indonesia water supply and sanitation magazine percik december 2004 kaleidoscope 2004

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  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    Information Media for Water Supply and

    Environmental Sanitation


    Director General for Urban and

    Rural Development, Ministry of Settlement

    and Regional Infrastructure

    Board of Head:

    Director of Human Settlement and Housing,

    National Development Planning Agency

    Republic of Indonesia

    Director of Water and Sanitation,Ministry of Health

    Director of Urban and Rural Eastern Region,

    Ministry of Settlement and Regional


    Director of Natural Resources and Appropriate

    Technology, Director General on Village and

    Community Empowerment,

    Ministry of Home Affairs

    Director for Facilitation of Special Planning

    Environment Management,

    Ministry of Home Affairs

    Chief Editor:

    Oswar Mungkasa

    Board of Editor:

    Hartoyo, Johan Susmono, Indar Parawansa,



    Maraita Listyasari, Rewang Budiyana,

    Rheidda Pramudhy, Joko Wartono,

    Essy Asiah, Mujiyanto


    Rudi Kosasih




    Anggie Rifki


    Jl. Cianjur No. 4, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

    Phone/Fax.: 62-21-31904113

    e-mail: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Unsolicited article or opinion items

    are welcome. Please send to our address

    or e-mail. Don't forget to be brief and accom-

    panied by identity.

    Cover by Rudi Kosasih

    From Editor 1

    Your Voice 2

    Main Report

    Muddle within Bantar Gebang TPA Unearthed 3

    Flood Swept Across Indonesia 4

    Questioning Government's Responsibility 5

    The community is in short of clean water 6

    Looking for Alternative Water Source 7

    Refillable Bottled Water under Spotlight 8

    Even Ditch and Wallowing Pond Are Sources for Consumption Water 9

    Flares at TSPT Bojong 10An Egg About To Hatch 11

    2004, the Year of Implementation of National Policy for the Development

    of Community Based Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation 13

    Glimpses of WASPOLA Activities 2004 15

    Water and Sanitation Program (ProAir)

    for Rural Population of Nusa Tenggara Timur 17

    WSLIC Phase 2 18

    CWSH 18

    About WASPOLA

    The Implementation of National Policy for WSS Development in November 2004 19

    Consigment of Formulation of National Policy for WSS Development 21

    Workshop on the study of the Dissemination Implementation

    of National Policy for WSS Development 21

    Workshop for Small Scale Water Provider 21

    About WSS

    Workshop of Community Water Supply and Health (CWSH) Project 22

    Formulation of Draft of Government Regulation on Drinking Water

    Supply and Sanitation Development 22

    Dissemination of the National Policy for the Development of

    Community Based Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation 23

    Pesentation of Winner Candidates for Scientific Article Writing Competition 23

    Consolidation Workshop WSLIC-2 Project Management Report 24

    Official Dedication of WSLIC-2 Project in Kabupaten Lumajang 24


    WhenDolbun is Embarrased 25Interview

    Infrastructure as Nation's Unifier 29


    Human Quality and Sanitation Infrastructure Development in Indonesia 31

    RT/RW Institution as Coordinator in Community Based Water Supply

    and Environmental Sanitation Management 34

    Strategy for Community Awareness Improvement 38

    Once Again About Privatization 42


    Basic Sanitation Coverage Rating by Kabupaten/Kota in 2002 47

    Book Info 49

    Website Info 50WSS Bibliography 51

    Agenda 52

  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    Time has flown without we beingaware of. Now we have come to

    the very end of 2004. Not a beau-

    tiful present is what we get this end of

    year. A superlative degree of disaster,

    instead. More than a hundred thousand

    of our brothers and sisters in Aceh and

    North Sumatra were victims of nature's

    mighty force, earthquakes and the fol-

    lowing tidal waves. Is that God's dis-

    pleasure or His demonstration? Only God

    knows best. What is certain is, this disas-

    ter should make us aware about the reali-ty of life is that as Servant of God we shall

    never walk imperiously arrogant, do

    behave humbly into God's mercy, instead.

    Besides, this disaster should move us to

    lend our hand, help our mireable bro-

    thers and sisters. And let us pray that

    such a disaster will never come again.

    Amien. Acehnese Misery, Our Misery.

    Dear Reader. As usual, many who use

    the end of Gregorian calendar year as a

    milestone where annual report and at the

    same time evaluation of the progress

    made within the year, is summarized intorecord. Was it a success, a half success, or

    a failure.

    Percik of this edition comes in a

    slightly different format. We want to

    invite the readers to look back into vari-

    ous events that happened in this year in

    relation to water supply and environmen-

    tal sanitation in general, and the WSS

    working group activity, in particular. We

    hope some changes would happen in the

    next year. Of course a change towards

    improvement. Prevent it, anything thathappened last year is repeated this year.

    If things like this happen then we belong

    to the disgraced.

    Dear readers, the portrait of events of

    the year are specially presented in the

    main feature. The title is WSS Kalei-

    doscope 2004. Beside that we want to

    present to you how far has the National

    Policy for Community Based WSS

    Development been moving and what is

    the progress in Institutionally Based

    Development Policy. These two policies

    are vital for WSS development because

    since the birth of this nation we have

    never had a national policy for this sector.

    We also want to see the glimpses of WSSprojects such as ProAir, WSLIC-2, and

    CWSH have been doing.

    Not to be forgotten, Percikmade an

    interview with Suyono Dikun, Deputy for

    Infrastructure, Bappenas on Infrastruc-

    ture of Indonesia. As we know, WSS

    development has some linkage with the

    existing infrastructure condition. More

    than that, in January 2005 we are going

    to organize an event called Infrastructure

    Summit. Of course we want to know what

    Indonesia expects from organizing such

    an event.

    What is different from the usual is the

    reportase. In the present edition the

    column is filled with report from fieldvisit to Bangladesh and India. The la-

    nguage style is different from the usual,

    including its length. We hope that by

    reading the reportase the readers would

    go together and feel the heartbeat of the


    We also present to you the result of

    the acticle writing competition. Beside

    the winner, other articles worthy of pre-

    sentation and useful for the readers will

    also be presented in the next editions.

    R O M E DIT O R F

    Merry Christmas 2004and

    Happy New Year 2005


    1PercikDecember 2004

    WSS working group

  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    Percik Must Continue

    We fully agree and support the contents

    of Percik magazine, especially as they relateto the knowledge and various technologies

    and policies in water supply and enviro-

    mental sanitation sector. Percik is a useful

    reference for procurement, development,

    and management of WSS facility and infra-

    structure of Kab. Malang that always

    demands our serious attention.

    The most important issues that demand

    serious attention in Kab. Malang include

    equitable water supply service between

    towns and villages (many villages withinherent water problem), technological as

    well as managerial aspects in waste materi-

    al handling, domestic wastewater treat-

    ment, and urban drainage canal, especially

    with regard the responsibility in safeguard-

    ing the "national assets" such as Sutami and

    Selorejo dams from solid and domestic

    wastewater from polluting the raw water


    Basically the Dinas Permukiman and

    Pertamanan of Kabupaten Malang is look-

    ing forward to more information from

    Percik. Next time we will try to send you our

    article about WSS condition and manage-

    ment here in Kab. Malang.

    Ir. Didik Budi Hartono, MT.

    Chief, Dinas Perumahan,

    Kebersihan and Pertamanan

    Kabupaten Malang

    More Informationabout CLTS

    After reading Percik of October edi-

    tion on page 40 on the concept Commu-

    nity Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) we have

    a feeling that it has something valuable

    and useful for Sub-dinas Community

    Health of the Dinas Kesehatan City of

    Palembang in its effort to support

    Indonesia Sehat 2010. We would appre-

    ciate it if you could advise us where we

    could obtain more information about the

    concept and the complete address of Mr.

    Kamal Kar.Dr. Hj. Gema Asiani, M.Kes

    Kasubdin Penyehatan Lingkungan

    Kota Palembang

    CLTS concept has been applied in se-

    veral countries including Bangladesh

    and India. We have copies of a book that

    explains the concept in detail. We will

    send you a copy of the book as soon as we

    can. As for Dr. Kamal Krishna Kar can

    be reached through the following e-mail

    addresses: [email protected], kamal-

    [email protected], [email protected],

    [email protected]

    Service Coverage ofPDAM Palopo

    We would congratulate for the publi-

    cation of Percik Magazine as a means for

    interaction and information networks

    among water supply and environmental

    sanitation activists.

    As an input we would add to your

    information that as of 31 December the

    total active home connections of PDAM

    Palopo is 11.773 with an average size of

    family is 6 persons, the total population

    with access to the service is 70.638.

    Services other than home connections

    include 13 MCK, 13 public hydrants, 7

    public taps, and 5 water terminals each

    provide service to 50 persons on average.

    From simple calculation the total home

    connection and non home connection

    service covers 72.588 persons.

