, 521, q 1144, 1353. WorkCare-V/Line employee, 651. Hospital pre­

miums, q 1607. Yackandandah Land Bill, 624.

8ayside Project-Sale of site to Sandridge City Development Co. Ply Ltd, 456, 457.

Best, HOD. R. A. (North Western Province) Aboriginal Affairs-Public housing, q 891. Building, Co-operative Housing and Friendly Socie­

ties (Amendment) Bill, 1771, 1777, 1779.

Best, Hon. R. A.-continued Health-FadJities and services in Wedderbum, 349,

q 1042. Hospitals-Inadequacy of services, 583. Royal Chil­

dren's, q 616. Housing-Public: rental stock in Mildura area, 232;

rental assistance for low-income families, q 535; rental arrears and bad debts, q 978, q 1146; wait­ing lists, q 1232. Valuation of Ministry property at Simpson, 1449.

Medical Services-Nursing education and training, q 1556.

National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1885. Petitions-Health services, Wedderbum. 349. Quarantine Officers (Transfer) Bill, 1850. Rooming Houses Bill, 183, 993, 997, 1066, 1069,

1074, 1076, 1078, 1278, 1281, 1283, 1285, 1307, 1313, 1481, 1483, 1491,1492, 1826.

Supply (1990-91, No. 1) Bill, 1271. Unemployment-In Maryborough and Bendigo,

1695. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91,

No. 1) Bill, 1271.

Bicycles-Paths, q 856. Helmets, 1356, 1362.

BilIs-Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Planning) Bill­

Received from Assembly and first reading, 422; second reading, 475, 1017; second-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1023; Committee, 1023; third-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1024.

Agricultural Industry Development Bill-Second reading, 174.

Audit (Amendment) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 533; second reading, 598, 636; Committee, 646, 986; remaining stages, 989. Assembly amendments dealt with, 1936.

Australian Airlines (Intrastate Services) BiII­Received from Assembly and first reading, 963; second reading, 1001, 1055; third reading, 1059.

Building, Co-operative Housing and Friendly Socie­ties (Amendment) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 1551; second reading, 1593, 1769; Committee, 1776; third reading, 1796.

Children and Young Persons (Amendment) BiII­Introduction and first reading, 1236; second read­ing, 1288.

Classification of Films and Publications Bill-With­drawn, 600.

Classification of Films and Publications Bill (No. 2)­Received from Assembly and first reading, 1532; second reading, 1532, 1758; Committee, 1761; remaining stages, 1763.



Community Protection Bill-Received from Assem­bly and first reading, 665; second reading, 701, 705, 714, 729; concurrent debate, 713; Commit­tee, 754; remaining stages, 757.

Construction Industry Long Service Leave (Amend­ment) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 371; second reading, 476, 1024.

Consumer Affairs (Resale o/Tickets) Bill-Introduc­tion, 1050; first reading, 1188; second reading, 1188,1611.

Control 0/ Weapons Bill-Second reading, 946; Committee, 947; third reading, 963.

Co-operative Housing Societies (Guarantees) BiI/­Received from Assembly and first reading, 1469; second reading, 1480, 1873; third reading, 1874.

Courts (Children's and Magistrates; Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 1532; second reading, 1563, 1729; Committee, 1731; remaining stages, 1732.

Crimes (Family Violence) (Amendment) Bill (No. 2)­Received from Assembly and first reading, 506; second reading, 596, 630; second-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 635; Committee, 1013; third reading, 1014; third-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1015.

Crimes (Unsworn Statements) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 1417; second reading, 1479, 1796; Committee and remaining stages, 1800.

Deakin University (Wa"nambool) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 1551; second reading, 1568, 1865; remaining stages, 1873.

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amend­ment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 349; second reading, 427, 1002; Committee, 1005; remaining stages, 1006.

Education (Amendment) Bill-Assembly amend­ment dealt with, 179, 209.

Fair Trading (Amendment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 622; second reading, 726.

Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) (Amendment) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 613; second reading, 628; third reading, 630.

Food (Validation) Bill-Introduction and first read­ing, 1304; second reading, 1418, 1628; third read­ing, 1632.

Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill-Second reading, 199; Committee, 208, 425; remaining stages, 426. Assembly amendments dealt with, 425.

Footscray Land (Amendment) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 1494; second reading, 1535, 1851; third reading, 1852.

Health (Amendment) Bill-Assembly amendment dealt with, 179.

Health Services (Amendment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 622; second reading, 724, 1327; Committee and remaining stages, 1330.

B ills-cont i nued

Health Services (Further Amendment) Bill-Intro­duction and first reading, 1610; second reading, 1874.

House Contracts Guarantee (Further Amendment) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 1041; second reading, 1191, 1853; second-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1864; third reading, 1864; third-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1864.

Kew and lIeidelberg Lands (Trust) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 613; second reading, 625, 1015; Committee, 1016; remaining stages, 1017.

Land Conservation (Amendment) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 613; second reading, 626, 1732; Committee, 1780; remaining stages, 1783.

Land (Further Miscellaneous Matters) BiI/­Received from Assembly and first reading, 129; second reading, 176, 352; second-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 357; third-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 357.

Local Government (Amendment) Bill-Introduction and first reading, 350; second reading, 446, 780; Committee, 817; remaining stages, 845. Assembly amendments dealt with, 1027.

Melbourne College 0/ Divinity (Amendment) BiI/­Introduction and first reading, 622; second read­ing, 704, 1011; declared a private Bill, 10 11; motion to treat as public Bill agreed to, 1011; third read­ing, 1013.

Mental Health (General Amendment) BiI/-Second reading, 506; Committee, 1006; remaining stages, 1011.

Monash University (Chisholm and Gippsland) BiI/­Received from Assembly and first reading, 1543; second reading, 1565, 1613; remaining stages, 1628.

National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill-Received from Assembly and mt reading, 1369; second reading, 1419, 1632, 1875; Committee, 1921; third reading, 1935.

Occupational Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendment) Bill-Assembly amendments dealt with,728.

Pathology Services Accreditation (Amendment) BiI/­Received from Assembly and first reading, 349; second reading, 426.

Penalties and Sentences Bill-Withdrawn, 600. Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Amendment) BiI/­

Assembly amendments dealt with. 780.

Police Regulalion (Further Amendment) BiI/­Received from Assembly and first reading, 1532; second reading, 1562, 1784; Committee, 1795; remaining stages, 1 796.

Prevention oJ Cruelty to Animals (Leghold Traps) Bill-Second reading, 1187.


B ills-cont i nued

Private Agents (Amendment) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 1532; second reading, 1592, 1764; second-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1768; Committee, 1768; third­reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1768.

Quarantine Officers (Trans/er) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 1469; second reading, 1478, 1848; third reading, 1851.

Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill-Correction of previous second-reading speech, 105.

Renewable Energy Authority Victoria Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 1469; second reading, 1476, 1737; Committee, 1754; third read­ing, 1754.

Road Sa/ety (Amendment) Bill-Assembly amend­ments dealt with, 352.

Rooming Houses Bill-Second reading. 180; second­reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 199;Conunittee,990, 1065, 1278, 1307, 1481;~ reading, 1494; third-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1494. Assembly amendments: dealt with, 1824; agreed to by absolute majority, 1827.

Shop Trading (Amendment) Bill (No. 2)-Introduc­tion and first reading, 622; second reading, 725, 1315; Committee, 1324; remaining stages, 1327. Assembly amendments<dealt with, 1864.

Supply (1990-91. No. I) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 946; concurrent debate, 946; second reading, 999, 1079, 1193, 1242; Com­mittee, 1330, 1423, 1494; remaining stages, 1531.

Taltersall Consultations (Amendment) BiI/­Received from Assembly and first reading, 946; second reading, 998, 1059; remaining stages, 1065.

Victoria University of Technology Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 975; second reading. 1050, 1535, 1572; Committee, 1591; third reading, 1592.

Vocational Education and Training Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 1191; second reading, 1237, 1827; second-reading motion agreed to by absolute majority, 1847; Committee, 1847; third-reading motion agreed to by absolute major­ity, 1848.

Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91, No. I) Bill-Received from Assembly and first reading, 946; concurrent debate, 946; second read­ing, 999,1079,1193,1242; third reading, 1531.

Yaclamdandah Land Bill-Received from Assem­bly and first reading, 613; second reading, 623; declared a private Bill, 624; motion to treat as public Bill agreed to, 624; third reading, 625.


Birrell, Hon. M. A. (East Yarra Province) Alcohol-Abuse, q 885. Ambulance Services-Inter-hospital transfers,

qn 855. Architects-Deregulation of profession, q 469. Daryl

lackson Pty Ltd, qn 869. Audit (Amendment) Bill, 642, 647, 648, 649, 986,

987,989, 1936. Auditor-General-Proposed inquiry into State Bank

Victoria, 674,686,687,691. Business of the House-Answers to questions on

notice, 210, 778, 983,984.Adjournrnentofsecond­reading debates, 542, 778. Days and hours of meeting, 767.

Centre for International Research on Communica­tion and Information Technologies, q 343.

Deaths-Sir Henry Bolte, GCMG, 2. Mrs E. S. Glee-­son, 19. Sir Rutherford Guthrie, CMG, 29. Hon. 1. C. M. Balfour, CBE, 1460.

Environment-Restoration funds, qn 148. Dump­ing of toxic waste, qn 156.

Environment Protection Authority-Disposal of sewage from tourist buses, qn 1809.

Gas and Fuel Corporation-Investments, q 122. Hinders Street buildings, q 1473, q 1701.

Historic Buildings-Demolition, q 1556. Hospitals-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 14l.

Waiting lists, q 373,1218. Peter MacCallum Can­cer Institute, q 535. Inter-hospital tranfers, qn 855. Proposed amalgamations, q 975, 1353. St George's, q 975,1353.

Housing-Granny flat program, q 1145. Labour, Department of-Sybylla Cooperative Press

and Publications Ltd, qn 855. Youth Guarantee, qn 1456.

Local Government Department-Report on alleged pecuniary interest abuses, q 1229, 1756, q 1811.

Major Projects-Proposed media centre, 360, 600. WilIsmere Hospital site redevelopment, q 613, q 771. Government unit, qn 869. Queen Victoria hospital site redevelopment, q 1043, q 1300, q 1556. Victoria Harbour, 1103.

Management and Budget, Department of-Public relations funding, qn 143.

Media Centre-Proposed, 360, 600.

Melbourne City Council-Report on alleged pecu­niary interestabuses, q 1229, 1756, q 1811.

Ministry, The-Responsibility of Treasurer, 33. Appointments, 462.

National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1423, 1632.

Parks-Cobberas-Tingaringy National, qn 1113. Olympic Games, 1996-Melbourne bid, 360. Parliament-Staffing, 651. Planning-Regulations, 1544. Delays in approvals,



Birrell, Hon. M. A.-continued Points of Order-Quoted material, 56, 306. Scope of

debate, 85. Relevancy of remarks, 216. Answers to questions without notice, 245, 1605. Offensive remarks, 248, 275. Adjournment debate: imputa­tions against Mayor of Frankston, 1939.

Quantum Market Research Pty Ltd, qn 1114. Queen Victoria Hospital Site-Redevelopment,

q 1043, q 1300, q 1556. Questions on Notice-Answers, 210, 778, 983, 984. State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility, 33.

Gas and Fuel Corporation, q 122. State Electricity Commission, q 122. Injunction, q 159, q 160, q 242, 253, 321. Proposed inquiries: Royal Com­mission, 253, 321; Auditor-General, 674, 686, 687, 691.

State Electricity Commission-Investments, q 122. State Finance-Management by Treasurer, 33. Asset

sales, 1377, q 1603. Supply (1990-91, No. I)Bill,1504. Sybylla Cooperative Press and Publications Ltd,

qn 855. Technology-Centre for International Research on

Communication and Information Technologies, q 343.

Tourism-Promotion of Victoria, q 665. Property holdings of Victorian Snow Resorts, qn 1112.

Treasury, The-Employment of Quantum Market Research Pty Ltd, qn 1114.

Victoria Harbour Project, 1103. Victorian Snow Resorts (formerly Victour Proper­

ties Pty Ltd)-Property holdings, qn 1112. Willsmere Hospital Site-Redevelopment, q 613,

q 771. WorkCare-Hospital claims and payments, qn 141. Youth Guarantee, qn 1456.

BLF Custodian-Reports: Nos 9 and 10, 108; No. It, 1823.

Boating-Facilities in Port Phillip Bay, qn 141, qn 1365. Proposed San Remo marina, 450. Safety, 1031,1035. Registration, qn 1364. Licence fee col­lection, qn 1364.

Bolt~ The Late Sir Henry, GCMG, 1.

Braille and Talking Book Library, 1544, 1547.

Budget-Health services allocations, q 161, qn 1944. Program budgeting, 673.

Building and Construction Industry-Regulations, 452. Standards, 761, 766. Protection of subcontractors, q 774.

Bursoo-Marstellar Ply Ltd, q 1812.

Business and Commerce-Motel and shopping centre leases, 358, 364. Electricity connection costs, 1029, 1032. Small Business Development Corporation, q 1555.

Business oftbe House-Answers to questions on notice, 105, 121, 210, 423, 777, 983, 1048, 1560. With­drawal of notices of motion, 380, 892, 1236. Ses­sional Orders, 444, 1610. Adjournment of second­readilll debates, 542, 694, 778. Days and hours of meeting, 767. Consumer Affairs (Resale of Tick­ets) Bill, 1190, 1611. Rulings in debate, 1819. Interjections, 1819.


Cancer Research and Tnnsplant Institute, 1942.

Can .. 1I Parks-Inspections, 606, 611. Regulations, q 1557.

Cemeteries-Elt ham, 1222, 1546, 1547. Proposed Bundoora, 1546, 1547.

Ceatre for IlItemalional Research on CommUDication and Information Techllologies, q 343, q 769, qn 865.

Chairman of Committees, The (Hon. K. I. M. Wrigbt) Rulings and Statements-Debate-Scope, 1438. Interjections, 1443. Quoted

material, 1445. Offensive remarks, 1446. Rulings and Statements as Deputy President­Adjournment Debate-Reading of speeches, 604.

Matters raised not to request legislation, 762. Debate-Quoted material, 81, 278. Scope, 84,577. Distinguished Visitors, 1330. (See also "Wright, Hon K. I. M. (North Western


Chamberlain, Hon. B. A. (Western Province) Alcoa of Australia Lld-Portland aluminium smelter,

q 1551. Ambulance Services-Surgical collars, 846. Australian Airlines (Intrastate Services) BiU, 1056. Burson-Marstellar Pty Ltd, q 1812. Business and Commerce-Motel and shopping

centre lessees, 358. Centre for International Research on Communica­

tion and Information Technologies, q 769, qn 865, qn 866.

Community Protection Bill, 715. Control of Weapons Bill, 947, 948, 953, 955, 956,

957,959,961,963. Corporate Affairs-Regulation, 658. Crimes (Unsworn Statements) Bill, 1799. Economy, The-Consumer price index, 130. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Flinders Street build-

ings, q 1475, q 1702. Relocation costs, q 1475. Grampians-Proposed name changes, q 1606. Hospitals-Hamilton Base, 233. Housing-Public: heating costs, 1219. Lake Hamil­

ton estate, 1219.


Chamberlain, Hon. B. A.-continued Industry and Economic Planning-Mining indus­

try, q 617. Centre for International Research on Communication and Information Technologies, q 769, qn 865, qn 866. Research funds, qn 865, qn 866. Assistance to Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd. q 1044. Pappas Carter Evans and Koop Ply Ltd, 1355, 1447.

Industry, Technology and Resources, Department of-Loans portfolio, q 341.

Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, q 1044. Land (Further Miscellaneous Matters) Bill, 356,357. Law Courts-Closure of courthouses, 452. Law Reform Commission-Report on mental ill­

ness, 715. Legal and Constitutional Committee-Prerelease of

report, 1710. Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 797. Long Service Leave-Portability. 330. 522. Melbourne-Promotion for investment, q 1812. Ministry, The-Ministerial responsibility: Treas-

urer, 89, q 125; Minister for Conservation and Environment, 1696.

Multifunction Polis-Proposed. q 250. Pappas Carter Evans and Koop Pty Ltd, 1355, 1447. Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Amendment) Bill,

780. Planning-CIearing-of-flora permits, 323. Points of Order-Reflections on President. 54.

Quoted material, 56. Scope of debate, 85. Rele­vancy of remarks, 309, 1197. Answers to questions without notice, 1143, 1552.

Police Regulation (Further Amendment) Bill, 1784, 1795.

Private Agents (Amendment) Bill, 1764, 1768. Questions on Notice-Answers, 1560. Racing-Oncoune unclaimed dividends, qn 366. Renewable Energy Authority Victoria Bill, 1737,

1754. State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility, 89. State Electricity Commission-Oaklands power sta­

tion, NSW, 603. Dartmouth power station, q 1150, q 1298. Ponland aluminium smelter, q 1551.

State Finance-Management by Treasurer, 89. Strategic Research Fund, qn 865, qn 866. Supply (1990-91, No. 1) Bill, 1261, 1345. Tethnology-Centre for International Research on

Communication and Information Technologies. q 769, qn 865, qn 866.

Totalizator Agency Board-Oncourse unclaimed dividends, qn 366.

Tourism-Promotion of Victoria, q 667. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91,

No. 1) Bill, 1261.

Children (See "Community Services Victoria")

Coal Corporation of Victoria-Review, q 1299.

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Orpnisatioo-Research into compact ceramic fuel cells, q 13 71.

Community Services Victoria-Children-Visiting child health nurse service, 107,

135, 166. In custody of drug-users, 758. Psychiat­ric patients, qn 867. Warrawong day care centre, Ringwood, 1107, 1110. Proposed welfare inquiry, qn 1804. Mandatory reporting of abuse, qn 1804.

Department-Delays in welfare funding, qn 158. Ararat premises, 608. Staff accommodation in Wodonga, 965. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 1808. Funding for women, qn 1808.

General-Valuer-General valuations, qn 337. Home and community care program, q 346, 1153. Non­government community services, qn 527. Moon­gala Women's Co-operative, 605, 611.

Intellectual Disability Services-Neilson report, qn 1803.

Connani. Hon. G. P. (Higinbotham Province) Attorney-General's Department-Asset sales,

qn 662. Australia Day Committee, qn 367. Bathing Boxes-At Brighton, 1106. Bicycles-Paths, qn 856. Boating-Safety, 1031. Registration, qn 1364.

Licence fee collection, qn 1364. Facilities in Port Phillip Bay, qn 1365.

Community Protection Bill, 742. Community Services Victoria-Delays in welfare

funding, qn 158. Non-government community services, qn 527.

Conservation-Carrum District Management Plan, qn 142. Beaumaris campus heath1and, 653.

Consumer Affairs-Ministry operations, q 887. Deaths-Sir Henry Bolte, GCMG, 15. Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amend­

ment) Bill, 1003. Education-Mentone Girls Secondary College, 325.

Ministry property holdings, qn 971. Office staff for post-primary institutions, 1543.

Electoral-Proportional representation, 490. Environment-Pollution in Port Phillip Bay, qn 158.

Black Rock sewage outfall, qn 336. Environment Protection Authority-Pollution in

Mordialloc Creek, qn 1945. Ethnic Affairs Commission-Grants, qn 1.117. HBA Ltd, 1451. Health-Department: consultants, qn 859, qn 1946.

Bone marrow donor register, 968. Health Services (Amendment) Bill, 1329. Hospitals-St Andrews. 137, 903. False fire alarm

charges, 361. Fairfteld, 361. ALP policy on pri­vate, q 538. Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, 903. Outpatient prescription fees, 1220. Health service agreements, 1292. Standard performance measurements, 1292. Heatherton, qn 1949.


Connard, Hon. G. P.-continued Hospitals Superannuation Board-Research fund­

ing, 520. House Contracts Guarantee (Further Amendment)

Bill, 1853. Housing-CastJefieJd estate, Moorabbin, qn 1115.

