infcirc/225/rev.4 (corrected) - the physical protection of


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Printed by theInternational Atomic Energy Agencyin Austria - June 1999

The correction relates solely to the title of this document in the English language version.



Physical protection against the theft or unauthorized diversion of nuclear materials and against the sabotageof nuclear facilities by individuals or groups has long been a matter of national and international concern.Although responsibility for establishing and operating a comprehensive physical protection system fornuclear materials and facilities within a State rests entirely with the Government of that State, it is not amatter of indifference to other States whether and to what extent that responsibility is fulfilled. Physicalprotection has therefore become a matter of international concern and co-operation. The need forinternational co-operation becomes evident in situations where the effectiveness of physical protection inone State depends on the taking by other States also of adequate measures to deter or defeat hostile actionsagainst nuclear facilities and nuclear materials, particularly when such materials are transported acrossnational frontiers.

The IAEA recognized early on that it might be called upon to play a role in the area of the physicalprotection of nuclear materials and facilities. Its first effort resulted in the publication, in 1972, of"Recommendations for the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material", which was prepared by a panel ofexperts convened by the Director General. These recommendations were revised by a group of experts inco-operation with the IAEA Secretariat, and the revised version was published in 1975 in the INFCIRCseries. INFCIRC/225 has been favorably received by Member States and has since become a standardreference document. The document was subsequently revised in 1977, 1989 and in 1993.

The 1993 review was of limited scope and resulted in changes to the text of INFCIRC/225/Rev.2 designedto make the categorization table in that document consistent with the categorization table contained in theConvention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials'. Consequently, a comprehensive review ofINFCIRC/225 has not been conducted since 1989. In late 1997, the Secretariat consulted with individualsfrom a number of Member States regarding the timeliness of arranging for a review of this document.There was general agreement that, as a result of technological changes, political adjustments andmodifications to national physical protection approaches, it was timely to conduct a thorough review ofINFCIRC/225/Rev.3.

As a result, a meeting of national experts was convened for this purpose. They met from 2-5 June 19982

and from 27-29 October 1998 3. The revised document reflects the recommendations of the nationalexperts to improve the structure and clarity of the document and to take account of improved technologyand current international and national practices. In particular, a chapter has been added which providesspecific recommendations related to sabotage of nuclear facilities and nuclear material. As a result of thisaddition, the title has been changed to "The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and NuclearFacilities".


Participants and observers from the following countries attended the experts meeting in Vienna from2-5 June 1998: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chad,Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Japan,Lithuania, Netherlands, Oman, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America.

Participants and observers from the following countries attended the experts meeting in Vienna from27-29 October 1998: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, China, CostaRica, the Republic of Croatia. Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan,Republic of Korea, Lebanon, Pakistan, Poland, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America.

The recommendations presented in this IAEA document reflect a broad consensus among Member Stateson the requirements which should be met by systems for the physical protection of nuclear material andfacilities. It is hoped that they will provide helpful guidance for Member States.

Mohamed ElBaradeiDirector General






4.1 General4.2 Legislation and Regulations4.3 Confidentiality4.4 Evaluation of the implementation of physical protection measures


5.1 Basis for concern5.2 Categorization


6.1 General6.2 Requirements for Category I nuclear material6.3 Requirements for Category II nuclear material6.4 Requirements for Category III nuclear material


7.1 General7.2 Requirements for nuclear power reactors7.3 Requirements for other nuclear facilities and nuclear materials


8.1 General8.2 Requirements for Category I nuclear material8.3 Requirements for Category I nuclear material related to the

mode of transport8.4 Requirements for Category II nuclear material8.5 Requirements for Category III nuclear material


1.1. Principles of physical protection are realized through administrative and technical measures,including physical barriers. The measures for the physical protection of nuclear material in use and storageand during transport, and of nuclear facilities presented herein are recommended for use by States asrequired in their physical protection systems. These measures are based on the state of the art in physicalprotection hardware and systems and on the types of nuclear material and nuclear facilities.

1.2. It is essential that this document be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect advances madeboth in physical protection systems and nuclear technology.

1.3. In implementing these recommendations, States are encouraged to cooperate and consult, and toexchange information on physical protection techniques and practices, either directly or throughinternational organizations. States should aid each other in physical protection, and particularly in therecovery of nuclear material, in cases where such aid is requested.

1.4. The Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (INFCIRC/274 Rev. 1) obligatesparties to:

make specific arrangements and meet defined standards of physical protection for internationalshipments of nuclear material;co-operate in the recovery and protection of stolen nuclear material;make as criminal offences specified acts to misuse or threats to misuse nuclear materials to harmthe public; andprosecute or extradite those accused of committing such acts.

The Convention also promotes international co-operation in the exchange of physical protection information.

1.5. States should inform each other, either directly or through the International Atomic Energy Agency,of appropriate points of contact for matters related to the physical protection of nuclear material and nuclearfacilities.

- 1 -

2. DEFINITIONS2.1. ASSESSMENT: The determination by a guard or an electronic system of the cause of an alarm

and the extent of the threat.

2. 2. CENTRAL ALARM STATION: An installation which provides for the complete andcontinuous alarm monitoring, assessment and communications with guards, facility managementand the response force.

2.3. DEFENCE IN DEPTH: A concept used to design physical protection systems that requires anadversary to overcome or circumvent multiple obstacles, either similar or diverse, in order toachieve his objective.

2.4. DESIGN BASIS THREAT: The attributes and characteristics of potential insider and/or externaladversaries, who might attempt unauthorized removal of nuclear material or sabotage, againstwhich a physical protection system is designed and evaluated.

2.5. GUARD: A person who is entrusted with responsibility for patrolling, monitoring, assessing,escorting individuals or transport, controlling access and/or providing initial response.

2.6. INNER AREA: An area inside a protectedarea where Category I nuclear material is used and/orstored.

2.7. INTRUSION DETECTION: Detection of an intruder by a guard or by a system comprising ofa sensor(s), transmission medium and control panel to annunciate an alarm.

2.8. PATROL: A function carried out by guards to inspect elements of physical protection at regularor irregular intervals.

2.9. PHYSICAL BARRIER: A fence or wall or a similar impediment which provides penetrationdelay and complements access control.

2.10. PROTECTED AREA: An area under surveillance, containing Category I or II nuclear material,and/or vital areas surrounded by a physical barrier.

2.11. RESPONSE FORCES: Persons, on-site or off-site who arc armed and appropriately equippedand trained to counter an attempted unauthorized removal of nuclear material or an act ofsabotage.

