increasing fluency through video and multimedia entertaining practice with multiple levels of...

Increasing fluency through video and multimedia Entertaining practice with multiple levels of learning

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Increasing fluency through video and multimedia

Entertaining practice with multiple levels of learning

Why use video and multimedia as teaching aids? Is it better than talking?

In a large class it can be difficult to practice involved conversations.

Cultural knowledge can be gained from video, some of which might be hard to transmit in a classroom setting.

Listening development Video and multimedia are a means of

improving listening acuity.

Video can help students develop a good “ear” by learning the habits of native speakers while reading subtitles.

More to listen to Video technology

supplements classroom listening experiences.

Students listen to different more voices and accents, thus assimilating more variety.

Conversations raise the bar

FasterSpeech happens at a faster pace

Words don’t sound the same Because annunciation varies in a different sentences.

Vocabulary Practice and Repetition

You can watch a recording over and over.

An unrecorded conversation has to be remembered, making review a bit imperfect.

Beyond the Written Word

Listening to conversations and day to day speech brings language mastery to another level for students.

Video is a stress free way for students to access this level of expertise without having to participate in conversations.

With Video Students Listen to Native Speakers, not their classmates.

They can learn speaking habits, rhythm, common pauses, and phrases by listening and reading subtitles at the same time.

This-way learners-can-find-out how-people tie-words-together when-speaking.

Video curricula, what we’re looking for

Subtitles are important, with them students Subtitles are important, with them students associate familiar words with new sounds.associate familiar words with new sounds.

Afterwards students can watch the video Afterwards students can watch the video without them for more difficult practice.without them for more difficult practice.

Television or movies as a sourceWhy they’re Good:Interesting, realistic,

entertaining, culturally significant, and


And Not so good:No prepared workbook

exercises, (more preparation for


Videos designed for Teaching the Language Why they are Good:

They are adapted to levels, help students practice predetermined structures and vocabulary, often they come with work books and exercises, and they are sometimes cued with minutes and seconds (making them easy to use in a language lab).

And Not So Good:

They may lack realism and entertainment value. Most importantly they can be expensive, and can get out of date quickly.

Video Should includeSubtitles.

Appropriate vocabulary and language.

Subject matter that interests students.

It helps if the topic relates to themes and vocabulary

being covered in class.


Learning through video and multimedia helps students develop their listening skills and practice what they have learned in class.

Also it helps them to learn the habits of native speakers and provides access to more voices and accents then an average classroom.

Brief BibliographyResources used for

creating this presentation include: http://