influence of reperfusion syndrome on some liver …

REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN On the rights of the manuscript INFLUENCE OF REPERFUSION SYNDROME ON SOME LIVER FUNCTIONS AND THE ROLE OF BIOGENIC ELEMENTS IN THEIR PATHOGENESIS ABSTRACT of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Speciality: 3243.01 «Pathological physiology» Field of science: «Medicine» Applicant: Jala Rahman Gafarova Baku 2021

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On the rights of the manuscript





of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Speciality: 3243.01 – «Pathological physiology»

Field of science: «Medicine»

Applicant: Jala Rahman Gafarova

Baku – 2021


The work was performed at the Research Center of Azerbaijan

Medical University.

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor

-Galib Shalon Garayev

Official opponents:

Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor

-Khagigat Abdul Kadirova

Doctor of Medical Sciences

-Emil Almamed Isgenderov

Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine,

associate prof.

-Rafik Arshad Yusifli

Dissertation council FD 2.07 of Supreme Attestation Commission

under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating at

Azerbaijan Medical University

Chairman of the Dissertation

council: Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor

______________ Sabir Jahan Aliyev

Scientific secretary of the

Dissertation council: Doctor of Biological Sciences

______________ Rena Anvar Jafarova

Chairman of the scientific

seminar: Doctor of Medical Sciences

______________ Fazil Ikram Alıyev



The relevance of the study topic. The issue of reperfusion

syndrome remains relevant today due to the gravity of related

complications. In the previous century, the relevance if this topic

was related to grave complications in the survivors rescued from

under collapsed structures after the earthquake with the compression

syndrome (mainly due to limb compression). During this period the

attention of the researchers was drawn to the study of pathological

changes occurring in different organs as a result of long-lasting

compression, and the problems arising after the release of the

compression pressure, when the blood circulation is restored1


Studies have shown that in case of impaired blood flow to any organ,

the toxic substances accumulated in the ischemic zone are released

into general circulation upon restoration of blood flow, causing

toxemia2. In the majority of cases, the toxemia led to sudden cardiac

arrest as a result of reflex action3.

Currently, thanks to many achievements made in the field of

surgery, it is possible to carry out most complex surgical operations

to eliminate the causes of organ ischemia as well as transplant

surgery operations to transplant different organs from donors into

recipients. Here too, the issues related to ischemia-reperfusion

syndrome assume particular relevancy, as new dimensions are

revealed that requires a solution.

1Shabaltas Ekaterina Dmitriyevna Clinical manifestation of reperfusion

syndrome following a reconstructive operation in patients with chronic

ischemia of lower limbs: / A thesis work, Candidate of Medical Science /

Moscow, – 2003. – page 107. 2Bagnenko S. F. The concept of Perfusion Rehabilitation of donor organs in

transplantology / Bagnenko S. F., Senchik K. Y., Skvortsov A. E., Reznik O.N. //

Grekov's Bulletin of Surgery 2010. vol. 169, issue 2, – pp. 113-117. 3Subramanian S. Chapter 4 - Problems and Paradoxes of Animal Toxins and

the Heart / Subramanian S., Ramachandran M., Ponniah T. // Heart and

Toxins, – 2015. – p. 133-149


Owing to environmental degradation and unhealthy lifestyle

the number of patients suffering from liver damages of different

genesis incompatible with life is increasing year after year. Liver

transplantation in such cases often becomes the only life-saving

option. In terms of frequency, liver transplantation ranks next to the

combined number of transplantations of other organs4.

Toxic ischemia products along with functional derangements

and morphological abnormalities taking place during the

postoperative restoration of blood supply may lead to such severe

complications as graft rejection, development of inflammatory

processes, and liver tissue necrosis5

. Therefore, many scientific

studies today aim at the identification of underlying mechanisms of

such processes and the possibilities to reduce the pathological impact

of ischemic-reperfusion on the liver. It has been revealed that liver

reperfusion often causes severe damages to hepatocytes, capillary

and bile duct endothelium, and leads to postoperative graft rejection

in 10% of patients6.

Reperfusion syndrome occurring after an organ transplant

(liver, kidneys, heart) has its peculiar pathogenic characteristics. The

research has shown that the graft for transplantation undergoes

different changes as due to donor organ ischemia. As a result of such

changes cell membranes' integrity is compromised and lipid

4Qarayev G.Ş. Impact of additional sanitation of abdominal cavity with

superoxide dismutase at the terminal phase of peritonitis on endogenous

intoxication / G.Sh., GarayevA.Sh., Gasimov N.O. Guliyev //– Baku: Azerbaijan

Medical Journal, – 2013. issue 2, – pp. 84-88.5Qafarova M. E. Aggregation, disaggregation and deformability of erythrocytes in

the rat models of ischaemic stroke / Qafarova M. E., Naumova G.M., Qulyayev

M.V. et al. // Regional blood circulation and microcirculation, – 2015. vol. 14,

issue 2, (54). – pp. 63-69.6Qarayev G.Ş. On endotoxicosis and mechanisms that lead to its development /

Qarayev G.Ş., Nazaraliyeva I. I., Ismailov Y. B. ant et al.// – "Sağlamlıq"

magazine, – Baku: – 2010. issue 8, – pp. 175-179.


peroxidation processes are activated. The toxic intermediary

products formed during this process along with the edema they cause

simultaneously activate reabsorption and become a factor leading to

endogenous intoxication78


Thus, from literary sources it becomes clear that there were

carried out large-scale researches to study the pathophysiological

aspects of endotoxicosis, which revealed that the toxic substances

formed as a result of ischemia in the reperfusion period reach all

organs and tissues through blood circulation, causing pathologies in

such organs and tissues. Cellular breakdowns lead to the release of

many biologically active compounds. Among these substances, there

are such biogenic elements as cobalt, iron, manganese, copper, tin,

etc. Presumably, by entering different metabolic systems these

substances may provoke pathological processes leading to

reperfusion syndrome. However, in spite of this state of studies and

acquired so far knowledge, many issues related to changes in

ischemic organs and associated metabolic disorders in them yet

remain open.

