indifference curve analysis 1. develop indifference curves 2. develop budget constraint 3. some...

difference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes prices; b. changes in income; c. the Engels Curve 4. The Food Stamps Problem

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

Indifference Curve Analysis

1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income; c. the Engels Curve 4. The Food Stamps Problem

Page 2: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

Indifference curve:

A collection of points for which the consumer is indifference between each of them and some reference point.

Typically shown in the context of a two good world on a two-dimensional graph.

Page 3: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;








Fo o d

Ind iffe re nc e c urve

Wha t se nse d o e s the ind iffe re nc e c urve m a ke ? A he uristic a p p ro a c h.

Page 4: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

The axiomatic approach to indifference curves is a search for a minimum set of assumptions regarding consumer behavior through which to generate indifference curves.

Standard axioms:

1. More is preferred to less—nonsatiation2. Completeness—all points in a relation3. Transitivity– A B; B C; A C

Page 5: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

Fo o d

O g




B. C

Why ind iffe re nc e c urve s c a nno t c ro ss (a nd still o b e y the a xio m s fo r p re fe re nc e s).


Page 6: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;







The a xio m s im p ly tha t ind iffe re nc ec urve s m ust b e unb ro ke n, iec o ntinuo us.

Page 7: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

These two sets of indifference curves represent people who differ in their relative willingness to trade food for medicine. Which one is hungry? Careful.

Page 8: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

The budget equation:

B = pogOG + pfF

OG = B/pog – pf/pogF

Meaning: The budget equation will depict a curve in OG-Food space that is downward sloping (note: its derivative –pf/pog is negative).

Page 9: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;


Fo o dB/p f

If b ud g e t is B, the n the m o st O G p o ssib le to b uy is B/p a nd sim ila rlythe m o st Fo o d p o ssib le is B/p . Theb ud g e t c o nstra int c o nne c ts the se two inte rc e p ts.

o ,


Bud g e t c o nstra int

Page 10: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

. E




Bud g et line

C o nsum e r e q uilib riumin ind iffe re nc e c urve a na lysis

Page 11: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

Applying calculus to find an expression for the slope of the other curve, the indifference curve:

OG/F = - (U/F) /(U/OG)

or, using an equivalent notation:

OG/F = - MUf/ MUog

Page 12: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

. E




Bud g et line

C o nsum e r e q uilib riumin ind iffe re nc e c urve a na lysis

At an equilibrium, tangency implies that the slope of the budget constraint equals the slope of the indifference curve: Hence,

Page 13: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

Consumer equilibrium requires that

pf/pog = MUf /MUog


MUf /pf = MUog /pog

In words: The marginal utility per dollar of expenditure must be equal for each good.

Page 14: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;
Page 15: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;


. E3E2


Fo o d


F1 F3

As inc o m e inc re a se s, Fo o d d e m a nd e dinc re a se s. This is sho wn in ind iffe re nc ec urve a na lysis a s suc c e ssive , ne we q uilib ria .

Page 16: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

Eng e l’s C urve

Fo o d

Inc o m e

F1 F 2F 3

C o nsid e r the sha p e o f the Eng e lsC urve a s re la te d to the inc o m ee la stic ity o f d e m a nd .

Page 17: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

End of the portion prior to

the Group project on the Food Stamps


Page 18: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;
Page 19: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;


Fo o d


C D0

Whe n the e lig ib le p e rso n is g ive n ABwo rth o f Fo o d Sta m p s, this e xte nd she r b ud g e c o nstra int to ABD.

Fo o d Sta m p s Pro b le m b ud g e t c o nstra int

Page 20: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;


Fo o d


C D0

Fo o d Sta m p s Pro b le m b ud g e t c o nstra int



A c a se o f a Fo o d Sta m p sre c ip ie nt fo r who m the Sta m p sc o uld just a s we ll ha ve b e e n in c a sh (ra the r tha n “in-kind ”).

Page 21: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;


Fo o d


C D0

Fo o d Sta m p s Pro b le m b ud g e t c o nstra int

A c a se o f a Fo o d Sta m p sre c ip ie nt fo r who m the Sta m p sc o uld just a s we ll ha ve b e e n in c a sh (ra the r tha n “in-kind ”).


UFSta m p s

U c a sh


Page 22: Indifference Curve Analysis 1. Develop indifference curves 2. Develop budget constraint 3. Some basic analysis: a. changes in prices; b. changes in income;

Discussion Questions:

1. Would this analysis make good policy?

2. What do we know about the behavior of the poor and how do we know this?

3. If we would say that giving cash would make bad policy, is one’s criticism based on an efficiency argument? An equity argument? A paternalistic argument?