increase your quality and performance

Increase your performance and code quality scaffolding and MDD Vesin Dusko: [email protected] @vesindusko

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Increase your quality and performance

Increase your performance and code

qualityscaffolding and MDD

Vesin Dusko:[email protected]@vesindusko

Page 2: Increase your quality and performance

Reality check• By 2019 there will be 26.4 million software

developers, it is the fastest growing profession in the world with 46% growth.

• But that is not nearly enough. In Germany alone there are 40000 unfulfilled positions at this moment

• IT is the fastest changing industry

• Startups and agile pose a new challenge

Page 3: Increase your quality and performance

Better yourself• master things that you do every day

(language, frameworks, best practices,IDE, etc.)

• read, learn, experiment with new things

• centralize your knowledge, make it reusable (libraries, frameworks, tools, scripts, plugins…)

• impostor syndrome

• repeat until you are in the business

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Automate yourself• No matter how good you are, you

have only two hands and one keyboard.

• Automate your processes (build, deployment, etc. )

• Available scaffolding tools… (Spring Roo, Ruby on Rails, JHipster, Bower, Gulp, Grails, etc)

• Can we do more? Refuse to do repetitive work!

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MDE, MDD & MDA• “Model-driven engineering (MDE) is a software development

methodology which focuses on creating and exploiting domain models, which are conceptual models of all the topics related to a specific problem.”

• “Model-driven development (MDD) is an approach to software development where extensive models are created before source code is written”

• “Model-driven architecture (MDA) is a software design approach for the development of software systems. It provides a set of guidelines for the structuring of specifications, which are expressed as models.”

• Model - “The model-driven architecture approach defines system functionality using a platform-independent model (PIM) using an appropriate domain-specific language (DSL)”

• Generator - “Code generation means that the user abstractly models solutions, which are connoted by some model data, and then an automated tool derives from the models parts or all of the source code for the software system.”

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drytoolsdon’t repeat yourself

• Multi module project generator

• Written in Scala

• drydsl (readable, optimal …)

• dryvalidation

• drypostprocessor

• drygenerators (maintainable, customisable…)

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drytools DSLproject_name project[settings](

service_name server[settings](

property_name property[settings]…

model_name model[settings](properties …uniques and indexes …queries …)

api_name api[api settings](endpoint_name endpoint[settings] …)


web_app_name web[settings] …

android_app_name android[settings] …

ios_app_name ios[settings] …)

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User model [type sql](id long(primary key)username text (min 6, max 20, unique)passwordHash text (min 128, max 128)firstName text (min 2, max 60)lastName text (min 2, max 60)gender enum(MALE, FEMALE)role Role (default USER)birthDate optional date

findAll from UserfindById from User where User.Id == idfindByUsername from User where User.username == usernamefindByFirstName from User where User.firstName == firstNamefindByLastName from User where User.lastName == lastNamefindByGender from User where User.gender == genderfindByRole from User where User.gender == gender

findMaleUsers from User where User.gender == “MALE”findAdminUser from User where User.role == “ADMIN”findByName from User where User.firstName like name or User.lastName like name or

User.userName == name)

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User model (username text (min 6, max 20, unique)passwordHash text (min 128, max 128)firstName text (min 2, max 60)lastName text(min 2, max 60)gender enum(MALE, FEMALE)role Role (default USER)birthDate optional date

findMaleUsers from User where User.gender == “MALE”findAdminUser from User where User.role == “ADMIN”findByName from User where User.firstName like name or User.lastName like name or

User.userName == name)

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User model (username text (min 6, max 20, unique)passwordHash text (min 128, max 128)firstName text (min 2, max 60)lastName text (min 2, max 60)gender enum (MALE, FEMALE)role Role (default USER)birthDate optional date

findMaleUsers from User where User.gender == “MALE”

findAdminUser from User where User.role == “ADMIN”

findByName from User where User.firstName like name or User.lastName like name or User.userName == name


Owner model (user User (unique)

findByUser from Owner where Owner.user == user

findByIdWithUser from Owner with Vet.user from Owner

findPetsByOwnerId min Pet where Pet.owner from Pet where Pet.owner == owner


Vet model (user User (unique)

findByUser from Vet where Vet == userfindByIdWithUser from Vet with Vet.user from

VetfindVisits from Visits where == vet)

PetType enum (DOG, CAT)

Pet (owner Ownertype PetTypebirthDate datedescription text (max 1024))

Visit (Vet vetPet petdate datenote text[max 1024]

findByIdWithVetAndPet from Visit with from Visit with from Visit where == id


Page 11: Increase your quality and performance

Middleware• Services

• Security

• Simple security -security (principal User)

• Role security - security (principal User, role Role)

• Permission based security - security (principal User, action UserAction)

• SignIn

• Username - signIn (username)

• Email - signIn (email)

• Google - signIn (google)

• Facebook - signIn (facebook)

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APIsUserApi api(

adminUsers find [query User.adminUsers, secured ADMIN, rest "/admins"] users find [query User.findAll, response (,, User.firstName, User.lastName), secured, rest "/users"] nonAdmins find [from User where User.role != "ADMIN", secured, rest ] user crud [model User, secured ADMIN, rest])

OwnerApi api(

owner crud [model Owner, secured ADMIN]( user.firstName [save default "Petar", update default "Pera"] user.lastName [min 30, max 40] address [visible (create, read) ] notes optional text[min 2, max 10] )

owners find [from Owner with Owner.user as User from Owner where optional Owner.address like address response (,, User.firstName, User.lastName), secured ADMIN, rest “/owner]

ownersPets find [ from Owner with Pet.owner from Owner with Owner.user from Owner where == ownerId response (,,, secured, rest “/owner/:ownerId/pets"]……

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APIs… myPets find [from Owner with Pet.owner from Owner with Owner.user from Owner where Owner.user == principal, rest, secured]

PetWithOwnerName dto( Pet.petType User.firstName User.lastName firstPet enum(YES, NO) )

PetDto dto(,

VetWithSpecialties dto( User.firstName specialties list pets list PetDto )

vetsWithSpecialties custom [request PetWithOwnerName, response list VetWithSpecialties, secured ADMIN, get "/vets"]

vetInfo custom [request dto(, response VetWithSpecialties, secured, get "/vet/:id", transactional sql])

Page 14: Increase your quality and performance


• web client (AngularJS, Bootstrap, Yeoman, Grunt, Bower) with ApiCaller and ApiMock

• iOS client with ApiCaller and ApiMock

• Android client with ApiCaller and ApiMock

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What's next?• New DSL features

• Push Api

• Web sockets

• UI components

• Android and iOs notifications

• Big data analysis with spark

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Pros/Cons• Pros

• speed up to 5x

• best practices

• architecture as a code

• refactoring

• global improvements

• learning tool

• we are in control

• Cons

• controversial technique

• hard to implement

• hard to balance

• maintenance

• not suitable for every case

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Thank you.Questions?