index []978-1-4684-8312-3/1.pdf · index bacteriophage, photodynamic inactivation,...

Index Absorption coefficient, 170-171 Absorption law, 40, 42 Absorption spectra of chromophore, 171, 172 discovery, 27 of epidermal pigments, 163, 165 excitation, 44-45 Acantholysis, 297 Acanthosis, 233 Acidosis, 481 Acne Mallorca, 360 phototherapy, 512 Acridine, 113, 118, 129,328,547,549,552 Acridine orange, 545, 549 anti-tumor effects, 625 bipolymer complexes, 70, 71, 72-80 description, 69 as diagnostic tool, 71-78, 83, 85, 88 fluorescence emission spectroscopy, 74-78 nucleic acid complexes, 76, 77, 78, 83, 85,125 nuclei localization, 127 Actinic damage, from psoralen phototherapy, 608-609 Actinic elastosis, 459 Actinic keratoses, 610 Actinic ray, 35 Actinic reticuloid, 372-373,422 Adenoma, 265 Adenosine triphosphatase, 128 Adenovirus, 553,588 Albumin bilirubin binding, 480-483, 492-493, 495 as carrier protein, 298 Alcohol, photodynamic degradation, 130, 131 Allergy contact, 297-298, 304 photo-,311-312 sunscreen reactions, 457, 471 Allylisopropylacetamide, 337 Alopecia areata, 607 Amino acids (see also names of amino acids) aromatic, 162 photo oxidation, 131-132 phototherapy effects, 498 ultraviolet radiation absorption, 220 Aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetase, 125 o-Aminoleuvulinic acid synthetase, 336-337,416,417 Aminopyrine demethylation, 498 Amphibia, photodynamic reactions in, 121 Amyldimethyl aminobenzoate, 457 ANA, see Antibody, antinuclear Anacystis nidulans, 124 Anemia congenital nonspherocytic hemolytic, 493-494 in erythropoietic protoporphyria, 415, 416,425 Aneuploidy, of deoxyribonucleic acid, 84, 86, 87 Angelican, methylated, 598 Angiosarcoma, 537 639

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Absorption coefficient, 170-171 Absorption law, 40, 42 Absorption spectra

of chromophore, 171, 172 discovery, 27 of epidermal pigments, 163, 165 excitation, 44-45

Acantholysis, 297 Acanthosis, 233 Acidosis, 481 Acne

Mallorca, 360 phototherapy, 512

Acridine, 113, 118, 129,328,547,549,552 Acridine orange, 545, 549

anti-tumor effects, 625 bipolymer complexes, 70, 71, 72-80 description, 69 as diagnostic tool, 71-78, 83, 85, 88 fluorescence emission spectroscopy,

74-78 nucleic acid complexes, 76, 77, 78, 83,

85,125 nuclei localization, 127

Actinic damage, from psoralen phototherapy, 608-609

Actinic elastosis, 459 Actinic keratoses, 610 Actinic ray, 35 Actinic reticuloid, 372-373,422 Adenoma, 265 Adenosine triphosphatase, 128 Adenovirus, 553,588

Albumin bilirubin binding, 480-483, 492-493, 495 as carrier protein, 298

Alcohol, photodynamic degradation, 130, 131

Allergy contact, 297-298, 304 photo-,311-312 sunscreen reactions, 457, 471

Allylisopropylacetamide, 337 Alopecia areata, 607 Amino acids (see also names of amino acids)

aromatic, 162 photo oxidation, 131-132 phototherapy effects, 498 ultraviolet radiation absorption, 220

Aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetase, 125 o-Aminoleuvulinic acid synthetase,

336-337,416,417 Aminopyrine demethylation, 498 Amphibia, photodynamic reactions in, 121 Amyldimethyl aminobenzoate, 457 ANA, see Antibody, antinuclear Anacystis nidulans, 124 Anemia

congenital nonspherocytic hemolytic, 493-494

in erythropoietic protoporphyria, 415, 416,425

Aneuploidy, of deoxyribonucleic acid, 84, 86, 87

Angelican, methylated, 598 Angiosarcoma, 537



Aniline hydroxylation, 498 Anorexia nervosa, 432 Anthracene

carcinogenic properties, 263, 275, 276, 279

cell localization, 327 phototoxicity, 326, 328-329

Anthraquinone, 118 Antibody

antinuclear, 294, 296, 297, 313 deoxyribonucleic acid, 297,338 fluorescent, 133 function, 298-299 photochemical reactions, 295-298 virus-transformed cells, 579-582, 584-587

Antigen-antibody reaction, 297 Antihistamine, 237,466 Antihypertensive drugs, sunscreen

cross-reactivity, 457, 459, 472 Anti-inflammatory agents, nonsteroidal,

236,237,238 Antimalarial drugs (see also names of drugs)

as photoprotective agents, 237, 238,466, 468-469

Antioxidant compounds, 118 (see also names of compounds)

as photoprotective agents, 237, 238 Antiprostaglandin agents, 236 AO, see Acridine orange Apurinic site, 107 Arachidonic acid, 237 Arcus senilis, 429-430 Argyrosis, 369 Aspirin, 236 Ataxia telangiectasia, 100 Atmosphere

oxygen accumulation, 113 solar radiation flux, 446

Atmospheric conditions, and sunburn, 229-230, 235-236

Atriplex hortensis, 364 Aurantiasis cutis, see Carotenemia Autoantibody, 338 Autofluorescence, 162, 163, 178,179-180 Azine dye, 118 Azo dye, 118 Azulene, 363

B cell, 298, 300, 302 Bacteria

carotenoid function, 410-412 photodynamic reactions, 123-124 photoinactivation, 114, 549, 564-565

Bacteria (cont.) photoprotection in, 410-412

Bacteriochlorophyll, 410


Bacteriophage, photodynamic inactivation, 129

Basal cell carcinoma laser therapy, 537 psoralen phototherapy, 610 ultraviolet radiation effects, 280, 282,

284,305,307,350,459 Basalioma, 359 BCND, 277-278 Beer's law, 38,40 Benzanthracene, 274 Benzimidazole, 360 Benzo(a)pyrene, 329,498 Benzocaine, 457, 471, 472 Benzophenone, as sunscreen, 453, 457,458,

459,463,464,465,471 Benzophenone derivatives, 453, 457, 458,

463,464,465,471 Benzoxazole, 360 Benzpyrene, 122,274,328 Berloque dermatitis, 362-363 Beta-carotene

action spectrum, 170, 171, 173, 220 hemolysis inhibition, 400 nutritional aspects, 424-425 as photoprotective agent, 121, 238,423,

466-468 photosensitivity interaction, 118 toxicity, 425-426, 433 visual acuity effects, 430

Beta-carotene therapy, 409-440 for actinic reticuloid, 422 for congenital porphyria, 421 for erythropoietic protoporphyria, 409,

414-421,466-468 dosage, 418, 420-421, 467 for hydroa aestivale, 422 for hydroa vaccineforme, 423 for polymorphous light eruption,

421-423 for porphyria cutanea tarda, 422 sunlight tolerance effects, 417-421 for urticaria so lar, 422

Betamethasome valerate, 237 Bilirubin

absorption spectrum, 170, 171, 172 albumin binding, 480-483, 492-493,495 biliary excretion, 484 blood binding capacity, 496 cytotoxicity, 481,492


Bilirubin (cont.) in erythropoietic protoporphyria, 425 excretion, 484, 495 neurotoxicity, 477, 481, 491-493 phospholipid binding, 480 photoadducts, 483 photochemistry, 482-484 photodecomposition, 481-482, 488 as photodynamic sensitizer, 119 photoisomers, 484 photo oxidation effects, 478-479,482 photoproducts, 483, 484 serum levels, 148, 178,481,482,