    The total population of Palopo is

    106.813, the PDAM Palopo service cove-

    rage as of 31 December 2004 is 67,96 per-cent or rounded up to 68 percent.

    We would like to inform you further

    that pursuant to Law No 11/2002 on the

    formation of Kabupaten Mamasa and

    Kota Palopo, PDAM Kabupaten Luwu

    which is located within Kota Palopo has

    been transfered to PDAM Kota Palopo.

    Drs. H. Andi Nurlan Basalan, MM

    CEO of PDAM Kota Palopo

    O U R V O IC EY

    2 PercikDecember 2004

    PercikEditor wishes to thank those

    who have sent a letter to us. Among

    others: Bappeda Kabupaten Ba-

    tanghari, Planology Division Univ.

    Trisakti, Mayor of Metro, Regional and

    City Planning Division Fac. of Technics

    UNDIP, DPRD Nusa Tenggara Timur,

    Information and Public Service Centre,

    Dept. Fishery and Maritime Resources

    Development, Planology Division Univ.

    Tarumanegara, Environmental Techno-

    logy Division ITS, Regional Secretary,

    Kab. Aceh Barat, DPRD Kab. Pasaman

    Barat, DPRD Prov. Sumatra Selatan,

    and DPRD Kab. Aceh Utara

    In Percik of June 2004 edition,

    there was written "Sanitation is mo-

    re importance than independence"

    should read "Sanitation is more

    important than independence".

    In Percik of October 2004 edi-

    tion, it was written "National Se-

    minar for Socialization of Law No.

    8/2004" should read "NationalSeminar for Socialization of Law

    No. 7/2004".

    In Percik of October 2004 edi-

    tion, it was written "At this time the

    formulation of the National Policy

    for Institutionally Based Drinking

    Water Service Development which

    serves as an umbrella policy for

    PDAM management is in its final

    stage and is one part of the initial

    100 day program of the Indonesia

    Bersatu Cabinet" should only read"At this time the formulation of the

    National Policy for Institutionally

    Based Drinking Water Service

    Development which serves as an

    umbrella policy for PDAM manage-

    ment is in its final stage". Omit "and

    is one part of the initial 100 day pro-

    gram of the Indonesia Bersatu



  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    Early 2004 it was the beginning of

    the problems connected to TPA

    (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir,

    terminal disposal site) of Bantar Gebang

    came to light. The city government of

    Jakarta that has been managing the 100

    ha disposal site since 1999, now has to

    relinquish the facility back to the city go-

    vernment of Bekasi. This is because the

    deputy mayor of Bekasi, upon completion

    of the contract at the end of December2003, unilaterally asked the city of Ja-

    karta pay a fee of Rp 85.000 per ton of

    solid waste material dumped into the site.

    This is unacceptable to Jakarta because in

    previous memorandum between the two

    governments states the fee is only Rp

    50.000 per ton.

    In addition, the inhabitants of three

    villages, i.e. Sumur Batu, Cikiwul and

    Ciketing demand a compensation for the

    unpleasantness caused by a disposal site

    in their neighbourhood. This demand is

    of course causing a headache to the go-vernment of Bekasi and to Jakarta at the

    same time. The population blocked the

    road leading to the site. Consequently no

    garbage truck dares to go near the site.

    The people will reopen the road only if

    they are paid the compensation. There is

    no way for Bekasi city government but to

    agree. The city government promised a

    compensation of Rp 50.000 per month to

    each of the 12.000 families living in the

    neighbourhood. It was proven right. But,

    unfortunately, it was only once. And, theblocking resumed and demanded that

    payment be made as promised.

    The crisis obviously causes difficulty

    to city government of Jakarta. While TPA

    Bantar Gebang is closed, Jakarta does not

    have yet any replacement. It is not sur-

    prising, as the TPA is closed for a single

    day, mountains of waste material are seen

    everywhere. The scavengers in the TPA

    were complaining about their livelihood.

    Some of them moved to another ground

    such as Cilincing. As for the citizens of

    Bekasi, they want to see the "war" bet-

    ween both governments end peacefully

    and they demand the problem of polluti-

    on be solved in the best possible manner.Peace did come. The mayor of Bekasi

    welcomes City government of Jakarta

    resume operation in Bantar Gebang. The

    mayor's policy is in contradiction with

    that of his deputy. And the mayor's inten-

    tion will not proceed smoothly, either.

    Because now comes DPRD's turn to speak

    up. They said that the policy of the city

    government of Bekasi has been deviating

    after the termination of contract between

    Bekasi and Jakarta. Finally, months have

    passed and this TPA's problem does notsee any way out.

    Beside waste material problem, Ja-

    karta population is surprised with the

    increase of water supply tariff by 30%

    effective from 1 January 2004. The

    increase is intended to cover the Rp 900

    billion defisit of PAM Jaya partner and

    PAM Jaya's obligation to pay back the Rp

    1,7 trillion loan to the central govern-


    The increase poses heavy burden to

    most PAM customers. They see that the

    service up to now is short of their expec-

    tation. Such as, smelly water, very small

    flow, irregular service. Some considerthis calculation is not transparent, illogi-

    cal since it is intended to cover financial

    loss. But, once again, no one can ever

    stop an increase. (MJ)


    Muddle within Bantar Gebang TPA Unearthed



    Ka le idoscope

    3PercikDecember 2004

    WSS News Index

    Cisadane river is polluted, PDAMTangerang may cease to operate(16/1)Jakarta inhabitants want more

    water hydrants (27/1)BPPT and Pusri will develop a

    waste material processor in Jakarta(13/1)Tangerang is considering an elec-tric generator from waste material(24/1)Jakarta is in first degree alert (6/1)Minister of Public Works: JakartaShould Develop an Early Flood

    Warning System (2/1)A Reservoir in Gadog is to preventagainst flood for Jakarta (3/1)Ciliwung overflows, Jakarta isflooded (20/1).

  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    In February 2004, the Agency for

    Meteorology and Geophysics (AMG)

    reminded the Indonesia community

    about the forthcoming of tropical storm

    level III which was developing over the

    sea south of Java. The storm would cause

    heavy widespread downpour all over the

    country. At that time AMG estimated

    that February would be the peak rainfall.

    It was a good estimation. Flood sweptalmost all regions in Indonesia beginning

    from February and went on through

    March. Flash flood hit Java. More than

    just infrastructure damages, flood in East

    Java took the lives of 3 people and ano-

    ther one missing. This flood hit seven

    regions of East Java. Muddy water ran

    across the southern part of Kabupaten

    Mojokerto. Up to 1-1,5 m deep. This mud

    flood is the first in 100 years. The total

    loss for East Java is estimated at Rp 300


    In Central Java flood cut transportconnection between Semarang and

    Purwodadi of Kabupaten Grobogan.

    Hundreds of houses in Kabupaten Gro-

    bogan were under water causing a wave

    of refugees.

    In the northern coast West Java, flood

    has cut the main transport link of the

    island. The flood span between Pa-

    manukan (Subang) on the western end to

    Krangkeng (Indramayu) in the east. In

    Indramayu the total loss is estimated at

    Rp.1,7 billion because 10.665 ha of ricefield may have to be replanted.

    As usual, Jakarta is experiencing si-

    milar fate. Hundreds from several loca-

    tions had to look for temporary shelter.

    Traffic jams in 29 points. Tangerang and

    Bekasi were not too far different. The

    condition of these areas was almost iden-

    tical with the prevalence of dengue fever.

    In Kabupaten Banjar, South Kali-

    mantan, thousands of people had to take

    refugee because most of the area is under

    water. In Kabupaten Manggarai (NTT),

    death toll consisted of 3 and six others

    were lost. Flood also occurred at Dong-

    gala, Central Sulawesi, causing two per-

    sons lost their lives. Sumatra and Sula-

    wesi did not miss the flood.

    The government is considered too

    weak in dealing with flood. This is evi-

    denced from flood keeps coming every

    year. Preventive measures were almostunheard of, and post flood operation

    seems quite slow. Whereas, many have

    supplied input and suggestion about the

    government should do in dealing with


    In the midst of overflowing flood

    water, the city governments of Batu and

    Malang are in shortage of clean water.

    Both city governments have to hire scores

    of water trucks in order to overcome

    water crisis, because their distribution

    are badly affected by the flood. In Batu,4.200 PAM customers have to buy water

    in jerry cans while in Malang 7.000 are

    without water supply.

    In the meantime, effective from this

    month PDAM Tasikmalaya is increasing

    its tariff by 50%. The increase does not

    only relate to basic tariff but also tariff

    classification to household that has

    changed function. The reason for in-

    crease, operational cost and the prices of

    equipment and materials for PDAM

    operation have increased. Instantly theincrease causes strong reaction from the

    legislative. They have objection with the

    increase, because in reality PDAM is still

    making profit, though small.

    In Ungaran, the local PDAM can no

    longer bear the burdens of operational

    costs and loan repayment. The company

    is in arrears amounting to Rp 33,8 billion.