Considering the significance of this problem, study of the

fermentative and protein synthesis functions of liver depending on

the duration of ischemia and reperfusion, as well as elucidation of the

role of the number of macro- and microelements in their

pathogenesis were thought to be worthy.

The present study is meant to study the impact of reperfusion

syndrome on enzymological and protein-synthesis functions of liver

7Noritaka Sano. Relationship between histologic features and outcomes of carotid

revascularization for radiation-induced stenosis / Noritaka Sano, TetsuSatow,

Daisuke Maruyama [et al.] // Journal of Vascular Surgery,– 2015. – v. 62(2), – p.

370-377. 8Qarayev G.Ş. On endotoxicosis and mechanisms that lead to its development /

Qarayev G.Ş., Nazaraliyeva I. I., Ismailov Y. B. ant et al.// – "Sağlamlıq"

magazine, – Baku: – 2010. issue 8, – pp. 175-179.


and identify the role played by certain biogenic elements in the

pathogenesis of such changes.

Objectives of the study are to: 1. identify the enzymatic changes taking place in the

antioxidant defense system and degree of lipid peroxidation in the

blood of animals against the background of ischemia and reperfusion

of differing durations.

2. identify the changes in enzymological and protein-synthesis

functions of liver.

3. in the blood of animals, to determine the enzyme markers of

liver damage.

4. study the level of non-enzyme liver damage markers in the


5. determine quantitative and qualitative changes in the

composition of blood macro- and micronutrients

6. identify the link between the changes in the composition of

blood macro- and micronutrients and duration of ischemic-

reperfusion periods.

Research methods:

-experimental modeling of ischemia-reperfusion;

-biochemical research;

-statistical analysis.

Main points of the Thesis to be defended:

1.Oxidative stress develops against the background of liver

ischemia model with periods of ischemia lasting 10, 20 and 30

minutes, the intensity of which is positively related to ischemia

duration. The activity of such enzymes as catalase and peroxidase is

reduced along with general antioxidant status deterioration. A time-

dependent increase in the content of primary and secondary lipid

peroxidation products is observed against the background of

ischemia and enzymatic activity reduction. After releasing the

pressure on the vessels and restoration of blood flow (the reperfusion

period) the lipid peroxidation products continue to accumulate,

which is related to general toxemia.


2. Liver's protein synthesis function deteriorates as a result of

ischemic-reperfusion damages to hepatocytes. Blood total protein

and albumin count is reduced, while the globulin and fibrinogen

content are increased.

3. During the ischemic-reperfusion period the level of such

enzyme and non-enzyme markers of liver damage as aspartate

aminotransaminase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), total

lactate dehydrogenase (LDG), creatine phosphokinase (CPK), γ-

glutamyltransferase (GTF), total bilirubin, C--reactive protein is

increased dramatically along with decrease in the level of urea and

uric acid.

4. Concentrations of sodium, chlorine, iron, calcium and

manganese in the blood of the animals decrease during ischemia and

continues to decrease further during the reperfusion period.A

relationship is observed between the blood concentrations of macro-

and micronutrients and albumin levels. The decrease in the level of

albumin is accompanied by a decrease in the content of iron, calcium

and manganese ions in the blood. Reciprocally, the content of

potassium in the blood of the animals increases. All the above-

mentioned changes are intensified with an increased duration of

ischemic exposure.

Academic novelty

- the changes in the concentration of blood bioelements against

the background of a hepatic ischemia model were identified

- the relationship between blood element and protein

composition and gravity of intoxication was established

- a correlation relationship was established between the blood

phosphorus, calcium and iron contents, and duration of ischemic-

reperfusion periods

Practical implications of the study.

- The results obtained be of crucial importance to the

development of preventive measures to reduce toxemia during


- the established interaction mechanisms of interaction between

the examined indicators may have a theoretical value in terms of


elucidating some issues associated with the pathogenesis of

reperfusion syndrome.

Approbation of the Thesis. Certain provisions of the Thesis

have been reported and discussed at the following events: 17th

International Conference on European Science and Technology,

Munich, 2017, II International Conference on Biology and Medical

Sciences, Austria, 2017, conferences held by Azerbaijan Medical

University Research and Development Centre (2016, 2017),

Scientific Research of the SCO Countries: Synergy and Integration,

Beijing, China 2019, workshop held by the Approbation Committee

under the Dissertation Council VD 03.013 of Azerbaijan Medical

University (Baku, 2018), the meeting at the Workshop under the

Dissertation Council FD 2.07 of the Higher Attestation Commission

under the President of Azerbaijan Republic operated by Azerbaijan

Medical University (Baku, 2021).

Organization in which the Thesis carried out

The research was carried out on the basis of theScientific

Research Center of the Azerbaijan Medical University.

Published papers. The Thesis's main content was represented

to date through 4 articles published in the magazines recommended

by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of Azerbaijan and 3

articles in the magazines recommended by HACs of Ukraine and

Russia as well as among the theses included in the digests of the 17th

International Conference on European Science and Technology,

Munich, 2017, II International Conference on Biology and Medical

Sciences, Austria, December 14, 2017, Scientific Research of the

SCO Countries: Synergy and Integration, Beijing, China 2019. These

publications have been included in such largest international citation

bases as Web of Knowledge, Agris, Russian Science Citation Index.

