in it - gradireland z... · accept responsibility for any ... software tester/quality ......

2017 opportunities in Ireland, north and south sectors include IT, web development, project management & software testing useful contacts graduate profiles the inside track on what employers want IT Graduate careers in IT

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2017• opportunities in Ireland, north and south • sectors include IT, web development, project

management & software testing• useful contacts • graduate profiles • the inside track on what employers want

IT Graduate

careersin IT

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gradireland IT is published by the Association of HigherEducation Careers Services and GTI Media Ltd (Ireland).

We would like to thank all third level careers services inIreland and Northern Ireland and our publishing partnersthe Association of Higher Education Careers Services fortheir help with this publication.

Editor Ruairi KavanaghDesign Maya LittleCommercial director Gavan O’BrienAdvertising Gavan O’Brien, Davey Farrell, Louise Keegan,Ailbhe Lee, the GTI Media sales teamProduction Ciarán Hall, Katie Burns, Jane AndersonSeries designer Maya LittlePublisher Mark MitchellMarketing and distribution Edel Prendergast Events manager Aisling Ní MhuiríEvents coordinator Alannah McGheeProduction director Jane Anderson

GTI Ireland, 14–16 Lord Edward Street, Dublin D02 YC63, IrelandTel +353 (0)1 645 1500 Email [email protected] Web groupgti.comPrinter Headley Brothers, Ashford, Kent, UKISBN 1 84318 932 1 ISSN 2009-3748

© October 2016 Association of Higher Education CareersServices and GTI Media Ltd (Ireland). All rights reserved. Nopart of this publication may be reproduced by any meansincluding, but not limited to, photocopying or stored in aretrieval system in any form without prior written consentof the Association of Higher Education Careers Services.This is subject to the single exception of photocopying bythe Association of Higher Education Careers Servicemember institutions. All items so used should be fullyacknowledged. The views expressed in articles are those ofthe author and their publication does not necessarilyimply that such views are shared by the Association ofHigher Education Careers Services and GTI. Whilst everycare has been taken in the compilation of this publication,the author and publishers cannotaccept responsibility for anyinaccuracies, or for consequentialloss arising from suchinaccuracies, or for any other loss,direct or consequential, arising inconnection with information inthis publication.

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gradireland IT 2017

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Bank of Ireland..........................................20Ericsson........................................................21ESB ................................................................22EY....................................................................24First Derivatives ............................26, OBCGuidewire ..................................................27Openet ........................................................28PwC................................................................29Workday ......................................................30SIG..................................................................32

In this sectionYour career in ITIntroducing your career in IT ................2How to get hired in IT ..............................4

Areas of workAreas of work ..............................................6

Programmer/software developer ..7Systems analyst/business analyst ......................................................8Web developer ......................................8Network engineer ................................9Communications engineer ..............9Technical sales ....................................10Technical support ..............................10Software engineer ............................11Project manager ................................11Software tester/quality assurance engineer...........................12Data analyst ........................................13

Professional developmentTraining and career development:how an IT career may develop............15Postgraduate study ................................16

People at workMy career in IT ..........................................17EmployersTop employers in IT....................................14A–Z of employers ......................................19

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Your career in IT

Some of the in-demand roles include• IT Programmers (with skills in programming

languages such as Java, Oracle/SQL and .net)• Systems analysts/engineers• Technical architects• Test engineers• Web developers• Applications developers• IT security analysts• IT technicians• Technical support in a foreign language• Database administrators• Business analysts• Technical analysts• Client account managers• Games testing and design.

No IT degree?Don’t worry, you’re still in the right place. IT draws skillsfrom a massive variety of sectors, marketing, sales,finance and HR to name but a few. It you’re looking towork on the technology side of things, this route is alsoopen, many colleges specialise in conversion courseswhich will allow you to convert your existing academicroute into one which will enable you to work in the ITsector. An example would be the Higher Diploma inApplied Computing Technology at University CollegeCork, or the Higher Diploma in Science in Computingfrom IT Tallaght, both will enable non-IT graduates toget the theoretical knowledge and practical experienceto work in the IT sector. To search for a conversioncourse that will suit you, visit

If you’re looking for a career in IT, then the good news is,if you have the right qualifications and skills, Ireland is inmany ways the heart of the IT sector in Europe,employing over 35,000 people. In terms of exports, the ITsector accounts for over 40% of total Irish exports. Thereare over 730 indigenous companies involved in theindustry and the Industrial Development Authoritysupports over 200 other international companies.

The scale of the industry here means thefollowing are operating in Ireland• 9 of the top 10 global software companies • The top 10 ‘born on the internet’ companies• 9 of the top 10 US ICT companies• Top 3 global enterprise software companies• 4 of the top 5 IT services companies.

In Northern Ireland there are over 28,000 peopleemployed in the sector, which contributes more than£1.4 billion to the economy. There are more than 100international tech investors in Northern Ireland,making it one of the leading investment regions forsoftware and IT in Europe. There are 13 universityrelated ICT related research centres in Northern Ireland,in key technology areas such as telecommunications, ITsecurity, digital media, wireless technology andsemiconductors.

A career in IT means working in the fastestgrowing, fastest changing and possiblymost demanding career sector. It rewardsinnovation and creativity but demandsaccuracy and massive attention to detail.

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Employment trendsThe good news for graduates is that with all the growthin this sector, students with the right corecompetencies and skills are definitely in demand.According to 2016 data from the Expert Group forFuture Skills Needs (EGFSN), this sector had one of thehighest vacancy rates in 2015, along with the financialsector. Between the third quarter of 2014 and the thirdquarter of 2015, there was a 6% increase inemployment, which amount to more than 4,400additional hires. During 2015, approximately3,000–5,000 jobs were announced in the IT sector eachquarter, resulting in 15,000 new jobs throughout 2015.Almost 70% of these jobs are for persons with thirdlevel qualifications. The most common age group hiredwas between 25–34, which shows that postgraduateapplicants and those transitioning from other sectorsare successfully acquiring jobs in this area. It’s also acareer with stability, with 86% of new hires being forfull-time positions.

The IT sector in Ireland has a huge internationalfootprint in Ireland, and there is also a very largeinternational workforce working here throughout thesector. IT accounts for the highest share of newemployment permits issued each year, which showsthe challenges which companies are facing in findingthe right graduates and jobseekers here. Over half ofthe employment permits issued were for positionspaying between €30,000 and €50,000 and most newemployment permit holders were graduates with adegree or masters qualification. The area of technicalsupport is one of the largest areas of the IT sector inIreland, meaning those with foreign language skills arein high demand.

Specialist areas and ‘difficult to fill’ rolesAccording to official data, 38% of ‘difficult to fill’ rolesacross all sectors were in the area of IT, primarily forexperienced roles in software development. Whilegraduates may not be able to access these rolesdirectly, courses in computing science and softwaredevelopment, with a focus on development, will putthem on the right path for roles such as:

Software development: Tech companies are lookingfor software developers with skills and experience in.NET, C#, C++, Java, PHP, Python and user interface anduser experience technology. With the web focusing somuch on mobile technology, anything in relation tomobile applications and support is very much indemand

Engineers: Skilled network engineers with Linux orOpen Source skills, quality assurance and testing skillsand experience will also have good careeropportunities.

Business intelligence: This is an area which crossesover into ‘big data’ in terms of analysis (see our articleon page 13). Companies are also looking for thoseskilled in enterprise software such as SAP and Oracle.

Management: Those with leadership potential arealways on the radar of recruiters, and no less so in theIT sector where project managers and digital marketingexperts are needed to roll-out the creations from thetechnical side and market them to a wider world.

What do you need?IT professionals need the qualifications andcertifications that come from both the rightundergraduate degree, and or a successful conversioncourse. However, IT professionals also need to bemotivated problem solvers, capable of taking theinitiative and working well with and for others. By itsnature the tech sector is rapidly changing, so you’ll beexpected to change with it.

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How to get hired in ITWhile there are jobs available in IT, they require a specific set of skills, qualifications andattributes. Find out what your CV needs to stand out to recruiters in this sector.

You might be aware of theshortfall in skills thatrecruiters in the IT sector are

currently experiencing, and if youhave a degree related to the sectoryou may think that your CV may beautomatically of interest to the IT

companies which you want to workfor. But most IT recruiters have veryspecific requirements that they arelooking for in their graduate recruits.As well as any technical skills relevantto the role, soft skills such ascommunication are a crucial part of

the mix. 54% of employers say thatgraduates do not have sufficient skillsin this area.

At a minimum level, some graduaterecruiters are seeking graduates withat least a 2:1 degree, but all aregenerally looking for a lot more. IT is anarea where specialism is key, and youwill need to match skills withenthusiasm, dynamism and the other‘employability’ attributes whichrecruiters look for in ‘work-ready’graduates.

Primary degrees particularly indemand are computer science, maths,internet technologies, software, ITrelated engineering disciplines,electronics, computer programmingand computing with business. Manyrecruiters may require postgraduatestudy or further qualifications fromapplicants, depending on the role onoffer.

Do your researchLike applying for any job, you need tobe sure that you are suitable for therole that you’re applying for in IT. Doyou have the skills and qualificationsthat the employer is looking for? If not,can you demonstrate that you’reworking on acquiring them and canyou bridge that gap?

Necessary hard skillsYou will need to have certain technicalskills in your locker if you’re to besuccessful in your application. The levelof skill you will need is dependent onthe role of course. Application

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developers, for example, will beexpected to have in depth knowledgeof at least one computer language.Familiarity in test automation,scripting and knowledge of StructuredQuery Language (SQL) is required for aquality assurance analyst. A developer,at graduate level, is generally expectedto be able to demonstrate theircompetency in one or more of thefollowing major programminglanguages; C++, C# (C sharp) and Java.Data analysis skills, cyber-security andcloud application skills are also indemand. If you have graphic design orcomputer aided design (CAD) skills itwill be of benefit, while everyemployer will expect you to be able toknow your way around standard officeprogrammes.