Assessment of income of returned servicemen, 1695.

Insurance-HBA Ltd, 1451. Labour, Department of -Storage and handJing of

hazardous chemical products, 762. WorkCare claims, payments and premiums, qn 1456.

Land Tax-Assessment in Higinbotham Province, qn 147.

Law Reform Commission-Report on mental ill­ness, 742.

Legal Profession-Proposed contingency fees, 1357. Legislative Council-Proportional representation,

490. Library Services-Funding, 1941. Marine Rescue Association of Victoria, 1031. Members-Travelling allowances, 1596. Mental Health (General Amendment) Bill, 514, 1007. Mental Health Services-Availability of beds,

qn 1946, qn 1948, qn 1949. Patient admissions, qn 1947,qn 1948. .

Monash University (Chisholm and Gippsland) Bill. 1626.

Municipalities-Local Government Social Justice Partnership Projects Program, 234. South-eastern regional tip, Springvale. 455. Bicycle path funding, qn 856.

Pensioners-Rate rebates, 850. Planning-Bathing boxes at Brighton. 1106. Points of Order-Ministers response in adjourn­

ment debate, 1035. Pon Phillip Bay-Boating facilities, qn 141, qn 1365.

Pollution, qn 158, qn 367. Public Transport-Metropolitan railway stations,

qn 1599, qn 1803. Questions on Notice-Answers, 219. Road Safety-Vehicle occupant protection, 167. Roads Corporation-Road funding, 442. Traffic

flows, qn 1599, qn 1600. Roads connecting F6 Freeway and South Road, qn 160 I.

Sewerage-Black Rock sewage outfall, qn 336. Shop Trading (Amendment) Bill (No. 2), 1315, 1324,

1325, 1327, 1864. Small Claims Tribunal-Orders, qn 1113. Social Development Comminee-Repon on vehicle

occupant protection, 167. Prerelease of repon, 1712.

State Finance-Asset sales, qn 662. Supply (1990-91, No. 1) Bill, 1526. Transport, Ministry of-Inquiries, qn 971. Treasury-Former director-general, qn 870. Deputy

director-general, qn 870. Officers, qn 871. Women-Moongala Women's Co-operative, 605.

Connard, Hon. G. P.-continued WorkCare-Claims, payments and premiums:

Department of Labour, qn 1456.

Conservation and Environment (formerly "Conserva­tion, Forests and Lands")-

Department-Raid on dingo park, q 242,601,610. Staffing levels in Mildura, qn 880. Funding for women, qn 1139. WorkCare claims and pay­ments, qn 1226.

General-Preservation of coastal land: between Air­eys Inlet and Anglesea, 231, 236, 1218, 1223; between Torquay and Apollo Bay, qn 1141. Recy­cling: paper, 542, q 615; facilities in Gippsland, 601; newsprint, q 772. Greenhouse effect, 606, 609. Beaumaris campus heath land, 653. Disposal of chemical waste, 654. Industrial pollution in South Gippsland, 656, 659. Freeway reserve in West Sunshine, 846, 851. Municipal environmental management, q 889. Native vegetation, 930,1218, 1223, 1596, 1597. Exploration and mining in na tional parks, q 1043. Volcanic cone study, 1104, 1 t 09. State Conservation Strategy, 1709. (See also "Conservation, Forests and Lands")

ConservatioD, Forests and Lands­Conservation-Carrurn district management plan,

qn 142. Departmenl-Raid on dingo park, 241, 242. Lands-Crown land rents, 359. (See also "Conser­

vation and Environment")

Constitution Act 1975-Report of Legal and Constitu­tional Committee, 108.

Consumer Affairs-General-Shoppers and traders rights information

guides, q 541. International telefax directory, 602, 611. House renovations, 761, 766. Credit: legisla­tion, q 886, q 887, 1360, 1363; overcommitment, q 1048; tribunal, q 1475; practices, q 1558. Misuse offacsimile machines, q 890. Proposed rental bond board, 967, 970. SmaU Oaims Tribunal orders, qn 1113. Football ticket scalping, q 1152, 1360, 1362. Debt coJJection practices. 1220, 1223. Advenising of environment-friendJy products, 1221, 1224, 1546, 1548. Housing Guarantee Fund Ltd, q 1373. Health risks from fake cigarettes, q 1817. (See also" Prices")

Ministry-Future directions, q 472. Funding for women, qn 531. Services to migrants, q 776. Staff, q 885. Operations, q 887. Weights and Measures Branch, q 889, 1942, 1943. Market courts, q 890. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 1368. Moni­toringofMotor Car Traders Act, q 1375.

Corporate Affairs-Regulation, 658, 659.

Corrections, Office of-Repon on behaviour, 108.


Country Fire Autbority-Building program, qn 145.

Cox, HOD. G. H. (Nunawading Province) Arts, The-Painting The Ritual 1986, qn 878. Building and Construction Industry-Regulations,

452. Community Services Victoria-Home and com-

munity care program, 1182. Deaths-Hon. J. C. M. BalfoUT, CBE, 1466. Education-Life education program, 966. Energy Conservation-Solar power, 606. Equal Opportunity-Age discrimination, 1726. Ethnic Affairs-Library information for migrants,

qn 878. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Public authority divi­

dend, q 1374. Health-Cancer Research and Transplant Institute,

1942. Hospitals-Inadequacy of services, 592. Housing-Home opportunity loans scheme, q 774.

Parle Street railway reserve, 1031. Law CoUTts-Ringwood, 848. Library Services-Information for migrants, qn 878. Mooroolbarle-Croydon Community Health Centre-

Request for extra staff and accommodation, 1221. Municipalities-Home and community care pro­

gram, 1182. Petitions-MetTicleet, 252. Points of Order-Scope of debate, 591. Offensive

remarlcs, 1446. Public Authority Dividend-Payments by statutory

authorities, q 1374. Public Transport-MetTicleet, 252. Roads Corporation-Road funding, 428. Driver

licence testing of brain-damaged patients, q 472. Moped and motor scooter licences, 652.

State Finance-Asset sales, 1408. Supply (1990-91, No. I) Bill, 1423.

Coxsedae, HOD. Joan (Melbourne West Province) Aged Services-Footscray day hospital, q 378. Community Protection Bill, 734. Consumer Affairs-Credit practices, q 1558. Deaths-Mrs E. S. Gleeson, 24. Energy Conservation-Wind and solar power,

q 1144. Health-Rislcs from falee cigarettes, q 1817. Hospitals-Western, q 246. Emergency and critical

care services, q 977, q 1298. Housing-Community housing groups, q 618. Law Reform Commission-Report on mental ill­

ness, 734. Legal and Constitutional Committee-Report on

privacy, 17 to. Mental Health Research Institute, q 163.

Cox sedge, Hon. Joan-continued Ministry, The-Ministerial responsibility: Treas­

urer, q 466; Minister for Industry and Economic Planning, q 466.

Privacy-Report of Legal and Constitutional Com-mittee, 17 to.

Victoria University of Technology Bill, 1579. Women-National health program, q 1607.

Rulings and Statements as Acting Chairman­Debate-Members to address Chair, 1504.

CPS Rebabilitation Services, 604.

Craile, Hon. G. R. (Central Highlands Province) Aboriginal Affairs-Barunga statement, 1597. Community Services Victoria-Home and com­

munity care program, 1153. Proposed child wel­fare inquiry, qn 1804. Mandatory reporting of abuse, qn 1804.

Gresswell Rehabilitation Centre-Fire risks, q 181 S. Housing-Ministry sale of Seymour land, 13S7. Municipalities-Home and community care pro-

gram, l1S3. Questions on Notice-Answers, 214. Roads Corporation-Driver licence testing, 1938. Supply (1990-91, No. 1) Bill, 1257. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91,

No.l) Bill, 1257.

·Crawfo~ Hon. G. R. (Jilca Jib Province) Consumer Affairs-Credit overcommitments,

q 1048. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Heating tariffs for low­

income househo·lds, q 1814. Housing-Ministry-Urban Land Authority joint

projects, q 470. Homestart scheme, q 1372. Medical Services-Nursing education and training,

q 1232. Municipalities-Local government subsidy scheme,

q 619. Public liability insurance, q 775. Senior Citizens Weele-Government programs,

q 348. Small Business Development Corporation, q 1555. State Electricity Commission-Heating tariffs for

low-income households, q 1814. Urban Land Authority-Joint projects with Minis­

try of Housing and Construction, q 470. Home­start scheme, q 1 372.

Victoria University of Technology Bill, 1590.

Credit (See "Consumer Affairs")

D Daratecb Pty Ltd-Report for 1988-89, 350.

Dartmoutb Dam (See "Water")

(l0) INDEX

Davidson, Ho •• B. E. (Chelsea Province) Ambulance Services-Presence of observers in

vehicles, q 770. Apprentices-Training, q 243. Caravan Parks-Regulations, q 1557. Electoral-Proponional representation, 492. Muni-

cipal tribunal, q 1047. Government Departments and Instrumentalities­

Use of recycled paper, 542. Hospitals-Monash Medical Centre, q 1233. Legislative Council-Proportional representation,

492. Municipalities-Electoral tribunal, q 1047. Petitions-Recycled paper, 542. Poll Tax, q 471. Prices-Petrol, q 621.

Dayligbt-slvilla, 327, 331.

de Fegely. HOI. R. S. (Ballarat Province) Aboriginal Affairs-living conditions, q 465. Ker­

rup Jmara Elders Corporation, Lake Condah, q 1234.

Ararat Regional Development Board, 524. Ararat, Shire of-Lake Bolac rubbish depot, 327. Ballan, Shire of-Proposed sale of Mount Egerton

tip site, 1220. Community Services Victoria-Visiting child health

nurse service, 135. Ararat premises, 608. Consumer Affairs, Ministry of-Weights and

Measures Branch, 1942. Deaths-Sir Henry Bolte, GCMG, 13. Sir Ruther-

ford Guthrie, CMG, 31. Education-Portable classrooms, 1293. Floods-In Gippsland, 849. Hospitals-St John of God, Ballarat, q 773. Peter

MacCallum Cancer Institute, 920. St Andrew's, 920. Work practices and industrial relations, q 1706.

Housing-Public: vacancies, qn 144. Group self­build scheme, qn 335. Elderly person units in Ara­rat, 455. Ministry tender conditions, 758.

Lands-Crown land rents, 359. Maryborough-Industry problems, 1452. Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 1224. Public Transport-Train bookings, 1545. Quarantine Officers (Transfer) Bill, 1848. Supply (l990-91, No. 1) Bill, 1247, 1250, 1507. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 19~91,

No. 1) Bill, 1247, 1250.

Deaths-Sir Henry Bolte, GCMG, 1. Mrs E. S. Gleeson, 18. Sir Rutherford Guthrie, CMG, 28. Hon. J. C. M. Balfour, CBE, 1459.

Diamond Valley Try Youth aDd CommODity Services Group. 359.

DistiDanished Visito~ 1330, 1811.

Divisions-Building, Ccroperative Housing and Friendly Socie-

ties (Amendment) Bill. 1777. Community Protection Bill, 753. Electoral-Proponional representation, 497, SOS. Hospital Services, 595. National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1922,

1924, 1934, 1935. Roads Corporation-Road funding, 445. Rooming Houses Bill, 1486. Shop Trading (Amendment) Bill (No. 2), 1327. State Bank Victoria, 104, 322. State Finance-Asset sales, 1417.

Docklands (See "Major Projects" and "Victoria Har­bour Project")

Drugs-Alcohol and drug services program, qn 156. Marijuana, 849, 851. Abuse, q 1147. Proposed Royal Commission into Ma6a, q 1472. Rehabili­tation and Research Fund, q 1705. (See also "Alcohol" and "Health")


Economic and Budget Review Committee-Reports: program budgeting, 673; Auditor-General's 1987-88 report on Ministerial portfolios, 1376.

Economic Plaoniog (See "Industry and Economic Planning")

Economy. Tbe-Consumer price index, 130.

Education-General-life education program, 230, 235, 966, 969,

q 1301. School excursions, 759. Traffic safety, 763. Portable classrooms, 1293.

Ministry-Property transaction at Weerangourt, 132. Somers environment studies building, 519. WorkCare payments, qn 529, qn 880. Beaumaris heath land, 653. Administrative staff, 655. Prop­erty holdings, qn 971. Employment programs, qn 1036. Bonds, qn 1138. Funding for women, qn 1139.

Post-Secondary-Higher education opportunities, q 122. Gordon Technical College, q 127, 252. Dandenong College of T AFE, Pakenham campus, 326, 330. Victorian CoUege of Agriculture and Horticulture, Gilbert Chandler campus, 328, 331. Ballarat College of Advanced Education, 329, 331, q 342,456,457. Swinburne College ofTAFE, 361, 363. Box Hill CoUege of TAFE, 453, 457. Phy­siotherapy training, 964, 968. Nursing, q 1232, q 1472, q 1556. Youth Guarantee places, qn 1457.

Schools. Other-At Travancore Child and Family Centre, 228, 235. Victorian School for Deaf Chil­dren, 1358, 1362.


Education-continued Schools. Post-Primary--MurrayviUe Secondary Col­

lege, 226. Mentone Girls Secondary ColJege, 232, 325. Port Fairy Consolidated School, 359. Office staff, 1543.

Schools. Primary-Donvale, 133. Port Fairy Con­solidated School, 359.

Students-Marijuana use, 849. Facilities for ethnic handicapped, qn 881.

Teachers-Emergency, 518. Medical examinations., 650. Visiting service, 653. Long service leave, 757, 760, qn 1948. Principals' salary structure, 849.

Electoral-Proportional representation, 169, 477. Municipal tribunal, q 1047, 1293, 1294, q 1707.

Energy Conservation-Use of energy-efficient: light globes, q 124; appliances, q 1703. Government strategy, q 161, q 373. Home Energy Advisory Service, q 534, 1292, 1294, q 1814. Solar power, 606, 609, q 1144. Wind power, q 1144. Future energy requirements, q 1470. (See also "Industry, Technology and Resources", "Industry and Eco­nomic Planning" and "State Electricity Commission")

Enl'ironment Protection Authority-Report a Smoky Vehicle campaign, qn 663. Smog over Phillip Island and West Gippsland, 1293, 1294. Disposal of sewage from tourist buses, qn 1809. Pollution in Mordialloc Creek, qn 1945. (See also "Conser­vation and Environment")

Equal Opportunity-Age discrimination, q 981, 1713.

Esso Australia Ltd-Proposed relocation of staff, q 1473.

Ethnic Affairs-Commission~rants,qn 1117,qn 1366. Funding for

women, qn 1139. Commissioners, qn 1140. Mem­bership of ALP, qn 1140. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 1698. Translations for unions, qn 1805. Interpreters and translators, qn 1805.

General-Local Government and Ethnic Affairs Ministerial Advisory Committee, q 249. Services provided by Ministry of Consumer Affairs, q 776. Information for migrant workers, qn 878. Library information for migrants, qn 878. Facilities for handicapped students, qn 881.

El'ans, Hon. D. M. (North Eastern Province) Abattoirs-Industrial disputes, 607. Asbestos-Health risks, 1106. Australian Airlines (Intrastate Services) Bill, 1055. Australian Newsprint Mills-Recycling of news-

print, q 772. Business of the House-Withdrawal of notices of

motion, 380, 892, 1236. Adjournment of second­reading debates, 697.

Evans, Hon. D. M.-continued Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organisation-Research into compact ceramic fuel cells, q 1371.

Conservation-Recycling of newsprint, q 772. Native vegetation, 930.

Constitution Act 1975-Report of Legal and Consti­tutional Committee, 108.

Consumer Affairs-Advertising of environment­friendly products, 1221, 1546.

Education-Ministry administrative staff, 655. School excursions, 759.

Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) (Amendment) Bill, 629.

Food Standards Regulations, 1823. Footscray Land (Amendment) Bill, 1851. Health-Risks from asbestos, 1106. Industry-Textile, q 345. Research into compact

ceramic fuel cells, q 1371. Kew and Heidelberg Lands (Trust) Bill, 1015. Land Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 1733. Legal and Constitutional Committee-Reports:

Constitution Act 1975, 108; Food Standards Regulations, 1823. Tobacco (Promotion of Exempt Sponsorship) Regulations, 169. Water (Lake Eil­don Recreational Area) (Amendment) Regula­tions, 169.

Liquor Industry-Proof-of-age cards, 362. Municipalities-Boundaries, 233. Road funding,

qI705,qI811. National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1637,

1921, 1922, 1923, 1925, 1926, 1935. Parks-Exploration and mining in national, q 1043. Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Amendment) Bin,

780. Points of Order-Order of business, 130. A vailabil-

ity of report, 1235. Prices-Petrol, q 470. Public Transport-Collection off ares, 326. Renewable Energy Authority Victoria Bill, 1750. Road Safety (Procedures) (Infringements) Regula-

tions, 1236. Roads Corporation-Road Funding, q 1705, q 1811. State Bank Victoria-Board of directors, q 163. Tri­

continental Corporation Ltd, q 249. Australian Loan Council, q 249. Credit rating, q 1555.

State Electricity Commission-Oedit rating, q 1555. State Finance-Credit rating, q 1555. Moody's

Investors Service Inc., q 1555. Supply(1990-91,No.l)Bill,1510. Timber Industry-Allocations, q 371. Harvesting

regulations, 380. Treasury (Further Amendment) Regulations, 892. Wangaratta, Shire of-Boundaries, 233.

Exhibition Buildings-Lease arrangements, 891.

(12) INDEX


Films aDd TelevisioD-Skirts drama. q 1295. Cinema ticket prices, qn 1708.

Fireworks-School fete permit, 330, 332.

FisbiDa-Amateur licence fees, 848, 853.

Floods-In Gippsland, q 768, 849, 851.

FlDOridatiOD-P1ants, qn 873, qn 882. Health risks, qn 1368.

Food StaDdards ReaalatioDs. 1823.

Football (See "Australian Football League")

FrankstoD Quayside DeyelopmeDt, 1938, 1943.

Freedom of ImormatioD-Application to local govern-ment, 1353, 1362. Requests, 1545, 1547.


GahiD CODsttUcUOD Group, 1938, 1943.

Gas aDd Fuel Corporatioa-Investments, q 122. Board appointments, q 123, q 164, q 1299. LPG, 1030, 1034. Public authority dividend, q 1374. Ainders Street buildings, q 1473, q 1475, q 1701, q 1702. Relocation costs, q 1475. Credit rating, q 1555. Heating tariffs for low-income households, q 1814.

Geelool Rape Crisis CeDtre-Funding, 522, 525.

Geelool ReaioDaI Commissioa-Operations, q 666.

Geriatric Services (See "Aged Services")

GleesoD, The Late Mrs E. S~ 18. GovernmeDt Asset Sales (See "State Finance")

GOyemmeDt Departmeots aDd IDstrumeDtalities-Use of recycled paper, 542. Asset sales, qn 662, 1377, q 1603, q 1814. Daryl Jacl{son Pty Ltd, qn 869. WorkCare claims, payments and premiums, qn 1456.

Grampians-Proposed name changes, q 1606, 1693.

Gresswell Rehabilitation Centre-Fire risks, 851, q 1815.

Guest, Hon. J. V. C. (Monash Province) Ans, The-Programs in Swan Hi1I, Qn 868. Community Protection Bill, 735. Law Reform Commission-Report on mental ill­

ness, 735. Monash University (Chisholm and Gippsland) Bin,

1621. Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 216. Public Transpon-Very Fast Train project, 1359. Questions on Notice-Answers, 222. Rooming Houses Bin, 1484. State Bank Victoria-Proposed Royal Commission,

290. Injunction, 290.

Guthrie, The Late Sir Rutherford, CMG, 28.


Hall, HOD. P. R. (Gippsland Province) BASS Victoria-Seat allocations, 654. Bicycles-Helmets, 1356. Business and Commerce-Electricity connection

costs, 1029. Coal Corporation of Victoria-Review, Q 1299. Community Services Victoria-Visiting child health

nurse service, Central Gippsland, 107. Home and community care program, 1176.