2.12. SABOTAGE: Any deliberate act directed against a nuclear facility or nuclear material in use,storage or transport which could directly or indirectly endanger the health and safety of personnel,the public and the environment by exposure to radiation or release of radioactive substances.

2.13. SECURITY SURVEY: A detailed examination, made by the State's competent authority, ofproposed physical protection measures in order to evaluate them for approval.

2.14. TRANSPORT: International or domestic carriage of nuclear material by any means oftransportation beginning with the departure from a facility of the shipper and ending with thearrival at a facility of the receiver.


2.15. TRANSPORT CONTROL CENTRE: An installation which provides for the continuousmonitoring of vehicle location and security status and for communication with the transportvehicle, its guards, the response forces and the shipper/receiver.

2.16. UNAUTHORIZED REMOVAL: The theft or other unlawful taking of nuclear material.

2.17. VITAL AREA: An area inside a protected area containing equipment, systems or devices, ornuclear material, the sabotage of which could directly or indirectly lead to unacceptableradiological consequences.



3.1. The objectives of the State's physical protection system should be:

(a) To establish conditions which would minimize the possibilities for unauthorized removal ofnuclear material and/or for sabotage4; and

(b) To provide information and technical assistance in support of rapid and comprehensive measuresby the State to locate and recover missing nuclear material and to cooperate with safety authoritiesin minimizing the radiological consequences of sabotage5.

3.2. The objectives of the International Atomic Energy Agency (Agency) are:

(a) To provide a set of recommendations on requirements for the physical protection of nuclearmaterial in use and storage and during transport and of nuclear facilities. The recommendationsare provided for consideration by the competent authorities in the States. Such recommendationsprovide guidance but are not mandatory upon a State and do not infringe the sovereign rights ofStates; and

(b) To be in a position to give advice to States' authorities in respect of their physical protectionsystems at the request of the State. The intensity and the form of assistance required are, however,matters to be agreed upon between the State and the Agency.

It should be noted that the Agency has no responsibility either for the provision of a State's physicalprotection system or for the supervision, control or implementation of such a system. Assistance by theAgency will be provided only when so requested by the State.

Terms in italics are defined in Section 2 above.

See also the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident (INFCIRC/335) and the Convention onAssistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency (INFCIRC/336).




4.1.1. A State's system of physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities should includethe elements described in Sections 4.2. - 4.4. below.

4.1.2. The responsibility for the establishment, implementation and maintenance of a physicalprotection system within a State rests entirely with that State.

4.1.3. The State's physical protection system should be based on the State's evaluation of the threat.Other factors should also be considered, including the State's emergency response capabilities and theexisting and relevant measures of the State's system of accounting for and control of nuclear material.The recommended physical protection measures are intended for all nuclear material in use and storageand during transport and for all nuclear facilities.

4.1.4. A design basis threat developed from an evaluation by the State of the threat of unauthorizedremoval of nuclear material and of sabotage of nuclear material and nuclear facilities is an essentialelement of a State's system of physical protection. The State should continuously review the threat, andevaluate the implications of any changes in that threat for the levels and the methods of physicalprotection.

4.1.5. It is essential that the State's system of physical protection for nuclear material and nuclearfacilities be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect advances made in the state of the art in physicalprotection hardware and systems or introduction of new types of facilities. Further, the design of aphysical protection system for a specific facility may vary from these recommendations when prevailingcircumstances indicate a need for a different level of physical protection.

4.1.6. The State should develop and implement emergency plans for any needed response tounauthorized removal and subsequent unauthorized use of nuclear material or sabotage of nuclearmaterial or nuclear facilities to support and supplement, when needed, those emergency plans preparedby operators.

4.1.7. The recommended measures are in all cases additional to, and not a substitute for, othermeasures established for safety purposes for nuclear material in use and storage and during transport andfor nuclear facilities.


4.2.1. The State's legislation should provide for the regulation of physical protection and include alicensing requirement. The State should promulgate and review regularly its comprehensive regulationsfor the physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities whether in State or private possession.

4.2.2. The State should define requirements for the physical protection of nuclear material in use andstorage and during transport and for nuclear facilities depending on the associated consequences of eitherunauthorized removal of nuclear material or sabotage. For protection against unauthorized removal ofnuclear material, the State should regulate the categorization of nuclear material (see Chapter 5) in order


to ensure an appropriate relationship between the nuclear material of concern and the protection measures.For protection against sabotage (Chapter 7), the State should establish the design objectives pertainingto off-site radiological consequences in order to determine an appropriate level of physical protectionmeasures (e.g., making use of existing nuclear safety or radiological protection standards). Based on theseanalyses, the State should apply the more stringent requirements for physical protection, either thoseagainst unauthorized removal of nuclear material or those against sabotage.

4.2.3. Responsibility, authority and sanctions A State should take appropriate measures within the framework of its national law to establishand ensure the proper implementation of the State's system of physical protection. The State should beresponsible for verifying continued compliance with the physical protection regulations and licenceconditions through periodic inspections and ensuring that corrective actions are taken, when needed. A State should designate a competent authority under its legislation which is empowered toestablish and ensure the proper implementation of the State's system of physical protection. If theelements of the State's system of physical protection are divided between two or more authorities,arrangements should be made for overall co-ordination. Clear lines of responsibility should be establishedand recorded between the relevant entities. The State's competent authority should have a clearly defined legal status and independencefrom the applicant(s)/operator(s) and have the legal authority to enable it to perform its responsibilitiesand functions effectively. The State's competent authority should have access to information from other Stateauthorities on present and foreseeable threats to nuclear activities. The State's competent authority should have access to information from the State's system ofaccounting for and control of nuclear material. Enforcement of physical protection regulations is a necessary part of a State's physicalprotection system. Sanctions against the unauthorized removal of nuclear material and against sabotageare important to an effective State system of physical protection.

4.2.4. Licensing and other procedures to grant authorization The State should define a design basis threat as a common basis for physical protectionplanning by the operator and its approval by the competent authority. In the event of any change to thedesign basis threat, the State's competent authority should ensure that the change is sufficiently reflectedin the regulations and by the operator's protective measures. Physical protection measures can be implemented by the State itself, the operator or any otherentity duly authorized by the State. The State should license activities only when they comply with its physical protectionregulations. The State's system of physical protection should make provisions for a security survey ofthese activities prior to licensing, and whenever a significant change takes place, to ensure continuedcompliance with physical protection regulations. It should be noted that other regulations such as thoserelating to radiological protection and nuclear safety may also apply.