Necessary soft skillsThe culture of IT companies is verycollaborative so your ability to manageworkload and communicateprofessionally is very important, oftenjust as much as your technical skills,particularly for roles such asconsultancy. So recruiters will belooking out for soft skills such as thefollowing, allied with evidence ofsituations where you have displayedthem:• Ability to deal with pressure• Honesty and integrity• Adept at communicating with, and

listening to, others• Project management ability • Problem solving skills and problem

identification skills.

Recruitment Recruitment fairs often have jobs onoffer for the right candidates and mostof the large IT companies will have apresence there. Quite often, thecompany representatives who attendare recent graduates. It should also benoted that employers visit campusesduring the first stage of their yearlyrecruitment campaigns. In addition,there are a large number of companiesin these sectors who actively recruitthrough college careers servicewebsites or You donot have to limit yourself by onlyapplying to companies specialising inIT. Practically all businesses use IT, andmany employ graduates in IT andtechnology related roles. Companieswith profiles or job notices, that actively look forstaff in IT, are in sectors as diverse asaccountancy, retail, insurance,manufacturing and law. You shouldalso visit see what advice other graduateshave about working in the tech sector.

Applications and interviewsDue to the nature of the industry, theuse of online application forms is themost common method of applying tograduate programmes in the ITindustry. However, you will alsorequire your CV as employersfrequently use it to ascertain the levelof experience you have in terms ofyour various skills. If you’ve done acomputer science degree, or similar,detail the content of the programme

you completed as not all are thesame. Also include information aboutprojects you initiated and completedand the key technical skills you used.

Video and telephone interviewsare used to screen candidates by 21%and 70% of employers respectively,according to the gradireland Graduate Salary and GraduateRecruitment Trends Survey 2016. Soit’s vital that you’re comfortable withthese types on interviews, for more tips.

Each company will have its owndistinct process so make sure you dosome research into what it willinvolve. Remember, if you progress toa face-to-face interview, theinterviewers will be looking to gaugeyour soft skills, so remember to focuson that also in your preparation.

Value of internshipsRegardless of any technical skills orqualifications you may have, it couldbe industry experience that you arelacking. An internship in an IT relatedarea can help you bridge any gaps youmay have, whether they be in termsof hard or soft skills. Many companiesoffer well-structured internshipprogrammes with the intention ofpreparing a future channel ofgraduate talent. Your careers servicecan help, but don’t be afraid to dosome networking with any contactswithin the industry and take theinitiative yourself.

An internship in an IT related area can helpyou bridge any gaps you may have, whetherthey be in terms of hard or soft skills.

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Programmer/software developer ....7Systems analyst/business analyst ..8Web developer ........................................8Network engineer ..................................9Communications engineer ................9Technical sales ......................................10

Technical support ................................10Software engineer ................................11Project manager ..................................11Software tester/quality assurance Engineer..............................12Data analyst ............................................13

In this section

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Information technology plays afundamental role in almost everyorganisation, business and

institution. Therefore qualifiedprofessionals can find themselveshappily working in a wide range ofdifferent circumstances; they can beself-employed, working for privateindustry, operating for the civilservice, or acting on behalf of anNGO or charity. Furthermore, thecatch-all phrase ‘IT professional’disguises a huge range of verydistinct specialities. ‘Working in IT’encompasses everything from thefundamental design andprogramming of computer systems;to the testing, maintenance andsupport of those systems; to thesales and marketing of thosesystems to the general public; to thetraining of other professionals. That’squite a range of employmentpossibilities.

Types of employment in IT fallinto three categories:• Employees make up the majority

of workers in the industry. Workingfor a single employer in return for

a set salary is still the templateimagined by many graduates.However, it’s by no means theonly option for professionals intoday’s marketplace.

• Contractors are provided by anagency, work on location and arepaid by the hour. These specialistsusually offer skills not available inthe client organisation, eitherbecause their particular skills arein short supply, or because hiringsomeone on a permanentcontract simply isn’t economicallyviable.

• Consultants also providesolutions to their clients’problems but their earnings tendto be higher than contractors.This is because they typicallyoperate without an agency, runtheir own business, and providetheir own technology. Althoughthe flexibility of consulting andcontract work might soundappealing, graduates need tohave a considerable amount ofexperience before moving intothese areas.

Where can you work?At the most obvious level, ITgraduates can find themselvesworking for the companies thatproduce hardware and software, butthese only account for some of theroles on offer. Nowadays, everyorganisation and institution uses ITat some level. These range fromfinancial services companies tocharity organisations, and it meansthat graduates can, if they wish,seek work within almost any sector.The job descriptions on thefollowing pages cover the mainareas of employment in thesoftware industry; however, it needsto be stressed that job titles can beinterpreted very differently fromorganisation to organisation. Intoday’s more flexible career market,specific roles do not necessarilyimply a clear-cut list ofresponsibilities. It’s alwaysimportant to thoroughly researchthe role you’re applying for.

IT plays a core role in almost every organisation and activity imaginable today.

Areas of work

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Programmer/software developer

Programming is at the very coreof IT. Many IT graduates startout on their career path as

programmers, and programming isthe basis of a wide range of processes,skills and activities. But what does itactually involve? Well, the work varieshugely, depending on both theorganisation and the software beingproduced. But all programmersessentially write instructions that acomputer can interpret. This meansestablishing a detailed specificationand clarifying exactly what aprogramme needs to do, then breakingthe specification down to its simplestelements and translating this into anappropriate programming language.

Different tasks require differentprogramming languages, but thosemost in demand are Visual Basic,Java, XML and C++. Mostprogrammers specialise in a fewdifferent languages, and the ability tolearn and adapt quickly is a must.

There are two distinct areas ofexpertise within programming:applications programmers andsystems programmers (also known assystems developers). Applicationsprogrammers write programmes thatprocess and manage incominginformation on the computer(database systems), includinganything from payroll data toscientific calculations. Systemsprogrammers deal with the internaloperations of the computer: thiscould involve designing diagnosticprograms to finding faults, orcontrolling the way a computer runsseveral applications simultaneously.

Programmers usually createprogrammes from specificationsdesigned by systems analysts or

borne out of direct consultation withclients – the size and role of theorganisation will determine thesource. Programmers generallyspecialise in commercial data work,scientific applications or computing,or programmes for the home oreducational computer market.Working hours are generally astandard seven to eight hour day butthis can change depending on theproject, and flexibility is important.

Programmers can work anywhere– IT and programming language skillsare universal and very exportable. TheUK and the USA are commondestinations; many Americancompanies are based in Ireland soopportunities for transfer within thesame company do exist. If you’remultilingual, there are alsoopportunities all over Europe.

Today’s programmers don’t justconfine themselves to, well,programming. With the exception oflarge organisations, fewer ‘pure’programming jobs now exist than inthe past. An analyst/programmer cansuccessfully analyse a smallorganisation’s computing needs,design an appropriate system andwrite the applications programme. In

the future, the job of the programmermay need to evolve to include anexpanded range of responsibilities, aswe’re now reaching a stage wherecomputers can programmethemselves from an analyst’sinstructions! And programmers, likeworkers in many sectors, may have toaccept that they may not alway be inpermanent employment, asprogramming work is increasinglycontract and project based, but goodprogramming skills will always be indemand.

So what do you need to become aprogrammer? Patience, mathematicalaptitude and strong problem-solvingskills are a must. Being able to workas part of a team is essential, as isproficiency in more than onecomputer language and a knowledgeof software engineering.

Opportunities for promotion aregood; a background in programmingis valued in most IT careers as itprovides a solid backbone ofknowledge. Programmers candiscover their strengths and then usetheir skills to move into other areas;for example, those with a flair forteamwork and communication oftenend up becoming project managers.

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Systems analyst/business analyst

Systems analysts and businessanalysts bridge the technicaldivide between skilled and

specialised ICT professionals and theless-technologically savvy clients whoneed their skills. When a business ororganisation needs a system tomanage information or processes,they often acquire the services of asystems analyst. The analyst assessesand analyses the customers’ needs,creates an exact specification of whatsort of application might be requiredand passes it on to a programmer,after which the analyst will guide theproject from coding through testingand onto final implementation. Abusiness analyst’s work is generallysimilar to that of a systems analyst,but the focus is on processes andactivities within the businessenvironment (business analysts will

often have a background in businessand IT, either through a combineddegree or an add-on IT qualification).Both professions need to be fluentand comfortable with the technicaland non-technical aspects of the job,cognisant of both the needs oftechnically less competent end-usersand the expertise of theprogrammers.

In recent years organisations havetended to employ systems analysts ona contract or consultancy basis, soincreasingly professionals in the fieldare self-employed. Generally speaking,however, systems analysts need a fewyears’ experience under their beltsbefore setting up independently. Manybegin in more specialised roles, whichequip them with the necessarytechnical background, before thendeciding to move towards the arguably

more sociable world of systemsanalysis.

Indeed, systems analysis requires alot more of the so-called ‘soft’ skills.Professionals in the field need to beexpert communicators, skilled atevaluating their client’s needs andoften called upon to work withemployees whose very jobs are beingturned around (or replaced) by thesystems they’re charged withdesigning. Success as an analyst is verymuch dependent on an individual’sability to interpret the needs of theirclients, to communicate theirrequirements to the programmers, andto then see the whole project throughto completion. A good systems orbusiness analyst figures out what thejob is, and then gets it done.

