
Inclusive Education When every child is welcomed and valued regardless of ability or disability.

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Inclusive EducationWhen every child is welcomed and valued regardless of

ability or disability.

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Inclusion concerns us all; how do we ensure that all children and young people reach their full potential ?

How does your school promote Inclusive Practice?

How can the RTLB service support Inclusive Practice within your school?

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What is inclusive education?

• Educational inclusion is about creating a secure, accepting, collaborating and stimulating school in which everyone is valued, as the foundation for the highest achievement for all pupils.

In an inclusive school:

• the inclusive ethos permeates all school policies so that they increase learning and participation for all pupils

• school practices reflect the inclusive ethos and policies of the school.

(adapted from Index for Inclusion, CSIE)

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Inclusive Education is an Attitude

• It means the doors to schools, classrooms and school activities are open to every child and they are afforded every opportunity to be included with their non-disabled peers.

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…individualized supports that give kids with disabilities the extra help they need to learn

from general curriculum.

Inclusion IS. . .

Students can’t learn general curriculum unless they are in the

room where it is being taught.

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It’s not about the place!!!

• All students must have access to general curriculum.

• This is true no matter what class they are in.

• Even students in the most segregated classes MUST have access to the general curriculum for their age and grade.

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Inclusive education IS not:

• Dumping kids with disabilities into general classrooms without the supports and services they need to be successful.

• Cutting back special education services as a “trade off” for being in the general education classroom.

• Sacrificing the education of kids without disabilities so kids with disabilities can be included.

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Why Inclusion?

Inclusive experiences give children with disabilities:

• a sense of belonging, • supportive positive social

relationships and friendships, and

• the ability to promote development and learning so they can reach their full potential.

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What is Inclusion?




Setting suitable learning challenges

Overcoming potential barriers to learning

Responding to pupils’ diverse needs

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Inclusion is Tied to the General Curriculum

• There must be a connection between the general curriculum objectives and the student’s IEP goals and objectives.

• The Team surrounding the student must decide what the student will learn about each subject the class is studying.

• The Team must decide which and how many general curriculum objectives are to be taught.

• The Team must also make general curriculum objectives functional and meaningful for this student.

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Is pull out best?“Pull out” means removing the student from class for a small group of 1-to-1 instruction. Ask:

Why can’t the skill be taught in the general classroom?

Are there ways to change it so it could be taught there?

While the student is in pull out, s/he misses what is going on in the general classroom.Think about:How do you help the student catch up on what s/he missed?

How will skills learned in pull out time help the student spend MORE time in the general classroom?

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Do they need an extra appendage?

• Is having an adult with them all day making the student MORE dependent?

• Does the educational assistant take away the student’s need to communicate and make choices?

• Does having an educational assistant there make peers less likely to interact with the student?

• Is the student ever alone with peers?

• Is the student at least arm’s length away from the educational assistant when possible?

• Would the student be better off having help from several different people rather than always the same assistant?

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What is the Least Restrictive

Environment?• To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities are educated with typical peers.

• Separate schooling only when nature and severity of disability prevents satisfactory education in regular education (with use of supplementary aids and services).

• Starts with the assumption the student will be in the general classroom, with supports as needed.

• If that won’t work full time, pull the child out of the general classroom for part of the day for therapies or resources. This should be done as seldom as possible.

• Only if all other options fail should the child be separated from the general classroom.

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How can you foster good inclusive

practices? Be flexible Be collaborative Be prepared to problem solve Be a planner Be aware of the language used when

describing students Be aware of how you spend your time Be prepared to play a key role in

beginning and maintaining an inclusive focus

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What can be done/is being done with the individuals in the school you work in to promote an inclusive culture you value?