independence first annual report


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2010 Annual Report


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ReviewA n n u a l R e p o r t

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7,883FEMALE: 56% MALE: 44%






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Age ofConsumers

Race/ Ethnicity


Under 1920–2425–59Over 60Unknown

African AmericanWhite

Hispanic/ LatinoAsian

Native American/Alaskan Native

Hawaiian/ PacificIslander


CognitiveMental/ Emotional


Multiple DisabilitiesUnknown






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Dear Friends,

IndependenceFirst is proud to report that our many friends(corporate partners, foundations, customers, governmentservices, and volunteers) stepped up their level of support to ourmission during 2009, which was marked by “doom and gloom”in the financial and employment news.

Over 400 individuals volunteered for a wide variety of servicessuch as, but not limited to: newsletter mailings, landscaping ourproperty, providing support to wheelchair sport programs,assistance at special events, etc. Corporate volunteer teamsincluded Harley Davidson, Johnson Controls, NorthwesternMutual, Rockwell Automation, and Wells Fargo. Without thisindividual and corporate generosity, we would not be able toaccomplish what we do.

For the fifth consecutive year, we are fortunate to have aTrinity Fellow from Marquette University. In addition, we hadcollege students doing internships and practicums from theUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Alverno College, MATC,WCTC and others. Student involvement helps our staff staycurrent in their profession, exposes college students to ourservices, and often becomes a good recruiting experience forfuture employees.

While many organizations saw a decrease in foundation andcorporate support, 2009 was our most successful year to date. Thatsupport has been critical as government-funded programs typicallydo not receive increases while at the same time, people withdisabilities are disproportionately negatively affected by an economicdownturn. The demand for services continues to increase.


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We have still had our challenges in 2009. We survived theinstallation of a new roof and repair to areas damaged by waterintrusion through the old roof. We thank all our consumers fortheir patience through any inconvenience these events caused.

In 2009, we had a wide array of businesses and communityorganizations use our large conference room for meetings. Thishas given us the opportunity to showcase our accessible buildingand to describe our services. Hopefully, such knowledge will leadto more referrals but, even more importantly, these visitors andbusinesses will adopt plans for making their own facilities andservices more accessible.

Our continuing growth is a tribute to a committed Board ofDirectors, a hard-working staff, dedicated volunteers, alliedcommunity organizations, and the financial support of corporations,foundations, and government agencies. All our major donors arelisted in a later section of this report. We thank you all.


John Mitchell Lee SchulzBoard Chairperson Executive Director

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IndependenceFirst achievessuccess in all of our program

areas. Here are just a fewletters and stories illustrating

the benefits of our services.

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Thank you so much for all your work in forming theGirlsFirst group. My daughter was in your group this summer andI have to tell you how much she enjoyed this and how beneficial itwas to her. I had to push her to go to any kind of activity but thiswasn’t the case with GirlsFirst. She looked forward to Mondays,ready to go without being told a number of times, and always cameout of the session with a big smile on her face. The ride home wasfilled with what the group talked abut that day. Being with othergirls with disabilities was so helpful to her. Having a rare diseaseand not being what my daughter refers to as a “normal” is veryhard for her. Being with the group she felt like she wasn’t different,she saw there are other girls her age with challenges they face eachday. As a mom it was refreshing to hear and see how much fun shehad. I am sad that the sessions could not go on indefinitely butunderstand funding and time are an issue. It is my hope you will beable to offer this program again in the future and my daughter willbe able to participate. Thank you again for all your work and thefriendship you offered these girls.

-Mother of GirlsFirst participant

Youth Service:

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We had researched and participated in various programs butfinally found one targeted for girls. GirlsFirst summer programhas been a blessing. I knew my daughter was in very capablehands. After sometime when we finally connected, the class wasfull! When your Youth Coordinator heard our story and need sheimmediately opened up her arms and heart to welcome mydaughter in her class. After all, the Coordinator thought, what’sone more? My daughter started to blossom and overcome theanxiety of a new place and a bunch of strangers. She hesitates toleave mom but once she sees your Coordinator and the other girls,she is ready to learn and have fun. Thanks so much for the socialoutlet that is so desperately missing for our kids, especially girls.Hope to see you soon at another girls’ event.

