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Infor CloudSuite Industrial Configuration Guide - Cloud Edition Release 10.x

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Infor CloudSuite IndustrialConfiguration Guide - Cloud Edition

Release 10.x

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Release: Infor Cloudsuite Business (Industrial) 10.xPublication Date: August 6, 2020Document code: csbi_10.x_csbiclcg_cl_csind_en-us

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About this guide.................................................................................................................................9

Intended audience.............................................................................................................................9

Contacting Infor.................................................................................................................................9

Chapter 1: Configuration checklist.................................................................................................10

Chapter 2: Configuration overview.................................................................................................13

About this CloudSuite......................................................................................................................13

CloudSuite tenants..........................................................................................................................13

Integration with other products in the CloudSuite............................................................................14

Point to point integrations.............................................................................................................14

BOD integrations..........................................................................................................................14

Concepts and definitions specific to this configuration....................................................................15

Tenant ID......................................................................................................................................15

Accounting entity..........................................................................................................................15


Logical ID.....................................................................................................................................16

Chapter 3: Getting started...............................................................................................................17

Determining your ERP application sites..........................................................................................17

Determining the bootstrap administrator.........................................................................................17

Accessing your cloud environment (tenant)....................................................................................18

Verifying access to your applications within Infor Ming.le................................................................18

Accessing the Infor Support Portal..................................................................................................20

Downloading documentation........................................................................................................20

Chapter 4: Post provisioning steps.................................................................................................21

Configuring EAM.............................................................................................................................21

Setting initial parameters for EAM................................................................................................21

Configuring the Databridge..........................................................................................................22

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Mapping an EAM organization to the ERP site............................................................................22

Associating your user with the EAM organization and a user group............................................23

Mapping an EAM store to the ERP warehouse...........................................................................24

Configuring BODs for the Infor EAM connection point.................................................................25

Completing the erp_eam document flow.....................................................................................25

Turning on replication for EAM BODs..........................................................................................26

Adding business data to complete and test the EAM integration.................................................26

Configuring CRM.............................................................................................................................27

Setting the Enterprise Location for CRM.....................................................................................27

Configuring Infor Ming.le for CRM................................................................................................30

Running the WebProvisionUI.exe tool..........................................................................................36

Adding a CRM connection point in ION.......................................................................................38

Configuring BODs for the Infor CRM integration with Infor Ming.le..............................................39

Creating the Infor Ming.le > CRM document flow........................................................................39

Setting up Back Office integration between CRM and Infor Ming.le............................................40

Installing and activating the ERP bundle for the CRM Back Office..............................................41

Testing the CRM to Infor Ming.le integration................................................................................43

Adding BODS to the Infor CRM connection point for the ERP integration...................................44

Completing the erp_crm document flow......................................................................................45

Turning on replication for CRM BODs..........................................................................................46

Configuring Infor Data Lake with the application.............................................................................47

Tasks performed by the Infor Cloud team....................................................................................47

Refresh the IMS connection points..............................................................................................48

Manually replicating existing data to the Data Lake.....................................................................48

Verifying the Data Lake configuration..........................................................................................49

Configuring Analytics for Birst.........................................................................................................49

Configuration checklist.................................................................................................................49

Setting parameters on the Sites/Entities form..............................................................................49

Setting parameters on the BI Setting form...................................................................................50

Third-party product requirements and support............................................................................50

Flash requirements......................................................................................................................50

Accessing Birst............................................................................................................................51

Customizing space.......................................................................................................................51

Sharing space..............................................................................................................................51

Processing data...........................................................................................................................51

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Predefining cash flow accounts...................................................................................................52

Predefining SG&A Accounts........................................................................................................52

Loading the data into Birst...........................................................................................................52

Setting up Birst report widgets for end users...............................................................................53

Configuring Expense Management.................................................................................................54

Downloading and configuring the System Administration Tool (SAT)..........................................54

Enabling ION in Expense Management.......................................................................................57

Adding SSO through SAT............................................................................................................59

Restart the server/tenant.............................................................................................................60

Configuring BODs for the Infor Expense Management connection point.....................................61

Completing the erp_xm document flow........................................................................................61

Turning on replication for Expense Management BODs..............................................................62

Verifying the IPF user......................................................................................................................62

Configuring CPQ.............................................................................................................................63

Installing Design Studio...............................................................................................................63

Downloading sample rulesets and content for CPQ....................................................................66

Importing sample ruleset data to Design Studio..........................................................................66

Importing sample content to CPQ Workbench.............................................................................68

Configuring Enterprise Quoting.......................................................................................................72

Setting Infor EQ application preferences.....................................................................................72

Configuring drillbacks in Infor EQ................................................................................................74

Configuring BODs for the Infor EQ connection point...................................................................77

Completing the erp_cpq_eq document flow.................................................................................77

Turning on replication for EQ BODs.............................................................................................78

Verifying and initializing the configuration parameters for Infor EQ in the ERP...........................79

Verifying the integration...............................................................................................................79

Configuring Global HR....................................................................................................................82

Configuring BODs for the Global HR connection point................................................................82

Completing the erp_ghr document flow.......................................................................................83

Troubleshooting the preconfigured data flows.................................................................................83

Importing sample ION workflow content..........................................................................................83

Chapter 5: Configuring your web browser.....................................................................................85

Allowing popups for browsers..........................................................................................................85

Avoiding multiple connections in a browser.....................................................................................85

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Chapter 6: Configuring security......................................................................................................86

Chapter 7: Configuring access to applications through Infor Ming.le........................................87

Users and roles...............................................................................................................................87

How Infor Ming.le users and roles work with ERP users and groups..........................................87

Configuring user access to the ERP through Infor Ming.le..........................................................88

Configuring additional system administrator access to applications through Infor Ming.le..........91

Configuring additional system administrator access to the ERP through Infor Ming.le................92

Setting up additional roles or groups...........................................................................................93

Automatic login and selecting configurations...............................................................................93

Verifying user access......................................................................................................................94

Setting up distribution groups..........................................................................................................94

Service accounts.............................................................................................................................94

Chapter 8: Configuring the ERP......................................................................................................95

Chapter 9: Configuring the ERP to send and receive BODs in ION.............................................97

Tasks completed by the Infor Cloud team.......................................................................................97

Tasks completed during Post Provisioning......................................................................................98

Understanding how applications connect to ION............................................................................98

Integrating the ERP with BOD-enabled applications that are not in the CloudSuite....................98

Publishing BODs.............................................................................................................................99

Initial data load...........................................................................................................................100

BOD dependencies....................................................................................................................100

Sending the initial data load.......................................................................................................100

Turning off BOD replication to reduce traffic..................................................................................101

Verifying the ION configuration......................................................................................................102

Verifying that BODs are published.............................................................................................103

Verifying that ION receives data.................................................................................................103

Verifying the data flow between applications.............................................................................103

Chapter 10: Configuring workflows and ION messages for the ERP........................................104

ION messages...............................................................................................................................104

About alerts sent from the ERP to Infor Ming.le............................................................................105

Configuring applications to process alerts....................................................................................108

Configuring applications to process workflows for tasks and notifications....................................109

Chapter 11: Configuring ION APIs for your product....................................................................110

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Using ION APIs to consume Mongoose REST services...............................................................110

Using Mongoose to consume APIs from other applications through ION APIs.............................111

Chapter 12: Verifying drillbacks to the ERP through Infor Ming.le............................................112

About drillbacks.............................................................................................................................112

Available drillbacks........................................................................................................................112

Loading the BODs that are used in drillbacks...............................................................................113

Verifying a drillback.......................................................................................................................113

Chapter 13: Configuring context apps and utility apps that are used with the ERP................115

Understanding business context messages..................................................................................115

Process default settings that allow context messages to be sent..............................................116

Supported business context messages.....................................................................................116

Context and utility apps that work with the ERP............................................................................117

Enabling a context or utility app for the ERP..............................................................................117

Authorizing users to display critical numbers in widgets............................................................118

Adding the What’s New widget to a homepage.............................................................................118

Chapter 14: Verifying Homepages for the ERP............................................................................119

Verifying the homepage and widget content.................................................................................119

Modifying permissions for standard pages....................................................................................120

Adding the What’s New widget to a homepage.............................................................................121

Chapter 15: Configuring Infor Document Management (IDM) to work with the ERP...............122

About the Document Management integration..............................................................................122

Document Management-related forms in the ERP....................................................................123

Other document management options.......................................................................................123

Tasks performed by the Infor Cloud team......................................................................................124

Prerequisites for IDM integration...................................................................................................124

Verifying the IDM connection in the ERP......................................................................................125

Activating the IDM workflows in the ERP......................................................................................125

Verifying the configuration for IDM workflows................................................................................126

Configuring Infor Document Capture with Infor OS.......................................................................127

Chapter 16: Configuring and integrating other applications in the CloudSuite.......................128

Integrating with Infor CPQ.............................................................................................................128

Integrating with Infor Enterprise Quoting.......................................................................................129

Integrating with Infor CRM.............................................................................................................129

Integrating with Infor EAM.............................................................................................................129

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Integrating with Infor Expense Management.................................................................................130

Integrating with Infor Factory Track................................................................................................130

Integrating with Infor Global HR and Talent Management.............................................................132

Integrating with Infor Localization Services...................................................................................132

Integrating with Microsoft Office....................................................................................................132

Configuring add-in applications.....................................................................................................132

Appendix A: User and role BOD usage........................................................................................134

BODs that send roles (authorization groups) from the ERP to Infor Ming.le.................................134

Person IDs.....................................................................................................................................135

Person IDs in Infor Ming.le.........................................................................................................135

Sending the Person ID from the ERP to Infor Ming.le................................................................135

BODs that send user information from Infor Ming.le to the ERP...................................................135

BODs that send user information from the ERP to Infor Ming.le...................................................136

CloudSuite Portals users...........................................................................................................137

Appendix B: Troubleshooting........................................................................................................138

Data is not flowing properly...........................................................................................................138

BOD information needs to be purged............................................................................................139

ERP help is not working................................................................................................................139

Verifying ION Desk provisioned settings.......................................................................................139

Provisioned connection points...................................................................................................139

Provisioned data flows...............................................................................................................142

Appendix C: Business events that generate outbound BODs...................................................149

Appendix D: Inbound BOD usage.................................................................................................160

Appendix E: BODs used in integrations with this application...................................................162

Outbound BODs from the ERP to integrated applications.............................................................162

Inbound BODs to the ERP from integrated applications...............................................................165

Appendix F: Useful URLs...............................................................................................................167

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About this guide

This guide provides information for the configuration and implementation of Infor CloudSuite Industrialin a multi-tenant cloud environment.

Intended audienceThis guide is intended for the system administrator, consultant, or business partner who configuresCloudSuite Industrial for use with Infor Operating Service (OS) in the cloud.

Contacting InforIf you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at andcreate a support incident.

The latest documentation is available from or from the Infor Support Portal. To accessdocumentation on the Infor Support Portal, select Search > Browse Documentation. We recommendthat you check this portal periodically for updated documentation.

If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact [email protected].

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About this guide

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Chapter 1: Configuration checklist

Follow this checklist to complete the integration of the components in this CloudSuite:


Infor ION Desk User Guide - Cloud EditionUnderstand the concepts behind ION,BODs, APIs, and IMS.

Configuration overview on page 13

Infor CloudSuite Industrial SolutionOverview

Understand the applications that are includ-ed in the CloudSuite.

Getting started on page 17Perform the prerequisites to this configura-tion:

• Determine the ERP site names.• Determine the bootstrap administrator.• Perform initial sign-in and verify that

you can access applications andmenu options.

• Access the support portal to downloaddocuments and files.

Post provisioning steps on page 21Perform post provisioning steps. Thesetasks might be completed by Infor Consult-ing or a business partner.

Configuring your web browser on page 85Configure your web browser for InforMing.le:

• Set up compatibility for Internet Explor-er browsers

• Turn off popup blockers

Configuring security on page 86Optionally, integrate your existing on-siteidentity management (single sign on) sys-tem with this CloudSuite.

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Configuration checklist

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Configuring access to applications throughInfor Ming.le on page 87

Configure user access and roles:

• Configure user access to the ERP.• Configure additional system adminis-

tration access to the ERP through In-for Ming.le.

• Set up roles or groups for users.• Associate Infor Ming.le users and

roles with users in other applicationsin the CloudSuite

• Verify user access.• Optionally, set up distribution groups

Configuring the ERP on page 95

Infor CloudSuite Industrial Multi-Site Plan-ning Guide – Cloud Edition

Infor CloudSuite Industrial Multi-Site Imple-mentation Guide – Cloud Edition

Configure CloudSuite Industrial:

• Set up a logical file server.• Set report options.• Set up additional replication rules, if

multi-site.• Set system parameters.• Set up master data.

Configuring the ERP to send and receiveBODs in ION on page 97

Configure your CloudSuite applicationsand ION to send and receive BODs:

• Understand the tasks that were al-ready performed, either by the InforCloud team or during the Post Provi-sioning process.

• Publish the initial data load.• Verify that the BODs are published by

the ERP and received in ION.

Configuring workflows and ION messagesfor the ERP on page 104

Optionally, configure workflows and IONmessages for your application.

Configuring ION APIs for your product onpage 110

If applicable, configure ION APIs for yourapplication.

Verifying drillbacks to the ERP through InforMing.le on page 112

Verify that drillbacks to your applicationare working.

Configuring context apps and utility appsthat are used with the ERP on page 115

Configure context and utility apps that areused with your application.

Verifying Homepages for the ERP on page119

Verify that homepages and widgets foryour application are working for individualusers.

Configuring Infor Document Management(IDM) to work with the ERP on page 122

Configure IDM for the ERP.❑

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Configuration checklist

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Configuring and integrating other applica-tions in the CloudSuite on page 128

Configure other optional applications inthe CloudSuite to work with the ERP andwith the components of Infor OS such asION and Infor Ming.le).

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Configuration checklist

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Chapter 2: Configuration overview

Before you complete the configuration tasks, you must understand what is provided in the CloudSuiteand how the components of the CloudSuite communicate. You should also be familiar with a list ofrelated concepts and definitions.