4.2.5. Physical protection requirements for nuclear material in use and storage and duringtransport and for nuclear facilities State requirements for the physical protection of nuclear material should take into account thecategory of nuclear material, its location (use, storage, during transport) and the particular circumstancesprevailing either in the State or along the transportation route. When considering the measures requiredfor the physical protection of nuclear material against unauthorized removal or sabotage, the State shouldtake into account the attractiveness and self-protecting nature of the material, the radiologicalconsequences, and the containment measures used for safety reasons. State requirements for physical protection should be based on the concept of defence in depthfor preventive and protective measures. The concept of physical protection is one which requires a designedmixture of hardware (security devices), procedures (including the organization of guards and theperformance of their duties) and facility design (including layout). The physical protection system isdesigned specifically for each facility taking into account the State's design basis threat. The State's competent authority should ensure that the operator prepares emergency plans ofaction to counter effectively the design basis threat, including attempted unauthorized removal of nuclearmaterial or sabotage taking into consideration actions of the response force. Several types of nuclear facilities pose a hazard to the environment in case of sabotage becauseof the potential for release of radioactivity. Therefore, it is important that the level of protection of thefacility should take the radiological consequences into consideration. The State should define requirements for the physical protection of nuclear facilities againstsabotage. They should take into account possible releases of radioactivity, the location of the nuclearfacility, and the particular circumstances prevailing in the State. Adequate physical protection measuresshould be implemented for nuclear facilities which may be subject to sabotage regardless of thecategorization of nuclear materials therein contained. The State's evaluation of the threat should determine if there is a credible threat to dispersenuclear material malevolently. The State should then apply the level of physical protection measures neededto ensure protection against the acts leading to radiological consequences without regard to the categorisationof the material.

4.2.6. Additional physical protection requirements for nuclear material during transport During international transport of nuclear material the responsibility for physical protectionmeasures should be the subject of agreement between the States concerned. The shipping State shouldconsider, before allowing the international transport, if the States involved in the transport, including thetransit States:

are Parties to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (INFCIRC/274'Rev. 1); orhave concluded with it a formal agreement which ensures that physical protection arrangementsare implemented; or

formally declare that their physical protection arrangements arc implemented according tointernationally accepted guidelines; orhave issued licences which contain appropriate physical protection provisions for the transport


of the nuclear material. During international transport between two States sharing a common border, the State'sresponsibility for physical protection and the point at which physical protection responsibilities aretransferred from one State to another should be the subject of an agreement between the States. However,with respect to the maintenance of communication regarding the continuing integrity of the shipment andwith respect to the responsibility for carrying out physical protection measures and recovery actions in theevent that a shipment becomes lost, the agreement between the States should provide that this responsibilitywill rest with the shipping State up to the border and will then be transferred to the receiving State. When international shipments transit the territory of States other than the shipping State andthe receiving State, the arrangements between the shipping and receiving States should identify the otherStates involved in such transit with a view to informing them and securing in advance their co-operation andassistance for adequate physical protection measures and for recover)' actions on the territory of such Statesin case of loss of an international shipment thereon. In the case of a Category I nuclear material international shipment transiting international watersor air space, the shipping and receiving States should establish specific measures to ensure the maintenanceof communication regarding the continued integrity of the shipment and to ensure that responsibility forresponse planning and capabilities is defined and fulfilled.

4.2.7. Reporting of information The State's system of physical protection should include reporting of events and informationwhich enables the State's competent authority to be informed of any change at nuclear facilities or related totransport of nuclear material which may affect implementation of physical protection measures.


4.3.1. The State should take steps to ensure appropriate protection of specific or detailed information theunauthorized disclosure of which could compromise the physical protection of nuclear materials and nuclearfacilities. It should define requirements for the confidentiality of physical protection systems and associateddocumentation.

4.3.2. Management of physical protection systems should limit access to sensitive information to thosewho need to know for the performance of their duties. Information addressing possible vulnerabilities inphysical protection systems should be highly protected as it could indicate means of successfully removingnuclear material or of carrying out sabotage.

4.3.3. Sanctions against persons violating confidentiality should be part of the State's legislative orregulatory system .


4.4.1. To ensure that physical protection measures are maintained in a condition capable of meeting theState's regulations and of effectively responding to the design basis threat, the State's competent authorityshould ensure that evaluations are conducted by operators at nuclear facilities and for transport. Suchevaluations, which should be reviewed by the State's competent authority, should include administrative and

technical measures, such as testing of detection, assessment and communications systems and reviews ofthe implementation of physical protection procedures. Such evaluations should also include exercises to testthe training and readiness of guards and/or response forces. When deficiencies are identified, the Stateshould ensure that corrective actions are taken by the operator.




5.1.1. In determining the level of physical protection to be implemented for nuclear materials in use andstorage or during transport account should be taken of the possibility that the unauthorized removal ofplutonium, highly enriched uranium or uranium-233 could lead to the construction of a nuclear explosivedevice by a technically competent group.


5.2.1. The primary factor for determining the physical protection measures against unauthorized removalof nuclear material is the nuclear material itself, categorized in accordance with the following table whichgives a categorization of the different types of nuclear material and with the considerations given below.


NOTE: This table is not to be used or interpreted independently of the text of the entire document.TABLE: CATEGORIZATION OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL




3. Uranium-233

4. Irradiated Fuel(The categorization of irradiated fuelin (he table is based on internationaltransport considerations. The Slatemay assign a different category fordomestic use, storage, and transporttaking all relevant factors intoaccount.)



Unirradiatcd1'- uranium enriched to 20% m U or more

- uranium enriched to 10% ™U but less than20 % S ! U

- uranium enriched above natural, butless than 10 %™U


Category I

2 kg or more

5 kg or more

2 kg or more

Category H

Less than 2 kgbut more than 500 g

Less than 5 kgbut more than 1 kg

10 kg or more

Less than 2 kg butmore than 500 °

Depleted or naturaluranium,thorium or low-enriched fuel(lessthan 10% fissile content)4*

Category m c

500 g or lessbut more than 15 g

1 kg or lessbut more than 15g

Less than 10kgbut more than 1 kg

10 kg or more

500 g or less but more than15 s

All plulonium except (hat with isotopic concentration exceeding 80 % in pIutonium-238.Material not irradiated in a reactor or material irradiated in a reactor but with a radiation level equal to or less (han I Gv/hr(100 rad/hr) at one meter unshielded.Quantities not falling in Category III and natural uranium, depleted uranium and thorium should be protected at least in accordance with prudent management practice,Although this level of protection is recommended, it would be open to Stales, upon evaluation of the specific circumstances, to assign a different category of physical protection.Other file] which by virtue of its original fissile material content is classified as Category I or II before irradiation may be reduced one category level while the radiation level from the fuel exceeds 1 Gy/hr( 100 rad/hr)at one meter unshielded.