-Mother of GirlsFirst participant

I am a mother of an 11 year old girl. She is facing majorchallenges of starting adulthood and middle school not to mentionher various special needs. Your Wheelchair Sports & AdaptiveRecreation Program Coordinator gave us an opportunity atAdaptive Snow Skiing. She has shown us the numerous doors tobe opened for my daughter.

-Mother of Wheelchair Sports & Recreation Program participant



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A young woman participated in the Youth LeadershipSummit. During the course of the day dedicated to relationships,she told the group about a dating relationship she was involved in.It was obvious that as the day went on and she was involved insessions about healthy relationships and dating, that she wasrealizing that the relationship she was in was not healthy. Shedescribed verbally abusive and stalking behavior on the part of herpartner. You could see in her face she became aware his behaviortoward her was neither warranted nor normal. Some weeks afterthe Youth Leadership Summit, she came to IndependenceFirst foranother program. She confided to the group that since thesummit, she had given a lot of thought to the way her boyfriendwas treating her and had broken up with him. She admitted thatshe had learned that this kind of relationship was not normal oracceptable for her and that she planned on having only healthy andrespectful relationships in the future.

-Youth Summit Coordinator


”Through our program collaboration with Milwaukee Recreation,

both the Youth Varsity and Youth Prep teams for wheelchair basketballqualified for the National Tournament in Denver in March.

Our collaboration with the SouthEastern Wisconsin AdaptiveSki Program included the participation of four veterans withdisabilities. Also, the downhill skiing program has two veterans onits volunteer staff. Seventy-two lessons were provided by theprogram’s volunteers for adaptive downhill skiing and snowboarding.

Two youth, who had been part of our sports/rec programsince they were nine years old, have just graduated from highschool and will be attending college in the fall.

Wheelchair Sports & AdaptiveRecreation Program:

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One of our staff was conducting a wrap-up session of a highschool IL Skills class series. A coworker presented to parents andstaff while the other staff person worked with the student group.The first staff person did the "Three Deadly Accommodations"presentation and the parents were so grateful. They said that thiswas the first time they had been given practical advice about howto prepare their children for life after high school. The schoolrequested this presentation for their family support group next year.The students learned useful lessons on how to self-advocate andnecessary skills to utilize after high school.


A young man came in for an Assistive Technology evaluation. Areport was forwarded to his DVR counselor. The counselor laterreported that the recommended equipment had been purchasedand had made a significant difference in the young man's schoolwork. He was especially happy with the very low tech devices,because he was able to use them when other more high techequipment was not allowed to be used.


Milwaukee County referred a gentleman for an architectural assessment.He was living in his basement (by choice), but the lift provided by a localvendor was dangerously inadequate. The only option for creating accesswas VERY expensive, and funding assistance would be needed. Our staffworked together with his social worker and a funding request was sent tothe state. The request was approved on the first submission.

Independent Living Training Classes:

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Assistive Technology/Try-A-Gadget:

A gentleman had a brain stem stroke in the summer, and doctorstold his family that he would not survive. They decided to take himhome, presumably to die. For some inexplicable reason, he not onlysurvived, but began to regain function. His returning physical skillswere very uneven and unpredictable, so his therapists were havingdifficulty developing effective treatment plans. He decided he wantedto try to re-learn how to feed himself, so he borrowed every adaptedspoon in our Try-A-Gadget Center, along with some pointing devicesand some writing aids. He was able to identify several useful items.His sister took pictures and we gave her contact information for thevendors who sold the equipment. The family and therapists workedtogether to help him get the equipment he preferred.

A woman with a head injury had been hospitalized a year ago withsevere hip pain and contractures. Post discharge therapy included theprescription of a quad cane. While this device did offer some stability,it resulted in much slower walking. It also tied up her only good hand,which meant that she could not carry things at work. ThroughIndependenceFirst, she tried a rollator with a seat and found that hermobility was much faster when she did not have to coordinate arm andleg movements, and the seat let her carry things around the office. Heremployer purchased one for her as a job accommodation.

