in dos systems

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  • 7/28/2019 In DOS Systems


    In DOSsystems, an internal command is any command thatresides in the COMMAND.COMfile. This includes the mostcommon DOS commands, such as COPY and DIR. Commandsthat reside in other COM files, or in EXE or BAT files, are called

    external commandsTable of Contents (the Commands)

    command cd (chdir) chcp cls copy copy conctty date del (erase) dir exit lock md(mkdir) path (;) prompt rd (rmdir) ren(rename) set time type unlock ver vol

    The following commands are rarely used outside of BATCH files:

    break call echo for (%) (%%) goto if (not)

    (errorlevel) (==) (exist)


    lh (loadhigh)

    pause rem shift verify

    This first command isn't really an "internal" command at all. Itdescribes all the switches that can be used when executing theCOMMAND.COM program itself (and secondary copies):

    command COMMAND.COM-------Starts a new copy of the Windows Command Interpreter.

    COMMAND [[drive:]path] [device] [/E:nnnnn] [/L:nnnn] [/U:nnn] [/P][/MSG]

    [/LOW] [/Y [/[C|K] command]][drive:]path Specifies the directory containing COMMAND.COM.device Specifies the device to use for command input and

    output./E:nnnnn Sets the initial environment size to nnnnn bytes.

    (nnnnn should be between 256 and 32,768)./L:nnnn Specifies internal buffers length (requires /P as well).

    (nnnn should be between 128 and 1,024)./U:nnn Specifies the input buffer length (requires /P as well).

    (nnn should be between 128 and 255)./P Makes the new Command Interpreter permanent (can't

    exit)./MSG Stores all error messages in memory (requires /P as

    well)./LOW Forces COMMAND to keep its resident data in low memory./Y Steps through the batch program specified by /C or /K./C command Executes the specified command and returns./K command Executes the specified command and continues running.

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  • 7/28/2019 In DOS Systems


    cd Change Directory-------Displays the name of or changes the current directory.

    CHDIR [drive:][path]CHDIR[..]CD [drive:][path]CD[..]

    .. Specifies that you want to change to the parent directory (inother words: Move up one folder in the directory tree). DOS 7,WHEN using a DOS-window, allows you to use extra dots here! Ifyou were in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shellext, you could enter go up to C:\WINDOWS or even cd.... to get to the root.

    Type CD drive: to display the current directory in the specified drive.Type CD without parameters to display the current drive and directory.

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    chcp Change Code Page-------Displays or sets the active code page number.

    CHCP [nnn]

    nnn Specifies a code page number.

    Type CHCP without a parameter to display the active code page number.

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    cls Clear Screen-------Clears the screen.


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    copy Copy or Concatenate Files-------Copies one or more files to another location.

    COPY [/A | /B] source [/A | /B] [+ source [/A | /B] [+ ...]][destination[/A | /B]] [/V] [/Y | /-Y]
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    source Specifies the file or files to be copied./A Indicates an ASCII text file./B Indicates a binary file.destination Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new

    file(s)./V Verifies that new files are written correctly./Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an

    existing destination file./-Y Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an

    existing destination file.

    The switch /Y may be preset in the COPYCMD environment variable.This may be overridden with /-Y on the command line

    To append files, specify a single file for destination, but multiplefilesfor source (using wildcards or file1+file2+file3 format).

    Note this special case of the COPY command:

    copy con output.txt Copy from Consoleto ...

    After you type this command and press ENTER, MS-DOS copies everythingyoutype to the file OUTPUT.TXT. When you are finished typing, press CTRL+Ztoindicate that you want to end the file. The Control-Z character willappear on the screen as " ^Z ". You can also end a COPY CON command by

    pressing the F6 key. Pressing F6 also generates the Control-Zcharacter;a " ^Z " still appears on the screen.

    The following example copies information from the keyboard to a printerconnected to LPT1:

    copy con lpt1

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    ctty Change Termial Type

    -------Changes the terminal device used to control your system.

    CTTY device

    device The terminal device you want to use, such as COM1.

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    date-------Displays or sets the date.

    DATE [date]

    Type DATE without parameters to display the current date setting anda prompt for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same date.

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    del Delete (Erase) Files-------Deletes one or more files.