484-486,492,493 structure, 480

Bilirubin diffusion, 484-486 dose-response relationship, 484-486

Bilirubin encephalopathy, 477, 481, 491, 496

Bilirubin glucuronide, 493 Biological marker

criteria for use, 71 definitive, 82

Bipolymer complex, fluorescence analysis, 70,71,72-80

Bithionol, 333 Blacks

glucose-6-phosphate deficiency, 497-498 hyperbilirubinemia, 492 melanosome aggregation, 600 phototoxic reactions, 326 skin cancer occurrence, 279-280 spectral remittance, 166 stratum corneum density, 167 ultraviolet radiation effects, 512

Bladder cancer diagnosis, 81-82, 85-86 phototherapy, 628, 629

Blistering, as phototherapy side effect, 597, 604,607

Blood bilirubin binding capacity, 496 photocoagulation, 185 radiation exposure, 7

Blood flow, cutaneous, 7, 10 and drug delivery, 16

Blood vessel, laser phototherapy effects, 187-189

Bloom syndrome, 100,376 Blue light, absorption, 169-170 Bouguer-Lambert law, 37, 38, 40 Bowen disease, 563


Bradykinin, 223, 224 Brain damage, during hyperbilirubinemia,

477-478,479,491-493 Breast cancer, phototherapy, 636 Brewster's law of polarization, 50 Bromodeoxyuridine photolysis assay,

98-99, 105 Bunsen-Roscoe law of reciprocity, 230,

264-272 Butylated hydroxy toluene, 237

Calcium ion, uptake, 128 Cancer (see also names of cancers;

Photocarcinogenesis) fluorescence diagnosis, 81-86, 88 laser diagnosis, 540 laser therapy, 537-539

Candida albicans, 567 3-Carbethoxyprsoralen, 598 Carbohydrates, photodynamic degradation,

130 Carcinogensis, see Photocarcinogensis Carotene deoxygenase, 424 Carotenemia

beta-carotene therapy, 467 definition, 426-427 in liver disease, 431 and photosensitivity, 423 skin color during, 173

Carotenodermia,426-430 in disease states, 430 and tanning, 423

Carotenogenesis, 412 Carotenoid pigments, 118 (see also

Beta-carotene) deposition, 428-429 ecological importance, 412 in lipoproteins, 433 metabolism, 430-433 photochemistry, 398-402

free radical interaction, 400-401 singlet oxygen interaction, 401-402

in photoprotection, 397-407, 409-414 in photosensitized systems, 398-405 in photosynthesis, 397, 398-405 radical quenching, 405 triplet energy levels, 404

Cataract psoralen phototherapy-induced, 612-613,

614 solar radiation-induced, 9

Caucasians hyperbilirubinemia, 492


Caucasians (cont.) melanosome aggregation, 600 phototoxic reactions, 326 skin cancer occurrence, 279-280,

282-283 spectral remittance, 166 ultraviolet radiation absorption, 161, 162,

168,248 ultraviolet radiation transmittance, 161,

168 Cell

photodynamic reactions, 126-128 ultraviolet radiation effects, 10,91,108,

499,515-516 Cell death, 91, 108 Cell injury (see also Phototoxicity)

during phototherapy, 499 ultraviolet radiation-induced, 10

Cell kinetics, 10 Cell membrane, phototoxicity damage,

327,328 Cellulose, 130 Cephalhematoma, 494 Cervix cancer

diagnosis, 81, 84, 85, 86 herpes virus-induced, 572

Chemostaxis, of neutrophil, 224, 225 Chloasma, 363 Chlorella vulgaris, 402 Chlorophyll

photobleaching, 404 as photodynamic sensitizer, 117, 119,

410,411,412 as photosynthetic synthesizer, 399-400

Chlorophyllide a, 121 Chloroquine

in erythropoietic protoporphyria therapy, 381

as photo protective agent, 237-238,466, 468-469

Chlorpromazine absorption spectrum, 328 and hyperpigmentation, 364 photo allergic response, 331 photoproducts, 326 as photosensitizer, 114, 334 photo toxicity, 331, 327-328

Cholecalciferol, see Vitamin D3 Cholecystititis, 431 Cholelithiasis, 415 Cholesterol

photooxidation, 11 7, 126 in vitamin D synthesis, 198, 206


Chromophore absorption spectrum, 157, 165, 171, 172,

225 activation, 15 definition, 220 depth,180 excitation, 3 as laser target, 187,534 length, 402-403 location, 155 optical properties, 148 radiation scattering, 160 spectral transmission, 163

Chromosome aberration, 100 Chromosome-breakage syndrome, 100 Chrysiasis, 369 Cinnamate, as sunscreen, 453,457,463,

464 Coal tar (see also Tar-ultraviolet B radiation

therapy) action spectrum, 329 cutaneous effects, 359-360 as photosensitizer, 274, 325, 525 as phototherapy adjunctive agent,

522-525 photo toxicity , 328-329, 330

Cockayne syndrome, 376 Collagen

dermal content, 7 light scattering, 156 structure, 152

Collagen disease, 378 Color names, spectral, 54 Complement system, 224 Congenital non spherocytic hemolytic

anemia, 493-494 Conjuctivitis, 613 Connective tissue, degeneration, 350 Constancy of quantum yield of fluorescence

law, 43-44 Convolution, 59-60 Coproporphyrin, 335 Corneal ulcer, herpetic, 556 Corneocyte, 150 Corticosteroid

in erythema therapy, 237, 238,470 in eozema therapy, 606

Corynebacterium, 412 Corynebacterium poinsettiae, 411 Crigler-Najjar syndrome, 485-486, 494 Cross-sensitivity reaction, 457,459,

471-472 Cysteine, 131


Cytochrome b5, 498 Cytochrome P450, 498 Cytolysis, 233 Cytopathology

automated,81-82 criteria, 71

Cytosine, photoproducts, 295 Cytosine hydrate, 106, 107

Definite combining proportions law, 43 7 -Dehydrochloresterol, 11, 199, 200, 201,

203, 204, 205, 206, 208 Demethylchlortetracycline, 329, 330 Deoxyribonucleic acid

acridine orange complexing, 77 aneuploidy, 84, 86, 87 antibody, 297, 338 autoantibody, 338 bromodeoxyuridine photolysis, 98-99,

105, and carcinogenesis, 598 chromatographic analysis, 96-97 cross-linking, 104, 107, 108, 124, 277,

278-279,598 dimer

pyrimidine, 91, 92, 93, 96, 98-106 thymine, 93-98

drug binding, 339,469 dye binding, 125 enzymatic assay, 97-98 enzyme sensitive areas, 98 excision repair, 93, 162, 270, 272, 278,

609 methods of study, 96-106

hydrolysates, 97 light inactivation, 498-499 nondimer damage, 106-108 nondimer photoproducts, 106-108 photoadduct, 277, 279,327, 328 photoproducts, 10, 91-92, 296-297 photo protection, 166-167 photosensitization, 114 as phototoxicity damage site, 327 postreplication repair, 93 psoralen interaction, 296-297,326,

597-598 resynthesis, 92-93, 99-106,108-109 ultraviolet radiation effects, 10, 11,

91-112,270-272,294,295-297, 513,527,609,611

viral,550-552 Deoxyribonucleic acid-dye intercalation,



Deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase, 129 Deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis

phototherapy effects, 10, 246, 302, 575, 598,601

phototoxic inhibition, 327 and pyrimidine dimers, 92-106 unscheduled, 300, 310

Dermatitis atrophicans maculosa, 377 Berloque, 362-363 contact

photoallergic,331-333 phototherapy effects, 611 as sunscreen side effect, 457

eczematous, 457, 459 phototoxica, 361,362 vernalis aurium Burckhardt, 375

Dermatomyositis, 378 Dermis, 7

hemoglobin location, 149 optics, 169-174 papillary, 232, 233 phototherapy effects, 609 structure, 151-152 thickening, 247-248 spectral transmittance, 160 ultraviolet radiation effects, 232, 233-234

de Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome, see Idiotie xerodermique