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Volunteers are integrated throughout theIndependenceFirst office and many of ourprograms. Over 400 volunteers contributedmore than 6,000 hours of service in 2009 tohelp us fulfill our mission. Our volunteers arefrom various backgrounds: individuals who areyoung, between jobs, retirees and corporategroups – we have been fortunate to tap intothe talents of many people this past year andappreciate all of their assistance, whether it wasone time or a regular time commitment eachweek or month.

Volunteers Give Back to IndependenceFirst

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Rockwell Automation employee volunteers have a true sense ofcommunity. IndependenceFirst has been “adopted” by Rockwellemployees and benefits from their generous employee volunteeractivities. A group from Rockwell spent six hours sorting, testing,and sifting through the Computer Recycling Program’s computerdonations stored in off-site facilities. They tested hundreds of PCs,computer monitors, keyboards and mice. Computer componentsthat did not work were taken to a recycler and the others wereorganized in the storage areas for easier identification and access.Still others volunteered to help rebuild these computers soconsumers who could not otherwise afford to purchase a homecomputer are able to obtain a recycled/rebuilt computer.

Another group of Rockwell employee volunteers from the Mequonoffice spent a day “playing in the dirt”! Fifteen volunteersreworked the landscaping at the Milwaukee Idea Home, layingsod, planting shrubs and flowers and spreading mulch. What adifference a day makes! Fifteen volunteers, six hours, plenty ofshovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, and just plain hard work transformedthe property into a pleasant, low maintenance part of theneighborhood.

We couldn’t have accomplished all of this work without thededicated employee volunteers from Rockwell Automation. Thank you to them and all of our volunteers for contributions to IndependenceFirst in 2009!

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IndependenceFirstPOWER LUNCH

presented by theNorthwestern Mutual


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IndependenceFirst’s annual event,

The POWER LUNCH, had nearly 650

business leaders and persons with disabilities

in attendance. TLC’s Little People, Big World

star Amy Roloff was the featured speaker.

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NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL FOUNDATIONhas been the presenting sponsor for this event since its

beginning eight years ago. This well-attended leadership lunch

event highlights the untapped potential of people with

disabilities as a work force, market force and group that

contributes to the diversity of our community.


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OUR DONORSAppreciation for 30 years of support and service.

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Grants/ContractsAbri Health ServicesAccess to Independence, Inc.Amerigroup Charitable FoundationAudio & Braille Literacy EnhancementAlvin & Marion Birnschein FoundationCare Wisconsin First, Inc.Center for the Deaf & BlindChildren’s Family & Community Partnerships Christopher & Dana Reeve FoundationCommunity Care, Inc.Patrick & Anna M. Cudahy FundElizabeth Elser Doolittle FoundationAlbert & Flora Ellinger FoundationEmployment Resources, Inc.Evan & Marion Helfaer FoundationGreater Milwaukee Foundation - Lois & Donald Cottrell Fund B- Thomas C. & Sandra K. Dunst Fund- Eugene Hayman IndependenceFirst Fund- Frank Kirkpatrick Fund & KPA Fund I- Catherine & Walter Lindsey Foundation Fund- Luedke-Smith Fund- Gerry & Elaine MainmanHelen Bader FoundationiCareIndependent Living Council of WisconsinJewish Community FoundationKids MatterLadish Co. FoundationLegal Action of WisconsinManaged Health ServicesManpower FoundationMidstate Independent Living ConsultantsMilwaukee County - Department of AgingMilwaukee County - Community Development Block Grant

PeopleFirstJane Bradley Pettit FoundationPotawatomi Bingo CasinoPPC FoundationPublic Service Commission of WisconsinPush AmericaRockwell Corporation

