in the end all you really have is memories 21/cortland ny... · steel rails, not less in weight...

•i ' iVOX. 1. Lav*<rf Jfew York-By Atttfcwlty. i [Every law, wile** a different time shall be liit'jji'ribcd,therein, Hljau ' omiuenco and take effock throughout the otnte oq and not before the twentieth 4*/ 8 ^ er Uio.dat of.ll» flnal passage, a* certified by the Secretary of Btate. Sec. 18, title 4, chap. 7, part 1, Revis- ed Statutes.] ; j k «- j ,»*W CHAP. 61. - ^ AN ACT to faoiuute the construction of the New York and Oavrego Mid- land JBailroad, and to amenc, the several act a in relatrorr thereto. Patted ^faroh M, 1,(^8 ;t tbr«e- filths Denig present. The People, of the State of New Fork, represented in Senate and As- sembly, do enqof/u fhttows: | . SECTION 1. In every case where con- sents IK. writing shall have been ob- tained of the majority of the taxpay- ers appearing upon the assessment roll or any town or oity or for either of the year* eighteen hundred and eix- ty-flve or eighteen hundred and ai*ty- slJt, to the borrowing of money on the • faith and oredit of saoh town or oity, and to the issuing of bonds therefor to aid'in the construction of the New York* and Oswego Midland Railroad, in pursuance of the several acts of the legislature heretofore passed, and where suoh taxpayers, so appear- ing upon such assessment roll, and who have signed or executed suoh consent, shall own pf rtjpwsehtt as ag«nt, inc- ident or otherwise, including owners of non-reBide»t land*, more than one- half of the taxible property of such town or city HO assessed art appear- ing upon siiob assessment roll, such consents, if obtained for either of the years eighteen hundred, ( and sixty-five or eighteen hundred'and sixty-vix', shall be valid and effectual fo,r all pur- poses for"which' they are authorized to tic given, and shall not be invalidated, avoided or in any manner affected by re;won .of tins fact that the consents so obtained from the tax payers ofany town or oity aro in part based upon the assessment roll of eighteen hun- dred and s'uU-tivo and in patt upon the^assesamdnV roll of *lghtcrjn hun- dred and sixry-six, or for any other er- ror,«'i*r*tfulartty, ommisslou 4* defect provided a majority of the taxpayers ol any suoh town or city owning or representing, as agent, president or otherwise, a Majority o'fitho taxible property of such town or oity asses- sed to them and appearing on the as- sessment roll of such town or city for eiltw* of the years eighteen hfwdrcd and sixty-five or eighteen hundred and sixty-six shall have actually signed or executed such consent. ?', ''// § 2. N o consent of tax payers of any town or city, given pr ; obUyied : undar or by virtue of the several acts pass- ed to facilitate the construction of the New. York aud Oswego Midl»nd Rail- road, whether in writing or by ballot, nor the bonds issued or to be issued upon the faith of said consent, shall bo invalidated or held void, Or in any manner affected by reason of any for- mal, clerical or other defect, irregular- ity or omission, In the proofs or ac- knowledgement of such consents, or in the- making or entry in the minutes, of any determination, or in'the affida- vits required to be made by any acces- sor, town or county dork or other person or body, or in any filing or re- cording in any towli or connty clerk's qlfioe} provided that a.majority of tho tax payers of any suoh town or city, owning or representing as agent, pres- ident or otherwise, a majority or the taxible property of said town or oity assessed to them and appearing upon tho assessment roll of such town or oity, for cither of the years eigh- teen' hundred and sixty-five or eigh- teen hundred aud sixty-six, shall have actually executed or signod such con- sent^ or in the, city of Oswego, when tw6»third» of the voters voting at the election oaltcd for that purpose, shall have actually voted for the railroad stock in the manner required by law. g 8. Tho New York and Oswego Midland Railroad Company shall have three years in addtiontotho time they already have for complying with the provisions of section two of tho act entitled " An act to facilitate tho con- , struction of the New York and Oswe- go Midland Railroad, and t.o authorize tows to subscribe to the capital stock thereof," and to obtain the consents in writing, of tho tax payers, for which authority is therein given. § 4. The board of directors of the New York and Oswego Midland Rail- road Company are heroby authorized to oonstruot a branch railroad from the line of said road, at any point in tho town of Guilford, eount>y of Che- nango, to .the village of Now Berlin, in said ppimty, or 4 o the .village* of llridgowateror CasBville, mthb coun- ty ot Oneida, whenever in the judge- ment of tho directors of tho same it shall bo for the interest of saidrcorpo- ration ; and they may, in like manner construct a branch railroad* fronj tho village of Moatioello, in Sullivan county, to any point ot their said road in said county ; and the. towus aiid cities along the line of, or interested in said branch roads, shall have the samo powers aud authority to issue their bonds and subscribe for the stock to aid In the construction thereof, as they now have to aid in the construc- tion of tho New York' and Oswego Midland Railroad provided that the work be commenced within five years. § 5. The New York and Oswego Midland Railroad Company, may lay down and use in the construction of any braneh railroad which its direct- ors are authorised to build,*iron or steel rails, not less in weight than for- ty-five pounds to the lineal yard ; but suoh branch railroad shall not exceed twenty miles in length. 8 6. All subscriptions hereafter ' made to the stock of the New York and Oswego Railroad Company, shall bo valid anci binding upon the subscri- bers, and paid from time to time upon the ©all of the directors pf the compa- ny, as the same, in their judgment, shall bo required tor the purposes' of the company, ami it shall not be re- quired of such subscribers to pay the ten per cent at the time of subscribing to suoh stock. § 7. The board of directors of said New York and Oswogo Midland Rail- road Company shall hereafter consist of thirteen directors, and the same shall be chosen by the stockholders, at the time and in the manner now re- quired bv law for choosing directors. § 8i AH calls for money or bonds " payable by the comraississioners of cities and towns or individual subscri- bers to the oapiial stock of the New York and Oswego Midland Railroad Company, shall bo made by the board of directors of said company equally and in ratable amounts, upon said cit- ies and towns and individual subscri- bers, and in instalments, as the same, In the opinion of*said board of direct- ors, shall bo required from time to time l" '•r , 4W Be0H " 0 P of the work in oou- sttWolfcg said road, and as the work shall piogfiBS*,? bob no bonds shall be issued to the directors of said coin- under the provisions of ohapter tbreo hundred and ninety-eight or the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, end ohapter nine hundred and seven- teen of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, until such calls are made ana then only to tho amount of such calls. All monies received by the commissioners of any city or town from the sale of bonds issued by them and not called for by the board of di- rectors of the New York and Oswego Midland Railroad company, as here- in provided,for,shall be deposited by said commissioners either in the New York Life Insurance and Trust Com- pany or the I fninn Trust Company of New York, or both, <m interest at not less than five per centum per annum, to remain on deposit until required by said commissioners to meet the calls of the laid board of directors When made. The interest on said deposits of moneyjtiiall be collected by the commissioners of said oities or towns respectively, and by them applied tow- ard^ the payment of the interest there- after first falling due on the bonds of said cities\or towns, issued in aid of the New York and Oswogo Midland Railroad Company. The bonds'issu- ed, by the commissioners of she city of Oswego, and the towns of the coun- ty of Oswego, or the avails thereof, shall be expended and used bv the board of directors of .the New York anil Oswego Midland Railroad Com- pany, so as to' complete and ensure a continuous line of road from the oity of Oswego, so far as the said bonds or the avails thereof will construct the s/jme, and the bonds issued _by the commissioners of the town of VValkill, Orange county, and the several towns in Sullivan countyj or the avails there- of, shall in like manner be expended and used, so as. to complete and, ensure a continuous line of road frfsV the vil- lage of MifldUtowq, Orftnge jaunty, in a northerly direction, on or near the route adopted by said board, aa far as said bonds or the avails thereof will oonstruot the same. >".< ••. ' g0. Section five of chapter nine hundred and seventeen pf the? laws of branch railroad, from, some. point, }ri the town of Guilford, to thr village of New Berlin, BrTdgewater or Cass- ville, herein provided for; but of tho avails of said bonds, at least ten thous- and dollars a «»ilo shall be expended on saitl braiioh road in'the bounty ad- A Japanese Belle. Evory Japanese girl, of no matter what class in society, appears inspired with an innate love of coquetry. The daughter of the humblest trades- man loves to pass whole days in shopping, and takes 'the greatest delight in preparing, long before it is needed, the dress, she intends to display for the first time at the next fete. The day arrived, the happy girl rises early in the morning, and while her fresh new dress, lies in some cor- ner of tho room, impatiently submits to the dilatory labors of her hair-dres- ser, in whose profession there are some artists so celebrated that they devote whole hours to the study and toil re- quisite for the composition of some graceful or fashioijable style, where the hair, carefully dressed, with the brush and pomade, half hides a piece of orape eoquetishly chosen and fasten- ed by heavy pins of tortoise shell or coral. The chignon, it must be con- fessed, is not altogether of nature's growth, and if, after tho hair> we ex- amine the face, we shall see that Mad- ame Raohel herself could not teaoh the Japanese much in the art of ma- •dhg^ \»F ®& * be dressing tables stands a perfect collection of little boxes just drawn from some hiding place, are whites for the neck, tho arms, the bust; reds for the mouth and the cheeks; black for the eyes, sometimes, gold tor the lips; and yet with tbese aids from art, age is unable to conceal its, decrcptitude, while strangely enoagh-the children are the most laden with paint. Putting aside tins coquetry, universal in spite of its bad taste, the dress is very simple (ORTLAMk STANDARD JOB FEINTING •, lis .fv- " i OFFIOSM ..j ;•.;>.. • • - . ' ' •• H EVERYTHING NEW I NEWPRKSSESl NEW TYPE! u ALL WOBK BXKOUTM> W * • » Hest artylo o f t h e A r t , Aj*T» AT # ! v -' ! - - AS REASONAliLE PMOES AS SXSXWHBBS IN • . ; . - ; ; ; •'!.'