Deuterium oxide, 117, 133,627 Diabetes, 431 Diffuse reflectance, 40-42

definition, 153 Digalloyl-trioleate, 453 Dihydroxyacetone, 453 Ill!, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D, see Vitamin D Dimer

pyrimidine, 93, 98-106, 225, 270, 271 excision repair, 99-106

thymine, 93-98, 296 chromatographic analysis, 96-97

ultraviolet radiation-induced, 91-106 5,8-Dimethoxypsoralen, 363 Dimethyl aminobenzoate ester, 453, 464 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, 275 Dinitrochlorobenzene, 304 Diphosphopyridine nucleotide, 339, 340 Disseminated superficial actinic

porokeratosis, 376-377 Dithranol, 526, 602 Diuretic drugs, 459, 472 DNA, see Deoxyribonucleic acid DNCB, see Dinitrochlorobenzene


Drug delivery, 15 -16 Dye (see also names of dyes)

carcinogenic, 552-554, 563 in photodegradation, 130 as photodymamic sensitizer, 119

Dye-light phototherapy bacterial infections, 114,549,564-565 carcinogenic risk, 563 fungal infections, 564-567 viral infections, 545-559, 571-594

Dyskeratic cell, 232-233, 513, 600 Dyskeratosis follicularis Darrier, 379-380

Echovirus, 546-547 Eczema

atopic, 606 herpeticum, 554-556, 562 photoallergic, 351, 371-372 in photo-auto-reactions, 351 phototherapy, 511, 554-556, 562, 606

Effectivness spectrum, 45-46 Elastin, 7,152 Elastosis

actinic, 459 nodularis, 360 solar, 608

Electricity, 27-28 Electromagnetic radiation, 3

absorption, 37-40 diffuse reflection, 40-42 interaction with matter, 35-42

Electron transfer, 115-116, 117, 119, 133 Emission energy shift law, 43 Encephalitis, 563 EncephalopathY, bilirubin, 477, 481 Endoscopy, 539 Enterovirus, 545, 546-547,573 Enzymatic assay, 97-98 Enzyme

dimer-specific, 97-98 lysomosal, 127

Enzyme activity, hepatic, 498 Enzyme deficiency, phototherapy-induced,

497-498 Enzyme inactivation, 113, 114 Eosin, 113, 116, 125, 561, 565,567,625 Epidermal melanin unit, 239, 240, 243 Epidermis, 5-7

absorption, band, 161, 162 atrophy, 350 melanin location, 149 optics, 161-169 phototherapy effects, 609 remittance spectrum, 169


Epidermis (cant.) structure, 149-151 thickness, 247, 248 transmission spectrum, 163 ultraviolet radiation effects, 168-169,

232-234 vitamin D content, 205, 209

Epoxide, 132-133 Ergocalciferol, see Vitamin D2 Ergosterol, 198-200, 201, 203, 224 Erysiplelas, 305 Erythema, 151 (see also Sunburn)

action spectrum, 180, 225-226, 230-231, 273,444-445

definition, 221 delayed phase, 222-227 in erythropoietic proto porphyria, 419 factors influencing, 446-447 gradation, 227 histology, 232-234 immediate phase, 221-222 measurement, 176-177 minimal delayed dose, 168, 181-182,

222,225-231,445,518-519,520 in photo toxic reactions, 329-330 prevention, 235-236 from psoralen phototherapy, 599 treatment, 236-238 and vasodilation, 221

Erythrasma, 179 Erythrocyte

life span, 481 membrane, 126 photodynamic response, 126-127 photohemolysis, 114

Erythropoietic proto porphyria, 126-127, 366

beta-carotene therapy, 121,409, 414-421,466-468

disease characteristics, 414-417 genetic lesion, 416-417 in photodermatoses, 361 photosensitivity, 414-421 sunlight tolerance, 417-421

Erythrosine, 131 Escalol 506, see Isoamyl-p-N,N-dimethyl

aminobenzoate Escalol 507, see Dimethyl aminobenzoate

ester Escherichia coli, photodynamic reactions,

123,124 Estrogen, 336-337 Eukaryote, photodynamic reactions,



Eumelanin,238-239 Excision repair, of deoxyribonucleic acid,

93, 96-106 Excitation spectrum, 36,44-45 Exfoliation, 209

Pagopyrum, 120 Fanconi syndrome, 100, 108 Fatty acid

unsaturated, 130-131,400-401 vasodilation, 223,

Fenoprofen, 236 Ferrochelatase, 416, 417 Feulgen reaction, 82-83 Fibrin, deposition, 234 Fibroblast

abnormalities, 234 deoxyribonucleic acid, 95, 101 function, 7 photosensitization, 128 pyrimidine dimers, 101

Fibrosarcoma, 537 Fish, photodynamic reactions, 121 Flash photolysis technique, 117 Flavins, 117, 118, 127 Flavobacterium, 412 Flufenamic acid, 236 Fluoranthene, 328 Fluorescamine, 131 Fluorescein

anti-tumor effects, 625 halogenated derivatives, 263

Fluoresence discovery, 32-33 in vivo cutaneous, 179-180

Fluorescence analysis, of fluorochrome-cell complexes, 70, 71, 75-76

Fluorescence diagnosis, 69-89 acridine orange in, 71-78,83,85,88 clinical trial, 86, 87 criteria, 71 disease incidence and, 81-82 indicative results, 76-78 methodology, 73-74 quantitation, 78-81

Fluorescence emission spectrum, 74-75 Fluorescence excitation, 76, 79, 540 Fluorescence fading, 77-78 Fluorescence lifetime, 52-53 Fluorescence screen detection, 47-48 Fluorescent lamp, 487-488 Fluorescent molecular probe, 70, 71-88 Fluorochrome-cell complex, 70, 71-88 Fluorocyte, 381

Fluorometer, 79, 80 5-Fluoracil, 340 Food oil, 131


N-Formylkynurenine, 127, 129, 131,380 Freckling, 261, 609 Fresnel's equation, 40, 153, 154 Fungal infection, 126

phototherapy, 565-567 Furocoumarin, 361-362, 363, 364,470,


GAG, see Glycosaminoglycan Gamma ray, 3-4 Glioblastoma multiforme, 537 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

deficiency, 493, 494, 497 il-Glucuronidase, 493, 495 Glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase, 425 Glutathione, 237, 329 Glutathione deficiency, 497 Glutathione reductase, 497 Glycosaminoglycan, acridine orange

complexing, 76, 77, 78, 83 Goeckerman regimen, see Tar ultraviolet B

radiation therapy Granuloma actinicum, 361 Growth hormone, 501-502 Guanine

photoinactivation, 129-130 photooxidation, 132, 133

Guanosine, 133 Gunther disease, see Porphyria, congenital

Hapten, 298 Hartnup syndrome, 364, 365, 380 Heat

drug delivery, effect on, 15-16 ultraviolet radiation, effect on, 155

Heliotherapy, 478 Hemangioma, 186 Hematoporphyrin

anti-tumor effect, 625 exogenous introduction, 367 photosensitization, 120,122,128,366,

413 photo toxicity , 326

Hematoporphyrin derivative, 14, 173, phototoxicity, 326, 622-628, 631, 635 tumor reaction, 625, 629, 631-634

Heme, 119 Hemoglobin

absorption band, 178 location, 149 as photodynamic sensitizer, 119


Hemoglobin (cant.) ultraviolet radiation absorption, 220 visible absorption, 170-172

Hemolysis in erythropoietic protoporphyria, 127,

327 in jaundice, 497-498 protoporphyrin-sensitized, 327 during phototherapy, 500

Hemolytic disease of the newborn, 493-494 Hemoprotein, 132, 173 Heparin, 73, 78 Hepatitis, 431

acute allergic, 614 Heracleum, 363, 364 Heracleum giganteum, 364 Heracleum mantegazzianum, 364 Heracleum sphondylium, 363 Herpes genitalis, 563, 587 Herpes keratitis, 571, 588 Herpesvirus

dye-light phototherapy, 562, 563, 578-589

neutralizing antibody-combining, 548 photodynamic inactivation, 545-559,

571-576 Herpes simplex virus, 129

transformed, 578-589 Hexachlorobenzene, 335 Hexachlorophene, 333 Hexitol, 130 Hirsutism, 335 Histamine, 222, 223, 224

release, 329-330 Histidine, 131

photooxidation, 298, 312, 334 Histidine deaminase, 168 Histidyl, 119 Hoffman-Habermann melanodermatitis,

