
Infinity Bank Proposal by: Team A Josh Duttry Michael Stolz

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Proposal by: Team A Josh Duttry Michael Stolz Stephen Stoltz Dave Tatum

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Executive Summary

The new field of online banking has the potential to make or break Infinity Bank as a

leader in the financial industry. By offering customers online banking services, Infinity Bank

could become a force in global market. The online advances will also attract new customers to

the Infinity Bank family. By providing customers with the convince of online banking, Infinity

will grow more popular nation wide through the availability of the internet and word of mouth

from satisfied customers.

Although the initial costs for implementing the online banking interface may be costly,

the advantages will greatly outweigh any financial investment. If Infinity Bank intends to be a

key player in the financial markets of the future, it is imperative that they get involved in

technological advancements such as online customer banking websites now or they will be left

behind, as Infinity has witnessed first hand when putting off the integration of automatic teller

machines, which hurt their growth. Such delays can result in the loss of current customers and

will hinder the rate of new customers joining the bank.

By entering the new world of online banking, Infinity Bank will grow upon their

Southern traditions. They will be able to offer their brand of quality and customer service to

other parts of the world. While holding on to these traditional values, Infinity Bank must take a

step forward out of the old way of banking and into the new hi-tech way of doing business in the

financial world.

In closing, Infinity Bank must evolve or face extinction. With the increasing number of

banks implementing online customer services, the number of banks competing able to compete

in the financial market is ever expanding. If Infinity Bank intends to remain an industry leader,

they must decide to use technology to further their ability to satisfy their customers.

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It used to be that a person would have to go to the bank, wait in line, and do all of their

banking at the bank itself. With technological advances throughout the years from telephone

banking to ATMs, it has become easier and easier for people to do their banking. The newest

way for people to do their banking is over the Internet.

Services offered by banks over the Internet have grown over the years. At first people

could only check available balances online. Today money can be transferred, bills paid as well

as other functions of banking. This has led to the demand for more services to be available

online from banks all over the world. To keep up with competitors, more banks have upgraded

their online banking capabilities.

Infinity Bank has its headquarters in Atlanta, GA. They do business in the southeast

region of the United States. Their services include investment banking, lending, and deposits.

They serve over 140,000 businesses and 2.7 million customers in six states. Infinity bank has

over 70 billion dollars worth of assets. Infinity Bank serves their customers with respect and

quality in the tradition of their southern roots.

Infinity bank has done very well in the highly competitive field of banking, but their

resistance to new technology has hurt them in the past and is starting to hurt their business now.

This resistance to technology is partly caused by Infinity Bank’s southern influences of steady,

unrushed growth. They have been so stubborn towards change in the past that others in the

banking industry have labeled Infinity Bank as, “the old man of the sea.”

The president and CEO of Infinity bank, Thomas Greenly, has recently seen the need to

create the position of Director of Technology Research. This need has been brought on due to the

inability of Infinity Bank to adapt to new advances in technology. When automated teller

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machines, ATMs, were first introduced, Infinity Bank hesitated to invest in the new way of

banking. This delay in implementing new technology caused some customers to leave Infinity

bank for other banks who made the new technology available to their customers earlier than they


This is why Jonathan Robbins, the Executive Vice President and Director of Technology

Research of Infinity Bank, wants to push for Infinity Bank’s entrance to the world of online

banking. He wants to avoid the delay that happened with Infinity Bank’s implementation of

Infrastructure Analysis

Hardware currently in place at Infinity bank currently consists of:

An IBM mainframe that contains the database known as DB2

This mainframe is connected to a front-end processor tied to multiplexers

Infinity Bank also hosts their website from an IBM RS-6000 web server

Software currently in place at Infinity Bank consists of:

Their mainframe contains the DB2 database software

Also both the server and mainframe have operating systems which are presumably based

on Microsoft Operating Systems

Also housed in the mainframe is a suite of basic applications

Information systems and web services currently in place:

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Again the database known as DB2 is on the main frame

Also a communication system is in place

A basic web site is hosted on the web server but is merely there as a representation of the

bank with no other functions


Current information technology trends are demanding an on-line interface for banks.