• . ; * . . ' . ; IdvertlHemoiits. diately. CHAP, 108. AN ACT to repeal ohapter five hun- • died and .forty seven of tho laws of eighteen hundred and sixty»siic,»n- titled "An act to amend ohapter sixty-two of the -laws of eighteen hundred and forty-six, .sad Other acts additional to the same," pas- sed April thirteen, eighteen hundred and sixty six, and to amend section two of chapter three hundred and ninety-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-nine entitled " An aot to prevent fraud on the re- turns to the Comptroller of sales at auotton," passed April eleventh, eighteen hundred and forty-nine. Passed April 2, 1868; three fifths being present. ' * The !h>i>l,: <(f tie State of Nets. York reprc- tented in Senate and AsvnMy, do enact at fol- low* ; SKCTIH* 1. Chapter five hundred and forty-seven of the laws of eigh- teen hundred and sixty-six, entitled " An act to amend ohapter slxtv-two of tho laws of eigteen hundred and forty-six, and other aots additional to the same," is hereby repealed. § 2. Section twA of ohapter three hundred and ninety-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-nine, entitled, " An act to prevent fraud in tho returns made to tne comptroller of sales at auction," passed April elev- enth, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, is hereby amended so as to read as fol- lows: § 2. Tho comptroller is hereby au- thorized to employ such agent or agents as he may aeem necessary to carry this act into effect, and to pay to said agent or agents such compen- sation as shall bo reasonable. The agent or agents to employed shall have tnll power to administer an oath to each auctioneer, and to require suoh information as may be necessary to ascertain the true amount of goods sold at auction by such auctioneer. Any suoh agent is horeby authorized to take and approve the bond requir- ed by law to be given by any auction- eer, and is required to transmit any bond taken and approved by him to the comptroller within ton days there- after, and to flld a copy thereof in the office of such agent. The fees of such agent for taking and approving sjtoh bond shall be five dollars' j for appro- val of"the returns to be made of salos, three dollars ; and for filing a copy of such bond, fifty cents. ' § 3. This aot shall take effect imme- diately. : t}T \ T K OF NEW YOKK, \ Omen or THK SKCRKTABY OK STATS. ) I have compared the preceding with tin: original law on file In this office,' and do hereby certify that tho same is a correct transcript thorefrom and of the whole of sulci. original law. HownvA. NrtisoN, 'Beoretary of State. ^-r George Francis Train said, some years ago, that he attempted to write books, and people called him a fool; that he took a prominent part in poli- tics, and they returned the same ver- dict ; that he undertook to uphold the Amenoan nation abroad, and he was still accused of folly. " I then turned my attention," he added, " to making money ; I made it, and since no one has called mo a fool." Last autumn Mr. Train attended the Jock- ey Club race's at the Jerome Park, and betted very freely, but always, as it happened, on the losing horse. The last day having wagered large odds on the favorite, he again lost, and, su- premely disgusted, he took out his pooket book while on the members' stand, and oried out: " 1*11 bet five to one I am tho biggest fool in'the city Or county of New York." Alter re- peating the challenge several times, a man standing on the coin-so iminedi- atolv below looked up, and, with-bis portemonuaie in his band, said; " Hal- loo, stranger, I'll take that bet, provi- ded your name isn't George Frauds Train." It is said that sham dimonds are now made to deoieye even experienced jewelers, who trust to the eye alone. The ©ply means of detecting the spu- rious gem is by weighing it and as- pany by the oonfmissioncrs appointed oortaining its temperature. and invariably well chosen. A silk robe generally of a dark hue, covers a chemise en crepe made of small patch- es of every color, a perfect harlequin's mantle, where bright green is placed beside a lively red. In winter the costume is completed by a short man- tle doubled and thiokonod according to the season. The dress is long, with- out shape, and open from top to bot- tom ; the upper part is confined by a belt broad enough to cover the breast and the) lowor part of the form, and terminating behind in an enormous knot; to tie which with more or less elegance demands a oaroful examina- tion and many rot ouches. The slee vos hang like large pockets. To the belt are fastened a pipe in a velvet case and a pooket book containing two chopsticks of silver, if it is intended to do honor to the host who may offer re- freshments. In one corner of the pook- et book sparkles a little mirror, an Eu- ropean innovation, for Our civilization has made this slight breach in Japan- ese, manners. During the greater por- tion of the year the feet are bare; in winter they are clad in white cotton and rest upon sandals of varnished wood, kept by woolen supporters high enough above the ground to escape tho mud and tho damp. The sandal is ornamented with braids of straw, or sometimes of.velvet, and held to the foot by a strip of cloth passed between tho toes.- Occasionally it is re-covered with leather or paper, but is never hon- ored by being worn in the house. One Thing Certain. Death is the theme of universal inte- rest. The lightest heart, the least thoughtful mind, has no disbelief of death. The distance of the dark oloud in which ho comes sailing through tho bosom of ftiturity, may bo miscalculated; but the world un- hesitatingly owns that he is coming, and will at last be bore, lu almost ev- ery particular of existence the fortunes ot men differ; but to die is common to all the stream of life runs in a thou- sand various channels; but run where it will—brightly or darkly, smoothly or languidly- -it is stopped by death. The trees drop their leaves at the ap- proach of winter's frost; man falls at the presence of death. Every succes- sive generation ho claims for his own, and his claim is never denied. To die is the condition on which we hold life; rebellion sickens with hopelessness at the thought of resisting death; the very hope of the most desperate is not that death' may be escaped but that he is eternal; and all that the young, the careless, and tho dissipated at- tempt, is to think ot him as seldom as they can. No man, therefore, will de- ny that whatever can be said of death is applicable to himself. The bell that he hears tolled may never toll for him; there may be'no friend or children left to lament him; he may not have to lie through long and anxious days, looking for the coming of the expect- ed terror; but he knows that he must die; ho knows that in whatever quar- ter of the world he abides - whatever be his oircumstanoes-^-however strong his present hold of life—-however unlike the prey of death he looks—that it is his doom to die. WORTH RKMKUHURINU.—If you want to keep poor, buy two glasses of ale every day. at five cents each, amounting in one year to #30,60; smoke three cigars one after each meal, counting up in tho course of a year to $54,75; keep a big dog, which will con- sumo in a year at least 116 worth of provisions; altogether this amounts to the snug sum of $120,25;—sufficient to buy three barrels of flour, two tons of coal, a barrel of sugar and a sack of Coffee, a good coat, a respectable dress, besides a frock for the baby, and half a dozon pairs of shoes—or less. Just think of it 1 THK JUDGE'S XX-CUKNT.—A certain New England Judge bad before hi JI a ease of a pauper named Heoox. Turning to one of the Associate Judges be said, " Heoox, Hecox, Rn- el Hecox—why, ho used to be a client of mine," " 1 dare say," replied bis colleague, in a tone audible to the bat. and audience, " that aocounts for his being a pauper now I" LAW UASB0, POINTS, BLANKS, DEEDS, FANCY PRINtlNG, BOOK WORK, AND, IK HMOBT, JOBPRIMTINQ e> Of Every Description, DOCfB I N A MANNKH TO HJBA8B O0B PATRONS. AND OBOTXBMBK flWtPlOYBO-Hc- xl»e*a; very prolttaMo; no rink: Bevon- ien .ptctuwn and oatatogaea tent for SO «|U; twteo n« many, 80omit*. nathr|TliA1^0KI>aWQ.M OolnmMjut., M-T. txmwm aonomno HS ;. "Stwt' A. 8. BiRKM A Co., N. Y. irjpr BOOK ON PARALYSIS, FITS, AND . NB S?!J? W««»e», withthotr au«cenfnl treat- n»w4^P«. LOOTS, tsslwt a»U> St., N»w York. W$ ARE OOMINOT FKK8KNT TO ANY PBRSON Sanding at a Club in Onlr (Ireat tlbuf Bale of Dry & Fanoy GOODS, pteo* of 8BBBTING, SILK DRBSS PATTKBN, A c , A c , EKK OF COST. Out liiduoBinonU durhiir the paat row yeara nave been We Now Douple Our Bates of Premiums. ; vitt rtadlly notice our lVettntt for SO In are two more, than couaiJn rulut to 00 and 100 rttpecttvttjr of other finm. Special Notice*. * Song- of Iron. I am mlulity In tbo Mber, j Flowely wlrMi'd by tke bra»o, Oloiloiis hi the stalwart utoamor. Olorl Lni inghlng at the atorni and wayo. Uoailtoona In tho palate pillar*, Saving In the pointed roil, ! A* it briii;;.) the deadly lightning Qnollcd and barmloae to tho sod. But there la a glorious eesenoe. Where I Uko my grandest powor, Giving to tho RAO my surest Sweetest aid, In danger's hour. 6*9 > before mo lly disease! I See the darkest hydras bow 1 8co tho rose of health «ml boanty Tako the palest cheek and brow. Fly, dyspepsia I fly consumption t Yes, all His aro crushed at length, For I give what human nature . Only ever needed* amKNUTII I Shall I t«U In what groat essence I can tho* your spirits cheer up 7 Pallid, troinblhiK, dying sufferer, •Tlsllionnnea"l'Ki«)viA»Htmii'." The l'KUll VI AN 8 VittJP is R protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron, # new discovery in modtclno that striken at the root of dlseaae by supplying tho blood wllh its vital principle or life ffemtnt Jwn. The genulno has 'TumiVIAN HYHUI-" blown in tho iasa. Pamphlets free. I T R A V I S l < i ; i t S ' G U I D E . :i)±*,~iL*-\^i- zxz Syracuse, fiinghamton and New Xork Railway. BUSTMtm ARRANOBBIENTS. •QHEAPB8T. BHOETKBT and QUICKEST ROUTE to Philadelphia, Hall hum* and Washington. Tl I ICt II till I KA It !-Ss» .... _ _ . . -MM AI, NOTICES. to Baltimoro, $18 65; to Phllado! fork, (via Krlo Railway,) $0.15 lilts faOO: lo New mlra.f3.10. glass. Pamphlets Sold by all Druggists. J. P. DlNSMOBB. No. M Doy 8t, Now Vork. n»w4 EASE EXAMINE. _*1 ordering either of the Clubs mentioned tholr Medians of premiums oim- udlng to the el*e of tho Olub, FREE OF ONE DOLLARt . '•r.tiP'V'irt ijo. »s.)- °»«°i ^ r »' i «w- InguUeBf, vwi Delaine dress pattern; fancr colored bedspraJP; 100 view Turkey morocco allmm; 90 b quilt j a*I in studs; all wool "fancy caslo'ncro ilo •oMd*. orke, . -. ishmcro delaine dress pat- b quilt; all wool square shawl; set in studs; all wool fancy cashmci t pnttern; genu' hair guard chain, vol llvor plated chased butterdish; eftvi s rovolvlng castor, on feet; set superb.. knives and forks i wonted promenade s' long gold plated chain; ladles' double mts' heavy chasod solid gold ring; solid work box or writing doSk; e x A quail- skirt: set Jewelry, sleeve buttons to a and bow; gents' cardigan Jacket; 17 D Bute, ivory trlmmlnga' superior > shopping bog; ladles' high cut bat- Idr We Promise to Perform as tee Advertise. BRING YOUR WORK TO TRB STANDARD OFFICE. AND WB WILL ! T* CONVINCE YOU. I*. O. KINNEY, Proprietor. ilvinxit] dlScfasp vines; 8 •ethsKH wool eml neat. • alarm clock; ladies' all woo r plated Okke or card basket; for nnitt or "'tashlqnaMe .wool d«ubl4 shawl: splen- ••—"-""••- "-•- ' ^ongra- - ...Jkttg; i knives, with silver plated forks; one 1 frocVIng: fancy cashmete quell' J—One of the fol- . ... fwldtk cloaking or I largo, floe, bleaohed linen table covers, i. huge, elsed dinner napkin* to match; t poplin dress patWriis; ono largepiece su shotting; pair gents' calf or huntliig-cased patent lovor loieh ivory handled steel bladed knives r oxtra wk jSllve 0HR0NI0 DI8EA8BB, 80R0FULA, UI.0KR8, &o. It la well known that tho benoflts dorived from drinking of tho CONOBKSS, SARATOOA, and other cele- brated Springs, la principally owing to tho Iodine they contain. Or. H. Anders' Iodine Water ntains Iodine In the same pure atate that It Is •Mors, lint over COO per cent. . rand In those spring m morfin quantity, containing ' dli A pare water, without a iiL' sought for. In this country rope, and Is I ho bent remedy In the world for It does \H grains to in water, without a for. In this country each Hold ounce, dissolved eotmnt, a discovery long song! and Knrope, and is the best re .... . . . . . Concert, Salt Rheum, Ulcer* and all Ohronle rculars sent free, t. P. 1)1 N 8MOHK, Proprietor, 86 Oey Stroot, New York. Sold by all Druggists. n80w4 sure remedy for Liver Complaint in all its forms, Hu- mor* of the Blood and Skin. Scrofula. Dyspepsia. Cos- tlveness, Indigestion, Jaundic e, Hiladachc and llillons Diseases, General Debility, Ac, They cleauso the system, regulate the bowels, restore tho appotlte, pu- rlfy the blood, strengthen the body, and thoroughly B repsro It to resist dlseasos. of all kluds. UKo. O. GODWIN & CO., Boston. Bold by all Druggists. DWVH %*BAQOAOR III licit Ml) TIIROUOII. On and after Monday, May eth, 1867, trains will run as follows, ,(8undays excepted): LBAVB SYRACUSE: 8.80 A. M.—Connecting at Blnghamton with Express Train on the Krlo Red aud Dunkirk. >- , 6.16 P. M.—Connecting at Dinghamtou with an Ex- is Train on tho Krlo K<' llway, for Now Vork an Kx- . Kast, fi press Train on tho Krle Railway _ with Sleeiiliig Cars attached, arriving in New York at 7.10 noxt morning. I.KAV1C B1NOBAMTON: 6.i5 A. M.—Oonnoctlng with the Express Trams on New York Central Railway, Kast and Wost, 4.80 P. M.