359 Holography, 539 Hpd, see Hematoporphyrin derivative Hutchinson's summer prurigo, 374 Hyalinosis cutis et mucosae, 360 Hyaluronic acid, 76, 130 Hydralazine, 338 Hydroa aestivale, 422-423, 468 Hydroa vaccinoforme, 375,423 Hydrocarbons

phototoxic effects, 360 polycyclic, 121-122, 274

Hydrogen peroxide, 116 Hydrophilic ointment, 523 Hydroxychloroquine,468


p-Hydroxylaminobenzene sulfonamide, 329 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxy-benzophenone, 453 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-

5-sulfonic acid, 465 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, see Vitamin D Hyperbilirubinemia, 171, 369

etiology, 493-495 exchange transfusion in, 477, 480, 482,

496 immune response, 500 monitoring, 495-496 in newborn, 477-502 phototherapy, 477-509

methods, 487-491 reactions, 496-502

prevention, 479 Hypericin, 11 7, 118 Hypericum, 120 Hyperkeratoses, 233, 263

focal, 350 Hyperlipemia, 431 Hyperpigm en ta tion

as phototherapy response, 325, 359,609 in porphyria, 335 in vitiligo, 604

Hyperplasia epidermal, 165-166, 168, 265 and photoprotection, 165-166

Hypersensitivity, delayed, 333-334,459, 611

Hypoalbuminemia, 481 Hypothroidism

carotene metabolism in, 431-432 and tanning, 423

Hypoxia, 481

Ibuprofen, 236 Idiotie xerodermique, 359 Image analysis, 82, 84 Immune system, see also Photoimmunology

cell-mediated response, 294, 303-304 cutaneous, 294-314 delayed hypersensitivity, 333-334, 459,

611 humoral response, 294 during hyperbilirubinemia, 500 nonspecific, 305 phototherapy effects, 605-606, 613-614 in virus-transformed cells, 579-582

Immunosuppression, 273, 613 Indole, 364, 365 Indomethacin, 224, 236, 599 Indophenol, 118 Inflammation, see Erythema


Influenza virus, 547 Infrared radiation, 3, 14 Insects, photodynamic photoreactions,

121-122 Invertebrates, photodynamic reactions,

121-122 5' -Iodo-2' -deoxyuridine, 587 Ionization, of molecules, 4 Isoamyl-p-N,N-dimethyl aminobenzoate,

453,457,464 Isoniazid, 339, 340 Itching, 511, 512, 513

Jaundice in Crigler-Najjar syndrome, 485-4115 drug-induced, 494 and enzyme deficiency, 493 ethnic variations in, 493 heliotherapy, 478 hemolysis and, 497-498 in newborn, 477, 478, 491-496

Kaolin, 456, 471 Kaposi varicelliform eruption, 554-556 Karyotyping, 82 Keratin, 149 Keratinocyte, 239

in delayed tanning, 243, 246 differentiation, 5-6, 168 keratin production by, 149 melanin transfer to, 167 melanosome transfer to, 151, 240, 600 photoprotection of, 166 proliferation, 10-11 phototherapy effects, 600 herpesvirus-induced, 554, 556, 562-563,

571,588 Keratoacanthoma, 350 Keratoses, actinic, 610 Kernicterus, 477, 491,492 Kubelka-Munk theory of radiation transfer,


Lambert-Beer law, 157, 160, 169 Lambert's cosine law, 40 Langerhans cell, 6,294 Laser, 9

argon40n, 186, 187,534,540,630 carbon dioxide, 538-539 coherence, 534 continuous, 185-186 dye, 189,630,636 HeNe,540,628-630,635 intensity, 534-535


Laser (cont.) monochromatic characteristics, 533 ophthalmological applications, 535-536 phototherapeutic applications, 16-17,

148,533-543 pigmented structures, effect on, 185-189 pulsed, 185, 189 ruby, 534, 535, 537 in tumor therapy, 537-539

Law of reciprocity, 264-272 Lawsone, 453 Leguminosae,363 Leukemia, acute myeloid, 613 Leukocyte

degranulation, 233 migration, 224 neutrophil, 224 phototherapy effects, 516

Leukoderma, idiopathic, 470 Leukopenia, 425 Lichen planus, 352,606 Light (see also types of light)

artificial sources, discovery, 27-28 Light meter, 490 Lime light, 34 Lipid peroxidation, 128, 327,400-401 Lipoprotein

carotene fraction, 433 metabolism, 432 ultraviolet radiation absorption, 225

Lipoproteinosis, 360 Liposome,119

and drug delivery, 15-16 Lippia Icterus, 367, 369 Liquor carbonic detergens, 526 Liver

carcinoma, 431 enzyme activity, 498

Liver damage, in porphyria, 335 Liver disease

in carotenemia, 431 in erythropoietic protoporphyria, 415,

417,425 Louis-Barr syndrome, see Ataxia

telangiectasia Lumisterol, 200, 201, 204, 207, 208, 214 Lupus erythematous

antimalarial therapy, 468, 469 discoid, 337, 378 phototherapy, 614 systematic, 293, 294, 296-297, 323, 378

drug-induced, 337-339 Lycopene,427 Lymphocyte, 152


Lymphocyte (cont.) B,298, 300, 302 count, 300-301 epidermal, 295 function, 294 peripheral blood, 302 phototherapy effects, 299-303,516 T, 299, 300, 301, 302, 307,500 transformation, 311

Lymphocytotoxicity, 304, 307 Lymphogranulomatosis, 373 Lymphoma, 537, 613 Lysosome, 127-128

neutrophil, 224 phototoxic compound sequestration, 327 rupture, 225

Magnesium, spectral emission lines, 33 Malabsorption disease, 430 Mallorca acne, 360 Malpighian layer, 209, 210 Malus law, 50 Mammal, photodyanmic reactions, 120-121 Mammalian cell, photo activated

transformation, 577-587 Mast cell

degranulation, 233-234, 303 immune response, 303-305

Matter electromagnetic radiation interaction,

35-42 electronic energy level, 35-36

Meadow dermatitis, 363-364 Measles virus, 572-573, 589 MED, see Erythema, minimal delayed dose Mefenamic acid, 236 Melanin, 10, 148

blue light absorption, 170 constitutive, 238 epidermal unit, 239, 240, 243 facultative, 238 fluorescence, 179, 180 function, 150-151, 239 light absorption, 151, 170 loca tion, 149 measurement, 176, 177-179 photobiology, 240-246 photooxidation, 241, 463 photoprotective effects, 165-167,

242-243 and photosensitivity, 166 racial variations, 163-168 and tanning reactions, 462-463

Melanin (cont.) ultraviolet radiation absorption, 6,

161-162,165,170,220,239 vitamin 0 production and, 211-213

Melanocyte, 6,151,239 mitosis, 243 number, 600 phototherapy effects, 600 racial differences, 167 tanning

delayed, 243-246 immediate, 242


ultraviolet radiation response, 244-245,463 Melanodermatitis, 360

Hoffmann-Habermann, 359 Melanogenesis, see Tanning Melanoma

Harding-Passey, 537 malignant, 280

phototherapy, 612, 635 sunlight as cause, 282-284,459

Melanophage, 609 Melanosis

phenothiazine, 364 precarcinomatosa Riehl, 363

Melanosome, 6,151,239-240 phototherapy effects, 600 racial differences, 167 synthesis, 463 tanning

delayed, 243-246 immediate, 241-242

transfer, 600 Menstrual disorders, 432 6-Mercaptopurine, 340 Mercury-arc lamp, 34 Mercury-vapor lamp, 514, 516 Mercury-xenon lamp, 516 Mesoporphyrin,627 Metabolism

of carotenoids, 430-433 of indole, 363, 365 of lipoproteins, 432 of tryptophan, 380-381 ultraviolet radiation effects, 10 of vitamin 0, 211-213

