influencing government

Influencing Government

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Influencing Government. Warm up. What is the most important factor that determines how a Congressman votes ? How is it determined whether your grandma goes into an old folks home or not?. Content Objective. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Influencing Government

Influencing Government

Page 2: Influencing Government

1. What is the most important factor that determines how a Congressman votes?

2. How is it determined whether your grandma goes into an old folks home or not?

Warm up

Page 3: Influencing Government

I will be able to examine how lawmakers in Congress are influenced to vote by completing a study guide.

Content Objective

Page 4: Influencing Government

What factors influence a lawmaker’s decisions?

Question #1

Page 5: Influencing Government

Voters’ concerns (constituency)Political party’s stand on issuesPresident’s desiresSpecial interest groups

Why is his constituency the main concern of a lawmaker? Give two reasons.

Answer #1

Page 6: Influencing Government

How do members of Congress learn of the needs 0f their constituency?

Which constituents are the most important?

Addressing Concerns

Page 7: Influencing Government

Complete Study Guide on Influencing Congress pgs. 194-198

Read/Study Guide

Page 8: Influencing Government

House of Representatives votes with their party more often than the Senate. Why?

Question #2: Which issues usually bring “party line” votes?

The Influence of Parties

Page 9: Influencing Government

Best stage for persuading public opinion

Lawmakers don’t want to make the president mad. You want him to like you.

Influence of President

Page 10: Influencing Government

• Lobbyists- interest group representatives• Professional persuaders

• Political Action Committees• Professional fund-raisers

• What do most people find the most persuasive tool to get them to change their minds?

Special Interest Groups

List of special interest groups Jack Abramoff

Page 11: Influencing Government

Complete Study Guide on Influencing Congress pgs. 194-198

Study Guide