The relationship of the study to the plan of scientific and

research activities in the field of medical sciences.This Thesis is a

part of the scientific research plan for 2011-2015 developed by

Azerbaijan Medical University Research and Development Centre on

the theme “Qaraciyər köçürməsində reperfusion sindromun nəticələri

və ona uyğunlaşma reaksiyasının tənzimlənməsi”. (Impact of


reperfusion syndrome on liver transplant and regulation of adaptation

reactions). State registration number: 01 11 40 91.

Volume and structure of the Thesis.The Thesis is presented

as a computer document containing 173 pages. The text appears in

the following order: Introduction (7286), Literature Review (33364),

Research Materials and Methods (3417), 2 chapters on the study:

chapter III (32583), chapter IV (76842), Findings (54532),

Conclusions (2191), List of References (43741), List of

abbreviations (282). The Paper is completed with 18 tables and

illustrated by 25 diagrams.


Thestudy was conducted at the premises of Azerbaijan Medical

University Research and Development Centre. The experiments were

carried out on 72 white outbred rats weighing 170 - 210 grams.

In line with the goals and objectives of the study, the animals

were divided into the following groups:

1st group – the Intact Group consisting of 6 white rats. In

animals of this group, the test biochemical parameters in the intact

state were determined. In the rats of the groups from 2 to 4 liver

ischemia was modeled.

The 2nd group consisting of 18 rats was divided into 3

subgroups (6 rats per each subgroup). The animals in the 1st, 2nd

and 3rd ischemia modeled subgroups were subjected to 10, 20 and

30 minutes of ischemia accordingly, following which they were

sacrificed by decapitation, and the blood and liver tissue samples

were obtained immediately for biochemical tests.

The 3rd group containing 24 rats was subjected to ischemic

liver modeling for 10 minutes followed by reperfusion, while the 4th

group (24 animals) underwent liver ischemia for 20 minutes.

The animals in these groups were divided into 4 subgroups (6

rats in each of the subgroups). The animals in 4 subgroups were

subjected to reperfusion for the following periods: 1st subgroup – 1

hour; 2nd subgroup – 2 hours; 3rd subgroup – 24 hours; and the 4th

subgroup – for 72 hours.


Ischemia and liver reperfusion modeling method. The

modeling was carried out in accordance with the European

Committee on Bioethics recommendations on the humane treatment

of experimental animals and the requirements of the Helsinki

declaration concerning the humane treatment of vertebrate animals

used in scientific experiments. As required by these declarations, we

injected 1 ml of Calypsol solution intramuscularly in experimental

animals to anesthetize the procedures. After induction of general

anesthesia, the abdominal cavity of the animals was opened along the

upper midline of the abdomen. By this we obtained a clearly visible

area in the portahepatis site. Upon administration of 2 ml procaine

hydrochloride solution into the hepatic arterial bed, the arterial bed of

the artery branching off to the right lobe of liver was opened and a

ligature was applied under it. After performing this procedure on the

animals, we were able to create a model of ischemia by tightening

the ligature, and by relaxing - a model of reperfusion.

Blood determinations. We determined lipid peroxidation

products - concentration of diene conjugates by the A. M.

Goryachkovckiy (1998) method and malondialdehyde by the method

developed by L.I. Andreeva et al. (1988).9,10

Other biochemical counts (total protein, albumin, globulin, uric

acid (UA), urea, creatinine, total bilirubin (TB), C-reactive protein

contents; the activity of the enzymes AST, ALT, LDG, KPK, γ-

glutamyltransferase (GTF) were performed using "HUMAN" reagent

kits on BIOSCREEN MS 2000 microanalyzer (USA). Determination

of macro- and micronutrients were also carried out using standard

reagent kits "HUMAN" reagent kits on BIOSCREEN MS 2000

microanalyzer (USA). The determined bioelements consisted of

macronutrients constituting more than 0.001% of body weight - Na,

9Qoryachkovskiy A.M. KlinicheskayaKhimia/ Odessa - Astroprint. – 1998. 364

pages. 10

Andreyeva L. I. Modification of the method for determining lipid peroxides in

the tests performed using thiobarbituric acid / Andreeva L.I., KozhemyakinYa.A.,

Kushkin A.A. // Laboratornoedelo, – 1988. issue 11, – pp.41-43.


K, Ca, P, Cl and trace elements constituting less than 0.001% of

body weight - Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn.

The obtained digital data were statistically processed by the

methods of variance analysis (U-Mann-Whitney) employing the

statistical functions of MS EXCEL-2016.


We determined such markers in liver homogenates and blood

of the animals as the content of lipid peroxidation products,

antioxidant and other enzymes, proteins, inorganic macro- and

micronutrients and other markers, allowing us to judge the functional

state of the liver in experimental liver ischemia followed by

reperfusion. Then, the contents of indicators determined in blood and

homogenates of animal liver against the background of ischemia

were designated as initial values [1,2].

Determination of the content of lipid peroxidation products in

liver homogenates [6] showed that compared to the intact group

values, the concentration of diene conjugates (DC) and

malondialdehyde (MDA) was increased against the background of:

ischemia for: 10 minutes – DC by 9,1% and MDA by 10,3%; 20

minutes – DC by 24.8% and MDA by 39.1%; 30 minutes – DC by

36.7% and MDA by 82.1%. As can be seen from the above, an

abrupt activation of lipid peroxidation takes place against the

background of the ischemia model, and also, the blood content of DC

and MDA is directly dependent on the increases in the duration of

the ischemia period.

