india: an epic history · india: an epic history india's cmllzation, dating from about 2500...

J unior Sc ho lastic. SKILLS SHEET Name: Date: READING A CHRONOLOGY [¡!:E INDIA: AN EPIC HISTOR Y India's cMllzation, dating from about 2500 e.e., ls one of the world's oldest. Conquered by the British in the 19th century, India became "the jewel In the crown" of the British 1500 e.e.: A group of people called Aryans from central Asia arrive in the valley of the Indus River-now western India and Pakistan-to find a thriving culture. Over time, beliefs of the Aryans mix with those of the native peoples to form Hinduism, one of the world's oldest faiths. 1526 A.D.: A Muslim leader named Barbur defeats the Sultan of Delhi in northern India-the beginning of the Mughal dynasty. The Mughals integrate most of India into a single state by the mid-18th century. Mughal leader Shah Jahan builds the Taj Mahal from around 1631 to 1653. 1757: The forces of the East India Company of Great Britain defeat the Mughal governor of Bengal at the Battle of Plassey- an important step in India becoming part of the British Empire. In 1858, the British government takes direct control of India. 1919: British troops fire on a group of unarmed protesters in the town of Amristar, killing nearly 400. In 1920, activist Mohandas K. Gandhi launches a nonviolent campaign of sit- ins and boycotts, seeking self- government from Britain. Empire. In the 20th century, the Indian subcontinent was partitioned ( divided) into India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Read this chronology and answer the following questions. 1930: Gandhi leads hundreds of Indians in a 240-mile march to the Arabian Sea. They're protesting the Salt Acts, which make it a crime to possess salt not bought from the government. Thousands are arrested in protests before the British back down. 1947: British India finally achieves independence. Because of longstanding tension between Hindus and Muslims, it is partitioned into two nations-a mostly Hindu India and a mostly Muslim Pakistan. In an atmosphere of chaos, more than 10 million Indians scramble to reach one place or the other-the largest mass migration in history. 1965: India and Pakistan go to war for the second time since partition over the territory of Kashmir, which both countries claim. (A peace process, beginning in 2004, will attempt to bridge the divide between the countries, but tensions remain.) 2000: The one-billionth Indian is born. Today, with 1.3 billion people, it is second in population to China. Its economy, boosted by high-tech and manufacturing jobs, is the second-fastest growing in the world. Yet India still struggles with widespread poverty. IIAVI! a f!OPY QUESTIQt jS 1. Early Indian civilization was based where? ® Bengal ® the Indus River valley © Kashmir 2. Strife in India has mainly been between which religious peoples? ® Buddhists and Christians ® Hindus and Muslims © Sikhs and Zoroastrians 3. What was the role of the East India Company? @ It helped India achieve independence from Britain. ® It opposed Gandhi's march to the sea. © Its actions led to India becoming part of the British Empire. 4. Which conclusion can you draw about Mohandas K. Gandhi? ® He is considered the father of India's independence. ® He sought change by cooperating with the British. © He supported Hindu self-defense measures against Muslims. S. Which statement can you make about partition? @ Gandhi believed it would help keep the peace with Muslims. ® Partition reflected tensions between Hindus and Muslims that have not been resolved. © Partition was the best thing that could have happened. JUNIOR SCHOLASTICAPRIL 14, 2014 PRINT TRIA P ACI:

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Page 1: INDIA: AN EPIC HISTORY · INDIA: AN EPIC HISTORY India's cMllzation, dating from about 2500 e.e., ls one of the world's oldest. Conquered by the British in the 19th century, India

Junior Scholastic. SKILLS SHEET Name: Date:


INDIA: AN EPIC HISTORY India's cMllzation, dating from about 2500 e.e., ls one

of the world's oldest. Conquered by the British in the 19th century, India became "the jewel In the crown" of the British

1500 e.e.: A group of people called Aryans from central Asia arrive in the valley of the Indus River-now western India and Pakistan-to find a thriving culture. Over time, beliefs of the Aryans mix with those of the native peoples to form Hinduism, one of the world's oldest faiths.