Rosalie ManorStackner Family FoundationState of Wisconsin, Department of - Children & Family Services- Health Services- Workforce DevelopmentSupportive Community ServicesU.S. Dept. of Justice - Office on Violence Against Women

U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Special Education Rehabilitative Services

U.S. Social Security AdministrationUnited HealthCareUnited Way of Greater MilwaukeeUniversity of MontanaUrban Day SchoolWindhover FoundationWisconsin Coalition of Independent Living Centers Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education,Training & Support

Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority

Wisconsin Physicians Services

2009 POWER LUNCHMajor SponsorsNorthwestern Mutual FoundationiCare Inc.Johnson Controls, Inc.

Gifts $1,000 and overAmerigroupAnonymousAtid PropertiesDr. Alfred BaderJanet C. BaldingKristin BergstromCB Richard EllisCreative Business InteriorsDickman Co., Inc.Gordon Flesch CompanyHarley-Davidson Motor CompanyEugene & Norma HaymaniCare Inc.

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Interfaith Older Adult ProgramsJeffrey A. JoerresAnita KatzLocal Initiatives Support CorporationManpower, Inc.Marshall & Ilsley CorporationMillerCoorsMutual of AmericaNorthwestern MutualRitzHolman CPAsJohn & Elizabeth A. RoffersLucy RosenbergJohn M. SchmidLee & Julie A. SchulzUnited Community CenterUS Bank Championship Milw.Vulcan Global Mfg. SolutionsWe Energies Corporation Foundation

$500-$999Abri Health PlanCombined Federal Campaign of Eastern WICraig & Jane CooperAndrew K. GreyHawes/Shapiro Family Foundation, Inc.Scott LuberRosemaria MakowskiRichard M. MarcouxMarquette UniversityPatrick J. SchoenRichard L. WeissPaul Wierzba

$250-$499ACAPARCMarita BinkowskiIketrena BondRobert & Cheryl BurgerDavid A. CiepluchDan & Pattie CoxDianna DentinoThomas & Sandra Dunst

John & Kathryn FarinaFrank and Susan GedelmanBarbara HammHerbert H. Kohl Charities, IncJames B. & Angela JodieKenneth KlauckRon KuramotoThomas J. & Debra L. LanghamCharles & Donna LuberRobert F. & Adeline MajszakDoris A. NyquistMary E. OrleansMargaret M. PincharMarcia E. PlatePost-Polio Resource Group of SE WisconsinBarbara ReynoldsSandra RubinKathleen D. RyanTom & Judy SchmidRoger & Georgia SmithDiana SullivanUnico Group, Inc.Brian WalkerChris & Barbara WhiteWI FACETS

$100-$249Julie AlexanderDean AmhausRaymond & Barbara AndersonRobert & Kathleen AngerRoberta J. AppleMichael & Patricia AshAndrew BalintRichard F. BarrowsEdward & Barbara BeckertTerry BellGeraldine BillerSuzi L. BloedelDawn M. CalarcoChaseDana CherubiniCholive Company, LLC

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Phillip CoronaColleen DawsonDBSA Milwaukee SouthsideJacquelyn L. DienerDivision of Vocational RehabilitationNick DorshorstJudy EngevoldCarol EschnerKimberly A. EubanksRobert FerridayFirstedge SolutionsAnn D. FritschJames H. GanserBrian GatesGoodwill Industries of Southeastern WIDawn M. GreenNicole HackettHACM Achitectural & Engineering ServicesAmalia HeckerMorris C. Henderson, Jr.Linda HillebrandBrad & Andrea HoeschenIBEW - Local Union 2150Amy S. JensenRonald & Patricia JodatBarbara JoycePaula KaliebePam KanauerElizabeth KelleyWilliam & Lee Ann KingstonDavid C. KneussJoseph & Wendy KopinskiPam KrigerFrederick & Donna LandMarcia Y. LeeChih LeuSidney & Betty LiebermanM & I UniversityManaged Health ServicesAlan & Rita MarcuvitzBarbara MarkoffBarbara McDermottBarbara J. McMathMark Metcalf

