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  • 8/11/2019 induction motor Main Document.doc



    1.1 General:Induction machines are the most widely used machines in fixed-speed

    applications due to reasons of cost, size, weight, reliability, ruggedness, simplicity,

    efficiency and ease of manufacture. For variable speed, high-performance drives,

    the dc machine is better than the induction machine, since an induction machine

    requires more complex methods of control. he complexity arises because of the

    variable frequency power supply! ac signals processing and complex dynamics of

    the ac machine.

    "lso it requires more expensive, higher-rated inverters. he

    disadvantages of the induction machine are being eroded by the increasing #ower

    of microprocessors and digital signal processors $%'&( with reducing cost and

    size, together with improvements in inverter technology. )ence it would be

    advantages to use induction machines as a basis for electrical to mechanical

    power conversion.

    In many applications, the dynamic behavior of induction machine has

    an important effect up on the overall performance of the drive system. he

    realization of this requires a suitable mathematical model of the induction machine

    representation, which can be conveniently altered to simulate the &ymmetrical

    induction machine in any reference frame.

    "* induction motors, which contain a cage, are very popular in

    variable speed drives. In many industries, we need to speed control of "*

    induction motor. his drive application allows vector control of the "* induction

    motor running in closed-loop with the speed+position sensor coupled to the shaft.


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    1.2Vector control:

    he fast torque response obtained using vector control is achieved by

    estimating, measuring, calculating the magnitude and position of the motor flux in

    the machine. if this flux is nown, the stator current phasor can be aligned to

    maintain the field at he desired level and to produce torque as desired. "

    reference a frame conversion is used to transform the thee- phase stator currents

    into two orthogonal components, one to control the flux magnitude and the other

    current to control the developed torque. he main difficulty lies in the

    measurements or estimation of the flux position. he rotor flux position is required

    to calculate the stator current vector position in the stationary reference frame thatis lined to the stator of the machine i.e. it is required to determine the orientation

    of the motoring field flux vector. )ence these controls are also called field oriented


    here are two field orientation strategies to detect the rotor flux

    position. %irect vector control method uses sensors to directly trac the flux

    position. )all sensors are seldom used because of the high temperature inside the

    induction machine. ypical flux in a stationary reference frame and not the rotorflux, which is used in the decoupling networ. &o, flux linage equations are

    necessary to derive the rotor flux from the flux sensor measurements. he required

    calculations introduce estimated machine parameters into the disturbance feed

    forward path causing detuning errors.

    he second category is called indirect vector control. )ere, the flux

    position is derived using a calculated or estimated value of the angle between the

    flux and the rotor position measurement gives the rotor fluxes position.


  • 8/11/2019 induction motor Main Document.doc



    " polyphase induction motor is single excited ac machine. Its stator

    winding is directly connected to a.c source , where its rotor winding receive its

    energy from stator by means of induction $ i.e. transformer action ( balanced poly

    phase currents in polyphase windings produce a constant /amplitude rotating

    m.m.f wave both rotate in the air gap in the same direction at synchrnous speed .

    these two m.m.f waves are thus stationary with respect to each other consequently

    the development of steady electro magnetic torque is possible at all speeds but not

    at synchronous speed. he stator and rotor mmf waves combine to give the

    resultant air-gap flux density wave of constant amplitude and rotating at syncronusspeed. &ince an induction motor can't run at syncronus speed, it is called

    syncronus machine.