    DEL [drive:][path]filename [/P]ERASE [drive:][path]filename [/P]

    [drive:][path]filename Specifies the file(s) to delete. Specifymultiple files by using wildcards.

    /P Prompts for confirmation before deleting each file.

    Note: In most cases the file is NOT actually "erased"; the space it


    is simply noted as being available for new files to write over it. If you

    really want to erase every word of a sensitive file, you should get a

    'security program' designed to overwrite all erased files!

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    dir Directory Listing-------Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.

    DIR [drive:][path][filename] [/P] [/W] [/A[[:]attributes]][/O[[:]sortorder]] [/S] [/B] [/L] [/V]

    [drive:][path][filename]Specifies drive, directory, and/or files to list.(Could be enhanced file specification or multiple


    /P Pauses after each screenful of information.
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    /W Uses wide list format.

    /A Displays files with specified attributes.

    attributes D Directories R Read-only filesH Hidden files A Files ready for archivingS System files - Prefix meaning not

    /O List by files in sorted order.

    sortorderN By name (alphabetic)S By size (smallest first)E By extension (alphabetic)D By date & time (earliest first)G Group directories first- Prefix to reverse orderA By Last Access Date (earliest first)

    /S Displays files in specified directory and all

    subdirectories./B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary)./L Uses lowercase./V Verbose mode.

    Switches may be preset in the DIRCMD environment variable. Overridepreset switches by prefixing any switch with - (hyphen)--forexample, /-W.

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    exit-------Quits the COMMAND.COM program (command interpreter).


    If you're in a DOS-Window in Windows, this will close the window!

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    lock-------Locks a drive, enabling direct disk access for an application.

    LOCK [drive:]
  • 7/28/2019 In DOS Systems


    Note: If you use this command in a DOS-Window, it will only affect


    floppy disk drives; Windows 95/98 does not allow you to lock a


    directly while it is operating. If you try lock C: , you'll get theerror

    message: " Locking operation failed."

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    md Make Directory-------Creates a directory.

    MKDIR [drive:]pathMD [drive:]path

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    Displays or sets a search path for executable files.

    PATH [[drive:]path[;...]]PATH ;

    Type PATH (without any parameters) to display the current path.

    Type PATH ; (PATH space semi-colon) to CLEAR all search-path settings;this means that DOS will only be able search the currentdirectory.

    NOTE: When used in a DOS-Window, these commands ONLY apply


    that particular DOS-Window! (The PATH will not be changed


    See the SETcommand for a similar effect in DOS-Windows, and


    for a utility ( that willmake global changes!
  • 7/28/2019 In DOS Systems


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    -------Changes the Windows command prompt.

    PROMPT [text]

    text Specifies a new command prompt.

    Prompt can be made up of normal characters and the following specialcodes:

    $Q = (equal sign)$$ $ (dollar sign)$T Current time

    $D Current date$P Current drive and path$V Windows version number$N Current drive$G > (greater-than sign)$L < (less-than sign)$B | (pipe)$H Backspace (erases previous character)$E Escape code (ASCII code 27)$_ Carriage return and linefeed

    Type PROMPT without parameters to reset the prompt to the defaultsetting.

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    rd Remove (Delete) Directory-------Removes (deletes) a directory.

    RMDIR [drive:]pathRD [drive:]path

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    ren Rename File or Directory-------Renames a file/directory or files/directories.

    RENAME [drive:][path][directoryname1 | filename1] [dirname2 | filename2]REN [drive:][path][directoryname1 | filename1] [dirname2 | filename2]
  • 7/28/2019 In DOS Systems


    Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination.

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    set-------Displays, sets, or removes Windows environment variables.

    SET [variable=[string]]

    variable Specifies the environment-variable name.string Specifies a series of characters to assign to the variable.

    Type SET without parameters to display the current environmentvariables.

    Note: If you use SET in a DOS-Window to add a variable and string,


    will only affect commands run in that particular window! Unlinke Win


    (which has a DOS 'Environment' Tab), Windows 95/98 normally


    not allow you to set global Environment strings while the OS is


    You have to set them in AUTOEXEC.BAT and reboot the system!

    However, I recently found that Microsoft made a utility for setting

    Environment strings from a DOS-window with a 'global' effect...


    utility is called WINSET.EXE ( it's archived with another util


    SHORTCUT.EXE and labeled as W95ENVARS.EXE ). You can


    this now as:

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  • 7/28/2019 In DOS Systems


    time-------Displays or sets the system time.

