info swmm sustain_infoswmm_2d_and_swmm_live

Sustainable Urban Stormwater Best Management Practices with InfoSWMM Sustain plus InfoSWMM 2D and SWMMLive

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Post on 22-Jan-2017




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Sustainable Urban Stormwater Best

Management Practices with InfoSWMM Sustain plus InfoSWMM 2D and


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01Introduction to Sustain

02InfoSWMM Sustain

03InfoSWMM 2D


What is InfoSWMM Sustain and How Can it Help Evaluate BMPs and LIDs for sustainability goals?

How do you use and understand the tools in InfoSWMM Sustain?

What is SWMMLive and How it allows users to perform multiple scenario analysis simulations, evaluate improved real-time control strategies and quickly see the effect of these changes on the system.

What is InfoSWMM 2D and How Can it Help with Flooding and CSO Studies?

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Urban Stormwater Impacts

Water Quantity: Urban Flooding • Costly interruptions of urban transportation and other

activities .• Damage to property and infrastructure .

Water Quality:• Urban stormwater is listed as the “primary” source of impairment for 13% of all

rivers, 18% of all lakes, and 32% of all estuaries.• In 2010, stormwater caused more than 8,700 beach closing and advisory days;

sewage spills and overflows caused more than 1,800.

Hydrologic, Geomorphic, and Biological Impacts:• Increased stormwater volume and velocity causes

flooding, reduced bank stability, and channel erosion.

• Impaired habitat and water quality impact fisheries and shellfish harvesting.

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Approaches to Managing Stormwater

The Conveyance Approach Rapidly remove stormwater from impervious surfaces to receiving streams by way of engineered drainage systems (e.g., culverts, storm drains, and channelized streams ).

The Infiltration Approach (InfoSWMM Sustain)Retain stormwater as close as possible to its originating source(s), infiltrating as much as possible into the soil by using best management practices and strategies.

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Cost-Benefit Optimization Framework

Low Impact Development/BMP

Siting Tool

Seamless Integration with GIS & SWMM5

Design and Performance Reporting of Costs,

Water Quality, & Water Quantity

Comprehensive Urban Stormwater Treatment & Analysis Tool

Answers Key Questions:

o How effective are LIDs and BMPs in reducing runoff and pollutant loadings

o What are the most cost-effective solutions for meeting water quality and quantity objectives?

o And where, what type, and how extensive should the LIDs and BMPs be?

InfoSWMM Sustain

Evaluating BMPs and LIDs for sustainability goals

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Quickly Determine Optimal Green Infrastructure Solution with

InfoSWMM Sustain

InfoSWMM Sustain

Before (flooding) After (no flooding)

New Green Infrastructure

Solution Reduces the Peak

Flow and attenuates the



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02ALL LID TYPESSupportedNatively model all LID types using latest SWMM engine in one interface

03CONFIGURATIONFlexibleNo fields are hard-coded. Choose a variety of different format & fields

04REPORTINGPowerfulUse InfoSWMM robust reporting to easily analyze design performance


Seamless integration with EPA SWMM engine,100% GIS Integrated (latest ArcGIS platform)


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What are BMPS, LIDs, SUDS? What is InfoSWMM Sustain?

Definitions:o BMP: Best Management Practice

o LID: Low Impact Development

o GI: Green Infrastructure

o SUDS: Sustainable Urban Drainage


o SUSTAIN*: System for Urban

Stormwater Treatment and Analysis


*Developed by EPA's Office of Research and

Development (ORD)

InfoSWMM Sustain

InfoSWMM Sustain is a decision support system that assists stormwater management professionals with developing and

implementing plans for flow and pollution control measures to protect source waters and meet water quality goals. It allows

watershed and stormwater practitioners to develop, evaluate, and select optimal best management practice (BMP)

combinations at various watershed scales based on cost and effectiveness.

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STEP 5Apply Preferred

LID Candidates Directly to

InfoSWMM Scenario

STEP 3Run Optimizer to

Optimize LID Candidate Parameters


o Implement TMDL planso Identify pollutant reductionso Determine optimal green

infrastructure (GI) strategies for reducing volume and peak flows to CSOs

o Evaluate benefits of distributed GI on water quantity/quality in streams

o Develop a phased BMP installation plan using cost effectiveness curves

STEP 2Identify which

Combination of LID Candidates

What is the InfoSWMM Sustain Workflow Process?