5.2.2. This categorization should be based on the potential risk of the material being used for a nuclear explosive device, which itself depends on: the type ofmaterial, e.g. plutonium, uranium; isotopic composition, i.e. content of fissile isotopes; physical and chemical form; degree of dilution; radiation level; and quantity.For example:

(a) The protection of nuclear material with a radiation level that exceeds 1 Gy/hr (100 rad/hr) at one meter unshielded, which is classified as Category I or II,may be reduced one category level below that determined by the fissile content of the material; and

(b) Nuclear material that is in a form that is no longer usable for any nuclear activity, minimizes environmental dispersal and is practicably irrecoverable, maybe protected in accordance with prudent management practices.

5.2.3. In determining the levels of physical protection in a facility, which may consist of several buildings, it is possible that the State's competent authority mayidentify part of the facility which contains material of a different category and which is therefore protected at a different level than the rest of the facility. Conversely,consideration may need to be given to adding together the total amount of material contained in a number of buildings to determine the appropriate protectionarrangements for this group of buildings.




6.1.1. The concept of physical protection is one which requires a designed mixture of hardware (securitydevices), procedures (including the organization of guards and the performance of their duties) and facilitydesign (including layout). The level of the physical protection measures should be specifically designed totake into account the nuclear material or nuclear facility and the State's design basis threat. Emergencyprocedures should be prepared to counter effectively the State's design basis threat.

6.1.2. Achievement of the objectives of the physical protection system should be assisted by:

(a) Taking into account physical protection of nuclear material in the design of the facility as earlyas possible;

(b) Limiting access to nuclear material or facilities to a minimum number of individuals. Toaccomplish this aim the State's competent authority should validate the operator's designation ofprotected areas, and inner areas. In designating such areas, the operator should giveconsideration to the plant safety design, the location of the plant and the design basis threat.Access to these areas should be limited and controlled: and

(c) Requiring predetermination of the trustworthiness of all individuals permitted unescorted accessto nuclear material or facilities.

6.1.3. Potential conflicting requirements, resulting from safety and physical protection considerations,should be carefully analyzed to ensure that they do not jeopardize nuclear safety, including during emergencyconditions.


6.2.1. Category I nuclear material should be used or stored only within an inner area or inner areas,located in a protected area. The ceiling, walls and floor of inner areas should provide penetration delayagainst unauthorized removal of nuclear material.

6.2.2. Access to and the number of access points into the protected area and inner areas should be keptto the minimum necessary. Persons authorized unescorted access to the protected area or inner areas shouldbe limited to persons whose trustworthiness has been determined. Persons whose trustworthiness has not beendetermined such as temporary repair, service or construction workers and visitors should be escorted by aperson authorized unescorted access. The identity of all persons entering such areas should be verified andthey should be issued with appropriately registered passes or badges.

6.2.3. All persons and packages entering or leaving inner areas should be subject to search to preventthe unauthorized removal of nuclear material. Instruments for the detection of nuclear material and metalscan be used for such searches.

6.2.4. Entry of private motor vehicles into protected areas should be strictly minimized and limited to


designated parking areas. All vehicles entering and leaving the protected area should be subject to search.Private motor vehicles should be prohibited access to inner areas.

6.2.5. Whenever persons are present in inner areas, those areas should be under constant surveillance.The surveillance can be effected by mutual observation between two or more co-workers (e.g. two-man rule).

6.2.6. All employees should be informed at least annually of the importance of effective physicalprotection measures and be trained in their implementation as appropriate.

6.2.7. Every nuclear material handler should be required to conform to procedures for transferringcustody of the nuclear material to the succeeding handler. Additionally, nuclear material handlers shouldendeavor to ascertain on reporting for duty that no interference with or unauthorized removal of nuclearmaterial has taken place, and report to a senior authority whenever they have reason to suspect that adiscrepancy exists.

6.2.8. A record should be kept of all persons having access to or possession of keys or key-cardsconcerned with the containment or storage of nuclear material. Arrangements should be made for:

(a) The checking and custody of keys or key-cards, particularly to minimize the possibility ofduplication;

(b) The changing of combination settings at suitable intervals; and

(c) The changing of locks, keys, or combinations whenever there is evidence or suspicion that theyhave been compromised.

6.2.9. Movements of nuclear material within the inner area and the protected area should be theresponsibility of the operator who should apply all prudent and necessary physical protection measures.Movements out of or between two protected areas should be treated in full compliance with the requirementsfor nuclear material during transport, after taking account of prevailing conditions.

6.2.10. Intrusion detection should be performed at the physical barrier surrounding the protected areaand timely assessment should be carried out. Clear areas should be provided on both sides of the physicalbarrier with illumination sufficient for assessment. To protect against unauthorized access or malevolentacts, special attention should be paid to all points of potential access. The perimeter of the protected areashould normally consist of & physical barrier in addition to and outside the building walls. In cases wherethe walls of a building are of a specially solid construction, these walls may be designated as being theperimeter of the protected area under conditions specified by a security survey.

6.2.11. Inner areas should be so arranged that the number of entries and exits is minimized (ideally onlyone). All emergency exits should be fitted with intrusion detection sensors. Other points of potential accessshould be appropriately secured and alarmed . Inner areas should not be sited close to public thoroughfares.

6.2.12. Storage areas should be of the "strong room" type in design and should be located within an innerarea. They should be continuously locked and alarms activated when not occupied. The issuing of keys orkey-cards should be closely controlled and keys or key-cards should remain within the protected area. Accessto storage should be strictly limited to assigned persons and to others only when under their escort. Wherenuclear material is held in an unmanned work area, e.g., overnight, specially authorized procedures shouldbe used to protect the nuclear material. Intrusion detection and assessment or patrols can satisfy thisrequirement.