The periods of reperfusion (see: Table 1) were characterized by

the following dynamics of changes (as compared to baseline values):

during the 60-minute reperfusion the blood content of DC and MDA

increased by 19.8% and 15.7% accordingly against the background

of the ischemia lasting 10 minutes, while the increases in these

indicators against the background of 20-minute ischemia were 19.0%

and 20.7% accordingly During the reperfusion period lasting 3 hours

the blood content of DC was increased by 24.4%, and the blood

content of MDA – by 16.7% against the background of the ischemia


lasting 10 minutes, while against the background of 20-minute

ischemia the blood content of DC increased by 55.9% and the blood

content of MDA – by 25.6%.

Table 1.

Lipid peroxidation rates after reperfusion against the

background of liver ischemia lasting10 minutes.

* – р ˂ 0,05; ** – р ˂ 0,01; ** (р-value – statistical confidence as

compared to baseline values)

During the reperfusion period lasting 24 hours, the blood

contents of DC and MDA continued to increase against the

background of the ischemia lasting 10 minutes, the change reaching

38.9% and 12.7% accordingly, while against the background of 20-

minute ischemia – the increase rates reached 84.6% and 32.6%













10 min.


60 min.








3 h.








24 h.








72 h.








20 min.


60 min.








3 h.








24 h.








72 h.








During the reperfusion period lasting 72 hours, the blood

content of DC and MDA increased even more against the

background of the ischemia lasting 10 minutes, the change reaching

62.9%, and 25.4% accordingly.

The state of the body's antioxidant defense system (ADS) plays

an important role.

In our experiment, we determined the blood contents and

activity of such ADS enzymes as catalase and peroxidase along with

the total antioxidant activity index.Catalase activity decreased

against the background of ischemia for 10 minutes, falling from

0.305 ± 0.008 mmol/l (the intact state) to 0.255 ± 0.010 mmol/l,

declining by 16.4%. The changes are reliable at р˂0.01. Catalase

activity against the background of ischemia for 20 minutes catalase

activity was 0.240 ± 0,011 mmol/l, decreasing by 21.3% (р˂0.01).

Catalase activity decreased against the background of ischemia for

30 minutes falling down to 0.20 ± 0.013 mmol/l, declining by

34.4% compared to intact indicators (p˂0.01).

Peroxidase activity decreased against the background of

ischemia for 10 minutes, falling from 80.8 ± 0.6 mmol/l (the intact

state) to 0.255 ± 0.010 mmol/l, declining by 5.6%. This indicator

decreased against the background of ischemia for 20 minutes, falling

down to 73.9 ± 2.4 mmol/l, declining by 14.7% compared to intact

indicators (p˂0.01). As the duration of ischemia extended, reaching

30 minutes, the peroxidase activity continued to decrease, falling

down to 58.7 ± 2.6 mmol/l, declining by 31.4% compared to intact

indicators (p˂0.01).

At that, the total antioxidant activity index dropped as follows:

in the 2nd group, against the background of ischemia for 10 minutes,

it dropped from 37.8 ± 1.1% (the intact state) to 30.8 ± 0.8%. Thus,

the decrease in this indicator in the 2nd group amounted to 18.5%

(р˂0.01). In the 3rd group, against the background of ischemia for 20

minutes, the total antioxidant activity dropped by 26.9%, falling

down to 27.7±1.6% (р˂0.01). In the 4th group, against the

background of ischemia for 30 minutes, compared to the intact state,


the decrease in the total antioxidant activity amounted to 54.6%,

while the blood content of antioxidants was 58,7±1,2% (р˂0.01).

The analysis of the obtained results is presented in Diagram 3.2,

which shows that as the duration of ischemia increases, the activity

of catalase and peroxidase enzymes decreases, as well as the overall

antioxidant activity. Notably, the most pronounced decrease is

observed in total antioxidant activity. Changes in all defined

indicators possessed statistical reliability.

Diagram 1. Changes in the state of the antioxidant defense

system of the animal body depending on the duration of liver

ischemia (the intact state is taken as 100%).

(translation of the Diagram: the intact state;– ischemia for 10

minutes; – ischemia for 20 minutes; - ischemia for 30 minutes; -

catalase;– peroxidase; – total antioxidant activity)

Thus, the study demonstrated that lipid peroxidation is activated

against the background of liver ischemia, which is further confirmed

by an increase in the level of DC and MDA in the liver. In parallel,

the activity of such ADS enzymes as catalase, peroxidase along with

the general antioxidant activity decrease against the background of

ischemia lasting: 10 minutes — by 16, 5.6 and 18.5%; 20 minutes –


83,6 78,7


100 94,4




81,5 73,1









intact condition ischemia 10 min ischemia 20 min ischemia 30 min

catalase peroxidase total antioxidant activity


by 21.3, 13.7 and 26.9% respectively. Lipid peroxidation activation

against the background of ischemia was accompanied by changes in

all investigated blood parameters of the animals [6].

The concentration of the following markers of liver damage

against the background of ischemia for 10 minutes increased as

follows [7] (Fig.1): ALT – by 3.0%, AST – by 7.8%, total LDG –

by 1.2%, KPK – by 12.0%, γ - GTP – by 7.7%, while the

concentrations of: urea – decreased by 12.8%, creatinine – increased

by 19.9%, uric acid – decreased by 3.4%, total bilirubin – increased

by 28.0%, and C-reactive protein –by 35.0%.

The protein concentrations [3, 8] changed as follows: total

protein content – decreased by 0.9%, albumins – by 1.5%; globulins

– remained unchanged, and fibrinogen– increased by 33.3%.

