in focus presentation: the learning ecosystem – a content agnostic adaptive learning and analytics...

Delivering the Learning Ecosystem - A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning & Analytics System

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The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System Presentation from 'InFocus: Learner analytics and big data', a CDE technology symposium held at Senate House on 10 December 2013. Conducted by George Mitchell (Chief Operations Officer, CCKF Ltd, Dublin). Audio of the session and more details can be found at


Page 1: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System

Delivering the Learning Ecosystem

- A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning & Analytics System

Page 2: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System


Provide a personalized learning experienceo Deliver learning at an appropriate timeo Deliver appropriate learning materialo Learn about the learnero Manage and adapt to change: abilities,

metrics, behavior etc.o Identify weaknesses and try to remedy

Help a learner to realize their potential Simulate or emulate a good teacher Remain subject and content independent

Page 3: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System


The Academic ModelKey Concepts

Target knowledge

Intelligent engine – adapting to learner

Ability metrics

Learning paths


Determine knowledge

Page 4: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System

Key ConceptsTarget knowledge

Knowledge space Logical connections between elements Pre-requisite and other relationships

Target knowledge



Area Area

Element 1

Element 2



Area Area

Element 3

Element 4

Element 5

Element 1

Element 3

Element 4

Element 2

Element 5Element



Page 5: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System

Key ConceptsTarget knowledge

By its very nature a competency based model Granular elements of knowledge Ability to track progress and attainment against

knowledge elements Ability to track specific competencies Ability to navigate through the elements by

demonstrating competency

Target knowledge

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Key ConceptsTarget knowledge

Target knowledge

Academic Independence Maintaining academic rigor Control of curriculum and content Fully engaging faculty in online


Real time evidence for course evolution

Page 7: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System

Key ConceptsIntelligent engine

Requirements Deliver learning suited to an individual Adapt to responses from the individual Evolve behavior as the system grows

Intelligent engine

Intelligent engine – adapting to learner

Ability metrics

Learning paths

ProfilingDetermine knowledge

Page 8: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System

Key ConceptsIntelligent engine

Measure and Predict Ability Granular approach Likelihood function Gathers evidence to adjust functions Automatically evolves and balances network

Intelligent engine

Ability metrics

Page 9: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System

Key ConceptsIntelligent engine

Learning Paths Paths managed dynamically Adapt to learner experience

Intelligent engine

Learning paths

Element 1

Element 3

Element 4

Element 2

Element 5




Element 1

Element 3



Element 2


Element 5

Element 4

Element 1

Element 3



Element 2


Element 5

Element 4

Page 10: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System

Key ConceptsIntelligent engine

Determine knowledge Respect what the student knows Gap analysis to identify what learner

needs to know

Intelligent engine

Determine knowledge

Knowledge Space Determine knowledgeKnowledge required

Page 11: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System

Key ConceptsIntelligent engine

Profiling Deliver the learning material that is most

appropriate to the learner Different types of material vary in effectiveness for

different learners

Intelligent engine


Knowledge element

Find content

Content 1

Content 2

Content 3

Probability of success = 0.5

Probability of success = 0.7

Exclude as not suitable

Evaluate content

Render and delivery content

to learner

Learner Profile

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Key ConceptsIntelligent engineDelivering Learning Excellence Measuring and predicting ability Respecting what the learner already knows Continuously adapting to the individual Evolving its own behavior

Intelligent engine

Establishing competencies with evidence

Page 13: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System

Key ConceptsContentGoals for content Adapt to the learner Don’t ask the same questions all the time Vary for learner Provide evidence for propagation network Integrate with behavioral engine Integrate with knowledge elements


Page 14: In Focus presentation: The Learning Ecosystem – A Content Agnostic Adaptive Learning and Analytics System

Breaking Boundaries – Case Study

A client’s deployment statistics for 1 yearo 50,000+ studentso 75,000+ course enrollmentso 18,000,000 unique questions generated by the Realizeit systemo 317,000 practices and revision interactionso 60+ courses

Englisho Literatureo English Composition

Historyo US History

Business & Accountingo Marketing Managemento Spreadsheetso Managing accountingo Macroeconomics

Criminal Justiceo Introduction to American Court System

Computer Scienceo Computer Networks o Security

Science, Psychology, Engineering, Ethicso Biologyo Systems Engineeringo Introduction to Psychologyo Student Success

Mathematicso Introduction to Mathematics o College Algebrao Statistics: Data-driven Decision Making

Truly content Agnostic

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Student experience

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Student View

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Student View—Next Steps Tab

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Inside a Learning Node

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Faculty experience

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People Section with Individual Details

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Four Key Factors for Faculty Dashboard



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Real-time Faculty Analysis

1 2


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Real-time Data—All Sections Report

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Introduction to Business Course— Individual results

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Real-time Data—By Instructor and Objective

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Roadmap for Transformation


Evolved Content

Competency Based Learning

Student Engagement

Insights from Data

Learning Trends



A journey towards a new paradigm of teaching and learning

Faculty Engagement

Evolved Curricula