in giro per catania

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Catania is well known for its baroque architecture which was declared a world Heritage site by the UNESCO. Many of the architectural attractions make Catania famous. !!!!! This is a notes page presentation. If you want more information, read speaker notes or after the download, follows the steps: File-new-read only-view-notes page!!!! YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: (You have the link on the first slide)


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Island of the SunIsland of the SunCatania was one of the main centers of the Sicilian Vespers revolt (1282) against the House of Anjou, and was the seat of the incoronation of the new Aragonese king of Sicily, Peter I. In the early 15th century, Sicily was turned into a province of the larger Kingdom of Aragon and with the unification of Castile and Aragon (early 16th century) Sicily became part of the Spanish Empire. Catania was one of the vanguards of the movement for the Sicilian autonomy in the early 19th century.In 1434 King Alfonso V founded here the Siciliae Studium Generale, the oldest university in the island.

Catania a fost unul dintre focarele principale ale revoltei „Vecerniile Siciliene” (cu urmări notabile asupra ansamblului situaţiei politice a întregii creştinătăţi medievale) împotriva Casei de Anjou şi a fost locul încoronării noului rege aragonez al Siciliei, Petru I. La începutul secolului XV Sicilia a devenit provincie a Regatului de Aragon iar la începutul secolului XVI, după unificarea Castiliei cu Aragonul, a făcut parte din Imperiul Spaniol. Catania a fost de asemenea în avangarda mişcării pentru autonomia Siciliei la începutul secolului XIX. În anul 1434 regele spaniol Alfonso V Magnanimul a fondat la Catania prima universitate din Sicilia.

There is a little Italian proverb that said:" Palermo grandeza, Catania belleza." This proverb purported that Palermo have the larger City, but Catania the beauty of Sicily.

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UNESCO World Heritage Site, representing "the final flowering of baroque art in Europe.”


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In the bright and beautiful piazza Giovanni Verga is the grandiose building of the Law Courts (front 100 meters long, height 18 meters, 350 rooms), established between 1936 and 1953

În piaţa Giovanni Verga grandioasa clădire a Tribunalului (lungimea faţadei 100 metri, înălţime 18 metri, 350 de încăperi) construită între anii 1936 - 1953, arhitect Francesco Fichera.

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At the entrance, just behind the pillars the simulacrum of the Goddess (a sculpture seven and a half meters tall by the artist Mimi Mary Lazzaro. The artist drew his inspiration from a painting by Giotto in the Cappella degli Scrovegni)

La intrarea în Palatul de Justiţie în spatele stâlpilor reprezentarea unei zeiţe, o sculptură înaltă de şapte metri şi jumătate, realizată de Mimi Mary Lazzaro, sculptoriţă din Catania. Artista s-a inspirat dintr-o pictură a lui Giotto din Capela Scrovegni din Padova.

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Viale XX Settembre

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Viale XX Settembre

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Viale XX Settembre

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The bronze statue of Giuseppe Garibaldi by Ettore Ferrari

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The bronze statue of Giuseppe Garibaldi by Ettore Ferrari. In 1887, he created a statue of Ovid for the city of Constanţa, Romania (the ancient Tomis, where the Latin poet was exiled) and this statue has been duplicated in 1925 for Sulmona, Ovid's birthplace.

Statuia de bronz a lui Garibaldi realizată de sculptorul Ettore Ferrari. Ettore Ferrari este autorul bustului lui Ovidiu realizat în 1887 şi amplasat în Piaţa Ovidius din Constanţa dar şi a monumentului dedicat lui Ion Heliade Rădulescu care este amplasat în faţa Universităţii din Bucureşti precum şi a busturilor lui Decebal şi Traian de la Cluj ca şi a basorelieful împăratului Traian de pe statuia Lupa Capitolina din Cluj (1928).

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San Benedetto is a church dedicated to St. Benedict of Norcia, built between 1704 and 1713

San Benedetto este o biserică dedicată Sfântului Benedict din Norcia, construită în perioada 1704 - 1713

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ZO Centro per le arti e le culture contemporanee

Zo is a new center for art and culture which has been recently opened in Catania. The center, financed by Sviluppo Italia, is located in a former refinery. It is the first multimedia center in Southern Italy and its scope is to promote all contemporary art forms. The center is organizing ballets, theater shows, concerts, exhibitions, seminars, workshops. The center, restored by an English architect, is 1,800 square meters wide.

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Villa Bellini

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Bellini GardensThis is the Catania inhabitants’ famous place for relaxing, going for a walk and admiring the wonderful view that spreads from the city to Mount Etna. The Villa Bellini Gardens spread over about 70,000 square metersVilla Bellini

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Villa Bellini

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The opera composer Vincenzo Bellini was born in Catania, and a museum exists at his birthplace. The Teatro Massimo "Vincenzo Bellini", which opened in 1890, is named after the composer. The opera house presents a variety of operas through a season, which run from December to May, many of which are the work of Bellini.

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La 20 februarie 1838 a avut loc premiera româneascã a operei „Norma” de Vincenzo Bellini, primul spectacol de opera cântat în limba româna. Spectacolul a fost realizat de Conservatorul Filarmonic-Dramatic din Iasi.

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"To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Sound: Cecilia Bartoli - Tarantelle, song for voice & piano

Cecilia Bartoli - Bellini - Fillide mia dov‘è

L.Pavarotti- Bellini-Dolente immagine di Fille mia

Text: Internet

Pictures :Sanda Foişoreanu


Gabriela Cristescu

Otilia ContraşCopyright: All the images belong to their authors.

Arangement: Sanda Foiş