—On arrival of Kxpross Trains from New York and Dunkirk, and Way Train from Klinlrs, and connecting with Kxpross Trains on New York Central Hnltway, Kast and West. T N PIJB8UANCK of an order Of A. P. Smith ftu, J rogate of the county of Cortland, notice is hViX, given in all periuns haying cUlms against the MfsJ or Isaac llhfe of Kreotown, deceaeeo, thai they. ! required tooxliibll Uio samo, with tho vouchor, the,,' of to tho subscriber, tho executor of tho said deceo. cd, at his housoln Frcotown, on or before the dr.i flay of August, 1808. Dated Januarys?, vm. S0m6 ' Bxocntqj: of tho esUto of Isaac tlhlo, dee'd xl, that the, ... _„.— with tho voucher. Tiber, John Ousby, tho OJCCIMI.I of Hi.- said deceased, at Tully, Now York, on or be tore tho S6th day or July, 1S6K. Dated January ,li *" -""mill! mwiui' '°' are roqulrod to exhibit the same thereof, to tho subsc 1868. DKIIRAHIHNDri "BY, J01INOU8BV, Adininlslralrlx and Administrator of John Hind. d t ceasod. , l8 o mThrough tickets to Now York, Philadelphia, Balti- moro, Klmlra, Corning, Sx„ can be procured at tho office of Wm. C. Braylon, north side of tho Now York in * - .;;, Ac., can bo procured at tho . Vton, north side or tho Now York Jentral Railway Depot, aud at tho Tlckot Office, cor- ner of Onondaga and Clinton streets, nl GEO. 1IAYKN Superintendent. Erie Railway. O N AND AFTER Monday, Nov. »th. 1807, trains will losvo Blnghamton at aliout the following hours, vlai * GOING WEST. 3,30 A, BL—Night Express, (Mondays excepted.) for Itoehostcr, Kunhtn, Salamanca mid Dun- kirk, making direct connection with trains of tho Atlantic and Groat Western, J.iike Shoro and Grand Trunk ltallwavs, for all pollita West; also st Owego for Ithaca, and at Klmlra for Cansndalgua. 4.03 A. M,—Night Kxproas, Daily, for Rochester. Buf- falo, Salamanca Dunkirk and the West. "THK 0RKAT WH-W0RM troablosome and dangerous pest*, iY.»—Those onns, or any other worms, are wifely aiid Ihqroiighly expelled f,on to i 'uroly vog. GEO. C. GOODWIN A CO., Boston, and all y and thoroughly expelled from the system by tho use of DR. GOUll/8 PlN-WORM idury tott It. Purel] lyst , . - . SYRUP, without Injury to tho health of the most del. icato child or adult. Purely vegetable. Warranted to cure. GEO. C. GOODWIN A CO., Ik Druggists. idMwM Ingcasi box aud blanket* gravi •liver pl»ted, engraved, six .bottle rovolv- pin; T ' Ito w ,.w ...»,>,,,,, mi,, ,4.|'u, n..,«t plated, Itohor, with salvor; sovon add one-half with cut glass bottles; splendid viol —, complote; »lhr'" •-•••-' el revo )fnn barrel shot-gun; lla- supertor wblto wool •liver plated, on- es lilote; »lnglo b* svoheripMr su inuir ttlul capo; .with «iver;i.. )1 fancy casrlmore, for suit; one dozen silver plated fork*; common *ense sew- broIderlnK machino; two heavy honey- ; splondld family Bible, record and plio- For Isirgor Clubs tho value Inorons- slntrrB same ratio.* ing and combui tograph Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any address free. Send money by registered letter. Address all order* to MJM, HAWES & 00,. 16 Federal St., Boston, Mats. P. O. BoxO. In Dry and 'are, Albums, Leather Good', Ac., Ae.89w« Wholei Plated Tht© Church Union. 'The freest Organ of Thought In the World." ; 1 MOW. SPRING SA-I^EX GBEAT0B0WDSI GBEAT EXCITEMENT I A T THK THREE MAMMOTH STORES OF D. M'Carthy, Keene A Co. 4», 51 and «a, SOUTH SALINA STREET, SYRACUSE, N. Y. Who have opened with renewed effort aud success, A MAGNTtTCfcNT STOCK AT CrREAT KAKtt/MlV* ! UNKQUALLJb, VNMATCUED, SUPERIOR IN qUALRBY A?»ID S T t U t , : .... A>D .... Lower In Price Than can be found la any other establishment In the City or State. We always have Speoial Bargains 1 Conlluod exclusively to ourselves, and payer* WtU Bud It to tholr Interest to call and see them. " W e I V e v e r I Uiy Trft** Always keeping . EXCK UAMDSO) OUR STOCK THJS SPI^IKG b Urgor than ever, comprising almost every article In D»T GOODS^^ URKSH GOODS, WHITM GOODS, WOOLEN GOODS, LINEN GOODS, KilHUOlDKRlKM, HOSIMBT, Ac, «fc«. Splendid end Oheap Stock of MANTitLAS, SACQUES, j SHAWJLS, / UUAPKUIKS, (JcffiUKS, SHADES, *C, SKI.,: & j in -.- OAUI^KTS! Juat imported and reoelved in More by o«: aud w* New Designs and Patterna The Larom JRtllgiout Paptr in the World, averaging NineWumnt of Heading Matter each Week more than any other competitor. It aims t > lead piiblio opinion upon all subjects, and to repi Mint ot echo tho sentiments of no party or sect. Terms) per Tear f x SO Tern)* to Agent* (for uacli subscriber).. 1 00 Premiums. IBIACJIINK worth $6o, for 96 subscri- Agonts may choose tlielr machtoes, t. 8Uver Wide 18 name*, 'ATCII, American Watch Co., worth S1S6, Silver Watch for SO name*. Silver BOTTLES WOODWORTH'8 VIOLET subscribers and $*(S. II UNION is tho only paper that pub- Y W A R D BETBCHER'B S E R M O N S , Dr. Wistar's BalBam of Wild Oherry. Where this article Is known It Is a work of auperer- ogatlon to say one word in It* favor, *o well 1* It es- tablished as an unfailing remedy for Oouglit, Coldi, BroncMiit, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, disea- ses of tho Throat, Chest and Lung*, t* well aa that most dreaded of all disease*. Consumption, which high medical authority haa pronounced to be an incu- rable disease. Those who have need this remedy know Its valuo; those who have not, havo but to raako a single trial to be satisfied that of all others It Is the remedy. The Rev. Jacob Sochlor, well known and much respocted among tho Gorman population of this country, writes as follows: HAKOVBH, P A . , Fob. 10, 1889. Messrs. 8. W. FOWLI A SON, BOSTON : DIAB SIRS :—Having realized In my family import -• — qf your valuable prepai t WILD Cnwrnr—It affor ant benoflts from tho nse tlon—WISTAR'S BALSAM or .ra- brds me pleasure to recommend It to the public. Some (hi year* ago. one of my dm..' a docllno, and llttlo hopos of hor recovery were enter 11.11 ClIBHKV- lt to the pulil ughters seemed to bo in «. u m u w , M « ...wo u ^ v . v. hor recovery were enter- tained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of It there was a great Improvement In her health. I havo, In my individual case, made frequout uso of your ml liable medicine, and havo always boon boneflted by it. I would, however, caution the public against impo- sition, because there it a good deal qf tpurlout Wiaar's Kalsum of Wild Cherry afloat throughout the country. JACOB HECHLElt. Son* genuine unlett signed "I. BUTTS" on the wrapper. Prepared by 8ETH W. POWLE & SON, 18 Tromont St., Boston, and sold by Druggists generally. 86w» CtBAOE'8 0ELEBBATED SALVE, From Mr. JAMKS CUDLIN, Ameshury. Mass. "I was afflicted with a eovore felon on ono of my flngors, and tried many remedies without relief. My Mends induced me to apply your Salve. In two days It extracted the inflammation from my linger so as to enable mo to resume my work. I can almost say (list the Salve worked like magtc, for It effected a cure without leaving a scar. I unhesitatingly pronounce tlrac*'* Halve an excellent remedy, and do not doubt It will bo appreciated throughout the laud." ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. 8ETH W. FOWLE * SON, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by Apothecaries and Grocors generally. 804w 6.96 A. M, i each week, publishing tho morning or i of tho Sutida *lmenoopy, e Address,' HENRY B, OHILD, PUBLISHER, the Sunday preceding Send for a specimen copy, enclosing Iff cents. n89w4 fEH »,lv 0 Beekman Street, New York City. (B-1 p. PKlt DAY SURE—No money required In tDlu advahce. Agents wanted everywhere to soil our Patent Everlasting MetaUic Clothetl.intt. Address the American Wir* Co., 1«» Broadway, N. Y., or 18 Dcarburn-st., Chicago, III. n89w4 lit'tw «<fW»HLV«OE^«MT^ALnTf ^N* T THB LIFE O F . - A new and standard work by Hon. J. T. popular Historian, in one nandsome vol- Is wanted everywhere to soil this. Also, of Our Havy to the Rebellion: Grant and ~ their General* (English and Gorman), or standard works by the samo author; co ever oftbred men and women to make B. TREAT 4; CO., Publishers, 6M Broad ttJ&Wl WANTED, BOTH MALE AND FE To soil on Oominisslon our stock of Dry a ids, Sllvor-Platod Ware, Cutlery, &o. Indncement* oOhrod. circulars sent ee. "Address, JAM KS, RICH A KDS « CO.. No. 1 BROHAJrfS'RowTSoeton, Mas*. U89w4 Get the Best. 10,000 Word* and Meaning* not to other Metlonaries. A necessity to ev- ery iutelltgout fami- ly, student, and tea chor. WnatUbrary Is complote without the beat English Dictionary t I'll BUSH SU BY 0.40. MBRRIAM, Springfield. Mas(. Sold everywhere. " Superior, m meet respects, to any other English Dlctlonaryjnown to mo.' T ~ Son. 0*0. P.MarM»w4 , (IIIRHH. SB on C*Urrh, Its Causes and Effects on din, Head, "" Tlie Estey Organs, WITH THE CELEBRATED V O X H U M A N A TREMOLO Patented, and found only Jin our Organt. These Instruments aro eudoreod by tin) Highest Musical Authorities, and have rocelvod during the last twenty years Eighty-eight First Premiums. G. G. SAXB <fc ROBERTSON, n81m8 411 Broome street. Now York. 6.12 A, H, -Mull Train, (Sundays excoptod.) for Buf- falo and Dunkirk, ......... i n.;- at Eiinlra for CauaqpVitgua. 1.60 P. M,—Elmlra Accommodatlou, (Sundays excep- ted.) conuectlngat Klmlra for Harrlsburi!, Philadelphia and the South. . 4.24 P. M—Day Express, (Sundays excoptod,) for Kochester, Buffalo, and the West. Con- nect* at Owogo for Ithaca at Klmlra for Canandalgua; and at Dufndo with the l^.ki. Shore and Grand IMiuk Railways, for all pidnls West apd South. 8.82 P. M.- Express Mail, (Sundays Oxcoptcd,) for Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk, con- necting with trains for Iho Woet; also at Klmlra for Canandalgua. 12,27 V, M.—Emigrant Train. Dally, for tho Wost. 2.8B P. M,—Way Freight, (Sundays excoptod.) GOING EAST. 8*12 A. M.—Night Bxpress,Dally, connecting at Gray- court for Warwick; and at New Vork with afternoon trains and etoamers for Boston and Now England cities, .—Cincinnati Express, (Mondays excepted,) connecting at Great Bond for Ncranton, Philadelphia and Trenton; at lAckawax- eu for 1 inwley, and at Graycourt for New- burgh and Warwick. 1,80 P. K,—Day Express, (Sundays excepted.) con noctlng at Great Bond for Scranuni; at Lackawaxcn for Hawley; and at Jersey City with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Haiti- more and Washington. Also st Gray, court for Nowburgh and Warwick. 4,66 P. M—Accommodation Train, Dally 8.44 P . M.- New York and Baltimore Mail, (Sundays excepted.) 9.64 P, M.—-Lightning Express, (Sundsys excepted); connecting at Jersey City with morning oxnress train of New Jersey liallroad for Baltimore and Washington, and at New York with morning Boston and the East 8.46 A, M.—Way Freight, (Hundavs excepted.) II. RIDDLE. Urn'I Ami. WM. H. BARR, Qen'l Pnts.Aoenl. nl %W A new and complete -'P.ick. 'Time Table" o Passenger Trains on tlie Erie ltal .way and connect- ing lines has recently been published, and can I..- procured on application to the Ticket At;c.m at •ho Company's oflice. New York Central Hallway. SYRACUSE STATION. O N AND AFTER Monday. Nov.86.lne1, Passenger Trains will loavo Syracuse as follows: Apparatus for Plrjsical Training, BACON'S Patent Home Gymnasiuni. rjlHE ONLY 00MTLBTE PORTABLE GYMKA. aunt EVER ravEHTED. ntvixtjABLE TO TH08E OP SEDENTARY OO0UPATION8. NO HOME SHOULD BE WrTHOOT ONE. PUT UP IK ANY ROOM, AND REMOVED IN A MINUTE All complete Oymsslums that have been previous., constructed, have been loo cumbrous or too exiieu' slvo; and those of a ehoap aud simple character, been lacking In tho necessary seopo and variety, not being adapted to swinging or somersault exercise. Many attempts have been made to construct on.' which would overcome the** difficulties, aud this wo now claim to have accomplished In our 1'ATKNT Host OvMftASio*. It is based on thctfprlnclplSB dtvtsce sud taught by Ling, Sohrobcr, and Dlo Uwla, and I. a combination of those systems brought Into s small compass. While tho (Irst exerc!ses»r*slniplccn.iiii.|, for children, the last are such as only ran be sccoiii jdlshtid by the most olhlotlr. It Is believed that till. apparatus—being cheep, portable, and adapted to all - -will be the means through which Gymuasllcs will bocomo universal GOING WEST. . No. 1—1».86 A. M.—(Direct Road) stops at Port lly; ron and Palmyra. No. 5—0.85 A. M — (DirectRoad) stops at Port llyron, Lyons and Palmyra. No. 8—«.46 A. M.—(Auburn Uoad) stops at all na- tions. No. 7-7.80 A. M. (Din .1 Road) stops at all stations. No. 5—1.40 P. M.—(Auburn Itoad) stops at all stations. No. 10-8.06 P. M.-(Dlrcct Road) stops at Clyde, Ly- ons. Newark and Palmyra. No. 11—7.16 P. M.—(Direct Road) stops atall stations. No. 6—7.15 P. Mi^KDircct Rood) stops at Port Byron and Palmyra. No. 14—10.00 P. AT.