STEP 1Run Site Manager to Locate Potential LID



Develop Performance

Reports to Compare LID Scenarios


InfoSWMM Sustain

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InfoSWMM Sustain LID

Control Types

Bio Retention


Rain Garden

Infiltration Trench

Rain Barrel

Vegetative Swale

Porous Pavement

Green Roof

Rooftop Disconnecti


What are LID Control Types in InfoSWMM Sustain?

o There are 8 Types of LID Controls allowed in InfoSWMM

o They are defined in the Attribute Browser under LID Controls

o 1. Rain Gardeno 2. Bio-Retentiono 3. Porous Pavemento 4. Green Roofo 5. Rain Barrel o 6. Rooftop

Disconnectiono 7. Vegetative Swaleo 8. Infiltration Trench

o Other BMP’s such as Wet and Dry Ponds can be simulated with a Storage Node with Seepage and Evaporation.

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What are Possible LID Controls in InfoSWMM Sustain?

o There are 8 Types of LID Controls allowed in InfoSWMM

o They are defined in the Attribute Browser under LID Controls

o 1. Rain Gardeno 2. Bio-Retentiono 3. Porous Pavemento 4. Green Roofo 5. Rain Barrel o 6. Rooftop

Disconnectiono 7. Vegetative Swaleo 8. Infiltration Trench

o Other BMP’s such as Wet and Dry Ponds can be simulated with a Storage Node with Seepage and Evaporation.

InfoSWMM Sustain

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What are the possible LID’s in the Siting Manager of Sustain?

o A total of 14 possible BMP’s and LID’s can be located using the Siting Manager of InfoSWMM Sustain

o 14 Types of BMP’s and LID’s

o Constructed Wetlando Infiltration Basino Bio-Retentiono Surface Sand Filtero Rain Barrelo Cisterno Wet Pondo Dry Pondo Grassed Swaleo Infiltration Trencho Vegetated Filterstripo Non-Surface Sand

Filtero Green Roofo Porous Pavement

InfoSWMM Sustain

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What are the possible LID’s in the Siting Manager?

InfoSWMM Sustain

o A total of 14 possible BMP’s and LID’s can be located using the Siting Manager of InfoSWMM Sustain

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What are the possible LID’s in the Siting Manager?

o A total of 14 possible BMP’s and LID’s can be located using the Siting Manager of InfoSWMM Sustain

InfoSWMM Sustain

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What are the possible LID’s in the Siting Manager?

o A total of 14 possible BMP’s and LID’s can be located using the Siting Manager of InfoSWMM Sustain

InfoSWMM Sustain

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InfoSWMM Sustain LID

Siting Manager Options

Constructed Wetland Infiltration



Surface Sand Filter

Rain Barrel


Wet Pond

Dry Pond

Grassed Swale

Infiltration Trench

Vegetated Filterstrip


Sand Filter

Green Roof

Porous Pavement

What are the LID Types in the Siting Manager?

o 14 Types of BMP’s and LID’s

o Constructed Wetlando Infiltration Basino Bio-Retentiono Surface Sand Filtero Rain Barrelo Cisterno Wet Pondo Dry Pondo Grassed Swaleo Infiltration Trencho Vegetated Filterstripo Non-Surface Sand

Filtero Green Roofo Porous Pavement

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Urban Stormwater Challenges

Eroding streams & shorelines

Higher instreamsediment levels,

Unstable shoreline areas



Preserving water during drought

Combined System Overflows (CSOs)

Reducing I/I


Managing costs associated with

above challenges


Total Max. Daily Loads (TMDL), NPDES

Stormwater permits, Municipal Separate

Storm Sewer System (MS4)


Bacteria, nutrients, and heavy metals

What Challenges InfoSWMM Sustain Helps Solve?

InfoSWMM Sustain

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o Siting Manager to find LID’s from

GIS Data

o Add LID’s my Drawing or imported

from InfoSWMM

o LID Candidate Selection for 14

Types of LID/BMP’s

o Optimization Rules and Goals

o LID Optimization to find best LID


o Design Report to See Optimized

LID’s and BMP’s

o Performance Report to See Effect

of the LID’s and BMP’s

o Cost Effectiveness Graph for

Recommended Solutions

o Export Best Solution to InfoSWMM

What are the Tools in InfoSWMM Sustain?