Web developer

Although no company iswithout a website, much ofthe mystery has been taken

out of web development in recentyears, and this is serving to weed outsome of the lower-skilled, template-based pretenders who had beensaturating the market. Howeverthere are still web development jobsout there for highly skilledprofessionals and there are newopportunities emerging every daythanks to the explosion in mobiletelecommunications and m-commerce (e-commerce throughmobile telephony).

At its best, web development is askilled and interdisciplinaryprofession involving the design,maintenance and testing of websites

and which integrates IT, design andbusiness skills. On the technical side,candidates should be familiar withHTML, ASP, SQL and Javascript, C++and Visual Basic. But it’s important tonote that committed professionalsneed to keep abreast of changingtechnology and trends in the field.

The type of work can vary. Somegraduates might find themselvesworking for software companies onthe development of web applications,while others will find themselvesdesigning actual websites. Largeorganisations typically employ theirown web developers, and so newcandidates can find themselvesworking within a team for retailbusinesses, web consultancies,government organisations or

software companies. In theseenvirons, a new employee might beinvolved in only a single aspect of thework (such as programming inJavascript or testing andmaintenance), but as they progressthrough their career they wouldincreasingly be required to liaise withclients and spearhead projects. Atthis level web development can beseen as a collaborative process withthe client, and so people skills as wellas design skills are crucial.

Typically, working hours arestandard, although flexibility willoften be required if deadlines loom.As with many IT professions, travelopportunities are excellent for theskilled professional.

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Network engineer

Simply put: network engineersare responsible for computernetworks. All organisations and

businesses, from governmentdepartments to national branches ofmultinational businesses, need thesenetworks to communicate internallyand externally with suppliers, clientsand staff. Network engineers are thepeople who install, maintain andupgrade these networks.

In order to do this challenging job,they need to thoroughly understandthe hardware and software requiredfor networks to function. Typicalactivities include installing newserver hardware and softwareinfrastructures; allocating networkresources; providing technicalsupport and training; implementingand monitoring network security;diagnosing and fixing faults andproblems; as well as planning the

ongoing development of the wholesystem.

In larger organisations networkengineers often start in a technical-support role and progress over timeto the position of network engineer.They need to have a very strongtechnical background, particularly agood knowledge of LANS (local areanetworks) and WANS (wide areanetworks), but softer problem-solving, teamwork and negotiatingskills are also hugely important.

Often the nature of a networkengineer’s job will depend on the sizeof the organisation for which theywork. In a large organisation, such asan investment bank or semi-statecompany, a network engineer couldbe responsible for just one smallaspect of a very large system. Insmaller organisations they could haveresponsibility for every aspect of thenetwork’s smooth functioning.

Whatever the size of the operation,however, network engineers need tobe quick on their feet. The nature ofcomputer networks is ever-changing.There’s been huge development in thefield in recent years, which means thatthe systems of major businesses haveneeded, and continue to need,ongoing upgrades and continuousdevelopment. This has provided ampleopportunity for thousands ofprogrammers and engineers toshowcase their skills. Progress in thefield is showing no sign of abating,which means there may be manyexciting career developmentpossibilities on the horizon. Ultimately,however, career success will be downto the graduate’s ability to work underpressure. Indeed, if and when systemsfail, and an organisation’s operationsgrind to a halt, all eyes will be on thenetwork engineer.

Communications engineer

As the fields of communicationstechnology continue toexpand, with more and more

gadgets and more and more serviceproviders on the market, there will begreater opportunities for trainedengineers. Those with degrees inscience or engineering often begin asentry-level communications engineers,although others have been known tostart as installers or repair workers.

The work can vary hugely fromcompany to company. On the onehand, trained professionals can findthemselves designing or buildingsystems and networks. On the otherhand, they may be charged withservicing and maintaining an existingnetwork. One way or another, the rolerequires a huge level of technical

understanding. Candidates shouldalso have a commitment to life-longlearning, as it’s a field that iscontinually evolving.

On top of this baseline ofknowledge, problem-solving skills arealso critical. While many know thenuts and bolts of how a networkworks, it takes a particularlypersistent and analytical problem-solver to get to the bottom of theissues that can arise in the course ofits operation. Indeed, in many casestelecoms engineers are expected toforesee network problems before theyhappen. Unsurprisingly then,telecoms engineers also need to becapable under pressure, as anydisruption of service will need to be

dealt with swiftly and efficiently andat a minimum of cost.

As well as having a high level oftechnical skill, engineers workingwith communications andtelecommunications need to beextremely organised as they are oftenrequired to deliver high qualityprojects and repairs to a deadline andwithin a budget. Verbal and writtenskills are also crucial, as engineers willoften find themselves working as partof a larger team with non-technicalstaff who may need to be told howdevelopment of the network mightaffect the end user. Essentially, it’s allabout communication, vital in anindustry where the objective is ever-more effective methods ofcommunicating.

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Technical sales

Many of the careers outlinedhere are made possiblebecause someone

purchases the products they help tocreate. Technical sales professionals,more than anyone else, are aware ofthis commercial reality, and as long assoftware companies continue to winnew business there will be a demandfor good salespeople.

Technical salespeople tend toconcentrate on particular products,services and client sectors, and spendmuch of their time getting theircompanies’ products in front ofprospective customers. They need notonly to source customers but also tomaintain contact with them, and tobecome sensitive to their futureneeds and requirements. As such, thework is very much about

relationships and technicalsalespeople need to have verysophisticated communication skills(these skills will manifest themselvesthrough tender documents, phonecalls, emails and face-to-facemeetings).

Technical sales professionals alsoneed to have a good understandingof the technology which they’reselling, as they need to be able toinform customers about itscapabilities. Many are computergraduates with an interest in sales ormarketing, or marketing graduateswith an add-on IT qualification.

Junior technical sales is thestarting point for new graduates,with many moving up the careerladder over time. Working hours areusually regular, but the job typically

involves a lot of travel, which canresult in early starts and late finishes(overseas travel is less likely, ascultural awareness and languageskills are very important factors insuccessful sales).

The role can become morespecialised and complex, focusing onareas as diverse as customer support,sales management or training. Overtime a technical sales professionalmay rise to the position of salesmanager. In general, technical sales isa very pressurised field withcandidates considered ‘only as goodas their last sale’ and constantlytrying to meet sales targets anddeadlines. Great salespeople,however, tend to thrive under suchcircumstances.

Technical support

Technical support people are themedics of the IT world – theydiagnose technology problems

and then set about fixing them. Theycan work for hardwaremanufacturers, end-user companiesor service companies who providehelpdesk and technical supportservices. Companies with a largenumber of computers (over 50) willoften hire their own technicalsupport staff. Although the rolerequires an in-depth understandingof most hardware, systems,applications and programminglanguages, professionals in the fieldwill be particularly competent in thetechnology relevant to theorganisation they work for.

Technical support people areexpected to ensure that all systemsand applications are runningsmoothly and seamlessly. Although

the work often overlaps with otherroles, they are the people at thecoalface who roll up their sleeves andface computer problems head on.Core activities include tracking thesource of technical faults, identifyingviruses and security weaknesses andworking with end users (these maybe clients or colleagues). In someinstances the work may be doneentirely at a helpdesk or call-centre,with all communication done byremote-access, telephone or email.

Employment prospects in technicalsupport are broad. People often startout at first- or second-level support.Opportunities for promotion andcareer development are greater withlarger organisations, but movement isan option. It’s an exciting field. Newnetwork technologies are constantlyemerging with huge implications forthe world of commerce. What’s more,

destructive trouble-making virusesand other threats are being discoveredon a daily basis. Technical supportspecialists are required to keepabreast of these new technologiesand threats.

Opportunities to travel are good,especially for those with specialist,unusual or sought-after technicalskills. As nobody knows when acomputer problem might strike,working hours can be long andunsociable. Many organisations needa technical support person to be oncall 24/7 and work is often on a shiftbasis, involving regular night work.

Candidates need the ability tothink clearly, to work well underpressure, and to be patientcommunicating with non-technicalend-users. Ultimately it’s a perfectjob for technically adept graduateswho like to solve problems.

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Software engineer

Software engineers are thosethat make IT systems ‘tick’.Essentially, they write and code

both computer operating systemsand the software that runs withinthem. The job title actually covers amultitude of roles, from systemsdeveloper to software architect. It’shighly specialised work that requiresa good technical background, athorough understanding of softwareand hardware, and a strong grasp ofmathematical reasoning and codinglanguages.

Depending on the organisation,typical activities include writing andmodifying programmes; testing code;diagnosing faults in software; anddesigning programmes to solve thosefaults. All of these tasks typicallyinvolve a detailed and meticulous

problem-solving process. As a result,working hours can be long,particularly when faults need to bediagnosed and fixed by a deadline.

However, software engineering israrely a solitary activity. It’s usually ateam effort, with individualengineers often focused on a smallaspect of a more complicated whole,with input required from bothcolleagues and clients. This meansthat as well as having a very highlevel of technical competence andproblem-solving ability, softwareengineers also need to be goodcommunicators.

Typically the first year of asoftware engineering job could bespent writing the code for aprogramme or formulating theobjectives of a programme under

supervision. An average of threeyears’ experience is normally requiredbefore an engineer has a highenough level of technicalcompetence to prepare the detailedspecifications from which the actualprogrammes are written. Over timemany engineers get involved in thiswriting and design process. After fiveor ten years, they often move intomanagement.

Opportunities to travel are alsogood, with many IT operationslocated in Asia, where overheads arecheaper. There is also a continuousdemand for seasoned professionalsthroughout Europe and the US.Wherever they choose to work,however, a good software engineerneeds to be motivated, creative andcontinuously willing to learn.