About this CloudSuiteThe solution overview document for this CloudSuite provides a high-level explanation of this CloudSuiteand a summary of the applications that are included. It also includes information about configuration,personalization, extension, and integration options.

Be aware that in the cloud, all of your sites are defined in a single database, and a usage-trackinglicense is applied.

CloudSuite tenantsEach CloudSuite Industrial customer is set up with three tenants:

• Demo, which includes a CloudSuite Industrial application database that contains demo data andmultiple demo sites

• Training, which includes a CloudSuite Industrial application database that contains only initializeddata. The sites that you designed with the Infor Cloud team are included. This database is intendedfor training.

• Production, which includes a CloudSuite Industrial application database that contains only initializeddata. The sites that you designed with the Infor Cloud team are included. This is the go-live database.

Each tenant has a separate application database, with separate logins and passwords. Nothing isshared between the databases. If you set up data in your Production database and then want to copyit to your Training database, or vice versa, you have two options:

• Use the To Excel option (on grid forms) to save data from a form to a spreadsheet and then importit into the same form in the other tenant.

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Configuration overview

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• Ask the Infor Cloud team to refresh one tenant from the other tenant, which clears out the data inthe other tenant and replaces it with the data from the first tenant. To request this, create an incidenton the Infor Support Portal site.

Integration with other products in the CloudSuiteThe CloudSuite Industrial ERP application uses different integration methods to communicate withother products in the suite.

You might need to configure additional parameters or master data in each of the applications to completethe integration. See the appropriate integration guides or chapters in this guide.

Point to point integrationsPoint to point integrations are used in cases where you need more immediate (real-time) transfer ofinformation between the products than a BOD integration provides.

Integrations such as the one with Infor Enterprise Quoting use calls to web services to get immediateresponses from the other application. This is useful when the information is time-critical; for example,when users need current pricing.

Other integrations use ION API calls or IMS messages to send information between the applications.For example, the integration with Infor Data Lake uses these methods.

In some other integrations, a direct connection between the databases of the products might be used.

BOD integrationsAn outbound operation typically begins when a user performs an action in CloudSuite Industrial thatrequires a data exchange with another ION-enabled application. A Business Object Document (BOD)XML message is generated by CloudSuite Industrial and placed in an area designated as the CloudSuiteIndustrial message outbox. At scheduled intervals, ION connects to the outbox and retrieves the BODsfrom it.

In ION Desk, a connection point is set up for each application or site in the CloudSuite that can sendor receive BODs. (If you add applications later, the Infor Cloud team adds connection points for them,as needed.) The connection point defines the information needed to connect to the application database.It also holds a list of all the BOD documents that the application can send or receive.

You define document flows between the connection points to represent the business flows betweenthe applications. For example, the Infor Cloud team sets up a document flow between CloudSuiteIndustrial and Infor Ming.le to pass BODs that contain user and role information. Use the Modeler inION Desk to define these document flows.

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Configuration overview

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ION routes BODs according to the document flows between BOD-enabled applications. If a documentflow is defined fromCloudSuite Industrial to another application for a particular BOD, then at specifiedintervals, ION places the outbound BOD from CloudSuite Industrial in the other application’s designatedmessage inbox. Products are responsible for validating and incorporating the data in inbound BODsaccording to their rules.

If a flow is defined from another application to CloudSuite Industrial, ION retrieves BODs from thesending application’s message outbox and delivers them to CloudSuite Industrial’s message inbox forprocessing. CloudSuite Industrial retrieves, validates, and processes the BODs.

Concepts and definitions specific to this configurationYou must understand the tenant, logical ID, accounting entity and location, and how they are definedin this application. Together, these terms determine where inbound BOD information is processed, orthe outbound instance and location to which the BOD information should be associated.

Tenant IDThe tenant is a container for accounting entities and locations and is required in each BOD. The valueof the tenant must be the same in all of the products that exchange BODs. Data is not shared oraccessible between tenants.

The tenant ID is specified by the Infor Cloud team. You can view it in the Sites/Entities form. Thisvalue should not be changed.

Infor provides you with three tenants. See About this CloudSuite on page 13.

See the information about using tenants in the Infor ION Desk User Guide - Cloud Edition.

Accounting entityAn accounting entity usually represents a legal or business entity that owns its general ledger. Everytransaction belongs to only one accounting entity. An accounting entity can also be defined as theowner of certain master data among the enterprise. CloudSuite Industrial is the system of record foraccounting entities.

For CloudSuite Industrial, the site is used as the accounting entity.

Do not confuse this Infor definition of “accounting entity” with the CloudSuite Industrial definition of“entity,” which is a type of site that is used only for financial consolidation.

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Configuration overview

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LocationA location is the physical location that is associated with data or transactions. The location can be, forexample, a warehouse, a manufacturing location, a project location, or an office. Locations are publishedin the Location BOD. A location is required for all transactional BODs and is usually the location fromwhich a transaction or record is generated. CloudSuite Industrial is the system of record for locations.

Logical IDThe logical ID is a unique identifier used in the communication of data between the applications in thetenant’s environment. Each instance of an application, for example, a site, is assigned one logical ID.In ION, the logical ID is used to properly route BODs. Infor Ming.le uses the logical ID to determinewhich application to start when you click a drillback.

This logical ID is defined in CloudSuite Industrial Sites/Entities form and should not be changed. Forcloud applications, the logical ID is defined by the Infor Cloud team and is retrieved automatically whenthe application connection point is created in ION.

In Infor Ming.le, each application is assigned a logical ID. Infor Ming.le supports only one logical ID perapplication.

For more information, see the CloudSuite Industrial online help.

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Configuration overview

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Chapter 3: Getting started

Ensure that all of these requirements are met before you start the configuration.

Determining your ERP application sitesEvery Demo environment is provisioned with the same set of named sites and entities.

If your production environment has multiple sites, generally you plan this in advance with your Inforrepresentative. See the Infor CloudSuite Industrial Multi-Site Planning Guide – Cloud Edition forinformation about determining how many sites you need, what base currency each site will use, andstrategies for naming the sites.

If you need to add more sites after provisioning is complete, use the steps in the Infor CloudSuiteIndustrial Multi-Site Implementation Guide – Cloud Edition.

Be aware that in the cloud, all of your sites are defined in a single database.

Determining the bootstrap administratorYour tenant is delivered with a bootstrap administrator already assigned. The bootstrap administratoris the only person who can initially access the tenant. This administrator performs the initial setup ofthe tenant, including setting up access for other users.

Customers must designate one person as the bootstrap administrator. During the planning process,they must provide the email address of the designated person to their Infor representative.

For business partners or consultants who are configuring an Infor hosted CloudSuite demo environment,the bootstrap administrator is typically the person who made the initial request for the demo environment.

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Getting started

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Accessing your cloud environment (tenant)After the environment has been provisioned, Infor sends the bootstrap administrator an email that hasthis text in the subject line: !SECURE! Infor Provisioning Notification. This email containsinstructions for activating your Infor Ming.le user. It also includes the URLs to access the environments.

Follow the instructions in this email to complete these tasks:

• Activate and validate your access to Infor Ming.le by using the instructions provided.• Validate access via the provided URLs and verify that you are able to sign in to all environments.

Verifying access to your applications within InforMing.leAfter you sign in to the Infor Ming.le portal for the first time, ensure that you have system administratoraccess to these applications in the cloud:

1 Under the User menu, verify that you can access the menu options Admin Settings and UserManagement.

2 Verify that the bootstrap administrator has full access to all applications:

a From the User Menu, select User Management.b Select your bootstrap administrator's account.c Click the Details icon.

d In the Security Roles tab, verify that the bootstrap administrator is assigned to theInfor-SystemAdministrator role.

e If that role is not assigned for that user, click + and select the Infor-SystemAdministratorrole. Then click Add & Close.

f Click the save button to save your changes.

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Getting started

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3 Under the App menu, verify that you can access Infor Operating Service applications such as InforMing.le, Homepages, ION Desk and Document Managment.

4 Under the App menu, verify that you can access Infor CloudSuite Industrial. If your tenant is setup with multiple sites, verify that you can access all of them through the login configurationdrop-down list.

5 Under the App menu, verify that you can access any optional applications that you have licensed,such as Infor Factory Track or Enterprise Quoting.

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Getting started

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Accessing the Infor Support PortalVerify that you can log in to the Infor Support Portal. From this portal, you can download files from theDownload Center, view and download guides, and access articles from the Knowledge Base.

Downloading documentationDuring the configuration process, you will access instructions that are in other documents. To find thedocuments, go to Select Cloud > CloudSuite Industrial and click the link for thedocumentation list.

Download the documents that are listed as references in the configuration checklist. See Configurationchecklist on page 10.

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Getting started

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Chapter 4: Post provisioning steps

These are the initial steps that must be done after your tenant is provisioned by Infor.

If you engage Infor Consulting Services to perform post provisioning, they will perform the steps in thischapter for you.

Configuring EAMIf the CloudSuite includes EAM, use these post-provisioning steps to configure EAM for use withCloudSuite Industrial.

Setting initial parameters for EAM1 Select Assets from the App Menu.

2 When a message about setting initial parameters is displayed, click OK..

3 Specify this information:

Default CurrencySpecify the currency to use by default. This should match the default currency that will be usedin the CloudSuite Industrial site that interacts with EAM.

Inventory Price LevelThese options are available:• Part Level: The price of each part is tracked at the part and organization level. The price

for a specific part is the same in all stores within the same organization.• Stock Level: The price of a part is tracked at the store level. The price of the part can be

different in different stores within the same organization.

This is a business decision; however, most companies select Stock Level.

4 Save your changes.

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Configuring the DatabridgeNote: The Infor Cloud team enables the Databridge partner, sets the connection information for theshared ION I/O box, activates the partner record with partner code * (asterisk), and activates theINFOR-ONRAMP partner. You must perform these additional configuration steps.

1 In the Infor EAM application, select Administration > Databridge > Databridge Partners.

2 Select the INFOR-ONRAMP partner, and click the Subscriptions tab. Select Enabled for theseevents:

• ADDREQUISTN/ProcessRequisition• CHANGEREQUISTN/ProcessRequisition

For all other values, leave the current settings as-is or use the settings that are specified in theInfor EAM Configuration Guide for Infor ION

3 Select Administration > Databridge > Databridge Setup.

4 On the Databridge Setup page, Options tab, Materials section, specify these values:


YesEnable Add Requisition Outbound

AllEnable Change Requisition Outbound

NoEnable Cancel Requisition Outbound

For all other values, leave the current settings as-is or use the settings that are specified in theInfor EAM Configuration Guide for Infor ION.

Mapping an EAM organization to the ERP site1 Select Administration > Security > Organizations.

2 On the Organization page, click the Record View tab and create a new organization that will belinked to a CloudSuite Industrial site.

3 Specify this information:

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Accounting EntitySet the Accounting Entity to the CloudSuite Industrial site/configuration name, for example,DALS.

CurrencyEnsure that the currency you set here matches the domestic currency of the CloudSuite Industrialsite.

4 Save your changes.

5 Click More and select Enterprise Locations.

6 In the Enterprise Location Details section, select a BOD Group and specify an EnterpriseLocation (for example, DALS). Click the Submit icon to add the location and group. Repeat thisstep for each of the listed BOD groups. Otherwise, the EAM organization is used as the locationfor BODs.

Later, when you add a store, you will specify this organization and enterprise location, and link itto a CloudSuite Industrial warehouse.

7 Save your changes.

Associating your user with the EAM organization and a usergroupThe first time you open the Assets app, a new user account is created for you in EAM.

That user account must be associated with the appropriate EAM organizations and user groups beforeyou can perform any work with the organizations and stores.

Note: Ensure that you are signed in as this user when you test and verify whether the requisition BODsare working in EAM.

1 In EAM, select Administration > Security > User Setup.

2 Filter to display all user account records and select your record.

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3 In the Organizations tab, select the organization that you defined earlier, for example, DALS.

This associates the user with the organization.

4 If this organization will be the default for this user, select the Default check box.

5 Add any other organizations associated with this user.

6 Save your changes.

7 In the Record View tab, select a User Group to associate with the user.

8 Save your changes.

9 Log out of Infor OS and close the browser window.

10 Reopen and log into Infor OS. When you open the Assets app, you should be connected with theappropriate organizations and security groups.

Mapping an EAM store to the ERP warehouse1 Select Materials > Setup > Stores.

2 Add a new store. Set the store name to a warehouse in the CloudSuite Industrial site, for example,MAIN.

3 Specify this information:

OrganizationSpecify the organization that you added for the ERP site.

Enterprise LocationSpecify the location that you added for the organization.

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4 In the Bins tab, define bins for the store.

5 Optionally, use the Address tab to include an address for the store.

Configuring BODs for the Infor EAM connection point1 If an EAM connection point exists in ION Desk, select the connection point.

2 In its Documents tab, add these documents, if they don’t already exist:

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Completing the erp_eam document flowThe erp_eam document flow is partially configured by the Infor Cloud team. If your CloudSuite includesEAM, complete the document flow:

Note: You must read the Infor CloudSuite Industrial Integration for Infor EAM to understand theintegration and to follow any additional configuration steps in the applications, before you activate thisdocument flow.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Select the erp_eam document flow.

3 Select the EAM_1 application box.

4 In its Application Activity Properties pane, click ADD and add the appropriate EAM connectionpoint.

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5 Save your changes.

6 Click the Back arrow to return to the Data Flows page.

7 Find the erp_eam document flow and click the Activate button.

Turning on replication for EAM BODsIn a new cloud environment, most of the replication triggers that generate BODs are turned off bydefault. Turn on the triggers for the BODs used in the EAM integration.

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the Replication Categories form.

2 Specify ESB as the Category and filter to display it.

3 For each of these triggers, select the record in the grid and clear the Skip Method check box.

• TriggerCodeDefinitionSyncSp• TriggerPurchaseOrderSyncSp• TriggerReceiveDeliverySyncSp• TriggerRequisitionAcknowledgeSp• TriggerRequisitionDeleteSyncSp• TriggerSupplierPartyMasterSyncSp

4 Save your changes.

5 On the Replication Management form, click Regenerate Replication Triggers.

Adding business data to complete and test the EAMintegrationBefore you can fully verify this integration, some company business data must be added in bothapplications.