What are the



InfoSWMM Sustain

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What is InfoSWMM Sustain Siting Manager?

o Siting Manager uses GIS

Layer Data (1)

o 14 Possible BMP’s and

LID’s which are selected

by the user (2)

o GIS Layer Rules to define

the possible locations for

LID Candidates.

InfoSWMM Sustain

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What are the LID Candidates from the Sustain Siting Manger


o The Siting Manager finds LID

Candidates bases on the LID Type

and the GIS Siting Rules

o The located LID Candidates are

shown on the Arc GIS Map and in

the Arc GIS TOC to the left

o All TOC Commands can be used

for the LID Candidates

InfoSWMM Sustain

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What is LID Candidate Selection in InfoSWMM Sustain?

o Siting Manager to find LID’s from GIS Data

o Add LID’s my Drawing or imported from InfoSWMM

o Rules for Units, Width, Area, Thickness and Costs are defined by the User of InfoSWMM Sustain.

InfoSWMM Sustain

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What LID Parameters are We Optimizing?

o The number of units, the width, area and soil thickness of each

LID is Optimized in InfoSWMM Sustain.

o The User defines the other parameters for each LID by Layer.

InfoSWMM Sustain

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What are the LID Optimization Targets?

o Optimization Targets are

by Subcatchment and

include Targets based on

Runoff or Runoff and

Water Quality (you define

the Water Quality

Parameters and Type)

o The Optimization

INCLUDES all Hydrology

and Hydraulics in your

model for the active

elements. This can

include GW, WQ, BMP’s,

Seepage and RTC Rules

for the 1D St. Venant


InfoSWMM Sustain

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What are the LID Optimization Techniques?

o Two Types of Optimization


o Scatter Search or a

metaheuristic search


o Advanced Genetic

Algorithm (NSGA-II),

a widely used

evolutionary multi-

objective optimization


o You specify the

number of best

solutions to report

InfoSWMM Sustain

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What is the LID Design Report?

o The number of Units,

Width, Area and Soil

thickness are listed for

each of the user defined

best solutions in the

Optimization Dialog

o The Best Solution then can

be applied to the

InfoSWMM LID Coverage


o The Best Solution is

chosen by the User of

InfoSWMM Sustain.

InfoSWMM Sustain

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What is the Performance Report?

o The Performance Report Shows

the Optimized Performance

(Sustain) against the Base LID


o You can graph by Subcatchment

and by either Runoff or Water


o The Cost, and the Effective

Target is shown by Row

o You define the number of Water

Quality Parameters

InfoSWMM Sustain

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What is the Cost-Effectiveness Curve?InfoSWMM Sustain automatically evaluates millions of possible solutions and reports back the best ones

o Siting Manager to find LID’s from

GIS Data

o Add LID’s my Drawing or

imported from InfoSWMM

o LID Candidate Selection for 14

Types of LID/BMP’s

o Optimization Rules and Goals

o LID Optimization to find best LID


o Design Report to See Optimized

LID’s and BMP’s

o Performance Report to See

Effect of the LID’s and BMP’s

o Cost Effectiveness Graph for

Recommended Solutions

o Export Best (Near-Optimal)

Solution to InfoSWMM

InfoSWMM Sustain

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How do you Export your Optimal Solution to InfoSWMM?

o Once you have reviewed the Design Report and Performance Graphs you can instantly export the Optimized BMP’s

and LID’s to InfoSWMM

o Select the Best Solution (in your opinion) and Click on Apply to InfoSWMM

InfoSWMM Sustain

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How do you Use Your Exported LID’s in InfoSWMM?

o The Exported Optimized

LID’s are added to the LID

Controls in the Attribute

Browser (AB) of InfoSWMM

o The coverage of the LID per

Subcatchment is saved to

the LID Usage DB Table.

InfoSWMM Sustain

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How do we use LID Coverage in the Scenario’s of InfoSWMM?

o A Scenario in InfoSWMM

can have different General,

Facility and Datasets

o The exported data sets will

be saved to a predefined

LID Usage DB Table for the

current Scenario

InfoSWMM Sustain

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How do use the Scenario’s to Show the Impact of LID Usage

in your InfoSWMM Model?