Conservation-Recycling facilities in GippsJand, 601.

Consumer Affairs, Ministry of-Staffing, Q 885. Death Duties, q 1 701. Education-Victorian College of Agriculture and

Horticulture, Gilbert Chandler campus, 328. Emergency teachers, 518.

Electoral-Proportional representation, 495. Esso Australia Lld-Proposed relocation of staff,

q 1473. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill, 202. Health-Bone marrow donor register, Q 1816. Hospilals-Latrobe Valley, Q 533. West GippsJand,

q 1608. Housing-Home purchase insurance premiums,

qn 335,358. Latrobe Regional Commission-Representation,

758. Legislative Council-Proportional representation,

495. Melbourne College of Divinity (Amendment) BiD,

1012. Monash University (OUsholm and Gippsiand) BiD,

1616. Multifunction Polis-Proposeci. q 373. Municipalities-Home and community care p~

gram, 1176. National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1906. Occupational Health and Safety (Miscellaneous

Amendment) Bill, 728. Petitions-Visiting child health nurse service, Cen­

tral GippsJand, 107. Public Service-Union representation, 228. Roads Corporation-Speed: detection devi~ Q 618;

restrictions in Traralgon, 1105. Shop Trading (Amendment) Bill (No. 2), 1319, 1325,

1326, 1865. State Bank Victoria-Injunction, 295. Proposed

Royal Commission, 295. State Electricity Commission-Lay Yang B3 and B4

units, Q 669, q 1151. Power connection costs, 1029. Dartmouth power station, Q 1151.

Supply (1990-91 , No. 1) Bill, 1335. TattersaU Consultations (Amendment) Bill, 1063. Unions-Representation of public servants, 228. Victoria University of Technology Bill, 1572. Vocational Education and Training Bill, 1837.


Hallam, HOD. R. M. (Western Province) Administrative Appeals Tribunal-Drainage dis­

pute, 966. Aged Services-Public transport facilities, 449.

Fishing licence fees. 848. Audit (Amendment) BiD, 636, 648,986,987, 1937. Auditor-General-Proposed inquiry into State Bank

Victoria, 679. Repon on Ministerial ponfolios, q 1045.

Conservation-Volcanic cone study, 1104. Native vegetation, 1218.

Consumer Affairs-International telefax directory, 602.

Control of Weapons Bill, 949, 954, 955, 957, 960, 962,963.

Deakin University (Warmambool) Bill, 1868. Education-Ministry propeny transactions at Weer­

angoun, 132. Pon Fairy Consolidated School, 359. Visiting teacher service, 653.

Home Energy Advisory Service-Access for Warr­nambool residents. 1292.

Hospitals-St John of God, Ballarat, 760. Bush nursing, 1354.

Liquor licensing Commission-Fee collection q 1229, q 1295. '

Local Government Act-Proclamation of amend­ments, q 1553.

Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 784, 821, 822, 823,824,826,828,829,834,837,839,842,844.

Medical Services-Dispensing of medication by remote area nurses. 1354.

Meier Transpon Pty Ltd, 329. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works­

Rates, q 1553. Ministry, The-Responsibilities of Treasurer, 43,

q 159. Municipalities-Volcanic cone study, 1104. Native

vegetation clearance restrictions, 1218. Rates, q 1553.

National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1893. Police Regulation (Further Amendment) Bill, 1 788,

1795. Prices---Government family budget pledge, q 1604. Public Transpon-Corporation expenditure, q 770.

Hamilton-Ararat bus service, 1694. Roads Corporation-Proposed graduated licence scheme, 1448.

Sewerage-SerVices in small communities, 1027.

State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility, 43, q 159. Tricontinental Corporation Lld. q 122, q 126, q 242, q 465. Injunction, 279. Proposed inquiries: Royal Commission, 279; Auditor-Gen­era~ 679. Board of directors, q 341. Release of documents, 381. Audit and reporting require­ments, q 1045. Credit rating, q 1369.

State FJectricity Commission-Relocation of pow­erline at Hotspur, qn 146. Credit rating, q 1369.

HaJlam, Hon. R. M.-continued State Finance-Management by Treasurer, 43. Gov­

ernment borrowings, q 614. Commonwealth allo­cations, q 668. Transpon sector, q 770. Credit rating, q 1369. Moody's Investors Service Inc., q 1369. A~set sales, 1385.

Supply(1990-91,No.l)Bill, 1087, 1494. Victoria Police-DISPLAN boundaries, 520. Water Act-Proclamation of amendments, q 1553. Windsor, Hotel-Sale, q 977. WorkCare-Levies, 229. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91,

No. 1) Bill, 1087.

Hudicapped PersoDs-Baringa centre, Sheppanon, q 538. Facilities for ethnic students, qn 881. Intel­lectual disability services, qn 1803. (See also "Community Services Victoria")

"Husard"-Incorporation of material, 313,314.

Harpers Waste Disposal Services Ply Ltd, 654.

HBA Ltd, 1451, 1453.

Healtb-Department Victoria-Budget allocations, q 161;

Statewide operations, qn 1944. WorkCare pay­ments. qn 662. Consultants, qn 859, qn 1946. Decentralisation of services, 1449, 1453. Sale of public asscts, q ! 814.

Diseases-Asbestos-related, qn 147, 1106, 1110. AIDS. q 616. Smoking and alcohol-related, q 1301, q 1816. Fluoride-related. qn 1368.

Drugs-A vaiJability under pharmaceutical benefits scheme, q 977.

General-Alcohol and drug services program, Qn 156. Funding: life education program, 230, 235. 966, q 1301; KiJparrin centre, 358, 364; for women, qn 663. Medicare: funds, q 248, q 249; review, q 1297. Facilities and services in Wedderburn, 349, q 1042. World Health Day, q 468, q 536. Bone marrow donor register, 968, 969, q 1816. Work practices in institutions, q 975. Moorool­bark-Croydon Community Health Centre, 1221, 1222. Westgate Community Health Services, 1352. 1361. HBA Ltd, 1451, 1453. National women's program, q 1607. Drug Rehabilitation and Research Fund. q 1705. Risks from fake ciga­rettes, q 1817. Cancer Research and Transplant Institute, 1942.

Heide Park and Art Gallery, q 372.

HeDsbaw, HOD. D. E. (Geelong Province) Community Services Victoria-Home and com­

munity care program, 1169. Consumer Affairs. Ministry of-Future directions,

q 472. Deakin University (Warmambool) Bill, 1870.

(14) INDEX

Henshaw, Hon. D. E.-continued

Drugs-Rehabilitation and Research Fund, q 1705. Electoral-Proportional representation, 496. Hospitals-Planning guidelines for acute, q 343.

Hogs, Hon. C. 1.--continued

Inadequacy of services, 585. Geelong,q 1044,1376. Portland and District, q 1553.

Housing-Redevelopment in Geelong area, q 126. Rental stock, q 888.

Legislative Council-Proportional representation, 496.

Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 801,827,835. Municipalities-Boundaries, q 670. Home and

community care program, 1169. Breach of Con­tract study, q 1234. Victoria Grants Commission allocations, q 1374.

Petitions--Neonatal intensive care, Geelong Hospi-tal, 1376.

Renewable Energy Authority Victoria Bill, 1746. State Bank Victoria-Injunction, q 247. Torquay-Municipal boundaries, q 670.

Herbicides-Restricted use in Heidelberg. 1941, 1943.

Historic Buildings-Demolition, q 1556.

Hogg, HOD. C. J. (Melbourne North Province) (Min­ister for Health)

Aged Services-Footscray day hospital, q 378. Edenhope Nursing Home, q 668. Kingston Centre, q 887. South Port Community Nursing Home, 1362. Personal emergency alarms, q 1817.

Alcohol-Alcohol and drug services program, qn 156. Abuse, q 1147. Advertising, q 130l.

Ambulance Services-Presence of observers in vehicles, q 770. Surgical collars, 851. Inter-hospi­tal transfers, qn 856, q 137l.

Arts, The-General-Programs in Swan Hill, qn 868. Painting

The Ritual 1986, qn 879. Ministry-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 88l.

Staffing in Mildura area, qn 1367. Funding for women, qn 1368.

Asbestos-Related illness, qn 147. Health risks, 1110. Attorney-General's Department-Funding for

women. qn 531. Asset sales, qn 662. Auditor-General-Report on Alfred Hospital,

q 1369. Budget-Health services allocations, q 161, qn 1944. Cemeteries-Eltham, 1222, 1547. Proposed Bun­

doora, 1547. Children and Young Persons (Amendment) Bill,

1236, 1288. Community Services Victoria­Children-Warrawong day care centre, Ringwood,

1110. Proposed welfare inquiry, qn 1804. Manda­tory reporting of abuse, qn 1804.

Department-Delays in welfare funding, qn 158. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 1808. Fund­ing for women, qn 1808.

General-Valuer-General valuations, qn 337. Non­government community services, qn 527.

Intellectual Disability Services-Neilson report, qn 1803.

Deakin University (Wannambool) Bill, 1551, 1568. Deaths-Mrs E. S. Gleeson, 20. Drugs-Alcohol and drug services program, qn 1 56.

Marijuana, 851. Abuse, q 1147. Rehabilitation and Research Fund, q 1705.

Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amend-ment) Bill, 349, 427, 1005.

Education-General-life education program, 235, 969, q 1301. Ministry-WorkCare clai.ns and payments, qn 880.

Property holdings, qn 972. Employment pro­grams, qn 1036. Bonds, qn 1139. Funding for women, qn 1139.

Post-Secondary-Physiotherapy training, 968. Nursing, q 1232, q 1472, q 1556.

Schools. Other-At Travancore Child and Family Centre, 235. Victorian School for Deaf Children, 1362.

Students-Facilities for ethnic handicapped, qn 882. Teachers-Long service leave, qn 1949. Ethnic Affairs-Commission-Grants, qn 1117, qn 1366. Funding for

women, qn 1140. Commissioners, qn 1140. Mem­bership of ALP, qn 1140. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 1698. Translations for unions. qn 1805. Interpreters and translators, qn 1806.

General-library information for migrants, qn 878. Facilities for handicapped students, qn 882.

Fluoridation-Plants, qn 873, qn 882, qn 883. Health risks, qn 1368.

Food (Validation) Bill, 1304,1418,1632.

Freedom o~ Information-Requests, 1547.

Geelong Rape Crisis Centre-Funding, 525.

Gresswell Rehabilitation Centre-Fire risks, 851, q 1816.

Handicapped Persons-Intellectual disability ser­vices, qn 1803.

Health-Department Victoria-Budget allocations, q 161;

Statewide operations, qn 1944. WorkCare pay­ments, qn 662. Consultants, qn 859, qn 1946. Decentralisation of services, 1453. Sale of public assets, qn 1814.

Diseases-Asbestos-related, qn 147, 1110. AIDS, q 617. Smoking and alcohol-related, q 1301, q 1816. Fluoride-related, qn 1368.

Drugs-Availability under pharmaceutical benefits scheme, q 977.


Hog, Hon. C. J.-continued General-Alcohol and drug services program,

qn 156. Funding: life education program, 235, 969, q 1301; Kalparrin centre, 364; for women, qn 663. Medicare: funds, q 249; review, q 1297. World Health Day, q 468, q 536. Bone marrow donor register, 969, q 1816. Work practices in institu­tions, q 975. Facilities and services in Wedder­burn, q 1042. Mooroolbark-Croydon Community Health Centre, 1222. Westgate Community Health Services, 1361. National women's program, q 1607. Drug Rehabilitation and Research Fund, q 1705. Cancer Research and Transplant Institute, 1942.

Health (Amendment) Bill, 179. Health Services (Amendment) Bill. 622. 724, 1330. Health Services ·(Further Amendment) Bill, 1610.

1874. Hospitals-Emergency and critical care services.

q 127, q 348, q 977, q 1044, q 1298. Bed closures, q 128, q 371, q 377. Crisis, 138. Westernport Memorial, 138. St Andrew's, 139, q 467, 763. q 768, 923, q 982, q 1559. Warburton Health care Centre and Hospital, 236. Hamilton Base, 236. Western, q 246, q 378. Planning guidelines for acute, q 343. Geelong, 364, q 1044. False fire alarm charges, 364. Fairfield, 364. Waiting lists, q 373, q 537, q 620, q 666, q 670, q 976, q 1148, 1222, 1547. Bush nursing, q 375, 1110, 1361, q 1703. Prince Hen­ry's, q 379, 969, 1032. Yarra Junction and Dis­trict, 458. Work practices and redeployment, q 533, q 975, q 1706. Latrobe Valley, q 533. Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, q 535, 923, q 1558. ALP policy on private, q 539. Inadequacy of ser­vices, 569. Royal Children's, q 616. Bendigo Base, 659. St John of God, Ballarat, 764, q 773. Inter­hospital transfers, qn 856, q 1371. St George's, q 975, 1361. Proposed amalgamations, q 975, 1361. Board appointments, 1109. Mildura Base, 1109. Birchip Bush Nursing, 1110. Outpatient prescrip­tion fees, 1222. Health service agreements, 1294. Standard performance measurements, 1294. Audit reports, q 1369. Alfred, q 1369. Austin, q 1370. Nursing staff, q 1470. Portland and District, q 1553. WorkCare premiums, q 1607. West Gippsland, q 1608. Operation of public system, q 1704. Industrial relations, q 1706. Heatherton, qn 1949.

Industry and Economic Planning-Assistance for Maryborough and Bendigo, 1696.

Infertility (Medical Procedures) Act 1984, 1304.

Infertility, Standing Review and Advisory Commit-tee on-Embryo experimentation, q 1047, 1304.

Land Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 1780. Legal Profession-Proposed contingency fees, 1361. Library Services-Information for migrants, qn 878.

Braille and Talking Book Library, 1547. Funding, 1942.

Hog, Hon. C. J.-conlinued Medical Services-General-Neonatal units for Geelong, 364. Dietetic,

q 616. Bone marrow donor register, 969, q 1816. Pharmaceutical benefits scheme, q 977. Embryo experimentation, q 1047, 1304. Infertility (Medi­cal Procedures) Act 1984, 1304. Radiotherapy, q 1558.

Nursing-Education and training, q 1232, q 1472, q 1556. Dispensing of medication in remote areas, 1361. Hospital staff, q 1470.

Medicare-Funds, q 249. Review, q 1297. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board ofWorks-Dis­

pute, q 980. Melbourne College of Divinity (Amendment) Bill,

622, 704, 1011, 1013. Mental Health (General Amendment) Bill, 518, 1006,

1007, 1008, 10 11. Mental Health Research Institute, q 163. Mental Health Services-General-Research, q 163. Manic-depression, 659.

Child psychiatric patients, q 867. Hospitals and Centres-School at Travancore Child

and Family Centre, 235. Larundel Psychiatric Hospital, q 375, q 671, q 1708. Gresswell Rehabil­itation Centre, 851, q 1816. Work practices, q 975. Availability of beds, qn 1946, qn 1948, qn 1949. Patient admissions, qn 1947, qn 1948.

Ministerial Statements-Infertility (Medical Pr0-cedures) Act 1984, 1304.

Ministry, The-Condemnation of Minister for Health, 569.

Monash University (Chisholm and Gippsland) Bill, 1543,1565.

National Acoustic Laboratories Hearing Centre­Proposed closure, 1361.

Olympic Games, 1996-Melbourne bid, qn 1945.

Pathology Services Accreditation (Amendment) Bill, 349,426.

Questions on Notice-Answers, 985.

Roads Corporation-Dri ver licence testing ofbrain-damaged patients, q 472.

State Finance-Asset sales, qn 662, q 1814.

Tobacco-Advertising, q 1301.

Unemployment-In Maryborough and Bendigo, 1696.

U nions-Translations from Ethnic Affairs Commis­sion, qn 1805.

Valuer-General-Valuations for Community Ser­vices Victoria, qn 337.

Victoria University of Technology Bill, 975, 1050, 1591.

Vocational Education and Training Bill, 1191, 1237, 1847.

Warrawong Day Care Centre, Ringwood, 1110.

(16) INDEX

Hogg, Hon. C. J.-continued Women-Funding: A ttorney-General's Depart­

ment, qn 531; Health Depanment Victoria, qn 663; Ministry of Education, qn 1139; Ethnic Affairs Commission, qn 1140; Ministry for the Arts, qn 1368; Community Services Victoria, qn 1808. National health program, q 1607.

WorkCare-Claims, payments and premiums: post­secondary education, qn 530; Health Department Victoria, qn 662; Ministry of Education, qn 880; Ministry for the Arts, qn 881; hospitals, q 1607; Ethnic Affairs Commission, qn 1698; Community Services Victoria, qn 1808.

Youth-Cigarette smoking, q 1816.

Home Energy Advisory Service-Access for Warr­nambool residents, q 534, 1292, 1294. Heating tariffs for low-income households, q 1814.

Hospita1s-Geelong, 107. 360, 364, q 1044, 1376. Emergency and critical care services, q 127. q 348, q 977, q 1044, q 1298. Bed closures, q 128, q 371, q 376. Crisis, 131, 138. Westernport Memorial, 134, 138. St Andrew's, 137, 139, q 467,759, 763, q 768, 892, 907, q 982. q 1559. WorkCare claims, payments and premiums, qn 141, qn 872, q 1607. Warburton Health Care Centre and Hospital, 233, 236. Hamilton Base, 233, 236. Western, q 246, q 378. Planning guidelines for acute, q 343. Clo­sures, 349. False tire alarm charges. 361, 364. Fair­field. 361, 364. Waiting lists. q 373, q 536, q 620, q 666,q 670, q 976,q 1148,1218,1222. 1545, 1547. Bush nursing, q 375, 621,1108,1110.1354.1361, q 1703. Prince Henry's, q 379, 967. 969, 1030, 1032. Yarra Junction and District, 452, 458. Work practices and redeployment, q 533, q 975, q 1706. Latrobe Valley, q 533. Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute. q 535, 892, q 1558. ALP policy on pri­vate, q 538. Inadequacy of services, 548. Royal Children's, q 616. Bendigo Base, 653, 659. St John of God, Ballarat, 760, 764, q 773. Inter-hospital transfers, qn 855, q 1371. St George's, q 975, 1353, 1361. Proposed amalgamations, q 975, 1353, 1361. Board appointments, 1 103, 1 109. Mildura Base, 1103, 1109. Birchip Bush Nursing, 1108, 1110. Outpatient prescription fees, 1220, 1222. Monash Medical Centre, q 1233. Health service agree­ments, 1292, 1294. Standard performance measurements, 1292, 1294. Audit reports, q 1369. Alfred, q 1369. Austin, q 1370. Nursing staff, q 1470. Portland and District, q 1553. West Gippsland, q 1608. Operation of public system, q 1704. Industrial relations, q 1706. Heatherton, qn 1949.

Hospita1s Superannuation Board-Research funding, 520.

House Committee-Report on Parliament House, 1823.

Housing-General-For women, q 251, qn 882. Government

assistance: group self-build scheme, qn 335; first home buyers scheme, q 377; rental assistance, q 535; home opportunity loan scheme, q 774; organisations in Barwon region, qn 1140. Joint Ministry projects: Urban land Authority, q 470; Association for the Blind, q 538; community housing programs, q 618, q 772; Project Partner­ship scheme, q 1474. Proposed rental bond board. 967.970. Smart Blocks campaign, q 979. Homes­tart scheme. q 1372. Dual occupancy develop­ments, q 1701.

Ministry of Housing and Construction-Funding for women, q 251, qn 882. Departmental decentralis­ation, q 346. Computer facilities, q 471. Proposed St Kilda station development, 657, 660. Tender conditions, 758. 764. Park Street railway reserve, 1031. 1033. WorkCare claims and payments, q 1138. Sale of Seymour land, 1357, 1362.

