in memory and recognition of steve frederick

Steve Frederick, North Penn Knight of Honor Former students, colleagues and friends of Steve Frederick reflect on their favorite times spent with him.

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Page 1: In Memory and Recognition of Steve Frederick

In Memory & Recognition of

Steve Frederick,North Penn

Knight of HonorFormer students, colleagues and friends of

Steve Frederick reflect on their favorite times spent with him.

Page 2: In Memory and Recognition of Steve Frederick

“Fred made more of an impact on me than anyone else, except - maybe - my parents.  My three years in high school were also Fred's first years in high school.  He hit the ground running and had us participating in everything.  He was encouraging, and he was demanding.  It was an exciting time.   Fred made being involved in the various groups fun, but at the same time he had us learning on a level that had been previously unheard of. The Marching Knights, of course, began a progression towards being champions.  But other groups also excelled. I recently looked at some of our concert band programs from the early 70s, and Fred's programming was extremely challenging - more so than just about any high school concert I've seen in the last 15 years. I was lucky enough to be in the jazz band that toured Romania in 1974.  We worked hard to prepare for that trip - Fred had us learn a full one and a half hour concert - and we rocked!  The trip was part of a cultural exchange with Romania during a window in the 70s when Romania was thawing out relations with the west.  We traveled all over the country for three weeks giving concerts every other day.  It was remarkable.  This atmosphere of total immersion in music led many, including myself, to choose music as a college major.  Fred supported me and all the other music majors during our college years; writing recommendations, helping secure scholarships, giving advice and closely following our progression. We all wanted to be him!”

–Tracy Calvaresi, former student and colleague

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“Fred touched my life in many ways. I played under his baton in the pit orchestra for the Laymen Playmen, a community theater. My daughter and I played in his Montgomery County Concert Band. I have sung in church with Fred and his wife Dot. I work in the music industry, and Fred was my customer. He was even in my wedding party - I was honored! Fred was the kind of person who never stopped being interested in you, in what you were doing, in your family, your kids. He always had a congratulation for you, or if times were tough, a ‘hang in there.’ Fred cared about everyone he taught, conducted, or worked with. He was a ‘Knight of Honor.’”

–Roy Schmidt, former colleague & friend

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“Steve Frederick was a mentor to me. He has singled handedly had the most prominent impact any educator has had on me. My three years in school with him are still three of the greatest years of my life. Even after those years, he still stayed in touch with me via email. Fred demonstrated through both his actions and words what can happen when you strive to be the best you can be while working with others and acting with compassion. I still use the life lessons I learned from Fred on a daily basis and I owe a lot of my success to him. Fred taught me to believe in myself and trust my abilities, and those are skills I use every single day of my life.”

–Robert Smith, former student

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“I graduated in 1984 and was in the NPMK for all three years of high school. Steve Frederick was an amazing leader, teacher, director and mentor. He sincerely cared about what and how he was teaching but also who he was teaching. He was approachable, fair, honest, respectful and fun, all while pushing you to be the best that you could be. It was a privilege and an honor to know ‘Fred.’”

–Lynne Albright, former student

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“Steve Frederick was my high school band director and the best teacher I ever had. He taught so much in my three years of being in the North Penn Marching Knights that I was able to take with me when I graduated. He taught me respect, hard work, collaboration, togetherness, cooperation and a love for music. Fred was not only my band director, he was like a second father to me and will forever hold a special place in my heart.”

–Karen Wenhold, former student

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“As an alto saxophone player who started to learn in the 4th grade, I never imagined where music would take me. I've performed in different states, Europe and Mexico all because of the NPHS music program under the direction of Stephen Frederick. Learning the basics in elementary school then adding a marching band component in junior high, I never expected too much; it was just an extra-curricular activity…until I reached high school and was under the leadership of one Steve ‘Fred’ Frederick. I had no idea what I was getting myself involved with. Many of my neighborhood friends were already part of the group and would tell me how much fun it was, but they left out so much more. Fred taught me so much… how to listen, how to be patient, how to stand straight, how to be strong, how to respect myself and others, how to work together as a team, how to be independent, how to own myself and all through the artful direction of one megaphone. He is one teacher I vividly remember as having an impact on my life and helping mold me into the woman I've become. He believed in each and every one of his students and mentored unselfishly. His commitment to the program, to us kids year after year was constant, never slacking and always giving 110 percent. I will be forever eternally grateful that I crossed paths with this amazing man.”