See the Infor CloudSuite Industrial Integration Guide for Infor EAM – Cloud Edition for more information.

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Configuring CRMUse these post-provisioning steps to configure Infor CRM for use with CloudSuite Industrial.

Note: This section applies only to CRM 8.x. It is not needed for a CRM CE integration.


Ensure that you have this information before you perform the steps in this section:

• Infor Ming.le URL with administrator credentials.• CRM URL with administrator credentials. This information should be provided in an email from the

CRM cloud team.• RDP details for the server in which the CRM application is deployed. This server is both the IOBOX

server and the web server for CRM. This information should be provided in an email from the CRMcloud team.

• The IDP properties file, which is provided by the Infor Ming.le cloud support team.• Infor Ming.le Homepages URL, which is provided by Infor Ming.le cloud support team.

Setting the Enterprise Location for CRMNote: If Java 1.8 JDK is not already installed on the CRM IOBOX server, install it before performingthese steps. Use the CRM IOBOX login credentials that were provided by Infor.

1 From the Infor Ming.le App Menu, select ION Desk.

2 Select Connect > Enterprise Locations.

3 Click + to add a location named CRM that will be used later for the CRM connection point.

4 Click OK.

This screen is displayed:

5 Click Download credentials to save the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key credentials forthis location.

You will need them in a later step.

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6 Click Close.

7 Select Connect > Enterprise Locations again.

8 Click Download Enterprise Connector.9 Download the .jar file to a local folder.

10 Use RDP to log in to the CRM IOBOX server, using the Infor-provided credentials.

11 Copy the .jar file to the CRM IOBOX server.

12 Double-click the .jar file to install the ION Enterprise Connector and ION Grid.

13 When prompted during the installation process, use defaults where possible.

14 Specify Grid Connection Configuration values or accept the default values.

15 Specify the JDK Path or accept the default values.

16 Specify the Grid Database Name or accept the default values.

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17 On the Database Configuration step, specify the sa login and the password that was providedby Infor.

18 On the Location Credentials and Tenant Mapping step, specify the Access Key ID and SecretAccess Key that were provided in step 5.

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19 When prompted, click Install and then Done.

Configuring Infor Ming.le for CRMIn the tenant that includes Infor Ming.le and CloudSuite Industrial, sign into Infor Ming.le as anadministrative user.

Use the steps in this section to add CRM as an application in Infor Ming.le.

Adding Infor CRM to Infor Ming.le1 From the Infor Ming.le User Menu, select Admin Settings.


3 Specify this information about the application:

Application TypeSelect Infor Non-Provisioned.

Application NameSelect the latest version of Infor CRM.

Display NameIf necessary, specify Infor CRM.

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4 Click Choose Icon and select the icon you want to represent the CRM application.

5 Select Use HTTPS.

6 Specify this information:

Host NameSpecify the URL that hosts the CRM application.

PortSpecify the port number. Leave this blank if there is no port number or if the port number is thedefault, 443.

ContextSpecify SlxClient/SetMingleContext.aspx.

Default TenantSpecify your Infor Ming.le tenant ID.

7 Click Save and OK.

Adding Infor CRM as an authorized application1 From the Infor Ming.le App Menu, select Infor ON API.2 Select Authorized Apps.

3 Click + to add a new app.

4 Specify this information to define the app:

NameSpecify Infor CRM.

TypeSelect Web.

DescriptionSpecify a meaningful description.

Redirect URLSpecify https://Hostname/SlxClient, where Hostname is the domain name that holds theCRM app, for example

Authorized Javascript OriginsSpecify https://Hostname, where Hostname is the server that holds the CRM app, for

5 Click Save and OK.

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Configuring the CRM SDATA API1 From the Infor Ming.le App Menu, select Infor ON API.2 Select Available APIs.

3 Click + and select the Infor CRM template.

4 Under Deployment Information, click + to add a new deployment.

5 Specify this information:

Use HTTPSEnable this option.

Ignore Certificate ErrorsDisable this option.

Host NameSpecify the URL for the CRM host.

PortLeave this field blank.

ContextLeave this field blank.

Default Tenant IDLeave this field blank.

Use Mutual SSLDisable this option.

Authentication TypeSelect Basic.

User IDSpecify the user ID, for example, IonApi.Make a note of this ID, because you will need it whenyou run the WebProvisionUI.exe tool.

PasswordSpecify a password. The password cannot be blank. Make a note of this password, because youwill need it when you run the WebProvisionUI.exe tool.

6 Click Save and OK.

Creating a service provider in Infor Ming.le1 From the Infor Ming.le User Menu, select User Management.2 Select Security Administration > Service Provider.3 Click + to add a service provider.

4 Specify this information:

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Application TypeSelect DEFAULT_WSFED.

Display NameSpecify Infor CRM.

Entity ID

Specify https://Hostname/WS-FED, where Hostname is the domain name that holds the CRMapp, for example

SSO EndpointSpecify https://Hostname/SlxClient/default.aspx, where Hostname is the domainname that holds the CRM app, for example

5 Click Save and OK.

Getting the fingerprint of SAML metadataThe fingerprint that you create here is used later.

1 From the Infor Ming.le User Menu, select User Management.2 Select Security Administration > Service Provider.3 Select the service provider you created earlier, and click the Edit icon next to it.

4 In the Identity Provider Information page, click View.

5 Copy the SAML metadata from the text box.

6 Open a browser and go to

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7 Click Online Tools.

8 Click X.509 Certificates.

9 From the left menu, select Calculate Fingerprint.10 Paste the copied SAML metadata into the X.509 cert field.

11 In the Algorithm field, select sha1.


13 Copy the FingerPrint value to a text file and save it for a later step.

See Running the WebProvisionUI.exe tool on page 36.

Enabling the CRM Administrator to sign in to Infor Ming.le1 In the CloudSuite Industrial tenant, sign into Infor Ming.le as an administrative user.

2 From the Infor Ming.le User Menu, select User Management.3 Click the Details icon next to the user who you want to be the CRM administrator.

4 Click Additional Properties and copy the IFS ION-Person ID value.

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You can add administrative roles for this user in a later step.

5 In the Infor Ming.le App Menu (on the CloudSuite Industrial tenant) select Infor CRM and sign intothe CRM web client as an administrator, using the login and password that were provided by Infor.

6 In the Navigation menu, select ADMINISTRATION > Users.

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7 In the Users page, click ADMIN.

8 In the User – Administrator page, Federated Identity field, paste the Infor Ming.le IFS ION-PersonID that you copied in Step 4.

9 Save your changes.

Running the WebProvisionUI.exe tool1 Request the Infor Ming.le file from Infor Ming.le support.

2 Sign in to the CRM server, using the credentials provided by Infor.

3 Place the file in the c:\Temp folder of the CRM server.

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4 Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Saleslogix and run WebProvisionUI.exe. Specify thisinformation:

WebProvision TypeSpecify Cloud.

Mingle Portal URLSpecify the URL used to access your Infor Ming.le portal.

CRM URLSpecify https://Hostname/SlxClient/default.aspx, where Hostname is the domainname that holds the CRM app, for example

IDP Property File:Specify C:\temp\IDP.Properties.

Deployment Path for SlxClientSpecify the drive and path to an IIS logical folder, for example: F:\inetpub\wwwroot\SlxClient

Deployment Path for SlxData:Specify the drive and path to an IIS logical folder, for example: F:\inetpub\wwwroot\SlxData.

Default Tenant IDSpecify the Infor Ming.le tenant ID, as specified in the Infor Ming.le URL.

Certificate Thumb impressionSpecify the thumbprint value that was calculated with the SAML tool.

See Getting the fingerprint of SAML metadata on page 33.

Mingle Logical IDSpecify the logical ID that was assigned to CRM when you added the application to Infor Ming.le.

Entity IDSpecify https://Hostname/WS-FED, where Hostname is the domain name that holds the CRMapp, for example

ION API UsernameSpecify the user ID that you provided when you configured the SDATA API, for example, IonAPI.

See Configuring the CRM SDATA API on page 32.

ION API PasswordSpecify the password that you provided when you configured the SDATA API.

Home Page URLSpecify the URL to access your Infor Ming.le Homepages, for example:

This URL is provided by the Infor Ming.le Cloud team.

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Mingle API EndpointSpecify the endpoint, for example: https://Hostname/tenant/Mingle/SocialService.Svc.

The endpoint is retrieved from the Infor Ming.le ION API.

5 Click Execute.

6 Restart IIS.

Adding a CRM connection point in ION1 From the Infor Ming.le App Menu, select ION Desk.

2 Select Connect > Connection Points.

3 Click + and select Infor Application.

4 Specify this information for the connection point:

NameSpecify CRM.

LocationSpecify CRM.Note: This must match the enterprise location that you set up earlier. See Setting the EnterpriseLocation for CRM on page 27.

Logical ID Type

Specify crm.

5 In the Connection tab, specify this information:

Database Driver

Select SQL Server (Microsoft)

Host Name

Specify the Infor CRM hostname that was provided by Infor.

Port NumberSpecify the port name that was provided by Infor.

Schema NameSpecify IOBOX.

User Name

Specify the Infor CRM administrative user that was provided by Infor.


Specify the Infor CRM administrative user password that was provided by Infor.

6 Click Test to test your configuration.

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7 Save your changes.

Configuring BODs for the Infor CRM integration with InforMing.le1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Connection Points2 Select the CRM connection point.

3 In the CRM connection point's Documents tab, click + and add these documents for the CRMintegration with Infor Ming.le:

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4 Additional BODs for integration with the ERP will be added later.

Creating the Infor Ming.le > CRM document flow1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Click +, select Document Flow, and add a new document flow called crm_mingle with threeapplication boxes.

3 In the properties pane for each of the application boxes, click Add and add the appropriateconnection points.

4 Click the document icon between CRM Sender and Mingle and include these documents:

• Sync SecurityRoleMaster• Process SecurityUserMaster

5 Save the document flow.

6 Click the document icon between Mingle and CRM Receiver and include this document:

• Sync SecurityUserMaster

7 Save your changes and activate the document flow.

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Setting up Back Office integration between CRM and InforMing.le1 In the Infor Ming.le App Menu (on the CloudSuite Industrial tenant) select Infor CRM and sign into

the CRM web client as an administrator, using the login and password that were provided by Infor.

2 In the Navigation menu, select INTEGRATION > Integrations.

3 Click Back Office Extension.

4 Select Enabled.

5 Click Save.

6 Click the Options tab.

7 In the Tenant row, Value column, specify your tenant ID.

8 In the Logical ID row, Value column, specify the CRM logical ID, for example,lid://infor.crm.crm.

9 Save your changes.

10 Click the Back Office tab.

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11 In the Infor Ming.le row, Logical ID column, specify the Infor Ming.le IOBOX Logical ID.

12 Select Active.

13 Save your changes.

Installing and activating the ERP bundle for the CRM BackOffice1 Install the bundle on the CRM instance:

a Using RDP and the credentials and URL that were provided by Infor, log into the CRM IOBOX.b Open the Saleslogix Administrator and log in using the provided credentials.c Click Bundles and check the version of your CRM deployment, including all updates.d Contact Infor Support and request the Infor CRM VFS BOE BOD Pack for your CRM version

that enables CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) Back Office integration. Save the file to a localdrive on the IOBOX.

e Open the Infor Application Architect and log in using the provided credentials.

f Select Project Explorer.g Right-click Bundle Model, select Bundle, and click Install.

h Select the downloaded Infor CRM VFS BOD BOD Pack and click Next.

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i In the Select Actions window, ensure that all components are selected.

j Click Finish.

2 In the Infor Ming.le App Menu (on the CloudSuite Industrial tenant) select Infor CRM and sign intothe CRM web client as an administrator, using the login and password that were provided by Infor.

3 From the Navigation menu, select INTEGRATION > Integrations.

4 Click Back Office Extension.

5 Click the Back Offices tab. Verify that you see Infor SyteLine on the list.

6 In the Infor SyteLine row, Logical ID column, specify the CloudSuite Industrial logical ID.

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7 Select Active for the row.

8 Save your changes.

9 If there are synchronization errors, you might need to ask the Infor Cloud team might need to restartthe CRM instance.

Testing the CRM to Infor Ming.le integrationIn this step, you add roles to the CRM administrator user in Infor Ming.le, which verifies that theintegration between CRM and Infor Ming.le is working properly.

1 Sign into Infor Ming.le on the CloudSuite Industrial tenant as an administrative user.

2 From the User Menu, select User Management.3 Click the Details icon next to the user of your choice.

4 In the Security Roles tab, click + to add a new role for that user.

5 Search for the CRM role and select all CRM-related roles.

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6 Save your changes.

7 In the App Menu, select Infor CRM.

8 Select ADMINISTRATION > Users.

9 Click the All Users tab.

10 Verify whether the user to whom you assigned CRM security roles is listed.

Adding BODS to the Infor CRM connection point for the ERPintegrationIf CRM is included in the solution, the CRM connection point was set up in Configuring BODs for theInfor CRM integration with Infor Ming.le on page 39, and some BODs were added for integration withInfor Ming.le. You must add more BODs for the integration between CRM and CloudSuite Industrial.

1 If a CRM connection point exists in ION Desk, select the connection point.

2 In the CRM connection point's Documents tab, click + and add these documents for the integrationwith CloudSuite Industrial:

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Completing the erp_crm document flowThe erp_crm document flow is partially configured by the Infor Cloud team. If your CloudSuite includesCRM, complete and activate the document flow:

Note: You must read the Infor CloudSuite Industrial Integration for Infor CRM to understand theintegration and to follow any additional configuration steps in the applications, before you activate thisdocument flow.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Select the erp_crm document flow. The document flow looks like this:

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3 Select the CRM_1 application box.

4 In its Application Activity Properties pane, click ADD and add the appropriate CRM connectionpoint.

5 Save your changes.

6 Click the Back arrow to return to the Data Flows page.

7 Find the erp_crm document flow and click the Activate button.

Turning on replication for CRM BODsIn a new cloud environment, most of the replication triggers that generate BODs are turned off bydefault. Turn on the triggers for the BODs used in the CRM integration.