Most banks are currently offering some type of on-line banking system with processes from

account summaries to more involved services such as on-line bill paying. Some new banks have

opened solely on the Internet, with no commercial locations. Banks or credit unions with on-line

banking system as well as physical locations are referred to as “Brick-to-Click” locations, in

order to differentiate from “Brick and mortar” locations, which are facilities that do not offer any

on-line services.

An on-line interface can provide customers with many advantages over brick and mortar

banks that are limited to banker’s hours and long lines at the teller windows.

1) Twenty-four hour a day access, seven days a week.

a) Increased flexibility for bank patrons, no longer limited to banker’s hours.

b) Reduces teller lines.

2) Account Summaries

a) Provides real-time account information.

3) Funds Transfer

a) Allows a bank patron to manage their accounts with greater speed and convenience.

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b) Reduces bank traffic and teller lines.

4) Real-time access to checking information.

a) Helps avoid bounced checks.

b) Real-time purchase information for Check Cards to help guard against fraud.

5) On-line bill paying.

a) Added convenience for bank patrons.

6) Branch locations

a) Shows the patron the location of the nearest branch.

The banking market has already shown that on-line banking is the way of the future.

Virtual bank’s ability to survive is a sign that many people are now comfortable with managing

their funds in an on-line environment. We as a society are becoming more and more integrated

with information technology. With many businesses opening their own Web sites where

customers can purchase goods and services, it’s only natural that banks follow the trends. The

internet has gotten consumers used to instant gratification and without Web sites which can

connect to the bank mainframe to display real-time information, consumers won’t be satisfied.

The Team Decision

Infinity Bank is planning bring their banking business into the online world. To achieve

such a feat many decisions must be made and that is the purpose of this document, to outline a

plan of action for Infinity to implement these goals. The document includes plans to install the

new system, maintaining the new system, an estimated cost of the project, and also the possible

reactions and risks associated with the move.

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To install and maintain the hardware which will run the new online banking plan we will

have an in house staff that is to be hired and trained to maintain the new servers and mainframes,

as well as to network the existing hardware platform to the incoming infrastructure. This will be

especially useful for emergencies when relying on outsourcing could be problematic since an

outsider company would not necessarily spend very much time with our particular network since

they will be handling multiple other networks as well. Having an in house maintenance staff

makes for an ideal situation because, we can have them trained in specialized hardware,

software, and procedures to meet our needs.

The hardware and network will not account for all new staff needed, however, and we

will need to have staff available to answer questions as well as handle security issues. The

outside group will also implement many of the functions and services the new online banking

system will offer. These areas are best suited for outsourcing to another company of Infinity

Bank’s choice. If these areas of business are outsourced then there is no longer a need for

concern about being able to accumulate the staff to handle these affairs. This is also useful as

well because an outside company will have expertise and experience handling security and

privacy issues that a start up group contracted by the bank will not.

While we do not necessarily believe that any physical locations need to be changed, we

will certainly account for future branches of the bank opening up by creating an open-ended

network with room to grow. There will need to be a new location created, however, to house the

new machines and employees. The team also foresees acquiring a second location for back up

facilities to ensure that the new online banking element will be secure and accessible at all times.

The cost for this venture will be quite an expensive one, which we estimate to be upwards

of $20-40,000,000. Although, this seems to quite high, one must consider more than just the

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costs of the hardware and software. There will be quite a bit of expense in the hiring and training

of staff, not to mention constructing new locations to house the staff and hardware. Also there is

the cost of marketing and converting current users to the new electronic banking scheme as well

as updating the current systems to run in synch with the new infrastructure. Security and data

back up will take a large amount of money because we are dealing with sensitive information,

which must not be allowed to leak from our business.

The key to a successful online banking endeavor is to give the customer a level of

convenience that will keep them coming back and hopefully bring others to Infinity bank through

word of mouth. Convenience is the most important aspect of the online banking process. Unless

Infinity is able to give their customers an easy to use, accurate and trustworthy system, it will

have all been for nothing. It is for these reasons that all of the available tools on the Web site be

in real-time. Without this accuracy, the online banking information ceases to be worthwhile.