6.2.13. All intrusion detection sensors should annunciate and be recorded in a continuously staffedcentral alarm station to provide for monitoring and assessment of alarms, initiation of response andcommunication with the guards, facility management and, response force. The central alarm station shouldnormally be located in the protected area unless its function will be more effectively performed in anotherarea nearby. The central alarm station should be hardened so that its functions can continue in the presenceof the design basis threat.

6.2.14. A 24-hour guarding service should be provided. The guard force or the central alarm stationpersonnel should report at scheduled intervals to the off-site response forces during non-working hours.Guards should be trained and adequately equipped for their function in accordance with national laws andregulations. When guards are not armed, compensating measures should be applied. The objective shouldbe the arrival of adequately armed response forces in time to counter armed attacks and prevent theunauthorized removal of nuclear material.

6.2.15. Patrols of the protected area should be provided.

6.2.16. Dedicated, tamper-indicating transmission systems and independent power supplies, should beprovided between the intrusion detection sensors and the central alarm station. Alarms generated byintrusion detection sensors should be promptly assessed and appropriate action taken.

6.2.17. Dedicated, redundant and diverse transmission systems for two-way voice communicationbetween the central alarm station and the response force should be provided for activities involving detection,assessment and response. Also, dedicated two-way voice communication should be provided between guardsand the central alarm station.

6.2.18. Emergency plans of action should be prepared to counter effectively any attempted unauthorizedremoval of nuclear material. Such plans should provide for the training of guards and response forces intheir actions in case of an emergency. They should also provide for appropriate response by guards orresponse forces to attempted intrusion into the protected area and inner areas. The close co-ordinationbetween guards and response forces should be regularly exercised. In addition, other facility personnelshould be trained and prepared to act in full co-ordination with the guards, response forces and safetyresponse teams for implementation of emergency plans.

6.2.19. Arrangements should be made to ensure that during emergency evacuation conditions (includingexercises) unauthorized removal of nuclear material does not occur.

6.2.20. Evaluations of the overall implemented physical protection system, procedures and the timelyresponse of the guards and response forces should be conducted at least annually by the operator todetermine their reliability and effectiveness.

6.2.21. Operators should regularly test intrusion detection, assessment and communications systems aswell as other physical protection functions to determine their continued opcrability. When deficiencies areidentified, corrective actions should be taken as soon as possible.


6.3.1. Category II nuclear material should be used or stored only within a protected area.

6.3.2 Access to and the number of access points into the protected area should be kept to the minimum


necessary. Persons authorized unescorted access to the protected area should be limited to persons whosetrustworthiness has been determined. Persons whose trustworthiness has not been determined such astemporary repair, service or construction workers and visitors should be escorted by a person authorizedunescorted access. The identity of all persons entering such areas should be verified and they should be issuedwith appropriately registered passes or badges.

6.3.3. Vehicles, persons and packages entering or leaving the protected area should be subject tosearch.

6.3.4. Entry of private motor vehicles into the protected area should be minimized and limited todesignated parking areas.

6.3.5. All employees should be informed at least annually of the importance of effective physicalprotection measures and be trained in their implementation, as appropriate.

6.3.6. Every nuclear material handler should be required to conform to procedures for transferringcustody of the nuclear material to the succeeding handler. Additionally, nuclear material handlers shouldendeavor to ascertain on reporting for duty that no interference with or unauthorized removal of nuclearmaterial has taken place, and report to a senior authority whenever they have reason to suspect that adiscrepancy exists.

6.3.7. A record should be kept of all persons having access to or possession of keys or key-cardsconcerned with the containment or storage of nuclear material. Arrangements should be made for:

(a) The checking and custody of keys or key-cards, particularly to minimize the possibility ofduplication;

(b) The changing of combination settings at suitable intervals; and

(c) The changing of locks, keys, or combinations whenever there is evidence or suspicion that theyhave been compromised.

6.3.8. Movements of nuclear material within & protected area should be the responsibility of the operatorwho should apply all prudent and necessary physical protection measures. Movements out of or between twoprotected areas should be treated in full compliance with the requirements for nuclear material duringtransport, due account should be taken of prevailing conditions.

6.3.9. Intrusion detection should be performed at the physical barrier surrounding the protected areaand timely assessment should be carried out. Clear areas should be provided on both sides of the perimeterof the protectedarea with illumination sufficient for assessment. To protect against unauthorized access ormalevolent acts, special attention should be paid to all points of potential access. The perimeter of theprotected area should normally consist of a physical barrier in addition to and outside the building walls.In cases where the walls of a building are of a specially solid construction, these walls may be designated asbeing the perimeter o{ the protected area under conditions specified by a security survey.

6.3.10. All intrusion detection sensors should annunciate and be recorded in a continuously staffed centralalarm station to provide for monitoring and assessment of alarms, initiation of response and communicationwith the guards, facility management and, response force. The central alarm station should normally belocated in the protected area unless its function will be more effectively performed in another area nearby.The central alarm station should be hardened so that its functions can continue in the presence of the design


basis threat.

6.3.11. Dedicated, tamper indicating transmission systems, and independent power supplies, should beprovided between the intrusion detection sensors and the central alarm station. Alarms generated byintrusion detection sensors should be promptly assessed and appropriate action taken.

6.3.12. Dedicated, redundant and diverse transmission systems for two-way voice communication betweenthe central alarm station and the response force should be provided for activities involving detection,assessment and response. Also, dedicated two-way voice communication should be provided between guardsand the central alarm station.

6.3.13. Emergency plans of action should be prepared to counter effectively any attempted unauthorizedremoval of nuclear material. Such plans should provide for the training of guards and response forces intheir actions in case of an emergency. They should also provide for appropriate response by guards orresponse forces to attempted intrusion into the protected area. The close co-ordination between guards andresponse force should be periodically exercised. In addition, other facility personnel should be trained andprepared to act in full co-ordination with the guards, response forces and safety response teams forimplementation of emergency plans.

6.3.14. Arrangements should be made to ensure that during emergency evacuation conditions (includingexercises) unauthorized removal of nuclear material does not occur.

6.3.15. Evaluations of the overall implemented physical protection system, procedures and the timelyresponse of the guards and response forces should be conducted periodically by the operator to determinetheir reliability and effectiveness.

6.3.16. Operators should regularly test intrusion detection, assessment and communications systems aswell as other physical protection functions to determine their continued operability. When deficiencies areidentified, corrective actions should be taken as soon as possible.


6.4.1. Category III nuclear material should be used or stored only within an area to which access iscontrolled.

6.4.2. All employees should be frequently (about annually) informed of the importance of effectivephysical protection measures and be trained in their implementation.

