infancy is from birth to 2 years old

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Post on 04-Oct-2015




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Infancy is from Birth to 2 years oldObject Permanence: when a child lacks theawarenessthat objects continue to exist even if they can't see it.Stranger Anxiety: When a child has become attached to their parentsandbecomescared of people they don't knowCrawling- when a baby starts moving on its hands and knees on the carpet or ground.Walking- when a baby starts walking slowly on two legsThe babies first words, usually start about 8 months or so, usually starting with mama and dada and sometimes noChildhood begins about the age of 3 and ends about 12 or more say the beginning of puberty.Sharing can be a vital part of a child's way of growing up.At this age group many children have learned how to run.Self concept is when a child starts learning that they as a person existAlso at this age young children maybe starting preschool or kindergarten will hold onto their moms or dads for dear life, called attachment.Around this time children, develop a sense of conservation- a sense that even if you put same amount of milk in one glass it still has the same amount in a smaller cup.Adolescence is known as the very unsure time between Puberty and the age of 18.Raging Hormones- that period of time before puberty that your hormones are extremely unbalanced.Role confusion- when a young person is confused on who they want to beMoral Reasoning- when an adolescence choosesto voice their views on different subjects.Female puberty- when a girl starts developing estrogen, breasts, and body hair, along with starting their first period.Male puberty-when a boy starts developing body and facial hair, produces testerone, and develops sperm.INFANCY (0-2 YEARS)Infancy is the first stage of life. During this stage, you are acquiring everyday motor skills through the use of your senses and actions, social behaviors with different individuals, and knowledge of objects and their existence.Listedbelowaresomecharacteristics infants go through in this stage.Object Permanence (Age: 8 months)Object permanence is defined as "the awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived." As in, an infant will continue to look at a toy covered by a blanket because they know it is still there. Piaget assumed that infants before the age of 2 couldn't think. Today further research has proven that they can recognize objects and try to manipulate or look at it. Stranger Anxiety (Age: 8 months)Stranger anxiety is defined as "the fear of strangers that infants commonly display." After an infant develops object permanence, they start to fear strangers. They start developing memories of people's faces. If they don't remember the person in front of them, then they become upset.Sitting Up(Age: 5 months)As an infant's brain starts to go through maturation,it starts to gain motor coordination. Maturation means"biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior, relatively uninfluenced by experience. All infants go through motor coordination stages. They just might be at different times. Infants will sit up whenever they gain muscle in their upper body.Crawling (Age: 6-10 months)Infants will begin to crawl after they have learned to sit up and as their brain matures. This is apart of maturation (see "Sitting Up" for definition).Walking(Age: 12-15 months)After an infant has learned to sit up and crawl and the brain develops (see "Sitting Up" for definition), a baby will start to attempt to walk.Infants will need some a assistance at first, but they will eventually gain the strength in their legs to move on their own.CHILDHOOD (3-12 YEARS)Childhood is the stage of where you are building on what you just learned from infancy. You start usingintuitive reasoning and later logic and knowledge to make decisionsabout events. One also startssolving mathematical expressions. Listed below are characteristics children go through in this stage.Egocentrism (Age: begins at 2 but continues through childhood)Egocentrism means "the preoperational child's difficulty taking another's point of view." Preoperational means "the stage during which a child learns to use language but does not yet comprehend the mental operations of concrete logic." Piagetbasically saidthis meant that childrencannot take the viewpoint of others..Language Development (Age: begins at 2 but continues until 6 or 7 years)Children are developing language in the preoperational stage. Preoperational means "the stage during which a child learns to use language but does not yet comprehend the mental operations of concrete logic." In this stage, they are representing items with pictures and words.Conservation (Age: 7-11 years)Conservation means "the principle that properties such as mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the forms or objects." Piaget thought this was apart of concrete operational reasoning which is when "children gain the mental operations that enable them to think logically about concrete events."Theory of Mind (Age: 3.5-4 years)Theory of mind means "people's ideas about their own and others' mental states--about their feelings, perceptions, and thoughts and the behavior these might predict." This means that a preschooler can infer feelings from other students. They can also be able to tease, laugh, empathize, etc. with other students.Development of Self-Concept (Age: have developed by age 12)Self-concept means "a sense of one's identity and personal worth." Charles Darwin suggested this starts when an infant first sees its face. This has been testedby putting rouge on a mirror and infants touching their nose knowing it's being covered. We can track that a child's self-concept is growing based on them describing themselves.ADOLESCENCE (13-18 YEARS)Adolescence is a critical period in one's life. During the period, teens are subjected to influences from peers, physical changes for adulthood, and finding their identity and moral judgments. Listed below are some characteristics teens go through in this stage.Abstract Logic (Age: begins at the age of 12 but continues)By their adolescent years, teens should be able to have a formal operational way of thinking. Formal operational means "the stage of cognitive development during which people begin to thinking logically about abstract concepts." Piaget believed that this started later.Peer Influences (Age: 13-18 years)Adolescence is when their peers start having a greater influence on them than their parents. Teens start to develop the attitude of their peers, but they thing parents have more influence on their beliefs and future plans.Puberty (Age: Females: begins around 10-11, Males: begins around 14)Puberty is "the period of sexual maturation, during which a person becomes capable of reproducing." Women have their first menstrual cycle around10-11 years old. They will thengrow hipsand breasts. Men will have their first ejaculation around the age of 14. They will then start growing facial hair and have deepened voices. Both sexes develop underarm and pubic hair.MoralReasoning (Age: 13-18 years)Kohlberg believed that moral reasoningis the thinking of what webelieve isright or wrong. He would then break the thinking up into preconventional morality (obey to avoid punishment), conventional morality (upholds laws and social rules because they are rule/law), and postconventional laws (based off of ethical principles). Adolescence begin to make more of these judgments and young adolescents are most generally in conventional morality.Identity (Age: 13-18 years)Identity is defined as " one's sense of self...the adolescent's task is to solidify a sense of self by testing and integrating various roles." Erik Erikson believed that many teens will accept their parent's expectations and values. Other teens won't follow their parents' ways but go a different path while conforming to a particular group.