Public-Redevelopment in Geelong area, q 126. Vacancies, qn 144. Rental stock: in Mildura area. 232, 236; in Geelong area, q 888, qn 1136. Home purchase .insurance premiums. qn 335, 358, 364. Elderly person facilities: units in Ararat, 455, 458. q 1812; granny flat program, q 1143, q 1145; Pr0-ject Partnership scheme. q 1474; West Brunswick installation, 1693, 1696; Ministry program, q 1812. Behaviour of Ministry tenant at Somerville, 847, 851. Rental arrears: Aboriginal tenants, q 891; bad debts, q 978; in urban centres and country areas, qn 1038; comparison of figures, q 1146. In West Heidelberg, q 1046. Castlefield estate, Moorabbin, qn 1115. At Korong Vale, qn 1140. Heating costs, 1219, 1223. Lake Hamilton estate, 1219, 1223. Waiting lists. q J 232. Depiction .oftenants in tele­vision drama Skirts, q 1295. lifts in high-rise buildings, q 1296, q 1559. Valuation of Simpson property, 1449, 1453. Assessment of income of returned servicemen, 1695, 1696. Delay before interviews, q 1818.

Housing Guarantee Fund Ltd-CIaims handling pro­cedures, q 1373.

Hunt. Hon. A. J. (South Eastern Province) (See "Presi­dent, The (Hon. A. J. Hunt)"}


Industry and Economic PlaDDinl (formerly "Industry, Technology and Resources")-

Department-Research funds, qn 865, qn 866. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 875. V /Srn an computer package. qn 1227. Review of Coal Cor­poration of Victoria, q 1299.


Industry and Economic Planning-continued J


Economic Planning-Economic and Budget Review Comminee repon on program budgeting, 673. Victorian Equity Trust, q 1554. (See also "State Finance")

General-Centre for International Research on Communication and Information Technologies, q 769, qn 865, qn 866. Development in Bendigo, q 1042. Pappas Carter Evans and Koop Pty Ltd, 1355, 1360, 1447, 1452. Research into compact ceramic fuel cells, q 1371. Assistance for Mary-borough and Bendigo, 1695, 1696. Promotion of Melbourne for in vestmen t, q 1812.

Industry-In Ararat, 524, 525. Meat, 607, 609. Min­ing, q 617. Industrial pollution in South Gipps­land, 656, 659. Building and construction, 761, 766, q 774. Assistance to Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, q 1044. Problems in Maryborough, 1452, 1453. PonIand aluminium smelter, q 1551, q 1554. Benefits of frigate project, q 1604.

IDdustry, Technoloay and Resoarces­Department-Funding for women, qn 338. Loans

ponfolio, q 341. Industry-Textile, q 345. Building and construction,

452. Resources-Energy conservation, q 124, q 161, q 373.

Coal liquefaction, q 344, q 379. Technology-Centre for International Research on

Communication and Information Technologies, q 343. (See also "Energy Conservation", "Home Energy Advisory Service" and "State Electricity Commission")

IDfertility (Medical Procedures) Act 1984, 1304.

IDfertility, Standing Review and Advisory Committee on-Embryo experimentation, q 1047, 1304.

IDsurance-HBA Ltd, 1451, 1453.

ID-Vitro FertilisatioD (See "Medical Services")

hes, HOD. R. S. (Eumemmerring Province) Aged Services--Kin~ton Centre, q 887. Architects-Deregulation of profession, q 1609. Equal Opponunity-Age discrimination, q 981. Geebng Regional Commission-Operations, q 666. Home Energy Advisory Service, q 534. Municipal Accounting and Audit Practices Review

Comminee-Repon, q 1818. Municipalities-Micro-economic reform, q 1149.

Pensioner rate rebates, q 1473. Olympic Games, 1996-Melbourne bid, q 165. Pensioners-Rate rebates, q 1473. Roads Corporation-Road funding, 418. State Bank Victoria-Proposed Royal Commission,

287. Injunction, 287. Victoria University of Technology Bill, 1576. Vocational Education and Training Bill, 1843.

JacksoD, Dary}, Ply Ltd, qn 869.

Jet Skis, 968.

Joint SittiDp of Parliament-Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences, 1351, 1418, 1454. Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, 1351, 1418,1454. Victoria University of Technology, 1692, 1709, 1764, !801.


KeDDedy, HOD. C. J. (Waverley Province) Aboriginal Affairs-Employment opportunities,

q 1375. Baimsdale community, q 1609. Australian Football League-Ticket scalping, q 1152. Australian Retail Financial Network Ltd, 1220. Consumer Affairs-Football ticket scalping, q 1152.

Debt collection practices, 1220. Energy Conservation-Use of energy-efficient light

globes, q 124. Housing-Community housing program, q 772.

Smart Blocks campaign, q 979. Public; lifts in high­rise buildings, q 1559.

Industry and Economic Planning-Development in Bendigo, q 1042.

Ministry, The-Appointments, 464. Points of Order-Reading of speeches, 604. Prices-Defeat of Prices Bill, q 1302. Supply (1990-91, No. 1) Bill, 1431. World Health Day, q 536.

KDowles, HOD. R.I. (Ballarat Province) Business of the House-Adjournment of second­

reading debates, 696. Conservation and Environment, Department of­

Raid on dingo park, 242. Staffing levels in Mil­dura, qn 880.

Deaths--Sir Henry Bolte, GCMG, 11. Hon. J. C. M. Balfour, CBE, 1466.

Education-Ballarat CoUege of Advanced Educa­tion,329.

Electoral-Proportional representation, 500. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) (Amendment)

Bill, 629. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill, 199, 208. Footscray Land (Amendment) Bill, 1851. Grampians--Proposed name changes, 1693. HospitaIs--Waiting lists, q 536. Inadequacy of ser-

vices, 574. St Andrew's, q 982. Kew and Heidelberg Lands (Trust) Bill, 1015. Land Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 1732, 1780,

1783. Land (Further Miscellaneous Matters) Bill, 352. Legislative Council-Proponional representation,


(18) INDEX

Knowles, Hon. R. I.-continued

Melbourne City Council-Alleged pecuniary interest abuses, q 1231, q 1295, q 1608.

Mental Health Services-Larundel Psychiatric Hos­pital, q 374, q 671, q 1708.

National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1910, 1924, 1926, 1933.

Ombudsman-Raid on dingo park, 242. Parks-Grampians National, 1693. Points of Order-Veracity of remarks, 54. Reflec­

tions on members, 244, 247. Quoted material, 271. Matters raised in adjournment debate to relate to State administration, 333. Questions without notice: answers, 472, 980, 1707; rule of anticipa­tion, 1152; not to seek opinion, 1302, 1372. Scope of debate, 1250.

Queen Victoria Hospital Site-Redevelopment, q 1471.

Questions on Notice-Answers, 983. State Bank Victoria-Release of documents, 393.

Proposed inquiry by Auditor-General, 686, 690. State Finance-Asset sales, 1415. Timber Industry-Upgrading of Murrindindi forest

road, qn 1137. Universities-Ballarat University College, 456. Yackandandah Land Bill, 624.

Kodak (Australasia) Ply Ltd, q 1044.

Kokocinsk~ HOD. Licia (Melbourne West Province) Alcohol-Abuse, q 1147. Conservation and Environment-Freeway reserve

in West Sunshine, 846. Drugs-Abuse, q 1147. Equal Opportunity-Age discrimination, 1722. Handicapped Persons-Baringa centre, Shepparton,

q 538. Health-AIDS. q 616. Hospitals-Inadequacy of services, 576. Bendigo

Base, 653. Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, 907. St Andrew's, 907.

Industry-Benefits of frigate project, q 1604. Medical Services-Nursing education and training,

q 1472. Ministry, The-Responsibilities of Treasurer, 94. Points of Order-Scope of debate, 85, 577, 1250.

Unparliamentary expressions, 92. Matters raised in adjournment debates: reflections on Ministers, 451; imputations against Mayor of Frankston, 1939. Offensive remarks, 1812.

Rooming Houses Bin, 190. Social Development Committee-Report on mental

disturbance and community safety, 1711. State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility, 94. State Electricity Commission-Dartmouth power

station, q 976.

Kokocinski, Hon. Licia----continued

State Finance-Management by Treasurer, 94. Asset sales, 1411.

State Library-Redevelopment project, q 159. Taxation-Bottom-of-the-harbour evasion schemes,

325. Universities-Ballarat University College, q 342. Victoria University of Technology Bill, 1583. Violence-Social Development Committee report on

mental disturbance and community safety, 1711. Willsmere Hospital Site-Redevelopment, q 885.


labour, Department of-Employment-Programs, qn 877. Opportunities for

Aborigines on government projects, q 1375. General-Storage and handling of hazardous chem­

ical products, 762, 765. Funding for Sybylla Coop­erative Press and Publications Ltd, qn 855. Bentleigh premises, qn 859, qn 867. Duties of employee, qn 873. WorkCare claims, payments and premiums, qn 873, qn 1456. Expense claims, qn 873, qn 874. Official duty statements, qn 874. Cost of Inspire system, qn 877. Information for migrant workers, qn 878. Staffing levels in Mil­dura, qn 880. Wageline, 965, 970. Directory of occupational health and safety consultants, qn 1225. Destruction of Youth Guarantee files, qn 1456. Lift safety inspections, qn 1457.

Training-Apprentices, q 243. Youth Guarantee, qn 872, qn 1456. Building and Construction Industry Division Training Foundation audit reports, qn 877.

Unemploymenl-In Maryborough and Bendigo, 1695,1696.

Land (Further Miscellaneous Matters) Bill-Material in Library, 324, 334.

Landeryo, HOD. W. A. (Doutta Galla Province) Deaths-Sir Henry Bolte, GCMG, 10. Energy Conservation-Government strategy, q 161. Heide Park and Art Gallery, q 372. Poi nts of Order-Offensi ve remarks, 1812. Questions on Notice-Answers, 121.

Latrobe Regional Commission-Chairman, q 668. Representation, 758, 763.

Law Courts-Reports: Supreme Court judges for 1988, 167; Magistrates Court for 1989, 473; County Court judges for 1988-89, 1153. Closure of counhouses, 452. Ringwood, 848.

Law Reform CommissioD-Report on mental illness, q 671, 713, 729.

LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (19) Lawson. Hon. Robert (Higinbotham Province)

Australian Airlines (Intrastate Services) Bill, 1055. Conservation and Environment-Depanmental raid

on dingo park, 601. Native vegetation, 1596. Education-Mentone Girls Secondary College, 232.

Traffic safety, 763. Principals' salary structure, 849. Victorian School for Deaf Children, 1358.

Equal Opportunity-Age discrimination, 1721. Jet Skis, 968. Labour, Department of-BentIeigh premises, qn 859,

qn 867. library Services-Funding, 361. Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 811. Mental Health (General Amendment) Bill, 516. Monash University (Chisholm and Gippsland) Bill,

1620. Municipalities-Natural Resources and Environ­

ment Committee report on waste management, 171l.

National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1903. Natural Resources and Environment Committee­

Report on waste management, 1711. Points of Order-Scope of debate, 84. Port Phillip Bay-Beach cleaning and maintenance,

655. Ports-Valuer-General valuations, qn 1134. Public Transport-Cost of third C.aulfield­

Moorabbin railway line, qn 1112. Valuer-General valuations, qn 1134. V fLine taxi costs, qn 1365. Corporation railway property, McKinnon, 1452.

Questions on Notice-Answers, 218. Renewable Energy Authority Victoria Bill, 1744. Road Safety (Amendment) BiU, 352.

Road Transport-Mass and dimension permits, qn 1129, qn 1130, qn 1131. Height limits, qn 1132. Registration of articulated vehicles, qn 1132, qn 1133, qn 1134.

Roads Corporation-Seat belt legislation, 136. Road funding, 397, 444. Valuer-General valuations, qn 1134. Proposed Geelong ring-road, qn 1135.

Road accidents and fatalities, qn 1366.

Sales Tax-Proposed exemption ofMunicipaJ Asso­ciation of Victoria, 523.

Shop Trading (Amendment) Bill (No. 2), 1321, 1325.

State Bank Victoria-Proposed Royal Commission, 320. Injunction, 320.

Supply (1990-91, No. I) Bill, 1098, 1433.

Transport, Ministry of -Staffing in Mildura area, qn 1135.

Valuer-General-Valuations for transport and port authorities, qn 1134.

Victoria Police-Inability to charge intruder, 1104.

Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91, No. 1) Bill, 1098.

Lepl aod Constitutional Committee-Reports: Con­stitutionAct 1975,108; privacy, 1710. Food Stan­dards Regulations, 1823. Tobacco (Promotion of Exempt Sponsorship) Regulations, 169. Water (Lake Eildon Recreational Area) (Amendment) Regulations, 169. Membership, 779. Prerelease of report, 1710.

Lepl Proression-Proposed contingency fees, 1357, 1361.

Leaislative COUDCil-Proportional representation, 169, 477.

Library Services-Funding, 361, 363, 1941, 1942. Information for migrants, qn 878. Braille and Talking Book library, 1544, 1547. (See also "State Library")

Liquor Iodustry-Proof-of-age cards, 362, 364. Review of extended trading hours, q 1706. Proposed levy for police services, 1941, 1943. (See also "Alcohol")

Liquor LiceDsiDa Commission-Fee collection, q 1229, q 1231,q 1295,1375.

Live Weiabt SeUiaa Review Committee, q 1373.

Local Government (See "Municipalities")

Local Government Act-Proclamation of amend­ments, q 1553.

Loc:a.a Govemmeot and Ethnic Affairs Ministerial Advisory Committee,. q 249.

Local Government Deputment-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 528, qn 530. Director-general, q 539. Secondments, q 540. Funding for women, qn 662. Report on alleged pecuniary interest abuses, q 1229, q 1231, q 1235, q 1295, q 1608, 1755, q t 811.

Loog, Hon. R. J. (Gippsland Province) Community Protection Bill, 748. Community Services Victoria-Visiting child health

nurse service, 166. Home and community care program, 1184.

Deaths-Hon. J. C. M. Balfour, CBE, 1462. Education-Long service leave for teachers, 757. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill, 206. Law Reform Commission-Report on mental ill­

ness, 748. Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 821, 824, 825,

828,831. Municipalities-Home and community care pr~

gram, 1184. Petitions-Visiting child health nurse service, 166. Questions on Notice-Answers, 218. Rooming Houses Bill, 1309, 1311, 1827. Shop Trading (Amendment) Bill (No. 2), 1326. Water-Proposed Mitchell River dam, q 768.

(20) INDEX

Long Service Leave-Portability, 330, 332, 522.

Lyster, HOD. M. A. (Chelsea Province) (Minister for Local Government)

Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Planning) Bill, 475, 1023. 1024.

Aged Services-Looking Forward To An Older Vic­toria, q 376. Public transport facilities, 459. Fish­ing licence fees, 853. Age discrimination, q 981, 1728.

Animals-Retraining of vicious dogs, 1111. Building, Co-operative Housing and Friendly Socie­

ties (Amendment) Bill, 1551, 1593, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1796.

Caravan Parks-Regulations, q 1557. Classification of Films and Publications Bill, 600. Classification of Films and Publications Bill (No. 2),

1532,1761,1762,1763. Community Protection Bill, 665, 701, 713, 754, 756,

757. Community Services Victoria-Home and com­

munity care program, q 346, 1186. Conservation-Municipal environmental manage..

ment, q 889. Native vegetation, 1223. Control of Weapons Bill, 948, 952, 953, 954, 955,

956,957,958,960,961,962,963. Co-operative Housing Societies (Guarantees) Bill,

1469, 1480, 1874. Courts (Children's and Magistrates') Bill, 1532, 1563,

1731. Crimes (Family Violence) (Amendment) Bill (No.

2),506,596, 1013, 1014. Crimes (Unsworn Statements) Bill, 1417, 1479. Deaths-Mrs E. S. Gleeson, 22. Hon. J. C. M. BaI­

four, CBE, 1464. Electoral-Proportional representation, 497. Muni­

cipaltribunal,q 1047,1294,q 1707. Equal Opportunity-Age discrimination, q 981,

1728. Fishing-Amateur licence fees, 853. Frankston Quayside Development, 1943. Freedom of Information-Application to local gov-

ernment, 1362. Galvin Construction Group, 1943. Herbicides-Restricted use in Heidelberg. 1943. Housing-Granny flat program, q 1145. Labour, Deparunent of-Storage and handling of

hazardous chemical products, 765. Law Courts-Reports: Magistrates Court for 1989,

473; County Court judges for 1988-89, 1153. Legislative Council-Proportional representation,

497. Live Weight Selling Review Committee, q 1373. Local Government Act-Proclamation of amend­

ments, q 1553.

Lyster, Hon. M. A.-continued Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 350, 446, 817,

821,822, 823, 824, 825, 828, 829, 830, 831,837, 838,839,841,842,843,844,845,1027.

Local Government and Ethnic Affairs Ministerial Advisory Committee, q 249.

Local Government Departrnent-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 528, qn 530. Director-general, q 539. Secondments, q 540. Funding for women, qn 663. Report on alleged pecuniary interest abuses, q 1229, q 1231, q 1235, q 1295, q 1608, 1755, q 1811.

Mental Health Services-Law Reform Commission report on mental illness, q 672.

Municipal Accounting and Audit Practices Review Committee-Report, q 1818.

Municipal Saleyards Association, q 1373. Municipalities-Ba"abool-Boundaries, 139, q 670. Coburg-Alleged illegal activities at election, 1294,

q 1707. Doncaster and Templestowl'-Compulsory acquisi­

tion powers, 1034. Finance-Local Government Social Justice Partner­

ship Projects Program, 238. Local government subsidy scheme, q 619. Victoria Grants Commis­sion allocations, q 1374. Rates, q 1553. For roads, q I 705, q J 811.

Frankston-Quayside development, 1943. General-Very Fast Train project, q 129. Bounda­

ries, 139, 237, q 670, 765, 1597. Disposal of syringes, 237. Local Government and Ethnic Affairs Ministerial Advisory Committee, q 249. Home and community care program, q 346, 1186. Public liability insurance, q 775. Pensioner rate rebates, 853, lIlO, q 1473. Environmental man­agement, q 889. Electoral tribunal, q 1047, 1294, q 1707. Accelerated growth corridor strategies, 1110. Micro-economic reform, q 1150, q 1303. Native vegetation clearance restrictions, 1223. Breach of Contract study, q 1234. Application of Freedom of Information Act, J 362. Advertising on telephone booths, 1454. Amalgamation of facilities in Geelong Province, qn 1699. Municipal Accounting and Audit Practices Review Commit­tee report, q 1818.

Heidelberg-Restrictions on use of herbicides, 1943. Melbourne-Report on alleged pecuniary interest

abuses, q 1229, q 1231, q 1235, q 1295, q 1608, 1755, q 1811.

Melton-Alleged tampering with cars, q 1476. Nathalia-Construction of drains, qn 144. Phillip Island-Boundaries, 765. Sherbrooke-Boundaries, 1597. South Barwo~Boundaries, 139, q 670. Swan HiII-Community resource centre, q 166. Torqua~Boundaries, 139, q 670. Wangaratta-Boundaries.237.

LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (21) Lyster, Hon. M. A.-continued

Pawnbrokers-Licences. 661. Pena1ties and Sentences Bill, 600. Pensioners-Rate rebates, 853, lIlO, q 1473. Petitions-Municipal boundaries, 1597. Police and Emergency Services, Ministry for­

Funding for women, qn 1549. Police Regulation (Funher Amendment) Bill, 1532,

1562, 1795, 1796. Poll Tax, q 471. Private Agents (Amendment) Bill, 1532, 1592. Property and Services, Department of-Funding for

women, qn 369. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 529.

Public Transport-Very Fast Train project, q 129. During Senior Citizens Week, 140, q 348,610,853.

Quarantine Officers (Transfer) Bill, 1469, 1478, 1851. Questions on Notice-Answers, 984. Roads Corporation-Red light cameras, qn 1142.