Online bill paying is another issue of convenience, an automated system that can relieve some of

the stress of deadlines by automatically taking care of certain monthly bills. With this type of

system, the consumer will become accustom to the convenience of not having to worry about

getting the bills in the mail on time will keep the customers coming back. Canceling payment on

a check, under certain circumstances, can be a somewhat embarrassing situation. Through the

Web site’s Stop Payment tool, the customer can avoid any embarrassment by running this

process through computer mainframe as opposed to through the teller window. This is a good

feature for the Web site not only to avoid embarrassment, but also it eliminates extra trips to the

bank, which can cause larger lines at teller windows. Account summaries and Histories aid the

customer in balancing their check books by showing them a list of all modifications to the

accounts including some impulse transactions which can commonly go unnoticed, for instance a

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trip to the ATM. These resources help the customer to keep track of funds, which can help in

avoiding bounced checks and other unpleasant experiences related to an unbalanced checking


Online banking has the ability to replace some of the simpler tasks done by bank tellers,

which has the potential to reduce demand for bank tellers in areas where most families have a

personal computer in their household. The effects of this decrease in demand would only be felt

in particularly large facilities. For the most part minimal teller positions would be in jeopardy.

Therefore the response from the employees should be relatively good.

The consumer’s reactions would be expected to be favorable. The increased convenience

provided by the Web site’s money managing tools reduces the amount of trips to the bank

required, leaving more time for other things. The real-time figures will also give the consumers

an added sense of security, being able to see their account balances as well as any transactions,

transfers or withdraws that have taken place. Some customers may not feel comfortable

managing their money over the Internet, because they are used to a more tangible banking

atmosphere. As time progresses these types of mindsets are changing as the Internet become

more and more integrated into daily life.

Most investors would find this new technological advance a wise business decision.

Infinity Bank opening an online customer interface shows that they are keeping up with modern

banking technology to insure that they will be able to hold a place as an industry leader. The

initial costs that will incur are only moderately hinder the bank and the benefits from application

of the online banking infrastructure will outweigh the monetary setback.

The team favored keeping the hardware in house because the banking hardware would be

the primary concern of the staff maintaining the hardware which manages the financial

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information, as opposed to outsourcing the hardware to a company who could be distracted by

other projects while being responsible for the hardware. The customer service on the other hand

would be outsourced. This would save Infinity Bank money on labor for customer service

representatives, while still providing quality service.

Legal, Ethical, Social, and Global Issues Discussion

For all of the advantages of online banking, there are some concerns for this new way to

do your banking. There are legal and personal issues that must be resolved before implementing

such a system. Before an online banking system can be launched, the customer must be assured

that his or her personal information along with their accounts are secure from all of the threats

that could occur while online.

Infinity Bank has more of a responsibility to its customers to insure their safety from

Internet hackers. Infinity Bank is liable for any personal information that could be stolen and

misused. Because of this Infinity Bank’s online banking services must be secure and well

maintained. By doing this, Infinity Bank can cut down the possibility of any customer’s personal

information being stolen. To ensure that customers understand that they are being protected, a

company wide policy should be constructed and posted on the website stating Infinity Bank’s

standards and the steps they have taken to ensure their safety.

Infinity Bank must also make sure that its employees also follow a strict code of ethical

behavior. They must be able to provide unbiased service to all of their customers. They must be

able to provide the same high quality service to all of their customers. This will allow the

customer to feel safe in trusting their money to be managed over the Internet.

The move to online banking will allow Infinity Bank to move out into the global

market. This will allow for Infinity Bank to expand into other markets if they so choose to.

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They must be able to keep an open mind and allow themselves to grow. By catering to other

areas, their business will grow and more money will be made once online banking becomes even

more popular.

Infinity bank must be careful not to alienate its customers who do not want to take part in

online banking. They must be able to realize that online banking is not for everyone. This

feeling is most prevalent amongst older customers. They have no need to learn a new way of

banking. They are content with traditional ways of banking. If Infinity Bank forgets to take care

of these customers they may lose a good portion of their cliental.