6.4.3. Movements of nuclear material should be the responsibility of the operator, who should apply allprudent and necessary physical protection measures.

6.4.4. Provision should be made for detecting unauthorized intrusion and for appropriate action byguards or response forces to attempted intrusions.

6.4.5. Emergency plans of action should be prepared to counter effectively any attempted unauthorizedremoval ofnuclear material. Such plans should provide for the training of facility personnel in their actionsin case of an emergency. They should also provide for appropriate response by guards or response forcesto attempted intrusion.

6.4.6. Evaluations of the implemented physical protection system and the timely response of the guards


and response forces should be conducted periodically by the operator to determine their reliability andeffectiveness. When deficiencies are identified, corrective action should be taken, as soon as possible.




7.1.1. An act of sabotage involving nuclear material or against a nuclear facility could create aradiological hazard to the personnel, and a potential radioactive release to the public and the environment.Radiological hazards are strongly dependent on the threat to be considered, on the type of nuclear material,on the inventory of nuclear material and associated fission products, on the design of the facility or packageand on its safety features. Consequently, a plant-specific or package design evaluation of the potential forsabotage and associated radiological consequences should be made in close consultation between safety andphysical protection specialists.

7.1.2. The concept of physical protection to protect against sabotage requires a designed mixture ofhardware (security devices), procedures (including the organization of guards and the performance of theirduties) and facility design (including layout). The level of the physical protection measures should bespecifically designed to take into account the nuclear facility or nuclear material, the State's design basisthreat and the radiological consequences. Emergency procedures should be prepared to counter effectivelythe State's design basis threat.

7.1.3 The objective of the physical protection system should be to prevent or delay access to or controlover the nuclear facility or nuclear material through the use of a set of protective measures including physicalbarriers or other technical means or the use of guards and response forces so that the guards or responseforces can respond in time to prevent the successful completion of sabotage.

7.1.4. Achievement of the objectives of the physical protection system should be assisted by:

(a) Taking into account physical protection in the design of the nuclear facility as early as possible;

(b) Limiting access to nuclear material or facilities to a minimum number of individuals. Toaccomplish this aim the State's competent authority should validate the operator's designation ofprotected areas, vital areas or other areas. In designating such areas, consideration should begiven to the plant safety design, the location of the plant and the design basis threat. Access tothese areas should be limited and controlled; and

(c) Requiring predetermination of the trustworthiness of all individuals permitted unescorted accessto nuclear material or facilities.

7.1.5. Safety specialists, in close cooperation with physical protection specialists, should evaluate theconsequences of malevolent acts, considered in the context of the State's design basis threat, to identifynuclear material, or the minimum complement of equipment, systems or devices to be protected againstsabotage. Also measures that have been designed into the facility for safety purposes should be taken intoaccount. When protecting against sabotage, nuclear material or equipment, systems OT devices the sabotageof which, alone or in combination based on analysis, could lead to unacceptable radiological consequences,should be located in a vital areafs). Potential conflicting requirements, resulting from safety and physicalprotection considerations, should be carefully analyzed to ensure that they do not jeopardize nuclear safety,including during emergency conditions.


7.1.6. Evaluations of the overall implemented physical protection system, procedures and the timelyresponse of the guards and response forces should be conducted at least annually by the operator to

determine their reliability and effectiveness.

7.1.7. Operators should regularly test intrusion detection, assessment and communications systems aswell as other physical protection functions to determine their continued opcrability. When deficiencies areidentified, corrective actions should be taken as soon as possible.


7.2.1. The following set of measures represents the requirements applicable for the physical protectionof nuclear power plants against sabotage because of their inventory of fission products and their inherentdriving force for dispersion.

7.2.2. Nuclear material or equipment, systems or devices that are important to safety or the sabotageof which could lead to unacceptable radiological consequences, should only be located within a vital area(s).Equipment, systems or devices located outside Xhz protected area should be evaluated with respect to theirpotential impact on plant safety when subjected to the design basis threat.

7.2.3. Access to and the number of access points into the protected area and vital area(s) should be keptto the minimum necessary. Persons authorized unescorted access to the protected area or vital areas shouldbe limited to persons whose trustworthiness has been determined. Persons whose trustworthiness has not beendetermined such as temporary repair, service or construction workmen and visitors should be escorted by aperson authorized unescorted access. The identity of all persons entering such areas should be verified andthey should be issued with appropriately registered passes or badges.

7.2.4. All persons and packages entering protected areas should be subject to search to prevent theintroduction of articles for use for sabotage. All vehicles entering the protected area should be subject tosearch. Instruments for the detection of explosives and metals can be used for such searches. Considerationshould be given to preventing the forceful intrusion of motor vehicles.

7.2.5. Entry of private motor vehicles into protected areas should be strictly minimized and limited todesignated parking areas. Private motor vehicles should be prohibited access to vital areas.

7.2.6. All employees should be informed at least annually of the importance of effective physicalprotection measures and be trained in their implementation as appropriate.

7.2.7. Operators should monitor to detect that no tampering or interference with equipment, systems ordevices in vital areas has taken place, or to provide for timely detection of such tampering or interference.A report should be made to the competent authority whenever there is reason to suspect that any malevolentactivity has occurred.

7.2.8. Following a shutdown/maintenance period, special precautions should be taken prior to reactorstartup to detect any malevolent actions.

7.2.9. A record should be kept of all persons having access to or possession of keys or key-cardsconcerned with the containment or storage of nuclear material or to vital areas. Arrangements should bemade for:


(a) The checking and custody of keys or key-cards, particularly to minimize the possibility ofduplication;

(b) The changing of combination settings at suitable intervals; and

(c) The changing of locks, keys, or combinations whenever there is evidence or suspicion that they havebeen compromised.

7.2.10. Intrusion detection should be performed at the physical barrier surrounding the protected areaand timely assessment should be carried out. Clear areas should be provided on both sides of the perimeterof'theprotectedarea with illumination sufficient for assessment. To protect against unauthorized access ormalevolent acts, special attention should be paid to all points of potential access. The perimeter of theprotected area should normally consist of a physical barrier in addition to and outside the building walls.In cases where the walls of a building are of a specially solid construction, these walls may be designated asbeing the perimeter of the protected area under conditions specified by a security survey.

7.2.11. Vital areas should be so arranged that the number of entries and exits is minimized (ideally onlyone). All emergency exits should be fitted with intrusion detection sensors. Other points of potential accessshould be appropriately secured and alarmed. Vital areas should not be sited close to public thoroughfares.

