increasing utilization of software site licenses

Increasing Utilization of Software Site Licenses

Upload: gary-wilhelm

Post on 30-May-2015




1 download


The objective of this Carolina Counts initiative is to increase utilization of University software licenses by improving campus awareness of available software and by providing an easier process for acquiring software. This will not only provide substantial cost savings, but will also improve service to the University community.


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Increasing Utilization of Software Site Licenses

Increasing Utilization of Software Site Licenses

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Departments, Faculty, and Staff across campus often negotiate their own software license agreements.

Identical or similar software is purchased Lost opportunity for volume discounts Faculty, Staff, Students not aware of available software Higher administration cost to the University Distributed administration, packaging & software


Current StateCurrent State

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Increase the utilization of University software licenses by improving campus awareness of available software and by providing an easier process for acquiring it.

Substantial cost savings to the University• Volume discounts• Centralized administration

Improved services• Packaging• Distributing• Publicizing

Centrally offered software is easier for individuals to find and obtain


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60+ Campus Wide Software Site Licenses • (Microsoft, Adobe, SAS, etc…)

Faculty/Staff orders FY 09-10• (14385 software items ordered)

Shareware Distribution • (100k Yearly Downloads)

Deployed New Student Ordering Site 01/2010 • (3692 software items ordered to date)

Professional Grade Mass Media CD/DVD Duplication Service

Did you know?Did you know?

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2009-2010 Campus Cost Savings


Cost savings are based on top 10 software titles ordered and calculation derived by license cost through Software Acquisition versus standard educational price.

Cost SavingsCost Savings

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Form a Software Licensing Committee Engage the University community to determine what

similar or identical software products are being purchased in order to identify opportunities for cost savings

Design and implement a new, more user-friendly software ordering site for the University to replace the current IT Purchasing System (ITP). We envision a one stop shop for Faculty, Staff and Students that would also allow for distribution by download

Redesign with a more user-friendly interface


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You can stay up-to-date with Software Acquisition by following on twitter, subscribing to the RSS feed or joining the listserv.

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Staying Up-to-dateStaying Up-to-date

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