Project manager

Project managers lead teams ofIT professionals –programmers, analysts and

designers – who work together toproduce a new piece or system ofsoftware. They also consult with andreport to clients, and deal withsuppliers. Strictly speaking a projectmanager doesn’t need to be strongon technical skills: the emphasis isvery much on management,organisational and people skills. Mostproject managers, however, haveprogramming or engineeringbackgrounds; this lends them morecredibility with technical teammembers and equips them betterwhen dealing with clients.

It’s a job for people who canhandle a lot of responsibility. At thecore of the job is the organisation of

both people and time resources, anda project manager is responsible forseeing the project through frombeginning to end. It’s not a positionfor novices; IT graduates need to haveat least three or four years’experience before becoming full-timeproject managers. They often moveinto consultancy after they haveamassed more experience.

Working hours are normal butovertime is commonplace, andproject managers must be ready todeal with whatever obstacles mayarise. Opportunities to travel aregood, particularly at consultancy levelwhere there is an increasedpossibility that you will be employedby an organisation overseas.

New opportunities for projectmanagers are emerging all the time.

The electronic and mobile commercerevolution means exciting newsoftware technologies for projectmanagers. And the employer’s focuson ‘softer’ people skills, such ascommunication, interaction,management and negotiation skills,will become even more crucial.

Ideal candidates have a good levelof relevant technical knowledge andexcellent people skills. Specificproject management skills, such asrisk management, are also veryuseful. Project managers need tohave a positive, confident attitude.They need to be flexible and able tocommunicate and motivate peopleeffectively. Initially, they may take onprojects part time and move into anestablished position with time.

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Software tester/quality assuranceengineer

Technology is continuouslyevolving and so too have thejobs within the sector. With the

continuing evolution of mobile, cloud,social media and big-data; technologyis ubiquitous in everything from ourATMs, smartphones, TVs, fridges, gameconsoles, in-car entertainment systemsto our doctors’ surgeries. All of thesedevices are powered by increasinglycomplex software, so reliability andquality is paramount. The software notonly needs to function as designed, butit needs to perform, to scale to millionsof users, be resilient 24x7, accessible tousers of varying abilities andultimately, it needs to be secure. The‘gatekeeper’ of this quality controlprocess is the software tester or qualityassurance engineer.

Software testing as a careerremains somewhat of an enigmaamongst IT graduates in terms of theopportunities it offers. A modernsoftware tester performs many rolesand requires a diverse range of skills.While developers find creative waysof building software, testers findcreative ways of breaking it so thatthe defects can be resolved beforeputting the software in front of endusers.

So what does the career of asoftware tester involve? There aremany paths that a tester can takewithin the IT industry. No longer is asoftware tester confined to writingand executing monotonous andrepetitive manual test cases toensure the software does what it issupposed to do - these tests can nowbe easily automated and executedacross a myriad of devices out of

hours, which frees up the tester tofocus on more value-added tasks.Testers need to have analytical skillsto ensure requirements are clear andunambiguous. It is important thatthey are determined and systematicin their search for defects, not justproving that the system works butalso that it can withstand theunpredictable actions of the end user.

Software testers utilisetroubleshooting skills wheninvestigating why a defect happensand then locate the source of theproblem. They require theorganisational skills of a projectmanager to plan testing activities andto be able to work to tight deadlines.Being a good communicator and teamplayer is vital as testers must workwith developers, business analysts,project managers and end users. Asoftware tester is a negotiator, aninfluencer and the provider ofinformation on the quality of thesoftware products and the risks. Theyshould also have the ability to work ontheir own initiative.

Software testing nowencompasses skills more traditionally

associated with programming ordevelopment. Automation orperformance testers use softwaretesting tools (open source orenterprise) as well as scriptinglanguages to find faster, moreefficient ways of exposingweaknesses in software. Theadvantage of this type of work is thatit is often ‘green-field’, or startingfrom scratch. It involves a level ofcreativity and freedom not alwaysexperienced in development rolesand provides the opportunity to beinnovative. Software testing offers aproven career path to graduates,starting as a test analyst and thengrowing into test leads, testmanagers, programme test managerand ultimately head of testing/quality.

Are you curious about how thingswork? Do you like to break and fixthings? Do you like to meet new anddiverse people? Are you interested innew technology across all businesssectors? Do you have excellentattention to detail? Then consider acareer in the world of softwaretesting.

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Data analyst

There is expected to be sustainedand consistent growth in thearea of data analysis and ‘big

data’ in general over the next 5 years,as evidenced by the Expert Group forFuture Skills Needs (EGFSN) ‘Assessingthe demand for big data and analyticsskills 2013–2020’ report, published inApril of 2014. The report highlightsthat 21,000 potential job vacanciescould arise – comprising 3,630 for deepanalytical roles and 17,470 for big datasavvy roles. There would also be afurther 8,780 potential job openingsfor supporting technology staff – asnoted in the EGFSN report on‘Addressing Future Demand for High-Level ICT Skills’. Companies envisagethat they will continue to need torecruit both experienced individualsand new graduates in these areas inthe future.

Data analysis is all about collecting,organising, and interpreting statisticalinformation to make it useful to arange of businesses and organisations.A data analyst is someone whoscrutinises information using dataanalysis tools. The meaningful resultsthey pull from the raw data helps theiremployers or clients make importantdecisions by identifying various factsand trends. A data analyst can also beknown as a data scientist, dataanalytics officer or a digital analyticsofficer.

Some of the roles of a data analystinclude:• Using advanced computerised

models to extract the data needed• Removing corrupted data• Performing initial analysis to assess

the quality of the data

• Providing further analysis todetermine the meaning of the data

• Completing final analysis to provideadditional data screening

• Preparing reports based on analysisand present to management There is strong demand for

qualified and experienced dataanalysts but it can be a competitivefield. You can gain a competitive edgeby obtaining a master’s degree in afield like finance or statistics. Careerprogression prospects are good inlarger companies and organisations.

Data analysts will require a highlevel of natural mathematical abilityand very strong IT skills. Knowledge ofcoding system like SQL and Oraclewould also be a huge benefit, as wouldbe the ability to analyse, model andinterpret important data. Data analystsneed strong problem solvingcompetencies and a methodical andlogical approach to their work with theability to accurately plan work andmeet deadlines. An exacting attentionto detail is also a must, as is the abilityto coordinate work with others andwork effectively as part of a team, withexcellent written and spokencommunication skills, including reportwriting.

The usual entry point is a degree instatistics, mathematics or a relatedsubject involving maths, such aseconomics or data science. Other

degrees are also acceptable if theyinclude informal training in statisticsas part of the course, for instancesocial science or informatics.

Data analysts will require a high level of natural mathematicalability and very strong IT skills. Knowledge of codingsystem like SQL and Oracle would also be a huge benefit,as would be the ability to analyse, model and interpretimportant data.

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Top employers in IT

Make yourself heardVote for your favourite employer at www.trendence-gradbarometer.iebetween September and early January.

Every year, we carry out a survey of students to decide the most popular graduate employersin the country. The trendence Graduate Barometer is the largest annual career survey inIreland and the votes decide the winners of the gradireland Graduate Recruitment Awardsand the composition of Ireland’s 100 leading graduate employers.Here are the winners and shortlist for IT.

1 Google2 Apple3 Microsoft4 Facebook5 IBM6 Accenture Technology Solutions7 SAP8 Dell9 Blizzard Entertainment10 BioWare

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Training and career development: how an IT career may develop

It now plays an integral part inevery business and organisationand there are any number of ways

a career in the industry might evolve.Nowadays, you don’t necessarily needto be a computer science graduate tocarve out a successful career.Recruiters employ graduates from theentire spectrum of degree disciplineswho can demonstrate a seriousinterest in technology, with manyrecruiters preferring to hire graduateswith previous work experience (notalways within the IT sector).

On the other hand, there are alsomore traditional ways into the field. Acomputer science graduate mightstart out as a programmer, softwaredeveloper, systems analyst or webdeveloper. With a few years’experience, however, these roles candevelop in a number of differentdirections. Some might findthemselves moving into contractingor consultancy (the flexibility of theseroles certainly suits some people);others might use their people skillsand organisational ability to moveinto a training role; while still morepursue increasing specialisation andexpertise (ideally becoming totallyindispensible in the process!).

Career diversityIn general, there’s a rich diversity ofcareer paths open to graduates in thehigh-tech industry. The technology isever-changing, which means that sotoo are the job prospects. Constanton-the-job learning is, of course,crucial, as is a wider generalawareness of the field (ideally this

desire to learn will be motivated by agenuine interest in the job). Bykeeping abreast of, and becomingexpert in, new technologies,professionals can find their careersdeveloping in ways they neverpredicted when they first dipped theirtoe in the IT waters. The variety isn’tjust in the nature of the technology.

The sheer range of potentialworkplaces, from huge internationalcorporations to small flexible NGOs,means that skilled professionals havea certain amount of mobility and agood chance of finding anenvironment where they feel happyand comfortable.

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Postgraduate studyIT recruiters are crying out for qualified graduates, so a good postgraduatequalification could kick-start your career

How postgraduate study orprofessional qualifications canhelpOver half of all permits issued inIreland are for those working in the ITsector. This is because, according tomost colleges and employers, notenough Irish students are graduatingwith computer science and mathsdegrees, and there are a lowernumber of PhD students here thanmany other western economies. Thisputs highly qualified graduates in avery good position.

54 per cent of employers say thatthey are struggling to hire graduateswith the right IT skills and ITcompanies make up the third largestgroup of graduate recruiters (18.4percent). Remember IT is one of theeasiest fields to convert to. One-year

courses are the normal route in, suchas the Higher Diploma in AppliedScience (Applied ComputingTechnology) offered by UniversityCollege Cork, the Higher Diploma inInformation Technology at theMaynooth University, or the GraduateDiploma in Information Technology atDublin City University.