Metal ion, paramagnetic, 118, 119 Methemoglobin, 171 Methemoglobinemia, 425 Methionine sulfoxide, 116, 131 Methotrexate, 603 Methoxsalen, see 8-Methoxypsoralen


5-Methoxypsoralen, 363,457 8-Methoxypsoralen, 275-277, 279, 324,

330,363,523,595,604,609,612 melanogenic properties, 602 as photoprotective agent, 469-470 serum levels, 596

/3-Methylanthracene, 328 6-Methylcoumarin, 457 Methylene blue, 118, 124, 130, 131

absorption spectrum, 551 in photodynamic inactivation, 571, 573,

576,587,561-562 Metrotrexate, 615 Meyer-Betz autoexperiment, 362 Mibelli porokeratosis, 376-377 Micelle, 119 Micrococcus luteus, 97-98 Microorganism (see also names of

microorganisms) photodynamic reactions, 123-128

Microphotometry, 540 Microsome, heptic, 128 Microspectrofluorophometer,85-86 Microwave, quantum energy, 3 Mineral oil, 182, 183, 184 Minimum phototoxic dose, 608 Mitochondria, photosensitization, 128 Mitogen, 299, 301,613 Mitosis, 247 Mixed function oxidase system, 128 Molecule

excited state, 36 ionization, 4 photodynamic degradation, 130-133

Moloney mouse leukemia virus, 128-129 Monochromator, 48 Monocyte, migration, 223, 224-225 8-MOP, see 8-Methoxypsoralen Mucopolysaccharide, 151 Musk ambrette, 331, 333 Mutation

in bacteriophage, 129 and deoxyribonucleic acid damage, 271 and photodynamic reactions, 124, 129 and pyrimidine dimers, 92

Mycobacterium, 412 Mycoplasma, 123 Mycosis fungoides, 603

phototherapy, 595,605-606,610,613, 631,636

NADH, see Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide


NADP, see Diphosphopyridine nucleotide NADPH, see Triphosphopyridine nucleotide Naproxen, 236 Neutral red, in photo inactivation, 545,

546-547,549,550,562,563,571,573, 574,575,576,582,587

Neutropenia, 224 Neutrophil

chemotaxis, 224 during erythema, 232 migration, 223, 224-225

Newborn hemolytic disease, 493-494 hyperbilirubinemia, 477-502 jaundice, 477, 478, 491-496

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, 220, 534

Niflumic acid, 236 Nitro dye, 118 p-Nitrophenol glucoronidation, 498 Nitroso dye, 118 Nuclei, fluorescence, 85, 87 Nucleic acid

acridine orange complexing, 76, 77,78, 83,85,125

photooxidation, 132-133 as ultraviolet radiation target, 225 viral, 128-130

Nucleoprotein, immunogenicity, 338 Nucleoside

photooxidation, 132 vasopermeability and, 225

Nucleotide photooxidation, 132 vasopermeability and, 225

Oil, unsaturated, 131 Onycholysis, 613 Ophthalmology, laser application, 535-536 Optical density

of scattering sample, 157 unit, 177

Optical spectrum, photon energy, 15 Optics, of skin, 147-194

of the dermis, 169-174 of the epidermis, 161-169 manipulation, 181-185 phototherapy and, 180-181 of stratum corneum, 161-169

Oral contraceptives, photopathology, 372 Organs, radiation penetration, 174 Organelles, photodynamic reactions,



Orientals hyperbilirubinemia, 492 melanosomes, 239-240

Ornithine decarboxylase, 221 Osteomalacia, 213 Oxazine dye, 118 Oxybenzone, 453 Oxygen

atmospheric, 113 in photooxidation reactions, 117, 123,

125,128,131,133,627 in photosensitization, 113, 114 singlet, 123, 125, 128, 131, 133,627

Oxygen superoxide, 115, 116, 119 Oxyhemoglobin,

absorption band, 178 optical properties, 170, 172, 177, 178

Ozone formation, 113 skin cancer incidence and, 284-287 ultraviolet radiation and, 446

PABA, see Para-aminobenzoic acid Papilloma, 274 Pap ova virus, 588 PAP-staining, 84 Para-aminobenzoic acid, as sunscreen,

453-455,456-457,459,461-462, 463-465,466,471

Para-aminobenzoic acid ester, 453, 457, 464 Paracetamol, 236 Parainfluenza virus, 573 Paraketosis, 233 Para-phenylenediamine, 457 Parapsoriasis, 511 Pellagra, 323, 364-365

drug-induced, 339-340 Pemphigoid, 297

bullous, 613 Pemphigus, 297

seborrheicus erythematosis, 380 Persistent light reactivity, 312,333,

372-373 Pertussis, 305 Phaeomelanin, 238 Phagocyte, 500 Phenanthrene, 328 Phenazine dye, 547 Phenol, chlorinated, 335 Phenothiazine melanosis, 364 Phenothiazine tranquilizer, 124 Phenylbutazone, 236 Pheophorbide a, 121 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, 132

Phospholipid, bilirubin binding, 480 Phosphor, 43 Phosphorescence, discovery, 29-32 Phosphoroscope,30 Photoaddition, 231, 597

of psoralens, 612 Photoadduction

of bilirubin, 483


of deoxyribonucleic acid, 277, 327, 328 of psoralens, 597, 598 of ribonucleic acid, 328

Photoallergy, 311 action mechanisms, 333-334 clinical features, 331-333 drug-induced, 330-334 as phototherapy side effect, 613

Photoaugmentation, 231 Photoautomerism, 482-483 Photo-au to-reaction, 350-365

resembling acute light damage, 361-365 resembling chronic light damage, 352,

359-361 Photobehavioral response, 125-126 Photobiology, definition, 3

of melanin, 240-246 of vitamin D, 204-207

Photocarcinogenesis, 13, 122, 123, 261-292,298, (see also Tumor formation)

action spectrum, 272-273 chemical promotion, 275-278 deoxyribonucleic acid damage and,

270-272 experimental aspects, 263-278 immune response and, 273, 305-308 molecular basis, 278-279 nonexperimental, 279-287 as psoralen side effect, 598 reciprocity, 264-272 time-dose rate relationships, 264-272

Photochemistry of carotenoids, 398-402 of psoralen-deoxyribonucleic acid,

597-598 second law of, see Law of Reciprocity of tryptophan, 612 of vitamin D, 200-201

Photochemotherapy (see also specific types of therapy)

cutaneous reactions, 631-635 definition, 14-15,595,626 of skin diseases, 595-623 of tumors, 625-637

Photocoagulation, 185


Photo dermatitis bullosa, 361, 363-364 multiformis acuta, 376 pigmentaria,362-363

Photodermatoses,349-393 action spectrum, 447,449-450 classification, 350-352 drug-induced, 331-333 exogenous factors affecting, 353-358 histology, 367-368 phototherapy, 511 polymorphic, 470 sunburn-type, 361-365

Photodynamic degradation, molecular, 130-133

Photodynamic reaction, 113-144 cellular, 126-128 damage sites, 127-128 diagnostic methods, 117 electron transfer, 115-116, 117, 119 energy transfer, 116 mechanisms, 114-119 in microorganisms, 123-128 in multicellular organisms, 120-123 pathways, 114-117 in plants, 122 rate, 118 substrate, 115-116 in viruses, 128-130

Photoelectric detector, 79-80 Photoelectric effect, 53-54 Photography, 25

ultraviolet radiation, 179 Photohemolysis, 114,327,500 Photo-hetero-reaction, 351, 368-376 Photoimmunology, 16, 120, 293-320

and disease, 305-313 and immune system, 294-305

Photoinactivation of bacteria, 114,549,564-565 of bacteriophage, 129 of deoxyribonucleic acid, 498-499 of enzymes, 113, 114 of herpesvirus, 545-559, 562-563 oncogenic properties, 572, 577-578,