    0hen polyphase voltages are applied to the poly phase winding of

    induction motor, constant amplitude rotating magnetic field is produced. he speed

    of this rotating field is called the syncronus field and it is determined by number of

    stator poles and applied stator frequency. he mmf produced by both stator and

    rotor level in the same direction at syncronus speed. he combination of these twom.m.fs. iven rise to resultant air /gap m.m.f or flux-density wave rotating at

    synchronous speed. &ince the relative speed between rotor m.m.f. and the

    resultant flux density wave is zero, a steady torque is developed by their



  • 8/11/2019 induction motor Main Document.doc


    2.2 Target Motor Theory:

    he "* induction motor is a rotating electric machine designed to

    operate from a 2-phase source of alternating voltage. For variable speed drives,the source is normally an inverter that uses power switches to produce

    approximately sinusoidal voltages and currents of controllable magnitude and


    " cross-section of a two-pole in induction motor is shown in Fg!re " 2.2

    lots in the inner periphery of the stator accommodate 2-phase winding a, b, c. he

    turns in each winding are distributed so that a current in a stator winding produces

    an approximately sinusoid ally-distributed flux density around the periphery of the

    air gap. 0hen three currents that is sinusoid ally varying in time, but displaced in

    phase by 1345 from each other, flow through the three symmetrically-placed

    windings, a radically-directed air gap flux density is produced that is also sinusoid

    ally distributed around the gap and rotates at an angular velocity equal to the

    angular frequency, s, of the stator currents. he most common type of induction

    motor has a squirrel cage rotor in which aluminum conductors or bars are cast into

    slots in the outer periphery of the rotor. hese conductors or bars are shortedtogether at both ends of the rotor by cast aluminum end rings, which also can be

    shaped to act as fans. In larger induction motors, copper or copper-alloy bars are

    used to fabricate the rotor.

    Fg!re " 2.2.1 2#$ha%e &C In'!cton Motor


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    2.( In'!cton )otor a% a tran%*or)er:

    "n induction motor is similar to a transformer in many respects .in this

    connection consider an induction motor with both its star. the rotor winding isassumed open-circuited so that rotor current is zero and no electromagnetic torque

    is developed. "pplication of 2-phase balanced voltages at line frequency to the

    stator winding causes the production of a rotating magnetic field. his rotating flux

    cuts both the stator and stationary rotor conductors at synchronous speed,

    consequently emfs of line frequency f1are induced in them. he induction motor at

    stand still is similar to a transformer at no load in induction machines ,

    synchronously rotating air gap flux $or mutual flux ( is due to the combined actionof both stator and rotor m.m.f s.

    he difference between induction motors and transformers is that the

    no load current in induction motors varies from about 246 to 746 of full load

    current, where as in transformers, no load current, where as in 36to 86 of full load

    current .in induction motors, the magnetizing current $lagging nearly 94 obehind the

    applied voltage( forms a considerable portion of no load current that is why

    induction motor operate at low power factors at no loads induction motor with bothstator and rotor in star.

    " "

    :1 :3


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    " 3 / pole machine, the rotating field travels a distance covered by 3-

    poles in 1-cycle. For a = pole machine, the rotating will travel a distance covered by

    3 poles, i.e. half revolution in one cycle. For a 8-pole machine, the rotating field willtravel a distance covered by 3-poles i.e. 1+2rdrevolution in one cycle and so on. his

    thought process reveals that the rotating field speed , for p-pole machine, is 1+$p+3(

    revolution in 1-cycle and therefore f+$p+3( revolutions in f-cycles-in other words f+

    $p+3( revolutions in one second, because f / cycles are completed in one second .

    )ere f >frequency of the 2-phase currents. If ns denotes the rotating field speed in




    2.+ Three ,ha%e %!,,ly:

    It will now be shown that when three phase winding displaced in

    space by 1344

    are fed by three phase currents, displaced in time by 1344

    , theyproduce a resultant magnetic flux, which rotates space as if actual magnetic poles

    were being rotated mechanically.

    he principle of a three phase, two poles stator having three identical

    winding placed 134 space degrees apart as shown in fig. the flux $assume

    sinusoidal( due to three phase windings is shown in fig.

    he assumed positive directions of the fluxes are shown in fig. let themaximum value of flux due to any one of the three phases be @ m. he resultant

    flux @r at any instant, is given by the vector sum of the individual fluxes @ 1, @3, and

    @2due to three phases. 0e will consider the values of @rat four instants of 1+8th

    time period apart corresponding two points mar 4, 1, 3 and 2 in fig3.=.1.


