indoctrination brainwashing- making the illogical, logical

The Poisonous Mushroom Click on book to read stories

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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The Poisonous Mushroom

Click on book to read stories


Brainwashing-Making the illogical,


Indoctrination- define

What age is most easily brainwashed- why?


The Anti-Semitic books and Anti-Semitic newspapers such as Der Sturmer that were pounded into the heads of million of Germans and especially German children, would constitute an important psychological prerequisite for removing the civilized restraints that stood in the way in the destruction of the Jewish population.

The collection of stories titled the poisonous Mushroom is a classic example of Indoctrination.

As you read some of the stories complete the chart below

Title and summary What techniques were What German and/orused to make this appealing childhood fearsto children does it take advantage

What ideas about Jews were the Nazis trying to advance?

After having heard these stories countless times, what attitudes may start to develop amongstThe German children.

You have a copy of a timeline of events and of the Nuremberg laws- link your story with the corresponding laws –

Remember making the illogical - logical

Story Idea Law(s)1. The Poisonous Mushroom

2. How to Identify a Jew

3. How the Jews cam to us

4. What is the Talmud

5. Why the Jews let themselves be Baptized

6. How a German Peasant was driven from house and farm

7. How Jewish traders cheat

8. The Experience of Hans and Else with a strange man

9. Inge’s visit to a Jewish doctor

10. How the Jew treats his domestic help

11. How two women were tricked by Jewish Lawyers

12. How Jews torment animals

13. What Christ said about the Jews

14. Money is the God of the Jews

15. How worker Hartmann became a Nationalist Socialist

16. Are there decent Jews?

17. Without solving the Jewish Question no salvation for mankind

Country Estimated Pre-War Jewish population Estimated Jewish population killed Percent killed

Poland 3.300.000 3.000.000 90

Baltic countries 253.000 228.000 90

Germany & Austria 240.000 210.000 90

Bohemia & Moravia 90.000 80.000 89

Slovakia 90.000 75.000 83

Greece 70.000 54.000 77

Netherlands 140.000 105.000 75

Hungary 650.000 450.000 70

Byelorussian SSR 375.000 245.000 65

Ukrainian SSR 1.500.000 900.000 60

Belgium 65.000 40.000 60

Yugoslavia 43.000 26.000 60

Romania 600.000 300.000 50

Norway 1.800 900 50

France 350.000 90.000 26

Bulgaria 64.000 14.000 22

Italy 40.000 8.000 20

Luxembourg 5.000 1.000 20

Russian SFSR 975.000 107.000 11

Denmark 8.000 120 2

Finland 2.000 ? ?

Total 8.861.800 5.933.900 67