582-589 rhk, 547-554, 563, 572, 577-578,

582-589 therapeutic effectiveness, 554-556 therapeutic implications, 587-589

Photodynamic inactivation of viruses, 128-130,561-563,571-594

Photoisomer,484 Photo keratitis, 8

Photo-koebner-phenomena, 351-352, 378-380

Photolysis bromodeoxyuridine assay, 98-99,105 flash technique, 117

Photomedicine, definition, 3 scope, 3-17

Photon energy, 15, 35-36, 220 flux, 46,48 monochromatic, 45 rest mass, ISS scattering, ISS, 157, 219-220

Photon converter, 47 Photon-drug interaction, 15 Photooxidation, 114

of amino acids, 131-13 2 of bilirubin, 478-479,482 by chlorophyll, 411 of fatty acid. 130-131 of histidine, 298, 312 of melanin, 241, 463 products, 116, 117, 126 of proteins, 131 type I, 326, 398-400 type 11,326, 398-401

Photopatch testing, 332, 372 Photopolymerization, 9 Photoproduct

of bilirubin, 483, 484 of cytosine, 295 of deoxyribonuleic acid, 10,91-92,

296-297 nondirner, 106-108 of previtamin D, 200-201, 203, 207 of psoralen, 279 of thymine, 295, 296 toxic, 127

Photoprotection (see also Sunscreen) by carotenoids, 397-407, 409-414 guidelines, 459-462 systemic, 465-470 types, 442



of deoxyribonucleic acid strand breakage, 92

of extraneous substances, 369-376 in porphyria, 365-368 and wavelength, 349-350

Photorecovery, 231 Photosensitivity, 9, 113

carotenoids, role in, 398-405 decreasing, 181-182


Photosensitivity (cont.) drug-induced, 9, 323-345 increasing, 182-185 and melanin content, 166 in multicellular organisms, 120-121 oxygen required for, 113, 114 as phototherapy side effect, 613 and ultraviolet radiation, 446 of viruses, 545

Photosensitivity disorders, sunscreens for, 459

Photosensitizer absorption, 325-326 ch emistry, 11 7 -119 excited state, 114-115 and melanogenesis, 163 membrane-damaging potential, 327 model systems, 119 in plants, 120-121 triplet, 115-116 types, 361-362,627

Photosynthesis carotenoids, role in, 397,398-405 electron transfer reactions, 119

Phototherapy (see also under specific conditions and diseases)

action site, 482 adjunctive agents, 521-527 cellular effects, 515-516 definition, 595 hazards, 12-14 home units, 12-13 photo toxicity , 513 radiance measurement, 489-491 side effects, 513 skin injury during, 4

Phototherapy hood, 487 Photo toxic compound

action mechanism, 326-329 action spectrum, 326 classification, 326-327 nonphotodynamic, 326 photodynamic,326

Phototoxicity, 113, 329-330 clinical features, 324-325 definition, 9 drug-induced, 181, 324-330 erythema mediates, 329-330 factors affecting, 325-326 in phototherapy, 513, 515, 522-523 of tar-ultraviolet B radiation therapy,

522-523 Phylloerythrin, 120-121, 364,367 Physical quantity, 54-55

Phytodermatitis, 363-364 Phytoene,403,410 Phytofluene, 403


Phytohemagglutinin, 299, 300, 301, 302, 500

Phytophotodermatitis, 361 bullous, 362

Pigment dermatosis, 361 Pigmentation (see also Melanin)

absorption spectrum, 163, 165 and minimal erythema dose, 229 and vitamin D production, 211-213

Pitch, cutaneous effects, 359-360 Pityriasis rosea, 511 Plant virus, 129-130 Plants

photodynamic reactions, 122 pigments, 117 (see also names of

pigments) as sources of photodynamic sensitizers,

120-121, 363-364 Platelet aggregation, 233 PMLE, see Polymorphous light eruption Poikiloderma, 350 Polarization, of radiation, 49-52 Polio virus, 128, 130, 573, 589 Polymorphic light eruption, 309-310, 374-

375 antimalarial therapy, 468, 469 beta-carotene therapy, 421-423, 468 phototherapy, 511-512, 606-607

Polymorphic photodermatosis, 470 Polypeptide, kinin, 224 Porokera to sis,

disseminated superficial actinic, 376-377 Mibelli,376-377

Porphyria, 121 congenital,421 drug-induced, 334-337 photoreaction in, 365-368

Porphyria cutanea tarda, 323 beta-carotene therapy, 422 drug-induced, 334-337 photoreactions, 365

Prophyria erythropoietica congenita Gunther, 366

Porphyria variegate, 334, 365 Porphyrin, 117, 119, 120, 126, 127, 128,

179,362,412 exogenous introduction, 366 histologic reactions, 367-368 precursors, 365 synthesis, 336 ultraviolet radiation absorption, 220


Port-wine stain, 186, 189 Potassium ion, 127 Poxvirus, 547 Precanceroses, 359 Prednisone, 470 Preka1Jikrein, 224 Procainamide,338 Procaine, 457, 471 Procaryote, photodynamic reactions, 123-

124 Proflavine

action spectrum, 550 in photoinactivation, 545, 549, 550, 553,

556,563,571,573,575,576,577, 587-588,589

Proflavine sulfate, 549 bactericidal activity, 549, 564, 566, 567

Progeria Adultorum, 378 Prostaglandin, 222

biosynthesis, 330 in erythema, 236, 237

Protease inhibitor, 329 Protein

chromosomal, 104 deoxyribonucleic acid cross-linking, 108,

124 photooxidation, 131 ribosomal, 124 synthesis, 10,246-247,515 ultraviolet radiation absorption, 225

Proteus mirabilis, 124 Protoporphyrin, 119, 126,414-417

photo toxicity , 326 IX, 117,400,414

Protriptyline, 326 Proust-Dalton law of definite combining

proportions, 43 Pruritus, 512, 513 Pseudomilium colloidale, 360 Pseudomonas, 179,412 Psoralea, 363 Psoralen, 14, 114, 167,237,363

carcinogenicity, 278-279, 598 hepatotoxic, 614, 615 mutagenicity, 598 oral, 469-470, 471 photoaddition, 612 photoadduction, 296,598,597 photoproduct, 279 phototoxicity, 327,465 properties, 596-597 side effects, 597

Psoralen-deoxyribonucleic acid interaction, 296-297,326,597-598


Psoralen photochemistry, 312-313 (see also Psoralen ultraviolet radiation A therapy)

and immunological function, 295-304 and mast cell degranulation, 303

Psoralen-ribonucleic acid interaction, 597-598

Psoralen-ultraviolet radiation A therapy definition, 595 acute effects, 598-601 adjuvant therapy, 602-603 for alopecia areata, 607 for atopic eczema, 606 blistering, 597, 604, 607 carcinogenic effects, 605-606, 609-612,

613-614 deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis inhibition,

601,609,611 dosimetry, 607-608 erythema response, 598-601 hyperpigmentation following, 609 immunological effects, 295-304,605-606,

611,613-614 for lichen planus, 606 long-term hazards, 608-614 for mycosis fungoides, 595, 605-606, 610 opthamologic risk, 612-613 photo toxicity , 607-608 pigmentation effects, 599-601, 609 for polymorphous light eruption, 606-607 for psoriasis, 297, 301-302, 313, 515,

518-520,522-523,595,601-603 side effects, 602-603, 607-614 for urticaria pigmentosa, 606 for vitiligo, 595, 603-605, 512

Psoriasis, 379 erythrodermic,603 minimal erythema dose, 518-519 phototherapy, 183-185, 324,513-531

psoralen-ultraviolet radiation A therapy, 297,301-302,313,515,518-520, 522-523,595,601-603

tar-ultraviolet radiation B therapy, 521-525

phototoxicity, 513, 515 pustular, 603 therapeutic action spectrum, 516-521 von Zumbusch, 603