Every LID on every

Subcatchment can be

viewed or graphed


- LID Reports

- LID Graphs for all

Layers in the LID

- LID Summary


InfoSWMM Sustain

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How do you see the performance of your LID’s in the

InfoSWMM Model?

o You can look at all of the possible LID pathways using the LID Graphs and Reports

o The possible pathways include: Surface Inflow, Total Evaporation, Surface Infiltration, Pavement Percolation, Soil

Percolation, Storage Infiltration, Surface Outflow, Storage Outflow, Surface Depth, Storage Depth, Pavement

Moisture, Soil Moisture

InfoSWMM Sustain

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How do we use the Domain Manager in InfoSWMM for

LID Modeling?

o You can use the Domain

Manager along with

Connectivity Tools such as

Upstream Trace and

Downstream Trace to make

a smaller Subset of your


o The Domain can be saved

to a Selection Set for a DB

Query or Query Set

InfoSWMM Sustain

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How do we use the Facility Manager in InfoSWMM

for LID Modeling?

o Once your Domain of

Interest is defined then you

can use the Selection Set or

DB Query to make only the

Domain Active and a

smaller model for


InfoSWMM Sustain

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How do you Export the Optimized Solution to SWMM5 or ICM?

o The Optimized LID’s can be

saved to a SWMM5 file

using the Exchange


o The exported SWMM 5 can

be used in ICM 6.5 which

will have SWMM5 SuDS or


InfoSWMM Sustain

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Predict Flood Extent, Depth and Velocity

Consider Dynamic Interaction of Surface

and Underground SystemsSeamlessly Integrate

with GIS & InfoSWMM

Graphs, Reports, Maps, and Time-Varying

Animations of Flood Extent

Innovyze consistently provides top-notch, efficient, and friendly support when you need it.

Detailed Two-Dimensional (2D) Surface Flood Modeling Tool


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Innovyze consistently provides top-notch, efficient, and friendly support when you need it.

InfoSWMM Sustain

• Couples 2D surface flood routing with 1D InfoSWMM network routing.

• Simulates and displays locations and extents of surface flooding (i.e., onto streets and open lots, around building).

• Includes all the advanced hydraulic/hydrologic modelingtools of InfoSWMM to the 1D and 2D linked network including water quality.

What is InfoSWMM 2D?

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Innovyze consistently provides top-notch, efficient, and friendly support when you need it.

InfoSWMM Sustain

• Eliminate/control combined and sanitary sewer overflows by determining where and when flooding occurs.

• Reduce capital & operational costs. • Design and size drainage system

components including detention facilities.

• Guide placement of upstream LID or BMP features to minimize flooding.

• Create dynamic flood plain mapping of natural channel systems.

InfoSWMM 2D Benefits

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What are the Main Features of InfoSWMM 2D?


Arc GIS TOC Layers

for 2D ElementsInfoSWMM 2D

Element Editing




Mesh and 1D


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o InfoSWMM 2D has tools for

drawing polygons, polylines and


o 1. Mesh Related Elements

o 2. Mesh Results Elements

o 3. Mapping and Meshing Tools

What are the Meshing Tools in InfoSWMM 2D?


Tools for Drawing

Polygons, Polylines

and Creating Point

Sources and


Tools for Meshing, 2D

Element Deletion and

adding 2D Result

Point, Polygons and


Tools for 2D and

3D Mapping, Max

Mesh Extent and

Clear Mapping


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How are the nodes connected to the 2D Mesh in InfoSWMM 2D?

o A Node is connected to the 2D

Mesh by the Flood Type of 2D

o A combination weir and orifice

is used to connect the 1D

element to the 2D Mesh

o The 2D Engine and Equations

are the same as Innovyze’s

InfoWorks ICM


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How are the 2D Parameters Set in InfoSWMM 2D?

o InfoSWMM 2D using the 2D parameters as shown in the 2D Tab of the Run Manager

o It can use up to 32 Cores but not a GPU card.


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Advanced Spatial Analyst Tools in Arc GIS 10+ for Polygon

Processing in InfoSWMM

o InfoSWMM as an Extension in Arc GIS allows you to use Arc Toolbox to set up the Polygons

for meshing along with tools such as Buffer and Append

o InfoSWMM 2D also has a simplifying Polygon tool for smoother meshing


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The Mesh log in InfoSWMM 2D for a Mesh created from a


o The meshing process in InfoSWMM 2D produces a Mesh Log of the Polygons meshed and a

list of intersecting polygons


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Rainfall and Infiltration are possible of the Mesh Elements in


o The Infiltration Surfaces can use Fixed, Horton or Constant Infiltration along with Rainfall on

individual Simulation Polygons.