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the Replication Categories form.

2 Specify ESB as the Category and filter to display it.

3 For each of these triggers, select the record in the grid and clear the Skip Method check box.

• TriggerBillToPartyMasterAcknowledgeSp• TriggerBillToPartyMasterSyncSp• TriggerCodeDefinitionSyncSp• TriggerContactMasterAcknowledgeSp• TriggerContactMasterSyncSp• TriggerCustomerPartyMasterAcknowledgeSp• TriggerCustomerPartyMasterDeleteSyncSp• TriggerCustomerPartyMasterSyncSp• TriggerCustomerReturnSyncSp

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• TriggerInvoiceSyncSp• TriggerItemMasterSyncSp• TriggerLocationSyncSp• TriggerPayFromPartyMasterSyncSp• TriggerPersonSyncSp• TriggerQuoteAcknowledgeSp• TriggerQuoteDeleteSyncSp• TriggerQuoteSyncSp• TriggerReceivableTransactionSyncSp• TriggerSalesOrderAcknowledgeSp• TriggerSalesOrderDeleteSyncSp• TriggerSalesOrderSyncSp• TriggerShipToPartyMasterAcknowledgeSp• TriggerShipToPartyMasterSyncSp• TriggerShipmentSyncSp

4 Save your changes.

5 On the Replication Management form, click Regenerate Replication Triggers.

Configuring Infor Data Lake with the applicationCloudSuite Industrial can send database table schemas, master data and transaction information tothe Data Lake for use by other applications. For example,Infor Birst takes information from the DataLake to use in Analytics.

Tasks performed by the Infor Cloud teamThe Infor Cloud team performed these tasks related to the Data Lake:• Set up a DATALAKE record on Intranets form. Some of this information is then displayed on the

Generate Data Lake Schema form• Set up a DATALAKE logical site record on the Sites/Entities form.• Set up Site User Map records between DATALAKE and other sites on the Sites/Entities form.• Add rules for the DATALAKE replication category between all sites and the DATALAKE site on

Replication Rules form.

The tables in the replication category are populated as initialized data. During initial configurationand any time you modify the list, you must perform a discovery, as documented below.

• Set the Datalake Prefix process default value to csi_.• Regenerate replication triggers.• In ION Desk, create IMS connection points for all CSI sites, set up the erp_datalake flow, add the

CSI IMS connection points to the flow, and activate the flow.

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Refresh the IMS connection pointsThe Infor Cloud Team set up the IMS connection points for the ERP sites. However, you must refreshthe connection point data in ION so that it lists the latest documents (tables) from CloudSuite Industrial.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Connection Points.

2 Select each of the ERP IMS connection points and perform these steps to refresh the list of tablesfor each connection point:

a In the Documents tab, click the Refresh icon. ION calls CloudSuite Industrial and retrievesthe latest list of documents (tables) from the DATALAKE replication category.

b Click Save to keep the discovered tables.

3 Select Connect > Data Flows.

4 Select the erp_datalake flow.

5 In the flow, click the document icon between the erp_ims and Data Lake applications, and verifythat it includes the appropriate documents (tables).

If there is a mismatch between the connection point table list and what the data flow expects, thedata flow will not activate, and ION displays each problem in the data flow details.

6 Activate the flow.

The flow must be reactivated every time you perform a discovery to refresh the list of tables.

Manually replicating existing data to the Data LakeIf your CloudSuite Industrial application includes historical master or transactional data that you wantto include in Birst reports, you must send that data to the Data Lake.

Perform this step from each CloudSuite Industrial site in your tenant, to send the current site’s data.

Note: Depending on how much historical data is in the application database, this process could takea significant amount of time. We suggest that you perform this task during non-business hours.

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the Manual Replication Utility form.

2 Specify this information, leaving all other fields blank:

SiteSelect the DATALAKE site.

CategorySelect the DATALAKE replication category.

Local Site Data OnlySelect this option.

3 Save your changes.

4 Click Replicate.

Data is replicated based on the replication category, and not per table in the replication category. Alldata is sent. The data includes the name of the accounting entity (site) from which it was sent.

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Verifying the Data Lake configurationUse these steps to verify that your configuration is set up correctly for sending data to the Data Lake.

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, make a change to a form that affects a table listed in the Data Lakereplication category.

For example, if the Data Lake replication category contains the Customer Master (customer_mst)table, add a new customer on the Customers form.

This sends a JSON message to the replication tables. The message is then sent directly to IONand does not use the Replication Outbox. The message updates the information in the customerschema in the DataLake.

2 Check to see if any replication errors were reported for the changed table.

3 Check the ION Messaging Errors form to see if any errors occurred. Problems could include anincorrect URL or a problem with the Replication Listener. If an error occurred, correct the error andselect Resubmit. When you save the record, the message is resubmitted for reprocessing.

4 In ION Desk, check OneView to see whether the message was received and sent on to theDataLake.

You can also select Data Lake > Data Lake Overview to view general information about the datathat was received.

Configuring Analytics for BirstThis section includes information on configuring your Analytics content.

Configuration checklistBefore you start the configuration, ensure that you have this role and product.

Table 1: Checklist


Space Administrator role

Configure Infor Data Lake

Setting parameters on the Sites/Entities formEnsure that sites listed on the Sites/Entities form are also listed on the BI Setting form.

1 Launch CloudSuite Industrial.

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2 Open the Sites/Entities form.

3 Select the site that you use to login to Birst.

4 In the Link Info area, ensure that the list of sites is the same as the list of sites on the BI Settingform.

5 Ensure the Disable Replication field is cleared for all sites.

6 Specify the server name in the Linked Server Name field. If you do not know the server name,specify Localhost.

7 Save.

Setting parameters on the BI Setting formThe BI Setting form is provided for administrators to set parameters within CloudSuite Industrial.

Ensure you have set up the currency rate on the Currency Rates form before performing the steps inthis section, otherwise, there may be errors during data loading.

1 Launch CloudSuite Industrial.

2 Open the Bi Setting form.

3 Click New to add a new site for analysis, or select a site in the grid.

4 Default Site/Currency is required. Select the Default check box to set the default.

5 Click Update to save the setting.

Third-party product requirements and supportConsult the Infor Compatibility Matrix for up-to-date information about currently supported browsersand all other compatibility information.

Flash requirementsAdobe Flash, version 11.7 or later is required to run the Birst administrative and development userinterfaces. Ensure that the machines of users who use these interfaces run a version of Windows thatis supported by Adobe Flash and Infor Birst.

Flash is not required for users who use only the HTML5 version of Dashboards, Dashboards 2.0 andVisualizer.

Some issues have also been reported with Chrome Pepper Flash.

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Accessing BirstEnsure that you have administration rights to Birst.

1 Access the Birst login page.

2 Specify your Birst user name and password.

3 Click Login.

The Birst Home page is displayed.

Customizing spaceFor CloudSuite Industrial Analytics, we have an initialized space.

1 On the Home page, select your consumer space.

2 If you want to customize space, click Copy Space and specify the new space name.

3 Add a comment if you like and clickCopy Space.

The new space is successfully copied. You will receive a confirmation email via your signed-upemail account.

Sharing spaceIf you have Administrator privilege for the space, you can share the space with others.

1 Select the space and choose Admin.

2 Click the Manage Space tab and Share Space sub-tab.

3 Specify Email address (Birst access account) and Message.

4 Click Send Invite.

If the Invitee accepts, you can assign Access Permission.

5 Click the Manage Groups sub-tab.

6 Assign the Access Permission.

Processing dataThis section describes how to process data.

1 After a successful import, go back to the Process Data tab. Process Delete Data before processingnew data.

2 On the Process New Data tab, click Process Now.

3 Select the data to process and click Continue.

4 After processing successfully, go to Dashboards to verify.

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Predefining cash flow accountsThis section describes how to predefine cashflow accounts and apply for a Cash Flow Statement report.

1 For the specified space, select Designer.2 Select Report and choose Open in the menu list.

3 For shared folder, expand Reports > Finance > Cash Flow Summary.

4 Click Account Filter on the top of the report to edit the filter, and update the account range oraccount if needed.

5 Save and close.

Update accounts on these reports and keep Cash Flow Summary as the total for these six typesof data:

• Cash Flow In from Operating Activities• Cash Flow Out from Operating Activities• Cash Flow In from Investing Activities

• Cash Flow Out from Investing Activities• Cash Flow In from Financing Activities• Cash Flow Out from Financing Activities

Predefining SG&A AccountsThis section describes how to predefine SG&A accounts and how to apply for an SG&A Cost (per 1000revenue) report.

1 For the specified space, select Designer.2 Select Report and choose Open in the menu list.

3 For shared folder, expand Report > Sales > SG&A Cost (per 1000 revenue).Click SGA Account on the top of the report to edit the filter, and update the account range oraccount if needed.

4 Save and close.

5 Go back to the SG&A report and select the Layout tab.

6 Right-click SGA Cost Column and select Column Properties on the bottom of the report. Updatethe account range or account if needed.

7 Save and close.

Ensure the SG&A account filter and SG&A column on the report layout are consistent.

Loading the data into Birst1 From within Ming.le, launch Birst.

2 Select Home.

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3 Select Admin.

4 Select Orchestration.

5 Select Workflows > Actions.

6 Select Run Workflow.

You can select Run History to check the result.

Setting up Birst report widgets for end usersYou must set up report widgets that are used by your end users.

Prerequisites• To configure Infor Ming.le applications, the user must belong to the MingleAdministrator or

Infor-SystemAdministrator role.• To access or configure homepages, the user must belong to the HOMEPAGES-User role.

Add Birst report widgets to an Infor Ming.le homepageNote: Only Visualizer reports can be added to an Infor Ming.le homepage. Additionally, users musthave Visualizer Access privileges in Birst to render Visualizer reports in the Birst Report widget on anInfor Ming.le homepage.

1 Open your homepage.

2 Click Edit.3 Click Add Widget.4 Select the Birst Report widget.

5 Click Add Widget.6 Exit the configuration screen.

7 Position this widget on your homepage.

8 Click Save.

9 To configure the homepage, click Settings.

10 In the Report field, specify the path for your report.

11 If multiple Birst applications are defined in Infor Ming.le, the Application field is displayed. Selectthe application that shows the Logical ID that you specified when your Birst application was created.

Note: It may take up to 30 minutes for your Birst application settings to be refreshed in yourhomepage. If you do not see your Logical ID displayed as an option, allow time for the applicationsto synchronize. Then you can log out and log in to finish your configuration.

If you have a configuration issue, you may need to refresh your web page to see the changes inthe widget.

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Use the web widget to add reports or dashboards to an Infor Ming.lehomepageNote: You must have corresponding report privileges in Birst to render reports on an Infor Ming.lehomepage.

1 Open your homepage.

2 Click Edit.3 Click Add Widget or the+sign.

4 Search for and select the Web widget.

5 Position this widget on your homepage.

6 Click Save.

7 To configure your widget, click Settings.

8 Specify the report URL in the URL field.

See the Birst online help page for more information.

These are examples of Birst URLs with the Infor Ming.le web widget:

• Embed a report

• Embed a dashoboard

Configuring Expense ManagementUse these post-provisioning steps to configure Infor Expense Management for use with CloudSuiteIndustrial.

Downloading and configuring the System AdministrationTool (SAT)Java version 1.8 or above (JDK 1.8) is a prerequisite for running this software.

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Use these steps to download and configure the Infor Expense Management SAT, which is used toconfigure information such as users, groups, corporate data, and work items. For details about usingSAT, see the Infor Expense Management System Administration Tool User Guide.

1 Log into the Expense Management application with the admin (admin) account.

2 .Select Admin from the User menu.

3 In the System Administration Tool tab, click Download Java SAT Installer.

4 Click Save File and save the sat.exe file to a local folder.

The sat.exe file is a self-extracting archive.

5 Go to the local folder and double-click on the sat.exe file. Specify the location to extract the files.

After extraction, these folders are created under the sat folder:

• bin: This folder contains the batch files sat.bat and startsat.bat. The sat.bat filedownloads the latest lib files required by SAT from the server, and the startsat.bat launchesSAT.

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• conf: This folder contains the file, which contains configuration settings forSAT.

• lib: The lib folder contains all the library files required by SAT. Initially this folder is blank.

6 Edit the file in the conf subfolder. Verify that the server, servername and tenantvalues are set correctly.

By default, the server and servername should be set to the Cloud URL for this instance of InforExpense Management. Ensure that the tenant is correct for this customer.

7 In the bin subfolder, run sat.bat.

8 If the properties file was configured properly, you should see the batch commands run, and thena login window is displayed.

9 Log into SAT using the admin (admin) account.

10 Select Tools > Configure ION.

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11 Select ION Enabled.

12 In the Accounting Entity Mapping tab, specify the CloudSuite Industrial site as the AccountingEntity for the default company, and for any other companies that are defined.

13 Click Update.

Enabling ION in Expense Management1 Log into the Infor Expense Management application again, using the admin (admin) account.

2 Select Admin from the User menu.

3 In the System Administration Tool tab, click Data: App Parameter.

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4 In the Name field, specify ion.enabled* and click Find.

5 When the ion_enabled parameter is displayed, set the value to true and save your changes.

6 Log out of the Expense Management application and log back in. Verify whether you can now seethe ION options in the System Administration Tool tab.

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Adding SSO through SAT1 In the Infor Expense Management System Administration Tool tab, again click Data: App


2 Search for the sso.login.validatorClass parameter. Ensure that it contains the valuelargesoft.db.SAMLPasswordValidator. Set the parameter's Status to Active and saveyour changes.

3 Navigate to the Users screen and search for the user that you plan to use. In the Email field, specifythe SSO Login Email ID. This should be the administrator email address that you use to sign intoInfor Ming.le. A random password can be used, which you can change later.

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4 Save your changes.

Restart the server/tenant1 Go to the Infor Support Portal site, search for KB article 594391, and download the XMDBTOOL.

Use the file version number or most recent upload date to determine which zip file to download.