    To overcome this PDAM Ungaran invites

    the cooperation of PT Sara Tirta Ungaran

    (STU) to manage the water source at

    Ngembar, Kecamatan Jambu. The for-

    mat of the cooperation is STU develop

    and take over PDAM asset for the period

    of 27 years. Upon completion all the asset

    goes back to PDAM Ungaran. The new

    investment amounts to Rp 29,244 billion

    consisting of Rp 23,4 billion for deve-

    loping a drinking water installation and

    the rest to construct instalation at the

    water source.


    4 PercikDecember 2004

    Flood Swept Across Indonesia


    WSS News Index

    Scavengers' Smile at TPA Bantar

    Gebang (2/2)

    TPA Cipayung becomes a pilot TPA

    for Jabotabek area (3/2)

    TPA causes pollution to fish pond


    Transfer Station at Cilincing is pro-

    ven to cause environmental pollu-

    tion (10/2)

    BPPT Offers 5 Aspects for SolidWaste Handling (16/2)

    Up to Rp 5 million Fine for Lit-

    tering (26/2)

    Banjir Kanal Barat optimalization

    projet is completed in April (18/2)

    North coast road at Situbondo is

    covered with mud and rock (16/2)

    31 kelurahan (villages) of Yogya-

    karta are sensitive to flood and

    landslide (5/2)

    Raw Water Supply Drops by 62%


    Polluted by Fuel Refilling Station,One Has Been Buying Mineral

    Water for 5 Years (13/4)

    West Java Government Hand Over

    Water Supply Management and

    Asset to PDAM (11/4)

    Proposed Tegal PDAM tarif

    increase almost 100% (27/4)

    PAM water of West Bangka has

    long been polluted (27/4)

    Hundreds of Bojong population

    held demo to Police HQ (9/3).

    Ka le idoscope

  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    Following floods that swept

    many parts of Indonesia, the

    community begins questioning

    the government's performance in

    dealing with this disaster. Generally

    the people consider that the govern-

    ment is incapable of anticipating the

    occurrence of flood and the conse-

    quences it leaves behind. As a result,

    human lives and property always fall

    victim, and the amount is never small.The regional government of Jakar-

    ta, for example, is unable to cope with

    this problem, and has asked the cen-

    tral government to share the burden.

    This is because flood is not the pro-

    blem of a single province but it entan-

    gles across administrative borders.

    The bupati of Kabupaten Indramayu,

    Irianto Syafiudin, requests the provincial

    government's help to solve river siltation

    problem in his region. Siltation rate in

    Kab. Indramayu is the highest in West

    Java because this region is the down-stream area of rivers carrying mud from

    Tasikmalaya, Garut, Sumedang, Subang,

    Majalengka and Kuningan areas.

    In Bekasi, the population of Babelan

    requests the government to as soon as

    possible normalize Kali Balisasak. The

    river has undergone advanced siltation

    and aquatic vegetation cover and as such

    it cannot function as normal waterway

    during peak flow.

    In the city of Bogor, many roads turn

    bad easily because of poor drainage sys-tem.

    Therefore, several parties suggest that

    the roads of the city should not be paved

    with asphalt, but with concrete bloc

    instead. Additionally, the community re-

    quests that the drainage is re-arranged

    properly considering Bogor is a rainy city.

    Further the community requests re-

    arrangement of waste material and street

    vendor management. The population ex-

    pects that this tourist destination city

    may become a clean and hygienic city.

    In Padang, the citizens regret the

    environmental destruction that has taken

    place in the region. In areas where flood

    was historically unknown, now are begin-

    ning to experience the disaster. The citi-

    zens consider the city government lacksof care and interest to subject related to

    flood and environmental conservation as

    well as spatial planning.

    The Minster of Environment, Nabiel

    Makarim, stated that there are nine out of

    198 lakes (natural and man-made) in the

    area of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang

    and Bekasi have been converted to other

    function and must be reverted to their

    previous condition. According to him, re-

    version of the lakes in this region is an

    effort to control flood especially in theresorption and water pocket areas. In

    addition, he feels a deep apprehension

    with the damages made to 134 lakes

    (68%). Only 42 (20%) of the lakes are

    considerd accepteble and 2 lakes have

    totally disappeared.

    What was stated by Nabiel is right.

    The function of Rawa Badung reservoir in

    Jatinegara, East Jakarta is to hold water,

    but at the same time it is also a garbage

    holder. Floating on surface is waste

    material consisting of plastic,

    empty bottles, cans, and so on.

    This condition causes a lot of nui-

    sance to the neigbourhood. They

    expect the city government would

    build a fence around the reservoir.

    In the meantime, Bogor citi-

    zens are surprised with the in-

    crease of PDAM Tirta Pakuan's

    150% tariff increase. The increaseis based on the increases of elec-

    tricity at 60%, fuel at 50% and

    basic regional salary. The increase

    which is effective since June has

    invited objection from the con-

    sumers. They consider the in-

    crease is too high and incomparable with

    the quality of PDAM service.

    But, hush. people's voice is almost

    always unheard. (MJ)


    WSS News Index

    Questioning Government's Responsibility


    Bekasi City government breaks promi-

    se, Bantar Gebang population closes

    TPA (6/5)

    Waste Material of TPA Leuwigajah for

    electricity (8/5)

    Container in place of informal transfer

    station (10/5)

    Because of Waste material teachers

    threaten to strike from teaching (31/5)

    Many have to drink water not worthy

    for consumption (14/5)

    PDAM Bogor raises tariff up to 150%


    Big annual decrease is dicharge rate in

    NTB (26/5)

    Seminar of "Water Culture" (19/5)

    And water pipe is hung on the tree


    Need a regulation on relocation of

    water use (14/5)

    Central Government is asked to help

    overcoming flood problem (8/5)

    Water discharge of Citanduy river

    drops drastically (8/5)

    The rivers of Jakarta serve as the

    longest toilet in the world (5/5).


    5PercikDecember 2004

    Ka le idoscope

  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    After flood swept a number of

    regions, Indonesia is now facing

    another "law of nature" as a con-

    sequence of environmental degradation:

    drought. This condition does not only

    affect the people as individuals but also

    the clean water provider, PDAM. The re-

    gional public utility company is com-

    plaining about the difficulty in getting

    raw water.

    The rivers of West Kalimantan drasti-cally drop their water level. Water depth

    that was normally 3 metres now sinks to

    only one meter. In many parts of the

    rivers the people can freely wade across

    the banks. It is obvious that such a con-

    dition is detrimental to raw water supply

    for several PDAMs such as the ones in

    Sanggau, Landak and Pontianak. The lo-

    cal population has to buy drinking water

    at Rp 70.000 per tank containing 4.000

    litres. Other people have to pay retail

    price at Rp 1.000 per gallon (4 litres).

    Worst of all, the poor who cannot affordto buy water, have to go to the river to

    take water, let it settle overnight and use

    it the next morning. Some even have to

    use it directly.

    In Banjarmasin, the local PDAM also

    experience a supply shortage. One of its

    500 l/sec capacity raw water intakes can-

    not be used any more. Beside drought

    problem, salt water intrusion has reached

    above tolerance level. Water scarcity

    brings detrimental effects to the popula-

    tion. Diarrhea diseases are beginning toattack the people living near the river,

    especially the poor who are living in

    thickly populated quarters.

    In Serang, approximately 10.000

    PDAM customers are unable to enjoy

    clean water service. The director of local

    PDAM says that the main conveyance

    pipe in Tamansari, Baros is closed down

    by the local population because of a nag-

    ging problem of land compensation.

    In Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, the

    regional government distributes clean

    water to the population with the priority

    given to the poor. Because of prolonged

    dry season eleven kecamatan of this

    kabupaten are suffering from water

    scarcity. In Kulonprogo, 8 from 12 keca-

    matan are in shortage of water. Even in

    four of them they have no clean water at

    all for almost two months.Sutrisno, head of Pemali Jatrun wa-

    tershed management, in Central Java,

    said that approximately 430.000 ha of fo-

    rest lands in 16 kabupatens are in critical

    condition and must be seriously taken

    care of otherwise they may cause disas-

    ters to the surrounding areas. Of the to-

    tal, 238.000 ha are located outside of the

    forest areas.

    In NTT, the local government has to

    discontinue water supply to the barracks

    of ex Timor Timur refugees. The reasonis because the local government is in

    short of fund to support the operation.

    The ex refugees respond sharply. They

    say the government has treated them

    inhumanly because they have no more

    drinking water in their camp.

    Beside in the regions, water crisis also

    threatens Jakarta. And this is an inter-

    mittent annual disaster agenda for Ja-

    karta. The heavy rainfall cannot find

    enough entry to underground aquifer

    because of the minimum water resorption

    areas. And ground water condition of the

    remaining areas is very poor. An obser-

    vation made to water taken from the wells

    of the community of 5 districts of Jakarta

    indicates that 90% of the samples have

    been contaminated with coli bacteria

    from human waste. If this condition pre-

    vails, according to Japan Indonesia

    Cooperation Agency (JICA) in 2010

    Jakarta will face a serious water short-age.