- (Direct itoad) stops at nil stations No.lJ— 7.80 I'M. This apparatus Is supported by two strong' hook. In the celling, eighteen Inchet ajiart, and Kiewed lute tho Joist live Inches, leaving ouly tho tniaii hooks visible. It can also bo used In a yard, by th. erection of a framework, siu-h as 1s used for swinii. The straps am of tho strongest linen, bandsntniO, colored, and by an Ingenious device, the rings si..' stirrups can be tnidautly raised or lowered trt any .1. .•ii.-.l l..-i..'l.i A space six or eltjlil feet wide Is ami... for any of the exercises. Tho apparatus can al»i. .H convertod Into a trniwxe for the athlete, or a sw i..r for the Jnvonlle. Prico of tho complete Gymnasium, with four large sheets of Illustrations (100 ents), and the Handbook explaining how each is per- formed .... |li) m The 'UrapcEo adjustment, with thirty-two Illus- trations 8 ;t. The Swing adjustment l i Sent bv Express to any part of the United Stale or Canada, on receipt of price. Address, W. II. RIDWBLL, nJ8 6 Beekman St.. N. v CHANGEOT'FIRM! H AVING purchased the stock of Books, Ac .f GEO. W. AI'tiAIt, NO. 1 MESSENGER HALL BLOCK I purpose contliialug the trado, at W U O L B 8 A I. E AND RETAIL, At the same place, and .hall keep constantly on hat.:! a larj^c stock of th,' Ntandard AND SflUcellaneotia u «n-i.s. SCHOOL HOOKS & STATION KHY of hll l.lli.l- BLANK BOOKS WKAPPING PA- PER, &o., WRITING DUSKS, POHTPOLTC8. AI.BNM8. RUSTIC and CARVED FRAMES, of all slse. PINE CHROMOS. 8TKEL ENGRAVINGS, PHOTOGHAPITSand i LITHOGRAPHS, ' R o g o r s ' C4-ronps of Statuar^, KI*K PARIAN Marble Busts & Croupe, i ELEGANT TOILET SETS, In Bohemian Glas. .tint l'on .... > of arllsllc merit ru Road) stops at all stations No. 7—6.4fi A. M.—(Auburn Itoad) runs Sunday mor- nings to ItochcHtcr. Nos. 1, and ft, Direct Road, and 7, Anbnrn Road, nro the only trains going West on Sund. Nos. 8 and 0 are the only trains going East on Sun- gotug East, and 1 going West, will not be run day mornings. WM. G. LAP1IAM. Division Supt. JMTTSIO BOXES, SEVENTY-TWO im S8J .llllltlll Tliey arc pleasant comiianlons for the Invalid, woll aa fine ornaments for the parlor. Having glvon ILAYING FROM ONE TO TONES, and costing from *8 variety of the newest accom|>auiinents X TONES, and costing from »8.00 to $3,000; ovcry >tj - ' 10) af sni eh . ig w our special at lent Ion to that branch of trade for the last eighteen years, wo are able to supply any want hotter and oulckor than any othor houso In tho coun- try. M. I. PAILLARD & CO., Importers, nHli.iil 91 Maiden I-ane (up stairs). New York. I s O Y E A N D MAFRIMOIVY All may Marry JlappUy, irrospectlvo of wealth, age or beauty ; and tho lovo of tho opposite sex can be gained by following simple rules, sent with other Important Information on rocolnt of 10 cents. Address, SARAH B. LAMBERT, Greenpolnt, Kings Co., Now York. n88m8spocn WE CAM WBWXWA, Sett Cheaper than] jRi«v at OMUK BARGAINS! Less than any old or new Stock cott. Please call and Ex- amine. :> I HlaT**M*,lt*Wai«,le«. A jMSajft Prevented,—All thoso who havo been paying th* Sigh price* naked by retailer* for DRY GOODS, M|y now get everything at the lowost auc- tion price, Just M oheap by th* yard as If purchased hythecase. AD order* of $15 or more sent to be paid for on delivery. Catalogue of Good* Mid Sample* •outfreo to»ny ordor. P.O.box6910. 8YMONDS. A CO., No. 1«9 Chambers St., N. Y. n86w8 NEW! MEDICAL BOOK. On Disease* of Imprndenoe, Error* of Youth, and TheCrteat Bemedy, MADAME ZADOO PORTER'S ' Curative Cough Balsam. Pwcn f, SOAW) 7B Ow. mBenu. The Beit, Oheapttt, andmost effectual lltmcdy for Cough*, Ootdt, etc., th* WoHd hat ernrpro- duett). Purely Vegetable, contain* m> Mineral* or other Ikkteriout Drugs. The CtftUrrrn BALSAM is w*n«nl»d. U iu*A l ^* d !^P^^C«A. n Jn4?ita [ tho ftrort wdTniif*. i Pownw'* BAUAM I* a purely PABLK EXPKOTORANT, great caro andsclontiac skill, from a r the bed remedies the vegotablo klng- VEQ1 , dualities are basod on It* power to a»- 1 clrciiUtion of tho Blood i and vlgorou* circulation < muscle* and assists the skill to per- tho hoet of the system, waste substance from ^ - It* EMOIXOWT; M HBARC1HNO and | ,#r£<v.t,^B> x ' h'* 'jfitfflh*. fMS BsTJrtBOTlVJi; CM hSJMteshT MM «M*t f**» «r youngest CoH, V ever so slight, do aot fall to a trial, aa the very low prico at which It wltSto the reach of every one, that to be time* 1U ooat. Sold by all Drug- Proprietor*, 68 Barctay-et.. New York. PHILIP PHILLIPS & CO., N O. 87 UNION-SQUARE, BROADWAY, N. Y. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In SMITH'S UNRIVALED AMERICAN ORGANS. Also, Manufacturers of SUPERIOR PIANOS aud Publishers ol 8UNDAY-8CIIOOL MUSIC. Send for Circular. n88m8 m H E PAPER FOR THE MILLION I The American Farmer, The Practical Jihrmer'i Own Piiper, T h e C h e a p e s t a n d t h e Best AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL JOUR NAL In America. B*Auriruu.T iLLUsTBATsn with Numerous Engravings of Farm Buildings, Animals, Prult* and Flowere. Only One Dollar a Year! Agents wanted Everywhere. For Club Price List of valuable Prises, open to all, &c., address JOHN TURNER, Publisher and Proprietor, Rochester N. Y. n»8m4 ESTABLISHED, I8S2. 8TOMRT NEW S0ALK, OVEBBTRUICr, PULL IKON FRAME PIANO FORTES. 8T0DART a MORRIS, Maunfaoturors of Grand, fiqaare and Uprignt Piano Fortes, O UR NEW SCALE PIANO FORTES, IN ADDI- tlon to their peculiar merit*, contain evory real- ly valuable modem Improvement, rendering them the moat complete and perfect Instrument ever offered to the publlo, and for POIIITV or TOMB. DBMOAOT or TOIKIII, DuRABiurr, and also standing the teet of severe climates, the New Scale STODABT PIANO FOKTK •land* unrivaled. The Piano* of Ibis manufacture have nood the test of more than a quarter of a cen- tury, and the manufacturers are at liberty to refer to over TweAty-nve thousand families who have bad them In use, In nearly every part of the clvlllxed world. AD letter* will be promptly answered by naimS 684 Broadway New York. day. No. 0 on Men nl GOING EAST. No. 4—1110 A. M.- Stops at Oneida. Rome. Utlca, Little Falls, St. Johnsrlllc, Fonda ami Schenectady. No. 0--J.16 A. M.—Stops at Romo. VIICA, Little Falls. St. Johnsvllle, Fort Plain, Palatine I wtock of Bridge, Fonda, Amsterdam and K.-l.e- nectady. Connects, via Athens with Day Boat for New York. No. 14 -7.15 A. M.—Stops at all stations. No. 16—11.10 A. M.--Stop» at Ohittenango, Rome, I'll- ca, Little Falls, St Johnsvllle. Fonda and Schonoctady No. 18-1.85 I'. M.--Stops at Rome, Utlca. Little Falls, St. Johnsvllle, Palatine Bridge, Amster dAinandSchenecta,lv. Arrive at Mlmnv P. M No. 20—4.00 P. M. Stops at all stations as fur east as Palatine Bridge. No. 80—8.10 P. M.- Stops si Cansastnta, Rome. I'tirn, Little Full.'. St. Johnsvllle. and N.-heiie. Due In New Vork at ".00 A. M. Also, a complete assortment of Fancy «T»«>O<1K, Artists' .tlntcriali*, Newspapers, Magazines, &c, 1 am now oponliip and offering for nalr tu iinincii*c ! stock of Wall and Window Paper, Shades and Fixtures, Of new and beautiful jwlioruB, which I will mil Ion pi-ire* for catth I would rctj|K)<;tfliMy fc*k n w fui examination of my Block urn. price* in l h ^ ill pertinent, by thurte dorlruiia of purrbnniiig, In f. > jfo'np el»ewhcro. I would alno call the fttu-ntion of Teachers, MII# ciftii?*, and all hninnted in nniufc. to the Iftryo m.. MARVIN & OCX'S j^LUM AND DRY PLASTER Fire and Burglar SAFES! Ate now considered tuo Best In the World! %W Send for Illustrated C'ataloguo. Praicipal WarehoMe*. }«. CHMTHOT fet, Phlla, DMml DEVEBEADX, THOMPSON & 00., 83 Cedar Street, N . T . A. F. DKVEEEAUX & CO., 0 Central Street, Itoatmi, t30I.K MANDFACTUUKltS OK T B S RTJBDIGK STEAM ENGINE Tha mo*t Oomtstet, tho Simplest, and th* Cheapest ID The liated Powor and! Beat Workmanship (Juaran- teed. CircHlar* and Price List on application. 86m6 TEE YOUNG LADY'S FBIEND, Specimen Copy 10 cent*. ! *»•':'< THE LADIES' HOME MAGAZINE Bpeclmon Copy Ift oonU. Tbtteare fcToHte monthly PeriodlotiU. Beftntlfttl promlunm offered to getter* up of clnli tUU. Send for Specimens to W. T. HOKNKK, Buflhlo, N. Y. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored J UST lnJBLISHKD, a new edition of Dr. CULV KH- WKLL'8 CULRHKATRI) KS8AY on the radical cur* (without modtclno) of BPBRKATOSBIKXA, or Sem- inal WoaknoHB, Involuntary Seminal LOBHCH, IMI-O- TBNOT. Mental and Physical Incapacity, ImpedlmcntB to Marrlago, etc.; alno, QOHBUMPTIOH, Krti.Ki-hv. and FITS Inducud by Molf-lndulgencc or sexual extrava- gance. Ck?" Price, In a sealed envelope, only fi cents. The colebratod author, lu thin admirable essay. cloarlv demonstratCB from a Uilrly years' successful practice, that tho alarming consequences of self- abate may bo radically cured without the dangerous use of Intonial medicine or tho application of tho knife ; pointing out a IM«M1. of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, hy means of which every suffer- er, no matter what his condition may he, may cure htmself, cheaply, privately and radiaaup. p0~ This Leeturo should be lit the hands ot every youth aud man In the land. Sent, under seal, In a plain onvelopc, to any address, jHMtpaiit, on receipt of six cents, or two poHt stamps. Also, Dr. t'ulvei welly "Marrlvge Outdo," price v.'i conU. Address the Publlshors, 0HA8. J.C. KMNKACO., «ft-ly 197 Bowory, Now York. Poet Office, Ik>x 4,686. WHITE'S TYPE FOUNDRY I I^STABUSIIKD 1810 63 A OB Beekman Stroot, New York. This old-established concern has constantly on hand and is prepared to nil, at short notice, orders"for BOOK, NBWSPAPKU, AND FANCY TYPR, every varloty, BCKIPTB, BORDERS, CUTS, BRASS AND METAL HI U.K. LABOR- SAVING RULB8, PMNTKItS' FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Hand and Power Presses, JOB PRB88E8, of ovcry description. ENGRAVING, STEREOTYPING AND ELEOTROTYl'INO. Newspapers and Job Offices furnlshod complote. Estimates of the cost of Offices of various sines furnished on application. PARMER, LITTLE * CO . n4 Proprietors. The material of this paper is from this Foundry. AGrENTS WANTED FOR " Woman's Work in the Civil War," P REPARED under th* sanction and approval of the SANITARY AND CHRISTIAN COMMIS- SIONS, THE BEST, THE HANDSOMEST, THE BEST ILLUSTRATED, THE CllKAPKHT, Til K MOST INTERESTING, And Vu meet rapidtelling Book publUhed In Jive year* 800 PA0F.R, 16 BT>!BI. KNORAVINOH. AllKNTS ABB MOWMAKINII V1IOM * 1 0 0 TO ( 8 0 0 1-f.n •OMTB HKM.INO THIS BOOK. Experienced AeenU, Te*cliers, Ladle*. Clergymou, and others, send for Clrculara ulvlni; further Informa- tion, j - Address, ZBI0L8R, MotJtlltDY * CO., uSOml 814 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. TAILORING! TN ALL ITS BRANCHES, executed In the best J. styloandinasntlBfRctiiryimiJiiicr, br JOHN MORR.S, in the OAKKlHON BLOCK, AMoimm o. w. counts' qsoo*sr MOMS, OORTLANB, N. t , nl Musical Instruments of nearly all kinds. SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC HOOKS SINGING HOOK And General MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, whirl, sin now n-.-ch Ing from the lmporU'rs. MAtiitfai i m and l'tiblMnTi., nud shall keep In stock. Anything In tin lino of Music, funiisliod in Hi. Ii prices, wlfli usual discount to Tenetisrs, imh-i- u mall pruinpUy tllli-d. 1 lmve .ilso Just opened a LAHGK AND VALUABLE (XJLI.KC'TION ()!' ORIE\TAL SEA SHELLS Which I have linjKirted this place and vicinity, tunlty nover before offered In xjiressly for thq.|K«>pl< tsirt try, of obtaining these rare GEMS OF OLD ot I .O ey in this iiart of th. I cordially Invite all to ftime and sec this rare tlon. tST" Caulogues Hirnlslinil ; Books, Magazines, Music, llOrS'I) IN ALL 8TYLM8. &C Cortland Jan. IB. 1H0«. A MAI1AN INSURANCE The Old victim. OF HARTFORD, CONN., A SSETSAT MARKET VALUE OVER F0UE MILLION DOLLARS The Phoenix, OP HARTFORD, CONN, Assets, OVER ONE MILLION DOLLAR The ZVovth American, OP HARTT0RD, CONN, Assets, FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS! These Companies Insure aeaiost Plre. wheUier Irom li.-liiniii.-, or othor cau«i, and Uio Insured, in case of loss, may rely upon honor- able ttoatmontin sotlllnK claims, and prompt payment. JSP" POLICIES ISSUED FORTHWITH, On application to tho nndenUjned, at Cortland, HVY. Having acted as Agent for the /Etna and Phoenix, for ten years and upward*. I knowi them to be rellabl* aud honorable in their bualueas. " PUT NOT OFF TILL THE, MORROW, WHAT 81IOULD BE DONH TO-»AY L" CHAKXES FOBTER, . ' •« Agent ViT 0IT10K OVER RAWBAU BAKK. ' "» jiztMMM* '. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 21/Cortland NY... · steel rails, not less in weight than for ty-five pounds to the lineal yard ; but suoh branch railroad shall not exceed