Diagram. Changes in the blood contents of liver damage

markers of the experimental animals

( r-n – reperfusion; hours; minutes; ischemia; ischemia 1 and r-n 1

– the 2nd group indicators; ischemia 2 and r-n 2 – the 3rd group

indicators; ischemia 3 and r-n 3 – the 4th group indicators; ALT;


0 200 400 600 800

ischemia 1

ischemia 2

ischemia 3

r-n 60 min 1

r-n 60 min 2

r-n 3 hours 1

r-n 3 hours 2

r-n 24 hours 1

r-n 24 hours 2

r-n 72 hours 1

r-n 72 hours 2







We determined the concentrations of iron, calcium, manganese,

potassium, magnesium, chlorine and phosphorus ions in the blood

serum of the experimental animals [9]. These are the most important

blood bioelements, and their insufficiency may interfere with the

functions of all organs and systems, lead to cell destabilization, and

result in cellular damage in some cases. The pathological processes

taking place in cells can upset this balance, leading to further

aggravation of the pathological processes in the body, while also so-

called "positive feedback" (destructive in many cases) process is

commenced. The results of our study indicate that against the

background of ischemia for 10 minutes, the concentration of iron

ions fell from 23.4 ± 3.0 mmol/l (the intact state) to 22.9 ±

3.1mmol/l (1st group), declining by 1.9% (р˃0.05); while against the

background of ischemia for 20 minutes, this indicator decreased

further, falling down to 22.6 ± 3.1mmol/l, declining by 3.2%

(р˃0.05); against the background of ischemia for 30 minutes

concentration of iron ions continued to decrease, falling down to 19.3

± 3.3 mmol/l, declining by 14.7% (р˃0.05).

Against the background of ischemia for 10 minutes, the

concentration of calcium ions fell from 2.383±0.060 mmol/l (the

intact state) to 2.150 ± 0. 076mmol/l (1st group), declining by 9.8%

(р<0.05); while against the background of ischemia for 20 minutes,

this indicator decreased further, falling down to 1.80 ± 0.106

mmol/l, declining by 24.5% (р<0.01); against the background of

ischemia for 30 minutes concentration continued to decrease, falling

down to 1.517±0.135 mmol/l, declining by 36.4% (р<0.01).

Against the background of ischemia for 10 minutes, the

concentration of manganese ions fell from 0.867±0.064 mmol/l (the

intact state) to 0.832 ± 0.057 mmol/l, declining by 4% (р˃0.05);

while against the background of ischemia for 20 minutes, this

indicator decreased further, falling down to 0.797 ± 0.061 mmol/l,

declining by 8.1% (р˃0.05); against the background of ischemia

extending up to 30 minutes, the concentration of manganese ions

continued to decrease, falling down to 0.762 ± 0.065 mmol/l. In


percentage terms, compared to the intact state, the concentration of

manganese ions in this group decreased by 12.1% (р˃0.05).

Against the background of ischemia for 10 minutes, the

concentration of potassium ions fell from 4.23 ± 0.28 mmol/l (the

intact state) to 4.23 ± 0.28 mmol/l, declining by 6.3% (р˃0.05);

while against the background of ischemia for 20 minutes, this

indicator increased up to 4.87 ± 0.24 mmol/l, rising by 15.0%

(р>0.05); against the background of ischemia extending up to 30

minutes, it continued to increase, reaching 5.70 ± 0.135 mmol/l,

rising by 34.6% (р˂0.01) as compared to the intact state.

Against the background of ischemia for 10 minutes, the

concentration of sodium ions fell from 139.8 ± 1.5 mmol/l (the

intact state) to 137.0 ±1.8 mmol/l, declining by 2% (р˃0.05); while

against the background of ischemia for 20 minutes, this indicator

decreased further, falling down to 130.7±1,8 mmol/l, declining by

6.6% (р<0.01); against the background of ischemia extending up to

30 minutes, the concentration of sodium ions continued to decrease,

falling down to 123.7±2.3 mmol/l, declining by 11.6% (р˂0.01).

Concentration of chlorine ions decreased against the

background of ischemia for 10 minutes, falling from 99.5±1.3

mmol/l (the intact state) to 92.6±1.6 mmol/l (1st group). declining

by 3.4% (р˃0,05) in comparison with the intact state. Against the

background of ischemia for 20 minutes, the concentration of chlorine

ions fell down to 92.7±1.7 mmol/l, declining by 6.9% (р˂0.01).

Against the background of ischemia extending up to 30 minutes, the

concentration of chlorine ions continued to decrease, now falling

down to 89.2±2.0 mmol/l, declining by 10.4% (р˂0.01) as compared

to intact state indicators.

The phosphorus ion concentrations varied ambiguously. Thus, it

increased against the background of ischemia for 10 minutes, rising

from 1.092±0.077 mmol/l (the intact state) up to 1.285±0.136

mmol/l, increasing by 17.7% (р˃0.05). Against the background of

ischemia for 20 minutes, the concentration of phosphorus ions

continued to increase and reached 1.338±0.143 mmol/l, rising by

22.6% (р˃0.05) as compared to the intact state. However, a further


increase of ischemia duration resulted in a gradual decrease of the

phosphorus ions concentration in the blood of the experimental

animals, and against the background of for 30 minutes, it reached


Comparative analysis of the obtained data showed that against

the background of ischemia there is an increase in potassium and

phosphorus ions concentrations during ischemia lasting 10 minutes

and 20 minutes. Increased duration of ischemia up to 30 minutes

further increased the concentration of potassium ions, while the

concentration of phosphorus ions began to decrease, although still

exceeding the intact state value by 11%.