Midstate Independent Living ConsultantsMilwaukee County Board of SupervisorsJohn P. MitchellBarbara E. MoserHoward & Elaine MyersKaren NajeraCheryl NelsonPatricia ObletzRene O'ConnorColleen A. O'HaraRichard PieperMaryBeth PopchockLaurel Pritzlaff

Professional Interpreting EnterprisePatricia PrussMichael RegoRobert & Kelly RehbeckGinger A. ReimerWilliam ReinhardBryan RieschIsaac J. RoangDan & Julie RosenfeldNoreen A. RyanTillie M. SalatyKenneth J. SchroederLindsey SchroederRoger C. ShermanSandra SiiraSandi SmithBarbara J. SorensonLois SorensonJack & Debra SpearJim & Cynthia StollDaniel J. StotmeisterStowell Associates, Inc.Supportive Community Services, Inc.

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Stowell Associates, Inc.Supportive Community Services, Inc.Michael & Donna TanguayTracy ThomasRobert & Mary UnkelPenelope L. UrbenYelena VeismanRichard J. WadeDavid & Barbara WagnerWeekes Forest Products, Inc.West Bend ClinicWI Paralyzed Veterans of AmericaJanice WilbergJudi WislaRebecca WolfertCharlotte ZarnothMatthew Zellmer

$50-$99Karin BachmanWilliam & Kathleen BergstromMary A. Birdsall-JayPhilip & Beatrice BlankBrad & Deby BreySidney BrownCarijean BuhkA. BuschhausCarol CannonPhilip & Stephanie ChardClarence W. CharlesGladys R. ChmielMark ClarkJim CondonMichael & Barbara CorriveauBob & Eve Eiseman

Nicole FermanianWilliam & Barbara FoySteve FrenchMichael & Joanne GrebnerMichele HaasHearst Marketing ResourcesLinda S. HeidererDawn HelmrichPeter HoeffelAl & Terri HornikLouise JaeckelsMichael JannuschStan & Mary JayDenise JendusaDaire KeanJoanne KolodzikAndrew C. KomisarEmmie KompLori S. KornblumRandall & Jayne LambrechtDiane LaneThomas & Jill LasalleDaniel & Alice LawtonElizabeth J. LentiniSari E. LuberGeri L. LydayKevin D. MakowskiMarvin & Ann A. MargolisAudrey A. MartiniSelma MechanicGeorge & Catherine MettenSara RS MillerJerry & Georgianna MoorbeckSandra MooreRudolph & Jane MoravcikShellisa D. MultrieChristianne MurnMary Ellen MuthEllen MyersTimothy J. OcelLoretta OchnikowskiClaudia OrugbaniKoleshia K. PaigeWayne Parker

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Tiffany PaynePersonal Touch Marketing, Inc.Erin PetersonLisa A. PollockSamantha PorterSean RobinsonRoundy's Supermarkets-"We Care"ProgramKelley SantiJanet SchleeRoseann SchmidtEleanor M. SchroederJennifer E. SchubertSuzanne L. SeligDiane SelkeySam ShermanTimothy SiekertLaura SkoffCharles R. & Christine A. StanfieldMark SteinMary StewartLesley A. StoneGina SuozziPatricia A. SuozziCarolyn Tate-McIntoshDouglas M. TetzlaffRobert M. ThomasTobie & Roxan TylerAndrianna VierigVital Voices for Mental HealthVolunteers of America of WIDavid & Carol VossThomas J. WangerinMargo WinterLouise WorthyCindy YomantasGina ZarconePhylis Zelenski