    6 PercikDecember 2004

    WSS News Index

    The community is in short of clean water


    PDAM Indramayu increases tariff by

    66% (30/1)

    Waste materials heavily pollutes Siak

    river, PDAM is suggested not to con-

    tinue processing raw water (3/7)

    The population of 16 villages in Demak

    is in short of clean water (8/7)

    Regarded as legally defective, 16 NGOs

    file suit against Law on Water Resour-

    ces to Constitution Court (14/7)

    Salt water intrusion has reached mid-

    town area (20/7)

    Blue Oasis City is built on a water re-

    sorption area (28/7)

    Judicial Review of Law on Water Reso-

    urces is submitted to Constitution

    Court (29/7)

    Proportional Water Sharing to prevent

    Absolute Water Spring (22/7)

    Extension of TPA Bantar Gebang

    approved (10/6)

    Local population maintains rejectionagainst disposal site for Jakarta garba-

    ge (23/7)

    Integrated Waste Disposal at Bojong is

    guaranteed environmentally safe


    Number of Lakes in Bekasi decreases

    continuously (8/6)

    Rp. 100 billion for BKT land procure-

    ment (24/6)

    Mookervaart river, your story today



    Ka le idoscope


  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    Prolonged drought that

    spread across vast areas

    of Indonesia has com-

    pelled the government to look for

    alternative water sources or ways

    how to maintain the existing

    reserves. The government, thro-

    ugh the Minister of Research and

    Technology, Hatta Rajasa, is de-

    termined to look for alternative

    water sources for fulfilling cleanwater requirement. One exam-

    ple is construction of undergo-

    und reservoir at Goa Bribin,

    Gunung Kidul. Pumping up wa-

    ter from Goa Bribin can satisfy the need

    for 175 thousand of Gunung Kidul popu-


    Exploitation underground water is

    also done in Duwet hamlet of Suci village,

    some 40 km south of Wonogiri, Central

    Java. A deep well pump was sunk 160 m

    below ground and water is pumped up to

    satisfy water requirement of 500 familiesin the village. With the well operating the

    villagers do not have to walk 7 km to keca-

    matan capital to buy water, or to wait for

    water tank on the main road which is 1

    km from the village.

    The effort to look for new water

    source is also done through competition.

    Arie Herlambang, a researcher from the

    Agency for Technological Study and

    Application, won Innovative Technology

    competition 2004. He was named the

    best out of seven finalists with an innova-tion called "Technical Application for the

    Treatment of Brackish Water of Peat Soils

    into Drinking Water." The inovation is

    not just theoretical, it has been success-

    fully applied in a transmigration area of

    Central Kalimantan which is always in

    shortage of clean water. Basically this

    equipment consists of a series of filtration

    process much longer than the one used in

    water supply provider in the cities, and is

    combined with desalination unit. The

    equipment which costs Rp 350 million is

    capable of producing 170 gallons of drink-

    able water for every 8 hours of operation.

    Water is sold at Rp 3.000 - 5.000 per gal-


    In the meantime, to prevent river se-

    dimentation, the Governor of Jakarta,

    pleads that the inhabitants of Jakarta not

    to throw any waste into the 13 rivers ofthe city. Besides, the city government will

    move all the settlement houses built on

    the riverbanks. The governor promises

    the legal city inhabitant with Jakarta

    identication a low priced living quarter in

    a flat. One of the rivers that shows

    improvement is kali Angke, but a home

    work still remains undone, i.e. changing

    the water colour from black into clear.

    While for flood protection, the go-

    vernment is determined to finalise con-

    struction the Banjir Kanal Timur (BKT)drainage system by 2007. A budget of

    almost Rp 2 trillion is allocated for the

    construction. The most difficult process

    is land procurement because it involves

    relatively large pieces of land, about 263

    ha in total, all belonging to the communi-

    ty. With the functioning of BKT, it is

    expected Jakarta will be more manage-

    able and reducing inundation of 13 locali-


    In Sumedang, the government will

    review the design of Jatigede levee

    and dam construction. Department of

    Regional Infrastructure and Setlle-

    ment Systems (Public Works) is going

    to bring head of water level lower so

    that the area of inundation will be

    reduced. This change means the vol-

    ume of the dam will be less and the

    service area will also be smaller.

    The seed of community threats toclose down the Integrated Water

    Treatment facility is growing. The

    population from 6 villages of

    Kecamatan Kelapanunggal asks the

    DPRD Bogor to cancel the Bupati Bogor

    letter of decision that grants permit for

    the construction of the facility. PT. Wira

    Guna Sejahtera, the company to operate

    the facility keeps convincing the people

    that the solid waste treatment facility is

    environmentally safe. (MJ)

    WSS News Index

    AI N R EPO R T

    Looking for Alternative Water Source



    Looking for Water Sources isContinuing (3/8)Unable to Solve Consumers' com-plain, Palyja may face sanction(3/8)Deep well overcomes scarcity ofclean water (5/8)Drought in 4 kabupaten ofBanyumas (10/8)Water Treatment of Peaty SoilsWon Innovation Competition(20/8)

    Freedom Yes Freedom, ButWater Scarcity is Water Scarcity(23/8)Water Level in 3 lakes is receding,Cirebon population is threatenedwith dryness (24/8)Three Primary Schools Which ArePolluted With Garbage have Notbeen Moved (2/8)Govt. of Jakarta will proceed withBojong garbage treatment facility(10/8)Self Reliant Garbage Treatment,Not Impossible (31/8).


    7PercikDecember 2004

    Ka le idoscope


    INULs help?

    Calm down.....we will provideArtesian well

  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    PDAM's short of capacity to pro-

    vide service has encouraged the

    growth of refillable bottled water

    business. The household scale business is

    available in almost every street corner.

    They sell drinking water at a relatively

    cheap price, Rp 2.500 per 4 gallon con-

    tainer. This price is much lower than that

    of the branded bottled water, which may

    be twice as much. The growth of refillablewater depot causes deep concerns to the

    branded water companies. Besides, there

    are many who question about hygienic

    level of this refillable water.

    In mass media articles were written

    about the facts that some of the water

    depots contain e-coli bacteria and may

    cause kidney disorder if consumed for a

    long duration. This of course makes the

    depot owners feel unhappy. Through

    their business association (APDAMIN-

    DO, association of drinking water suppli-

    er and distribution business), they denythe statement and consider it too tenden-

    tious and contains some sort of slander.

    They demand that the statements be cla-

    rified otherwise the refillable business

    may suffer defamation.

    The small scale water businessmen

    admit that they should be developed

    given the necessary education about the

    importance of hygiene. Therefore, they

    must be developed and assisted, rather

    than being killed instead through herding

    of community opinion to a negativeeffect.

    The government of DKI Jakarta

    issued a Governor's Letter of Decision No

    13 /2004 on the requirement of health

    certificate for a drinking water depot.

    The certificate describes the procedure of

    issuance, recommendation for permit,

    and supervision of refillable water busi-

    ness. The certificate is the precondition

    for obtaining operational permit from

    Deperindag (Dept. of Industry and

    Trade). The Letter of Decision poses

    sanction to businessman who violates the

    regulation, beginning from written notice

    up to revocation of the operational per-

    mit. Apdamindo hailed happily the Letter

    of Decision. The say with the Letter of

    Decision there is a guarantee for the busi-ness as well as for the community.

    PDAM Tirta Kerta Raharja of Tange-

    rang promises clean water supply for

    communities with water shortage. It

    made ready 6 water trucks each with

    5.000 l capacity. Based on the existing

    data, there were 25 villages that were in

    shortage of clean water. But not a single

    RT/RW requested for any help.

    The same step was taken by PDAM

    Indramayu. To overcome water shortage,with 8 trucks in operation, PDAM distrib-

    uted clean water free to villages upon

    request from the respective village head-

    man. What the villages need is to prepare

    a water reservoir. Each village was sup-

    plied with 4 trucks of water each with

    4.000 l capacity.

    Drought still continues in some other

    areas. The communities are still in short

    of clean water. This is in Kalimantan,

    some parts of Jawa, and Nusa Tenggara.

    In the meantime, Medan and its sur-

    rounding are under big flood. Rain con-

    tinued falling for several days. Hundreds

    of homes are under water. This big flood

    is a combination of the heavy rainfall and

    overflowing from other regions.

    Bantar Gebang case flips open again,

    after the common agreement between the

    governments of DKI Jakarta and Bekasiwas signed last July. The reason is, the

    TPA (final disposal ground) is neglected.