7.2.12. Vital areas should provide penetration delay. They should be appropriately secured and alarmedwhen unattended. The issuing of keys or key-cards should be closely controlled. They should be appropriatelyprotected to ensure that they are not malevolently used.

7.2.13. All intrusion detection sensors should annunciate and be recorded in a continuously staffed centralalarm station to provide for monitoring and assessment of alarms, initiation of response and communicationwith the guards, facility management and response force. The central alarm station should normally belocated in the protected area unless its function will be more effectively performed in another area nearby.The central alarm station should be hardened so that its functions can continue in the presence of the designbasis threat.

7.2.14. A 24-hour guarding service should be provided. The guard force or the central alarm stationpersonnel should report at scheduled intervals to the off-site response forces during non-working hours.Guards should be trained and adequately equipped for their function in accordance with national laws andregulations. When guards are not armed, compensating measures should be considered. The objective shouldbe the arrival of adequately armed guards and/or response forces before an act of sabotage begins or whilethe act is in progress so that they may prevent its successful completion.

7.2.15. Patrols of the protected area should be provided.

7.2.16. Dedicated, tamper indicating transmission systems and independent power supplies, should beprovided between the intrusion detection sensors and the central alarm station. Alarms generated byintrusion detection sensors should be promptly assessed and appropriate action taken.

7.2.17. Dedicated, redundant and diverse transmission systems for two-way voice communication betweenthe central alarm station and the response forces should be provided for activities involving detection,assessment and response. Also, dedicated two-way voice communication should be provided between guardsand the central alarm station.

7.2.18. Emergency plans of action should be prepared to counter effectively any attempted sabotage. Such


plans should provide for the training of guards and response forces in their actions in case of an emergency.They should also provide for appropriate response by guards or response forces to attempted intrusion intotins protected area and vital areas. The close co-ordination between guards and response forces shoufd beregularly exercised. In addition, other facility personnel should be prepared to act in full coordination withguards, response forces and safety response teams for implementation of emergency plans.

7.2.19. Arrangements should be made to ensure that during emergency evacuation exercises access to vitalareas remains controlled.


7.3.1. Sabotage of nuclear facilities other than nuclear power plants and of various forms and quantitiesof nuclear material could also result in radiological hazards to the public. States should determine the levelof protection needed against such sabotage depending upon the degree of radiological consequences.Measures specified in Section 7.2. may be applied as appropriate.




8.1.1. The transport of nuclear material is probably the operation most vulnerable to an attempted act ofunauthorized removal of nuclear material or sabotage. Therefore, taking into account the State's designbasis threat, the physical protection provided should be "in depth" and particular attention should be givento the recovery of missing nuclear material. Emergency procedures should be prepared to counter effectivelythe State's design basis threat.

8.1.2. Achievement of the objectives of physical protection should be assisted by:

(a) Minimizing the total time during which the nuclear material remains in transport;

(b) Minimizing the number and duration of nuclear material transfers, i.e. transfer from one conveyanceto another, transfer to and from temporary storage and temporary storage while awaiting the arrivalof a vehicle, etc.;

(c) Protecting nuclear material during transport and in temporary storage in a manner consistent withthe category of that material;

(d) Avoiding the use of regular movement schedules;

(e) Requiring predetermination of the trustworthiness of all individuals involved during transport ofnuclear material; and

(f) Limiting advance knowledge of transport information to the minimum number of persons necessary.

8.1.3. Appropriate measures, consistent with national requirements, should be taken to protect theconfidentiality of information relating to transport operations, including detailed information on the scheduleand route, and particular consideration should be given to those operations involving Category I and II nuclearmaterial. This requires great restraint in the use of any special markings on vehicles, and also in the use ofopen channels for transmission of messages concerning shipments of nuclear material. When a message isrequired by safeguards or radiological safety regulations, measures such as coding and appropriate routingto the extent practicable should be taken; care should be exercised in the handling of such information. Theseconsiderations should apply also to any subsequent communications.

8.1.4. An evaluation of the potential for sabotage and associated radiological consequences of a packagedesign with respect to its mode of transport may be required bj' the State's competent authority. This shouldbe done in close consultation with safety specialists.

8.1.5. Before an international shipment is made the shipper should ensure that the arrangements are inaccordance with the physical protection regulations of the receiving State and of other States which aretransited.



8.2.1. Advance notification to receiver The shipper should give the receiver advance notification of the planned shipment specifying themode oftransport (road/rail/sea/air), the estimated time of arrival of the shipment and the exact point of hand-over if this is to be done at some intermediate point before the ultimate destination. The receiver should confirm his readiness to accept delivery immediately (and hand-over, ifapplicable) at the expected time, prior to commencement of the shipment.

8.2.2. Advance authorization Advance authorization by the competent authority is required. This implies the performance of asecurity survey in advance. The consent to a transport operation can include specific limitations andconditions related to the particular circumstances and to whatever emergency plans have been prepared.

8.2.3. Selection of mode of transport and routing In choosing the route, consideration should be given to the security of passage, in particular,arranging the route in such a way as to avoid areas of natural disasters or civil disorders and taking intoconsideration the capabilities of the response forces. The mode of transport for any given consignmentshould be such as to keep to a minimum the number of cargo transfers and the length of time the cargoremains in transport. The co-operation of the carrier concerning the implementation of physical protectionmeasures should be ensured in advance. Competent authorities should approve the route, including alternate routing as appropriate,stopping places, destination hand-over arrangements, identification of persons authorized to take delivery,accident procedures and reporting procedures, both routine and emergency.

8.2.4. Provision of locks and seals Unless there are overriding safety considerations, the packages containing nuclear material shouldbe carried in closed, locked vehicles, compartments or freight containers. However, carriage of packagesweighing more than 2000 kg that are locked or sealed should be allowed in open vehicles. Subject to safetyconsiderations, the package should be tied down or attached to the vehicle or freight container. Checks should be made before dispatch to confirm the integrity of the locks and seals on thepackage, vehicle, compartment or freight container.

8.2.5. Search of load vehicle There should be a detailed search of the load vehicle prior to loading and shipment, to ensure thatsabotage devices have not been implanted or that sabotage has not been initiated.

8.2.6. Written instructions Personnel with physical protection responsibilities should be given written instructions detailing theirresponsibilities during the transport which have been approved by the competent authority.


