inauguration mass booklet

Faith in the Future The Celebration of the Eucharist on the occasion of the Inauguration of Dr. Steven R. DiSalvo The tenth president of Saint Anselm College

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The Celebration of the Eucharist on the occasion of the Inauguration of Dr. Steven R. DiSalvo The tenth president of Saint Anselm College


Page 1: Inauguration Mass Booklet

Faith in the Future

The Celebration of the Euchariston the occasion of

the Inauguration of

Dr. Steven R. DiSalvo

The tenth president ofSaint Anselm College

Page 2: Inauguration Mass Booklet

The Celebration of the EucharistOn the occasion of the Inauguration of

Dr. Steven DiSalvo

The tenth President of Saint Anselm College

Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist

October 18, 2013


The Right Reverend Mark Cooper, O.S.B.Abbot of Saint Anselm Abbey

Chancellor of Saint Anselm College

Saint Anselm Abbey Church Manchester, New Hampshire

Page 3: Inauguration Mass Booklet

Opening Hymn All People That On Earth Do Dwell


& # ˙All

œ œ œ œpeo ple that on

˙ ˙earth do-

& # ˙ ˙dwell, sing

œ œ œ œto the Lord with

˙ ˙cheer ful-

& # ˙ ˙voice; him

œ œ œ œserve with fear, his

˙ ˙praise forth

& # ˙ ˙tell. Come

œ œ œ œye be fore him

˙ ˙and re

˙joice- -

2. The Lord, ye know, is God indeed,Without our aid he did us make;We are his folk, he doth us feed,And for his sheep he doth us take.

3. O enter then his gates with praise,Approach with joy his courts unto;Praise, laud and bless his name always,For it is seemly so to do.

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4. (Choir alone) For why? the Lord our God is good:His mercy is forever sure;His truth at all times firmly stood,And shall from age to age endure.

5. To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,The God whom heav’n and earth adore,From men and from the angel hostBe praise and glory ever more.


The Penitential Act Deacon: . . . . Lord, have mercy. All respond: Lord, have mercy. Deacon: . . . . Christ, have mercy. All respond: Christ, have mercy. Deacon: . . . . Lord, have mercy. All respond: Lord, have mercy.

The Introductory Rite

Abbot: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.All: Amen.

Abbot: Greeting . . . be with you.All: And with your spirit.

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Glory to God

&#Jœjœ jœjœ jœ jœ

Glo ry to God in the

.œjœ jœjœ

High est, and on

.œ œ jœearth peace to- -

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jœpeo ple of good

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We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father; you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father; have mercy on us.

Fr. Bede Camera, O.S.B. © 2012, Saint Anselm Abbey. All rights reserved.

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The First ReadingSirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29Lector: Andrew DiSalvo - Dr. DiSalvo’s son

Lector: The Word of the Lord.

All respond: Thanks be to God.


For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen

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Responsorial PsalmPsalm 145

All your creatures shall thank you, O Lord,

And your friends shall repeat their blessing.

They shall speak of the glory of your reign

And declare your might, O God.

The eyes of all creatures look to you

And you give them their food in due time.

You open wide your hand

Grant the desires of all who live.

The Lord is just in all his ways

And loving in all his deeds

He is close to all who call him,

Who call on him from their hearts.

Fr. Cecil Donahue, O.S.B. © 1970, Saint Anselm Abbey. All rights reserved.

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The Second Reading2 Timothy 4:10-17 Lector: Carolanne DiSalvo Ghee - Dr. DiSalvo’s sister

Lector: The Word of the Lord.

All respond: Thanks be to God.

AlleluiaPlease stand for the Alleluia and Gospel. Repeat the Alleluia after the Schola, and again after the verse.

Festival Alleluia by James Chepponis© 1999 MorningStar Music Publishers of St. Louis. Used with permission.

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At the conclusion of the Gospel:

Deacon: The Gospel of the Lord.All respond: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Please be seated for the Homily.Homilist: Abbot Mark Cooper, O.S.B.

Luke 10: 1-9Deacon: Father John Paul James, O.S.B.

Deacon: The Lord be with you.All respond: And with your spirit.

Deacon: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke.All respond: Glory to you, O Lord.

The Gospel

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Please stand.Blessing

Prayers of the FaithfulRead by: Guy Sergi - student Dr. Meoghan Cronin - faculty Dennis Lafond - staff Joanne Pietrini-Smith - alumna Theresa Marzik - parent Dr. Denise Askin - trustee

Presentation of Gifts Arline DiSalvo - Dr. DiSalvo’s mother Salvatore DiSalvo - Dr. DiSalvo’s father Thomas DiSalvo - Dr. DiSalvo’s son Sister Sheila O’Neill - Dr. DiSalvo’s friend Dr. Amelia D’Onofrio - Dr. DiSalvo’s friend

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Offertory HymnI Sing the Mighty Power of God

Text by Gerhard Tersteeegen (1697-1769)Translated by John Wesley (1703-1791)

I sing the mighty power of God that made the mountains rise.That spread the flowing seas abroad and built the lofty skies.I sing, I sing the wisdom that ordained the sun to rule the day;The moon shines full at His command and all the stars obey.Their luminous display reflects the power of God.

I sing the goodness of the Lord, that filled the earth with food.He formed the creatures with his Word and then pronounced them good.Lord, how, Lord, how your wonders are displayed wherever I turn my eye;If I survey the ground I tread, or gaze upon the sky.From seas to mountains high the earth cannot contain the goodness of God.

The heavens are telling the glory of God! The heavens are telling the glory of God!The heavens are telling the story, the whole earth is filled with his glory,The heavens are telling the glory of God!There’s not a plant or flower below but makes your glories known.And clouds arise and tempests blow by order from your throne.