    The leachate from the mountain of

    garbage overflows the ditches into the

    community settlement. The company

    appointed to manage it seems not ready

    to do its job. The government of Bekasi

    demands that DKI Jakarta take care of

    the problem. (MJ)


    8 PercikDecember 2004

    Refillable Bottled Water under Spotlight


    WSS News Index

    Investment of PDAM Partner isLimited.(1/9)

    PAM Jaya Tariff will automaticly

    increase every 6 months.(1/9)

    Bandung Basin in Water Crisis

    Due to Changes in Land Use,


    PAM Banjarmasin Relies on Ta-


    Clean Water Costs Rp 2.000 per

    jerry can.(24/9)

    Inhabitants of Mahakam Ri-

    verbanks are in shortage of clean


    Bulak Sindon water Source May

    Be Exploited for Business.(30/9)

    DKI Jakarta has not sumbmitted

    TPA Management system.(7/9)

    2005, TPA Cikundul Ceases


    Flood Swept North Sumatra,

    Hundreds of homes under



    Ka le idoscope





  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    The long dry season that swept vast

    areas of Indonesia has left misery

    to many people. Critical water

    shortage in many areas. The community

    of Wanareja, Garut, has no choice but to

    use ditch water for consumption. Later it

    was found that the water contains a high

    number of bacteria. It is not worthy fordrinking even after boiling. It might be

    tolerable for handwashing purpose.

    The local agency for health has

    reminded the people. But what could

    they do, clean water supply never comes

    by. The only way is to recommend the

    people to treat the water with clorine

    before consumption. The regional go-

    vernment of Garut helps them with a

    water filtration device made by ITB. The

    Rp 40 million device is hired for two

    months. Actually, Cigaruhguy water so-

    urce is located in the same area, but basedon local adat law the source can only be

    used by two hamlets. The other nine

    hamlets can only bite their fingers.

    In Martapura, South Kalimantan,

    the community of Kecamatan Gambut

    who live along handils (manmade

    drainage dithches specific of South

    Kalimantan) have for 4 months made use

    water from wallowing ponds for their

    daily consumption. The 2 meter deep

    ponds were dug near the handil. Each

    pond may produce several pails of yellow-ish and turbid water. Some of the ponds

    are located close to a toilet with its nause-

    ating odour. The yellowish water is let to

    settle and filtered before use.

    In Serang, Banten, scores of Suka-

    wana and Trondol villages are conta-

    minated with diarrhoeal disease. They

    are sick because they consumed water

    from Bedeng river which is used as

    MCK (bath, wash and defecate) and for

    animal washing.

    Water shortage is also experience in

    Kupang, the capital city of NTT. As many

    as 550 people have no access to clean

    water. Dug wells are drying. The Oepura

    water source, the biggest waste source

    for the city where PDAM also takes it

    water, is also drying up. Long queues are

    seen everywhere for 5 litres of water. Thiscondition is made worse because of da-

    mage in PDAM distribution pipes.

    Similar fate is also experienced by the

    citizens of Cirebon. It is slightly better,

    though. At least the citizens still have the

    benefit of water flow, though they have to

    take turn. This is the step PDAM takes so

    that no citizen is left out.

    Service rotation is also done in Su-

    medang, West Java. Water source in

    Cipanteneun Cimalaka where PDAM gets

    its raw water, is going down. The diffe-

    rence from Cirebon is that not all of cus-tomers can get a service. Some home

    connections get no water except the

    sound of air flow as you turn the tap open.

    This condition made it necessary for

    PDAM to operate water tanks.

    In Cimahi, the community of Cibeber

    of Kecamatan Cimahi Selatan demands

    that the Cimahi city government put an

    end to water exploitation of Lake

    Ciseupan; it is sold to industrial compa-

    nies. This complaint is caused from the

    fact that the Ciseupan area is drying up.Water table in wells drops by 2-3 metres.

    No far from that the community of

    Braga, city of Bandung file a protest

    against the construction of Braga City

    Walk (BCW). The community considers

    the project disturbs the environment.

    They are complaining about the decrease

    in groundwater table. The company that

    builds the project once promised to com-

    pensate the communitty with a water

    supply network for them. But the promi-

    se remains a promise, and reality is some-

    thing different.

    In Jakarta, PT. Palyja the water sup-

    ply management, complains about deficit

    in raw water supply. The normal supply

    should stand at 6,2 m3/sec is now down

    to only 5,2 m3/sec. Whereas the average

    requirement is 5,4 m3/sec. Beside theinsufficient amount, the PAM Jaya part-

    ner company also complains about water

    quality. It is always turbid. (MJ)


    9 PercikDecember 2004

    Even Ditch and Wallowing Pond AreSources for Consumption Water


    WSS News Index

    Water Crisis in Kupang still

    unsolved. (4/10)

    To irrigate agricultutral land,

    Kuningan farmers broke

    PDAM distribution pipe.


    For 4 months thousands ofpeak area community depend

    on wallowing pond for water.


    According to Sucofindo, Su-

    rabaya water is good for

    drinking. (11/10)

    Integrated Tourism Project

    Threatens Water Conser-

    vation. (13/10)

    PDAM Raw Water Supply

    Drops By 200 l/sec. (25/10)

    Population of South Su-

    kabumi Is Crying for Water.


    Population of North Bekasi

    Requests Subsidy for Dug

    Wells. (27/10)

    Population of Wanaraja Still

    Depends on Drainage Water.


    Polluted, Water from Musi

    river is not worthy for drink-

    ing. (29/10)

    Ka le idoscope

  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    End of November 2004 was the

    culmination of cases with TPST

    (Integrated Garbage Disposal

    Site) at Bojong, Kecamatan Kelapanung-

    gal, Kabupaten Bogor. The local people

    held demonstration which ended up with

    clashes with police force from Bogor

    Resort Police. Five demonstrators were

    shot and others were fleeing (hiding).

    The actions were already done several

    times. There were even rumours that acertain party is behind them. But what is

    obvious from field observation, the local

    inhabitants question about the negative

    impact the TSPT will produce to the envi-

    ronment and the placement of the TSPST

    is against the spatial planning in which

    the area is alloted for housing and settle-

    ment. Each time there is a trial the inha-

    bitants would come and place barricades

    to prevent garbage carrying trucks to en-

    ter. Once, the people even drove out the

    police chief who tried to make a speech.

    They cut trees and place logs and otherheavy materials on the road leading to the

    site. It all culminated on 22 November

    shortly before noon. The mass attacked

    TPST Bojong and inflicted damages and

    put fire on some of the asset belonging to

    PT, Wira Guna Sejahtera, the managing


    The Minister of Environment, Rachmat

    Witoelar, could understand the fear the

    inhabitants have. But what he regreted was

    the community action that caused damages

    to the asset while the opportunity for nego-tiation might still be sought for. According

    to him, socialization activity must be

    undertaken more extensively.

    As a result of what has happened ma-

    ny parties suggest that TPST Bojong be

    temporarily closed. Jakartas governor

    emphasized that TPST Bojong will opera-

    te, but it has to wait till the conditon is


    The Environmental Research Centre

    of the Institute for Research and Commu-

    nity Empowerment IPB sees the Bojong

    case as an iceberg of garbage handling

    problem in Indonesia. The problem boils

    down to the fact that garbage handling of

    Jakarta and other cities of Indonesia is

    nailed firmly on the old paradigm. The

    new paradigm in waste material handling

    starts with the of development of policy

    and practices that reflect community

    based waste material handling through

    active involvement of the whole commu-nity, private sector and the scavengers.

    The Bojong case seems to tell all the

    stakeholders related to waste material

    handling to voice out their ideas. Some of

    them suggest that the 6 thousand tonnes

    of daily Jakarta waste production be

    processed into compost. Some even sug-

    gest that an incinerator is built in each

    divisional region in order to minimize the

    burden of TPST. Others strongly defend

    using sophisticated technology on ground

    that availability of land area is quite li-

    mited. Which one is the best? Each hasits argumentation. What is certain is that

    for Indonesia, the ideas have never been

    tested as 100% suitable. Therefore, it

    should at this point we think seriously to

    find the best solution. To prevent the

    Bojong case re-occur and more victims

    falling down.

    In the meantime, Tangerang govern-

    ment frankly refuses any Jakarta plan to

    dump their waste material into its place.

    As we know, Jakarta has no more land to

    dispose of its waste material. This casemakes us realize that waste material han-

    dling requires inter-regional coordination

    based on a thorough consideration and

    the principle of mutual benefit, including

    benefit to the neighbouring community.

    And what is more important, at no time

    environmental impact analysis may be

    neglected. Otherwise, the local popula-

    tion will be victimized.

    The end of 2004 is coloured with

    heavy rains falling all over the country.

    Poor drainage has resulted in flooding of

    many areas. Jakarta has prepared itself

    to face it, including preventing of diar-

    rhoeal disease which comes together with

    rainy season. But because of poor quality

    in drainage construction, many roads are

    turning bad due to erosion.