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    2-phase power supplyA

    Fg 2. +.1

    $1( 0henB>44i.e corresponding in fig.

    )ere @1 > 4, @3 > -C2 @m,@2 >C2 @mthe vector for @3in fig is

    3 3drawn in direction opposite to the direction assumed positive in fig3.=.1.

    @r > 3DC2 @m cos$84+3( > C2DC2 @m> 2 @m 3 3 3


    F2 S


    S S2




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    (#,ha%e *l!-e% co),onent%:

    Phase1 Phase2 Phase3


    0 1 2 3 4

    Fg 2.+.2


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    (#,ha%e oltage ,ha%or 'agra):



    $3(0hen B>844i.e corresponding to point 1 in fig

    )ere @1 >C2 @m


    @3 > -C2@m 3

    @2 > 4


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    @r > 3DC2 @mD cos244> 2 @m3 3

    It is found that the resultant flux is again 2+3@mbut as rotating cloc

    wise through an angle of 844.

    $2( 0hen B>1344 i.e corresponding to point 3 in fig3.=.3.

    )ere @1 >C2 @m 3 @3 >4

    @2 >-C2 @m 3

    It can be again proved that@r > 2 @m3

    &o the resultant is again of the same values, but has further rotated

    cloc wise through an angle of 844 .

    $=( 0hen B>1E44i.e corresponding to point 2 in fig

    )ere@1 >4,

    @3 >C2 @m 3

    @2 >-C2@m


    he resultant 2+3 @m and as rotated cloc wise through an additional angle

    844through an angle 1E44 from the start.

    )ence we conclude that


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    $1( the resultant flux is of constant value 2+3 @mi.e 1.7 times the maximum

    value of the flux due to any phase

    $3( the resultant flux rotates around the stator at synchronous speed given by

    ?s > 134f #

    2./ 0hy 'oe% the rotor rotate

    0hen three phase stator windings, are fed by three phase supply then,

    as &een from above a magnetic flux of constant magnitude rotating at syncronus

    &peed is set up. In the flux passes through the air gap, sweeps past the rotor

    surface and so cuts to the rotor conductors which, as yet are stationary. %ue to the

    relative speed between the rotating flux and the stationary conductors, and emf is

    induced in the later according to faradays laws of electro magnetic induction, the

    frequency of the induced emf is as same as the supply frequency. Its magnitude is

    proportional to the relative velocity between flux and the conductors and directionis given by Flemings right hand rule sine the rotor bars or conductors forms a

    closed circuit, the rotor current is produced whose direction, as given by lenzs law

    is such as to oppose the very cause producing It. In this case, the cause which

    produces the rotor current is the relative velocity the rotating flux of the stator and

    the stationary rotor conductors. )ence to reduce the relative speed, the rotor starts

    running in the same direction as that of the flux and tries to catch up with the

    rotating flux.

    he setting up of the torque for rotating is explained belowA he stator

    field which is assumed to be rotating clocwise. otion of he rotor with respect to

    the stator is anticlocwise. ;y applying right hand rule. he direction of the of

    induced emf in the rotor is found to be out wards. )ence the direction of flux due to


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    rotor current alone is as shown in fig. now, by applying the left hand rule, or by the

    effect of combined field it is clear that the rotor conductors experience a force

    tending to rotate them in clocwise direction. )ence the rotor is set into rotation in

    the same direction as that of the stator flux. %tator


    Fg 2./.1

    2. 3l,:

    In practice, the rotor never succeeds in catching up with the stator

    field .if it really did so, then there would be relative speed between the two, hence

    no rotor emf, no current, and so torque to maintain rotation. hat is why the runs at

    a speed which always is less than the speed of the stator fielded. he difference in

    speeds depends upon the load on the motor.

    he difference between the synchronous speed ?sand the actually

    speed ? of the rotor is nown as slip. hrough it may be expressed in so many

    revolutions +second, yet it is usual to express it as a percentage of the

    synchronous speed. "ctually the term slip is descriptive of the way in which the

    Grotor slip bac From synchronism.