Road accidents and fatalities in Boronia Province, qn 1548. Road funding q 1705, q 1811.

Second-hand Dealers-Licences, 661. Senior Citizens Week-Public transport, 140, 610,

853. Government programs, q 348. Telecom Australia-Advertising on telephone

booths, 1454. Tourism-Property holdings of Victorian Snow

Resorts, qn 1112. Trustees Executors and Agency Co. Ltd-Report of

special investigator, 622. Victoria Police-Red light cameras, qn 1142. Victorian Snow Resorts (formerly Victour Proper­

ties Ply ltd)-Property holdings, qn 1112. Victorian Tourism Commission-WorkCare claims

and payments, qn 1226. Water-loch Garry, qn 145. Water Act-Proclamation of amendments, q 1553. Women-Funding: Department of Property and

Services, qn 369; Ministry of Consumer Affairs, qn 531; Local Government Department, qn 663; Ministry for Police and Emergency Services, qn 1549. Moongala Women's Co-operative, 611.

WorkCare-Claims and payments: Local Govern­ment Department, qn 528, qn 530; Department of Property and Services, qn 529; Victorian Tourism Commission, qn 1226.


Macey, HOD. Rea (Monash Province) Aged Services-South Port Community Nursing

Home, 1358. Am bulance Services-Inter-hospital transfers,

q 1371. Bayside Project-Sale of site to Sandridge City

Development Co. Ply Ltd, 456. Coburg, City of-Alleged illegal activities at elec­

tion, 1293.

Macey, Hon. Reg-continued

Hospitals-Prince Henry's, q 379, 967, 1030. Inter­hospital transfers, q 1371.

Housing-Proposed St IUlda station development, 657.

Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 780, 822, 825, 827,834,838,839,840,843.

Local Government Department-Secondments, q 540.

Ministry, The-Attomey-General, 1597. Planning-Metropolitan Planning Scheme, 523. Roads Corporation-Road funding. 438. St Kilda-Aooding in Elwood, 607. Storm damage,

845. Council relations with police, 1940. Victoria Police-Activities in St Kilda, 1940.

Mackeuie, Hoe. R. A. (Gcelong Province) Aboriginal Affairs-Watherongcommunity, q 539. Agriculture and Rural Affilirs, Department of­

Somerset poultry farm, Keysborough, 453. Alcohol-Advertising. q 1301. Related violence in

Geelong. q 1 706. Animals-Retraining of vicious dogs, 1107. Birds-Caged, 453. Building and Construction Industry-Protection of

subcontractors, q 774. Business of the House-Adjournment of second-

reading debates, 546. Caravan Parks-Inspections, 606. Community Protection Bill, 751,756. Community Services Victoria-Home and com­

munity care program, 1185. Conservation-Preservation of coastal land between

Aireys Inlet and Anglesea, 231, 1218. Consumer Affirirs-Proposed rental bond board, 967. Control of Weapons Bill, 947, 951, 959, 960. Crimes (Unsworn Statements) Bill, 1798. Deakin University (Warmambool) Bill, 1872. Drugs-Marijuana, 849. Education-Gordon Technical College, q 127. life

education program, Q 1301. Electoral-Proportional representation, 488. Footscray Land (Amendment) Bill, 1852. Geelong Rape Crisis Centre-Funding. 522. Health-Tobacco and alcohol advertising. q 1301.

Funding for life education program, q 130 I. Hospitals-Geelong. 107, 360. Inadequacy of ser­

vices, 586. Housing-Proposed rental bond board, 967. Land Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 1735, 1781,

1782. law Reform Commission-Report on mental ill­

ness, q 671, 751. Legislative Council-Proportional representation,

488. Uquor Industry-Review of extended trading hours,

q 1706.

(22) INDEX

Mackenzie, Hon. R. A.-continued Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 812. Medical Services-Proposed neonatal units in Gee­

long, 360. Mental Hea1th-Manic-depression, 651. Law Reform

Commission report on mental illness, q 671, 751. Ministry; The-Responsibilities of Treasurer, 101. MuJtifunction Polis-Proposed, q 246. Municipalities-Home and community care pro-

gram, 1185. National Acoustic Laboratories Hearing Centre­

Proposed closure, 1354. National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1683,

1884. Personal Explanations-Statement in debate, 1884. Petitions-Bed closures, Geelong Hospital, 107. Points of Order-Incorporation of material in Han-

sard,314. Police Regulation (Further Amendment) Bill, 1792. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Leghold Traps)

Bill, 1187. Private Agents (Amendment) Bill, 1767. Public Transport-Very Fast Train project, q 1152. Questions on Notice-Answers, 217. Renewable Energy Authority Victoria BiJI, 1753. Roads Corporation-Use ofroad signs for advertis-

ing, q 347. Road funding, 435. Rooming Houses Bill, 196, 990, 991, 992, 993, 995,

998, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1279, 1280, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1307, 1309, 1310, 1313,1482,1485,1487,1490,1493.

State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility, 101. Injunction, 317. Proposed Royal Commission, 317.

State Electricity Commission-Geelong region, 326. State Finance-Management by Treasurer, 101.

Asset sales, 1392. Supply (1990-91, No. I) Bill, 1205. Tobacco-Advertising, q 1301. Torquay-Municipal boundaries, 132. Women-Funding for Geelong and Barwon ser-

vices, 1448. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91,

No. 1) Bill, 1205.

McLean, Hon. Jean (Boronia Province) Aged Services-Edenhope Nursing Home, q 668. Coburg City Council-Alleged illegal activities at

election, q 1707. Community Protection Bill, 721. Conservation-Municipal environmental manage-

ment, q 889. Consumer Affairs-Credit Tribunal, q 1475. Deaths-Mrs E. S. Gleeson, 25. Electoral-Municipal tribunal q 1707. Housing-For women, q 251. Depiction of Ministry

tenants in television drama Skirts, q 1295.

McLean, Hon. lean-continued

Mental Health Services-Law Reform Commission report on mental illness, 721.

National ParIes (Further Amendment) Bill, 1875. Ringwood City Council-Behavioural laws, q 1608. Swan Hill, Shire of -Community resource centre,

q 166. Victoria Harbour Project, q 1229. Women-Housing, q 251. World Health Day, q 468.

Mafia-Proposed Royal Commission, q 1472.

Major Projects-State Library redevelopment, q 159, q 1302, 1355, 1360, Q 1470. Proposed multifunc­tion polis, q 246, q 247, q 250, q 373. Proposed media centre, 360, 363, 600, 608. Bayside, 456, 457. Willsmere hospital site redevelopment, q 613, Q 771, q 885. Queen Victoria hospital site redevel­opment, q 616, q 1043, q 1300, q 1302, q 1471, q 1556. Government unit, qn 869. Museum of Victoria redevelopment, Q 1041, q 1302, 1355, 1360, q 1470. Victoria Harbour, 1103, 1109, q 1229.

Management and Budget, Department of-Public rela-tions funding, qn 143. (See also "Treasury, The")

Marine Rescue Association of Victoria, 1031, 1035.

Media Ceutre-Proposed, 360, 363, 600, 608.

Medical Panels, Couveoor of the -Quarterly report, 1049.

Medical Services-GeneraJ-Neonatal units for Geelong, 360, 364, 1376.

Dietetic, q 616. Bone marrow donor register, 968, 969, q 1816. Pharmaceutical: benefits scheme, q 977; product costs, qn 1367. Embryo experi­mentation, q 1047, 1304. Infertility (Medical Pr0-cedures) Act 1984, 1304. Radiotherapy, Q 1558.

Nursing-Education and training, q 1232, q 1472, q 1556. Dispensing of medication in remote areas, 1354, 1361. Hospital staff, Q 1470. (See also "Hos­pitals" and "Mental Health Services")

Medicare-Funds, Q 248. Review, Q 1297.

Meier Transport Pty Ltd, 329, 332.

Melboarae-Olympic Games 1996 bid, Q 165, 360, 363, qn 1945. Promotion for invesnnent, q 1812. (See also "Municipalities")

MelboarDe od Metropolitan Board of Works-Flood­in.g in Elwood, 607. Dispute, q 980. Rates, q 1553.

MelbollJ'De rllers BasketbaU Club, qn 1227.

Members-Allegations in debate, 581. Naming of Mr White, 693. Travelling allowances, 1596, 1598.

Mental Health Research Institut~ q 163.


MeDtal Health Services-General-Research, q 163. Manic-depression, 651,

659. Law Reform Commission report on mental illness, q 671, 713,729. Child psychiatric patients, qn 867. Social Development Committee report on mentaJ disturbance and community safety, 1711.

Hospitals and Centres-School at Travancore Child and Family Centre, 228, 235. Larundel Psychiatric Hospital, q 374, q 671, q 1708. Gresswell Rehabil­itation Centre, 845, 851, q 1815. Work practices, q 975. Availability of beds, qn 1946, qn 1948, qn 1949. Patient admissions, qn 1947, qn 1948.

Mier, HOD. B. W. (Waverley Province) (Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Prices, and Minis­ter for Aboriginal Affairs)

Aboriginal Affairs-living conditions, q 465. Fund­ing of cooperatives, q 537. Watherong commun­ity, q 539. Culture in Echuca area, q 672. Public housing, q 891. Kerrup Jmara EJders Corporation, Lake C.ondah, q 1234. Sobering-up centres, q 1236. Employment opportunities, q 1375. Proposed Malcarrata, 1547. Barunga statement, 1598. Copy­right law, q 1609. Baimsdale community, q 1609.

Alcohol-Abuse, q 885. Auditor-General-Reports on Ministerial port-

folios, q 1375. Australian Football League-Ticket scalping, 1362. Australian Retail Financial Network Ltd, 1223. BaUan, Shire of-Proposed sale of Mount Egerton

tip site, 1223. BlF Custodian-Report No. 11, 1823. Boating-Safety, 1035. Building and Construction Industry-Standards, 766. Caravan Parks-Inspections, 611. Construction Industry Long Service Leave (Amend­

ment) Bill, 476. Consumer Affairs-General-Shoppers and traders rights information

guides, q 541. International telefax directory, 611. House renovations, 766. Credit legislation, q 886, q 887; overcommitment, q 1048; tribunal, q 1475; practices, q 1558. Misuse of facsimile machines, q 890. Proposed rentaJ bond board, 970. SmaU Clai."Tls Tribunal orders, qn 1113. Debt collection practices, 1223. Advertising of environment­friendly products, 1224, 1548. Football ticket scalping, 1362. Housing Guarantee Fund Ltd, q 1373. Health ris1cs from fakecigarettes,q 1817.

Ministry-Future directions, q 472. Services to migrants, q 776. Staff, q 885. Operations, q 888. Weights and Measures Branch, q 889, 1943. Mar­ket courts, q 890. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 1368. Monitoring of Motor Car Traders Act, q 1375.

Consumer Affairs (Resale of Tickets) Bill, 1050, 1188, 1612.

Mier, Hon. B. W.-continued Education-Higher education opportunities, q 122.

Youth Guarantee tertiary places, qn 1457. Ethnic Affairs Commission-Services provided by

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, q 776. Fair Trading (Amendment) Bill, 622, 726. Films and Television-Cinema ticket prices, q 1708. Government Departments and Instrumentalities-

WorkCare claims, payments and premiums, qn 1456.

Grampians-Proposed name changes, q 1606. Health-Risks from fake cigarettes, q 1817. Hospitals-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 872. House Contracts Guarantee (Further Amendment)

Bill, 1041, 1191, 1864. Housing Guarantee Fund Lld-Claims handling

procedures, q 1373. Labour, Department of-Employment-Programs, qn 878. Opportunities for

Aborigines on government projects, q 1375. General-Funding for Sybyl1a Cooperative Press and

Publications Ltd, qn 855. Bentleigh premises, qn 859, qn 867. Duties of employee, qn 873. WorkCare payments, qn 873. Expense claims, qn 874. Official duty statements, qn 874. Building and Construction Industry Division Training Foundation audit reports, qn 877. Cost of Inspire system. qn 877. Information for migrant workers, qn 878. Staffing levels in Mildura, qn 880. Wage­line, 970. Directory of occupational health and safety consultants, qn 1225. lift safety inspec.­tions, qn 1457.

Training-Youth Guarantee. qn 872, qn 1457. liquor Industry-Review of extended trading hours,

q 1706. Proposed levy for police services, 1943. liquor Licensing Commission-Fee collection,

q 1229, q 1231, q 1295, 1375. Marine Rescue Association of Victoria, 1035. Medical Services-r-Pharmaceutical product costs,

qn 1367. Ministry, The-Ministerial responsibility of Minis..

ter for Aboriginal Affairs, q 1232. Motor Car Traders Act, q 1375. Occupational Health and Safety (Miscellaneous

Amendment) Bill, 728, 729. Pensioners-Home equity borrowings. q 886. Personal Explanation-Statement in debate, 1375. Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 1224.

Offensive remarks, 1446.

Prices-Petrol, q 470. q 621. Fruit and vegetable, q 982. LPG, 1034. Pharmaceutical products, qn 1367. Cinema tickets, q 1708.

Public Service Board-WorlcCare Management Unit, qn 1227.

Questions on Notice-Answers, 985,1561. Roads Corporation-Speed detection deVices, q 618.

Barwon River bridge, qn 160 I.

(24) INDEX

Mier, Hon. B. W.-continued Shop Trading (Amendment) Bill (No. 2), 622, 725,

1324, 1326, 1864. Sman Oaims Tribunals-Orders, qn 1113. Sperway Constructions Pty Ltd, 766. Sybylla Cooperative Press and Publications Ltd,

qn 855: WorkCare-Reports: actuarial, 474; quarterly, 1049.

Oaims and payments: hospitals, qn 872; Depart­ment of Labour, qn 873, qn 1456; Ministry of Consumer Affairs, qn 1368. Review cases, qn 1225. Public Service Board management unit, qn 1227.

Youth Guarantee, qn 872, qn 1457.

Miles, HOD. J. G. (Templestowe Province) Cemeteries-Eltham, 1222, 1546. Proposed Bun­

doora, 1546. Doncaster and Templestowe, City of-Compulsory

acquisition powers, 1028. House Contracts Guarantee (Further Amendment)

Bill, 1861. Land (Further Miscellaneous Matters) Bill, 354. Local Government (Amendment) Bin, 816. Melbourne Tigers Basketball Oub, qn 1227. Monash University (Chisholm and Gippsland) Bin,

1623. Planning and Urban Growth-Simpson Army Bar­

racks land, Watsonia, 328. Public Transport-Bus services in Templestowe

Province, 656. Roads Corporation-Road funding, 408. Eastern

Freeway extension and Ringwood bypass, 1940. Sperway Constructions Pty Ltd, 761. State Insurance Office-Basketball sponsorship,

qn 1227. Supply (1990-91 , No. 1) Bill, 1209. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91,

No. 1) Bill, 1209.

Ministerial Statements-Infertility (Medical Pro­cedures) Act 1984, 1304. Oty of Melbourne: report on alleged pecuniary interest abuses, 1755.

Ministry, The-Ministerial responsibility: Treasurer, 33, q 125, q 159, q 165, q 466, q 468; Minister Assisting Treasurer, q 245, q 246; Minister for Industry and Economic Planning, q 466, q 468; Ministers representing Ministers in Legislative Assembly, 970; Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, q 1232. Resignation of Minister for the Arts, 461. Appoinunents, 461. Condemnation of Minister for Health, 548. Attorney-General, 1597. Minister for Conservation and Environment, 1696.

Moody's IDvestors Service IDC. (See "State Finance") Motor Car Traden A~ q 1375.

Motor Vehicles (See "Roads Corporation")

MaltifUDCtioD Polis-Proposed, q 246, q 247, q 250, q 373.

Municipal Accountina aDd Audit Practices Review Committee-Report, q 1818.

Municipal Sale yards Association, q 1373.

Municipalities-Ararat-Lake Bolac rubbish depot, 327. Ballan-Proposed sale of Mount Egerton tip site,

1220,1223. Barraboo/-Boundaries, 132, 139, q 670. Bass-Proposed San Remo marina, 450. Coburg-Alleged illegal activities at election, 1293,

1294, q 1707. Doncaster and Templestow~ompulsory acquisi­

tion powers, 1028, 1034. Finance-Local Government Social Justice Partner­

ship Projects Program, 234, 238. For library ser­vices, 361, 363, 1941, 1942. For roads, 397, 428, 444, q 1705, q 1811. Local government subsidy scheme, q 619. For bayside beach cleaning, 655. For bicycle paths, qn 856. Victoria Grants Com­mission allocations, q 1374. Rates, q 1553.

Frankston-Quayside development, 1938, 1943. General-Very Fast Train project, q 129, q 1152,

1359. Boundaries, 132, 139,233, 237, q 670, 758, 765,1595,1597. Disposal of syringes, 227, 237. Local Government and Ethnic Affairs Ministerial Advisory Committee, q 249. Home and commun­ity care program, q 346, 1153. Crown land rents, 359. South-eastern regional tip, Springvale, 455. Community housing program, q 772. Public lia­bility insurance, q 775. Pensioner rate rebates, 850, 853, 1106, 1110, q 1473. Environmental manage­ment, q 889. Electoral tribunal, q 1047, 1293,1294, q 1707. Volcanic cone study, 1104, 1109. Request for meeting with Minister for Planning and Urban Growth, 1 108, 1110. Accelerated growth corridor strategies, 1108, 1110. Micro-economic reform, q 1149, q 1303. Native vegetation clearance restrictions, 1218, 1223. Breach o/Contract study, q 1234. Application of Freedom of Information Act, 1353, 1362. Advertising on telephone booths, 1450, 1454. Amalgamation of facilities in Geelong Province, qn 1698. Natural Resources and Environment Committee report on waste man­agement, 1711. Municipal Accounting and Audit Practices Review Committee report, q 1818.

H eide/berg-Restrictions on use of herbicides, 1941, 1943.

Maryborough-Industry, 1452, 1453. Melbourne-Report on alleged pecuniary interest

abuses, q 1229, q 1231, q 1235, q 1295, q 1608, 1755,q 1811.

Me/ton-Alleged tampering with cars, q 1476. Nathalia-Construction of drains, qn 143. Phillip Is/and-Boundaries, 758,765.

LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (25) M unici palities-continued

Ringwood-Behaviourallaws, q 1608. St Kilda-Flooding in Elwood, 607. Storm damage,

845, 852. Council relations with police, 1940. Sherbrooke-Boundaries, 1595, 1597. South Barwon-Boundaries, 132, 139, q 670. Swan Hill-Community resource centre, q 166. Torquay-Boundaries, 132, 139, q 670. Wangaratta-Boundaries, 233, 237.

Museum of Victoria-Redevelopment project, q 1041, q 1302, 1355, 1360, q 1470.


National Acoustic Laboratories Hearing Centre-Pro­posed closure, 1354, 1361.

Natural Resources and Environment Committee­Membership, 107, 167, 779. Report on waste management, 1711.

Norses (See "Medical Services")


Olympic Games, 199&-Melbourne bid, q 165, 360, 363, qn 1945.

Ombudsman-Raid on dingo park., 241,242.


Pappas Carter Evans and Koop Pty Ltd, 1355, 1360, 1447, 1452.

Parks-National: Wyperfeld, 357; exploration and mining, q 1043; Cobberas-Tingaringy, qn 1113; Grampians, 1693.

Parliament-Televising of proceedings, 159,241. Staff­ing, 651. Report of House Committee, 1823.

Pawnbrokers-Licences, 657, 661.

Pensioners-Rate rebates, 850, 853,1106,1110, q 1473. Home equity borrowings, q 886, 1360, 1363. (See also "Aged Services")

Personal Explanations-By Mr Walker, 252. By Mrs Varty, 581. By Mr Smith, 612. By Mr Mier, 1375. By Mr Mackenzie, 1884.