    10 PercikDecember 2004

    Flares at TSPT Bojong


    WSS News Index

    Distamben (Agency of Miningand Energy) West Java Built

    an Artesian Well at Leulosa


    Raw Water for Drinking Must

    Not Be Taken From Polluted

    River. (5/11)

    Water Crisis is Threatening

    Jakarta. (22/11)

    PDAM Must Pay Compen-

    sation for Days without Ser-

    vice. (23/11)Automatic Water Tariff will be

    reviewed. (29/11)

    Local Population Supports

    TPST Bojong. (1/11)

    Garbage for Compost. (4/11).

    Investor is Eyeing Surabaya

    Solid waste handling. (9/11)

    Mountains of Garbage in the

    streets of Jakarta and Tange-

    rang. (18/11)

    Riot in TPST Bojong, 5demonstrators were shot.


    Canals are still being used as

    garbage dump. (21/11)

    East Jakarta government fears

    BKT land procurement be

    taken over. (10/11)

    Be careful with diseases dur-

    ing the rainy season. (12/11)

    Ka l e id oscope

  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    The National Policy for the

    Development of Water Supply

    and Environmental Sanitation is

    using two approaches, community based

    and institutionally based. The communi-

    ty based has reached the stage of field

    implementation in 2004. Its sister, the

    institutionally based is in the stage of

    deliberation. Early 2005 the sister policy

    is scheduled to be finalised and is ready

    for dissemination.Looking into their formulation, the

    institutionally based in faster than the

    community based. The workshop on the

    draft of theis policy was conducted in

    September and the process up to final for-

    mulation in December 2004. The com-

    pletion process is considered an impor-

    tant momentum, because it will reflect

    consistence and decisive character of the

    overall WSS development policy frame-

    work. To this end, 4 teams were formed,

    each is given a responsibility to deal with

    one sub-sector: Drinking Water Team

    Wastewater Team

    Solid Waste Team

    Drainage Team

    And there are also sub-teams dealing

    with environmental, financial, institu-

    tional, and social aspects. All these work

    teams make up the core work team for theinstitutionally based policy formulation,

    which is responsible not only for revising

    the existing draft but also to enrich it with

    environmental sanitation component in

    order to have a balanced treatment

    among the sub-sectors.

    Since the September workshop in

    Bogor, the Working Group has been con-

    ducting a series of meetings for the com-

    pletion of the Institutional Policy draft.

    Discussion took place in either sector

    team or in plenum.At the same time there happens syn-

    chronization of policies produced by

    other planning agencies such Public

    Works and the Ministry of Environment

    (KLH). Public Works has produced

    National Action Plan for drinking water,

    waste water and solid waste. While KLH

    has produced a national polcy for solid

    waste management.

    Workshops I and II were conducted

    in seriatim involving all the related sec-

    tors. The draft is always updated by the

    consultant under the supervision of

    WASPOLA Secretariat and direction of

    the Working Group until the completionof draft #3 which is expected to be the

    AI N R EPO R T

    National Policy for the Development of Institutionally Based WaterSupply And Environmental Sanitation,

    An Egg About To Hatch


    Expansion of service coverage with

    priority given to poor families (pro


    Maintain balance between the demand

    for WSS development and the environ-mental carrying capacity (eco-link)

    Impove involvement of all stakehol-

    ders in WSS development (all out)

    Optimizing the principle of proper

    management with cost recovery (good

    corporate governance)

    Enforce law effectively (law enforce-


    Develop inter-regional and inter-

    agency coordination in WSS develop-

    ment (regionalization)







    National Policy for InstitutionallyBased WSS Development

    Increase service coverage and quality

    level gradually from clean water to

    drinking water

    Improve access to drinking water faci-

    lity with priority given to the poor fa-

    milies and low access areas

    Community empowerment in taking

    benefit from drinking water, in a rea-

    sonable mannerControl to drinking water consumption

    through tariff and regulation instru-


    Increase the role of government, com-

    munity, and private sector in raw water


    Application of the principle of entre-

    preneurship and cost recovery in the

    management of drinking water in gua-

    ranteeing the basic human need

    Increase investment opportunity for

    the provision of drinking water service








    Drinking Water Sector Policy


    11PercikDecember 2004

    Ka le idoscope

  • 7/31/2019 Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine PERCIK December 2004 Kaleidoscope 2004


    final draft. This draft will be submitted to

    Central Project Committee (CPC) meeting

    for approval.

    Though it has come to draft #3, it does

    not mean that the activities related to the

    policy formulation have come to an end.

    There are several support activities that

    have not taken place, they are:

    Study on laws and regulations related

    to water supply and environmental

    sanitation, such Law on Water Reso-urces, Government Regulation on

    Drinking Water, Law on Decentra-

    lization, Law of Public Company, etc.

    Enrichment of insight on the subject

    of public policy.

    The above activities could not take

    place due to the hectic schedule of the

    Working Group. These support activities

    are actually independent activities for thepurpose of providing input and reference

    for the working teams, therefore the acti-

    vities are stil l relevant while the

    Institutional Policy formulation is still on-

    going. It is almost certain that the egg

    called National Policy for the De-

    velopment of Institutionally Based Water

    Supply and Environmental Sanitation is

    going to hatch. However, revision andimprovement can be neglected. We'll

    wait. (MJ)


    12 PercikDecember 2004

    Reducing the amount of waste as

    much as possible beginning from its


    Encourage the role and active partici-

    pation of the community as partner in

    waste material management

    Strengthening the capacity of solid

    waste management institution

    Develop partnership with private sec-

    tor in solid waste management

    Improve level of service to gradually

    achieve the national target

    Application, step by step, the principle

    of cost recovery

    Effective law enforcement








    Policy Related to Solid Waste

    Encourage integration drinking water sector with wastewater sector

    Wastewater management is conducted in consideration of environmental conservation

    The community must have access to an acceptable drainage facility and infrastructure

    Priority in placed on provision of access to poor community

    Wastewater management is undertaken by an institution specially assigned to do this


    Increase the role of government, private sector and community in wastewater mana-


    Application, step by step, the principle of cost recovery in wastewater management

    Effective law enforcement in order to prevent pollution of water source

    Policy Related to Wastewater

    Management of drainage system is un-

    dertaken by the government, private

    sector, and community based on the

    hierarchy of the drainage system

    Drainage system is developed to sup-

    port balance in water system

    Drainage management is based on the

    priority of population density and





    Policy Related to Drainage Sector










    Ka le idoscope

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    June 2003. The National Policy for

    the Development of Community

    Based Water Supply and Environ-

    metal Sanitation (WSS) was born. The

    policy was approved by 6 echelon I offi-

    cials of 5 government departments. Tho-

    se who signed the document were Ir. Su-

    yono Dikun, PhD, (Deputy Minister for

    Infrastructure and Facility Development,

    Bappenas), Prof. Dr. Umar Fahmi Ach-madi, MPH, PhD (Director General for

    Contagious Diseases and Environmental

    Sanitation, Dept. of Health), Ir. Budiman

    Arief, (Director General for Urban Plan-

    ning and Rural Planning, Dept of Public

    Works), Drs. Seman Widjojo, Msi.

    (Director General for Regional Develop-

    ment, Dept. of Home Affairs), Dr. Ardi

    Partadinata, Msi (Director General for

    Village and Community Empowerment,

    Dept. of Home Affairs ), and Dr. Machfud

    Siddik, MSc. (Director General for Ba-

    lance in Central and Regional Finacing,Dept. of Finance).

    Before the signing, the policy which

    was formulated by Water Supply and

    Environmental Sanitation (WSS) Wor-

    king Group has undergone several field

    trials. The regions selected for the trial

    were Kabupaten Solok (West Sumatera),

    Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin (South

    Sumatera), Kabupaten Subang (West

    Java), and Kabupaten East Sumba

    (Nusa Tenggara Timur, NTT). These tri-

    als gave a clear indication that the regionsare willing and capable of adopting the


    And it was timely in 2004 for putting

    the policy into real operation. Consi-

    dering the limitation in the part of the

    central government, however, the policy

    cannot be implemented all at once

    throughout the country. There needs to

    have a stepwise process. Then in January

    2004 a workshop was organized to deve-

    lop a strategy for the implementation of

    national policy for the community based

    WSS development. This workshop pro-

    duced criteria for site selection and the

    related instruments needed. Besides, the

    participants also agreed to develop a de-

    tail implementation plan for 2004. The

    agreed activities were directed towards

    marketing/promotion, advocacy, facilita-

    tion, consultation, and implementation.