Pure conversion courses, such asDCU’s Diploma in InformationTechnology, are designed specificallyto fast-track graduates from otherdisciplines into an IT career.

For unemployed people in receiptof social welfare payments, manypostgraduate courses in ICT arecurrently offered free of charge aspart of the government’s Springboardinitiative. Participants also get to keeptheir social welfare payments.

Preference for acceptance to a courseis given to the long term unemployed,though all people receivingJobseeker’s Allowance or Jobseeker’sBenefit are eligible.

Multidisciplinary postgraduateprogrammes, such as UniversityCollege Cork’s MSc in Bioinformatics,have also become very popular,reflecting the convergence of formerlydistinct fields such as pharmaceuticalsand ICT in recent years.

Professional bodies, such as BCS,The Chartered Institute for IT in the UKand Northern Ireland, also offer industry-accredited courses such as theProfessional Graduate Diploma in IT.

Professional bodies and tradeassociations• ICT Ireland• BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT• Institution of Engineering and

Technology• Irish Software Association• Irish Computer Society• Momentum (trade association for

ICT industry in Northern Ireland)

• Science Foundation

Further study and coursesCheck out for a searchable database ofcomputing and IT courses in Irelandand Northern Ireland.

Visit forinformation about that initiative.

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My career in ITIf you are willing to immerse yourself and be opento learning new things, many doors will open

Emma-Louise ConnollyJob Business Engagement, Mobility & Collaboration, ITSEmployer ESBEducation BSc in Computing, National College of Ireland (2014)

Why a career in the IT sector?I always had an interest in IT, I kept upto date with tech news and any newgadgets or devices that were on themarket. My family had a strongbackground in computing and alsoengineering so it was something I wasconstantly involved in and exposed towhile growing up.

What’s exciting about your job?I find that meeting new people andgetting the chance to be involved inso many different projects, whichinvolve new and excitingtechnologies, is the most excitingthing about my job. ESB is such adiverse, innovative company thatthere is always something new to getinvolved in. There is also a greatculture within the company whichencouraged me to get involved insome great initiatives likevolunteering in local schools and totake part in the recruitment drive ofnew graduates.

How did your degree contribute toyou working with ESB?My degree in Computing covered awide range of subjects over the fouryears, including programming,networking, mobile development andmuch more. This allowed me to gaininvaluable knowledge and skills which

I could apply to many different projectsand initiatives within ESB. Whencompleting my degree some key skills Igained which still stand to me now arethe ability to apply and immersemyself in projects as well as team tasksand also being involved in differentclubs and societies in college was ofgreat benefit. The selection process forthe IT Graduate Programme beganwith a submission online, an onlineaptitude test and was followed by aface to face interview which included acase study.

What does your role involve, and whathas been one of the biggestchallenges?I joined the three year IT GraduationProgramme in 2014. My current role isbusiness engagement in the ClientServices business area. On a daily basis,I liaise with customers to ensure thatthey are utilising all the collaborationtools we offer and to also support themwith any technical assistance they mayneed. I am involved in signing-off andtransitioning products and workingwith support teams. One of the biggestchallenges I have found personally sofar is when coming from a collegesetting to a corporate environment,there is a lot to learn which is excitingbut you must remember that it willtake time and patience to pick up skills

and knowledge along the way, whichmakes your graduate journey all themore exciting! This taught me that ifyou are willing to immerse yourself inyour work and be open to learning newthings, many doors will open for you asyour time in the company progresses.

What advice would you have forstudents and graduates?My advice for students and graduateslooking to follow a career in IT is tomake sure you are passionate aboutwhat you do and be open minded. Getinvolved as much as you can ieteamwork is a key factor in IT,essentially you are involved inconnecting people, and being a teamplayer will ensure you stand out. IT is afast changing sector, which meansthere is always an element of learning,so keeping up to date with changingtechnologies is also a benefit.

How do you hope to see your careerdeveloping?Over the next few years I hope tocontinue my learning and building onmy knowledge within the manydifferent areas of IT. Enhancing myskillset and being involved in as manydifferent projects as possible, andthen hopefully to further my careerprofile within the company.

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Every day I’m dealing with some of theworld’s largest and most important companies

Stephen GalavanJob Consultant – Software Asset Management (SAM),UKI AdvisoryEmployer EYEducation Management Science & InformationSystems Studies (MSISS), Trinity College (2015)

How did you become interested in acareer with EY?My journey to EY was a littleunconventional. I had applied for thesummer internship in my third year,but hadn’t made the cut due tonumbers. However they invited me toa weeklong programme in June calledthe EY Experience Week, essentially aconcentrated version of theinternship. At the end of the week Iwas given the chance to interview fora place on the graduate programme.And I got it! I now work on theSoftware Asset Management (SAM)team, which audits major technologycompanies, carrying out softwarelicense inspections. It’s a little likebeing a TV License Inspector inconcept, except you’re dealing withincredibly large companies and it’s alot more technical. What attracted meto EY in particular was its clientportfolio. Everyday I’m dealing withsome of the world’s largest and mostimportant companies.

What does your daily role involve,and what’s been one of the biggestchallenges so far?Whilst there’s no typical day, my roleinvolves managing engagements andconsultations as organised by mymanager. Each morning I’ll begin bycalling these companies and this

means speaking to the CEOs, CIOs orother senior managers within thefirms we’re auditing. Being given thisrange of responsibility at this level ofmy career has been extraordinary. Thebiggest challenge was coming toterms with my own role as aconsultant, and the level ofresponsibility I had been given. Often Ithought, ‘why would a seasonedbusiness manager listen to me, a 23year old just out of college?’ I foundthe best way to combat thesethoughts was just to have confidencein myself. I knew that I knew what Iwas doing. Seeking extra credentialsalso helped. My degree set thegroundwork for my experience, andthe extra training bolstered myconfidence. I’m currently looking atpursuing the Certified InformationSystems Auditor (CISA) qualification.

What’s exciting about your job?The SAM team is one of EY’s fastestgrowing teams. This year they expect towelcome 6 new graduates. There’s a lotof opportunity for travel, as we’reworking within EMEIA (Europe, Middle-East, India, and Africa). The trips areusually only a couple of days long, so it’salmost like a mini-working-trip. My lasttrip was to Amsterdam, and now I’mwaiting to hopefully travel out to SaudiArabia to carry out an audit.

What advice would you have forstudents and graduates?Don’t be afraid about just jumping in.The most important thing is to find ajob you’re comfortable in, and won’tmind trekking into on a cold, drizzlyNovember morning. The only way tofind this out is to get involved. Applyfor internships, experience weeks andgraduate programmes. If you don’tenjoy the job, don’t worry, you’re notconfined to it. I’ve been lucky enoughto love my job here in EY, whichmeans I want to stay. My degreetaught me a great deal of what Ineeded to know to do my job here.The MSISS degree was ideal, as it wasbroad. It gave me grounding in thetechnical aspects of computer sciencethrough labs as well as giving me aninsight into effective businessmanagement.

How do you hope to see your careerdeveloping over the next few years?Due to the size of our team, and itsgrowth, it’s been possible to progressquickly. My managers ensure that I’mgiven work that challenges andexcites me, whilst giving me room toexercise real responsibility. Our teamis a diverse band of people and theteam spirit is really good. I’mincredibly lucky to work here!

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Bank of Ireland ..............................20Ericsson ............................................21ESB ..................................................22EY ....................................................24First Derivatives ..................26, OBCGuidewire ......................................27Openet ............................................28PwC..................................................29Workday..........................................30SIG ....................................................32

OBC = outside back cover



And for further help with searching for jobs, go



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IT 2017 |


20 Bank of Ireland • • • • • • •

21 Ericsson Ireland\careers • • • • • • • • 22 ESB

24 EY • • • • • • • •

26 First Derivatives • • • • • • • • •27 Guidewire Software careers.guidewire.com28 Openet • • • •29 PwC • • • • • • • • • • • •32 SIG • • 30 Workday •



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20 | IT 2017


Bank of Ireland

Search: gradireland employers

ContactGraduate Recruitment ManagerGroup Leadership & TalentBurlington Plaza 2, Dublin 4

JobsType of work • Accounting & Finance • Corporate & Treasury • Business &Consumer Banking • HumanResources • Actuarial • Audit,Compliance & Regulatory Risk • IT• Data Analytics • Service, Customer& Innovation • Credit & Market Risk • Bank of Ireland UK • CorporateBanking UK • Credit & Market RiskUKSalary CompetitiveBenefits• Discounted Healthcare Scheme • Pension Scheme with CompanyContributions • Free Banking • Preferential rates for loans andfinancial products • Holiday andInsurance Funds • 23 days annualleave • Award Winning LearningZoneTraining • Sports & Social Clubs andCSR proposition including volunteerdays and matched fundingNumber of vacancies TBCDegrees sought• All Disciplines • Computer Science & Information Technology • E-commerce • Quantitative Finance• Physics • Engineering • Marketing • Human Resources • Actuarial • Economics • Business • Commerce • Management • Accounting &Finance • Agricultural Science • Mathematics • Arts & Humanities

Locations• Republic of Ireland • NorthernIreland • Great Britain

Apply• online at www.boigraduate.comClosing date See website #actiongrads

Graduate profile

Put yourself at the centre of the action in thecompany voted Ireland’s Number 1 GraduateEmployer in Banking/Financial Services.Bank of Ireland is on a journey of innovation driven by our people and ourcustomer’s lifestyles. Securing a place on Bank of Ireland’s Graduate Programmemeans you’ll be in the thick of the action – working as part of a tightly-knit teamon projects that make a real difference.