Psoriasis vulgaris, 180-181, 352, 523, 602 Psoriatic plaque, remittance spectrum, 524-

526 Purine

base, 220 photooxidation, 132


PUV A, see Psoralen-ultraviolet radiaiton A therapy

Pyrene,328 Pyridoxal, 132 Pyrimidine

base, 220, 597 dimers, 91-93,96,98-106,225,270,271

excision repair, 99-106 photooxidation,132-133

Pyroelectric crystal, 47 Pyruvate kinase deficiency, 494

Quantum efficiency, 44 Quantum law of Stark and Einstein, 43 Quantum response spectrum, 44 Quartz-tungsten lamp, 35 Quinacrine, 237,468, 469 Quinone, 220

Racial variation in melanin content, 163-168 in melanocyte number, 167 in melanosome distribution, 167 in skin cancer occurrence, 279-280 in spectral transmittance, 163-165, 168 in stratum corneum, 165

Radiation absorption, 36-40 cutaneous penetration depth, 172 diffuse reflection, 40-42 fluorescence-exciting, 77-78, 79 polarization, 49-52 scattering, 155-160, 170, 176, 177,178,

219-220 short-wave, 113

Radiation intensity fluorescence detection, 47-48 measurement, 46-54 thermal detection, 46-47

Radiation transfer, Kubelka-Munk theory of, 157-161

Rayleigh scattering, 156 Reciprocity law, 43, 230 Red light, lethal effects, 627 Remittance, 157, 160

of blue skin, 169-170 definition, 153 spectrum, 169,174-179,182-185

Repigmentation, 604-605, 611-612 Respiratory tract infection

carotene levels in, 430 ultraviolet radiation effects, 305

Response spectrum, 45-46 Reticulocyte, protoporphyrin accumulation,


Reticuloid, retinic, 372-373, 422 Reticulum, 7

cutaneous structure, 152 Retina, light damage, 127 Retinoic acid, 277-278 Retinoic acid derivative, 602-603 Retinopathy, laser treatment, 535-536 Rh factor, 491, 493


Rhodopseudomonas spherodes, 397, 410 Riboflavin, 220,497, 498 Ribonucleic acid

acridine orange complexing, 77 photoadducts,328 photodynamic reactions, 124, 125 psoralen interaction, 597-598 ultraviolet radiation effects, 10 vasopermeability and, 225 viral, 128-130

Ribonucleic acid polymerase, 125 Ribonucleic acid synthesis, 125

ultraviolet radiation effects, 10, 125, 226-227,515

Rickets, 195-198, 201, 202, 204 Riehl melanosis, 363 RNA, see Ribonucleic acid Rose bengal, 127, 128 Rothmund syndrome, 377 Rutaceae, 363

Salicylanilide, 332-333 Salicylate, 236, 453 Salmonella typhimunum, 124 Sarcina lutea, 123-124,411-412 Sarcoma virus, 588, 631, 636 Sarcoplasmic reticulum, 128 Scattering, 155-160

and dermal absorption, 170, 176, 177, 178

of photon, 155, 157,219-220 Rayleigh, 156

Scattering coefficient, 176, 177 sec, see Squamous cell carcinoma Schistosoma mansoni, 121 Serotonin, 222 Simian virus, 40, 129,554,557

photodynamic transformation, 572-573, 577-578,579-582,585,588-589

Skin absorption coefficients 155. 160 bacterial infections

photodynamic therapy, 564-565 bilirubin binding, 481-482 blood flow, 7, 10 blue color, 169-170


Skin (cant.) functions, 4-5 fungal infections

photodynamic therapy, 565-567 immune system, 294-314 in vivo fluorescence, 179-180 light damage, 350-352 optics, 147-194

manipulation of, 181-185 and photomedical treatment, 180-181

premature aging, 11, 13, 166 psoralen-ultraviolet radiation A therapy,

598-601 radiation penetration depth, 172 reflectance, 152-155 remittance spectroscopy, 174-179 structure, 4-7,149-152 ultraviolet radiation transmission, 152-

190 viral infections

photodynamic therapy, 561-563 Skin cancer, 6 (see also names of skin

cancers) incidence rates, 11, 279-284 and melanin content, 166 nonmeianoma, 280-282, 305-308 and ozone reduction, 284-287 and photosensitization, 122 as phototherapy hazard, 609-612 solar radiation as cause, 8 ultraviolet radiation as cause, 13

Skin disease (see also names of skin diseases) photochemotherapy, 12-14,595-623

Skin-graft, 304, 611 Skin type

carcinogenic risk, 610 minimal photo toxic dose, 608 sun-reactive, 447-448, 459, 469-470

Sodium azide, 11 7 Sodium ion, 12 7 Solar elastosis, 608 Solar radiation, see Sunlight Solar urticaria, 297,369-370,413,422-

423,468 Spectroradiometer,490-491 Spectroscope, 23-24, 27,29,32

artificial light sources, 33-35 chemical, origins, 28-35 fluorescence emission, 74-78 in vivo remittance, 174-179 quantum, 33

Spectrum absorption, 27,44-45

of epidermal pigments, 163, 165

Spectrum (cant.) action

of erythema, 225-226, 273 for photocarcinogenesis, 272-273

color names, 54 effectiveness, 45-46 excitation, 44-45 of fluorescence emission, 74-75, 79 formation, 23-24 quantum response spectrum, 44 response, 45-46 solar

discovery, 22-27 emission, 27 measurement, 24-27 wavelength, 25-27


SPF, see Sunscreen, sun protection factor Spherocytosis, 494 Spongiosis, epidermal, 233 Sprue, 430 Squamous cell carcinoma

classification, 350 incidence, 282, 284 laser therapy, 537 phototherapy, 610 sunlight-induced, 459 ultraviolet radiation-induced, 265, 280,

305,306,307 Steatorrhea, 430 Steroid, 200-204, 220

fluorinated, 470 as photoprotective agents, 466 sex, 336-337

Stokes' law of fluorescence, 33, 43 Stomatitis, 364 Stratum corneum,S, 6, 10

absorption band, 161, 162, 180-181 density, 165, 167 melanin location, 149 optics, 161-169 phototherapy, 601 racial variations, 165 structure, 150, 151 thickness, 247,248,262,601 transmittance spectra, 163, 181-182, 183 ultraviolet radiation penetration, 214 vitamin D content, 205, 206

Stratum granulosum, 150, 152 Stratum malpighi, 152 Stratum spinosum, 247 Substrate

in photodynamic reactions, 115-116, 118, 627

Sulfanilamide, 329, 330,371


Sulfonamide, 457, 471 Sulisobenzone, 453 Sunburn,6,8, 10, 151

action spectrum, 350 beta-carotene as protective agent, 423 factors influencing, 446-447 and lupus erythematous, 339 management, 470-472 and melanin concentrations, 165 prevention, 235-236 therapy, 236,470 ultraviolet radiation threshold dose, 13

Sunburn cell, see Dyskeratotic cell Sun exposure

chronic, 11 and rickets, 195-196 and vitamin D synthesis, 208-209

Sunlight carcinogenicity, 275-276, 280 erythemal effectiveness, 230-231 incident flux, 446 individual reactivity, 447, 454-455, 457,

458 melanoma, as cause of, 282-284 and rickets, 195-196 spectrum

absorption, 27 and cutaneous reactions, 443-446 discovery, 22-27 emission, 27 measurement, 24-27 wavelength measurement, 25-27

as ultraviolet radiation source, 12-13 and vitamin D synthesis, 211-213

Sunlight tolerance, 417-421, 422 Sunscreen

adverse effects, 456-457, 459-460, 463-465,471-472

base, 461-462, 463-464 clinical considerations, 457-462 cross-reactivity, 457,459 evaluation, 454-455, 460-461 for normal individuals, 457, 459 and photosensitivity, 181-182,459 physical agents as, 456 and skin type, 447 sun protection factor, 451, 452-453,