Petitions-Geelong Hospital: bed closures, 107; neo­natal intensive care, 1376. Child health nurse serv­ice: Central Gippsland, 107; Warragul, 166. MetTicket, 252, 349. Public hospitals closure, 349. Health services, Wedderburn, 349. Recycled paper, 542. Bush nursing, 621. Motorcycle legislation, 778. Exhibition Buildings, 891. MunicipaJ boundaries, 1595,1597.

Plalninl (See "Planning and Environment" and "Planning and Urban Growth")

Pla-ma and Eariroameat-Environment-Restoration funds, qn 148. Dum~

ing of toxic waste, qn 156. Pollution in Port Phil­lip Bay, qn 158, qn 367. Impact studies for Shell refinery, Geelon& qn 336. Black Rock sewage out­fall, qn 336.

Planning-CIearing-of-flora permits, 323. Simpson Army Barracks land, Watsonia, 328. (See also "Conservation and Environment" and "Planning and U than Growth")

Planning and Urbu Growth (formerly "Planning and Environment")-

Department-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 880.

General-Accelerated growth corridor strategies, 1108, 1110. Native vegetation clearance restric­tions, 1218, 1223.

Planning-Metropolitan Planning Scheme, 523. Bathing boxes at Brighton, 1106, 1110. Regula­tions, 1544, 1547. Delays in approvals, 1544, 1547. Dual occupancy developments, q 1701.

Police (See "Victoria Police")

Police and Emergency Senices, Ministry for-Fund­ing for women, qn 1549.

Port Phillip Bay-Boating facilities, qn 141, qn 1365. Pollution, qn 158, qn 367. Beach cleaning and maintenance, 655. Jet skiers, 968.

Ports-Valuer-General valuations, qn 1134. (See also "'Transport, Ministry of')

Premier and Cabine4 DepartmeDt of the -Funding for women, qn 368.

President, The (HOD. A. J. Hunt) Rulings and Stalements-Adjournment Debate-Matters raised: to be new

matters, 325; to relate to State administration, 333, 334. Reflections on Ministers, 451. Imputations against Mayor of Frankston, 1939.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal (planning) Bill­Absolute majority, 1022, 1024.

Auditor-General-Proposed inquiry into State Bank Victoria, 767.

Business of the House-Statement on rulings, 1819. Conservation, Forests and Lands, Department of­

Raid on dingo park, 241. Consumer Affairs (Resale of Tickets) Bill-Standing

Order No. 99, 1190, 1611. Control of Weapons Bill-Committal, 947. Crimes (Family Violence) (Amendment) Bill (No.

2)-Absolute majority, 635, 1014. Deaths-Sir Henry Bolte, GCMG, 16. Mrs E. S.

Gleeson, 27. Sir Rutherford Guthrie, CMG, 32. Hon. J. C. M. Balfour, CBE, 1467.

(26) INDEX

President, The (Hon. A. 1. Hunt)-continued Debate-Reflections on President, 54. Quoted

material, 56, 272, 301, 306, 308, 309. Scope, 86, 591,1250. Unparliamentaryexpressions, 92. Order of business, 130. Relevancy of remarks, 216, 309, 1198. Offensive remarks, 275. Use of video, 412. Interjections, 692, 796, 1082, 1084, 1395. Require­ment for leave, 778. Rule of sub judice, 1021.

Distinguished Visitors-Lithuanian foreign affairs representatives, 1811.

Hansard-Incorporation of material, 313, 314. House Contracts Guarantee (Further Amendment)

Bill-Absolute majority, 1863. loint Sittings of Parliament-Victorian Institute of

Marine Sciences, 1351, 1418. Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, 1351, 1418. Victoria Uni­versity of Technology, 1692, 1709, 1764, 1801.

Land (Further Miscellaneous Matters) Bill-Abso­lute majority, 357.

Legal and Constitutional Committee-Prerelease of report, 1 71 O.

Melbourne College of Divinity (Amendment) BiU­Declared a private Bill, 10 11.

Members-Naming of member, 693. Travelling allowances, 1 598.

Ministry, The-Appointments. 464. Ministerial responsibility: Ministers representing Ministers in Legislative Assembly. l)70.

National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill-Recording of dissent, 1921.

Ombudsman-Raid on dingo park, 241. Parliament-Televising of proceedings, 159,241. Private Agents (Amendment) Bill-Reading of wrong

second-reading speech, 1593. Absolute majority, 1768.

Questions on Notice-Answers, 983,1561. Questions without Notice-Answers, 244,472, 776,

980, 1143, tt49, 1605, 1707. Reflections on mem­bers, 245, 248. Offensive remarks, 248, 1554, 1812, 1813,1819. Interjections, 347,1147,1556,1819. Rule of anticipation, 1152. Not to seek opinions, 1302, 1372, 1608. Remarks across Chamber, 1556.

Rooming Houses Bill-Absolute majority, 198, 1494, 1827.

Social Development Committee-Prerelease of report, 1712.

State Bank Victoria-Proposed inquiry by Auditor­General, 767.

Universities-Victoria University of Technology, 1692, 1709, 1764, 1801.

Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, 1351, 1418 .. Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences., 1351, 1418. Vocational Education and Training BiU-Absolute

majority, 1846. Yackandandah Land BiU-Declared a private Bin,


Prices-Petrol, q 470, q 62l. Fruit and vegetables, q 982. LPG, 1030, 1034. Defeat of Prices BiD, q 1302. Pharmaceutical products, qn 1367. Gov­ernment family budget pledge, q 1604. Cinema tickets., q 1708. (See also "Consumer Affairs")

Primary Industries-Fruit and Vegetables-Fruit-fly outbreaks, 846.

Prices., q 982. Meat-Industrial disputes, 607, 609. Poultry-Battery hen production, 453. Timber-AUocations, q 371. Upgrading of Murrin-

dindi forest road, qn 1137.

Privacy-Report of legal and Constitutional Commit­tee, 1710.

Property and Services, Department of-Funding for women, qn 368. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 529.

Public Bodies Revie1¥ Committee-Report on Western Metropolitan Market Trust, 380.

Public Service-Union representation, 228.

Public Service Board-WorkCare Management Unit, qn 1142, qn 1227.

Public Transport-Bus Services-In Templestowe Province, 656.

Hamilton-Ararat, 1694. Corporation-V/Line: WorkCare employee, 651; taxi

costs, qn 1365. Expenditure, q 770. Railway prop­erty, McKinnon, 1452.

General-During Senior Citizens Week. 134, 140, q 348, 602, 610, 850, 853., 252, 349. Collection of fares, 326. Facilities for senior citi­zens, 449, 459. Student concessions, 601. Valuer­General valuations. qn 1134. Advertising on tram and bus shelters, 1218. Metropolitan railway sta­tions, qn 1599, qn 1803. DisposaJ of sewage from tourist buses., qn 1809.

Rail Services-Very Fast Train project, q 129, q 1152, 1359. Cost of third Caulfield-Moorabbin track, qn 1112. Bookings, 1545. (See also "Transport, Ministry of')

PulleD. HOD. B. T. (Melbourne Province) (Minister for Housing and Construction)

Aged Services-Project Partnership scheme, q 1474. Architects-Deregulation of profession, q 469,610,

q 1609. Australian Airlines (Intrastate Services) Bill, 963,

1001, 1059. Bathing Boxes-At Brighton, 1110. Bicycles-Paths, qn 857. Helmets., 1363. Boating-Registration, qn 1365. Licence fee coUec-

tion, qn 1365. Facilities in Port PhiUip Bay, qn 1365.


Pullen, Hon. B. T.-continued Conservation and Environment­Department-Raid on dingo park, 610. Staffing levels

in Mildura, qn 880. Funding for women, qn 1139. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 1227.

General-Freeway reserve in West Sunshine, 851. Preservation of coastal land: between Anglesea and Airey's Inlet, 236; between Torquay and Apollo Bay, qn 1141. Native vegetation, 1597. State Con­servation Strategy, 1709.

Conservation, Forests and Lands-Carrum district management plan, qn 142.

Environment Protection Authority-Report a Smoky Vehicle campaign, qn 663. Disposal of sewage from tourist buses, qn 1809. Pollution in Mordialloc Creek, qn 1945.

Films and Television-Skirts drama, q 1295. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) (Amendment)

BiH, 613, 628. Fisheries (Abalone Licence Charges) Bill, 208, 209. Footsctay Land (Amendment) Bill, 1494, 1535, 1852. Handicapped Persons-Baringa centre, Shepparton,

q 538. Hospitals-Monash Medical Centre, q 1234. Housing-General-For women, q 251. Government assist­

ance: group self-build scheme, qn 335; first home buyers scheme, q 377; rental assistance, q 535; home opportunity loan scheme, q 774; organisa­tions in Barwon region, qn 1141. loint Ministry projects: Urban Land Authority, q 470; Associa­tion for the Blind, q 538; community housing pro­grams, q 618, q 773; Project Partnership scheme, q 1474. Smart Blocks campaign, q 979. Homestart scheme, q 1372. Dual occupancy developments, q 1702.

Ministry of Housing and Construction-Funding for women, q 25 I, qn 882. Departmental decentralis­ation, q 346. Computer facilities, q 471. Proposed St Kilda station development, 660. Tender condi­tions, 764. Park Street railway reserve, 1033. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 1138.

Public-Redevelopment in Geelong area, q 126. Vacancies, qn 144. Rental stock: in Mildura area, 236; in Geelong area, q 888, qn 1136. Home pur­chase insurance premiums, qn 335, 364. Elderly person facilities: units in Ararat, 458; granny flat program, q 1143; Project Partnership scheme, q 1474; West Brunswick installation, 1696; Min­istry program, q 1812. Behaviour of Ministry ten­ant at Somerville, 851. Rental arrears: bad debts, q 978; in urban centres and country areas, qn 1038; comparison of figures, q 1146. In West Heidel­berg, q 1046. Castlefield estate. Moorabbin, qn 1115. At Korong Vale, qn 1140. Waiting lists, q 1233. Depiction of tenants in television drama Skirts, q 1295. Lifts in high-rise buildings, q 1296, q 1559. Valuation of Simpson property, 1453. Assessment of income of returned servicemen, 1696. Delay before interviews, q 1818.

Pullen, Hon. B. T.-continued

Kew and Heidelberg Lands (Trust) Bill, 613. Land Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 613, 626,

1780, 1781, 1783. Land (Further Miscellaneous Matters) BiH, 129, 176,

334,356. Municipalities-Funding for bicycle paths, qn 857.

Request for meeting with Minister for Planning and Urban Growth, 1110.

National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1369, 1419.

Olympic Games, I 996-Melbourne bid, q 165. Parks-Cobberas-Tingaringy national, qn 1113. Planning and Environment-Restoration funds,

qn 148. Dumping of toxic waste, qn 156. Pollu­tion in Port Phillip Bay, qn 158, qn 367. Environ­mental impact studies for SheIJ refinery, Geelong, qn 336. Black Rock sewage outfall, qn 336.

Planning and Urban Growth­Department-WorkCare claims and payments,

qn 881. General-Accelerated growth corridor strategies,

1110. Planning-Bathing bolles at Brighton, 1110. Delays

in approvals, 1547. Regulations, 1547. Dual occu­pancy developments, q 1702.

Points of Order-Relevancy of answer to question without notice, 1143.

Port Phillip Bay-Boating facilities, qn 141, qn 1365. Pollution, qn 158, qn 367.

Ports-Valuer-General valuations, qn 1134. Public Transport-Corporation-V/Line: taxi costs, qn 1366. General-Valuer-General valuations, qn 1134. Met-

ropolitan railway stations, qn 1599, qn 1803. Dis­posal of sewage from tourist buses, qn 1809.

Rail Services-Cost of third Caulfield-Moorabbin line, qn 1112.

Questions on Notice-Answers, 983. Racing (TAB Surplus) Bill-Correction of previous

second-reading speech, 105. Road Safety (Amendment) BiU, 352. Road Transport-Mass and dimension permits,

qn 1129, qn 1130, qn 1131. Height limits, qn 1132. Registration of articulated vehicles, qn 1132, qn 1133, qn 1134.

Roads Corporation-General-Reconstruction of Wodonga intersection,

qn 527. Speed: limits, 610; restrictions in Traral­gon, 1110. VaJuer-General valuations, qn 1134. Road accidents and fatalities, qn 1367. Traffic flows, qn 1599, qn 1600.

Roads and Highways-Reconstruction of Bulleen Road, Bulleen, qn 1135. Proposed Geelong ring­road, qn 1136. Upgrading in Boronia area, qn 1364. Thompsons Road, Bulleen, qn 1368. Connecting F6 Freeway and South Road, qn 1601.

Signals and Crossings-Coordination in Knox, qn 1114. For Bulleen Road, Bulleen, qn 1135.

(28) INDEX

Pullen, Hon. B. T.-continued

Rooming Houses Bill, 990, 991,992,993,996,998, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1278, 1279, 1280, 1281,1283,1284,1285,1287,1307, 1309, 1310, 1311, 1314, 1481, 1482, 1484, 1486, 1487, 1488, 1489, 1490, 1491, 1492, 1494, 1825, 1826,1827.

Shell Refining (Australia) Pty Ltd, qn 336. Tim ber Industry-Upgrading of M urrindindi forest

road, qn 1137. Transport, Ministry of-Inquiries, qn 971. Staffing

in Mildura area, qn 1135. WorkCare payments, qn 1366.

Urban Land Authority-Joint projects with Minis­try of Housing and Construction, q 470. Com­munity facilities in Berwick, q 669. Compulsory acquisitions in Somerton, q 1048. Homestart scheme, q 1372.

Valuer-General-Valuations for transport and port authorities, qn 1134.

Water-Mordialloc Creek, qn 1945. Women-Housing. q 251. Funding: Ministry of

Housing and Construction, qn 882; Department of Conservation and Environment. qn 1139.

WorkCare-Claims and payments: Department of Sport and Recreation, qn 528; Department of Planning and Urban Growth, qn 881; Department of Conservation and Environment, qn 1227; Min­istry of Transport, qn 1366.

Yackandandah Land Bill, 613, 623, 624.


QiDtex ltd (See "State Bank Victoria")

Quantum Market Researcb Pty Ltd, qn 11 14.

Queen Victoria Hospital Site-Redevelopment, q 616, q 1043, q 1300, q 1302, q 1471, q 1556.

Questions OD Notice-Answers, 105, 121, 210, 423, 777,983,1048,1560.


RaciDg-Oncourse unclaimed dividends, qn 366.

Racing (TAB Surplus) BiII-Correction of previous second-reading speech, 105.

Road Safety (See "Roads Corporation")

Road Safety (Procedures) (lnfriDaements) Regulations, 1236.

Road Transport-Mass and dimension permits, qn 1129, qn 1130, qn 1131. Height limits, qn 1132. Registration of articulated vehicles, qn 1132, qn 1133, qn 1134.

Roads Corporation-General-Seat belt legislation, 136. Speed: limits,

137, 603, 610, 612; detection devices, q 618; restrictions in Traralgon, 1105, 1110. Vehicle occupant protection, 167. Use of road signs for advertising, q 347. Driver licences: testing of brain­damaged patients, q 472; for mopeds and motor scooters, 652; graduated, 1448; use of vans for testing, 1938. Reconstruction of Wodonga inter­section, qn 527. Traffic safety education, 763. Motorcycle lights, 778. Valuer-General valua­tions, qn 1134. Red light cameras, qn 1141. Clear­ways, 1291. Road accidents and fatalities, qn 1366, qn 1548. Traffic flows, qn 1599, qn 1600. Barwon River bridge, qn 1601.

Roads and Highways-Funding, 397, 428, 444, q 1705, q 1811. Reconstruction of Bulleen Road, Bulleen, qn 1135. Proposed Geelong ring-road, qn 1135. Upgrading in Boronia area, qn 1364. Thompsons Road, Bulleen, qn 1367. Connecting F6 Freeway and South Road, qn 160 1. Eastern Freeway extension and Ringwood bypass, 1940.

Signals and Crossings-Coordination in Knox, 651, qn 1114. For Bulleen Road, Bulleen, qn 1135. (See also "Road Transport" and "Transport, Ministry


Second-band Dealers-Licences, 657, 661.

SeniorCitizem Week-Public transport, 134, 140,602, 610, 850, 853. Government programs, q 348.

Sessional Orders, 444.

SewerAge-Blade Rock sewage outfall, qn 336. Ser­vices in small communities, 1027.

SIlO, Hon. G. A. (Melbourne North Province) Aboriginal Affairs-Culture in Echuca area, q 672. Aged Services-Looking Forward To An Older Vic-

toria, q 376. Project Partnership scheme, q 1474. Community Protection Bill, 713,714. Conservation-Disposal of chemical waste, 654. Consumer Affairs, Ministry of-Services to migra nts,

q 776. Deaths-Mrs E. S. Gleeson, 24. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Board appointments,

q 1299. Harpers Waste Disposal Services Pty Ltd, 654. Housing-Project Partnership scheme, q 1474. Law Reform Commission-Report on mental ill­

ness, 714. Local Government Department-Director-general,

q 539. Points of Order-Relevancy of remarks, 216. Prices-Fruit and vegetable, q 982. Public Transport Corporation-Very Fast Train

project. q 129.


Sgro, Hon. G. A.-continued State Electricity Commission-Use of energy-effi­

cient appliances, q 1703.

Sbell Refining (Australia) Ply Ltd, qn 336.

Skeggs, Hon. B. A. E. (Templestowe Province) Architects-Deregulation of profession, 606. Banyule Gallery, 449. Community Protection Bill, 748. Community Services Victoria-Home and com­

munity care program, q 346. Child in custody of drug user, 758.

Consumer Affairs-Market courts, q 890. Deaths-Sir Henry Bolte, GCMG, 14. Hon. 1. C. M.

Ba I four, CBE, 1467. Diamond Valley Try Youth and Community Ser­

vices Group-Funding, 359. Education-Donvale Primary School, 133. Ethnic Affairs Commission-Information for

migrant workers, qn 878. Membership of ALP, qn 1140. Grants, qn 1366. Translations for unions, qn 1805. Interpreters and translators, qn 1805.

Freedom of Information-Application to local gov­ernment, 1353.

Gresswell Rehabilitation Centre, 845. Heidelberg City Council-Restrictions on use of

herbicides, 1941. Hospitals-Inadequacy of services, 581. Labour, Department of-Information for migrant

workers, qn 878. Youth Guarantee, qn 1457. Law Reform Commission-Report on mental ill­

ness, 748. Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 809, 827, 836,

842. Melbourne City Council-Report on alleged pecu­

niary interest abuses, q 1608. Melton, Shire of-Alleged tampering with cars,

q 1476. Municipalities-Disposal of syringes, 227. Home and

community care program, q 346. Request for meeting with Minister for Planning and Urban Growth, 1108. Accelerated growth corridor strat­egies, 1108. Application of Freedom of Informa­tion Act, 1353. Advertising on telephone booths, 1450.

Pawnbrokers-Licences, 657. Planning and Urban Growth-Accelerated growth

corridor strategies, 1108. Public Transport-Advertising on tram and bus

shelters, 1218. Roads Corporation-Road funding, 432. Bulleen

Road, Bulleen: reconstruction, qn 1135; traffic sig­nals, qn 1135. Thompsons Road, Bulleen, qn 1367.

Second-hand Dealers-licences, 657.

Skeggs, Hon. B. A. E.-continued State Bank Victoria-Board of directors, q 246. Pr0-

posed Royal Commission, 314. Injunction, 314. State Electricity Commission-Tree clearance pro­

gram, 324. Gas-fired electricity, q 619. Electrical installation inspections, q 1152.

State Finance-Asset sales, 1397. Supply ( 1990-91 , No. 1) Bill, 1242, 1348. Telecom Australia-Advertising on telephone

booths, 1450. Unions-Translations from Ethnic A ffai(S Commis­

sion, qn 1805. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91,

No. 1) Bill, 1242. Youth Guarantee, qn 1457.

Small Business Development Corporation, q 1555.