•i '

iVOX. 1.

Lav*<rf Jfew York-By Atttfcwlty. i

[Every law, wile** a different time shall be liit'jji'ribcd,therein, Hljau ' omiuenco and take effock throughout the otnte oq and not before the twentieth 4 * / 8^er Uio.dat of.ll» flnal passage, a* certified by the Secretary of Btate. Sec. 18, title 4, chap. 7, part 1, Revis­ed Statutes.] ; j k «- j , » * W CHAP. 61. - ^

A N ACT to faoiuute the construction of the New York and Oavrego Mid­land JBailroad, and to amenc, the several act a in relatrorr thereto.

Patted ^faroh M, 1,(^8 ;t tbr«e-filths Denig present.

The People, of the State of New Fork, represented in Senate and As­sembly, do enqof/u fhttows: | .

SECTION 1. In every case where con­sents IK. writing shall have been ob­tained of the majority of the taxpay­ers • appearing upon the assessment roll or any town or oity or for either of the year* eighteen hundred and eix-ty-flve or eighteen hundred and ai*ty-slJt, to the borrowing of money on the

• faith and oredit of saoh town or oity, and to the issuing of bonds therefor to aid'in the construction of the New York* and Oswego Midland Railroad, in pursuance of the several acts of the legislature heretofore passed, and where suoh taxpayers, so appear­ing upon such assessment roll, and who have signed or executed suoh consent, shall own pf rtjpwsehtt as ag«nt, i n c ­ident or otherwise, including owners of non-reBide»t land*, more than one-half of the taxible property of such town or city HO assessed a r t appear­ing upon siiob assessment roll, such consents, if obtained for either of the years eighteen hundred, (and sixty-five or eighteen hundred'and sixty-vix', shall be valid and effectual fo,r all pur­poses for"which' they are authorized to tic given, and shall not be invalidated, avoided or in any manner affected by re;won .of tins fact that the consents so obtained from the tax payers ofany town or oity aro in part based upon the assessment roll of eighteen hun­dred and s'uU-tivo and in patt upon the^assesamdnV roll of *lghtcrjn hun­dred and sixry-six, or for any other er-ror,«'i*r*tfulartty, ommisslou 4* defect provided a majority of the taxpayers ol any suoh town or city owning or representing, as agent, president or otherwise, a Majority o'fitho taxible property of such town or oity asses­sed to them and appearing on the as­sessment roll of such town or city for eiltw* of the years eighteen hfwdrcd and sixty-five or eighteen hundred and sixty-six shall have actually signed or executed such consent. ? ' , ' ' / /

§ 2. No consent of tax payers of any town or city, given pr;obUyied:undar or by virtue of the several acts pass­ed to facilitate the construction of the New. York aud Oswego Midl»nd Rail­road, whether in writing or by ballot, nor the bonds issued or to be issued upon the faith of said consent, shall bo invalidated or held void, Or in any manner affected by reason of any for­mal, clerical or other defect, irregular­ity or omission, In the proofs or ac­knowledgement of such consents, or in the- making or entry in the minutes, of any determination, or in'the affida­vits required to be made by any acces­sor, town or county dork or other person or body, or in any filing or re­cording in any towli or connty clerk's qlfioe} provided that a.majority of tho tax payers of any suoh town or city, owning or representing as agent, pres­ident or otherwise, a majority or the taxible property of said town or oity assessed to them and appearing upon tho assessment roll of such town or oity, for cither of the years eigh­teen' hundred and sixty-five or eigh­teen hundred aud sixty-six, shall have actually executed or signod such con­sent^ or in the, city of Oswego, when tw6»third» of the voters voting at the election oaltcd for that purpose, shall have actually voted for the railroad stock in the manner required by law.

g 8. Tho New York and Oswego Midland Railroad Company shall have three years in addtiontotho time they already have for complying with the provisions of section two of tho act entitled " An act to facilitate tho con-

, struction of the New York and Oswe­go Midland Railroad, and t.o authorize tows to subscribe to the capital stock thereof," and to obtain the consents in writing, of tho tax payers, for which authority is therein given.

§ 4. The board of directors of the New York and Oswego Midland Rail­road Company are heroby authorized to oonstruot a branch railroad from the line of said road, at any point in tho town of Guilford, eount>y of Che­nango, to .the village of Now Berlin, in said ppimty, or 4 o the .village* of llridgowateror CasBville, mthb coun­ty ot Oneida, whenever in the judge­ment of tho directors of tho same it shall bo for the interest of saidrcorpo­ration ; and they may, in like manner construct a branch railroad* fronj tho village of Moatioello, in Sullivan county, to any point ot their said road in said county ; and the. towus aiid cities along the line of, or interested in said branch roads, shall have the samo powers aud authority to issue their bonds and subscribe for the stock to aid In the construction thereof, as they now have to aid in the construc­tion of tho New York' and Oswego Midland Railroad provided that the work be commenced within five years.

§ 5. The New York and Oswego Midland Railroad Company, may lay down and use in the construction of any braneh railroad which its direct­ors are authorised to build,*iron or steel rails, not less in weight than for­ty-five pounds to the lineal yard ; but suoh branch railroad shall not exceed twenty miles in length.

8 6. All subscriptions hereafter ' made to the stock of the New York and Oswego Railroad Company, shall bo valid anci binding upon the subscri­bers, and paid from time to time upon the ©all of the directors pf the compa­ny, as the same, in their judgment, shall bo required tor the purposes' of the company, ami it shall not be re­quired of such subscribers to pay the ten per cent at the time of subscribing to suoh stock.

§ 7. The board of directors of said New York and Oswogo Midland Rail­road Company shall hereafter consist of thirteen directors, and the same shall be chosen by the stockholders, at the time and in the manner now re­quired bv law for choosing directors.