Online Banking Division Proposal Summary

The infrastructure for the new online banking system would be housed in two separate

facilities. The first would be the primary facility with a staff of a total of sixty personnel. There

would be three shifts with twenty employees on each shift. Since the banking system is in

operation twenty-four hours a day, it is imperative that there be a crew in house to maintain the

hardware at all times of the day and night. The second facility would be the back-up mainframe.

This back up would take over in the event of a system crash on the primary mainframe. The

second facility would require the same amount of employees and shifts. Since there’s little

warning to when a system could crash, it’s imperative that the bank be prepared at all times to

experience a problem. The back-up facility is not only important because of the devotion to the

twenty-four hour a day access, but the sensitivity of the information being stored as well.

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The customer service branch of the online banking system will be outsourced. Customer

service is equally important to the operation of the hardware and software, but no nearly as

delicate. While there is a risk the hardware or software could have a problem, the customer

service is not affected by the location of the representatives. Therefore it is a good idea to

outsource the customer service branch to another firm, possibly to another country. This would

save Infinity Bank valuable assets while still being able to provide quality customer service.

Business Strategy and Income Support

Real-time account summaries: Available twenty-four hours a day, this service will

allow the customer to check their account holdings at any time of the day or night they

see fit.

Real-Time Funds Transferring: This function of the site will allow the customer to

transfer funds from within their existing accounts at any time of the day. These transfers

will take place in real-time therefore they will take place even if the bank has closed for

the day.

Account History: Gives the consumer an up to date listing of deposits, withdraws and

transfers. This will help the customer in managing their account as well as helping to

guard against fraudulent uses of checks or debit cards.

On-line Bill-Paying: This feature will give added convenience to the customer. This

will allow the customer to meet their financial responsibilities without having to form a

physical form of payment and also allows them to avoid lines at the post office.

Check Cancellation: Allows the customer to stop payment on a check without having to

visit the physical location.

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Branch and ATM locator: Helps the consumer find local branches of the bank. Now

that most ATMs will require a service charge for those who don’t belong to the bank, it

will be beneficial for the customer to locate local ATMs supported by Infinity Bank.

As the financial industry become more and more integrated with the Internet. The real-

time customer interface will prove crucial in Infinity Banks ability to compete in the on-line

market. The added convenience of the Web based banking will draw new customers as well as

re-affirming existing patrons. The on-line bill-paying feature will prove equally crucial. With

technology becoming more and more integrated into daily lives of Americans, we as a society

are becoming more trusting of technology. Therefore the options of paying bills automatically

on-line will become common, so it is crucial to introduce this feature to keep Infinity at the head

of the financial market.

Naturally the bank will incur some costs from the addition of an on-line banking

interface. In order to compensate for the costs of new hardware, software and labor some of the

features will require a fee. The basic features of the web site, such as Account Summaries and

Transferring Funds will not require a fee, but the more advanced processes such as the on-line

bill-paying and stopping payment on a check will require a fee. The fee for the bill paying will

require a set-up fee for each of the parties to whom payment will be rendered. And stopping

payment on a check will require a fee for each check canceled, as it would normally be handled.

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Banking Expenses

This number may seem high, however, this also includes the costs of actual installation,

transition of information, costs of building new facilities, marketing, and general maintenance.

This is also based on our belief that it will be approximately one year before the entire online

banking program will be fully finished. The costs also allow for upgrades seamlessly without a

lot of excess in cost because the necessities to expand are already installed.

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Hardware Needs

Although the bank currently has a mainframe we would like to replace it with the more

current IBM zSeries 990 mainframe as well as two additional mainframe units to be housed in

external facilities. This will provide the bank with more power and storage as well as backup

capabilities in the event of a mainframe or server failure. We would like to have two separate

outside facilities that contain their own mainframe unit as well as several servers based on IBM’s

Power5 series BladeCenter. We believe that each outside facility should house up to twenty five

servers a piece, again to ensure that in the future the service could expand with the business. This

will also allow for the new online banking service to endure seriously heavy loads of traffic. We

plan to use LinkSys, a division of Cisco Systems, routers to connect the servers and mainframe

to an OC-3 connection to provide optimal bandwidth.