Concentrations of iron, calcium, manganese, sodium and

chlorine ions during ischemia of 10, 20 and 30 minutes saw a gradual

decline. The decrease in the concentration of iron ions was not

statistically confirmed. The decrease in the concentration of calcium

ions was considerable and statistically significant at all periods. The

decrease in concentration of manganese ions was not statistically

confirmed. The decrease in the concentration of sodium and chlorine

ions was not confirmed statistically, while the decrease accelerated

significantly and statistically confirmed with increased duration of


The examined indicators were changing as follows during the

reperfusion against the background of ischemia for 10 minutes (as

compared to the baseline values): against the background of

reperfusion for 60 minutes concentrations of: ALT – increased by

13.6%, AST – increased by 17.3%, LDG – increased by 4.4%, KPK

– increased by 30.0%, γ-GTP – increased by 7.2%, creatinine –

increased by 13..39%, total bilirubin – by 45.6%, and C-reactive

protein –by 133.3%, while the concentrations of: urea by 24.3%,

uric acid by 0.6%. The total protein and albumin content decreased

by 8.9% and 14.6% accordingly, and globulins and fibrinogen

increased by 14.0% and by 87.5% accordingly.

The concentration of sodium ions during this period decreased

by 3.8%, potassium ions increased by 18.5%, chlorine ions decreased


by 3.5%, iron ions decreased by 12.5%, calcium ions - by 14.7%,

manganese ions - by 4.2%, and phosphorus ions increased by 10.9%.

Concentrations of liver damage markers against the background

of reperfusion for 3 hours continued to increase: ALT – increased by

31.0%, AST – increased by 52.5%, LDG – increased by 18.8%, KPK

– increased by 96.4%, γ-GTP – by 30.5%, while the concentrations

of: urea – increased by 9.3%, creatinine – by 27.8%, total bilirubin

– by 74.4%, and C-reactive protein –by 285.2%. A decrease was

observed only in uric acid concentrations, amounting to 10.2. The

total protein and albumin content decreased by 17.8% and 22.8%

accordingly, globulins and fibrinogen increased by 27.3% and by

108.3% accordingly. Determination of macro- and micronutrients in

the blood showed that the concentration of sodium ions decreased by

18.1%, potassium ions increased by 47.5%, chlorine ions decreased

by 6.9%, iron ions decreased by 14.5%, calcium ions - by 29.5%,

manganese ions - by 9%, and phosphorus ions increased by 17.6%.

The observed dynamics of the changes against the background

of 24 hours reperfusion were as follows: concentrations of ALT –

increased by 55.0%, AST – increased by 88.3%, LDG – increased by

27.5%, KPK – increased by 140.7%, γ-GTP – by 38.7%. The

concentrations of: urea decreased by 22.5%, creatinine increased by

40.9%, uric acid decreased by 21.5%, total bilirubin increased by

124.4%, and C-reactive protein – by 396.3%. The total protein and

albumin content decreased by 22.8% and 29.5% accordingly,

globulins and fibrinogen increased by 42.03% and by 162.5%

accordingly. The concentration of sodium ions during this period

decreased by 28.1%, potassium ions increased by 62.2%, chlorine

ions decreased by 18.0%, iron ions decreased by 19.3%, calcium ions

- by 46.5%, manganese ions - by 13.2%, and phosphorus ions

increased by 14.4%.

Concentrations of liver damage markers against the background

of reperfusion for 72 hours continued to increase: ALT – increased

by 76.4%, AST – increased by 121.8%, LDG– increased by 40.1%,

KPK – increased by 194.3%, γ-GTP – by 56.2%, while the

concentrations of: urea – decreased by 47.9%, creatinine – increased


by 24.6%, total bilirubin – increased by 221.1%, and C-reactive

protein –by 466.7%. The total protein and albumin content decreased

by 26.2% and 34.3% accordingly, globulins and fibrinogen

increased by 46.0% and by 183.3% accordingly; and the

concentration of sodium ions decreased by 33.2%, potassium ions

increased by 92.2%, chlorine ions decreased by 27.2%, iron ions

decreased by 30.2%, calcium ions - by 60.5%, manganese ions - by

17.0%, and phosphorus ions increased by 7.5%.

Thus, against the background of liver ischemia for 10 minutes,

reperfusion at all periods led to an increase in pathological changes

in all the examined indicators.

The tests against the background of ischemia for 20 minutes

showed that as compared to the intact values, concentrations of:

ALT – increased by 12.8%, AST – increased by 19.9%, LDG – by

3.4%, KPK – by 28.0%, γ-GTP – by 19.6%, while the concentrations

of: urea – decreased by 12.5%, creatinine – increased by 12.3%, uric

acid – decreased by 9.7%, total bilirubin – increased by 27.8%, and

C-reactive protein –by 105%. The total protein and albumin content

decreased by 1.8% and 2.9% accordingly, globulins and fibrinogen

increased by 2.7% and 50.0% accordingly The concentration of

sodium ions decreased by 6.6%, potassium ions increased by 15.0%,

chlorine ions decreased by 6.9%, iron ions decreased by 3.2%,

calcium ions - by 24.5%, manganese ions - by 8.1%, and phosphorus

ions increased by 22.6%.