    &ometimes, ?s-? is called the slip speed.

    Hbviously, rotor $or motor( speed is?>?s $1-s(.

    It may be ept in mind that revolving flux is rotating synchronously, relative o

    stator but at slip speed relative to the rotor.


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    2.4 ROT&R FRE5UENCY:

    It has been show that the rotor running in the direction of rotatingmagnetic field. "t stand still, rotor conduction are being cut by rotating flux wave at

    synchrnous speed ns, there fore frequency f3of the rotor emf and current is equal

    to the line frequency f1 . when rotor revolves at a speed of rps in direction of

    rotating flux wave , the relative speed between synchrnous by rotating flux wave,

    the relative speed between synchronous by- rotating flux and rotor conduction

    becomes $ns/ nr (rps

    here fore frequency of rotor emf > poles+3

    > p $ns/ nr ( +3

    ;ut s > ns/ nr+ ns

    here fore rotor frequency, f3 > ps ns+3 > sf1

    2.6 Fre7!ency o* rotor c!rrentA

    0hen the rotor is stationary, the frequency of rotor current is the sameas the supply frequency but when rotor starts revolving, and then the frequency

    depends upon the relative speed or on slip speed. et at any slip speed, the

    frequency of the rotor current is f. then

    ?s-?>134f' also ?s>134f # #

    %ividing one by other, we get,

    f'>?s-?>& f ?s


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    "s seen, rotor currents have a frequency of f>sf and when flowing

    through the individual phases of rotor winding, give raise to rotor magnetic fields.

    hese individuals rotor magnetic fields produces a combined rotating magnetic

    field, whose speed relative to rotor is

    >134f'>134sf>s?s # #

    )owever, the rotor itself is running at speed ? with respect to space.

    )ence, &peed of rotor field in space >speed of rotor magnetic field relative to rotor

    &peed of rotor relative to space

    >s?s J ? > s?s J ?s$1-s( > ?s

    It means that no matter what the value of the slip, rotor currents and

    stator currents each produce a sinusoid ally distributed magnetic field of constant

    magnitude and constant space speed of ?s. In other words, both the rotor and

    stator field rotate synchronously, which means that the are stationary with respect

    to each other. hese two synchronously rotating magnetic fields, in fact

    superimpose on each and give rise to the actually existing rotating field, whichcorresponding to the magnetizing current of the stator winding.

    2.8Relaton 9eteen tor7!e an' %l,;

    " family of torque+slip curves is shown in fig. for range of s>4 to s>1

    with 4 >4, hence the

    curve starts from point 4. "t normal speed, close to synchronism $sx3( is and

    hence negligible w.r.t

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    increase in motor load, then Ls :3 4, hence the curve starts from point 4.

    "t normal speed the term $sK3( is small and hence negligiblew.r.t

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    Fg!re#2.8.1 &C In'!cton Motor 3,ee'#Tor7!e Character%tc

    &quirrel-cage "* induction motors are popular for their simple

    construction, low cost per horsepower, and low maintenance $they contain no

    brushes, as do %* motors(. hey are available in a wide range of power ratings.

    0ith field-oriented vector control methods, "* induction motors can fully replace

    standard %* motors, even in high-performance applications.

    2.1< Voltage E7!aton% n Machne Vara9le%:

    "n induction machine consists of two essential partsA stator and rotor

    windings. " typical 2 - ac machine has a symmetrical three phase winding in the

    stator and it can be well assumed that its rotor has a symmetrical three phase

    windings as shown in Fig3.2.1.