§ 8i AH calls for money or bonds " payable by the comraississioners of

cities and towns or individual subscri­bers to the oapiial stock of the New York and Oswego Midland Railroad Company, shall bo made by the board of directors of said company equally and in ratable amounts, upon said cit­ies and towns and individual subscri­bers, and in instalments, as the same, In the opinion of*said board of direct­ors, shall bo required from time to time l" '•r ,4WB e 0 H"0P o f the work in oou-sttWolfcg said road, and as the work shall piogfiBS*,? bob no bonds shall be issued to the directors of said coin-

under the provisions of ohapter tbreo hundred and ninety-eight or the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, end ohapter nine hundred and seven­teen of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, until such calls are made ana then only to tho amount of such calls. All monies received by the commissioners of any city or town from the sale of bonds issued by them and not called for by the board of di­rectors of the New York and Oswego Midland Railroad company, as here­in provided, for, shall be deposited by said commissioners either in the New York Life Insurance and Trust Com­pany or the I fninn Trust Company of New York, or both, <m interest at not less than five per centum per annum, to remain on deposit until required by said commissioners to meet the calls of the laid board of directors When made. The interest on said deposits of moneyjtiiall be collected by the commissioners of said oities or towns respectively, and by them applied tow­ard^ the payment of the interest there­after first falling due on the bonds of said cities\or towns, issued in aid of the New York and Oswogo Midland Railroad Company. The bonds'issu­ed, by the commissioners of she city of Oswego, and the towns of the coun­ty of Oswego, or the avails thereof, shall be expended and used bv the board of directors of .the New York anil Oswego Midland Railroad Com­pany, so as to' complete and ensure a continuous line of road from the oity of Oswego, so far as the said bonds or the avails thereof will construct the s/jme, and the bonds issued _by the commissioners of the town of VValkill, Orange county, and the several towns in Sullivan countyj or the avails there­of, shall in like manner be expended and used, so as. to complete and, ensure a continuous line of road frfsV the vil­lage of MifldUtowq, Orftnge jaunty, in a northerly direction, on or near the route adopted by said board, aa far as said bonds or the avails thereof will oonstruot the same. >".< ••. '

g 0 . Section five of chapter nine hundred and seventeen pf the? laws of

branch railroad, from, some. point, }ri the town of Guilford, to t h r village of New Berlin, BrTdgewater or Cass-ville, herein provided for; but of tho avails of said bonds, at least ten thous­and dollars a «»ilo shall be expended on saitl braiioh road in'the bounty ad-

A Japanese Bel le . Evory Japanese girl, of no matter

what class in society, appears inspired with an innate love of coquetry. The daughter of the humblest trades­man loves to pass whole days in shopping, and takes 'the greatest delight in preparing, long before it is needed, the dress, she intends to display for the first time at the next fete. The day arrived, the happy girl rises early in the morning, and while her fresh new dress, lies in some cor­ner of tho room, impatiently submits to the dilatory labors of her hair-dres­ser, in whose profession there are some artists so celebrated that they devote whole hours to the study and toil re­quisite for the composition of some graceful or fashioijable style, where the hair, carefully dressed, with the brush and pomade, half hides a piece of orape eoquetishly chosen and fasten­ed by heavy pins of tortoise shell or coral. The chignon, it must be con­fessed, is not altogether of nature's growth, and if, after tho hair> we ex­amine the face, we shall see that Mad­ame Raohel herself could not teaoh the Japanese much in the art of ma-•dhg^ \»F ®& * b e dressing tables stands a perfect collection of little boxes just drawn from some hiding place, are whites for the neck, tho arms, the bust; reds for the mouth and the cheeks; black for the eyes, sometimes, gold tor the lips; and yet with tbese aids from art, age is unable to conceal its, decrcptitude, while strangely enoagh-the children are the most laden with paint. Putting aside tins coquetry, universal in spite of its bad taste, the dress is very simple

( O R T L A M k S T A N D A R D

JOB FEINTING • •, l i s .fv- "

i O F F I O S M

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N E W P R K S S E S l

N E W T Y P E !


ALL W O B K B X K O U T M > W * • »

H e s t a r t y l o o f t h e A r t ,

Aj*T» A T # !v-'!-

• -


AS SXSXWHBBS IN • . ; . - ; ; ; • ' ! . ' • • . • ; * . . ' . ; •

I d v e r t l H e m o i i t s .


CHAP, 108. AN ACT to repeal ohapter five hun-• died and .forty seven of tho laws of

eighteen hundred and sixty»siic,»n-titled " A n act to amend ohapter sixty-two of the -laws of eighteen hundred and forty-six, . sad Other acts additional to the same," pas­sed April thirteen, eighteen hundred and sixty six, and to amend section two of chapter three hundred and ninety-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-nine entitled " An aot to prevent fraud on the re­turns to the Comptroller of sales at auotton," passed April eleventh, eighteen hundred and forty-nine. Passed April 2, 1868; three fifths being

p r e s e n t . ' *

The !h>i>l,: <(f tie State of Nets. York reprc-tented in Senate and AsvnMy, do enact at fol­low* ;

SKCTIH* 1. Chapter five hundred and forty-seven of the laws of eigh­teen hundred and sixty-six, entitled " An act to amend ohapter slxtv-two of tho laws of eigteen hundred and forty-six, and other aots additional to the same," is hereby repealed.

§ 2. Section twA of ohapter three hundred and ninety-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-nine, entitled, " An act to prevent fraud in tho returns made to tne comptroller of sales at auction," passed April elev­enth, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, is hereby amended so as to read as fol­lows:

§ 2. Tho comptroller is hereby au­thorized to employ such agent or agents as he may aeem necessary to carry this act into effect, and to pay to said agent or agents such compen­sation as shall bo reasonable. The agent or agents to employed shall have tnll power to administer an oath to each auctioneer, and to require suoh information as may be necessary to ascertain the true amount of goods sold at auction by such auctioneer. Any suoh agent is horeby authorized to take and approve the bond requir­ed by law to be given by any auction­eer, and is required to transmit any bond taken and approved by him to the comptroller within ton days there­after, and to flld a copy thereof in the office of such agent. The fees of such agent for taking and approving sjtoh bond shall be five dollars' j for appro­val of"the returns to be made of salos, three dollars ; and for filing a copy of such bond, fifty cents. '

§ 3. This aot shall take effect imme­diately.


I have compared the preceding with tin: original law on file In this office,' and do hereby certify that tho same is a correct transcript thorefrom and of the whole of sulci. original law. HownvA. NrtisoN,

'Beoretary of State.

^ - r George Francis Train said, some

years ago, that he attempted to write books, and people called him a fool; that he took a prominent part in poli­tics, and they returned the same ver­dict ; that he undertook to uphold the Amenoan nation abroad, and he was still accused of folly. " I then turned my attention," he added, " to making money ; I made it, and since no one has called mo a fool." Last autumn Mr. Train attended the Jock­ey Club race's at the Jerome Park, and betted very freely, but always, as it happened, on the losing horse. The last day having wagered large odds on the favorite, he again lost, and, su­premely disgusted, he took out his pooket book while on the members' stand, and oried out : " 1*11 bet five to one I am tho biggest fool in'the city Or county of New York." Alter re­peating the challenge several times, a man standing on the coin-so iminedi-atolv below looked up, and, with-bis portemonuaie in his band, said; " Hal­loo, stranger, I'll take that bet, provi­ded your name isn't George Frauds Train."

It is said that sham dimonds are now made to deoieye even experienced jewelers, who trust to the eye alone. The ©ply means of detecting the spu-rious gem is by weighing it and as-

pany by the oonfmissioncrs appointed oortaining its temperature.

and invariably well chosen. A silk robe generally of a dark hue, covers a chemise en crepe made of small patch­es of every color, a perfect harlequin's mantle, where bright green is placed beside a lively red. In winter the costume is completed by a short man­tle doubled and thiokonod according to the season. The dress is long, with­out shape, and open from top to bot­tom ; the upper part is confined by a belt broad enough to cover the breast and the) lowor part of the form, and terminating behind in an enormous knot; to tie which with more or less elegance demands a oaroful examina­tion and many rot ouches. The slee vos hang like large pockets. To the belt are fastened a pipe in a velvet case and a pooket book containing two chopsticks of silver, if it is intended to do honor to the host who may offer re­freshments. In one corner of the pook­et book sparkles a little mirror, an Eu­ropean innovation, for Our civilization has made this slight breach in Japan­ese, manners. During the greater por­tion of the year the feet are bare; in winter they are clad in white cotton and rest upon sandals of varnished wood, kept by woolen supporters high enough above the ground to escape tho mud and tho damp. The sandal is ornamented with braids of straw, or sometimes of.velvet, and held to the foot by a strip of cloth passed between tho toes.- Occasionally it is re-covered with leather or paper, but is never hon­ored by being worn in the house.

One Thing Certain. Death is the theme of universal inte­

rest. The lightest heart, the least thoughtful mind, has no disbelief of death. The distance of the dark oloud in which ho comes sailing through tho bosom of ftiturity, may bo miscalculated; but the world un­hesitatingly owns that he is coming, and will at last be bore, lu almost ev­ery particular of existence the fortunes ot men differ; but to die is common to al l the stream of life runs in a thou­sand various channels; but run where it will—brightly or darkly, smoothly or languidly- -it is stopped by death. The trees drop their leaves at the ap­proach of winter's frost; man falls at the presence of death. Every succes­sive generation ho claims for his own, and his claim is never denied. To die is the condition on which we hold life; rebellion sickens with hopelessness at the thought of resisting death; the very hope of the most desperate is not that death' may be escaped but that he is eternal; and all that the young, the careless, and tho dissipated at­tempt, is to think ot him as seldom as they can. No man, therefore, will de­ny that whatever can be said of death is applicable to himself. The bell that he hears tolled may never toll for him; there may be'no friend or children left to lament him; he may not have to lie through long and anxious days, looking for the coming of the expect­ed terror; but he knows that he must die; ho knows that in whatever quar­ter of the world he abides - whatever be his oircumstanoes-^-however strong his present hold of life—-however unlike the prey of death he looks—that it is his doom to die.


want to keep poor, buy two glasses of ale every day. at five cents each, amounting in one year to #30,60; smoke three cigars one after each meal, counting up in tho course of a year to $54,75; keep a big dog, which will con-sumo in a year at least 116 worth of provisions; altogether this amounts to the snug sum of $120,25;—sufficient to buy three barrels of flour, two tons of coal, a barrel of sugar and a sack of Coffee, a good coat, a respectable dress, besides a frock for the baby, and half a dozon pairs of shoes—or less. Just think of it 1


New England Judge bad before hi JI a ease of a pauper named Heoox. Turning to one of the Associate Judges be said, " Heoox, Hecox, Rn-el Hecox—why, ho used to be a client of mine," " 1 dare say," replied bis colleague, in a tone audible to the bat. and audience, " that aocounts for his being a pauper now I"





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Sanding at a Club in Onlr (Ireat

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vitt rtadlly notice our lVettntt for SO In are two more, than couaiJn rulut to 00 and 100 rttpecttvttjr of other finm.

Special Notice*. *

S o n g - o f I r o n . I am mlulity In tbo Mber, j

Flowely wlrMi'd by tke bra»o, Oloiloiis hi the stalwart utoamor. Olorl

Lni inghlng at the atorni and wayo.

Uoailtoona In tho palate pillar*, Saving In the pointed roil,

! • A* it briii;;.) the deadly lightning Qnollcd and barmloae to tho sod.

But there la a glorious eesenoe. Where I Uko my grandest powor,

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. '•r.tiP'V'irt ijo. »s.)- °»«°i r»'i«w-I n g u U e B f , v w i Delaine dress pattern; fancr colored b e d s p r a J P ; 100 v iew Turkey morocco a l lmm; 90

b quilt j a*I in s tuds ; all wool "fancy caslo'ncro

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b quilt; all wool square shawl ; set in s tuds; all wool fancy cashmci

t pnttern; g e n u ' hair guard chain, vol llvor plated chased but terd i sh; eftvi s rovolvlng castor, on feet ; set superb.. knives and forks i w o n t e d promenade s' long gold plated chain; ladles' double mts' heavy chasod solid gold r ing; solid work box or writing doSk; e x A quail-skirt : s e t Jewelry, sleeve buttons to a and b o w ; gents ' cardigan Jacket; 17 D Bute, ivory tr lmmlnga' superior

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rculars sent free, t. P. 1)1 N 8MOHK, Proprietor, 86 Oey Stroot, New

York. Sold by all Druggists. n80w4

sure remedy for Liver Complaint in all its forms, Hu­mor* of the Blood and Skin. Scrofula. Dyspepsia. Cos-tlveness, Indigestion, Jaundic e, Hiladachc and llillons Diseases, General Debility, Ac, They cleauso the system, regulate the bowels , restore tho appotlte, pu-rlfy the blood, strengthen the body, and thoroughly

Brepsro It to resist dlseasos. of all kluds. UKo. O. GODWIN & CO., Boston. Bold by all Druggists. D W V H


On and after Monday, May eth, 1867, trains will run as follows, ,(8undays excepted):


8.80 A. M.—Connecting at Blnghamton with Express Train on the Krlo Red aud Dunkirk. >- ,

6.16 P. M.—Connecting at Dinghamtou with an Ex-is Train on tho Krlo K<'

llway, for Now Vork

an Kx-. Kast,

fi press Train on tho Krle Railway _ with Sleeiiliig Cars attached, arriving in N e w York at 7.10 noxt morning.


6.i5 A. M.—Oonnoctlng with the Express Trams on N e w York Central Railway, Kast and Wost,

4.80 P. M.—On arrival of Kxpross Trains from New York and Dunkirk, and Way Train from Klinlrs, and connecting with Kxpross Trains on N e w York Central Hnltway, Kast and West.

T N PIJB8UANCK of an order Of A. P. Smith ftu, J rogate of the county of Cortland, notice is hViX, given in all periuns haying cUlms against the MfsJ or Isaac llhfe of Kreotown, deceaeeo, thai t h e y . ! required tooxl i ibl l Uio samo, with tho vouchor, the,,' o f to tho subscriber, tho executor of tho said deceo. cd, at his houso ln Frcotown, on or before the dr.i flay of August, 1808. Dated Januarys?, vm.