2 Go to the local folder where you downloaded the tool, and edit the file.Update the credentials and the Tenant ID in this file.

3 In the bin subfolder, double-click on Tenant_Restart.bat to run it.

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Configuring BODs for the Infor Expense Managementconnection point1 If an Infor Expense Management connection point exists in ION Desk, select the connection point.

2 In its Documents tab, add these documents, if they don’t already exist:

Send fromApplica-tion

Receive in Applica-tion











3 Save your changes.

Completing the erp_xm document flowThe erp_xm document flow is partially configured by the Infor Cloud team. If your CloudSuite includesInfor Expense Management, complete the document flow:

Note: You must read the Infor CloudSuite Industrial Integration for Infor Expense Management tounderstand the integration and to follow any additional configuration steps in the applications, beforeyou activate this document flow.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Select the erp_xm document flow. The document flow looks like this:

3 Select the XM_1 application box.

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4 In its Application Activity Properties pane, click ADD and add the Infor Expense Managementconnection point.

5 Select the XM_2 application box.

6 In its Application Activity Properties pane, click ADD and add the Infor Expense Managementconnection point.

7 Save your changes.

8 Click the Back arrow to return to the Data Flows page.

9 Find the erp_xm document flow and click the Activate button.

Turning on replication for Expense Management BODsIn a new cloud environment, most of the replication triggers that generate BODs are turned off bydefault. Turn on the triggers for the BODs used in the Expense Management integration.

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the Replication Categories form.

2 Specify ESB as the Category and filter to display it.

3 For each of these triggers, select the record in the grid and clear the Skip Method check box.

• TriggerCodeDefinitionSyncSp• TriggerCurrencyExchangeRateMasterSyncSp• TriggerEmployeeTimesheetSyncSp• TriggerEmployeeWorkTimeSyncSp• TriggerExpenseReportAcknowledgeSp• TriggerPersonnelSyncSp• TriggerProductionOrderAcknowledgeSp• TriggerProductionOrderBGSchSyncSp• TriggerProductionOrderBGSyncSp• TriggerProductionOrderDeleteSyncSp• TriggerProductionOrderSyncSp• TriggerProjectMasterSyncSp• TriggerRemittanceAdviceSyncSp• TriggerServiceOrderSyncSp

4 Save your changes.

5 On the Replication Management form, click Regenerate Replication Triggers.

Verifying the IPF userIf you plan to use the Infor Portals Foundation (IPF), verify that the PortalPrelogin user exists on theUsers form.

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Configuring CPQIf the CloudSuite includes Infor Configure Price Quote, use these post-provisioning steps to configureInfor CPQ for use with CloudSuite Industrial.

Installing Design StudioDesign Studio must be downloaded, installed and used locally for any Infor CPQ user who needs toconfigure rulesets.

If you (the bootstrap administrator) do not already have Design Studio installed, follow all of thesesteps.

If you already have Design Studio installed, skip to step 5.

1 From the Infor Ming.le App Menu, select CPQ Workbench.

2 On the workbench Home page, click Design Studio to download a file.

If a message is displayed by your browser, click Keep. The DesignStudio.application fileis downloaded to the designated download area on your local drive.

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3 Open the downloaded file.

4 Click Install.

One or both of these screens might be displayed:

The installation might take several minutes.

5 When the Service Connection dialog box is displayed, configure the connections:

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Note: If you already have Design Studio installed, open Design Studio and select File > Connectionto get to this dialog box, where you must create a new connection.

a Click the New link in the dialog box. The Service Details dialog box is displayed

b To find the information you need, leave this dialog box open and return to the CPQ Workbenchapp. Select Configurator API Keys from the menu. The information you need to supply isprovided here.

c Copy and paste the values from the Tenant, User name, and User Api Key fields into theService Details dialog box.

d Click Test. If the values you entered are correct, a Success message is displayed. Click OKto close the Success message box.

e In the Service Connections dialog box, click OKf A workspace is shown in the Service Connections dialog box. Click OK to close the dialog


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You are now ready to use Design Studio to import XMLs and upload content.

Downloading sample rulesets and content for CPQInfor provides some sample ruleset data and content to help you understand how to use Design Studioand CPQ Workbench. In this step, you download the ruleset and content data from ZIP files.

1 From the Infor Support Portal, access KB article 2053887.

Click the attachments icon and download the file to your local download area.

(If you also use the Enterprise Quoting product, you can download the file too, to uselater. See Adding a ruleset for the configured item on page 80.)

2 Extract the content of the file, which creates these folders:

• 2a-XMLs to Import to Design Studio• 2b-Content to Upload to Content Manager

Importing sample ruleset data to Design StudioIn this step, you import the sample ruleset XMLs (including rulesets, matrices, and option lists) intoDesign Studio.

1 In your local download area, verify that you have the 2a-XMLs to Import to Design Studiofolder.

2 If Design Studio is closed on your local computer, open it.

Usually Design Studio is installed with a shortcut on your desktop. Click the shortcut to open it.

3 When prompted, click OK to connect to the environment you configured in Installing Design Studioon page 63.

4 In the Design tab, right-click in the white space under Rulesets and select Import.

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5 In the Import dialog box, browse to the local 2a-XMLs to Import to Design Studio downloadfolder that contains the XMLs to import.

6 Select one XML file from the folder and click Open. When a success message is displayed, clickOK. Repeat this step, one at a time, for each XML in the folder.

Note: The XML files include sample Rulesets, Include Rulesets, Matrices, and Option Lists. Youcan import all of these under the Rulesets tab, and they will be displayed under the appropriatetab. You can click in the different tabs to see the imported information.

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If you mistakenly import the same XML twice, it creates a second copy and does not cause problems.

After all of the Rulesets, Include Rulesets, Matrices and Option Lists have been imported, continuewith the next topic to copy the content (Images, Infolinks, Flex2D files) to the environment.

Importing sample content to CPQ WorkbenchInfor provides some sample ruleset data and content to help you understand how to use Design Studioand CPQ Workbench. In this step, you import the sample content from a ZIP file, extract XMLs, andimport them into CPQ Workbench.

Note: Before you start this step, you must import all of the sample XML ruleset data. See Importing sampleruleset data to Design Studio on page 66.

1 In your local download area, verify that you have the 2b-Content to Upload to ContentManager folder.

This folder contains a subfolder named Content to Upload to Content Manager, withsubfolders that contain the sample images, Infolinks, and Flex2D files to upload.

2 From the Infor Ming.le App Menu, select CPQ Workbench.

3 In CPQ Workbench, select Configurator Content Manager.

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4 Expand the Flex2D folder. If the Models and Templates subfolders do not exist, click + and addthem.

5 Under both the Models and Templates folders, click + and add a subfolder called WD2.

6 Select the WD2 folder under Models, click the Upload icon, and then click in the Drop files area.

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7 In the dialog box, browse to your download area and find the Content to Upload to ContentManager folder that contains the content.

8 Drill down from that folder to open the Flex2D\Models\WD2 folder.

9 Select all of the files in that folder and click Open to import the files.

After the files are uploaded, they are listed with


10 In the Configurator Content Manager page, select the WD2 folder under Templates, and uploadthe content from the Content to Upload to Content Manager\Flex2D\Templates\WD2folder.

(When you click the Download icon, the download area now shows the files that were alreadyimported. Just click in the gray part of the area to display the browse dialog box to import morefiles.)

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11 In the Configurator Content Manager page, you can now open the WD2 subfolders and seecontent in each of them.

12 Under both the Images and Infolinks folders, click + and add these subfolders: BC, FKL andWD.

13 In the extracted local folders, you will notice that in Content to Upload to Content Manager\Images\BC, there are additional subfolders. Create matching subfolders in the Configurator ContentManager under the Images\BC folder.

14 Select each of these new subfolders in the Configurator Content Manager and import the contentfrom the matching subfolders in the local download area.

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15 After all the subfolders are created, import the remaining content into the subfolders in the Imagesarea.

16 Follow a similar procedure to import the remaining content into the subfolders in the Infolinks area.

After all of the sample content has been uploaded to the Configurator Content Manager, then whenthe rules are run, images and Flex2D graphics are displayed.

Configuring Enterprise QuotingIf the CloudSuite includes Infor Enterprise Quoting, use these post-provisioning steps to configureEnterprise Quoting for use with CloudSuite Industrial.

Setting Infor EQ application preferencesApplication preferences must be set in Enterprise Quoting, to match the CloudSuite Industrial setupand your business requirements.

1 From the App Menu, select Enterprise Quoting.

2 Select Preferences > Application from the left menu and select the Integrations tab.

3 Specify this information:

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ApplicationThis field is not used for CloudSuite Industrial.

Accounting Entity (Site)Specify the accounting entity (site) ID in CloudSuite Industrial to which Infor EQ will integrate. Youcan find the site name on the CloudSuite Industrial General Parameters form.

Location IDSpecify the site ID, as above.

Quote > Enable System of RecordClear this check box to ensure that Process.Quote BODs are sent from Infor EQ.

Order > Sync One Time Ship To ERPOptionally, select this check box if you want to send a Process ShipToPartyMaster BOD toCloudSuite Industrial to create a new shipping address. The new address ID is then passed in theProcess.SalesOrder BOD during order placement.

Order > Recalculate Price in ERPIf this field is selected, the FixedPriceItemIndicator attribute in Process.SalesOrder andProcess.Quote is set to True and CloudSuite Industrial uses the price passed in the BOD fornon-configured items and the price returned from configuration for configured products.

If this field is not selected, the FixedPriceItemIndicator attribute is set to False and CloudSuiteIndustrial recalculates the price for the line based on CloudSuite Industrial pricing data.

We recommend that you select this check box.

Order > Reconfigure on Order PlacementIf this field is selected, EQ will submit a background configuration when an order is placed. If thisfield is cleared, EQ will not submit a background configuration when an order is placed.

We recommend that you clear this check box for initial testing.

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Configuring drillbacks in Infor EQSet up drillbacks from Infor EQ to the CloudSuite Industrial Customer Orders form.

1 From the App Menu, select Enterprise Quoting - Designer.2 In EQ Designer, Customer Mode, select System > Drillback Settings from the top menu.

3 Click + and add a new drillback application named CSISalesOrder to be used in Direct CustomerMode, with these parameters:

• page• form

Save your changes.

4 Click Forms in the top menu, and search in the left pane for the ManufacturerOrderListContainerform. Click on the form name to open it.

5 In the Element Tree, click on the Link (External ID Value) link rule.

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6 The Element Type pane is displayed. Specify this information:

Drillback SettingSelect CSISalesOrder.

Target Logical IDSpecify lid:// {{record.ExternalDrillbackLogicalId}}

This value must match the Logical ID for CloudSuite Industrial, which is available in its connectionpoint in ION Desk. For example, lid://infor.syteline.csi/dals

7 Under Assignments, click + and add the form and page assignments. Specify these values:

pageSpecify formonly.

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Save your changes.

8 Click Forms and search in the left pane for the ManufacturerOrderHeaderInformation form.Click on the form name to open it.

9 Click on the Link (External ID Value) link rule.

10 The Element Type pane is displayed. Specify this information:

Drillback SettingSelect CSISalesOrder.

Target Logical IDSpecify lid:// {{record.ExternalDrillbackLogicalId}}

This value must match the Logical ID for CloudSuite Industrial, which is available in its connectionpoint in ION Desk. For example, lid://infor.syteline.csi/dals

11 Under Assignments, click + and add the form and page assignments. Specify these values:

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pageSpecify formonly.


Save your changes.

Configuring BODs for the Infor EQ connection pointPerform these steps to configure the EQ connection point.

1 Open the ION Desk application in the App Menu.

2 Select Connect > Connection Points.

3 Select the cpqeq connection point.

4 In its Documents tab, add these documents, if they do not already exist:

Send fromApplica-tion

Receive in Applica-tion




XProcess.ShipToPartyMaster (optional, depending on EQsetup)







Completing the erp_cpq_eq document flowThe erp_cpq_eq document flow is partially configured by the Infor Cloud team. If your CloudSuiteincludes Infor Enterprise Quoting, complete the document flow:

Note: You must read the Infor Enterprise Quoting Integration Guide for Infor CloudSuite Industrial tounderstand the integration and to follow any additional configuration steps in the applications, beforeyou activate this document flow.

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1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Select the erp_cpq_eq document flow.

3 Select the CPQ_EQ_1 application box.

4 In its Application Activity Properties pane, click + and add the cpqeq connection point.

5 Save your changes.

6 Select the ERP_1 application box.

7 In its Application Activity Properties pane, delete all of the ERP sites except the site that is specifiedin the EQ Application Preferences screen.

See Setting Infor EQ application preferences on page 72.

This assumes that your EQ instance is sending BODs to only one site. If you want to configureyour tenant differently, contact Infor Consulting Services.

8 Save your changes.

9 Select the CPQ_EQ_2 application box.

10 In its Application Activity Properties pane, click ADD and add the appropriate Enterprise Quoting(EQ) connection point.

11 Save your changes.

12 Optionally, if you have configured the EQ application to send the Process.ShipToPartyMaster BOD,then verify that the CPQ_EQ_1 connection point and the document icon between CPQ_EQ_1 andERP_1 include that BOD. This depends on your business needs. See the integration guide fordetails.

13 Click the Back arrow to return to the Data Flows page.

14 Find the erp_cpq_eq document flow and click the Activate button.

Turning on replication for EQ BODsIn a new cloud environment, most of the replication triggers that generate BODs are turned off bydefault. Turn on the triggers for the BODs used in the Infor Enterprise Quoting integration.

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the Replication Categories form.

2 Specify ESB as the Category and filter to display it.

3 For each of these triggers, select the record in the grid and clear the Skip Method check box.

• TriggerBillToPartyMasterSyncSp• TriggerCodeDefinitionSyncSp• TriggerCurrencyExchangeRateMasterSyncSp

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• TriggerCustomerPartyMasterSyncSp• TriggerItemMasterSyncSp• TriggerQuoteAcknowledgeSp• TriggerQuoteDeleteSyncSp• TriggerSalesOrderAcknowledgeSp• TriggerSalesOrderDeleteSyncSp• TriggerShipToPartyMasterAcknowledgeSp• TriggerShipToPartyMasterSyncSp

4 Save your changes.

5 On the Replication Management form, click Regenerate Replication Triggers.

Verifying and initializing the configuration parameters forInfor EQ in the ERPUse these steps to verify that the CloudSuite Industrial parameters for the integration with Infor EnterpriseQuoting were set successfully.