While all, while all that borrows life from you is ever in your care,And everywhere that we can be, O God, you’re present there.We joyously declare the power of Your love, Your powerful love! Amen.


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& bb œ ˙Ho-ly,

œ ˙Ho-ly,

œ ˙Ho-ly

.˙ .˙Lord

˙ œGod of


& bb ˙ Œ œ œ œHeav-en and

˙ œearth are

.œ jœ œfull of your

œ ˙glo - ry.

& bb œ Œ œHo -

˙ œsan - na

˙ œin the

œ ˙high-est!

& bb œ œ œBless-ed is

˙ œhe who

œ œ œcomes in the

œ œ œname of the

& bb .. ...˙Lord

œ Œ œHo -

˙ œsan -na

˙ œin the

œ ˙high-est!

I sing the mighty power of God that made the mountains rise.That spread the flowing seas abroad and built the lofty skies.I sing, I sing the wisdom that ordained the sun to rule the day;The moon shines full at His command and all the stars obey.Their luminous display reflects the power of God.

I sing the goodness of the Lord, that filled the earth with food.He formed the creatures with his Word and then pronounced them good.Lord, how, Lord, how your wonders are displayed wherever I turn my eye;If I survey the ground I tread, or gaze upon the sky.From seas to mountains high the earth cannot contain the goodness of God.

The heavens are telling the glory of God! The heavens are telling the glory of God!The heavens are telling the story, the whole earth is filled with his glory,The heavens are telling the glory of God!There’s not a plant or flower below but makes your glories known.And clouds arise and tempests blow by order from your throne.

While all, while all that borrows life from you is ever in your care,And everywhere that we can be, O God, you’re present there.We joyously declare the power of Your love, Your powerful love! Amen.

Abbot: Invitation to Prayer

All respond: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church.

Abbot: The Lord be with you.All respond: And with your spirit.

Abbot: Lift up your hearts.All respond: We lift them up to the Lord.

Abbot: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.All respond: It is right and just.



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The Amen

Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation and Amen from the Mass of Creation by Marty Haugen.Text: The Roman Missal, © 2010, ICEL. Used with Permission.Music: © 2010 by GIA Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.

The Memorial Acclamation

& bb œ œWe pro -

œ œ œ œ œclaim your death, O

& bb .˙ œ œLord, and pro -

.œ Jœ œ œfess your Res - ur -

œ ˙rec - tion

& bb .. ..œun -

.œ jœ œ œtil you come a -


Abbot: The peace of the Lord be with you always.All respond: And with your spirit.Deacon: Let us offer each other the sign of peace.

The Sign of Peace

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The Communion AntiphonPlease repeat this antiphon after the choir.

& bb œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙I will feed you with fin est wheat,

œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙with hon ey from the rock.- -

Bede Camera, O.S.B. © 2009, Saint Anselm Abbey. All rights reserved.

Abbot: Invitation to CommunionAll respond: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

& bbbbb ˙ ˙ w ˙ ˙Lamb of

.˙ œGod, you

& bbbbb ˙ ˙ œ œtake a way the

˙ œ œsins of the-

& bbbbb ..1, 2 .˙ œworld: have

˙ œ œmer cy on


& bbbbb3 wworld:

˙ œ œgrant us


Agnus Dei

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Communion HymnThou Hidden Love of God

Words by Isaac Watts, 1674-1748; additional lyrics by Mark Hayes. Music by Mark Hayes.© 2001 by Breckenhorst Press, Inc. Used with permission, under CCLI License # 2956314.

Thou hidden love of God, whose height,Whose depth unfathomed no one knows,I see from afar thy beauteous light,And inly sigh for thy repose;My heart is pained, nor can I beAt rest, until I rest in thee.

‘Tis mercy all that thou hast broughtMy mind to seek its peace in thee;Yet while I seek, but find thee not,No peace my wandering soul shall see.O when shall all my wanderings end,And all my steps to thee-ward tend?

Is there a thing beneath the sunThat strives with thee my heart to share?Ah, tear it thence and reign alone,The Lord of every motion there.Make me thy duteous child that IMay ceaseless, “Abba, Father” cry.

Each moment draw from earth awayMy heart that lowly waits thy call;Speak to my inmost soul and say,“I am thy love, thy God, thy all!”To feel thy power, to hear thy voice, To taste thy love, be all my choice.

My heart is pained, nor can it be at restUntil I rest in thee.

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MeditationAve Maria

Ave Maria, gratia plenaDominus tecumBenedicta tu in mulieribusEt benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesu.Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,Ora pro nobis peccatoribusNunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace,The Lord is with you.Blessed are you among womenAnd blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.Holy Mary, Mother of God.Pray for us sinnersNow and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Prayer after CommunionAbbot: Let us Pray….All respond: Amen

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Music by the Saint Anselm College ChoirFr. Bede Camera, O.S.B., DirectorBro. Andrew Thornton, O.S.B., accompanist

& c ˙ .œ jœLift high the

.˙ œcross, the

.œjœ œ œ

love of Christ pro -.˙ œ

claim, 'til

& œ œ ˙all the world

œ œ ˙a - dore

œ œ œ œ œhis sa - cred


Verse by choir: So shall our song of triumph ever be; Praise to the Crucified for victory!

ALL repeat refrain.

Text: CRUCIFER by Sidney H. Nicholson, 1875-1947Tune: George W. Kitchin, 1827-1912 and Michael R. Newbolt, 1874-1956Text and tune © 1974, Hope Publishing Co. Used with permission.

The Concluding Rite

Abbot: The Lord Be with You.All respond: And with your spirit.Abbot: May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.All respond: Amen.Deacon: Go forth, the Mass is ended.All respond: Thanks be to God.

Closing Hymn Lift High the Cross