S0m6 ' Bxocntqj: of tho esUto of Isaac tlhlo, dee'd

xl, that the, . . . _ „ . — with tho voucher. Tiber, John Ousby, tho OJCCIMI.I

of Hi.- said deceased, at Tully, Now York, on or be tore tho S6th day or July, 1S6K. Dated January j« , l i*" - " " m i l l ! m w i u i ' '°'

are roqulrod to exhibit the same thereof, to tho subsc

1868. DKIIRAHIHNDri " B Y , J 0 1 I N O U 8 B V ,

Adininlslralrlx and Administrator of John Hind. d t ceasod. , l 8om„

Through tickets to Now York, Philadelphia, Balti­moro, Klmlra, Corning, Sx„ can be procured at tho office of Wm. C. Braylon, north side of tho Now York in * - •

.;;, Ac., can bo procured at tho . Vton, north side or tho Now York

Jentral Railway Depot, aud at tho Tlckot Office, cor­ner of Onondaga and Clinton streets,

n l GEO. 1IAYKN Superintendent.

Erie Rai lway .

ON A N D AFTER Monday, Nov. » t h . 1807, trains will losvo Blnghamton at aliout the following

hours, vlai * GOING WEST.

3 ,30 A, BL—Night Express, (Mondays excepted.) for Itoehostcr, Kunhtn, Salamanca mid Dun­kirk, making direct connection with trains of tho Atlantic and Groat Western, J.iike Shoro and Grand Trunk ltallwavs, for all pollita W e s t ; also st Owego for Ithaca, and at Klmlra for Cansndalgua.

4.03 A. M,—Night Kxproas, Daily, for Rochester. Buf-falo, Salamanca Dunkirk and the West.

"THK 0RKAT WH-W0RM troablosome and dangerous pest*,

iY.»—Those onns , or any

other worms, are wifely aiid Ihqroiighly expelled f,on

to i 'uroly vog.

GEO. C. GOODWIN A CO., Boston, and all

y and thoroughly expelled from the system by tho use of DR. G O U l l / 8 PlN-WORM

idury t o t t It. Purel]

lyst , . - . SYRUP, without Injury to tho health of the most del. icato child or adult. Purely vegetable. Warranted to cure. GEO. C. GOODWIN A CO., Ik Druggists. idMwM

Ingcasi box aud

blanket* gravi

•liver pl»ted, engraved, s i x .bottle rovolv-

p i n ; T ' Ito w

,.w ...»,>,,,,, mi,, ,4.|'u, n.. ,«t plated, Itohor, with salvor; sovon add one-half

with cut glass bott les; splendid viol —, complote; »lhr'" • - • • • - '

e l revo ) f n n

barrel shot-gun; lla-supertor wblto wool

•liver plated, on­

e s

lilote; »lnglo b* s v o h e r i p M r su inuir ttlul capo; . w i t h « i v e r ; i . .

)1 fancy casrlmore, for su i t ; one dozen silver plated fork*; common *ense sew-

broIderlnK machino; two heavy honey-; splondld family Bible, record and plio-

For Isirgor Clubs tho value Inorons-slntrrB same ratio.*

ing and c o m b u i tograph

Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any address free. Send money by registered letter.

Address all order* to

MJM, HAWES & 00,. 16 Federal St., Boston, Mats .

P. O. BoxO. In Dry and

'are, Albums, Leather Good', Ac., Ae.89w« Wholei


Tht© Church Union. ' T h e f reest Organ of Thought In

the Wor ld ." ;

1 M O W .

S P R I N G S A - I ^ E X



D. M'Carthy, Keene A Co.

4», 51 and «a,



Who have opened with renewed effort aud success,


C r R E A T K A K t t / M l V * !

U N K Q U A L L J b ,

V N M A T C U E D ,


qUALRBY A?»ID S T t U t , :

. . . . A > D . . . .

L o w e r In P r i c e Than can be found la any other establishment In the

City or State.

We always have Speoial Bargains 1 Conlluod exclusively to ourselves, and payer* WtU Bud It to tholr Interest to call and see them.

" W e I V e v e r I Uiy T r f t * *

Always keeping


OUR STOCK THJS SPI IKG b Urgor than ever, comprising almost every article In

D » T G O O D S ^ ^ U R K S H GOODS,

W H I T M G O O D S , W O O L E N G O O D S , L I N E N GOODS,

K i l H U O l D K R l K M , H O S I M B T ,

Ac, «fc«. Splendid end Oheap Stock of


S H A W J L S , /

UUAPKUIKS, ( J c f f i U K S ,

SHADES, * C , SKI.,: & j in - . -

O A U I ^ K T S !

Juat imported and reoelved in More by o « : aud w*

New Designs and Patterna

The Larom JRtllgiout Paptr in the World, averaging NineWumnt of Heading Matter each Week

more than any other competitor.

It aims t > lead piiblio opinion upon all subjects, and to repi Mint ot echo tho sentiments of no party or sect.

Terms) per Tear f x SO Tern)* to Agent* (for uacli subscriber).. 1 00

Premiums. IBIACJIINK worth $6o, for 96 subscri-

Agonts may choose tlielr machtoes,

t. 8Uver Wide 18 name*,

'ATCII, American Watch Co., worth S1S6, Silver Watch for SO name*. Silver

BOTTLES WOODWORTH'8 VIOLET subscribers and $*(S.

II UNION is tho only paper that pub-Y WARD BETBCHER'B SERMONS,

Dr. Wistar's BalBam of Wild Oherry. Where this article Is known It Is a work of auperer-

ogatlon to say one word in It* favor, *o well 1* It es­tablished as an unfailing remedy for Oouglit, Coldi, BroncMiit, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, disea­ses of tho Throat, Chest and Lung*, t* well aa that most dreaded of all disease*. Consumption, which high medical authority haa pronounced to be an incu­rable disease. Those who have need this remedy know Its valuo; those who have not, havo but to raako a single trial to be satisfied that of all others It Is the remedy.

• T h e Rev. J a c o b S o c h l o r , well known and much respocted among tho Gorman population of this country, writes as follows:

HAKOVBH, P A . , Fob. 10, 1889. Messrs. 8. W. F O W L I A SON, BOSTON :

D I A B SIRS :—Having realized In my family import -• — qf your valuable prepai

t W I L D Cnwrnr—It affor ant benoflts from tho nse t lon—WISTAR'S BALSAM or


me pleasure to recommend It to the public. Some (hi year* ago. one of my dm.. '

a docllno, and llttlo hopos of hor recovery were enter

11.11 ClIBHKV-lt to the pulil

ughters seemed to bo in «. u m u w , M « ...wo u ^ v . v . hor recovery were enter­tained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of It there was a great Improvement In her health. I havo, In my individual case, made frequout uso of your ml liable medicine, and havo always boon boneflted by it. I would, however, caution the public against impo­sition, because there it a good deal qf tpurlout Wiaar's Kalsum of Wild Cherry afloat throughout the country.

JACOB HECHLElt. Son* genuine unlett signed "I. BUTTS" on the

wrapper. Prepared by 8ETH W. POWLE & SON, 18 Tromont

St., Boston, and sold by Druggists generally. 86w»


"I was afflicted with a eovore felon on ono of my flngors, and tried many remedies without relief. My Mends induced me to apply your Salve. In two days It extracted the inflammation from my linger so as to enable mo to resume my work. I can almost say (list the Salve worked like magtc, for It effected a cure without leaving a scar. I unhesitatingly pronounce tlrac*'* Halve an excellent remedy, and do not doubt It will bo appreciated throughout the laud."

ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. 8ETH W. FOWLE * SON, Boston, Proprietors.

Sold by Apothecaries and Grocors generally. 804w

6.96 A. M,

i each week, publishing tho morning or i of tho Sutida * lmenoopy , e


the Sunday preceding Send for a specimen copy, enclosing Iff cents.


f E H », lv

0 Beekman Street, New York City.

( B - 1 p. PKlt DAY SURE—No money required In t D l u advahce. Agents wanted everywhere to soil our Patent Everlasting MetaUic Clothetl.intt. Address the American Wir* Co., 1«» Broadway, N. Y., or 18 Dcarburn-st., Chicago, III. n89w4

l i t ' t w « < f W » H L V « O E ^ « M T ^ A L n T f ^ N *

T THB LIFE O F . - A new and standard work by Hon. J. T.

popular Historian, in one nandsome vol-Is wanted everywhere to soil this. Also, of Our Havy to the Rebell ion: Grant and ~ their General* (English and Gorman),

or standard works by the samo author; co ever oftbred men and women to make

B. T R E A T 4; CO., Publishers, 6M Broad ttJ&Wl

W A N T E D , BOTH MALE AND FE To soil on Oominisslon our stock of Dry

aids, Sllvor-Platod Ware, Cutlery, &o. Indncement* oOhrod. circulars sent

ee. "Address, JAM KS, RICH A KDS « CO.. No. 1 BROHAJrfS'RowTSoeton, Mas*. U89w4

Get the Best. 1 0 , 0 0 0 Word*

and Meaning* not to other Metlonaries.

A necessity to ev­ery iutelltgout fami­ly, student, and tea chor. WnatUbrary Is complote without the beat English Dictionary t

I'll BUSH SU BY 0 . 4 0 . MBRRIAM, Springfield. Mas(.

Sold everywhere. " Superior, m meet respects, to any other English

Dlc t lonaryjnown to mo . ' T ~Son . 0*0. P.MarM»w4

, ( I I I R H H . SB on C*Urrh, Its Causes and Effects on din, Head, ""

T l i e E s t e y O r g a n s , WITH THE CELEBRATED

V O X H U M A N A T R E M O L O Patented, and found only Jin our Organt.

These Instruments aro eudoreod by tin) Highest Musical Authorities, and have rocelvod during the last twenty years

Eighty-eight First Premiums. G. G. SAXB <fc ROBERTSON,

n81m8 411 Broome street. Now York.

6.12 A, H, - M u l l Train, (Sundays excoptod.) for Buf­falo and Dunkirk, . . . . . . . . . i n.;- at Eiinlra for CauaqpVitgua.

1.60 P. M,—Elmlra Accommodatlou, (Sundays excep­ted.) conuectlngat Klmlra for Harrlsburi!, Philadelphia and the South. .

4.24 P. M—Day Express, (Sundays excoptod,) for Kochester, Buffalo, and the West. Con­nect* at Owogo for Ithaca • at Klmlra for Canandalgua; and at Dufndo with the l^.ki. Shore and Grand IMiuk Railways, for all pidnls West apd South.

8.82 P. M . - Express Mail, (Sundays Oxcoptcd,) for Buffalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk, con­necting with trains for Iho Woet; also at Klmlra for Canandalgua.

12,27 V, M.—Emigrant Train. Dally, for tho Wost. 2.8B P. M,—Way Freight, (Sundays excoptod.)

GOING EAST. 8*12 A. M.—Night Bxpress,Dally, connecting at Gray-

court for Warwick; and at New Vork with afternoon trains and etoamers for Boston and Now England cities,

.—Cincinnati Express, (Mondays excepted,) connecting at Great Bond for Ncranton, Philadelphia and Trenton; at lAckawax-eu for 1 inwley, and at Graycourt for New-burgh and Warwick.

1,80 P. K,—Day Express, (Sundays excepted.) con noctlng at Great Bond for Scranuni; at Lackawaxcn for Hawley; and at Jersey City with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Haiti-more and Washington. Also st Gray, court for Nowburgh and Warwick.

4,66 P. M—Accommodation Train, Dally 8.44 P. M.- New York and Baltimore Mail, (Sundays

excepted.) 9.64 P, M.—-Lightning Express, (Sundsys excepted);

connecting at Jersey City with morning oxnress train of New Jersey liallroad for Baltimore and Washington, and at New York with morning Boston and the East

8.46 A, M.—Way Freight, (Hundavs excepted.) II. RIDDLE. Urn'I Ami.

WM. H. BARR, Qen'l Pnts.Aoenl. nl %W A new and complete -'P.ick. 'Time Table" o

Passenger Trains on tlie Erie ltal .way and connect­ing lines has recently been published, and can I..-procured on application to the Ticket At;c.m at •ho Company's oflice.

N e w York Central Hallway. SYRACUSE STATION.