460-461,463 topical, 442, 447-462

definition, 442, 450-451 limitations, 463-465 properties, 463-465

use guidelines, 459-462 Suprasterol, 201, 202


Suprofen, 236, 237,238

T cell, 299, 300, 301, 302, 307,500 Tachysterol, 200, 201, 204, 207,208,214 Talc,456 Tanning, 163,238-246

and carotenodermia, 423 definition, 221 delayed, 242-246, 462-463 and epidermal hyperplasia, 165-166 and hypothyroidism, 423 immediate, 240-242,462-463 and melanin, 462-463 as phototherapy side effects, 513,599 and sunscreen effects, 462-463

Tar-ultraviolet radiation B therapy, 521-525,602

deoxyribonucleic acid damage, 527 erythemogenic effects, 522-523 photo toxicity , 522-523 and psoralen phototherapy, 527

Tattooing, 186 TCSA, see 3,3',4' ,5-Tetrachlorosalicylanilide 2-p-Tertiary butyl-phenyl-I ,3-benzoxazole,

360 3,3',4'-5 Tetrachlorosalicylanilide, 298, 331,

333,334 Tetracycline, 329 Tetrahymena, 125 Texture Analyzing Systems, 85, 86 Thermochemotherapy,16 Thermopile, 46, 49 Thiazine dye, 118,576 Thiol,121 Thiopyronine, 118 Thomson syndrome, 377 Thymine, 132

dimers, 93-98, 296 photoproducts, 295, 296

Thymine glycol, 106, 107 Thyroid hormone, 431-432 Titanium oxide, 456 Tobacco mosaic virus, 129-130, 133,589 Toluidine blue, 124, 125,561, 565

:in photodynamic inactivation, 573, 575, 576,588

Toxisterol, 201, 202 Transmittance, 160

in blue skin, 169-170 and chromophore absorption, 161 definition, 152-153 racial variation, 163-165,168 spectral, 157 of stratum corneum, 181-182, 183


Triamcinolone acetonide, 237, 238 Triamcinolone ointment, 470 Triarylmethane dye, 118 Tribromosalicylanilide, 333 Trichlorocarbanilide, 333 Trichlorosalicylanilide, 334 Trichophyton acuminatum, 565 Trichophyton mentagrophytes, 566, 567 Trimethylpsoralen, 469, 597, 601, 604 Triphosphopyridine nucleotide, 339, 340 Triprolidine, 222 Tripsoralen,601 Tryptophan

fluorescence, 162 metabolism, 380-381 photochemistry, 612 photooxidation, 131 and photosensitization, 329 toxic photoproducts, 127

Tryptophan-kynurenine pathway, 497 Tryptophyl, 119 Tuberculosis, cutaneous, 247,248,305 Tumor formation

and deoxyribonucleic acid cross-linking, 277

experimental initiation, 265, 269, 271 laser applications, 537-539 in photoactivated virus-transformed cells,

582-587 phototherapy, 553, 625-637 ultraviolet radiation dose relationship, 284

Turbidity, optical effects, 155-161 Tyrosinase, 239, 600 Tyrosine, 239

fluorescence, 162 oxidation products, 151 radiation absorption, 6 toxic photoproducts, 127

Tyrosyl, 119

Ulcer, corneal herpetic, 556 Ultraviolet radiation, 3

absorption, 6,155,225,239 action spectrum, 516-521 antirachitic action, 213-214 artificial sources, 12-14 atmospheric conditions and, 235-236 backscattering,168-169 blacklight, 9 cutaneous responses, 10-16, 181-185,

219-260 dose-response relationship, 13 morphology, 350-352 transmission, 152-190


Ultraviolet radiation (cont.) deoxyribonucleic acid damage, 91-112,

294,295-297,513,527,609,611 erythemogenic, 8, 229-230, 512, 514-

521,522-523,525-526 long-wave, 9 and ozone, 113, 284-287,446 photo carcinogenic effects, 261-292 short-wave, 8 spectrum, 7-9 tolerance, 248

Ultraviolet radiation A, 151, 162,443-445 cutaneous effects, 232, 233, 234, 236 delayed tanning, 242-243,246 dermal penetration, 180 erythema response, 223, 224, 445, 446,

461,518-519,520 mast cell, effect on, 303 melanogenic effects, 445, 462 and melanosome production, 167 and minimal erythema dose, 229, 230-

231,512,518-519,520 and minimal phototoxic dose, 608 photographic use, 176, 179 photosensitization reactions, 446 phototherapy, 296-297, 518-519 phototoxic response, 326 psoralen interaction, 205-304, 313,515,


spectrum, 7, 8-9 transmittance, 167-168, 184

Ultraviolet radiation B, 14, 151, 165,208, 209-210,214,220,443-446

carcinogenic effects, 284-287, 611 cutaneous effects, 232-234, 236, 237,

247-248 delayed tanning, 242-243, 246 erythema response, 221, 222-223, 224 immunological effects, 293, 306 lymphocytic effects, 301-302, 303 mast cell effects, 303 melanogenic reaction, 445,462 minimal erythema dose, 228-229, 230-

231,512,518 phototherapy, 312-313, 512, 516-517,

519 skin-graft effects, 304 spectrum, 7, 8, 9 transmittance values, 167-168, 184-185 vascular effects, 232, 233

Ultraviolet radiation C, 14, 165, 220,443, 445-446

cutaneous effects, 232-234, 247-248


Ultraviolet radiation C (cont.) delayed tanning, 242-243 minimal erythema dose, 221, 222-223,

224,519,600 lymphocyte effects, 301 mast cell effects, 303 as psoriasis therapy, 517 spectrum, 7, 8 vascular effects, 232,233

Ultraviolet-endonuclease, 98, 103 Umbelliferae, 363 Uridine diphosphate glucuronyl transferase

enzyme system, 481,485-486,493, 498

Urocanase, 168 Urocanic acid, 161, 163, 168, 182,220 Uroporphyrin, 335 Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, 337 Urticaria

pigmentosa, 606 solar, 297

antimalarial drug therapy, 468 beta-carotene therapy, 413, 422-423,

468 as photoreaction, 369-370

Vascular injury, and erythema, 223 Vascular permeability, 221-222,223,224,

225,232 Vasodilation

delayed, 222-223 and erythema, 220, 221, 222-223 measurement, 176-178

Viruses (see also names of viruses) deoxyribonucleic acid turnover, 579, 588-

589 dye-light inactivation, 128-130,561-563,

571-594 photosensitivity,S 45, 573

Virus-transformed cell immune function, 579-582 properties, 578-587

oncogenic, 582-587 Visible radiation, 3

melanin absorption, 151 retinal effects, 127

Visual acuity beta-carotene effects, 430 phototherapy effects, 613

Vitamin A, 197,237 beta-carotene conversion, 431, 432 hypervitaminosis, 426, 432 as photoprotective agent, 466 precur$or,424

Vitamin B, 365 Vitamin B2 , 497 Vitamin C, 237,466 Vitamin D, 199, 211-213

isolation, 198-200 photochemistry, 200-201 pre-, 200-201 structure, 198-200

Vitamin D2 , 100, 200 Vitamin D3 , 11

isopyro-, 202, 203-204 metabolism, 211-213 photochemistry, 200-201, 204-207 pre-,208-210 pyro-, 202, 203-204 synthesis, 199-200, 205, 206-210 toxicity, 214

Vitamin E, 237, 466 Vitiligo, 470,602

hyperpigmentation in, 604 phototherapy, 595, 603-605, 612 sunlight effects, 610 trimethylpsoralen therapy, 597

Wavelength, of solar spectrum, 25-27 Werner syndrome, 378 Wilson disease, 430 Wood's lamp, 179-180

X-ray, 3-4 Xanthene dye, 118, 125-126, 128 Xanthotoxin, see 8-Methoxypsoralen Xenon, 34 Xenon-arc lamp, 419-420


Xeroderma pigmentosum, 92, 100, 106, 107,262,270,280

light sensitivity, 351 as photo-auto-reaction, 352, 359

Yeast, photodynamic reactions, 124-125

Zinc oxide, 456