incoterms 4


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Post on 30-May-2015




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Page 1: Incoterms 4
Page 2: Incoterms 4

Objectives Description

Show the classmates why is important to know the INCOTERMS

Some of our classmates buy stuff from internet so may know who they are negotiating. Knowledge for future business or work.

Explain what the acronyms are To know the differences between all of them

Create the INCTERM number 14 Main objective of the course investigate which could be the new INCOTERMS and said why.

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EXW Factory (indicating place)

Obligations of Seller •Put the goods available to the buyer at the seller's premises.•This term represents the minimum obligation for the seller.

Buyer's Obligations • Choose the mode of transport.• Support the risk inherent in the cost of transportation, including traffic monitoring, complaints, etc.• Perform the export clearance of goods.

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FCA Free Transport

FAS Maritime

FOB Maritime

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CFR Maritime

CIF Maritime

CTP Free transport

CIP Free Transport

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DAF Land

DES Mairtime

DEQ Maritime

DDU Free trasport

DDP Free transport

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According to unofficial information in the new revision of INCOTERMS of the International Chamber of Commerce, will shift of the thirteen INCOTERMS version 2000 to ten or eleven in the version of INCOTERMS 2010.

Disappearing is DAF and the other DDU DAF is because is one of the least used in

the categories of D DDU can be explained if we see that it has

created a new INCOTERMS is the DAP (Delivered at point)

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DTP Maritime

Obligations of Seller Send the product to the port of destination

country Paying tax on output and

input of the countries Pay the insurance.

Buyer's Obligations Retrieve the product in the port of destination

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