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the Inventory Parameters form.

2 In the Product Configuration tab, click Initialize Configuration and verify that a success messageis displayed, indicating that a connection between CloudSuite Industrial and Infor EQ has beenestablished.

3 Verify that the Configurator Service fields are all populated, and the Application ID and Namespaceunder Document Automation are populated. (The default ruleset can be specified later.)

Verifying the integrationUse these tasks to verify the integration.Note: Perform these tasks in the DEMO environment, which already has sample data.

Sending the initial load of ERP master data for EQPublish some initial ERP master data, in order to provide item and customer data in EQ:

1 From the App Menu in the DEMO environment, open the CloudSuite Industrial site that you specifiedin the EQ Application Preferences screen.

See Setting Infor EQ application preferences on page 72.

2 Open the Replication Document Manual Request Utility form.

3 Select Initial Load so that the data is processed as an insert, that is, as new data.

4 Select the BOD to include in the data load. You must perform the load for one BOD at a time, inthis order.

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• CodeDefinition• CustomerPartyMaster• BillToPartyMaster• ShipToPartyMaster• ItemMaster• ExchangeRateMaster

5 Click Process to process the selected BOD.

6 Continue to select and process BODs until all of the BODs listed above are processed.

Adding a ruleset for the configured itemUse the Configurator Design Studio to import a sample ruleset, to test the integration.

1 From the Infor Support Portal, access KB article 2053887.

Click the attachments icon and download the file to your local download area.

2 Extract the sample Ruleset AMC.Bike.xml file from the zip file.

3 Install Design Studio locally if you don't already have it. (See the instructions in the Infor ConfigurePrice Quote Design Studio Remote Client Installation Guide.))

4 In Design Studio, click Rulesets.

5 In the Rulesets area, right-click and select Import.6 Browse to select the sample Ruleset AMC.Bike.xml file in your download area. You should

see the AMC.Bike ruleset.

Setting up a sample ERP configurable itemWet up a test item to ensure that auto job generation and auto item generation are working correctlyin CloudSuite Industrial for external orders from Infor EQ.

1 From the App Menu in the DEMO environment, open the CloudSuite Industrial site that you specifiedin the EQ Application Preferences screen.

See Setting Infor EQ application preferences on page 72.

2 Open the Items form.

3 Filter for the BIKE configurable bicycle.

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4 Select all of these fields for the item:

• Order Configurable• Job Configurable• Auto Job Generation For External Orders: If this field is selected for an item, then when

CloudSuite Industrial processes an inbound SalesOrder/Quote BOD with a configurable item,CloudSuite Industrial automatically creates a source job structure and associates it with theorder.

• Auto Item Creation For External Orders: If this field is selected for an item, and the inboundSalesOrder/Quote BOD contains an IPN for the top-level configurable item, CloudSuite Industrialautomatically generates an IPN. (Auto Job Generation for External Orders must also beselected for this to occur.)

5 Save your changes to the item.

Creating an order to verify the integrationIn this step, you will create an order in EQ for the BIKE item and check CSI for the configured item.I

1 Open the Enterprise Quoting app from the App Menu.

2 Select Product Maintenance > Products. Filter for BIKE.

You should see the sample BIKE product, brought over by BOD from the CloudSuite Industrial asa configurable item.

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3 Add this item to a quote and then convert the quote to an order:

a Select Quotes > Direct.b Click + NEW QUOTE.c Click SELECT CUSTOMER. Select a customer from the list and click SELECT.d Select a Ship To address for the customer.e Click + ADD ITEMS.f Search for the BIKE item. Select it and click SELECT.g Click CONFIGURE.h Click Finish.i In the top right corner, click the blue link to return to the quote.j Click CONVERT TO ORDER, and then click OK to confirm the conversion.k Click PLACE ORDER.

This sends the SalesOrder BOD to .

l Make a note of the EQ order number and click Close.

4 In CloudSuite Industrial, verify the order information:

a Open the Customer Orders form.b Select External Orders and click the filter button, to filter for orders from EQ.c Look for an order where the Confirmation Reference equals the EQ order number.

If you don't see the order, check the Replication Inbox form to see if the BOD arrived yet.

d Select the order. Expand the lines to verify that there is a line for the BIKE item.e Click the ellipses (…) to display buttons, and then click Lines.f In the Order Lines form, verify that the BIKE item order line has a configured price of $600.g On the line’s Source tab, verify that the Job Reference is populated, with Operation 10 and

Work Center FA-400.h Click the ellipses (…) to display buttons, and then click Source to view the job order.

Configuring Global HRUse these steps to configure Infor Global HR for use with CloudSuite Industrial.

Configuring BODs for the Global HR connection pointUpdate the Infor Global HR connection point:

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Connection Points.

2 Select the Global HR connection point.

3 In its Documents tab, add these documents, if they don’t already exist:

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Send from ApplicationReceive in ApplicationDocument




Completing the erp_ghr document flowThe erp_ghr_tm document flow is partially configured by the Infor Cloud team. If your CloudSuiteincludes Global HR, complete the document flow.

You must read the Infor CloudSuite Industrial Integration Guide for Infor Global HR to understand theintegration and to follow any additional configuration steps in the applications, before you activate thisdocument flow.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Select the erp_ghr document flow.

3 Select the GHR_TM application box.

4 In its Application Activity Properties pane, click ADD and add the Global HR connection point.

5 Save your changes.

6 Click the Back arrow to return to the Data Flows page.

7 Find the erp_ghr document flow and click the Activate button.

Troubleshooting the preconfigured data flowsDuring the integration process, if you make a change to a preconfigured connection point or data flow,and you want to see how it was originally configured, see Verifying ION Desk provisioned settings onpage 139.

Importing sample ION workflow contentOptionally, you can import some sample workflow content into ION Desk, to better understand howalerts, workflows, and activation policies are used for communication between ION and CloudSuiteIndustrial.

Note: These samples are not currently supported by Infor.

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1 On the Infor Infor Support Portal site, search for solution 1440389. Download the file to a local folder. Unzip the file to extract a set of files that you will import into InforMing.le and ION Desk.

2 Open Infor Ming.le and import the distribution groups:

a From the user menu, select User Management.b From the menu on the User Management page, select Manage > Groups > Distribution

Groups.c Click the Import icon.

d Browse to your local folder, select the SL-DistributionGroups.csv file, and click Import.

e Verify that the log messages indicate that all rows were added successfully, and click Close.

The new distribution groups are displayed on the Groups page.

3 Open ION Desk and import the sample monitors:

a Select Monitors & Workflows > Monitors.b Click the Import icon.c Browse to your local folder, select the SL-Monitors.xml file, and click OK.d Verify that the list shows successfully imported monitors and click OK.

4 In ION Desk, import the sample workflows. Select Monitors & Workflows > Workflows and importSL-Workflows.xml.

5 In ION Desk, import the sample activation policies. Select Monitors & Workflows > ActivationPolicies and import SL-ActivationPolicies.xml.

6 Activate each of the sample monitors, workflows, and activation policies by clicking the Activatebutton.

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Chapter 5: Configuring your web browser

Configure your browser for use with Infor Ming.le.

Allowing popups for browsersEnsure that any browser that is used with CloudSuite Industrial allows pop-ups. If pop-ups are disabled,the help will not work properly.

Avoiding multiple connections in a browserYou can have as many configurations as you want in a single application or server instance.

However, you cannot have multiple concurrent connections to the same CloudSuite Industrial applicationserver in a single browser, even using different configurations. The session connection attributes usethe server name as the key and are not differentiated by configuration name.

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Chapter 6: Configuring security

Single sign on allows users to use one set of credentials to log into all Infor applications.

This CloudSuite is set up for SSO with Infor OS. We recommend that you use one of the Infor OScertified identity providers; however, you may be able to use any SAML 2.0-compliant identity provider.Some of the identity providers that have been certified are ADFS, Okta, and Azure AD. These identityproviders can be leveraged to allow users to authenticate to the tenant by using an account defined inyour customer-owned domain. User accounts must exist in Infor Federation Services (IFS).

Infor recommends that you use System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) to populateuser accounts into IFS from your customer-owned domain. You can either use your own SCIM2.0-compliant Identity Provider or use the SaaS User Provisioning for SCIM software (deployed byyour Infor service provider) as the SCIM agent.

Note: Before you configure security for your CloudSuite, contact your Infor representative to discussyour requirements and get a complete listing of certified identity providers. The representative mightengage the Infor Global Identity and Access Management (IAM) team to assist you in setting up SSOfor the CloudSuite.

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Chapter 7: Configuring access to applications throughInfor Ming.le

Users, roles, and person IDs are initially defined in Infor Ming.le and shared with all of the otherapplications that run through the Infor Ming.le portal. Roles and some user information can later bemodified in CloudSuite Industrial.

Users and rolesBecause Infor Ming.le is the system of record for users, you must set up users in Infor Ming.le. Theusers are then synchronized through BODs to other BOD-enabled applications in the Infor Ming.leportal. After the users are synchronized to your application, you can continue the user setup in yourapplication.

You can perform these user management tasks in Infor Ming.le:

• Create users, including manual import of users• Update users• Delete or deactivate users• Reset passwords• Monitor recent user activity and mobile sessions• Manage sessions

How Infor Ming.le users and roles work with ERP users andgroupsNote: In a Cloud usage-tracking environment, licenses are not assigned to specific users, either inCloudSuite Industrial or through Infor Ming.le roles.

When you create or update a user in Infor Ming.le, the information associated with that user is used toautomatically set up some user information in CloudSuite Industrial. This association is handled throughSync SecurityUserMaster BODs that are passed through ION.

CloudSuite Industrial groups and license modules are mapped to security roles in Infor Ming.le.

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The list of available CloudSuite Industrial groups must be updated and maintained in CloudSuiteIndustrial – not in Infor Ming.le - because the types of roles and the names of roles are dependent onthe requirements of CloudSuite Industrial. After the groups are set up in CloudSuite Industrial, they aresynchronized to Infor Ming.le through the Sync SecurityRoleMaster BOD, so that Infor Ming.le is awareof all possible roles. The ability of security roles to perform specific operations and access specific datais enforced by CloudSuite Industrial, not Infor Ming.le.

When you assign a user to a group or license module in either CloudSuite Industrial or Infor Ming.le,that information is passed to the other application through a SecurityUserMaster BOD. Infor Ming.le isthe System of Record for this information.

CloudSuite Industrial licenses can be assigned to users either through the CloudSuite Industrial UserModules form or through “CSI-LicenseModule-“ roles in Infor Ming.le.. However, these licenseassignments are meaningless in a usage-tracking environment.

Note: All CloudSuite Industrial license modules are available as security roles in Infor Ming.le. However,if you assign a license module security role to a user in Infor Ming.le, but your company is not licensedfor that module, or if the user count for that module is exceeded, then when CloudSuite Industrialprocesses the inbound BOD, it will not assign the license module to the user. This can leave the twoapplications out of sync.

Infor Ming.le provides a default Infor-SystemAdministrator role that allows for full access to all applicationsthat are linked to Infor Ming.le. CloudSuite Industrial has an Infor-SystemAdministrator group or rolethat allows access to all CloudSuite Industrial screens. When a user who has theInfor-SystemAdministrator role inInfor Ming.le is synchronized to CloudSuite Industrial, that userautomatically has access to all CloudSuite Industrial forms.

For more information about these BODs, see User and role BOD usage on page 134.

Configuring user access to the ERP through Infor Ming.le

Caution: The Infor Cloud team configures the initial Infor Ming.le system administration user and itsroles, as well as several other required accounts. We recommend that you do not change theconfiguration of this initial system administrator or the other required accounts.

You must add other users in Infor Ming.le before they can access CloudSuite Industrial through InforMing.le.

1 From the Infor Ming.le User Menu, select User Management.

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2 On the Users page, follow these general steps to add users. See the Infor Ming.le online help formore information.

a Click + to add a user.b Clear the Send Invitation option so that you can send the invitation later, after you have

completed the user setup.c Save your changes.d Click the details icon to view details for the user.

Note: The IFS ION-Person ID will be used to synchronize personnel records with CloudSuiteIndustrial. It is generated automatically and should not be changed.

e In the Security Roles tab, assign the user to one or more roles, and click Add & Close.

In order for users to access CloudSuite Industrial through Infor Ming.le, they must be assignedat least one CloudSuite Industrial role.

You might not see all of the application-specific roles that you need. If you do not see the rolesyou need, those roles can be added and assigned later from within CloudSuite Industrial.

f Save your changes.

The information is sent through BODs to CloudSuite Industrial after you save your changes.

3 Open CloudSuite Industrial from the App Menu.

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4 If prompted, select a configuration, which is linked to one of your CloudSuite Industrial sites. If youplan to use one site as a master site, select the configuration for the master site.

5 In CloudSuite Industrial, select Form > Open and open the Users form.

6 In the Users form, click the filter toolbar button to see all of the users who were defined in InforMing.le.

7 Update the information for each user to specify additional required or optional fields that are notshared with Infor Ming.le. See the CloudSuite Industrial online help for more information.

a After you add your users in Infor Ming.le, verify that the user information has been sent throughBODs to CloudSuite Industrial. This information should be shown in the CloudSuite IndustrialUsers form:

• The user name (email address) that you set for each user in Infor Ming.le is shown in theUser Name field.

• The IFS ION-Person ID that was set for each user in Infor Ming.le is shown in theWorkstation Domain/ID field.

These values should not be changed.

b Assign the user’s form editing permission level, PO requisition limit, and multi-site groupauthorization, as needed. See the online help.

c Set the user’s password for the CloudSuite Industrial web client or click once client.

(This is not the same password that is used to log into the Infor Ming.le portal. The Infor Ming.leportal password uses the IFS ID tied to the Workstation ID, so no additional user login isrequired to access the CloudSuite Industrial application in Infor Ming.le.)