ON AND AFTER Monday. Nov.86.lne1, Passenger Trains will loavo Syracuse as follows:

Apparatus for Plrjsical Training,

B A C O N ' S

Patent Home Gymnasiuni. rjlHE ONLY 00MTLBTE PORTABLE GYMKA. aunt EVER ravEHTED. ntvixtjABLE TO


ANY ROOM, AND REMOVED IN A MINUTE All complete Oymsslums that have been previous.,

constructed, have been loo cumbrous or too exiieu' s lvo; and those of a ehoap aud simple character, been lacking In tho necessary seopo and variety, not being adapted to swinging or somersault exercise. Many attempts have been made to construct on.' which would overcome the** difficulties, aud this wo now claim to have accomplished In our 1'ATKNT Host OvMftASio*. It i s based on thctfprlnclplSB dtvtsce sud taught by Ling, Sohrobcr, and Dlo U w l a , and I. a combination of those systems brought Into s small compass. While tho (Irst exerc!ses»r*slniplccn.iiii.|, for children, the last are such as only ran be sccoiii jdlshtid by the most olhlotlr. It Is believed that till. apparatus—being cheep, portable, and adapted to all - -will be the means through which Gymuasllcs will bocomo universal


No. 1—1».86 A. M.—(Direct Road) stops at Port lly; ron and Palmyra.

No. 5—0.85 A. M — (DirectRoad) stops at Port llyron, Lyons and Palmyra.

No. 8—«.46 A. M.—(Auburn Uoad) stops at all na­tions.

No. 7-7 .80 A. M. (Din .1 Road) stops at all stations. No. 5—1.40 P. M.—(Auburn Itoad) stops at all stations. No. 10-8.06 P. M.- (Dlrcct Road) stops at Clyde, Ly­

ons. Newark and Palmyra. No. 11—7.16 P. M.—(Direct Road) stops atall stations. No. 6—7.15 P. Mi^KDircct Rood) stops at Port Byron

and Palmyra.

No. 14—10.00 P. AT.- (Direct itoad) stops at nil stations No.lJ— 7.80 I 'M.

This apparatus Is supported by two strong' hook. In the celling, eighteen Inchet ajiart, and Kiewed lute tho Joist live Inches, leaving ouly tho tniaii hooks visible. It can also bo used In a yard, by th. erection of a framework, siu-h as 1s used for swinii. The straps am of tho strongest linen, bandsntniO, colored, and by an Ingenious device, the rings si..' stirrups can be tnidautly raised or lowered trt any .1. .•ii.-.l l..-i..'l.i A space six or eltjlil feet wide Is ami... for any of the exercises. Tho apparatus can al»i. .H convertod Into a trniwxe for the athlete, or a sw i..r for the Jnvonlle.

Prico of tho complete Gymnasium, with four large sheets of Illustrations (100 ents), and the Handbook explaining how each is per­formed . . . . | l i ) m

The 'UrapcEo adjustment, with thirty-two Illus­trations 8 ;t.

The Swing adjustment l i Sent bv Express to any part of the United S t a l e

or Canada, on receipt of price. Address, W. II. RIDWBLL,

nJ8 6 Beekman St.. N. v

CHANGE OT' FIRM! HAVING purchased the stock of Books, Ac .f

GEO. W. AI'tiAIt,

N O . 1 M E S S E N G E R H A L L BLOCK I purpose contliialug the trado, at

W U O L B 8 A I. E A N D R E T A I L ,

At the same place, and .hall keep constantly on hat.:! a larj c stock of th,'

Ntandard AND SflUcellaneotia u «n-i.s.

S C H O O L HOOKS & S T A T I O N KHY of hll l . l l i . l -




CARVED FRAMES, of all slse.



R o g o r s ' C4-ronps of S t a t u a r ^ ,


Marble Busts & Croupe, i ELEGANT TOILET SETS,

In Bohemian Glas. .tint l 'on. . . .

> of arllsllc merit ru Road) stops at all stations

No. 7—6.4fi A. M.—(Auburn Itoad) runs Sunday mor­nings to ItochcHtcr.

Nos . 1, and ft, Direct Road, and 7, Anbnrn Road, nro the only trains going West on Sund.

Nos. 8 and 0 are the only trains going East on Sun-

gotug East, and 1 going West, will not be run day mornings.

WM. G. LAP1IAM. Division Supt.


im S8J . l l l l l t l l l

Tliey arc pleasant comiianlons for the Invalid, woll aa fine ornaments for the parlor. Having glvon

ILAYING FROM ONE TO TONES, and costing from *8

variety of the newest accom|>auiinents X TONES, and costing from »8.00 to $3,000; ovcry

>tj - ' 10) af

sni eh

. ig w our special at lent Ion to that branch of trade for the last eighteen years, wo are able to supply any want hotter and oulckor than any othor houso In tho coun­try. M. I. PAILLARD & CO.,

Importers, nHli.iil 91 Maiden I-ane (up stairs). New York.

I s O Y E A N D M A F R I M O I V Y All may Marry JlappUy, irrospectlvo of wealth,

age or beauty ; and tho lovo of tho opposite sex can be gained by following simple rules, sent with other Important Information on rocolnt of 10 cents.

Address, SARAH B. LAMBERT, Greenpolnt, Kings Co., Now York. n88m8spocn

W E C A M W B W X W A , Sett Cheaper than] jRi«v at OMUK

B A R G A I N S ! Less than any old or new Stock cott. • Please call and Ex­amine. :> I

HlaT**M*,l t*Wai«, le« .

A j M S a j f t Prevented,—All thoso who havo been paying th* Sigh price* naked by retailer* for DRY GOODS, M|y now get everything at the lowost auc­tion price, Just M oheap by th* yard as If purchased h y t h e c a s e . AD order* of $15 or more sent to be paid for on delivery. Catalogue of Good* Mid Sample* •outfreo to»ny ordor. P . O . b o x 6 9 1 0 . 8YMONDS. A CO., No . 1«9 Chambers St., N. Y. n86w8

NEW! MEDICAL BOOK. On Disease* of Imprndenoe, Error* of Youth, and

TheCrteat Bemedy,


Curative C o u g h B a l s a m . Pwcn f , SOAW) 7 B Ow. m B e n u .

The Beit, Oheapttt, andmost effectual lltmcdy for Cough*, Ootdt, etc., th* WoHd hat ernrpro-

duett). Purely Vegetable, contain* m> Mineral* or other Ikkteriout Drugs.

The CtftUrrrn BALSAM is w*n«nl»d. U iu*A l^*d!^P^^C«A.nJn4?ita

[ tho f t r o r t w d T n i i f * . i Pownw'* B A U A M I* a purely

PABLK E X P K O T O R A N T , great caro andsclontiac skill, from a r the b e d remedies the vegotablo klng-


, dualities are basod on It* power to a»-1 clrciiUtion of tho Blood i and vlgorou* circulation <

muscle* and assists the skill to per-tho hoet of the system,

waste substance from

^ -I t *


M HBARC1HNO and | ,#r£<v.t,^B>x' h'* 'jfitfflh*. fMS BsTJrtBOTlVJi;

C M hSJMteshT MM « M * t f**» «r youngest

CoH, V ever s o slight, do aot fall to a trial, aa the very low prico at which It wltSto the reach of every one, that

to be

time* 1U ooat. Sold by all Drug-

Proprietor*, 68 Barctay-et.. N e w York.


Wholesale and Retail Dealers In


Also, Manufacturers of SUPERIOR PIANOS aud Publishers ol 8UNDAY-8CIIOOL MUSIC.

Send for Circular. n88m8


The American Farmer, The Practical Jihrmer'i Own Piiper,

T h e C h e a p e s t a n d t h e B e s t AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL JOUR NAL In America. B*Auriruu.T iLLUsTBATsn with Numerous Engravings of Farm Buildings, Animals, Prult* and Flowere.

Only One Dollar a Year ! Agents wanted Everywhere. For Club Price List

of valuable Prises, open to all, &c., address JOHN TURNER, Publisher and Proprietor, Rochester N. Y. n»8m4

E S T A B L I S H E D , I 8 S 2 .


P I A N O F O R T E S . 8 T 0 D A R T a M O R R I S ,

Maunfaoturors of Grand, fiqaare and Uprignt Piano Fortes,

OU R N E W SCALE PIANO FORTES, IN ADDI-tlon to their peculiar merit*, contain evory real-

ly valuable modem Improvement, rendering them the moat complete and perfect Instrument ever offered to the publlo, and for POIIITV o r TOMB. DBMOAOT or TOIKIII, DuRABiurr, and also standing the teet of severe climates, the New Scale STODABT PIANO FOKTK •land* unrivaled. The Piano* of Ibis manufacture have n o o d the test of more than a quarter of a cen­tury, and the manufacturers are at liberty to refer to over TweAty-nve thousand families who have bad them In use, In nearly every part of the clvlllxed world. AD letter* will be promptly answered by

naimS 684 Broadway New York.

day. No. 0

on Men nl

GOING EAST. No. 4—1110 A. M . - Stops at Oneida. Rome. Utlca,

Little Falls, St. Johnsrlllc, Fonda ami Schenectady.

No. 0--J.16 A. M.—Stops at Romo. VIICA, Little Falls. St. Johnsvllle, Fort Plain, Palatine I wtock of Bridge, Fonda, Amsterdam and K.-l.e-nectady. Connects, via Athens with Day Boat for New York.

No. 14 -7.15 A. M.—Stops at all stations. No. 16—11.10 A. M.--Stop» at Ohittenango, Rome, I'll-

ca, Little Falls, St Johnsvllle. Fonda and Schonoctady

No. 18-1.85 I'. M.--Stops at Rome, Utlca. Little Falls, St. Johnsvllle, Palatine Bridge, Amster dAinandSchenecta,lv. Arrive at Mlmnv P. M

No. 20—4.00 P. M. Stops at all stations as fur east as Palatine Bridge.

No. 80—8.10 P. M.- Stops si Cansastnta, Rome. I'tirn, Little Full.'. St. Johnsvllle. and N.-heiie. Due In New Vork at ".00 A. M.

Also, a complete assortment of

F a n c y «T»«>O<1K,

A r t i s t s ' . t l n t c r i a l i * ,

Newspapers, Magazines, &c,

1 am now oponliip and offering for nalr tu iinincii*c ! stock of

Wall and Window Paper, Shades and Fixtures ,

Of new and beautiful jwlioruB, which I will mil Ion pi-ire* for catth I would rctj|K)<;tfliMy fc*k n w fui examination of my Block urn. price* in l h ^ ill pertinent, by thurte dorlruiia of purrbnniiig, In f. > jfo'np el»ewhcro.

I would alno call the fttu-ntion of Teachers, MII# ciftii?*, and all hn innted in nniufc. to the Iftryo m..


Fire and Burglar S A F E S !

Ate now considered tuo

Best In the World! %W Send for Illustrated C'ataloguo. Praicipal WarehoMe*. } « . C H M T H O T fet, Phlla, DMml

DEVEBEADX, THOMPSON & 00., 8 3 Cedar Street, N . T.

A. F. DKVEEEAUX & CO., 0 Central Street, Itoatmi,


RTJBDIGK STEAM ENGINE Tha mo*t Oomtstet, tho Simplest, and th* Cheapest ID

The liated Powor and! Beat Workmanship (Juaran-teed.

CircHlar* and Price List on application. 86m6

TEE YOUNG LADY'S FBIEND, Specimen Copy 10 cent*. ! * » • ' : ' <


T b t t e a r e fcToHte monthly PeriodlotiU. Beftntlfttl promlunm offered to getter* up of clnli

tUU. Send for Specimens to W. T. HOKNKK, Buflhlo, N. Y.

M a n h o o d : H o w Lost , H o w Restored

JUST lnJBLISHKD, a new edition of Dr. CULV KH-WKLL'8 CULRHKATRI) KS8AY on the radical

cur* (without modtclno) of BPBRKATOSBIKXA, or Sem­inal WoaknoHB, Involuntary Seminal LOBHCH, IMI-O-TBNOT. Mental and Physical Incapacity, ImpedlmcntB to Marrlago, e tc . ; alno, QOHBUMPTIOH, Krti.Ki-hv. and F I T S Inducud by Molf-lndulgencc or sexual extrava­gance.

Ck?" Price, In a sealed envelope, only fi cents. The colebratod author, lu thin admirable essay.

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