Software Needs

The new electronic banking systems will not be complete without the proper software

used by both the systems as well as the banking staff. The basic software package will include

the Microsoft Office Suite to manage business files and documentation as well spreadsheets.

Quicken will also be used to great extent to help manage the finance accounts of the customers.

These will of course account for the employee computers which will be run on Microsoft

Windows XP. The mainframe and servers will be running on Novell’s SuSE Linux operating

systems. This Linux package was chosen for its excellent price and security. The other reason it

was chosen was to host Macromedia’s ColdFusion software that is specifically designed in

coordination with the IBM mainframe.

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Information Systems Needs

To ensure the new database system is only accessible to those who should have access we

are planning to use Novell’s Nsure SecureLogin. We’ll also use Novell’s Border Manager that

will allow the bank to run a VPN (Virtual Private Network) without fear of outside intrusion.

The secure login program will allow the bank to force employees to use passwords without

having to manage them through the basic operating system, creating a more secure environment

for consumer information. The Border Manager software will allow us to create our own internal

network that is not accessible to the outside community adding yet another level of security. The

last embedded system is Macromedia’s ColdFusion program that will enable us to create an

electronic banking system very easily with its flexible content and customization for our


To run the online banking service the bank will need a website, to do this we will use our

own server/mainframes to host. We will base the server using the Apache software which is an

open source and major program available for Linux servers. Apache is also known as an industry

standard which will therefore allow web developers to work in comfortable environment as well

as provide us with a secure system to base our website on.

On the new mainframes we plan on using the DB2 Universal Database software which

was specifically designed with our mainframe in mind. The DB2 Universal database will allow

us to be flexible with our mainframes and servers allowing for hundreds of central processing

units, again allowing us to expand well into the future. It is also flexible in the choice of

operating systems supporting many mainstream operating systems such as Windows and HP-


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DB2 is also what was on the previous mainframe so it will allow for an easy transition to

the new mainframe to help speed things up. This will in turn help the online banking business to

hit its stride much faster. This in turn will bring in profits much quicker.

To ensure the safety and security of the network we will be using LinkSys routers which

contain a sort of hardware firewall to help protect the information systems. LinkSys being a

division of the very well known Cisco Systems is well known itself for providing reliable and

secure firmware and software updates to provide excellent security for its products.

The other big security feature is our use of SmoothWall’s professional firewall and

security suite. SmoothWall will provide us with a powerful Linux based open source firewall to

compliment our LinkSys router hardware solutions. Though it is open sourced the professional

version contains many extra features which are no open source to provide more security and

scalability. The open source end is quite useful because more updates will be available quicker

keeping it one step ahead of the competition at all times, as well as having the support of

thousands of coder writers in the open source community

Security Needs

Creating and maintaining and online business of any kind requires high levels of security

and banking is not an exception. If anything it requires even more strict security policies. The

plan we’ve outlined considers this need for extra high security and has several strategies to

prevent attacks and information leaks.

To ensure the security of customer data we plan to use not only 128 bit encryption for our

file transfers online but also Novell SecureLogin internally to ensure that the average person

cannot just walk in and access our systems. 128 bit encryption will ensure that if it was possible

to capture some of our data that it would be impossible to use without the proper software and

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passwords. SecureLogin will ensure that only staff and those are authorized will have access to

the sensitive material contained on out network.

The other lines of protection we are utilizing will be both a hardware and software

firewall solution. The firewalls can prevent any attack on our servers as well as keep any

unauthorized information from going to or from our network. Not only that but the firewalls are

from large scale and very well known companies which means that frequent security updates will

be available to us as well as technical support on demand.

The infrastructure we’ve built will contain all the necessary security devices to keep our

systems and information safe. The major hurdle we will face is one that is no different than the

one faced now, and that is to ensure we can trust our employees. We recommend therefore that

prior to any new hiring, we do a very thorough background check on the applicant. This also

means we will have to do an evaluation of current employees and also make good use of our

Novell Network applications to ensure our security.