When users access CloudSuite Industrial through the web client or the click once client ratherthan through Infor Ming.le, they must know this password.

d Ensure that the email address that you set for each user in Infor Ming.le is shown in the PrimaryEmail Address on the Users form. This value should not be changed. We recommend settingthese additional fields for the user:

e In the Groups tab, click in the grid and select Actions > New to add a new row.

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f Click in the Group Name field to view the list of groups. Add any groups to which this usershould belong. If you were able to assign the groups as security roles for the user in InforMing.le, you will see them listed here. Otherwise, you can assign the additional groups here.

g Save your changes.

8 In Infor Ming.le User Management, select the user’s record, and then select Action > ResendInvitation.

The user receives a notification with a link that provides user-specific access to Infor Ming.le andto CloudSuite Industrial.

Configuring additional system administrator access toapplications through Infor Ming.leNote: The Infor Cloud team initially configures system administrator access for one user between InforMing.le and CloudSuite Industrial.

You can set up additional system administrators for all or some applications that are run inside of InforMing.le.

1 From the Infor Ming.le User Menu, select User Management.2 On the Users page, click the Detail icon for one of the users that you want to make an administrator.

3 In the Security Roles tab for that user, click + to add roles.

4 In the Search field, specify Admin to filter for all administration roles, and click the search icon.

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5 Select the check box at the top of the column, to select all admin roles.

Note: If you have "power users" who only need administrator access in some applications, selectthe “administrator” roles only for specific applications for those users.

6 Click Add & Close.

7 Click + again and specify Mingle in the filter field. Add all displayed roles to the admin user.

8 Click + again and specify Homepage in the filter field. Add all displayed roles to this user.

9 Click the Save icon on the Security Roles tab to save the roles for this user.

Configuring additional system administrator access to theERP through Infor Ming.leNote: The Infor Cloud team initially configures system administrator access for one user between InforMing.le and CloudSuite Industrial.

1 In Infor Ming.le, add the Infor-SystemAdministrator role to the appropriate users.

After you update the user information, a BOD is sent from Infor Ming.le to CloudSuite Industrial tosynchronize the system administrator users with this role.

2 Assign additional system administration roles, either in Infor Ming.le or in the CloudSuite IndustrialUsers form, to the appropriate users.

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Setting up additional roles or groupsPredefined security roles (groups) are used in both the CloudSuite Industrial application and InforMing.le. If you need to create security roles (groups) that are specific to your company for use withCloudSuite Industrial, follow these steps.

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, use the Groups form to create any additional groups (security roles) thatyou need in order to access specific forms, programs, and logical folders.

Your updates to the list of groups/roles are then sent to Infor Ming.le through theSync.SecurityRoleMaster BOD. The information from this BOD is used in Infor Ming.le toautomatically create a matching security role.

2 Associate the security roles with users. This can be done in either Infor Ming.le or CloudSuiteIndustrial:

• To associate security roles with users in Infor Ming.le:a Select User Management.b Select a user.c Click the Details icon.d In the Security Roles tab, click +.e Select the roles you want for the user, and click Add & Close.

Infor Ming.le generates a Sync.SecurityUserMaster BOD for each user to which a role wasadded. It sends the BOD to all applications that run in the Infor Ming.le portal. CloudSuiteIndustrial uses the information from this BOD to associate the role or group with the CloudSuiteIndustrial user record.

• To associate groups (roles) with users in CloudSuite Industrial, go to the Users form, filter forthe user, and use the grid on the Groups tab to associate the user with the appropriate groups.

CloudSuite Industrial generates a Process.SecurityUserMaster BOD which is sent to InforMing.le. Infor Ming.le then sends another BOD to all applications that run in the Infor Ming.leportal, to update the user records in all applications.

If you delete a role in either CloudSuite Industrial or Infor Ming.le, you must also delete thecorresponding role in the other application.

Automatic login and selecting configurationsWhen users first access CloudSuite Industrial through Infor Ming.le, they see a dialog box. Becauseof Single Sign On, the user ID and password are not requested; however, users must select a CloudSuiteIndustrial configuration. The Use Workstation Logon option on this dialog box is hidden and isautomatically selected for the user.

Subsequent logins depend on how the user signs in and out of the application and Infor Ming.le:

• If users sign out of the CloudSuite Industrial application before exiting Infor Ming.le, then the nexttime they open the CloudSuite Industrial application, they must select a configuration.

• If users close the browser without signing out, or exit Infor Ming.le without signing out of CloudSuiteIndustrial, then the next time they open the CloudSuite Industrial application, the previous

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configuration is automatically selected and no dialog box is shown. To switch to a differentconfiguration, the user can select Form > New Sign In.

Verifying user accessTo verify that users were created properly and can access the appropriate forms in CloudSuite Industrial:

1 Log into Infor Ming.le portal as a user. The user must belong to a role that is defined as anadministrator in both Infor Ming.le and CloudSuite Industrial.

2 From the App Menu, open CloudSuite Industrial.

3 If prompted, select the appropriate configuration and click OK. The application session is opened.

4 Open the Users form and verify this information for several users:

• User Name matches the Email address in Infor Ming.le.• Workstation Domain/ID matches the IFS ION-Person ID in Infor Ming.le.• Groups that you assigned to this user are set as roles in Infor Ming.le.

5 Sign out of the application and Infor Ming.le. Close the browser.

6 Log into Infor Ming.le and CloudSuite Industrial as a non-administrative user who has access.

7 Ensure that you can open any forms that the user has authorization to open, and that you cannotopen any forms for which the user is not authorized. as a non-administrative user who has accessto both

Setting up distribution groupsOptionally, you can set up distribution groups in Infor Ming.le for CloudSuite Industrial users who requireaccess to ION in order to view or update information or to troubleshoot errors.

See the Infor Ming.le online help.

Service accountsThe Infor Ming.le Service Accounts page shows accounts that have been created to allow applicationsa resource owner grant to contact the Infor Authorization Service to obtain a token for use in makingAPI requests.

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Chapter 8: Configuring the ERP

Configure the CloudSuite Industrial ERP application using these general steps.

Note: Consider using an Infor Implementation Accelerator to speed up your implementation.Implementation Accelerators provide overviews, key capabilities, definitions, and configuration of codesand parameters for specific business processes. For more information, contact your Infor representative.

This section assumes that you have already set up the users and groups (roles).

1 Open the CloudSuite Industrial application in the Infor Ming.le portal.

2 Set up a file server and logical folders.

See “Setting up a File Server for ERP in the Cloud” in the Application Administration User Guideor the online help.

3 Set up the application to send reports by email to users.

On the Intranets form, click the filter button to show the predefined records.

In the CORP intranet record, select Send Email Notification. The Infor Cloud Team has alreadyset up the required fields for SMTP, TaskMan and SSRS for the CORP intranet. These fields shouldnot be changed.

4 Define report options.

You do not print a report directly from the application in the cloud. When you click Print or Preview,by default the report is displayed as a PDF in your browser, and you can save or print it from there.

In the Report Options form, the Infor Cloud team has already set default options for all users. Donot modify this default record, which has a blank User field value. However, you can add recordsfor individual users or reports, and change some of the settings specifically for that user or report.For example, you can set Email Notification to Yes for some reports. You cannot specify a printeror a different Output Directory. See the online help for information about all of the options.

5 If your tenant has multiple sites:

• On the Sites/Entities form, set the Time Zone for each site. Do not change any of the othersite information on this form.Note: Never select the Intranet Licensing option in a cloud environment!

• On the Optional Modules form at each site, enable the optional modules whose features youwant to include at that site. This setting determines whether certain features are available tousers.

• Use the Multi-Site Planning Guide - Cloud Edition and the Multi-Site Implementation Guide -Cloud Edition to set up replication between the sites and to configure the rest of the financial,parameter and master data for the application.

Optionally, you can specify a master site for the intranet, in order to maintain customers,vendors, and items for all sites from the master site. You can optionally use the Intranet Shared

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User Tables form to share the Authorizations_mst, UserGroupMap_mst, and/or user_local_msttables if you want to share users and group authorizations information between sites. Do notuse the Intranet Shared Tables form; those tables are already shared because the sites areall in one database.

6 If your tenant has a single site, follow these steps, using the online help:

• On the Sites/Entities form, set the Time Zone. Do not change any of the other site informationon this form.

• Set the invoice length on the Order Entry Parameters form.• Set up the chart of accounts and financial information.• Set up other parameter forms.• Set up master data such as customers, vendors, and items.

7 Set master data to standardized values.

To ensure consistent master data between integrated applications, use the ISO standard valueswhere applicable. You can map existing non-standard units of measure, currencies and countriesto ISO values through these CloudSuite Industrial forms:

• Currency CodesNote: ISO currency codes are required for some integrations. ISO currencies are not definedas part of an initialized database and must be set manually.

• Countries• Unit of Measure

8 The values that you must configure in CloudSuite Industrial for integrations–for example, customer,vendor or item master records, or system parameters–often depend on the application with whichCloudSuite Industrial will exchange information. For more information, see the appropriate applicationintegration guide.

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Chapter 9: Configuring the ERP to send and receiveBODs in ION

This section describes how to configure CloudSuite Industrial to communicate with ION using BODs.Some integrations between this application and other applications use ION to send and receive BODs.For details about a specific integration, see the appropriate integration guide.

Tasks completed by the Infor Cloud teamThe Infor Cloud team has already set up CloudSuite Industrial so that it can generate BODs and placethem in a message outbox where ION Connect can retrieve them. The team also set up the inboundmessage configuration, so that BODs sent to this application can process those messages.

The team pre-configured some initial replication rules, as well as logical IDs, tenants, and accountingentities (sites) in CloudSuite Industrial:

• The team set up a logical intranet called InforESB in CloudSuite Industrial. This intranet is usedfor ION communications. If the same tenant ID is used for all sites on this intranet, the Infor Cloudteam specified in the Intranets form. The tenant ID specified for each site on the Sites/Entitiesform matches the tenant ID used in ION for other connecting products.

• On the Sites/Entities form in CloudSuite Industrial, the team set up a record for a logical "site"called InforBUS that is used for communication with ION, as well as records for the other sites inyour system.

• On the Replication Rules form, the team set up replication rules for category ESB where each ofyour sites is the Source Site and the InforBUS site is the Target Site.

In ION Desk, the Infor Cloud team preconfigured some connection points and data flows:

• The team set up connection points for all CloudSuite Industrial sites, Infor Ming.le, Infor DocumentManagement and provided the list of documents that can be sent and received by these connectionpoints.

• If your CloudSuite includes Infor CRM, Infor EAM, or Infor Expense Management, the Cloud teamset up connection points for these applications, and might (or might not) have set up the list ofdocuments for those connection points.

• The team configured and activated a document flow between CloudSuite Industrial and Infor Ming.leto pass user account and role (group) information.

• The team configured, but did not activate, a document flow between CloudSuite Industrial and InforDocument Management.

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• The team partially configured document flows between CloudSuite Industrial and the optional CRM,EAM, and Infor Expense Management applications.

Tasks completed during Post ProvisioningIf your CloudSuite includes certain optional applications such as CRM or EAM, the Post provisioningsteps on page 21 completed and activated the data flows, and added any needed BODs or messagesto the connection points for these applications.

These tasks were performed by Infor Consulting Services, a Business Partner, or an administrator atyour company.

If you make a change to a preconfigured connection point or data flow, and later you want to see howit was originally configured, see Verifying ION Desk provisioned settings on page 139.

Understanding how applications connect to IONThe Infor Cloud team has created connection points in ION Desk for each of your Infor cloud applications(and CloudSuite Industrial sites) that use ION. You cannot modify these connection points, but youcan add to the list of documents that can be sent or received by the connection point.

In an integration between two BOD-enabled products, document flows are set up to define the BODsthat flow between the application connection points. A document flow is a type of data flow.

A connection point can be reused multiple times in one or more data flows. See the section on IONConnect Modeling in the Infor ION Desk User Guide - Cloud Edition for additional information aboutconnection points and data flows.

In a connection point, if you remove a document that is used in a data flow, an error is reported in thedata flow messages pane.

You cannot activate connection points separately. When you activate a data flow, the associatedconnection points are activated.

Integrating the ERP with BOD-enabled applications that arenot in the CloudSuiteDocuments and document flows for CloudSuite Industrial, Infor Ming.le, Document Management, andsome optional applications in the CloudSuite were set up as part of the Infor Cloud team provisioningor the Post provisioning steps on page 21.

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Optionally, if you want to send and receive BODs to or from another BOD-enabled application that isnot part of the CloudSuite, complete the steps in this section. See the Infor ION Desk User Guide -Cloud Edition for detailed information.

Note: If you have an Infor consultant working with you, the consultant might handle these steps.

1 If an integration guide exists between the applications, refer to that guide instead of these steps.

2 Create a connection point for the other application. You must know the application connectioninformation and have the appropriate utilities to connect to Infor ION from the other application ifit is not in the Infor Cloud. If the other application is in the Infor Cloud, the Infor Cloud team mustadd the connection point for you.

3 In the Documents tab of the connection points, include the BODs that can flow to and from theapplications.

• See Outbound BODs from the ERP to integrated applications on page 162. Select Send fromApplication for each of these BODs.

• See Inbound BODs to the ERP from integrated applications on page 165. Select Receive inApplication for each of these BODs.

4 Optionally, you can also add custom document types. See the Infor ION Desk User Guide - CloudEdition.

5 Define a new document flow that includes connection points for both CloudSuite Industrial and theother application.

6 Define the documents that flow between the applications, and the direction that they flow.

7 Save the document flow.

8 Activate the document flow.

Publishing BODsYou publish BODs so that ION can retrieve them from your message outbox, viewed through theReplication Document Outbox form. You can publish BODs for general use by any product thatsubscribes to the BODs through Infor ION. After you perform an initial data load from your application,you verify that data is flowing out of the application into ION. For details about a specific integration,see the appropriate integration guide.

For a BOD-based integration between this application and another application, see the appropriateintegration guide for these instructions:

• Setting up the document flows• Performing any additional configuration of the applications that is required for that integration

You can then use the steps in the integration guide to publish the BODs.