Small Claims Tribtmals-Orders, qn 1113.

Smith, HOD. K. M. (South Eastern Province) Aboriginal Affairs-Proposed Makarrata, 1545.

Copyright law, q 1609. Arts, The-Ministry: staffing in Mildura area,

qn 1367. Australian Football League-Ticket scalping, 1360. Boating-Proposed San Remo marina, 450. Community Protect~on Bill, 750. Consumer Affairs-Ticket scalping, 1360. Education-Life education program, 230. Dande-

nong College of TAFE, Pakenham campus, 326. Somers environment studies building, 519.

Environment Protection Authority-Smog over Phillip Island and West GippsJand, 1293.

Frankston City Council, 1938. Frankston Quayside Development, 1938. Galvin Construction Group, 1938. Gas and Fuel Corporation-LPG, 1030. Health-Funding: life education program, 230; Kal-

parrin centre, 358. Hospitals-Western port Memorial, 134. Housing-Ministry computer facilities, q 471.

Behaviour of Ministry tenant at Somerville, 847. Rental arrears in urban centres and country areas, qn 1038. Rental stock in Geelong area, qn 1136. At Korong Vale, qn 1140. lifts in high-rise Min­istry buildings, q 1296. West Brunswick granny flat installation, 1693.

Industry and Economic Planning-Industrial pollu­tion in South Gippsland. 656.

Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 806, 830. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board ofWorks-Dis­

pute, q 980. Mental Health Services-Law Reform Commission

report on mental illness, 7 SO. National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1689. Pensioners-Rate rebates, 1106.

(30) INDEX

Smith, Hon. K. M.-continued Personal Explanations-Statement in debate, 612. Petitions-Motorcycle legislation, 778. Phillip Island, Shire of-Boundaries, 758. Planning and Environment-Environmental impact

studies for Shell refinery, Geelong, qn 336. Points of Order-Answers to questions without

notice, 776. Prices-LPG, 1030. Public Bodies Review Committee-Report on

Western Metropolitan Market Trust, 380. Questions on Notice-Answers, 221. Renewable Energy Authority Victoria Bill, 1748. Roads Corporation-Speed limits, 603, 612. Motor-

cycle Iigh ts, 77 8. Rooming Houses Bill, 180,992,994,997,1066,1068,

1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1278, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1288, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1481, 1483, 1486, 1487, 1489, 1490, 1491, 1492, 1493, 1826, 1827.

Shell Refining (Australia) Pty Ltd, qn 336. Supply (l99(}-91 , No. 1) Bill, 1264, 1438, 1445, 1446. Urban Uind Authority-Compulsory acquisitions in

Somerton, q 1048. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91,

No. 1) Bill, 1264.

~moki. (See "Health")

Social DenlopmeDt Committee-Reports: vehicle occupant protection, 167; mental disturbance and community safety, 1711. Prerelease of report, 1712.

Sperway COnstrUctiODS Pty Ltd, 761, 766.

Sport and Recreation, Department of-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 528.

StaDcling Orders Committee-Answers to questions on notice, 121,210,423.

State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility, 33, q 159, q 165, q 245, q 246. Gas and Fuel Corpor­tion, q 122. State Electricity Commission, q 122. Tricontinental Corporation Ltd, q 122, q 123, q 126, q 128, q 242, q 249, q 465. Injunction, q 159, q 160, q 242, q 243, q 247, 253. Liability, q 162. Board of directors, q 163, q 246, q 341, q 343. Australian Loan Council, q 249. Proposed inquiries: Royal Commission, 253; Auditor~ General, 674, 767. Release of documents, 381. Transactions at Mooroolbark and BaUarat branches, 454. Audit and reporting requirements, q 1045. Credit rating, q 1369, q 1555.

State Coroner-Attendance at accident scenes, 131.

State Electricity Commissio&-Investments, q 122.

State Electricity Commission-continued Energy conservation, q 124, q 161, q 373, q 534, 609, q 1703. Use of energy-efficient: light globes, q 124; appliances, q 1703. Relocation of power­line at Hotspur, qn 146. Tree c1earance and 10(>­

ping programs, 324, 332, 451, 456. Geelong region, 326, 332. Home Energy Advisory Service, q 534, 1292, 1294, q 1814. Oaldands power station, NSW, 603. Gas-fired electricity, q 619. Loy Yang B3 and B4 units, q 669, q 1151. Brunswick-Richmond powerline, q 768. Dartmouth power station, q 976, q 1144, q 1150, q 1151, q 1298, 1353, 1360. Con­nection costs, 1029, 1032. Electrical installation inspections, q 1152. Credit rating, q 1369, q 1555. Research into compact ceramic fuel cells, q 1371. Public authority dividend, q 1374. Future energy requirements, q 1470. Portland aluminium smelter, q 1551. Heating tariffs for low-income households, q 1814.

State Emeqeacy Service-Road accident rescue, 133.

State FiMnce-Management by Treasurer, 33. Ryan report, q 341. Government borrowings, q 614. Asset sales, qn 662, 1377, q 1603, q 1814. Com­monwealth allocations, q 668. Transport sector, q 770. Credit rating, q 1369, q 1555. Moody's Investors Service Inc., q 1369, q 1555. Budget for health services, qn 1944.

State IDsanmce Office-Report for 1988-89, qn 366. Basketball sponsorship, qn 1227.

State Ubrary-Redevelopment project, q 159, q 1302, 1355, 1360, q 1470. Excess books, 227, 235. (See also "Library Services")

Storey. HOD. HaddoD (East Yarra Province) Administrative Appeals Tribunal (planning) Bill,

1017, 1023. Aged Services-Personal emergency alarms, q 1817. A1coa of Australia Ltd-Portland aluminium smelter,

q 1554. Building, Co-operative Housing and Friendly Socie­

ties (Amendment) Bill, 1769, 1777, 1779. Classification of Films and Publications Bill (No. 2),

1758,1762. Community Protection Bill, 705,713, 756, 757. Community Services Victoria-Home and com­

munity care program, 1173. Consumer Affairs, Ministry of-Weights and

Measures Branch, q 889. Monitoring of Motor Car Traders Act, q 1375.

Consumer Affairs (Resale of Tickets) BiU, 161l Co-operative Housing Societies (Guarantees) Bill,

1873. Courts (Children's and Magistrates') Bill, 1729. Crimes (Family Violence) (Amendment) Bill (No.

2),630, 1013.


Storey, Hon. Haddon-continued Crimes (Unsworn Statements) Bill, 1796, 1800. Deakin University (Warrnambool) Bill, 1865. Deaths-Sir Henry Bolte, GCMG, 8. Sir Rutherford

Guthrie, CMG, 30. Hon. J. C. M. Balfour, CBE, 1465.

Education-Facilities for ethnic handicapped stud­ents, qn 881. Physiotherapy training, 964. Employment programs, qn 1036. Ministry bonds, qn 1138.

Education (Amendment) Bill, 180,209. Electoral-Proportional representation, 478. Equal Opportunity-Age discrimination, 1713. Hospitals-Bed closures, q 376. Housing-Granny flat program, q 1143. Industry and Economic Planning-Portland alu­

minium smelter, q 1554. Victorian Equity Trust, q 1554.

Legislative Council-Proportional representation, 478.

library Services-Braille and Talking Book library, 1544.

Major Projects-Queen Victoria hospital site rede-­veJopment, q 616, q 1302. Museum of Victoria redevelopment, q 1041, q 1302, 1355, q 1470. State library redevelopment, q 1302, 1355.

Melbourne City Council-Alleged pecuniary interest abuses, q 1235.

Melbourne College of Divinity (Amendment) BiU, 1011.

Members-Naming of member, 693. Ministry, The-Responsibility of Treasurer, 68. Monash University (Chisholm and Gippsland) Bill,

1613. Motor Car Traders Act, q 1375. Municipalities-Home and community care pro­

gram, 1173. Museum of Victoria-Redevelopment project,

q 1041,q 1302, 1355,q 1470. Points of Order-Veracity of remarks, 54. Quoted

material, 81, 301, 305. Questions without notice: relevancy of answers, 244; not to seek opinion, 1302. Offensive remarks, 275. Adjournment debate: reading of speeches, 604. Rule of sub jud­ice, 1021.

Public Transport-Senior Citizens Week, 134, 602, 850.

Queen Victoria Hospital Site-Redevelopment, q 616, q 1302.

Questions on Notice-Answers, 213, 984. Resources-Coalliquefaction, q 344, q 379. Senior Citizens Week-Public transport, 134, 602,

850. State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility, 68.

Tricontinental Corporation Ltd, q 128. Liability, q 162. Injunction, q 243, 276. Proposed Royal Commission, 276.

Storey, Hon. Haddon-continued State Finance-Management by Treasurer, 68. State Library-Excess books, 227. Redevelopment

project,q 1302,1355. Victoria University of Technology Bill, 1535. Vocational Education and Training Bill, 1827,1847,


Strategic Research Fucl, qn 865, qn 866.

SupenDDaatioD-State schemes, qn 335.

SybyUa Cooperative Press od Publications Ltd, qn 855.


TaxatiOD-General-Bottom-of-the-harbour evasion schemes,

325, 333. Poll tax, q 471. Government family budget pledge, q 1604. Death duties, q 1701.

Land Tax-Assessments in Higinbotharn Province, qn 147.

Public Authority Dividend-Payments by statutory authorities, q 1374.

Sales Tax-Proposed exemption for Municipal Association of Victoria, 523.

Teban, HOD. M. T. (Central Highlands Province) Alcohol-Alcohol and drug services program,

qn 156. Asbestos-Health risks, qn 147. Auditor-General-Report on Alfred Hospital,

q 1369. Community Protection Bill, 729. Community Services Victoria-Valuer-General

valuations, qn 337. Deaths-Mrs E. S. Gleeson, 21. Drugs-Alcohol and drug services program, qn 156. Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances (Amend-

ment) Bill, 1002, 1005. Education-School at Travancore Child and Family

Centre, 228. Equal Opportunity-Age discrimination, 1718. Fluoridation-Plants, qn 873. Food (Validation) Bill, 1628. Freedom of Information-Requests, 1545. Health-Diseases-Asbestos-related, qn 147. Drugs-A vailability under pharmaceutical benefits

scheme, q 977. General-Alcohol and drug services program,

qn 156. Medicare funds, q 248. Westgate Com­munity Health Services, 1352.

Health Services (Amendment) Bill, 1327, 1330. Hospitals-Bed closures, q 128, q 371. Crisis, 131.

Emergency and critical care services, q 348. Clo­sures, 349. Yarra Junction and District, 452. St

(32) INDEX

Tehan, Hon. M. T.-continued Andrew's, q 467, 759, 892, 929. Work practices and redeployment, q 533. Inadequacy of services, 548.593. Waiting lists, q 620, q 670, q 976, q 1148, 1545. Bush nursing. 621, 1108. Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, 892, 929, q 155S. Birchip Bush Nursing, 110S. Audit reports, q 1369. Alfred, q 1369. Operation of public system, q 1704.

Infertility, Standing Review and Advisory Commit­tee on-Embryo experimentation, q 1047.

law Reform Commission-Report on mental ill­ness, 729.

Medical Services-Pharmaceutical: benefits scheme, q 977; product costs, qn 1367. Embryo experi­mentation, q 1047. Radiotherapy, q 1558.

Medicare-Funds, q 248. Mental Health (General Amendment) Bill, 506,1007,

1009. Mental Health Senrices-School at Travancore Orild

and Family Centre, 228. Child psychiatric patients, qn 867.

Ministry, The-Responsibility of Treasurer. q 165. Condemnation of Minister for Health, 548, 593.

National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1879. Petitions-Public hospitals closure, 349. Bush nurs-

ing, 621. Points of Order -Scope of debate, 577. Prices-Pharmaceutical products, qn 1367. Rooming Houses BiU, 188. State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility.

q 165. Supply (1990-91, No. J)BilI, 1199.1340. Valuer-General-Valuations for Community Ser­

vices Victoria, qn 337. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91,

No. 1) Bill, 1199.

Teleco. Australia-Advertising on telephone booths, 1450,1454.

TheoP ....... HOII. T. C. (Jib Jib Province) Aboriainal Affain-Sobering-up centres, q 1235. Auditor-GeneraJ-Report on Ministerial portfolios,

1376. Conservation and Environment-Rt.cycling of paper,

q 615. Consumer AWain-Shoppers and traders rights

information guides, q 541. Misuse of facsimile machines, q 890.

Deaths-Mrs E. S. Gleeson, 26. Economic and Budset Review Committee-Reports:

program budgeting, 673; Auditor-General's 1987-88 report on Ministerial portfolios, 1376.

Energy Conservation-Government strategy, q 373. Future energy requirements, q 1470.

Theophanous. Hon. T. C.-continued Health-Cigarette smoking among young people,

q 1816. Hospitals-Emergency and critical care services,

q 127. Housing-Decentralisation of departmental ser­

vices, q 346. In West Heidelberg, q 1046. Ministry, The-Responsibilities of Treasurer, 78. Points of Order-Quoted material, 81, 278, 309,

1445. Unparliamentary expressions, 92. State­ment in debate. 261. Relevancy of remarks, 1197.

Prices-Cinema tickets, q 1708. Rooming Houses BiU, 186, 995, 998, 1315. State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility, 78.

Proposed Royal Commission, 300. Injunction, 300. State Electricity Commission-Future energy

requirements, q 1470. State Finance-Management by Treasurer, 78. Asset

sales, 1400. Supply (1990-91, No. 1) Bill, 1193, 1198. Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91,

No. 1) Bill, 1193, 119S. Youth-Cigarette smoking, q 1816.

Timber Hanestinl Replations, 380.

Timber Industry (See "Primary Industries-Timber')

Tobacco-Advertising, q 130 I. (See also "Health")

Tobacco (Promotion of Exempt Sponsorship) Regula-tions, ) 69.

Totalizator Agency Board-Oncourse unclaimed divi­dends, qn 366.

Tourism-Promotion of Victoria, q 665, q 667. Prop­erty holdings of Victorian Snow Resorts, qn 1) 12.

Transport, Ministry of-Inquiries, qn 971. Staffing in MiJdura area, qn 1135. WorkCare claims and pay­ments, qn 1366. (See also "Roads Corporation", "Public Transport" and "Ports")

Treasury (Fartber Amendment) Regulations, 892.

Treasury, The (formerly "Department of Management and Budget")-Former director-general, qn 870. Deputy director-general, qn 870. Officers, qn 871. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 879, qn 1137. Quantum Market Research Pty Ltd, qn 1114. (See also "Management and Budget, Department or')

Tricontinental Corporation Ltd (See "State Bank Victoria")

Trustees Executors and Alency Co. Ltd-Report of special investigator, 622.

U Unemployment (See "labour, Department of") Unions-Representation of public servants, 228.

Translations from Ethnic Affairs Commission, qn 1805.


Uaivenities-Ballarat University College. q 342,456, 457. Victoria University of Technology, 1692, 1709,1764,1801.

Ur"" LMd Aatbority-Joint projects with Ministry of Housing and Construction, q 470. Community facilities in Berwick, q 669. Smart Blocks campaign, q 979. Compulsory acquisitions in Somerton, q 1048. Homestart scheme, q 1372.

v Valaer-Geaeral-Valuations: Community Services

Victoria, qn 337; transpon and pon authorities, qn 1134.

V .. Buea, RN. C. F. (Eumemmerrina Province) Business of the House-Adjournment of second-

readilll debates, 701. Control of Weapons Bill, 952. Electoral-Proportional representation, 484. Hospitals-Austin, q 1370. Housina-Government assistance: fint home buy­

ers scheme, q 377. Dual occupancy developments, q 1701. FJderly person units. q 1812.

l.egi.s1ative Council-Proportional representation, 484.

Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 794. Municipalities-Local Government and Ethnic

Affairs Ministerial Advisory Committee, q 249. Micro-economic reform, q 1303.

National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1655. Roads Corporation-Road funding, 403. State Electricity Commission-Brunswick-Rich­

mond poweriine, q 768. Urban Land Authority-Community filcilities in

Berwick, q 669.

Varty. HH. ao..." (Nunawadina Province) Apiculture and Rural Affairs, Department of­

Funding for women, qn 338. Attorney-General's Department-WorlcCare claims

and payments, qn 338. Audit (Amendment) Bill, 644, 987. Community Services Victoria-Warrawona day care

centre, Ringwood, 1107. Deaths-Mrs E. S. Gleeson, 23. Education-Box Hill College of TA FE, 453. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Board appoinunents,

q 123, q 164. HospitaIs-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 872.

Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, 913. St Andrcw's, 913, q 1559.

Housing-Delay before Ministry interviews, q 1818. Industry, Technology and Resources, Department

of-Funding for women, qn 338. Labour, Department of-Expense claims, qn 874.

Varty, Hon. Rosemary-continued Latrobe Regional Commission-Chainnan, q 668. Local Government (Amendment) BiD, 803, 821. Members-Allegations in debate, 581. Ministry, The-Responsibilities of Treasurer, 98. National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1659. Personal Explanations-Statement in debate, 581. Petition-MetTicket, 349. Points of Order -Quoted material, 81, 308. Public Transport-MetTicket, 349. Roads Corporation-Road funding, 405. Barwon

River bridge, qn 1601. Rooming Houses Bill, 194. State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility. 98.

Proposed Royal Commission, 310. Injunction, 310. State Finance-Management by Treasurer, 98. Superannuation-State schemes. qn 335. Supply (1990-91, No. 1) Bill, 1079, 1331. Tattersall Consultations (Amendment) Bill, 1059. Victorian Post-Secondary Education Commis-

sion-Report on higher education programs, 361. Warrawong Day Care Centre. Ringwood, 1107. Women-Funding: Department of Agriculture and

Rural Affairs, qn 338; Department of Industry, Technology and Resources, qn 338; Department of the Premier and Cabinet, qn 368; Department of Property and Services, qn 368; Attorney-Gen­eral's Department, qn 530; Ministry of Consumer Affairs, qn 531; Local Government Department, qn 662; Health Department Victoria, qn 663; Ministry of Housing and Construction, qn 882; Department of Conservation and Environment, qn 1139; Ethnic Affairs Commission, qn 1139; Ministry of Education. qn 1139; Ministry for the Arts, qn 1368; Ministry for Police and Emergency Services. qn 1549; Community Services Victoria, qn 1808.

WorkCare-Claims, payments and premiums: Min­istry for the Ans, qn 368, qn 881; Local Govern­ment Department, qn 528, qn 530; Department of Spon and Recreation, qn 528; Department of Property and Services, qn 529; post-secondary education, qn 529; Health Department Victoria, qn 662; hospitals. qn 872; Depanment of Labour, qn 873; Department of Industry and Economic Planning, qn 875; Treasury, qn 879, qn 1137; Ministry of Education, qn 880; Depanment of Planning and Urban Growth, qn 880; Ministry of Housing and Construction, qn 1138; Victorian Tourism Commission, qn 1226; Department of Conservation and Environment, qn 1226; Minis­try of Transport, qn 1366; Ministry of Consumer Affairs, qn 1368; Ethnic Affairs Commission, qn 1698; Community Services Victoria, qn 1808.

Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91, No. 1) Bill, 1079, 1331.

(34) INDEX

Veraia-Rabbit infestation, 357. Walker, Hon. E. H.-conlinued

Very Fut Traia Project (See "Public Transport'")

VlC ROADS (See "Roads Corporation")

Victoria Harbou Pro~ 1103, 1109, q 1229.

Victoria Po~DISPlAN boundaries, 520. Inability to charge intruder, 1104. Red light cameras, qn 1141. Activities in St Kilda, 1940.

Victoria AcddeDt Rebabilitatioa CouclJ-Quarterly reports, 108, 1049. (See also "WorlcCare")

Victoriu Eqmty Trot (See "Industry and Economic Planning")

VIctoriu Football Iape (See "Australian Football League")

Victoriu Health PromotiOD FoudatioD, 1351, 1418, 1454.

