inferring user traits via unsupervised...

Characterizing the Ethereum address space Inferring user traits via unsupervised methods James Payette 1 , Samuel Schwager 2 , Joseph Murphy 3 1 Department of Computer Science, [email protected] 2 Department of MCS, [email protected] 3 Department of Physics, [email protected] Data Acquisition Data and Feature Set Models and Analysis Results and Discussion Ongoing Investigations References Successful, efficient data acquisition was a major milestone for our project Using, we recursively scraped data from the publically available blockchain, eventually aggregating a data set of 250,000 unique addresses. Queried the etherscan API for an address’ ethereum balance and all of their transactions Used this information to build our feature vectors Each row of our overall design matrix corresponds to the feature vector for a single Ethereum address and each column to a single feature. The dataset is normalized to the sample mean and unit sample variance. Our feature set is made up of 34 features which are calculated based on the raw data returned by API calls to Feature selection for this problem was difficult since for each address we only only have access to the information contained in each transaction. We selected features that would help to distinguish different types of ethereum users (i.e. industrial users probably move more money and have more transactions than hobby users). We tried to select features that, when aggregated, would paint a descriptive picture of the user. Features include: Total Ether, number of transactions, transactions per month, average Ether transaction, etc. Recent public and commercial interest in cryptocurrencies has made their published, yet anonymous ledgers, or “blockchains”, objects of supreme interest. Successfully identifying or even characterizing users, known only by their addresses, would have enormous security implications [1]. We examine the blockchain of Ethereum with the objective of clustering addresses into distinct “behavior groups” to qualitatively infer their traits. An example transaction on the Ethereum blockchain [2] The Ethereum address space The main objective of our quantitative analysis was to use clustering evaluation metrics and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to determine an informed estimate for the optimal number of clusters with which to examine as behavior groups. [1] Monaco, John V. "Identifying bitcoin users by transaction behavior." SPIE Defense+ Security. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015. [2] Wood, Gavin. "Ethereum: A secure decentralised generalised transaction ledger." Ethereum Project Yellow Paper 151 (2014). [3] Kodinariya, Trupti M., and Prashant R. Makwana. "Review on determining number of Cluster in K-Means Clustering." International Journal 1.6 (2013): 90-95. [4] Tibshirani, Robert, Guenther Walther, and Trevor Hastie. "Estimating the number of clusters in a data… PCA finds that only 33% of the variance is explained by the first two components K-means clustering used over other methods for its scalability, versatility Use unsupervised metric Calinski Harabaz Score as measure of cluster definition Elbow” of Calinski Harabaz plot gives insight on optimal number of clusters [3] Further investigate optimal number of clusters via Silhouette Scores Acknowledgements Determining the optimal number of K-means clusters is not always a well-defined problem [3], [4]. Employing various evaluation techniques, we estimate the best number of behavior groups lies roughly between 8 to 20. …set via the gap statistic." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 63.2 (2001): 411-423. [5] Meiklejohn, Sarah, et al. "A fistful of bitcoins: characterizing payments among men with no names." Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Internet measurement conference. ACM, 2013. Figures at right: Silhouette scores range from 0 to 1 (-1 = misclassification). Scores closer to 1 indicate a confident cluster mapping (i.e. short distance to cluster centroid, far from neighbors). Left: Silhouette scores of clusters with size >100, average score (dotted red line). Right: Mapping of clusters to 2 principal component space. Adapted from Scikit-Learn starter code. We would like to thank the entire CS 229 teaching staff for their instruction and useful insights this quarter. We look forward to presenting our final results in the forthcoming report. With our quantitative analysis complete, we have an informed estimate of the number of behavior groups to consider. Using heuristics, we will qualitatively analyze the clusters based on their locations in feature space to characterize their traits [5]. The qualitative analysis will be included in our final report (in preparation). Long term applications of this work include exploring generative models to learn specific behavior group characteristics in order to “impersonate” other users. Inertia is the sum of squared distances of samples to their closest cluster center. “Elbow” similar to CH Score. Naively, we expect a handful of clusters to explain the unique behavior groups in the address space. This is confirmed by the “elbows” of the CH Score and Inertia figures. However, considering the Silhouette analysis, we see that the occupations of clusters is highly disproportionate in this regime. This may not be entirely troublesome, as there is likely a biased distribution of users.