Infinity Bank now faces the challenge of marketing its new division of online banking.

They must make sure that the public is aware of their new services, and how convenient they can

be. To do this a marketing campaign should be launched. The first step in marketing the new

online banking services is to let Infinity Bank’s current customers know about it. This can be

done by handing out brochures at all of the branch locations, as well as mailing out fliers that tell

current customers about the new online banking services.

To attract new customers to Infinity Bank, a broader marketing strategy should be used.

Advertisement spots on TV, newspapers, radio, and social events touting Infinity Bank’s

tradition of banking and their new services to better serve their customers should be purchased.

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This will help to draw attention to Infinity Bank’s web site and their new way of doing banking

online while reinforcing their roots in quality service.

Customer Service

Navigating online banking for the first time can be quite tricky. People not used to using

the technology can often get flustered and angry at the service. To help aid the customers with

the new way of doing banking, customer service must be upgraded. This can be done by adding

new ways of reaching the banking professionals. By outsourcing customer service, it will allow

the company to have a full staff attend to any questions customers may have about online


The Infinity Bank web site should add a section that allows customers to email their

questions about online banking to Infinity Bank workers. This will allow customers to get their

answers quickly from the bank’s added staff. A section giving answers to commonly asked

questions should be added as well. This will let customers find the answers to simple questions

immediately so they may continue their online banking.

Another way to add more options for customers seeking answers is to add a toll free

phone number. This will allow customers to call and talk directly to a representative of Infinity

Bank to find the answer their questions. This will help those who are not as technologically

literate talk to a person who will be able to answer any questions they may have.

Training and Education

With the new staff necessary to run the Online Banking program it is necessary to

provide adequate training to all new staff as well as current staff not familiar with the techniques

and equipment to be used for the new program. The best method to ensure proper training is to

hire a small staff of experts in the field and create our own training course program. These

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experts can also be hired to stay on and help maintain the new infrastructure; in fact it is highly


In addition to learning the basics of the network we need to provide specialized training

in the use of Novell’s suite of applications for upper management. Having a good general

knowledge base to draw from in this area is critical for management to effectively handle

problematic situations that could arise. This will also ensure that employees are honest because

the proper use of Novell SecureLogin and the other application prevent those employees from

accessing information that is only supposed to be available to a select few.

There will also be some training necessary for our outside assistance. This should be

handled those in charge of marketing and public relations at the bank currently. Of course

technical support may require additional training for our specific suite of applications and

operating systems to be used by our new online banking system.

The final step should be to simply seek out pre-qualified staff with necessary experience

and training to prevent the need for excess training time that could be better spent on building

upon our new network.

Privacy Policy

Of course being a bank means that a strict privacy policy is not only good practice but a

requirement in order to operate and maintain a successful business. It is also important for

establishing good customer relations as well as building consumer confidence in our abilities to

handle their financial accounts in a responsible manner. Therefore, it is necessary to take

precautions beyond those in place by the new infrastructure

Our privacy policy that no personal information be it account information or real personal

information will sold or used in any unauthorized manner by staff or anyone linked or associated

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with Infinity Bank. It is of the utmost importance to therefore ensure that our security systems

provide optimal protection from invasion of privacy or an attack of our database or our

information systems.

We will need to make aware our current customers as well new customers of the possible

risks associated with online banking. The first course of action should be to send an informative

pamphlet of the risks and benefits to our current and prospective clients. We should also hold an

open house meeting to help answer any questions as well as help to put the consumers’ fears at

ease. The next course of action is to offer a customer support line open for a few months prior to

the launch of the online banking site. The final step is to create an informative page available

right on the website in plain view. This page should include frequently asked questions and some

questions that have not yet been answered elsewhere.

