individualized education plan in depth

A USEFUL TOOL FOR STUDENTS, ADVISORS AND FACULTY Electronic Individualized Education Plans

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A U S E F U L T O O L F O R S T U D E N T S , A D V I S O R S A N D F A C U L T Y

Electronic Individualized Education Plans

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Paper IEP vs. Electronic IEP

Electronic IEP is a fluid document

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Purpose of an Individualized Education Plan

Will provide a clear view of a student’s academic goals

Will allow for a student to properly plan for course scheduling – semester-by-semester

Will allow academic advisors, faculty advisors, and coaches and mentors more continuity and consistency in the advisement process

Provides the flexibility to revise as the student’s goals and/or circumstances change

Provides clear plan towards graduation

Required for all students under SAP for financial aid

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How to Access an Electronic IEP

The Electronic IEP can be found through the secure Employees website

You will need to input your Windows username & password

Note: when entering through his link, you will be able to modify an IEP and if you make any changes your name will be saved as the assigned advisor. If you only want to view an IEP, enter through the View Only link.

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Accessing the Electronic IEP (To view the IEP Only)

From the MDC homepage Login to Employee page > Faculty Resources > IEP Viewer.In the ‘IEP Viewer’ mode you will be able to view a student’s IEP but cannot make changes. Your name will not be saved when using this link.


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How to Create an IEP

Input the student MDID# and click “find student” button

The IEP will display: **NOTE: You may need to toggle between Odyssey and the IEP system to see complete information on a student. You may also print the degree audit.

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Understanding an IEP

Two hemispheres of the IEP:

Left Right

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Overview of the Student IEP

The right side of the IEP is divided into two sections –Completed courses and Current/future courses.

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Overview of the Student IEP

If you register a student for courses ensure that the courses that the student is registered for is the same as the “Planned" courses since there can be implications for financial aid

You will then plan for all upcoming terms.

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Step 1: Adding Courses to the IEP

Select the course under “Course Choices.” Click the checkbox for the course you wish to add

Then scroll to the semester when the course will be taken and click the “Copy” button in the upper right hand corner. This will add the course .

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Step 2: Adding Other Courses to the IEP

3) Then Click the “Copy” button in the Planned term box

1) To add electives not listed under “Course Choices,” you can type in multiple courses

4) They will all appear.2) Place a check next to each

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Step 3: Mapping Additional Semesters

We are required to plan the entire IEP to completion, if only two terms are visible, you can select the “Add More Terms” button and 4 semesters will be added at a time. This step can be repeated as frequently as necessary.

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Step 4: Deleting Courses/Making Corrections

Select course(s) from the “Current/Future Courses” section of the IEP and click the “Remove Selected” button.

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Step 5: Saving IEPs

You should click “Save & Continue” after adding a full semester worth of courses.

When finished with the IEP, click “Save & Exit”

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Adding Comments

The comments function facilitates clear

communication of the academic plan

between Academic & Career Advisement,

Financial Aid, Academic Departments,

Faculty and student.

Coaches and mentors are encouraged to

add reasons or special circumstances

considered when creating the IEP. This is

important because deviating from the

planned courses may result in denial of

Financial Aid for the student.

Comments are accessible by anyone who

can access the IEP and should be focused

solely on the items pertinent to the

development of an IEP.

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Step 6: Adding Comments

To add a comments click on “comments”

Type your comment in the “new comment” box and click “save comment” when finished.

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Step 7: Reviewing Comments

Comments will be date/time stamped

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Step 8: Editing/Saving Comments

To edit your comment click “edit”. You will be able to make corrections to or add to your own comments. When done editing click “save comment” again.

When done adding/editing comments, click “previous page” to return to the IEP screens.

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Step 9: Printing the IEP

When you have finished planning the courses, you will can print a copy for the student – select the “Printable Version” link. It will take you to a streamlined version of the IEP.

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Step 10: Printing the IEP

1) Select the “Print IEP” link – you will get the usual dialogue box with your preferred printer and then “print.” (Note that comments will not print)

2) To go back to the original view select the “Previous Page” link

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Step 11: Final Save and Exiting the IEP

When you are completely done, you need to select the “Save & Exit” button.

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Getting An Error Message

You may receive an error message upon exiting or saving, click “OK” and the information will be saved. The functionality is still being worked on. However, read the message, some messages are working at this time.

Report any programming issues to your A&CS Director. Take a screen shot of error and have sample students with the problem so it can be reported to IT.

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IEP: Best Practices

Verify whether student plans to attend part time or full time

Verify program of study/chosen pathway

Identify which courses/requirements have been completed and which they need to complete

Verify likely transfer institution choices

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IEP: Best Practices

Using the appropriate MDC pathway, transfer institution MAP or Florida Virtual College program sheet, select the courses on the pathway, in the listed sequence, to complete the IEP Complete Florida Gen

Ed/Gordon Rule requirements Complete MDC Curriculum

Pathway/program of study requirements

Complete MDC graduation requirements

Align transfer institution requirements

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IEP: Best Practices

Complete Florida General Education /Gordon Rule requirements

Mathematics (6 credits)

Communications (6 credits)

Oral Communications (3 credits)

Humanities (6 credits) – MUST take one Group A and one Group B course

Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 credits) – MUST take one Group A and one Group B course

Natural Sciences (6 credits) – MUST take one Group A and one Group B course

General Education elective (3 credits) – from any of the categories above

Complete 24 credits of electives

Complete State of Florida Foreign Language Requirement for AA degree completion


General education Math and English should be within the first and second semesters at MDC

No two Gordon Rule Gordon Rule Writing requirements should be taken the same semester; and NO two Gordon Rule Computational requirements should be taken the same semester.

For more information, go to

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Completing the IEP: Best Practices

Show students how to chose balanced schedule: college/work/family trade-offs

Match electives to their career tracks, discipline-recommended courses and academic or personal interests

Help students understand why it is important to follow the pathway and IEP

Guide students to understand the connections between the IEP, graduation, successful transfer and financial aid

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Completing the IEP: Retake Rules

Students may repeat a course with a “P,” “W,” “D,” or “F” grade, but

State rules limit the number of times a student can take the same course to THREE times

Students will have to pay full cost of instruction on the third attempt(Approximately 4 times cost of in-state tuition)

Students may NOT withdraw from class on third attempt

Students may also appeal action that effects standing if s/he believes wrong action or decision was taken

Academic standing, financial aid, grades, third attempt fee, retake of course with “C” grade or better


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Student View of IEP

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