in the industry- chapters 1 and 2- for ctac 354 eastern michigan university

In The Industry The Challenge of Organizational Communication, and the Classical Organization Theory William Earley- CTAC 354 (10305)

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In The IndustryThe Challenge of Organizational Communication, and the Classical Organization Theory

William Earley- CTAC 354 (10305)

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The Article• The article I chose to analyze for this assignment was

CBC News Health’s “Sick Doctors admit to spreading infections at work” article• The article basically speaks to the fact that in

hospitals across the world, hospital employees are working sick, and spreading their illnesses to patients

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What does the article say?• The article makes one simple point, and has one clear

purpose• The article emphasizes the importance of changing the

culture of workplaces.• The hospital example….• 95% of workers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, in a

survey, said that they thought working while sick puts patients at risk. • 83% of these workers admitted to going to work while not

feeling well

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Go to work sick? Or No?

Went to work sick Didn't go to work sick

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The Concept• Intro to Organizational Communication• According to the Business Dictionary, Organizational

Communication is a “process by which activities of a society are collected and coordinated to reach the goals of both individuals and the collective group”

• The two arrows that you see above give us a visual idea of exactly what lengths companies must go to in order to achieve successful Organizational Communication. • Basically, how does the company bring all of their people and their resources

from the outside, in to the middle, where knowledge and resources can come together to achieve a goal.

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Classical Organization Theory• Bureaucratic Administration• To have control or power.

• Max Weber• Lived from 1864-1920• Came up with a way for us to tell the difference between

types of authority• Charismatic Authority• Traditional Authority• Rational Legal Authority

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How does the Classical Organization Theory relate to the Hospital example?• The hospitals themselves, are a great example of a

traditional authority.• Although morals tell us that sick people should not be

working in hospitals caring for other sick people, most hospitals practice a traditional authority type organization• Hospital employees are expected to be at work, sick or not.

• The employees, as stated in the CBC News article, would prefer more of a charismatic authority.

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The Stats Don’t Lie• Reasons given by 536 employees at the Children’s

Hospital of Philadelphia for working while sick in the past year ALL included far of somehow upsetting colleagues• This includes fear of being criticized by colleagues, which

65% of employees surveyed were afraid of. • This also includes not wanting to let colleagues down.

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Charismatic Authority VS Traditional Authority when being applied to the Hospital Example

Charismatic Authority• I would suggest that maybe

hospitals go to this Charismatic sort of system when talking about employee attendance• This could potentially improve

patient health• This would improve the morale

of employees, knowing that if they are sick, they don’t need to feel obligated to work

Traditional Authority• Traditional authority is

the type of system that most hospitals currently use• It is understood by

employees that they are to come to work, sick or not

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Why a charismatic attitude would work for hospital systems?• Happier employees equal• More productivity

• Shorter hospital wait times• More people choosing hospitals rather than places like urgent care,

where people may think they could get treatment faster

• All the above advantages for the employees, create opportunities for the employer, as well as the general public.

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Your opinion?• Do you agree that the example of these hospitals work

environments, in terms of being sick, is a fair reflection of other work environments, or, is this specific situation different because it is referring to a health care institution?

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Your opinion?• Should employers be more lenient when it comes to

employees and potentially needing sick days?

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Works Cited• http://•