VIctoria ludtate of Marble Sde~ 1351, 1418, 1454.

Victoriu Post-SecoDdary Edacatio. Co_issioa-­Report on higher education programs, 361, 363.

VictoriaD School for Deaf ChUdre., 1358, 1362.

Victoriu SDow Resorts (formerly Victour Properties Pty Ltd)-Property holdinp, qn 1112.

Victoria Toarisa C~issioa--WorkCare claims and payments, qn 1226.

Victou Properties Ply Ltd (See "Victorian Snow Resorts")

Violence-Social Development Committee report on mental disturbance and community safety, 1711.

V /Line (See "Public Transport")

VOM. System-Proportional representation, 169,477.


Walker, HOD. E. H. (Melbourne Province) (Formerly Minister for the Arts, Minister for Major Projects, and Minister responsible for Post-Secondary Education)

Administrative Appea1s Tribunal (Planning) Bill, 422. Agricultural Industry Development Bill, 174. Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Department of-

Funding for women, qn 338. Daratech Pty Ltd, 350.

Apprentices-Training, q 243. Arts, The-WorkCare claims and payments in Min­

istry, qn 368. Heide Park and Art Gallery collec­tion, q 372. 8anyule gallery, 456.

Attorney-General's Department-WorkCare pay­ments, qn 338.

Australia Day Committee, qn 367. Banyule Gallery, 456.

Bayside Project-SaJe of site to Sandridge City Development Co. Pty Ltd, 457.

BLF Custodian-Reports Nos 9 and 10,108. Business of the House-Postponement of questions

without notice, 105. Questions on notice: post­ponement, 105; answers, 423. Sessional Orders, 444.

Corrections, Office of-Report on behaviour, 108. Daratech Pty Ltd-Report for 1988-89, 350. Daylight-saving, 331. Deaths-Sir Henry Bolte, GCMG, 1. Mrs E. S. Glee­

son, 18. Sir Rutherford Guthrie, CMG, 28. Education-Post-Secondary-Higher education opportunities,

q 122. Gordon Technical CoUege, q 127, 252. Dandenong College ofT AFE, Pakenham campus, 330. Victorian College of Agriculture and Honi­cuJture, Gilbert Chandler campus, 331. Ballarat College of Advanced Education, 331, q 342, 457. Swinburne CoOege ofT AFE, 363. Box HiO College ofTAFE,457.

Education (Amendment) Bill, 179. Exhibition Buildings-Lease arrangements, 891. Labour, Department of-Training of apprentices,

q 243. Law Courts-Report of Supreme Court judges for

1988, 167. Library Services-Funding, 363. Liquor Industry-Proof-of-aae cards, 364. Major Projects-State Library redevelopment, q 160.

Proposed multifunction polis, q 247. Proposed media centre, 363. Bayside, 457.

Media Centre-Proposed, 363. MuJtifunction Polis-Proposc:d. q 247. Municipalities-Funding for library services, 363. Natural Resources and Environment Committee-

Membership, 107, 167. Olympic Games, 1996-Melboume bid, 363. Personal Explanations-Statement in debate, 252. Petitions-Exhibition Buildings, 891. Points of Order-Questions without notice: rele­

vancy ofanswers. 245. Quoted material, 309. Mat­ters raised in adjournment debate: not to be debated, 324; to be new maners, 325.

Premier and Cabinet, Department of the-Fundina for women, qn 368.

Questions on Notice-Postponement, 105. Answers, 423.

Roads Corporation-Use of road signs for advertis­ing. q 347.

State Bank Victoria-Injunction, q 159, q 160, q 242. Board of directors, q 343.

State Library-Redevelopment project, q 160. Excess books, 235.

Universities-Ballarat University CoOege, q 342, 457.

LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (35) Walker, Hon. E. H.-continued

Victorian Post-Secondary Education Commis­sion-Repon on higher education programs, 363.

Women-FundinJ: Department of Agricwture and Rural Affairs, qn 338; Department of the Premier and Cabinet, qn 368.

WorkCare-Payments: Attorney-General's Depart­ment, qn 338; Ministry for the Arts, qn 368.

Youth-Proof-of-age cards, 364.

Warrawo. Day Care Ceatre, RiJlpood, 1107, 1110.

Water-Loch Garry, qn 144. Lake Hume level, 521. Dartmouth dam, 521, q 976, q 1144, q 1150. q 1151, q 1298, 1353, 1360. Proposed MitcheU Ri ver dam, q 768. Mordialloc Creek. qn 1945.

Water Ad-Proclamation of amendments, q 1553.

Water (Lake EUdoll Recreatio ..... Area) ReplatiODS, 169.

Western Melropolitaa Market TrllSt, 380.

White, HOII. D. R. (Doutta Galla Province) (Minister for Industry and Economic Planning, and Minis­ter for Major Projects; formerly Minister for Industry, Technology and Resources, and Minis­ter Assisting the Treasurer in Budget Expenditure)

Abattoirs-Industrial dispute, 609. Accident Compensation Commission-Quarterly

reports, 108. Accident Compensation Tribunal-Quarterly

reports, 108. Administrative Arrangements-OrderNo. 74,474. Alcoa of Australia Ltd-Portland aluminium smelter,

q 1551, q 1554. AMECON Ltd-Frigate project, q 1604. Ararat Regional Development Board-Funding, 525. Audit (Amendment) Bill, 533, 598, 647, 648, 649,

1936. Auditor-General-Proposed inquiry into State Bank

Victoria, 686, 687, 688. Report on Ministerial portfolios, q 1045.

Australian Newsprint Mills-Recycling of news­print, q 772.

Building and Construction Industry-Protection of subcontractors, q 774.

Burson-Marstellar Pty Ltd, q 1813. Business and Commerce-Motel and shopping

centre leases, 364. Electricity connection costs, 1032. Small Business Development Corporation, q 1555.

Business of the House-Adjournment of second­reading debates, 548, 694, 701. Days and hours of meeting, 767. Answers to questions on notice, 777, 778, 983, 1048. Suspension of Sessional Orders, 1610.

White, Hon. D. R.-continued Centre for International Research on Communica­

tion and Information Technologies, q 343, 769, qn 865, qn 866.

Coal Corporation of Victoria-Review, q 1299. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organisation-Research into compact ceramic fuel cells, q 1371.

Conservation-Recycli .. : paper, q 615; newsprint, q 772. Exploration and mini .. in national parks, q 1044. Volcanic cone study, 1109.

Construction Industry Long Service Leave (Amend-ment) Bill, 371.

Corporate Affilirs-Regulation, 659. Country Fire Authority-Buildina program, qn 145. Deaths-Hon. J. C. M. Balfour, CBE, 1459. Drugs-Proposed Royal Commission into Mua,

q 1472. Electoral-Proportional representation, 169, 501. Energy Conservation-V se of energy-efficient: light

globes, q 124; appliances, q 1703. Home Energy Advisory Service, q 534, 1294, q 1815. Solar power, 609, q 1145. Wind power, q 1145. Future energy requirements, q 1470.

Environment Protection Authority-Industrial pol­lution, 659. Smog over Phillip Island and West Gippsland, 1294.

Esso Australia Ltd-Proposed relocation of staff, , q 1473. Fireworks-School fete permit, 332. Floods--In Gippsland, 851. Gas and Fuel Corporation-Investments, q 122.

Board appointments, q 123, q 164, q 1299. Public authority dividend, q 1374. Flinders Street build­ings, q 1473, q 1475, q 1701, q 1702. Relocation costs, q 1475. Credit rating, q IS5S. Heating tariffs for low-income households, q 1815.

Geelong Regional Commission-Operations, q 666. HBA Ltd, 1453. Historic Buildings-Demolition, q 1556. Home Energy Advisory Service-Energy conserva­

tion, q 534. Access for Warrnambool residents, 1294. Heating tariffs for low·income households, q 1815.

Hospitals-WorkCare claims and payments, qn 141. Industry and Economic Planning (formerly "Indus­

try, Technology and Resources")­Department-Research funds, qn 865, qn 866.

WorkCare claims and payments, qn 875. Review of Coal Corporation of Victoria. q 1299.

Economic Planning-Victorian Equity Trust. q 1554. General-Centre for International Research on

Communication and Information Technologies, q 769, qn 865, qn 866. Development in Bendigo, q 1042. Pappas Carter Evans and Koop Ply Ltd, 1360, 1452. Research into compact ceramic fuel cells, q 1371. Promotion of Melbourne for invest­ment, q 1813.

(36) INDEX

White, Hon. D. R.-continued Industry-In Ararat, 525. Meat, 609. Mining, q 617.

Industrial pollution in South Gippsland, 659. Assistance to Kodak (Australasia) Ply Ltd, q 1044.' Problems in Maryborough, 1453. Portland alu­minium smelter, q 1551, q 1554. Benefits of frig­ate project, q 1604.

Industry, Technology and Resources­Department-Funding for women, qn 339. loans

portfolio, q 341. Industry-Textile, q 345. ReSOUTCef-Energyconservation,q 124,q 161,q 374.

Coal liquefaction, q 344, q 380. Technology-Centre for International Research on

Communication and Information Technologies, q 343.

Insurance-HBA Ltd, 1453. Jackson, Daryl, Ply Ltd-Government building pro­

jects, qn 869. Joint Sinings of Parliament-Victorian Institute of

Marine Sciences, 1352. Victorian Health Promo­tion Foundation, 1352. Victoria University of Technology, 1693.

Kew and Heidelberg Lands (Trust) Bill, 1016. Kodak (Australasia) Pty Ltd, q 1044. Labour, Department of-Youth Guarantee, qn 1457. Latrobe Regional Commission-Chairman, q 668.

Representation, 763. Legal and Constitutional Committee-Member­

ship, 779. Legislative Council-Proportional representation,

169,501. Long Service Leave-Portability, 332. Mafia-Proposed Royal Commission, q 1472. Major Projects-Proposed multifunction polis,

q 250, q 373. Proposed media centre, 608. Wills.. mere Hospital site redevelopment, q 613, q 771, q 885. Queen Victoria hospital site redevelop­ment, q 616, q 1043, q 1301, q 1303, q 1471, q 1556. Government unit, qn 869. Museum of Victoria redevelopment, q 1041, q 1303, 1360, q 1470. Victoria Harbour, 1109, q 1230. State Lib­rary redevelopment, q 1303, 1360.

Manaaement and Budaet, Department of-Public relations funding, qn 143.

Maryboro~Problems of industries, 1453. Media Centn>-Proposed, 608. Meier Transport Pty Ltd, 332. Melbourne-Promotion for investment, q 1813. Melbourne Tigers Basketball Oub, qn 1227. Memben-Naming of member, 693. Ministry, The-Ministerial responsibility: Treas­

urer, 52, q 125, q 159, q 166, q 466, q 468; Minis­ter Assisting the Treasurer, q 246; Minister for Industry and Economic Planning, q 466, q 468. Appointments, 461, 465.

Multifunction Polis-Proposed, q 250, q 373. Municipalities-Volcanic cone study, 1109.

White, Hon. D. R.-continued

Museum of Victoria-Redevelopment project. q 1041,q 1303. 1360.q 1470.

National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill. 1923. 1925. 1926. 1933, 1935.

Natural Resources and Environment Committee-Membership. 779.

Pappas Carter Evans and Koop Pty Ltd. 1360, 1452. Parks-Exploration and mining in national, q 1044. Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Amendment) BiD,

780. Points of Order-Reflections on President, 54.

Quoted materiaJ, 56. Scope of debate, 84. 85, 86. Answers to questions without notice, q 244. 1605. Reflections on members, 247. Offensive remarks, 275, 1554. Matters raised in adjournment debate to relate to State administration, 333.

Prices-Goverrunent family budget pledge, q 1604. Public Service Board-WorkCare Management Unit,

qn 1142. Public Transport-Very Fast Train project, q 1152.

Corporation expenditure, Q 770. Quantum Market Research Pty Ltd, qn 1114. Queen Victoria Hospital Site-Redevelopment.

q616.q 1043,q 130l,q 1303.q 1471,q 1556. Questions on Notice-Answers. 777, 778, 983,1048. Racing-Oncourse unclaimed dividends, qn 366. Renewable Energy Authority Victoria Bill, 1469.

1476,1754. Small Business Development Corporation. q 1555. State Bank Victoria-Ministerial responsibility. 52,

q 159, q 166, q 246. Gas and Fuel Corporation. q 122. State FJectricity Commission. q 122. Tri­continental Corporation Ltd, q 122, q 123, q 126, q 128, q 242. q 249, Q 466. Liability, q 162. Board of directors, q 163, q 246. q 342. Injunction, q 243, q 247,269. Australian loan Council, q 249. Pr0-posed inquiries: Royal Commission, 269; Auditor­General, 686, 687,688. Rdease of documents, 396. Audit and reporting requirements, q 1045. Credit rating, q 1369, q 1555.

State Electricity Commission-Investments. q 122. Energy conservation, q 124, q 161, q 374. Use of energy-efficient: light globes, q 124; appliances. q 1703. Relocation of powerline at Hotspur, qn 146. Tree clearance program, 332. Geelong region. 332. Home Energy Advisory Service. q 534. 1294, q 1815. Oaldands power station. NSW. 608. Gas-fired electricity, q 619. Loy Yang B3 and 84 units. q 669, q 1151. Brunswick-Richmond pow­erline, q 768. Connection costs, 1032. Dartmouth power station. q 1144. q 11 SO, q 11 51, q 1298. 1360. Electrical installation inspections, q 11 S2. Credit rating, q 1369, q 1555. Research into com­pact ceramic fuel cells. Q 1371. Public authority dividend, q 1374. Future energy requirements, q 1470. Portland aluminium smelter, q 1 5S 1. Heating tariffs for low-income households, q 1815.


White, Hon. D. R.-c01'Ilinued State Finance-Manaaement by Treasurer, 52. Ryan

report, q 341. Government borrowings. q 614. Commonwealth allocations, q 668. Transpon sec­tor, q 770. Credit ratin&. q 1369, q 1555. Moody's Investon Service Inc., q 1369, q 1555. Asset sales, q 1603. .

State Insurance Oftice-1lepQrt for 1988-89, qn 336. Basketball sponsorship, qn 1227.

Slate Library-Redevelopment project. q 1303, 1360. Sttateaic Research Fund. qn 865, qn 866. Superannuation-State schemes. qn 336. Supply (1990-91, No. I) Bill, 946, 999. TattenaD Consultations (Amendment) BiD, 946, 998. Taxation-Land tu assessment in Hiainbotbam

Province, qn 147. Bonom-of-the-harbour evasion schemes, 333. Payment of public authority divi­dend by statutory authorities, q 1374. Govern­ment family budFt pledae, q 1604. Death duties. q 1701.

Timber Industry-Allocations. q 371. Totalizator Agency Board-<>ncoune unclaimed

dividends, qn 366. Tourism-Promotion of Victoria. q 665, q 667. Treasury, The-Former director-aeneral, qn 870.

Deputy director-general, qn 871. Ofticen, qn 871. WorkCare claims and payments, qn 879, qn 1137. Quantum Market Research Pty Ltd, qn 1114.

Universities-Victoria University of Technology, 1693.

Victoria Harbour Project, 1109, q 1230. Victorian Accident Rehabilitation CounciJ-Quan-

erly repons. 108. Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, t 352. Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences, t 352. Water-Proposed Mitchell River dam, q 768. Dan-

mouth dam, q 976, q 1144, q 1150, q 1151, q 1298, 1360.

Willsmere Hospital Site-Redevelopment, q 613, q 771, q 885.

Windsor, Hotel-Sale, q 977. Women-Fundina from Department of Industry,

Technology and Resources, qn 339. WorkCare-Quanerly reports, 108. Oaims and pay­

rrents: hospitals, qn t 41; Department of Industry and Economic Plannina. qn 875; Treasury, qn 879, qn 1137; Public Service Board manaaement unit, qn 1142.

Works and Services (Ancillary Provisions, 1990-91, No. 1) Bill, 946, 999.

Youth Guarantee, qn 1457.

Wills.ere Hospital Site-Redevelopment, q 613, q 771, q 885.

Wbldsor. Hotel-Sale, q 977.

WHle~Housin& q 25 I. Fundina: Department of Aariculture and Rural Affain, qn 338; Depan­ment of Industry, Technology and Resources. qn 338; Department of the Premier and Cabinet, qn 368; Departtnent of Property and Services, qn 368; Attorney-General's Department, qn 530; Ministry of Consumer Affairs, qn 531; Local Gov­ernment Departtnent, qn 662; Health Department Victoaia, qn 663; Ministry of Housina and Con­struction, qn 882; Department of Conservation and Environment, qn 1139; Ministry of Education, qn 1139; Ethnic Affairs Commission, qn 1139; Ministry for the Arts, qn 1368; for Geelona and Barwon services, 1448; Ministry for Police and Emeraency Services, qn 1549; Community Ser­vices Victoria, qn 1808. Moonpla Women's Co­operative, 60S, 611. National health program, q 1607.

WorkC~Reports: quanerly, 108, 1049; actuarial, 474. Oaims, payments and premiums: hospitals, qn 141, qn 872, q 1607; industry, 229; Attorney­General's Department, qn 338; Ministry for the Arts. qn 368, qn 881; Local Government Depan­ment, qn 528, qn 530; Department of Spon and Recreation, qn 528; Department of Property and Services, qn 529; post-secondary education, qn S29; Health Department Victoria, qn 662; Department of Labour, 'In 873, qn 1456; Department oflndus­try and Economic Plannina. qn 875; Treasury, qn 879, qn 1137; Ministry of Education, qn 880; Depanment of Plannina and Urban Growth, qn 880; Ministry of Housina and Construction, qn 1138; Victorian Tourism Commission, qn 1226; Depanment of Conservation and Environment, qn 1226; Ministry ofTranspon, qn 1366; Ministry of Consumer Affain, qn 1368; Ethnic Aft'ain Commission, qn 1698; Community Services Vic­toria, qn 1808. CPS Rehabilitation Service, 604. V/Line employee, 651. Public Service Board man­aaement unit, qn 1142, qn 1227. Review cases, qn 1225.

WorkCare Appeals BoenI-Quarterly report, 1049.

WorN Healtla Day, q 468, q 536.

W .... t. RH. K. I. M. (Nonh Western Province) Aboriainal Aft'airs-Fundina of cooperatives, q 537. Australian Airlines (Intrastate Services) BiU, 1057. Community Services Victoria-Home and com-

munity care program, 1166. Neilson repon on intellectual disability services, qn t 803.

Consumer Affairs-Credit legislation, q 887. Co-operative Housina Societies (Guarantees) BiU,

1874. Dayliaht-saving, 327. Deaths-Sir Henry BoJte, GCMG, 9.

(38) INDEX

Wright, Hon. K. I. M.-continued Drugs-Proposed Royal Commission into Mafia,

q 1472. Education-Murrayville Secondary College, 226.

Medical examinations for teachers, 650. Fruit-fly-outbreaks,846. Handicapped Persons-Intellectual disability ser­

vices, qn 1803. Hospitals-Bush nursing, q 375, q 1703. Inade­

quacyofservices, 589. Board appointments, 1103. Mildura Base, 1103.

Mafia-Proposed Royal Commission, q 1472. Municipalities-Home and community care pro­

gram, 1166. National Parks (Further Amendment) Bill, 1423,


Wright, Hon. K. I. M.-continued Parks-Wyperfeld National, 357. Public Transpon-Student concessions, 601. State Coroner-A ttendance at accident scenes, I 31. State Electricity Commission-Tree-lopping pro-

grams, 451. Vermin-Rabbit infestation, 357. (See also "Chairman of Committees, The (Hon.

K. I. M. Wright)")


Youth-Funding: for Diamon~ Valley Try Youth and Community Services group, 359. Proof-of-agc cards, 362, 364. Guarantee, qn 872, qn 1456. Cig­arette smoking, q 1816.