8.2.7. Measures after shipment The receiver should check the integrity of the packages, locks and seals and accept the shipmentimmediately upon arrival. The receiver should notify the shipper of the arrival of the shipment immediatelyor of non-arrival within a reasonable interval after the estimated time of arrival at its destination. In addition,the guard should be instructed to report by two-way voice communications to the transport control centrehis arrival at his destination and each overnight stopping place and place of hand-over of the shipment.

8.2.8. Communication Physical protection measures should include provision of a continuous two-way voicecommunication system between the vehicle, its escort and the transport control centre. Redundant anddiverse communication systems should be utilized, where available. For shipments by road, rail or sea, there should be a transport control centre for the purposeof keeping track of the current position and security status of the shipment of nuclear material, alertingresponse forces in case of an attack and maintaining continuous two-way communication with the shipmentand the response forces. The transport control centre should be hardened so that its function can continuein the presence of the design basis threat. While the shipment is in progress, the transport control centreshould be staffed by qualified shipper or State designees, whose trustworthiness has been predetermined.

8.2.9. Guards Guards, who are appropriately equipped and trained, should accompany each shipment toprotect the nuclear material against unauthorized removal or sabotage. Continuous, effective surveillanceof the packages or locked cargo hold, or compartment holding the packages is to be maintained by the guardat all times, especially when tile transjMrt is not in motion. States are encouraged to use armed guards to theextent that laws and regulations permit. When guards are not armed, compensating measures should beapplied.

8.2.10. Emergency action Arrangements should be made to provide an adequately sized, equipped and trained responseforce to deal with emergencies. The objective should be the arrival of the response force in time to preventthe unauthorized removal of nuclear material or sabotage.

8.2.11. Arrangements for international transport In contracts or agreements between shippers and receivers involving international transportof nuclear material, the point at which responsibility for physical protection is transferred from the shipperto the receiver should be clearly stated. When the contract or agreement involving international transport provides for delivery to adestination in the receiving State in the vehicle of the shipping State, this contract or agreement should providethat information be supplied in time to enable the receiver to make adequate physical protection arrangements.



8.3.1. General In addition to the requirements mentioned above, there should be further detailed requirementsfor Category I material related to the mode of transport as set out below.

8.3.2. Shipment by road Designated load vehicle(s) should be used exclusively for each consignment and shouldpreferably be specially designed to resist attack and equipped with a vehicle disabling device. Each loadvehicle should carry a guard for that vehicle. Each load vehicle should be accompanied by at least one vehicle manned by one or moreguards. If the transport cannot be completed in one day, prior arrangements should be made forovernight stay at a stopping place approved by the competent authority. During such overnight stays the loadvehicle should be immobilized or parked in a locked and guarded building or compound. There should be two-way communication between the load vehicle and the escort vehicle inaddition to communication between these vehicles and the transport control centre.

8.3.3. Shipment by rail Shipment should be in a freight train in an exclusive use wagon. Accompanying guards should travel in the carriage nearest to the shipment.

8.3.4. Shipment by sea Shipment should be carried out by a dedicated transport ship. The shipment should be placed in a secure compartment or container which is locked andsealed.

8.3.5. Shipment by air Shipment should be by aircraft designated for cargo only and for which the nuclear material isits sole cargo.


8.4.1. Advance notification to receiver The shipper should give the receiver advance notification of the planned shipment specifyingthe mode of transport (road/rail/sea/air), estimated time of arrival of the shipment and the exact point of hand-over if this is to be done at some intermediate point before the ultimate destination.


8.4.2. Selection of mode of transport and routing In choosing the route, consideration should be given to the security of passage, in particular,arranging the route in such a way as to avoid areas of natural disasters or civil disorders, and taking intoconsideration the capabilities of the response force. The transport method for any given consignment shouldbe such as to keep to a minimum the number of cargo transfers and the length of time the cargo remains intransport. The co-operation of the carrier concerning the implementation of physical protection measuresshould be ensured in advance. Competent authorities should approve the route, including alternate routing as appropriate,stopping places, destination hand-over arrangements, identification of persons authorized to take delivery,accident procedures, and reporting procedures, both routine and emergency.

8.4.3. Provision of locks and seals Unless there are overriding safety considerations, the packages containing nuclear materialshould be carried inclosed, locked vehicles, compartments or freight containers. However, carriage ofpackages weighing mor e than 2000 kg that are locked or sealed shall be allowed in open vehicles. Subjectto safety considerations, the package should be tied down or attached to the vehicle or freight container. Checks should be made before dispatch to confirm the integrity of the locks and seals on thepackage, vehicle, compartment or freight container.

8.4.4. Search ofload vehicle There should be a detailed search of the load vehicle prior to loading and shipment to ensurethat sabotage devices have not been implanted or that sabotage has not been initiated.

8.4.5. Written instructions

8.4,5.1. Personnel with physical protection responsibilities should be given written instructionsdetailing their responsibilities during transport which have been approved by the competent authority.

8.4.6. Measures after shipment The receiver should check the integrity of the packages, locks and seals and accept theshipment immediately upon arrival. The receiver should notify the shipper of the arrival of the shipmentimmediately or of non-arrival within a reasonable interval after the estimated time of arrival at its destination.

8.4.7. Communication Physical protection measures should include provision of frequent communication betweenthe vehicle and the shipper, receiver and/or shippcr/rcccivcr/Statc designcc.

8.4.8. Arrangements for international transport In contracts or agreements between shippers and receivers involving international transportof nuclear material, the point at which responsibility for physical protection is transferred from the shipper


to the receiver should be clearly stated. When the contract or agreement involving international transport provides for delivery to adestination in the receiving State in a vehicle of the shipping State, this contract or agreement should providethat information be supplied in time to enable the receiver to make adequate physical protection arrangements.


8.5.1. Advance notification to receiver The shipper should give the receiver advance notification of the planned shipment specifyingthe mode of transport (road/rail/sea/air), the estimated time of arrival of the shipment and the exact point ofhand-over if tliis is to be done at some intermediate point before the ultimate destination.

8.5.2. Provision of locks nnd seals Where practicable, locks and seals should be applied to vehicles or freight containers.

8.5.3. Search of load vehicle There should be a detailed search of the load vehicle prior to loading and shipment, to ensure

that sabotage devices have not been implanted or that sabotage has not been initiated.

8.5.4. Measures after shipment The receiver should notify the shipper of the arrival of the shipment immediately or of non-arrival within a reasonable interval after the estimated time of arrival at the destination.