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    For the formulation of machine equations, the following assumptions are


    1. he stator and rotor windings are of balanced three phase windings3. he air gap flux distribution is radial and sinusoidal

    2. he machine is of cylindrical rotor construction and is not saturated

    et stator windings has ?s equivalent turns and resistance rs, and rotor

    windings has ?requivalent turns and resistance rr.

    2.11 E**ect o* change% n %!,,ly *re7!ency on tor7!e an' %,ee':

    )ardly any important changes in frequency tae place on a largedistribution &ystem except during a maNor disturbance. )owever, large frequency

    change taes place on isolated low power system in which electric energy is

    generated by means of diesel engines are gas turbines. :xamples of such system

    are! emergency supply in a hospital and electrical system on a ship etc.

    he maNor effect of change in supply frequency is on motor speed if

    frequency drops by 146, then motor speed also drops by 146. achine tools and

    other motor driven-equipment meant for 74 )z cause problem when connected to

    84 )z supply. :verything runs $84-74(D144+74>346 faster then normal and this

    may not be acceptable in all applications. In fact case, we have to use either gears

    to reduce motor speed or expensive 74)z source.

    " 74)z motor operate well on a 84)z lion provide its terminal voltage is

    raised to 84+74>8+79$i.e. 1346( of the name plate rating. In that case, the new

    breadown torque becomes equal to the original breadown torque and starting

    torque is only slightly reduced. )owever, power factor, efficiency and temperature

    rise remain satisfactory.

    &imilarly, a 84)z motor can operate satisfactorily well on 74)z supply

    #rovided its terminal voltage is reduced to 7+8$I.e. E46( of its name plate rating.


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    2.12 Tor7!e =%,ee' c!re:

    he torque developed by a conventional 2-phase motor depends on its

    speed two cannot be represented by a simple equation. It is easier to show the

    relationship in form of a curve. In this diagram, represents the nominal full oad

    torque of the motor. "s seen, the starting torque is 1.7 and the maximum orque

    is 3.7

    "t full load, the motor runs at a speed of ?. when mechanical load

    increases, motor speed till the motor torque again becomes equal to the load

    torque. "s long as the two torques are balanced, the motor will run at constant

    speed. )owever, if the load torque exceeds 3.7, the motor will suddenly stop.

    2.1( C!rrent=%,ee' c!re o* an n'!cton )otor:

    It is a v-shaped curve having a maximum value at synchronous speed.

    his maximum is equals to the magnetizing current which is need to create flux In

    the machine. &ince flux is purposely ept constant, it means that magnetizing

    *urrent is the same at all synchronous speeds. &hows the current+speed curve of

    induction motor discussed in art. "s, seen loced rotor current is144" and the

    corresponding torque is O7 ?-m. If stator voltage and frequency are varied in the

    same proportion current+speed curve has the same shape, but shift along the

    speed axis. &uppose that voltage and frequency reduced to one fourth of their

    previous values to 114v to 17)z respectively. hen loced rotor current decreases

    to O7 a but corresponding torque increases to 174 n-m which is equal to full

    breadown torque. It means that reducing frequency! we can obtain a larger torque

    with a reduced current. his is one of the big advantages of frequency control

    method. ;y progressively increasing the voltage and current during the start-up

    period, a &*I can be made to develop close to its breadown torque all way from

    zero to rated speed.


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    "nother advantage of frequency control is that it permits regenerative

    braing of the motor. In fact, the main reason for the popularity of frequency-

    controlled induction motor drives is their ability to develop high torque from zero tofull speed together with the economy of regenerative braing.





    4 =74 944 1274 1E44


    Fg2.1(.1 C!rrent " %,ee' c!re%.