We have two exciting IT programmes for you to choose from:• Bank of Ireland IT – The IT Division is accountable for the provision and

maintenance of consistent and reliable systems to support superior andprofitable products, services, innovative solutions and technological advicethat will ensure the Bank can sustain and build the organisation. The ITGraduate Programme will provide you with first hand practical experience insupporting all our businesses through Process Automation (Design andImplementation) and Infrastructure Design (Architects & Strategists) workingacross a broad suite of systems, emerging technologies and programmes.

• New Ireland IT – New Ireland Assurance provides life assurance, pensions andinvestment solutions to individual and corporate customers. Our ITDepartment is responsible for ensuring that all of the infrastructure, systemsand software are in place to enable us provide an award winning service to ourcustomers. You will gain experience in Application Development, SoftwareTesting and Application Support while working with a team of experienceddevelopers, testing analysts, business analysts and product specialists who willsupport you as you grow.

We offer opportunities to students who have achieved, or are expected toachieve, a minimum 2:1 Honours Degree or Masters from all disciplines.

Bank of Ireland is on a journey of enormous change. We’re hiring people that willhelp us on our journey. Will you join us?

Join today. Create Tomorrow.

Gary Kane (IT) BSc Business Information Systems from NationalCollege of Ireland“The IT Graduate Programme appealed to me because of thethree 8-month rotations, I knew that I’d be getting a uniqueview of the business and solid foundation to build on.

The approach and attitude towards learning is one of the aspects I’ve enjoyedmost. The continuous guidance offered lets me know that BOI cares about myprofessional and personal development. Events ranging from workshops,graduate projects, off-site days, both instructor-led training and online learningcourses, it’s just a sample of what I've been exposed to so far.”

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Ericsson Ireland

Search: gradireland employers

ContactGraduate Recruitment, LM Ericsson Limited, Beech Hill,Clonskeagh, Dublin D04 V5N2Web\careers

JobsType of work• Consultancy• Internet and e-commerce• Project management• Software development• Systems/business analysis• Technical support• TelecommunicationsBenefitsAttractive benefits package

Work experienceWork experience yesDuration minimum three months,maximum negotiable

Locations• Republic of Ireland • Great Britain• Rest of world

Apply• onlineClosing date ongoing

Looking for tomorrow’s leadersThat phone call you just made, your Instagram update, the Tweet you just read,or the TV show you just watched... were all probably made possible by Ericsson.

At Ericsson, we strive to connect everyone, wherever they may be. Because bybeing connected, people can take part in the emerging global collaboration thatis the Networked Society – a society in which every person and every industry isempowered to reach their full potential.

Our services, software and infrastructure – especially in mobility, broadband andthe cloud – are enabling the communications industry and other sectors to dobetter business, increase efficiency, improve their users' experience and capturenew opportunities.

Ericsson is the world’s foremost ICT organisation, and one of the Top 5 softwaredevelopment companies in the world.

• Over 1 billion people using our technologies every day• More than 40% of the world’s mobile traffic passes through Ericsson networks• Ericsson won “Candidate Experience Awards – Europe 2015”, are a “Top 100”

gradireland Top Employer, we were shortlisted for the gradireland “Best InternProgramme” in 2015 and in 2016, and for the “IITD Best Graduate/InternshipProgramme” in 2016

• We currently employ more than 1,400 people across our Software Campus inAthlone and our Services Campus in Dublin

• Our Software Campus is the biggest Java development site in Ireland. We useAgile, the leading-edge software development methodology, and our entire sitehas been specifically designed for Agile ways of working, to maximise mobilityand encourage teamwork

• Our Services Campus delivers specialised consulting in areas such as Networks,IT & Cloud, Media and Industry & Society, enabling our world to move towardsthe Networked Society. It is also home to Ericsson’s MediaFirst; the world'smost innovative and deployed IPTV platform, delivering the future of TV

If you would like your career to truly have global impact, then we are interestedin talking to you.

Our graduate programme has opportunities in Software Development, R&D,Network Engineering, Technical Training, Sales and Consultancy. • We’re committed to diversity & inclusion: It is our diversity that brings us

closer together and helps us make a difference. We are also key sponsors ofTechWomen, Girls in ICT and the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women inComputing and foster internal initiatives like Ericsson GLO>BE (our LGBTQNetwork)

• We Innovate: We are leading the digital revolution and have the industry’sstrongest patent portfolio. If you have an idea, big or small, you can bring it toour Innovation Den in Ireland, where you can discuss its further developmentand evolution with our senior consultants and leadership team

• We support, you learn: As well as a mentor, you will have access to anextensive scholar programme to support you in your continuous learning

• We’ll broaden your skills: We use multiple programming languages – primarilyJava Enterprise Edition, but also Javascript, Python, Django, NodeJS, BASH,UNIX,PERL and more

Our career paths are well-established; initiative and hard work are recognisedand very quickly rewarded. To apply, just and search forGraduate Opportunities

Check-out which has a range of resources to supportyour application process.

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22 | IT 2017


Do you want to work for a vibrant, successful and innovative organisation? We have a number of exciting IT graduate opportunities in 2017

Who we areESB is Ireland’s foremost energy company. Through innovation, expertise andinvestment, we are leading the way in developing smart and sustainable energysystems to meet the demands of modern life.

Why join us?Join our team of almost 500 IT professionals operating one of the mosttechnologically advanced IT and telecommunications systems in Ireland. Wehave one the of the largest IT spends in Ireland and support over 450applications.

Our Graduate Development ProgrammeThe objective of our Programme is to launch you on a fast track to careersuccess.

A career with ESB will allow you to grow professionally and develop thenecessary skills to help deliver ESB’s strategic objectives.

Working with us, you will be part of an award winning team in a culture thatthrives on teamwork and innovation.

We have developed a bespoke IT Graduate Programme which includes:• structured rotations; • challenging assignments;• robust learning and development; • experience working on major projects; • exposure to different aspects of our business;• a mentor who will help you on your journey.

You will be offered a competitive salary and an extensive benefits package.

Whichever part of the business you work in, we want you to succeed and at thesame time enjoy being part of our community.

Get to know us through our team building events which include a crosscompany Power Challenge, a 30km walk held in Sligo and through our variedclubs and societies.

We also have a strong culture of giving back and encourage staff to take part ininitiatives such as “Time to Read” scheme for local schools.

What’s Next?



Search: gradireland employers

ContactESB Graduate Recruitment ManagerEmail [email protected] Web

JobsType of work• Utilities • Energy • RenewablesSalary Competitive salary andbenefits packageNumber of vacancies Up to 80Degrees sought(minimum 2.1 degree)Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical,Civil), Energy Trading, IT and Digital,Business, Marketing, Analytics,Human Resources, Accountancy

Locations• Republic of Ireland • NorthernIreland • Great Britain • Rest of world

Apply• Online: date 15 September 2016Closing date 24 October 2016

Visit our careerspage at

Fill in theapplication formand attach yourCV

Complete theonlineassessmentsthat will beemailed to you

Successfulcandidates willbe invited tointerview inNovember 2016

Interviews willinclude a casestudy and a faceto facecompetencybased interview

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

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Graduate profiles

“I started as an IT graduate in September 2015. Many events areorganised throughout the year and this has given me the chance tomeet loads of people across all of the different disciplines. I was assigned a mentor and a buddy when I started the graduateprogramme and both have been really helpful. I have had thechance to attend numerous training days and this has helped mebuild up new skills.”Zubair Masood, Trinity College Dublin

“I am having an amazing time on the Graduate DevelopmentProgramme. As an IT Graduate, I am constantly learning anddeveloping new skills while working with one of the mostadvanced telecommunication infrastructures in the country. ESBalso has a great company culture. I am a member of the staffRunning Club and volunteer with the Time to Read Scheme for localschools.”Emma Louise Connolly, National College of Ireland

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The plain truth of it is, having an IT degree when looking for a job today is a littlelike being 12 foot tall and wanting to be a basketball player. You have the pick ofthe crop. Your degree makes you one of the most attractive potential hires in thestudent market.

However a new challenge emerges when faced with so much choice. How doyou make the right choice? There is a risk that you might settle too quickly for ajob that doesn’t suit you. Allow us to introduce ourselves, show you our wares.We are EY. The world’s most globally-integrated Professional ServicesOrganisation. Our aim is to build a better working world, and that begins withhiring the best people and investing in them so they remain the best.

Our Graduate Programmes are the perfect broad level foundation from which tostart your career in business. We’ll give you the opportunity to drive lastingchange and explore for yourself how you can help us build a better workingworld. Your technical knowledge will help our business to evolve as digitaldisruption becomes a major factor in our industry.

Our graduate programmes suit you and your needs. We want to know what yourcareer aspirations are and how we can guide you towards achieving them. We’llsupport you as you pursue your professional qualifications and make sure youmake the choice that is right for you.

We offer Graduate Programmes in the following five areas:• IT, Data and Cyber • Advisory• Assurance• Tax• Transactions

Despite what you may have been told, we don’t just hire accountants. We wantpeople from all backgrounds. We definitely want people with a background in ITto join us in building a better working world. We want to build a diverseworkforce, where the broadest spectrum of skills and ideas can be broughttogether to mix and spark the best solutions for our clients, and our world.

No matter what you studied in college, if you’re bright, curious and enthusiasticthere is a Graduate Programme at EY tailored just for you.

Sound like you? Apply online


Search: gradireland employers

ContactThe Student Recruitment TeamEY, Harcourt Centre, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2Email [email protected]

JobsType of work Assurance (Audit, DataAnalytics, Forensic Accounting), Tax,Transactions (Corporate Finance),Financial Services, Advisory(Management Consultancy acrossCyber Security, Cloud Computer,Digital, Tech, IT, Change Managementand Strategy)Salary CompetitiveBenefits Free Gym, Time Owed InLieu, Generous Study Leave,Subsidised Canteen and many moreNumber of vacancies300 Graduate and 200 Intern

Degrees sought EY hires from alldisciplines because everyone hassomething to offer and our worldworks better when he have a diverseworkforce tackling the same issuesfrom a variety of differentbackgrounds.