Thus, against the background of liver ischemia for 20 minutes,

the examined indicators demonstrate pathological changes. The

followings were observed during the recovery of blood flow to liver

(as compared to the baseline values): against the background of

reperfusion for 60 minutes concentrations of: ALT – increased by

12.1%, AST – increased by 12.1%, LDG – increased by 7.1%, KPK

– increased by 20.0%, γ-GTP – increased by 10.2%, while the

concentrations of: urea – decreased by 12.8%, creatinine – increased

by 7.3%, uric acid – decreased by 8.5%, total bilirubin – increased by

20.8%, and C-reactive protein –by 24.4%. The total protein and

albumin content decreased by 5.3% and 8.0% accordingly, globulins


and fibrinogen increased by 13.6% and 74.1% accordingly. The

concentration of sodium ions increased by 0.5%, potassium ions

increased by 16.1%, and chlorine ions decreased by 0.2%. The

concentration of iron ions decreased by 14.4%, calcium ions - by

23.1%, manganese ions - by 5.2%, and phosphorus ions increased by

14.6%. The mentioned indicators continued to change against the

background of 3 hours reperfusion as follows: concentrations of ALT

increased by 26.8%, AST – increased by 31.7%, LDG – by 14.6%,

KPK – by 44.4%, γ-GTP – by 20.7%. The concentrations of: urea

decreased by 25.6%, creatinine increased by 14.2%, uric acid

decreased by 17.5%, total bilirubin increased by 42.6%, and C-

reactive protein – by 63.4%. The total protein and albumin content

decreased by 10.3% and 15.5% accordingly, globulins and fibrinogen

increased by 26.6% and 148.1% accordingly. The concentration of

sodium ions decreased by 7.8%, potassium ions – by 32.9%, chlorine

ions – by 7.4%, iron ions – by 19.8%, calcium ions - by 45.4%,

manganese ions - 15.3%. Unlike all other groups, the concentration

of phosphorus ions in this group saw a decrease by 27.6%.

Indicators continued to change against the background of 24

hours reperfusion as follows: concentrations of ALT – increased

even more by 64.5%, AST – by 76.4%, LDG – by 27.3%, KPK – by

72.5%, γ-GTP – by 50.9%. In this subgroup, concentrations of: urea

decreased by 33.7%, creatinine increased by 18.2%, uric acid

decreased by 20.9%, total bilirubin increased by 64.4%, and C-

reactive protein – by 114.6%. The total protein and albumin content

decreased by 14.5% and 20.1% accordingly, globulins and fibrinogen

increased by 39.6% and 203.7% accordingly. On the other hand,

changes in the concentration of bioelements were unidirectional and

showed the following values: concentration of sodium ions

decreased by 12.9%, potassium ions decreased by 54.5%, chlorine

ions decreased by 13.8%, iron ions – by 30.2%, calcium ions - by

63.0%, manganese ions - by 23.0%, and phosphorus ions – by


Concentrations of liver damage markers against the background

of reperfusion for 72 hours continued to change and at that: ALT –


increased by 81.9%, AST – by 109.5%, LDG – by 41.0%, KPK – by

135.0%, γ-GTP – by 71.0%, while the concentrations of: urea –

decreased by 41.9%, creatinine – increased by 26.2%, uric acid –

decreased by 25.4%, total bilirubin – increased by 105.9%, and C-

reactive protein –by 217.1%. The total protein and albumin contents

continued to decline and decreased by 18/4% and 26.9% accordingly,

while globulins and fibrinogens increased by 48.7% and 255.6%

accordingly. Concentration of sodium ions also declined during this

period and decreased by 20.4%, potassium ions – by 92.8%, chlorine

ions – by 28.2%, iron ions – by 46.4%, manganese ions – by 23.0%,

and phosphorus ions – by 35.2%. The calcium ion content gradually

increased and was lastly lower only by 7.3%.

As can be seen from the above, reperfusion of liver in this group

against the background of ischemia for 20 minutes led to

pathological changes in examined indicators, though these changes

were less pronounced in comparison with the changes taking place

during reperfusion against the background of 10-minute ischemia.

The tests against the background of ischemia for 30 minutes

showed that as compared to the intact values, concentrations of:

ALT – increased by 26.8%, AST – increased by 36.7%, LDG – by

6.6%, KPK – by 50.4%, γ-GTP – by 36.9%, while the concentrations

of: urea – decreased by 12.8%, creatinine – increased by 24.2%, uric

acid – decreased by 15.3%, total bilirubin – increased by 54.4%, and

C-reactive protein –by 200%. The total protein and albumin content

decreased by 2.0% and 5.1% accordingly, globulins and fibrinogen

increased by 6.0% and 88.9% accordingly. The concentration of

sodium ions decreased by 11.6%, potassium ions increased by

34.6%, chlorine ions decreased by 10.4%, iron ions decreased by

14.7%, calcium ions - by 36.4%, manganese ions - by 4.0%, and

phosphorus ions increased by 11.0%.