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Page 1: Inferring user traits via unsupervised · 3Department of Physics, Data Acquisition Data and Feature


JamesPayette1,SamuelSchwager2,JosephMurphy31DepartmentofComputerScience,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]


DataandFeatureSet ModelsandAnalysis


OngoingInvestigations References

Successful, efficient data acquisition was a majormilestone for our project• Using, we recursively scraped data from

the publically available blockchain, eventuallyaggregating a data set of 250,000 unique addresses.

• Queried the etherscan API for an address’ ethereumbalance and all of their transactions

• Used this information to build our feature vectors

Each row of our overall design matrix corresponds to thefeature vector for a single Ethereum address and each columnto a single feature. The dataset is normalized to the samplemean and unit sample variance.

Our feature set is made up of 34 features which are calculatedbased on the raw data returned by API calls to selection for this problem was difficult since for eachaddress we only only have access to the information containedin each transaction. We selected features that would help todistinguish different types of ethereum users (i.e. industrialusers probably move more money and have more transactionsthan hobby users). We tried to select features that, whenaggregated, would paint a descriptive picture of the user.

Features include: Total Ether, number of transactions,transactions per month, average Ether transaction, etc.

Recent public and commercial interest incryptocurrencies has made their published, yetanonymous ledgers, or “blockchains”, objects ofsupreme interest. Successfully identifying or evencharacterizing users, known only by their addresses,would have enormous security implications [1]. Weexamine the blockchain of Ethereum with theobjective of clustering addresses into distinct“behavior groups” to qualitatively infer their traits. AnexampletransactionontheEthereumblockchain[2]

TheEthereum addressspace

The main objective of our quantitative analysis was to use clustering evaluation metricsand Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to determine an informed estimate for theoptimal number of clusters with which to examine as behavior groups.

[1] Monaco, John V. "Identifying bitcoin users bytransaction behavior." SPIE Defense+ Security. InternationalSociety for Optics and Photonics, 2015.[2] Wood, Gavin. "Ethereum: A secure decentralisedgeneralised transaction ledger." Ethereum Project YellowPaper 151 (2014).[3] Kodinariya, Trupti M., and Prashant R. Makwana."Review on determining number of Cluster in K-MeansClustering." International Journal 1.6 (2013): 90-95.[4] Tibshirani, Robert, Guenther Walther, and TrevorHastie. "Estimating the number of clusters in a data…

• PCAfindsthatonly33% ofthevarianceisexplainedbythefirsttwocomponents• K-meansclusteringusedoverothermethodsforitsscalability,versatility• UseunsupervisedmetricCalinski HarabazScoreasmeasureofclusterdefinition• “Elbow”ofCalinskiHarabazplotgivesinsightonoptimalnumberofclusters[3]• FurtherinvestigateoptimalnumberofclustersviaSilhouetteScores


Determining the optimal number of K-meansclusters is not always a well-defined problem[3], [4]. Employing various evaluationtechniques, we estimate the best number ofbehavior groups lies roughly between 8 to 20.

…set via the gap statistic." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society:Series B (Statistical Methodology) 63.2 (2001): 411-423.[5] Meiklejohn, Sarah, et al. "A fistful of bitcoins: characterizingpayments among men with no names." Proceedings of the 2013conference on Internet measurement conference. ACM, 2013.

Figures at right: Silhouette scores range from 0to 1 (-1 = misclassification). Scores closer to 1indicate a confident cluster mapping (i.e. shortdistance to cluster centroid, far from neighbors).Left: Silhouette scores of clusters with size >100,average score (dotted red line). Right: Mappingof clusters to 2 principal component space.Adapted from Scikit-Learn starter code.

We would like to thank the entire CS 229 teachingstaff for their instruction and useful insights thisquarter. We look forward to presenting our finalresults in the forthcoming report.

With our quantitative analysis complete, we have aninformed estimate of the number of behavior groups toconsider. Using heuristics, we will qualitatively analyzethe clusters based on their locations in feature space tocharacterize their traits [5]. The qualitative analysis willbe included in our final report (in preparation). Longterm applications of this work include exploringgenerative models to learn specific behavior groupcharacteristics in order to “impersonate” other users.


Naively, we expect a handful of clustersto explain the unique behavior groups inthe address space. This is confirmed bythe “elbows” of the CH Score and Inertiafigures. However, considering theSilhouette analysis, we see that theoccupations of clusters is highlydisproportionate in this regime. This maynot be entirely troublesome, as there islikely a biased distribution of users.