Work experienceSummer 3 months and WorkPlacement 6–12 months

LocationsDublin, Cork, Limerick, Waterford,Galway and Belfast. Offices acrossthe world

ApplyOnline application and CV takes 15 minutesClosing date See website


but that doesn’t mean she w

2 1 11:33:27

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© 2016 Ernst & Young. Published in Ireland. A

ll Rights Reserved. 10431.indd 08/16. Artw

ork by the BSC (Ireland)

Are you analog or digital?Aoife has always loved tech - but that doesn’t mean she wanted to tap away in a dark room on her own all day, and play minecraft. That’s why she joined EY. She gets

humans. This is Aoife, but if this sounds like you - then let’s talk. Visit to apply.

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26 | IT 2017


First Derivatives plc

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ContactElizabeth O’Hanlon3 Canal Quay, Newry, Co. Down, BT35 6BPTel +44 (0)28 3025 2242Email [email protected]/careers

JobsType of work • mathematics (financial,computational, quantitative, computing)• banking and financial services • computer engineering, mechanicalengineering • fund management,investment banking • IT, computerscience, software engineering, softwaredevelopment • business, law andaccounting • management consulting • business analysis • physicsSalary package c£40,000stg for on-site consultantsBenefits • free accommodation whenworking on-site • daily expenses andfood allowance • flight allowance forflights home if working on-siteabroad • contributory pension •private healthcare • bonus(discretionary)Number of vacancies 200Degrees sought • mathematics(financial, computational,quantitative, computing) • accounting• economics • technology • engineering • computer science • software development • law • business • information technology • finance • physics

Work experienceWork experience Yes, (HQ-based)Duration 1 year

Locations• Republic of Ireland • NorthernIreland • Great Britain • Rest of world

Apply• onlineClosing date ongoing

What do we do?First Derivatives is a leading provider of products and consulting services to thecapital markets industry. Focused on financial institutions that work cross-asset,the Company scopes, designs, develops, implements and supports a broad rangeof mission critical data and trading systems across front, middle and back-officeoperations.

Working for First DerivativesNow is a fantastic time to be joining First Derivatives plc. Despite challengingmarket conditions we have continued to build our business and assert ourposition as one of the leading capital markets consultancy and softwareproviders.

Our Graduate Options Programme is our fast track consulting programme whichcombines intense theoretical Financial and Technical training with on the jobexperience, working as a consultant on client sites globally or exciting rolesthroughout Ireland! We are seeking high calibre graduates from a range ofbackgrounds.

So if you are interested in a challenging and rewarding career in Finance and IT,visit and be part of our success story!

Name Rebecca Kelly – Trinity College Dublin, BA Mathematics –Trading Technology StreamI joined First Derivatives in September 2013 as part of theTrading Technology stream and after initial training wasquickly whisked away to Sydney to work on the ground-breaking ASIC project. The project was exciting and fast paced

and involved working to create a surveillance solution for the AustralianGovernment which would alert them to instances of market abuse. My currentdeployment is in London within the EMEA Pre-Sales team where I lead a numberof teams working on First Derivatives hosted solutions for clients. I work within alarge team and have amazing exposure to all aspects of the softwaredevelopment life-cycle while also getting a lot of face-time with clients. I’ve hada lot of variety in my work content and have worked on various interestingprojects such as an FX Market Analytics Platform and an Energy SurveillancePlatform. My career progression thus far has been amazing and reallyencouraged by the great work and social environment fostered within FD.

Name Conor Gervin, Queens University Belfast, BEng ComputerScience - Data Science Stream

I returned to FD in September 2014, after completing a 16-month placement with the company and after graduatingfrom Queen's University Belfast with a BEng in ComputerScience. I spent time in the Options Programme working on

the Delta Development team, focusing on kdb+ tools for Calypso and Delta Ops;a role in which I relished the opportunity to work under the experience of seniormembers of the team. I am presently based in New York at a Tier One Bankdeveloping a Global Analytics Platform for Equities Orders and Executions. I amthoroughly enjoying working with FD and their global clients, and I look forwardto future roles within the company, having made some great friends andmemories along the way.

Graduate profile

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IT 2017 |


Want to Work for a Different Type of Software Company? Join the Guidewire team.

Business Insider and Glassdoor consistently rank Guidewire as a top techemployer, as voted by employees. Find out why.

We know who we are and are proud of what we do.Guidewire is a specialist software product company. Guidewire exists to deliverthe software general insurers need to adapt and succeed in a time of rapidindustry change - and to ensure that every customer succeeds in the journey. Webelieve P/C insurance plays a vital role in protecting people and business, andenabling society to function. We combine three elements – core, data and digital– into a technology platform that enhances insurers' ability to engage andempower their customers and employees. It’s remarkable, if you think about it:companies all around the world that individually handle billions of dollars ofbusiness a year trust us to manage their most critical business functions. Theseare core, mission-critical applications that their employees use all day, every day.

Our Graduate Software Developers learn new skills and build a career.At Guidewire we aim to grow our own talent from within. This year we plan toseek out top IT/Computer Science graduates who are budding Java developersand train them to become Solutions Consultants in our Global ProfessionalServices Centre in Dublin and Software Engineers in our Product DevelopmentCentre. We assign a mentor during your training period, and a career coach tohelp you to reach your own goals long term and grow with the Guidewire team.

What will you be doing?As a Developer you will be able to flex broad technical skills such as ObjectOriented programming (JAVA), relational databases (data modeling/SQL), web UI(design/develop), XML, and application architecture. Before you write a line ofcode, we will send you to be trained and certified as a Subject Matter Expert onGuidewire products in your first months. We also encourage you to build in up to80 hours of technical training into your career development plan to keep yourskills fresh.

Undergraduate opportunities.We offer internships in Dublin to Computer Science students who havecompleted 3 years of study. Applications: October through to March 2017.

We live by our core values every day.We live and operate by three basic principles that remain at the heart of all wedo today:• We value integrity in everything that we do;• We are dedicated to rationality: communicating through clear arguments;• We prize collegiality: working together as professional equals, with a minimum

of hierarchy.What’s in it for you?We have an idea about what makes a happy life for employees: meaningfulwork, quality products, sound business strategy, ultra-competent colleagueswho treat you with respect and courtesy, and plenty of freedom to innovate andcreate. Discover our range of benefits including: Stock, bonus, Healthcare, LifeInsurance, and flexible working practices. Not to mention our social scene andfacilities (breakfast/snacks/drinks, pool table, foosball, gaming stations!)

If you have the combination of technical aptitude and business acumen with alogical, problem-solving capability, we would like to hear from you.

Guidewire Software

Search: gradireland employers

ContactDenise AirlieGuidewire Software Ireland, NexusBuilding, Block 6A, Ground FloorUnits 1–3, BlanchardstownCorporate Park, Dublin D15 N5DXTel +353 (0)1 907 2000Email [email protected]

JobsType of work • Configuration & IntegrationDeveloper • Product Development Salary Competitive Benefits• bonus • life assurance • pensionscheme with company contributions• private healthcare • LTI scheme(long-term incentive) • days’ holiday:25 • flexible working practices • freecommuter bus • sports & socialNumber of vacancies 20Degrees sought • IT, Computer Science, Engineering

Work experienceWork experience yesDuration 3 months, 6–9 months

Locations• Republic of Ireland • Rest of world

Apply• online • emailClosing date Ongoing

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28 | IT 2017


Looking for career progression in a global fast-paced, innovative, cutting-edge technology business?At Openet it matters that you matter. We work hard to ensure that our peoplehave jobs that challenge and make a difference as well as experiences that arefun and enjoyable.

Who we are?Established in 1999, Openet has grown to become Ireland’s largest privatelyowned software company with our people located in 23 countries worldwide.We enable global telecoms service providers to make money through optimisingtheir customer experience. Our customers include 7 out of the 10 largesttelecom companies globally and we are proud to say that we deliver the mostinnovative and high performance telecom software for these businesses to growand evolve.

Openet solutions process more than 20 billion events and transactions everyday, and do this across more than 330 million subscribers for more than 75service providers worldwide.

What you can expect?Based in Dublin you will be exposed to working in a global, fast-paced,customer-led organisation, with innovation at the core of everything we do. As aglobal company, our employees have opportunities to work and travelinternationally.

What we offer you!• Competitive salary, sign-on bonus and excellent benefits package• 12-weeks intensive, rotational on-boarding programme• Project-based assignments to underpin your on-the-job learning• Structured technical & professional development programmes • Opportunity to work on live projects alongside experienced colleagues• A structured career path designed to help you realise your potential• A mentor to guide you every step of the way


Search: gradireland employers

ContactBrendon Bowe, RecruitmentManagerTel +353 (0)1 620 4639Email [email protected] graduate.openet.comSocial mediaTwitter: @Openet_PeopleInstagram: @openet_peopleFacebook: Openet PeopleLinkedIn: Openet

JobsType of work• software engineering • telecoms & ITSalary CompetitiveBenefits• paid private healthcare plan • subsidised monthly sports andsocial club activities • on-sitecanteen and free wednesdaybreakfast • complimentary Zest massages atwork • structured wellnessprogramme • up to 26 annual leavedays • potential for annual bonus • Bike to Work Scheme • Tax-SaverCommuter Scheme • pensionscheme with company contributions• life assurance • paid sick leave • free car parking Number of vacancies OpenDegrees sought• computer science or softwareengineering related

Locations• Republic of Ireland • Rest of world

Apply• online

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IT 2017 |


Our Consulting and Risk Assurance Solutions (RAS) practices provide a variety oftechnology related services and expertise to our clients. We work withorganisations to deliver technology enabled business transformation journeys.Join us to work on high-profile projects in Technology Strategy, TechnologyDelivery, Digital, Computer Forensics, Data Analytics, Cybercrime, ElectronicDiscovery and Information Management.