As can be seen from the above, reperfusion of liver in the 3rd

group against the background of ischemia for 30 minutes resulted in

pathological changes in all examined indicators, and the changes

were more pronounced. No examination of reperfusion changes in

this group was conducted


Summing up the results of conducted experimental work for the

study of the impact of ischemic-reperfusion processes on liver's

functional status, and the role played by different macro- and

micronutrients in aggravation of hepatocyte damages, we may draw

the following conclusions. The ischemic-reperfusion model we

created by applying a ligature on a hepatic artery makes it possible to

obtain an adequate model of ischemia and reperfusion. As a result,

we were able to observe time-dependent increases in the

concentration of such free radicals as lipid peroxidation products,

namely diene conjugates and malondialdehyde against the

background of an experimental ischemic model, accompanied by a

reduction of the activity of the antioxidant defense system, which, as

is well-known, lead to the progression of the oxidative stress,

followed by greater damages to phospholipid membranes of

hepatocytes, changing their functional as well as physical and

chemical properties. These changes provoke further damages to liver

tissue, activating certain immune response and inflammatory

processes accompanied by the change in the concentration of enzyme

(AST, ALT, LDG, total KPK) and non-enzyme (total protein content,

albumins, globulins, uric acid, urea, creatinine, total bilirubin, and C-

reactive protein) markers in the blood of the animals along with the

changes in the blood bioelement composition ( Na, K, Ca, P, Cl, Fe,

Cu, Mn, Zn ions). Our results demonstrate that liver ischemia leads

to changes not only in the liver tissue but in many other body

systems. Ligation of liver vessels leads to its complete isolation from

the usual functional processes of the body. An important metabolic

and detoxification function of liver is switched off, leading to the

accumulation of metabolic by-products produced by the cells of

different organs in the blood, disruption of physiological processes

and more pronounced organic changes. Therefore, the data we

obtained may not be attributed only to the changes, taking place in

liver against the background of ischemia. Changes in many vital

body indicators observed during ischemia may be explained from the

standpoint of the multi-organic nature of the processes. Thus, during

reperfusion, toxic by-products from liver are released into the blood


circulation, including the lipid peroxidation products, cytokines etc.

which exert a damaging impact on the body tissues, amplifying the

positive feedback reaction of the body. On the other hand, the toxic

metabolic by-products, accumulating in the blood, enter liver and

inflict further damages to liver tissues. This explains the increasingly

pronounced nature of lipid peroxidation and other indicators

observed in our experiments during reperfusion after the ischemia for

10, 20 and 30 minutes. During ischemia for 10, 20 and 30 minutes, a

change in protein content – a small one in percentage terms (0.9%,

.8% and 2.0% accordingly), but very important for body functioning

– takes place. As previously shown, the functional capabilities of

hepatocytes are not restored during reperfusion, rather, their

destruction aggravates due to the presence of toxic products in blood,

formed during the isolation of liver from the body's vital systems.

Consequently, the reduction of total protein content accelerates

gradually and after 72 hours of reperfusion, the protein lack in the

reached 26.9% and 19.9% in the 2nd and 3rd groups accordingly.As

could be expected, the content of the albumin fraction decreases and

the content of the globulin fraction increases, the level of fibrinogen

increases against the background of general intoxication and the

inflammatory process during all periods of ischemia and reperfusion.

At that, these changes against the background of 20-minute ischemia

in the 3rd group were more pronounced than the changes against the

background of 10-minute ischemia in the 2nd group. As the results

show, the concentration of such enzymes as AST, ALT, LDG, KPK

and γ-GTP increases as increases the duration of ischemia.

Hepatocyte deterioration is clearly reflected by the changes in the

blood concentrations of urea, creatinine, total bilirubin and C-

reactive protein, where such changes continue to occur after

reperfusion. Changes in the concentration of macro- and

micronutrients both during ischemia and all reperfusion periods

conform with the pathology of overall changes taking place during

the respective examination periods and fall in line with the data from

literary sources. Also, it should be noted that during the reperfusion

period following the ischemia for 20 minutes said changes in


examined indicators are less intense. This paradox may be explained

by the active involvement of switched-on adaptive body mechanisms

during ischemia for 20 minutes.


1. One of the factors conditioning the pathological changes

taking place in the blood of the experimental animals during the 10-,

20- and 30-minute periods of ischemia created by applying a ligature

on arteries vessels of liver is linked to the reduction of the activity of

such antioxidant enzymes, as catalase and peroxidase, and general

antioxidant status. A time-dependent increase in the content of

primary and secondary lipid peroxidation products is observed

against the background of ischemia and enzymatic activity reduction.

After releasing the pressure on the vessels and restoration of blood

flow, the lipid peroxidation products continue to accumulate, which

is related to general toxemia.

2. Liver's protein synthesis function deteriorates as a result of

reperfusion damages to hepatocytes. A particularly harmful impact

on the body state of the animals is exerted by the reduction of blood

albumin concentration, taking into account their biological functions.

Decreases in the total level of plasma proteins cause the disruption of

water-salt metabolism, hyperkalemia, cellular acidosis, increased

toxicity of some metabolic products, which are normally blocked by

albumins, and transferred to their destination points.

3. Deterioration of hepatocytes during the ischemic-reperfusion

period is reflected by the dramatic increases in the level of such

enzyme and non-enzyme markers of liver damage as AST, ALT,

LDG, KPK,γ-GTP, total bilirubin, C--reactive protein, along with a

decrease in the level of urea and uric acid.

4. Concentrations of sodium, chlorine, iron, calcium and

manganese in the blood of the animals decrease during ischemia and

continues to decrease further during the reperfusion period. A

relationship is observed between the blood concentrations of macro-

and micronutrients and albumin levels. The decrease in the level of


albumin is accompanied by a decrease in the content of iron, calcium

and manganese ions in the blood. Reciprocally, the content of

potassium in the blood of the animals increases. All the above-

mentioned changes are intensified with increased duration of

ischemic exposure.

5. There is observed a link between the blood phosphorus and

calcium levels and duration of ischemia periods. Increasing the

duration of ischemia up to 20 minutes led to a decrease in blood

phosphorus and an increase in blood calcium concentration during

reperfusion. Whereas an increase in the levels of phosphorus and

calcium ions was observed during reperfusion against the

background of ischemia for 10 minutes.

6. The defensive and adaptive functions of the body are

switched on beginning from the ischemia for 20 minutes, which

explains the moderate course of toxemia and reperfusion syndrome

in the group of the experimental animals during reperfusion against

the background of ischemia for 20 minutes.



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