Tribute GiftsIn Honor of Bernard Keller Sandy Adland

In Honor of Scott Luber Alan & Rita Marcuvitz

In Honor of Nursing Home Transition Program Margaret M. Pinchar

In Honor of Doris Nyquist Doris A. Nyquist

In Honor of Lee Schulz Amerigroup

In Honor of Paula Suozzi Roberta J. AppleRichard F. BarrowsA. BuschhausDana CherubiniGladys R. ChmielDianna DentinoThomas & Tamara EggebrechtJon & Michele EicheRobert FerridayPeter & Jennifer GrayBrad & Andrea HoeschenAmy S. JensenSusan KlingmanDavid C. KneussPam KrigerFrederick & Donna LandDiane LaneThomas & Jill LasalleDaniel & Alice LawtonElizabeth J. LentiniBarbara J. McMathMark MetcalfSara RS MillerCarrie J. MurphyTimothy J. OcelColleen A. O'HaraZoe A. PappasLisa A. PollockStephan A. RoselinLesley A. StoneGina SuozziPatricia A. SuozziMichael & Donna Tanguay

In Honor of Thomas Uyehara Shannon Sawicki

In Memory of Richard Barthel Barbara JoyceTobie & Roxan Tyler

In Memory of Leland Baum Tobie & Roxan Tyler

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In Memory of Dale Block Tobie & Roxan Tyler

In Memory of Joseph Brown Ronald BrownSidney Brown

In Memory of Jesse Cruz Tobie & Roxan Tyler

In Memory of Carter Davis Chris & Barbara White

In Memory of Fred Greasby Tobie & Roxan Tyler

In Memory of Gilbert Jaeckels Louise Jaeckels

In Memory of Milton Katz Anita Katz

In Memory of Mary Keller Margaret M. Pinchar

In Memory of Aili Lahti Chris & Barbara White

In Memory of Rose Makowski Ken HuberGail KerrRosemaria Makowski

In Memory of John Martini Audrey A. Martini

In Memory of Zoey Margaret M. Pinchar

In Memory of Michael Parker Jacquelyn L. DienerAmy L. Keil

In Memory of Barbara Payne Margaret M. Pinchar

In Memory of Trey Roy Jo Ann M. Lindquist

In Memory of Justiniano Santiago Margaret M. Pinchar

In Memory of Isabel Saskowski Chris & Barbara White

In Memory of Mimi Shapiro Diana Sullivan

In Memory of Vivian Spence Diana Sullivan

In Memory of Alison Sullivan Julie AlexanderARC

Dianna DentinoLinda S. HeidererWilliam & Lee Ann KingstonThomas J. & Debra L. LanghamKathy MoharCindi PichlerMargaret M. PincharPatricia PrussMary Patricia RoseDiana SullivanChris & Barbara White

In Memory of Smitty Sullivan Diana Sullivan

In Memory of George Walsh Diana Sullivan

In Memory of Michael Wisniewski Diana Sullivan

Inkind2009 POWER LUNCHAlejandra AcevedoAir Tran AirwaysAlterra CoffeeAlverno PresentsAmbassador HotelAngee's NailsArab World FestivalArlington ParkBally's Total FitnessBrew City BruisersBrewers Radio NetworkBusiness Journal Cafe MannaCarey LimousineCharles Allis & Villa Terrace Art MuseumsComedy SportzCore El CentroDan & Pattie CoxCraig Berns Salon & SpaDanceworks, Inc.Dianna DentinoMarian A. EcklundElegance Salon & SpaElite Fitness & Raquet ClubEmperor of China

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Rita EstremeraFox 6 NewsGerman FestGreen Bay PackersHausch Design AgencyHilton Milwaukee City CenterWendy L. HuotInnovative Health & FitnessInterContinental HotelKahler SlaterKlement's Sausage Co.Lake ExpressLaScala Restaurant-ICCMajor League Baseball- Commissioner’s OfficeMarquette Spirit ShopMeritageMexican FiestaMilwaukee AdmiralsMilwaukee BucksMilwaukee MileMilwaukee Public MuseumMilwaukee Repertory TheaterMilwaukee WaveMinnesota TwinsMorningstar Golfers ClubNeroli Salon & SpaNext Act TheatreNext Chapter BookshopOnMilwaukee.comP. F. Chang's China BistroPaintball Dave'sPitch's Restaurant & LoungePolish FestRamada InnRenaissance Theaterworks