The opportunity of a lifetimeYour career is just that. Yours. You choose it. You live it. You make it happen.Opportunities are at the heart of a career with us. Opportunities to grow as anindividual, to build lasting relationships and make an impact. We look forintelligent, enterprising, passionate people who will work with our clients toachieve success.

The PwC Graduate prgramme offers the opportunity to start looking forward toenviable exposure, experiences and opportunities that will develop yourleadership skills and shape your career for a long time to come. Collaborate ondiverse projects with some of the world’s best-known brand names. Take on bigbusiness issues and complex commercial challenges. Boost the performance ofall sorts of organisations. Work with and learn from experts while participatingin best-in-class courses and workshops. We're committed to helping you masterthe skills that will set you apart from the crowd.

By choosing a career with us, you’ll become part of over 2,000 people in Irelandacross our offices in Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Kilkenny, Waterford andWexford. You’ll also join a global network covering 157 countries and employingover 195,000 people worldwide.

The opportunity to plan to choose your pathWhen you choose one of our three business areas, you’ll learn and contributemore than you ever thought possible. We have graduate opportunities availablein Advisory Consulting, Assurance and Tax.

The opportunity to stand outWe choose the best people from a wide range of backgrounds and degreedisciplines with an interest in Technology. As well as academic excellence (weexpect a minimum 2.1 degree) we’re looking for graduates who can build andmaintain relationships, put themselves in others shoes and have a positiveimpact on the Firm, their clients and each other. We’re looking for talentedgraduates with the skill, drive and enthusiasm to succeed.

The opportunity to join the gradireland Graduate Employer of the Year 2016

ApplyTo apply online or for further details, visit our graduate


Search: gradireland employers

ContactGraduate Recruitment Team Tel +353 (0)1 792 8550Email [email protected]

JobsType of work• Business management •Consultancy • Financial services • Human resources • Internet and e-commerce • Network engineering • Project management • Softwaredevelopment • Systems/businessanalysis • Technical support • Cybersecurity • Strategy • Digital • Data AnalyticsSalary CompetitiveBenefits22 days’ annual leave, paid overtime,enhanced study leave, sponsorship ofprofessional qualifications,graduation day leave, on-site gym andfitness studio, Flexible Friday - 3pmfinish on bank holidays and summerFridays, firm discount programme andmany more.Number of vacancies 290Degrees soughtWe accept applications from alldegree disciplines.

Work experienceWork experience YesDuration Up to 12 months

Locations• Republic of Ireland • NorthernIreland • Great Britain • Rest of world

ApplyClosing date 19 October 2016 5pm

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30 | IT 2017


Start your future today Workday’s enterprise cloud applications for finance and HR are disrupting theglobal software industry. Our applications are infinitely flexible, extremelyintuitive, and incredibly powerful. We have a 98% customer satisfaction rating,the highest of any major enterprise software provider. More than 1,000organisations worldwide, ranging from medium-sized businesses to Fortune 50enterprises have selected Workday.In 2016, Workday was voted the #2 Best Place to Work in Ireland. We work hard,and we’re serious about what we do at Workday. But we like to have a good timetoo. In fact, we run our company with that principle in mind every day: one ofour core values is fun.

Make an Impact Every DayWe are looking for inspiring new graduates to join teams that are on theforefront of driving the design and development of our applications. At Workday,you will:

• Push the boundaries of design, security, and software development.• Work with new technologies, solve original problems and partner with

companies globally.• Collaborate with legends in the industry and the brightest new graduates.• Take ownership, make an impact, and change the way the people work.

Career Development with Generation WorkdayThe next generation of talent will further fuel Workday’s success. This is why weactively seek the best and the brightest students and graduates to joinGeneration Workday, a career development programme uniquely designed todevelop our future leaders. Launch your career with an opportunity thatconnects you to a strong network, enables you to do your best work, activelysupports your career and places an emphasis on fun.


Search: gradireland employers

ContactUniversity Recruiting andProgrammes TeamEmail [email protected] media

JobsType of work• Application Development • Software Development • SecurityEngineering • Data Analytics • Product Management • Servicesand Support • UI Engineering • UXDesign • SalesBenefits• Share Options • Private Healthcare •Life Assurance • Pension Schemewith Company Contributions • GymSubsidy • Holiday Days: 27 • Charitable Donation MatchProgramme • Snack Programme • Cycle to Work Scheme • TaxsaverCommuter Ticket SchemeDegrees soughtWe accept applications from alldegree disciplines

Work experience• Summer internships• Long-term internships

Locations• Republic of Ireland • Rest of the World

Apply• Online application and

Hear from Current Generation Workday Employees “Within the first few days as a graduate in Workday,I had meetings with Product Managers andDevelopers where we discussed projects that Iwould lead.”

Emily Fink, University College of Dublin, Associate UX Product Designer

“Workday offers many avenues for further trainingthrough both technical training and the GenerationWorkday Career Development Programme.”

Dean Reina, Dublin Institute of Technology, Associate Software Application Engineer

“The support I received from the team during myinternship was one of the main reasons I chose toreturn to Workday after graduation.”

Cian Ellwood, National College of Ireland, Associate QA Engineer

Start your future today with Generation Workday

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IT 2017 |


I love a good challenge. And I’vealways enjoyed tinkering and playingaround with maths and science. AtWorkday, I get to build technology thatsolves complex problems. And that’swhat inspires me.The experience I am getting atWorkday puts me on the fast track tobecoming a leader in tech. And I lovethat I’m able to collaborate with like-minded professionals, including beinga part of Workday’s Women in Techgroup.Workday is all about revolutionisingbusinesses with innovative technology—and so am I.Want to be a part of the revolution?

AyushiAssociate Software Engineer

Hi, I’m Ayushi

Graduate profiles

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32 | IT 2017



Search: gradireland employers

ContactHuman +353 (0)1 802 8000Web

JobsType of work• financial services • IT Benefits• bonus • on-site gym • fullysubsidised canteen • relaxed dresscode • education assistanceprogramme • discounts and deals onlocal services • private healthcare • non-contributory pension scheme • life assuranceNumber of vacancies 30Degrees sought• actuarial mathematics • computerscience and IT • engineering • financeand accountancy • science andmathematics

Work experienceWork experience YesDuration 3–12 months

Locations• Republic of Ireland

Apply• CV & letter • online

Founded in 1987, SIG has grown from an options trading firm on thePhiladelphia Stock Exchange to one of the world’s largest privately held financialinstitutions. Today, with offices around the world, we are recognised for ourdisciplined and quantitative trading approach and our leading-edge tradingsystems. Our European headquarters was established here in Dublin 16 yearsago, and we now have over 400 employees working in Trading, Technology,Research, Operations, Compliance and Risk, Legal, Finance, and HR.

Technology at SIG is at the forefront of our operation. Requiring leading-edgeand innovative use of technology, we are a leading force in applying technologyto trading. At SIG, our people enjoy working on highly complex in-housesoftware running on the latest platforms available, solving a myriad ofchallenges to further our growth. With a flat structure and a collaborativeenvironment, our people continue to grow and learn throughout their careers asever-shifting market demands change the nature of our environment. As bothour European trading floor and technology teams are based together, there is afast-paced environment designed to facilitate rapid application developmentand deployment.

Graduate OpportunitiesStudents studying Computer Science or IT related courses, with a genuineinterest in technology and solving unheard of technical problems, and anexceptional analytical and technical mind, are invited to apply for the followingprogramme:

• Technology Associate Programme – Design, build, maintain, and supportevent-driven systems that are fundamental to success in the changingmarketplace. Participate in classroom sessions and technical rotations, workingwith experienced engineers on the development, delivery, support, andenhancements of our trading systems and infrastructure. The core componentof the Technology Associate Programme includes a three month visit to ourglobal head office in Philadelphia.

Name Deirdre MeehanPosition Technology AssociateEducation BEng Computer Engineering, Trinity College DublinI joined SIG as part of the Technology Associate Programme, as I was interestedin pursuing a technical role and I had heard that the work carried out in SIG is ofa technical nature, so it seemed like a good fit. I had also attended a SIG talk oncampus and got the impression it was a cool company to work for. The types ofquestions asked in the interview focused on the technical side of things, whichreinforced my initial impression. I liked that that focus appeared to be less ondiscussing ideas and more on executing them.

Everyone was really welcoming when I started; there was no such thing as astupid question. My educational background is a little different to the otherson my team as I did two years of general engineering, but I’ve never felt leftbehind or isolated even a little bit. Everyone is just genuinely nice and the workis interesting; I actually get to do programming every day. Also the boardgames at lunch are fun!

If you want a technical role where you will be using skills you learned in collegeevery day and want to get a lot more in-depth knowledge about certain areasof computer engineering, this is definitely the place to be. The role allows youto be flexible and responsive in your work; for example, you don’t have to waitweeks on end for permission to fix programming errors. Also, if you’re the typeof person who likes decisions to be made with logic and clear reasoning to bedemonstrated when working, SIG is for you.

Graduate profile

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graduate careers fair

+ –x =

engineering maths


STEM fair

Register for f ree entry at

further study fair

summer fair

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Fast Data.Financial Domain.Flourish. Develop.Focused. Determined.Fabulously Dapper.Family. Diaspora.Foreign Destinations.Future Delivered.FD stands for lots of things. It stands for incredible opportunities. It stands for working with cutting edge technology across almost all industry sectors. It stands for processing big data, fast. It stands for a career that will build consultancy experience and technical knowledge from day one.