    In early 2004 the WSS WorkingGroup sent offering letter to provincial

    and kabupaten/kota governments. There

    were 14 kabupaten and 13 provinces

    expressed their interest. The Working

    Group then made selection based on the

    letter of interest and regional commit-

    ment. Approval was given to seven pro-

    vinces, namely West Sumatera, Bangka

    Belitung, Banten, Central Java, South Su-

    lawesi, Gorontalo, Nusa Tenggara Barat

    (NTB), and seven kabupaten: Sijunjung,

    South Bangka, Lebak, Kebumen, Pang-

    kajene, Gorontalo, and West Lombok.Before the policy was brought to the

    field for a real application, several pre-

    paratory activities were made. One of

    them was conducting a worskhop at the

    end of May on the understanding of the

    national policy and the process of imple-

    mentation facilitation at the regional

    level. This workshop was aimed to shed a

    light on the regional facilitator candidates

    what the policy is all about and at the

    same time also developing a detailed

    work plan for the regional level imple-mentation facilitation activity. Before

    this the facilitator candidates have also

    attended an orientation course on

    Methodology for Participatory Assess-

    ments (MPA), a methodology for commu-

    nity approach based on the principle of

    demand responsiveness. This is the me-

    thodology to be adopted in the national

    policy for the community based WSS


    In mid June 2004, the implementati-

    on facilitation of national policy for thecommunity based WSS development

    began rolling in the participating regions.

    One by one of the facilitators were mobi-

    lized to their respected home bases. One

    facilitator was placed in each province to

    cover the job in the provice and the

    respected kabupaten. There were seven

    of them in all. They were supported and

    were under the coordination of WASPO-

    LA secretariat and the WSS Working


    Up to July 2004 the activities in theregions consisted of: coordination in the

    preparatory activity towards the policy

    implementation, and public presentation

    of the program in each province and

    kabupaten. The activities were conducted

    by each of the regional government and

    were facilitated by the respective facili-


    The preparatory activity was preceded

    with inter-agency coordination consisting

    of Bappeda, Agency for Health, Kimpras-

    AI N R EPO R T

    2004, the Year of Implementation of NationalPolicy for the Development of Community Based

    Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation





    Water is a social good and an eco-

    nomic good

    Informed choice as basis for demand

    responsive approach

    Environmentally sensitive develop-


    Hygiene behaviour education

    Pro poor development

    Role of women in decision making

    Accountability in development


    Government role as facilitator

    Active community participation

    Optimum service and right target

    Application of cost recovery princi-













    13PercikDecember 2004

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    wil/Public Works, Community Empower-ment Agency, for the purpose of intro-

    ducing and further clarification of the

    program planning. In general all the re-

    gions were supporting eagerly and each of

    them prepared their own facilitators and

    the necessary support equipment. All ex-

    cept in one Kabupaten of the facilitatrors

    are housed in the office of Bappeda. The

    latter was placed in the office of Public


    Beside the abovementioned support,

    the regional government also allocatedfund for the policy implementation.

    However, in the majority of the regions

    the fund was not yet made available, the-

    refore it had to be found from the annual

    budget. The regions that had allocated

    some fund from the very beginning were

    kabupatens Sijunjung, Gorontalo, Bangka

    Selatan and West Lombok.

    Meanwhile, the facilitator identified the

    agencies and NGOs related to WSS develop-

    ment. The identification produced a list of

    names for participation in Orientation TOT

    on MPA and Policy Implementationorganinized by WSS Working Group at

    Cisarua, Bogor, on 13-16 July 2004.

    The regional facilitators and stake-

    holders also collected data on water sup-

    ply and environmental sanitation. These

    data were used for discussion material in

    the regional workshop for the formulation

    of WSS development plan. All the regions

    came to realize about the problem of data

    insufficiency. That is why, data prepara-

    tion should be given a sufficient time


    Program presentation

    The presentation agenda consisted of:

    (i) general picture of policy formulation

    program; (ii) the basic principles underly-

    ing the national policy for community

    based WSS development; (iii) policy

    implementation facilitation process at the

    regional level; (iv) discussion and clarifi-

    cation; and (v) common agreement for a

    short term work plan. In general all the

    participating regions gave a positive

    response to the work plan and began to

    understand that sustainable WSS deve-

    lopment is an important issue and deser-

    ves serious attention. The short term

    agenda consisted of among others esta-

    blishment of a working team, selection of

    participants for Orientation TOT in MPAand Policy Implementation.

    Other matters that called for clarifica-

    tion from the facilitors were:

    There was some sort of misunderstan-

    ding that this program would be fol-

    lowed with a physical project. This

    understanding was based on the tra-

    dition that each program was always

    identical with physical project.

    The absence of DPRD (legislative) repre-

    sentatives. Whereas this office plays an

    utmost important role in supporting andfollowing up the WSS activities.

    Uncertainty in fund allocation in seve-

    ral regions such as Central Java, West

    Sumatera, NTB, Gorontalo and South


    MPA Orientation TOT and Policy


    All participating regions sent partici-

    pants, Banten even sent one and Goron-

    talo two additional participants than they

    were initially told to do. Two participantsfrom Bangka Belitung failed to show up

    for transport reason.

    In general, the participants were en-

    thusiastic in following the training. They

    also prepared their own planning for the

    policy implementation for further discus-

    sion with their own superiors.

    Regional level workshops

    Workshop after workshop took place

    in the seven provinces and seven kabu-

    patens. The purpose was to help theregions to work out a regional policy

    famework and action plan for WSS sector

    development. This activity included:

    Review of the national policy for commu-

    nity based WSS development by the re-


    Identification of issues and problems

    related to said development

    Study on the factors rensponsible for suc-

    cess and failure of WSS development in

    each region

    Policy dialogues for the purpose of buil-

    ding interest and care within the variousparties for the effort in overcoming the

    issues and poblems related to WSS deve-


    Preparation regional level action plan

    Disemination of the policy to all kabu-

    patens conducted by the province.

    Up to this point all the participating

    provinces and kabupatens have conduct-

    ed the review of the policy principles

    involving a wide range of stakeholders,

    through regional workshops, and were

    summarized into a common perception,challenges and efforts to be undertaken.

    Visits were also made to projects which

    are considerd successful as also to those

    which met with a failure in order to find out

    what are the factors behind each of them and

    to learn a lesson from them for a sustainable

    development in the future. What is more

    important is several regions have started to

    ponder on WSS program for 2005. Will the

    policy be really put to practice? We'll wait

    till next year. (MJ)


    14 PercikDecember 2004

    Water Supply and EnvironmentalSanitation Policy Formulationand Action Planning (WASPOLA)

    Project was implemented under the

    leadership of the Indonesian govern-

    ment through an inter-departmental

    (Bappenas, Dept. Home Affairs,

    Dept. Settlemnet and Regional

    Infrastructures, Dept. Health, and

    Dept. Finance) working group

    chaired by Bappenas, with a majori-

    ty grant fund provided by the Aus-

    tralian government through AusAID

    and a direct support from Water and

    Sanitation Program for East Asia and

    the Pacific (WSP-EAP) on behalf of

    AusAID and the World Bank

    Ka le idoscope

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    In 2004 WASPOLA conducted anumber of activities deducted

    from the tripartite: Indonesian

    government, AusAID and WSP-

    Worldbank workplan 2004. The activi-

    ties were grouped into 4 categories: poli-

    cy implementation, policy reform, know-

    ledge management and project manage-

    ment. The following the the summary of

    WASPOLA activities during 2004:


    Workshop on development of region-al level implementation strategy. Con-

    ducted on the 14th day of the month at

    Mariot Hotel, Jakarta. 27 participants

    consisted of representatives from

    WASPOLA Working Group, WSP-EAP

    and AusAID. The workshop concluded

    an agreement about implementation

    strategy and action plan, which provided

    a role to the province to facilitate the


    FEBRUARYTraining of trainers for workshop on

    achieving Millenium Development Goals.

    Held on the 10th-11th day at Hotel

    Sheraton Bandara, Jakarta. Attended by

    22 participants consisting of WASPOLA

    Working Group, WSP-EAP and WASPO-

    LA secretariate representatives. This

    workshop provides training to facilitator

    candidates for MDGs workshop imple-

    mentation. This event was facilitated by

    members of the Working Group and

    WSP-EAP who have attended similar

    training in Laos.National workshop on achieving

    MDGs through drinking water and envi-

    ronmental sanitation action plan.

    Conducted at Hotel Sheraton bandara on

    17th-19th. Attended by 62 participants

    from the central government, regional

    governments, professional associations,

    universities, NGOs, donor agencies, and

    mass media. This workshop produced a

    sharing of viewpoints among the stake-

    holders about the importance of improve-

    ment of knowledge about MDGs targets,and a sinergy among the stakeholders in

    achieving MDGs.

    MARCHNational workshop on National Policy

    for Community Based Development

    implementation (Selection of participa-

    ting regions). Held at the Hyatt Hotel

    Yogyakarta on 10-12 March 2004.

    Attended by 55 regional participants

    coming from 14 kabupaten and 13

    provinces, 15 participants from the cen-tral level, 8 regional facilitator candi-

    dates, and WASPOLA secretariat and

    WSP-EAP. It was agreed in the workshop

    the selection criteria for participating

    regions, and the requirements that must

    be met by the participating regions.