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    &tator current orque

    174 17 84





    4 =74 944 1274 1E44 3374


    Fg 2.1(.2 3tator c!rrent=to7!e an' %,ee' c!re%

    2.1+ Mathe)atcal De%cr,ton o* &C In'!cton Motor%:

    here are a number of "* induction motor models. he model used for

    vector control design can be obtained by using the space vector theory. he 2-

    phase motor quantities $such as voltages, currents, magnetic flux, etc.( are

    expressed in terms of complex space vectors. &uch a model is valid for any

    instantaneous variation of voltage and current and adequately describes the

    performance of the machine under both steady-state and transient operation.

    *omplex space vectors can be described using only two orthogonal axes. he


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    motor can be considered a 3-phase machine. he utilization of the 3-phase motor

    model reduces the number of equations and simplifies the control design.

    2.1/ O9>ecte%:

    he obNective of this proNect is to become familiar with most aspects of

    a vector controlled induction motor in a simulation environment. "fter completing

    the proNect, you should be able toA

    Identify the equivalent parameters of an induction machine.

    "dapt the machine model to different reference systems $ransformation

    between two and three phase systems! transformation between stator

    reference frame and synchronous reference frame(.

    Implement current and speed regulation loops and calculate #I-controllers.

    Implement position estimation $sensor less control( and analyze itslimitations.

    Implement a #0 inverter.

    Implement the &P technique.

    &imulate the blocs.


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    (.1 Re*erence Fra)e Theory:

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    by simple assigning the appropriate speed of rotation to this so-called arbitrary

    reference frame. his is explained below.

    (.23,ace Vector De*nton:

    "ssume that isa, isb, and isc are the instantaneous balanced 2-phase

    stator currentsA

    isaJisbJisc> 4 2.31

    he stator current space vector can then be defined as followsA

    is> $ isaJaisbJa3isc( 2.3.3


    a and a2 > he spatial operators, a = e j2/3 , a3> ej4/3

    k > the transformation constant and is chosen k=2/3

    YPhase B

    IsIsb isy

    IsaIsx X, phase A

    IscPhase C

    Fg (.2.1 (#,ha%e to 2#,ha%e coner%on.

    (.( 3tator C!rrent 3,ace Vector an' It% $ro>ecton:


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    he space vector defined by E5. 2can be expressed utilizing the two-

    axis theory. he real part of the space vector is equal to the instantaneous value of

    the direct-axis stator current component, isx, and whose imaginary part is equal to

    the quadrature-axis stator current component, isy. hus, the stator current spacevector in the stationary reference frame attached to the stator can be expressed


    I% @ %-A>%y 2.2.1

    In symmetrical 2-phase machines, the direct and quadrature axis stator

    currents isx, isy fictitious quadrature-phase $3-phase( current components, which

    are related to the actual 2-phase stator currents as followsR

    isx> $ isa-1 isb-1 isc( 2.2.33 3

    isy> 2 $isb- isc( 2.2.23


    k=2/3 is a transformation constant

    he space vectors of other motor quantities $voltages, currents, magnetic fluxes,

    etc.( can be defined in the same way as the stator current space vector.

    (.+ &C In'!cton Motor Mo'el:


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    he "* induction motor model is given by the space vector form of the

    voltage equations. he system model defined in the stationary K, S-coordinate

    system attached to the stator is expressed by the following equations. Ideally, the

    motor model is symmetrical, with a linear magnetic circuit characteristic.

    a. he stator voltage differential equationsA

    Psx> 4> 4> sisxJmirx 2.=.7

    Vsy> sisyJmiry 2.=.8

    Vrx> rirxJmisx 2.=.O

    Vry> riryJmisy 3.4.8


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    d. :lectromagnetic torque expressed by utilizing space vector quantitiesA

    te=3Pp(Tsxisy-TsSisx) .3.4.9 2


    K, y> &tator orthogonal coordinate system

    Ps> &tator voltages WPX,y,x

    Isx,y=&tator currents W"X

    Prx, y>

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    general reference frame, then the following equation defines the stator current

    space vector in general reference frame.