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Joshua Duttry

Experience 2004–Current Penn State Altoona Altoona, PAComputer Consultant

Assist faculty, staff & students with computer hardware & software

2004 BD&D Specialty Fabrication Curwensville, PALaborer/Computer Specialist

Various Computer Assisted Projects in Microsoft Excel and Word

Inventory and Shipping

Metal Fabrication

Education 2004-Present Penn State University Altoona, PA

“Information Sciences and Technology” Major

Scheduled Graduation Date: 2009

1997–2004 Moshannon Valley Jr./Sr. Houtzdale, PA

College Preparatory Curriculum

Computer Skills Adobe After Effects

Adobe Photoshop

Auto CAD


Macromedia Flash

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Word

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Premier



Microsoft Access

Microsoft PowerPoint

Visual Basic

Interests Computers, programming, automotives, heavy machinery, traditional and digital photography, and photograph development.

References Available Upon Request.

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Michael Stolz

Objective To obtain a job in the career field of Information Technology.

Experience 2003-Present Toys R Us Altoona, PASales Associate

Helped increase revenue through new sales techniques.

Demonstrated a vast knowledge of product..

Informed staff of major shifts in our market.

2002-2003 Sears Altoona, PACashier and Sales Associate

Provided a general knowledge of my product.

Helped customers in making informed choices.

Kept various documents and area organized.

2001-2002 Giant Eagle Altoona, PACashier and Various Tasks

Created a pleasant experience for customers.

Performed above and beyond expectations on a daily basis.

Was promoted in a short time span.

2000-2000 Newborn Enterprises Altoona, PAComputer Operator

Managed difficult tasks and helped out various employees.

Used Microsoft Word in conjunction with proprietary software.

Displayed expansive knowledge of network infrastructure.

Education 2004-Present Penn State Altoona University Altoona, PA

Working on a degree in Information Sciences and Technologies Development.

Currently enrolled in work study at the Computer Lab.

Skills Adobe Photoshop

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

Macromedia Flash

Macromedia Dreamweaver

MS Works Linux MS Win XP

MSFrontPage MSPowerPoint

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Stephen J. Stoltz

Experience 2003-3004 UGI Utilities Harrisburg, PABuilding and Grounds Department

Repaired and Maintained Building

Delivered supplies to work sites

Helped Supervisors with extended projects

Education Currently enrolled at PENN STATE ALTOONA pursuing a degree in Business.

Computer Skills Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Word

Microsoft PowerPoint

Intrests Sports, Gardening, Television.

References Available Upon Request.

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David Tatum

Experience 2004–Current The Unpainted Furniture Store Inc. Altoona, PASales Associate

Organized Warehousing facilities

Handled customer’s problems and complaints

Education 2004-Present Penn State University Altoona, PA

“Information Sciences and Technology” Major

Scheduled Graduation Date: 2009

1997–2004 Great Valley Jr./Sr. Malvern, PA

College Preparatory Curriculum

Computer Skills Windows XP

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Word

Microsoft PowerPoint


Projects Designed an online banking application for Infinity Bank in a team-based assignment.

References Available Upon Request.

Page 26: inf_bank.doc.doc


Banking on Online Money Management, 01 November, 2002.

Andrew Smith, 06 Oct, 2004 


Electronic Payment Systems Observatory-Newsletter, May 2002.

ePSO, 16 Oct, 2004


e-Security-Overview, Spring 2002,

Brett Estell and Justin Myers, 10 Oct., 2004


Financing the virtual house, by a virtual bank, with virtual money with real risks.

Daniel Eaton, 12 Oct., 2004


The Future of Online Banking, 28 April, 2004.

e-Marketer, 09 Oct., 2004


IBM, 2004

12 Oct, 2004

Page 27: inf_bank.doc.doc


Infinity Banking PDF, 2004

05, Oct, 2004


Internet Banking Report, 2003.

eFinancial Insider, 14 Oct, 2004


Linksys, 2004

12, Oct, 2004


Macromedia, 2004

12, Oct, 2004


Managing Your Finances, October, 2003.

GAIL A. SISOLAK, 14 Oct., 2004


Microsoft Office Online, 2004

Page 28: inf_bank.doc.doc

12, Oct, 2004


Quicken, 2004

12, Oct, 2004


Smoothwal, 2004

12, Oct, 2004


SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9, 2004

12, Oct, 2004



What is online Banking?, 28 March, 2003.

Online Banking: The Basics, 16 Oct., 2004.