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What Type of Meshes are available in InfoSWMM 2D?

Meshes in 2D1. Simulation


2. Mesh Polygons

3. Roughness


4. Initial Conditions


5. Infiltration


6. Porous Polygons

7. Infiltration IC








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What Types of Graph Output are available in InfoSWMM

2D? Point Graphs.

Point Graphs 2D1. Point Graphs in

the Middle of a

Mesh show

2. 2D Depth

3. 2D Speed

4. 2D Angle

5. 2D Volume

6. Unit Flow

7. 2D Froude



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What Types of Graph Output are available in InfoSWMM

2D? Junction Graphs.

Junction Graphs 2D1. Node or Junction

Graphs Show

2. 2D Inflow

3. 2D Depth

4. 2D Speed

5. 2D Angle

6. 2D Volume

7. Unit Flow

8. 2D Froude



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What Types of Report Output are available in InfoSWMM

2D? 1D and 2D Modeling Reports.

Modeling Report 2D1. The Same


Report that is

used in ICM

2. It is shown

when clicking

on the Notepad

Icon in Run



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What Types of Report Output are available in InfoSWMM

2D? InfoSWMM Mesh Contours.

Contours 2D1. Create

Contours of the

2D Inflow, 2D

Depth, 2D

Speed, 2D

Angle, 2D

Volume, 2D

Unit Flow and

2D Froude

Number at each

time step


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What Types of Report Output are available in InfoSWMM

2D? 2D Maximum Mesh, 2D Mesh, 2D Mesh Animation.

Mesh Mapping 2D1. 2D Mesh at one

report Time Step

2. 2D Mesh for

Maximum Depth or


3. 3D Mesh

4. 2D Mesh Animation

using the Animation



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What Types of Statistical Output are available in

InfoSWMM 2D? Output Statistics Manager.

Junction Stats 2D1. Daily,


Event or All


2. 2D Inflow

3. 2D Depth


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Real-Time Modeling

and Forecasting of

Sewer Networks to

Eliminate Overflows

Use Radar and SCADA

for Operational



Integrate with GIS &


Graphs, Reports, Maps,

Alerts/Notifications and

Animations for Sewer

Performance Evaluation

Real-Time Stormwater, Wastewater and Watershed Modeling and Operational Forecasting


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• Decision support software for urban drainage systems

• Integrates SCADA, weather, and hydraulic/hydrologic/water quality modeling

• Simulates past, present, and future situations

• Models live “what-if” scenarios

• Makes modeling accessible to operations staff

• Used by modelers, engineers, utility managers, and control room operators

What is SWMMLive?


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SWMMLive Benefits

• Support proactive operation

• Verification of model vs. SCADA

• Conduct operator training

• Advanced planning for emergency management

• Develop rapid response strategies in real-time

• Analyze reaction to past events

• Eliminate/control combined and sanitary sewer overflows

• Reduce capital & operational costs


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Operational Forecasting Using SWMMLiveConfiguration Manager and Operator Client

Real time data


Operational forecasts

RadarTelemetry• Rain gauges• Water levels• Flow meters• Pump operation• Gate movements

InfoSWMM Model


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How Do Use the SWMMLive Add-on in InfoSWMM?


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How Do You Use the SWMMLive Configuration Manager?

o Siting Manager to find

LID’s from GIS Data

o Add LID’s my Drawing or

imported from InfoSWMM

o LID Candidate Selection

for 14 Types of LID/BMP’s

o Optimization Rules and


o LID Optimization to find

best LID Solutions

o Design Report to See

Optimized LID’s and


o Performance Report to

See Effect of the LID’s and


o Cost Effectiveness Graph

for Recommended


o Export of Best Solution to



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How Do You Use the SWMMLive Operator Client?


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Next Steps for Finding More Information

Go to and research on your own

Schedule a phone, web, or in-person meeting with your local Client Service Manager or your local Innovyze representative

Other resources:

Innovyze YouTube Channel

Innovyze Blog