Rocky Rococo RestaurantsRoloff Living Large Enterprises, LLCRoots Restaurant & CellarScarvaci Florist & Gift ShoppePat SchwalbeSouth Milwaukee Performing Arts CenterSpecial Editions, Inc.Sprecher Brewing, Inc.Time Warner CableTriskele'sTyrol Basin Ski & SnowboardVillage PubWe EnergiesWisconsin Athletic ClubWTMJ-AMGreg YoungZoological Society of Milwaukee County

Computer Recycling ProgramA New BloomDaniel ArfstenBeck, Chaet & Bamberger, S.C.John BellAntonio Belmontes, Jr.James BelongerGary BenrudGary BickerstaffNancy BirkBlount OrthopaedicBrenda BosleyBrain Injury Association of WIBruno Independent Living AidsKyle BuergerRichard BurbeyJan Burr

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Kathy BusheRobin ButzkeEvelyn BynumCH2M HillSarah ChandlerMercedes ChavezRoxanne CiattiNancy R. CieslakKathy CiezkiBrian ClauterJason CleeremanRobert CohenRobby CollinsCompuRentComputer 911, Inc.Susane CowansCreative Business InteriorsDaniel & Kathryn CroakMargaret DaughertyMichael DoyleLinda DrozdowiczKendall DrummondTheresa EdwardsWilliam EversSally FlaschbergerMalcolm FrazerGloria FreemanTroy FreundShannon FritzRichard GaetaJohn GazvodaFrank & Susan GedelmanCathy GilbertsonStuart GilgannonPaul GillinghamDarrell GodejohnGary GrandeDaniel GriesbachRenee GriswoldHeidi Griswold-RhymerFrederick HaagLynn HandlerHausch Design Agency

Jerome HempeMark HennessyReynaldo HernandezSteve HoogesterLois HooverAl & Terri HornikKen HuberRose HuntKimberly HuntleyHurt Electric, Inc.Lee HutchinsonNeil HynesInterpreting Solutions, Inc.Ron IrwinDeAnna JacksonMarlene JacobsonRichard C. James, Jr.Michael JammalVaranda JohnsonMeania M. JonesNancy JosephLaurie KaduncAndrew C. KanekoaSamuel KeenerMichael KieckSheila KintopDebbie KnepkeGregg KnollBob KollmeyerKuhlman, Inc.James & Donna LandwehrDarla LangeJedd LapidMichelle LarcheidJanet LaughlinPeter LeeBrian MagennisMahler Enterprises, Inc.Kerry MalakJessica MaloneManaged Health ServicesMandel Group, Inc.Kay Mann

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Mary Marjenka-PippMarilyn MarxWendy MarzionMark MazzoneThomas McGinnisMatt McHughMDMCMEC MidwestMercury Communications PartnersMichael Best & FriedrichDennis MillerMilwaukee Aging ConsortiumMilwaukee Art MuseumMilwaukee Bar AssociationMilwaukee Journal SentinelIone MinsterMonterey MillsMOSTAlex MuszytowskiKristina MuticMarshall NelsonLisa NolenPaul OlsenJohn O'NeillSonja OrtmanRandy OskeyJolynn PalmbachBrian PatzerMichael PatzerKayleen PerkinsJoseph H. PesadaRobert & Patricia PichlerSally PiduchPoclain HydraulicsLarry PopeDiana PorterLaurel PritzlaffPrudhom Interpreting & ConsultingR & K Support ServicesD. RaaschGloria J. RabideauxMaria RadomskiWayne Ray

David ReeveDale RegenauerPatricia L. RennerSheree RhodesTom RichterTod A. RiebowJustin RitterRose Pest SolutionsJames RuehleSheila SabezakWilliam SandersAnne SaragneseRobert SchulerLee & Julie A. SchulzJanis SerakAllison SercekiGary & Barb SheahanPatricia SheahanTimothy SiekertArtiestistellanta SimmonsDennis SkorySharon SlatterySociety's Assets, Inc.Sojourner Family Peace CenterSt. Coletta Day School of MilwaukeeDan StefanichDon SteffensMark SteinJoan StephensonDonna StoffelGeorge StrnadRob TegtmeierBruce ThompsonTMP WorldwideTotal Cleaning ServicesJohn TrojanKevin VanaackenJennifer VentVeolia WaterAnnie Verig