–Debbie Madison Washko, former student, Class of ‘85

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“Words cannot adequately express the emotions that I hold for Stephen Frederick, ‘Fred!’ I have a profound gratitude and appreciation for his guidance and support during my three years as a North Penn Marching Knight. Teachers and coaches are definitely the most underrated yet the most powerful professionals in the world. Fred’s teachings continue to this day to have far reaching and long-term impact on not just the lives of the children he taught, but on society as a whole. His contributions to standards in the arts, which are still being used today, shape generations, impact minds and continue to make the world a better place. As father of the NPMK family, his teachings, understanding, hard work and discipline contributed toward changing my life, which will forever resonate inside my heart and soul. There are not enough words to accurately depict what a remarkable human being Stephen Frederick was, just ask anyone who knew him and then step back to witness the smile and feel the adoration.”

–Kelly (Kile) Williams, former student

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“What a wonderful tribute to Fred's memory! He was the heart of the North Penn Marching Knights for many years. His love of music and his commitment to excellence will always be remembered. He was devoted to the band and to the community. He probably had more of an impact on the students he taught than any other faculty member. He taught and instilled commitment and striving for excellence to not only the band members, but to their parents, siblings and the student body as a whole. He taught that hard work paid huge dividends, and that success could only be achieved with dedication! He will forever be remembered and missed by all that knew him.”

–Wanda (Rosenstein) Cattalo

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“Steve was an inspiration. My years in the North Penn Marching Knights were the best years of my life. He was a charismatic but strict instructor and everyone who knew him had great deal of respect and love for him. He was a leader, a best friend and a confidant in so many ways. We were very lucky to work with him in that capacity and to know him. He deserves this nomination more than anyone else I know, Steve was the best!”

–Sue Harris McCartney

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“I was lucky enough to be in NPMK under the direction of ‘Fred.’ I stayed with it as a crew member, even after I graduated, for another three years. Steve was, and is still, the most honest and caring teacher/mentor I have ever had in my life. He is dedicated, hardworking and sincere. This award is made for someone like Stephen E. Frederick.”

–Lisa Patrick, former student, Class of '84

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“As I moved through my music education in North Penn, the band was my ‘extended family,’ and Steve ‘Fred’ Frederick was the ultimate patriarch of that extended family, pulling an amazing group of talented people together to offer an experience to kids that went well beyond the foundation of music education. This experience included performance, pride, group synergy, self-respect, confidence, the empathy of teamwork and ultimately the feeling of belonging and contributing to something far grander than oneself. Outside his role as a gifted teacher and administrator, Fred was an extraordinary mentor to innumerable children and teens over the course of his life and career. His own synergy was a remarkable combination of vision, focus, leadership, endless energy, passion, abundant knowledge and compassion. His tangible and positive impact upon the lives he touched went, no doubt, unrecognized in the moment. But I look back and easily perceive the profound effect Fred had on my life, and feel the ripples of Fred’s continued influence in the school and community.”

–James Farrel, former student

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“Steve not only made music fun but he helped fuel a passion for it. His demeanor was that of a kind and loving man who could push you harder because you wanted to, not because you had to. Years after I graduated he would always ask me about my music and also ask about my mom, dad and my whole family. I'm not a professional touring musician but I play pretty consistently at a decent professional level and with very high standards because of the bar that was set there by Steve. I had a passion early for music, but Steve took a flamethrower to it and affected my life to this day.”

–Jesse Reyes, former student

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“After my father, no other man has made and continues to make a more indelible mark on my character and leadership than Steve Frederick. I arrived at North Penn High School as a North Penn Marching Knight in 1976. It was the single most important thing I have ever done in my life. No other organization has so changed my life for the better. When talking about what family, friends and leadership mean, no other man is more of an example for me than Steve Frederick. He treated me like he wanted to be treated, but he never settled for less than my best. He was the epitome of the ‘golden rule.’ I know I speak for many who graduated before and after me, a formidable base of alumni, when I say that no other man deserves this honor more.”

-Ron Frick, former student, Class of 1979