    TIME [time]

    Type TIME with no parameters to display the current time setting and aprompt for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same time.

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    type-------Displays the contents of text files.

    TYPE [drive:][path]filename

    NOTE: If there are more than 25 lines in the file, you'll need to


    the screen output through the DOS External Command MORE in


    to keep all but the last screen from flashing past you! EXAMPLE:

    C:\>type tips.txt |more

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    unlock-------Unlocks a drive, disabling direct disk access for an application.

    UNLOCK [drive:] See LOCK

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    ver Version-------Displays the Windows version.

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    vol Volume Label/SN-------Displays the disk volume label and serial number, if they exist.

    VOL [drive:]

    Note: The DOS command to change a Volume Label is an "External Command"

    (the program is: LABEL.EXE).Back to TOC

    The following commands are rarely used outside of

    a BATCH file (such as AUTOEXEC.BAT):

    break-------Sets or clears extended CTRL+C checking.

    BREAK [ON | OFF]

    Type BREAK without a parameter to display the current BREAK setting.

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    call-------Calls one batch program from another.

    CALL [drive:][path]filename [batch-parameters]

    batch-parameters Specifies any command-line information required bythe batch program.

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    echo-------Displays messages, or turns command-echoing on or off.

    ECHO [ON | OFF]ECHO [message]

    Type ECHO without parameters to display the current echo setting.
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    for-------Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.

    FOR %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]

    %variable Specifies a replaceable parameter.(set) Specifies a set of one or more files. Wildcards may be

    used.command Specifies the command to carry out for each file.command-parameters

    Specifies parameters or switches for the specified command.

    To use the FOR command in a batch program, specify %%variable instead of%variable.

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    goto-------Directs Windows to a labelled line in a batch program.

    GOTO label

    label Specifies a text string used in the batch program as a label.

    You type a label on a line by itself, beginning with a colon.


    The following batch program formats a disk in drive A as a system disk.Ifthe operation is successful, the GOTO command simply directs MS-DOS tothelabel named "end"; if not, an error message is displayed:

    echo offformat a: /s

    if not errorlevel 1 goto endecho An error occurred during formatting.:end

    echo Successfully formatted the disk in drive A.

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    if-------Performs conditional processing in batch programs.
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    IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number commandIF [NOT] string1==string2 commandIF [NOT] EXIST filename command

    NOT Specifies that Windows should carry out the commandonly

    if the condition is false.ERRORLEVEL number Specifies a true condition if the last program run

    returned an exit code equal to or greater than thenumber specified.

    command Specifies the command to carry out if the conditionis

    met.string1==string2 Specifies a true condition if the specified text


    EXIST filename Specifies a true condition if the specified filenameexists.

    Note: Although you can only check directly for the existence of a file, youcan

    also check for directories (folders) by using the NUL operator as a



    if exist C:\TEMP\NUL goto done will route program flow


    the label "done" only if the folder C:\TEMP exists!

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    lfnfor Long File Name FOR-------Enables/Disables Long file names when processing FOR commands.


    Type LFNFOR without a parameter to display the current setting.

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    lh Load High-------Loads a program into the upper memory area.

    LH [drive:][path]filename [parameters]LOADHIGH [drive:][path]filename [parameters]
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    LOADHIGH [/L:region1[,minsize1][;region2[,minsize2]...] [/S]][drive:][path]filename [parameters]

    /L:region1[,minsize1][;region2[,minsize2]]...Specifies the region(s) of memory into which to loadthe program. Region1 specifies the number of the firstmemory region; minsize1 specifies the minimum size, ifany, for region1. Region2 and minsize2 specify thenumber and minimum size of the second region, if any.You can specify as many regions as you want.

    /S Shrinks a UMB to its minimum size while the programis loading.

    [drive:][path]filenameSpecifies the location and name of the program.

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    pause-------Suspends processing of a batch program and displays the message:Press any key to continue....


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    rem-------Records comments (remarks) in a batch file or CONFIG.SYS.

    REM [comment]

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    shift-------Changes the position of replaceable parameters in a batch file.


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    verify-------Tells Windows whether to verify that your files are written correctlyto adisk.
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    Type VERIFY without a parameter to display the current VERIFY setting.

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