    isg> ise/ Ng> isxJNisy 2.=.14


    Ug is,isg x

    isS Bg K


    Fg!re(.+.1 &,,lcaton o* the General Re*erence Fra)e

    he stator voltage and flux-linage space vectors can be similarly

    obtained in the general reference frame. &imilar considerations hold for the space

    vectors of the rotor voltages, currents and flux linages. he real axis $r x( of the

    reference frame attached to the rotor is displaced from the direct axis of the stator

    reference frame by the rotor angle, r."s shown, the angle between the real axis

    $x( of the general reference is frame and the real axis of the reference frame


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    rotating with the rotor $r x( g -r. In the general reference frame, the space vector

    of the rotor currents can be expressed asA

    irg > ire/N$g-r(> irxJNiry 2.=.11


    ir > he space vector of the rotor current in the rotor reference frame

    he space vectors of the rotor voltages and rotor flux linages in the

    general reference frame can be expressed similarly.

    he motor model voltage equations in the general reference frame can

    be expressed by using the transformations of the motor quantities from one

    reference frame to the general reference frame introduced. he "* induction motor

    model is often used in vector control algorithms. he aim of vector control is to

    implement control schemes which produce high-dynamic performance and are

    similar to those used to control %* machines. o achieve this, the reference

    frames may be aligned with the stator flux-linage space vector, the rotor flux-linage space vector or the magnetizing space vector. he most popular reference

    frame is the reference frame attached to the rotor flux linage space vector with

    direct axis $d( and quadrature axis $q(. "fter transformation into d-q coordinates the

    motor model followsA

    Psd > 4=

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    Psq > 4=

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    Fg!re #(./.1. (#$ha%e Inerter

    he inverter consists of three half-bridge units where the upper and lower switchare controlled complimentarily, meaning when the upper one is turned on, the lower

    one must be turned off, and vice versa. "s the power device's turn-off time is longer

    than its turn-on time, some dead time must be inserted between the time one

    transistor of the half-bridge is turned off and its complementary device is turned on.


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    he output voltage is mostly created by a #ulse 0idth odulation $#0( technique,

    where an isosceles triangle carrier wave is compared with a fundamental-frequency

    sine modulating wave. he natural points of intersection determine the switching

    points of the power devices of a half-bridge inverter. his technique is shown in

    *g(./.1he 2 -phase voltage waves are shifted 1344 to one another and thus a 2-

    phase motor can be supplied.


    Hutput voltage from an inverter can also be adNusted by exercising a control

    with in the inverter itself. he most efficient method of doing this is by pulse widthmodulation control used with in an inverter.


    In this method, a fixed dc input voltage is given to inverter and a controlled ac

    output Poltage is obtained by adNusting the on and off periods of the inverter

    components. his is most popular method of controlling the output voltage and this

    method is termed as pulse width modulation $#0( control.

    (.6 The a'antage% ,o%%e%%e' 9y $0M techn7!e are a% !n'erA

    he output voltage control with method can be obtained with out any

    additional components.

    0ith this method, lower order harmonic can be eliminated or minimized

    along with its output voltage control. "s higher order harmonics can be

    filtered easily, the filtering requirements are minimized.

    he main disadvantages of this method are that the &*

  • 8/11/2019 induction motor Main Document.doc



    #0 inverters are gradually taing over other types of inverters in

    industrial applications. #0 techniques are characterized by constant amplitude

    pulses. he width of these pulses is, however modulated to obtained inverter

    output voltage *ontrol and to reduce its harmonic content.

    %ifferent #0 techniques are as underA

    $a(&ingle-pulse odulation

    $b(ultiple-pulse odulation

    $c(&inusoidal-pulse odulation

    In #0 inverters, forced commutation is essential .he three #0

    techniques isted above differ from each other in harmonic content in their

    respective output voltages. hus, choice of a particular pwm technique depends

    upon the permissible harmonic content in the inverter output voltage In industrialapplication, #0 inverter is supplied from a diode bridge rectifier and "n *

    filter .?ow the devices are switched on and off several times with each half

    *ycle to control the output voltage which has low harmonic content.