1526 A.D.: A Muslim leader named Barbur defeats the Sultan of Delhi in northern India-the beginning of the Mughal dynasty. The Mughals integrate most of India into a single state by the mid-18th century. Mughal leader Shah Jahan builds the Taj Mahal from around 1631 to 1653.

1757: The forces of the East India Company of Great Britain defeat the Mughal governor of Bengal at the Battle of Plassey­ an important step in India becoming part of the British Empire. In 1858, the British government takes direct control of India.

1919: British troops fire on a group of unarmed protesters in the town of Amristar, killing nearly 400. In 1920, activist Mohandas K. Gandhi launches a nonviolent campaign of sit­ ins and boycotts, seeking self­ government from Britain.

Empire. In the 20th century, the Indian subcontinent was partitioned ( divided) into India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Read this chronology and answer the following questions.

1930: Gandhi leads hundreds of Indians in a 240-mile march to the Arabian Sea. They're protesting the Salt Acts, which make it a crime to possess salt not bought from the government. Thousands are arrested in protests before the British back down.

1947: British India finally achieves independence. Because of longstanding tension between Hindus and Muslims, it is partitioned into two nations-a mostly Hindu India and a mostly Muslim Pakistan. In an atmosphere of chaos, more than 10 million Indians scramble to reach one place or the other-the largest mass migration in history.

1965: India and Pakistan go to war for the second time since partition over the territory of Kashmir, which both countries claim. (A peace process, beginning in 2004, will attempt to bridge the divide between the countries, but tensions remain.)

2000: The one-billionth Indian is born. Today, with 1.3 billion people, it is second in population to China. Its economy, boosted by high-tech and manufacturing jobs, is the second-fastest growing in the world. Yet India still struggles with widespread poverty.


QUESTIQtjS 1. Early Indian civilization was

based where? ® Bengal ® the Indus River valley © Kashmir

2. Strife in India has mainly been between which religious peoples? ® Buddhists and Christians ® Hindus and Muslims © Sikhs and Zoroastrians

3. What was the role of the East India Company? @ It helped India achieve

independence from Britain. ® It opposed Gandhi's march to

the sea. © Its actions led to India becoming

part of the British Empire.

4. Which conclusion can you draw about Mohandas K. Gandhi? ® He is considered the father of

India's independence. ® He sought change by

cooperating with the British. © He supported Hindu self-defense

measures against Muslims.

S. Which statement can you make about partition? @ Gandhi believed it would help

keep the peace with Muslims. ® Partition reflected tensions

between Hindus and Muslims that have not been resolved.

© Partition was the best thing that could have happened.


Page 2: INDIA: AN EPIC HISTORY · INDIA: AN EPIC HISTORY India's cMllzation, dating from about 2500 e.e., ls one of the world's oldest. Conquered by the British in the 19th century, India

ti_e casée sgsée1n INDIAN Soc.:tE1Y

The caste system in lnc!ia divides people into different social and occupational groups. It has had a huge impact on Indian society for centuries. The caste system originated in Hinduism, where people could reincarnate into higher or lower ranks. The system separates people with different occupations and limits the social interactions they may have. The different castes are organized in hierarchical order; members of a specific caste are experted to show behavior that is acceptable for that rank.

There are four main ranks in the caste system; which are called varnas. The castes are based on profession, personality and birth. The caste system has caused many problems for India's society. The biggest problem is that people from lower castes were not able to move to higher castes; which prevented many people from becoming successful.

Although the caste system is officiaJ!y forbidden in India, most people still mar.!Y people from the same rank. In the bigger cities, however, people from all different ranks socialize and do business with each other. According to Indian law, it is not allowed to discriminate people because of the caste they belong to.

Exercise 8: The table below contains words that have been chopped in half. Find the pieces that fit together and write down on the right.



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Exercise 9: Read the passage and answer the questions.

1) What is the Indian Caste System? 3) How were people assigned to different classes?

4) What is varnas?

2) What are the differences between the 4 classes? S) To which group would an Indian farmer belong?

6) Which class would your family belong to if your family were Indian?