    APRILConfirmation of regions that were

    interested in joining the policy imple-

    mentation. It was done through tele-

    phone calls and regional visits.

    MAYOrientation seminar of Methodology

    for Participatory Assessments (MPA) for

    drinking water and environmental sani-

    tation development. Held in Hotel Lido,

    Sukabumi on 10th-13th of May. Attended

    by 32 participants consisting of WASPO-

    LA Working Group, government of Kab.

    Sukabumi, regional facilitators, and

    WSP-EAP. This event is an annual rou-

    tine with the purpose to provide an

    understanding about MPA methodologyto new members of WASPOLA, and a

    refresher for the old ones. Besides, it also

    serves as provision for the regional facili-

    tators who will soon assume their job

    about the participatory methodology as

    the tool for policy facilitation.

    Workshop for the development of

    work plan in policy facilitation imple-

    mentation of the National Policy for

    Community Based WSS Development at

    the regional level. Conducted at the Hotel

    Plaza Purwakarta on 24-27 May. At-tended by 25 participants consisting of

    regional facilitators, WASPOLA secretari-

    at and Working Group. This workshop

    produced a detailed work plan for the re-

    gional level policy implementation, in-

    cluding facilitator performance indicator.

    JUNEMobilization of regional facilitators.

    The process went gradually in accordance

    with the preparedness of the respective

    region. Seven facilitators, each one forKabupatens Sawahlunto Sijunjung (West

    Sumatera), South Bangka (Bangka Beli-

    tung), Lebak (Banten), Kebumen (Central

    Java), Pangkep (South Sulawesi), and

    Gorontalo (Gorontalo). Within this

    month some of regions were already

    beginning to conduct workshop/meeting

    with the respective stakeholders to

    inform and discuss about the dissemina-

    tion activity, each one of them was

    attended by WASPOLA representative.

    JULYWorkshop for review of WASPOLA

    acitivies. Held at Hotel Novus Puncak

    on 6-8 July. There were 25 participants

    attending the workshop consisting of

    WASPOLA Working Group and Secre-

    tariat. This workshop identified the

    priority, and those activities that wait

    or even cancelled alltogether, and pos-

    sible insertion of new activities. The

    priority included completion of the

    National Policy for Institutionally

    Based WSS Development, while thosethat could wait were case studies and

    field trials.

    Workshop for socialization of Natio-

    nal Policy for Community Based WSS

    Development at the provincial and kabu-

    paten levels. Conducted in all participa-

    ting regions.

    AUGUSTParticipation in Nusantara Water Ex-

    po which was conducted at Jakarta Hilton

    AI N R EP OR T

    Glimpses of WASPOLA Activities 2004


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    Convention Centre on 19-20 August. In

    this event WASPOLA Working Groupsupported by the secretariate organized a

    display of all the products, printed and

    electronic, that it has accomplished.

    Appoximately 200 visitors made a visit to

    WASPOLA stand.

    Information workshop seminar for

    introducing National Policy for Com-

    munity Based WSS Development at the

    Provincial and Kabupaten Levels. This

    served as a means to build an interest and

    care among the regional level stakehol-

    ders about the issues and problems thatwill be faced in WSS development.

    SEPTEMBERWorkshop for the development of

    draft #2 of National Policy for Insti-

    tutionally Based WSS Development. Held

    at Hotel Salak Bogor on 1-2 September. It

    was attended by 65 participants repre-

    senting the Working Group, regional

    governments, service providers (PDAM,

    PDAL, PD/Dinas Kebersihan), private

    sector, NGO, universities, and donor

    agencies. The meeting agreed on severalconcensus in restructuring of the existing

    draft. In addition, it was also identified

    the general and sub-sector policies, and

    indicative strategies.

    Indepth studies about regional WSS

    development through a series of case

    studies, best practices discussion, and

    dialogues. These activities were orga-

    nized by the respective regional WSS

    working teams, the provincial as well as

    kabupaten levels.

    OCTOBERPreparation of WASPOLA Workplan

    2005. Conducted at Hotel Mariot Jakarta

    on 20-21 October and attended by 25 mem-

    bers of WASPOLA Working Group. The

    meeting produced a draft of WASPOLA

    activities for 2005. Basically, workplan

    2005 is a continuation from what has been

    started in 2004, the focus will be the imple-

    mentation of the National Policy for

    Community Based WSS Development and

    the regional level, dissemination and com-

    pletion of National Policy for InstitutionallyBased WSS Development.

    Coordination of WSS development

    activities in Indonesia. Conducted at

    Hotel Borobudur on 21 October, con-

    cluded with fast breaking event. Attended

    by 62 participants coming from

    Bappenas, Dept. of Public Works/Kim-

    praswil, Dept. of Health, International

    NGOs, regional government association,

    Perpamsi, DPRD association, related pro-

    jects, mass media, and WSP-EAP. In the

    event the WASPOLA Working Group pre-sented the National Policy for Community

    Based WSS Development, and pleaded

    that the event be continued in order to

    strengthen coordination to eventually

    reach the highest efficiency in WSS facili-

    ty development in Indonesia.

    Indepth studies about regional WSS

    development through a series of case stu-

    dies, best practices discussion, and dia-

    logues. These activities were organized by

    the respective regional WSS working teams,

    the provincial as well as kabupaten levels.

    NOVEMBERPolicy dissemination implementation

    study. For the details please see About


    Dissemination of National Policy for

    Community Based WSS Development bythe Province. The province of South Su-

    lawesi conducted dissemination in three

    kabupaten, while the provinces West

    Sumatera, Bangka Belitung and NTB did

    it for the whole province at once.

    DECEMBERWorkshop for development of draft

    #3 of National Policy for Institutionally

    Based WSS Development, held at Hotel

    Sheraton Bandara on 1-3 December. This

    event was attended by 35 participantsconsisting of representatives from region-

    al government, service provider (PDAM,

    PDAL, PD/Dinas Kebersihan), private

    sector, NGO, WSP-EAP. In this workshop

    the participants were given a better

    understanding about the purpose of the

    policy, and several important terminolo-

    gies and enrichment of each sub-sector


    Final kabupaten and provincial work-

    shop in the implementation of national

    policy for community based WSS deve-

    lopment. The purpose of this workshopwas to review the implementation during

    the period of facilitation activity by

    WASPOLA Secretariat, and the post faci-

    litation action plan.


    16 PercikDecember 2004

    Postponed Activities 2004Considering the hectic schedule

    there are several activities that had to be

    put aside, they were:

    Trial with KfW/GTZ project. This

    activity was postponed indefinitely.

    Trial with UNICEF-West Java wascancelled because there was no

    more applicable project for the

    activity. Trial with WSLIC-2 project

    was postponed to 2005 and is

    revised into sanitation funding


    Data verification and management

    study is postponed to 2005.

    Central Project Committee meeting

    scheduled for December 2004 is

    postponed to early 2005.

    Planned Activities for 2005WASPOLA acticities of 2005 are fo-

    cused on dissemination of national policy

    for community and institutionally based

    WSS development. The dissemination of

    the policy will follow the existing pattern,

    i.e. placing province as the facilitator forkabupaten implementation.

    WASPOLA has developed a communi-

    cation strategy that serves a umbrella for

    all communication activity in the context of

    WSS especially national policy for WSS

    development. To accelerate policy adop-

    tion, trial activities involving the relevant

    parties will be organized. Studies will also

    be conducted in order to gain a lesson and

    input for improvement of WSS develop-

    ment in Indonesia.

    Ka le idoscope




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    The purpose of this program is to

    enable the community to operate

    and maintain their own water

    supply system. ProAir -a collaborative

    effort between the German and In-

    donesian government- applies

    demand responsive approach:

    community groups may request for

    support from the program to over-

    come their problems related to

    water supply. The task of the com-munity together with ProAir team

    is to develop a suitable manage-

    ment structure, and to guarantee a

    sustainable management of the

    water supply system they have

    been dreaming of. After conduc-

    ting analysis about the community

    condition from the technical (water

    sopurce, coverage area, etc.) as well

    as socio-economic aspects, then

    the community is facilitated with

    planning and developing an appro-

    priate water supply system.The community is given infor-

    mation about the choices of water

    supply service (such as public

    water taps, home connection) and

    the consequences of each of their

    choice, especially in connection

    with requirement and operational

    cost related to the different cho-

    ices. This project involves the large

    community from the very initial

    preparation, something quite fore-

    ign to them. It is not surprising that thecommunity is unprepared and the imple-

    mentation schedule for 2004 was de-


    The strategy applied by ProAir:

    1. Determining Service Coverage Zones

    and Management

    Allthough the size of participating

    community is relatively small (500 to

    1.000 people), this number is still to large

    -in the context of mutual confidence

    among them- because in some cases the

    community is highly segmentized. The-

    refore, ProAir introduces zoning in water

    supply system pre-design. These smaller

    areas are generally made up