  • 8/11/2019 induction motor Main Document.doc


    (.11 MU?TI$U?E#$U?3E MODU?&TION:

    his method of pulse modulation is an extinction of single-pulse modulation.In multiple /pulse $#(, several equidistant pulses per half cycle are wised. For

    simplicity, the effect of using two symmetrically spaced pulses per half cycle, pulse

    width is taen half of that, but their amplitudes are the same.

    (.12 3IN3OID&?#$U?3E MODU?&TION:

    In this method of modulation, several pulses per half cycle are used as in

    the case of multiple /pulse modulation $#(. he pulse width is equal for all thepulses, but is sin ! the pulse width is a sinusoidal function of the angular position

    of the pulse in a cycle.

    For realizing sin m, high-frequency triangular carrier wave vcis compared

    with a sinusoidal reference wave vrwaves determines the switching instants and

    commutation of the modulated pulse . vcis the pea value of triangular carrier

    wave and vrthat of the reference, or modulating, signal. he carrier and reference

    waves are mixed in a comparator. 0hen sinusoidal wave has magnitude higher

    than the triangular wave, the comparator output high, otherwise it is low. he

    comparator output is processed in a trigger pulse generator in such a manner that

    the output voltage wave of the inverter has a pulse width tn agreement width in

    agreement with the comparator output pulse.


  • 8/11/2019 induction motor Main Document.doc


    Fg!re (.12.1. $!l%e 0'th Mo'!laton

    he most popular power devices for motor control applications are #ower

    osfet and I;s.

    " #ower H&F: is a voltage-controlled transistor. It is designed for high-

    frequency operation and has a low-voltage drop, so it has low power losses.

    )owever, saturation temperature sensitivity limits the H&F:'s use in high-power


    "n Insulated-ate ;ipolar ransistor $I;( is controlled by a H&F:

    on its base. he I; requires low drive current, has fast switching time, and is

    suitable for high switching frequencies. he disadvantage is the higher voltage

    drop of the bipolar transistor, causing higher conduction losses.


  • 8/11/2019 induction motor Main Document.doc



    +.1 3y%te) o!tlne:

    he system is designed to drive a 2-phase ac induction motor $"*I(. he

    application has the following specificationsA

    Pector control technique used for"*Icontrol

    &peed control loop of the"*I

  • 8/11/2019 induction motor Main Document.doc


    +.2 &c n'!cton )otor %,ec*caton%:

    #>144 )p


    Frequency>74 )z

    #oles =


    m>4.4188=) r>4.41O)

    4.4297Oohm 4.43317 ohm

    +.( Vector Control o* &C In'!cton Machne%:

    Pector control is the most popular control technique of "* induction motors.

    In special reference frames, the expression for the electromagnetic torque of the

    smooth-air-gap machine is similar to the expression for the torque of the separately

    excited %* machine. In the case of induction machines, the control is usually

    performed in the reference frame $d-q( attached to the rotor flux space vector.

    hat's why the implementation of vector control requires information on the

    modulus and the space angle $position( of the rotor flux space vector. he stator

    currents of the induction machine are separated into flux- and torque-producing

    components by utilizing transformation to the d-q coordinate system, whose direct

    axis $d( is aligned with the rotor flux space vector. hat means that the q-axis

    component of the rotor flux space vector is always zeroA

    Vrq> 4 and d Trq>4 =.2.1 dt


  • 8/11/2019 induction motor Main Document.doc


    he rotor flux space vector calculation and transformation to the d-q coordinate

    system require the high computational power of a microcontroller! a digital signal

    processor is suitable for this tas. he following sections describe the space vector

    transformations and the rotor flux space vector calculation.