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CRP (cont’d)Alex WalkerJoanne WareDennis WenzelBarbara WesenerKimberly WhooperWI FACETSGloria WilliamsPeter WilsensWirtz Beverage WisconsinJudi WislaDonald WrightKenneth YoungAnn M. ZieglerDebbie Zwiefel

Other InkindJulie AlexanderAssurant HealthFurman AveryDebbie BoddenMaxine & Jo Ann BoninDan & Pattie CoxThomas DeerRobert FickenCharles & Elsie FieneFirstedge SolutionsJodi HosaleJerome HoufekDorothy HughesJohnson Controls, Inc.Fred & Susan KnueppelPatti KraemerLeslie A. MyersDonald & Lorraine PaynterLee & Julie A. SchulzDiana SullivanDavid & Carol VossBarbara & Chris WhiteCharlotte Zarnoth

Year Ended December 31, 2009R E V E N U E

U.S. Department of EducationCenter for Independent Living . . . . . . . . . 327,209

U.S. Department of JusticeOffice of Violence Against Women. . . . . . . 150,188

Social Security AdministrationBenefits Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,043WIPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,830

State of WisconsinCenter for Independent Living (Part C). . . . . . 1,000WisTech - Assistive Technologies . . . . . . . . . 20,509Worker Relocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73,275AODA Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 Domestic Abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,814

United Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,531Personal Assistance Program . . . . . . . . . . . 27,324,919Foundations / Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215,291Entepreneurial Efforts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,231Investment Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,748,325Fund Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94,002Other Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91,844

Total Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,413,011E X P E N S E S

Salaries / Burdens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,215,560Operational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980,284 Contractual Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428,874 General / Administrative Expenses. . . . . 1,654,231

Total Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,278,949Change in Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,107,918

Net Assets, Beginning of the Year (Adj) . . . . 15,310,137NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,418,055

Statement of Activities

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John Mitchell - Chair-Vice President, Marshall & Ilsley Trust Company

Martha Valerio - Vice Chair-Vice President, Info Research Analysis, Northwestern Mutual

Angela Jodie - Secretary-Medical College of Wisconsin/Retired Administrator

Ron Jodat - Treasurer-Retired Professor, Marquette University, Retired Executive, Maritime Savings Bank

Michael Ash - At Large-Retired Attorney, Godfrey & Kahn S.C.

Tobie Tyler - At Large-Former Police Officer, ADA Activist

Paul Wierzba - At Large-Regional Vice President, Mutual of America

Jason Altmann - University of Milwaukee-Counselor for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Robert Burger - Area Manager, Aquent, LLC

Craig Cooper - Senior Vice President/CFO, Batteries Plus, LLC

Barbara Corriveau - CPA, Director, BDO Seidman, LLP

Gwen Jackson - Retired Human Resources Vice President, American Red Cross leader for 40 years

Ronald Kuramoto - Owner/Principal Consultant, Further Education Consulting

Dean Muller - Vice President & Financial Advisor, Morgan Stanley

Noreen Ryan - Division of Vocational Rehabilitation/Retired Office Supervisor

John Schmid - Economist, WE Energies

Ignatius Smetek - President/Chief Investment Officer, Arcataur Capital Management

Jeremiah Swisher - University of Wisconsin-Whitewater College Student, Community Volunteer

Judi Wisla - Executive Sales Associate, First Weber Group Realtors

Administrative Management

Lee Schulz - Executive Director

Karen Avery - Associate Director

Scott Luber - Administrative Director

Wendy Huot - Finance Director

Tracy Thomas - Controller

Kathy Acevedo - HR Director

Board of Directors

Page 32: Independence First Annual Report

540 South 1st Street Milwaukee, WI 53204 - 1605414-291-7520(Voice/TTY) 414-291-7525 [email protected]