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Initial data loadDuring normal processing, BODs are automatically generated (published) when a user makes a datachange or completes a transaction. However, when you start a new integration with another application,you must manually publish BODs that pass the current set of data from your application to anotherapplication, so that the base systems are synchronized. The BODs are placed in the ReplicationDocument Outbox, from which ION retrieves them and passes them to the other application.

BOD dependenciesBe aware that you must load these BODs in this order to prevent errors in the integration due to missingdata:

• AccountingEntity: This is the first BOD you should publish from each site.• FinancialCalendar: This must be published before the ChartOfAccounts or any financial transaction

BODs.• AccountingChart: This must be published before any financial transaction BODs.• ChartOfAccounts: This must be published before any financial transaction BODs.• Master data, including:

• CodeDefinition• Location• CustomerPartyMaster• ItemMaster• BillToPartyMaster• ShipFromPartyMaster• ShipToPartyMaster• SupplierPartyMaster

• Any required historical transaction data, including:• SalesOrder• Shipment• Invoice

Sending the initial data loadTo publish initial ERP master and transaction data into BODs that are placed in the ReplicationDocument Outbox:

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the Replication Document Manual Request Utility.

2 Select Initial Load so that the data is processed as an insert, that is, as new data.

3 Select the BODs to include in the data load. The BODs you select are different for each integration.See the appropriate integration guide for the BODs to load.

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Note: If you select multiple process BODs at one time, the BODs are processed in alphabeticalorder. However, you must load certain BODs in a specific order, to prevent errors in the integrationdue to missing data. See BOD dependencies on page 100.

4 Click Process to process the selected BODs.

5 Continue to select and process BODs until all of the BODs are processed that are required for aspecific integration.

6 Repeat this process at each CloudSuite Industrial site.

When you use this utility to publish BOD data, the current date is used for all Status/EffectiveDateTimeelements.

After the initial data load, CloudSuite Industrial automatically publishes BODs whenever users changecertain data or when certain transactions occur in CloudSuite Industrial.

For a list of the events that generate BODs, see Business events that generate outbound BODs onpage 149.

Turning off BOD replication to reduce trafficCloudSuite Industrial can generate hundreds of BODs per day. By default, a BOD is generated wheneverthe BOD trigger occurs. For example, a BOD is generated every time a user creates a new customerorder, or every time an invoice is created.

Unless you have integrations set up where other applications will receive the BODs, there is no needto generate most of the BODs. Use these steps to stop publishing all unnecessary BODs.

1 Open the Replication Categories form.

2 Specify ESB as the Category and click the filter.

3 To stop publishing a BOD, update its Trigger* record in the ESB replication category. Select theappropriate Skip Method check box.

This example shows how to turn off the Sync.ItemMaster BOD:

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In a new cloud environment, all of the triggers are turned off (Skip Method is selected) exceptthese:

• FlushBusCacheForSiteSp• FlushBusParmsForSiteSp• SendEntireBodSp• TriggerBODConfirmSp• TriggerPulseNotificationSyncSp• TriggerSecurityPermissionMasterSyncSp• TriggerSecurityRoleMasterSyncSp• TriggerSecurityUserMasterAcknowledgeSp• TriggerSecurityUserMasterProcessSp• TriggerSecurityUserMasterSyncSp

Note: This list assumes that CloudSuite Industrial is only integrating with Infor Ming.le.

4 If you are integrating with other applications via BODs, you must turn on the triggers (clear theSkip Method field) for the required BODs when you integrate with the other applications. See theappendixes of this guide, or the appropriate integration guide, for the list of outbound BODs usedin each integration.

Note: For some integrations, the replication triggers were already turned on as part of the PostProvisioning steps.

5 Save your changes.

Verifying the ION configurationUse these tasks to verify that the connections are set up correctly.

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Verifying that BODs are published1 Use the information in Business events that generate outbound BODs on page 149 to determine

what user actions generate certain BODs.

2 Perform those user actions in CloudSuite Industrial.

For example, information from the Vendors form is replicated through the SyncSupplierPartyMasterBOD, so you could change the vendor address and save your change.

3 Check the Replication Document Outbox form in CloudSuite Industrial to see if a BOD wasgenerated and marked as processed.

In our example, the SyncSupplierPartyMaster BOD is generated.

Depending on settings, the BODs might be removed immediately from the outbox after ION retrievesthem. In that case, you can check ION Desk OneView to verify whether the BOD was sent andprocessed.

4 In ION Desk, review the messages by using ION Desk OneView or other ION Desk functions.

If messages are not displayed in ION Desk, check the CloudSuite Industrial Replication DocumentOutbox form to see if the BODs were generated but not retrieved by ION.

5 If messages are not flowing, review the XML data for the BOD.

Verifying that ION receives dataTo verify that ION is receiving BODs from CloudSuite Industrial, monitor these areas in ION Desk:

• Select Connect > Active Connection Points to show the message queue counts.• Select OneView to show individual messages, if they are enabled.• Select Connect > Error BODs to see if any errors were reported.

If you encounter problems, see Data is not flowing properly on page 138.

Verifying the data flow between applicationsAfter you create and activate data flows to other applications, you can check the message inbox areaof the other applications, to ensure that data is flowing between the systems. See the other application’sdocumentation to determine how to find the message inbox.

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Chapter 10: Configuring workflows and ION messagesfor the ERP

You can configure workflows and ION messages for your application.

ION messagesThis table shows the types of ION messages:


Alerts are generated by Event Management in Infor OS or by aPulseAlert BOD. An alert is a business notification or exception indi-cating that something out of the ordinary has happened in the flow ofapplication documents.


Tasks are generated by Workflow in Infor OS or by a PulseTask BOD.A task is an activity that must be completed within a defined periodof time. When the task is generated by Workflow, it suspends the ex-ecution of the workflow until the task is completed. When a task iscompleted, the user's response is sent back to Workflow to resumeexecution of the workflow.


Notifications are generated by Workflow or by a PulseNotificationBOD. A notification is similar to a task, but it does not require immedi-ate user action. A notification does not suspend the execution of theworkflow.


The ION Alarms mobile application for Android devices is availableto create monitors, called alarms.

In ION Desk, the business administrator can create alarm templates.

After the templates are activated, mobile users can use the templatesto create alarms in the ION Alarms mobile application. The alarmcreator can specify the distribution list for the resulting alert. See theInfor ION Alarms Mobile Application User Guide.

The users receive the alert on their Infor Ming.le page, in the InforMing.le mobile application, or by email.


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About alerts sent from the ERP to Infor Ming.leCloudSuite Industrial can send PulseAlert BODs to ION that can be displayed as alerts in Infor Ming.le,as shown in this process flow:

A Process PulseAlert BOD is generated when a business event associated with one of these publicationsoccurs in CloudSuite Industrial:

Where definedDescriptionPublication

Event: IdoOnItemUpdate, Seq15

A customer was put on credithold


Event: CustomerInteractionFol-lowupAlert, Seq 1

A follow-up is needed to a cus-tomer interaction. Key Value 1defines the customer number.


Event: IdoOnItemUpdate, Seq16

A customer order was put oncredit hold


Event: IdoOnItemUpdate, Seq17

An order was shipped to a cus-tomer (for specific orders/cus-tomers)


Trigger on dcsfc_mstIupA specified number of DataCollection shop floor transactionerrors occurred. Key Value 1defines how any errors must begenerated before the user re-ceives an alert


Trigger on jobmatl_mstIupThe quantity issued against ajob is more than required andthe total material cost (actual)of the job exceeds the requiredcost by a certain percent (toler-ance) set by the user


Trigger on jobroute_mstIupLabor hours for a job were morethan estimated


Trigger on job_mstIupThe completed quantity of a jobis greater than the releasedquantity


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Where definedDescriptionPublication

Trigger on job_sch_mstIupA job is projected to be late fora specified customer. Key Val-ue 1 is the customer number.


Event: LateOrderShippin-gAlert, Seq 1

At least one open order line fora customer has a due date priorto the current date. Key Value1 is the customer number


Event: IdoOnItemUpdate, Seq19

A lead is assigned to a salesper-son


Trigger on UserNamesIupA user is locked outLockedUserAlert

Event: OpportunityDueAlert,Seq 1

An opportunity is dueOpportunityDueAlert

Event: OverBudgetAlert, Seq1

The specified account's actualamount is above budget for thecurrent fiscal period. Key Value1 is the account number, andKey Value 2 is the percentageover budget that triggers analert


Event: IdoOnItemUpdate, Seq18

An order line is projected toship late. Key Value 1 is thecustomer number.


Event: ProspectInteractionFol-lowUpAlert, Seq 1

A follow-up is needed with aprospect. Key Value 1 is theprospect ID.


Trigger on MO_re-source_maint_mstIup

A scheduled maintenance taskis added for a resource. Thisalert is used only with theMolding Industry Pack.


Event: ResourceMainte-nanceScheduleUpdateStatus,Seq 1

A scheduled maintenance taskhas been changed fromPlanned to Scheduled for a re-source. This alert is used onlywith the Molding Industry Pack.


Event: TransactionAmoun-tAlert, Seq 1

The amount of a transaction fora specified account is over thespecified amount. Key Value 1is the account number. KeyValue 2 is the amount to whichtransactions should be limited.


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CloudSuite Industrial users can subscribe to the appropriate publications. Then, when an alert occursand a BOD is generated, the email addresses for all subscribers are included in the BOD.

The email address that is used in the BOD is determined by the Email Type Description field on theUsers form. If an address is specified where the Email Type Description is set to PersonID, then theemail address that is associated with the PersonID type is used. If no PersonID type is found, then theaddress in the Primary Email Address field is used, as shown in this example:

If neither of these areas are populated, then a BOD is not sent.

ION attempts to match the email address from the BOD with a PersonID or primary email address thatis defined for a user in Infor Ming.le, so that it can pass along the alert. If a matching address is found,and if the user has the appropriate Infor Ming.le permissions, the alert is displayed on the user's Alertspanel in Infor Ming.le.

This is the general process flow:

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Configuring applications to process alerts1 Configure CloudSuite Industrial to send alerts.

a In the Process Defaults form, set ION Pulse Interface to 1.b For publications (alerts) that have associated event handler sequences, activate the sequences

so that the BOD will be sent when the events fire. In the Workflow Event Handler Activationform, select the appropriate event and sequence, and select Active for this Site.

See the list of publications and their associated event handler sequences in About alerts sentfrom the ERP to Infor Ming.le on page 105.

c CloudSuite Industrial users must subscribe to the appropriate publications (alerts) from the listabove, through either the Mobile Alerts form or the Publication Subscribers form.

d Set up CloudSuite Industrial users with either a PersonID email address or a primary emailaddress, or both. In the Email Addresses tab on the Users form, add a record to the gridwhere Email Type Description is set to PersonID and an email address is assigned. Youcan optionally set the Primary Email Address to another email address for the user.

See Person IDs on page 135.

2 Configure ION to process alerts from this application.

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Ensure that the Process PulseAlert BOD is included in the list of BODs that can be sent from theCloudSuite Industrial connection point.

a In ION Desk, select Connect > Connection Points.b Select the Infor Ming.le connection point and add Process.PulseAlert in the Documents tab

(as Send from Application) if it does not exist.

Through an internal API, ION passes the alert to Infor Ming.le as a Sync.PulseAlert BOD. See theInfor ION Desk User Guide.

3 Configure Infor Ming.le to display alerts for this application.

4 Set up Infor Ming.le users with the appropriate roles to access tasks and alerts. See informationabout configuring user access for tasks and alerts in the Infor ION Desk User Guide.

In addition, the value in the Infor Ming.le IFS ION-Person ID field must match theWorkstation/Domain ID field for the same user in CloudSuite Industrial, and the User Name fieldin Infor Ming.le must match either the PersonId email address or Primary email address for thesame user in CloudSuite Industrial. This is handled automatically if you set up users first in InforMing.le/IFS and then use SecurityUserMaster BODs to populate the user records in CloudSuiteIndustrial, as described in Configuring user access to the ERP through Infor Ming.le on page 88.

Configuring applications to process workflows for tasksand notifications1 Configure this application to send tasks and notifications.

2 Configure ION to process tasks and notifications from this application.

See the Infor ION Desk User Guide.

3 Configure Infor Ming.le to display tasks and notifications for this application.

See the Infor ION Desk User Guide.

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Chapter 11: Configuring ION APIs for your product

Use this information to set up the APIs.

Using ION APIs to consume Mongoose REST servicesThe ION API service is a broker for Infor applications that use web service APIs. The service handlessynchronous communications to application specific APIs, versus asynchronous BOD communicationsthat conform to the OAGIS standard.

Currently CloudSuite Industrial does not require any configuration of ION APIs. However, you canconfigure any Mongoose-based application running in Infor Ming.le to allow calls to the MongooseREST service through ION API.

Settings in the IDO Request Service web.config file determine whether the Mongoose REST serviceis enabled for use with ION API or is using the traditional Mongoose token exchange.

To use ION API to connect to CloudSuite Industrial, the application’s web.config file must be modifiedto use these settings:

• enableRestWorkstationLogon: Set this option to true.• restOAuthConsumerKey: Specify a key value. You will provide the same consumer key value to

ION API later.• restOAuthConsumerSecret: Specify a secret value. You will provide the same consumer secret

value to ION API later.

For more information about authenticating against ION API to consume Mongoose REST web services,see the Infor Ming.le ION API User Guide.

For more information on consuming Mongoose REST web services and which methods are available,see Mongoose REST Web Services (on the Mongoose portal) or use the Open API documentationthat is available in this area: https://mongoose_application_server/IDORequestService/MGRestService.svc/api-docs/ where mongoose_application_server is your server.

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Using Mongoose to consume APIs from otherapplications through ION APIsThe Mongoose application user has an Infor Ming.le identity that is set up through Single Sign On(SSO). Mongoose can exchange the SSO credentials for an ION API token. This token is used tointeract with other systems via ION API Gateway.

With the ION API token, Mongoose can invoke web services for other applications on behalf of thatuser, which are exposed through ION API. These include but are not limited to Infor Ming.le, InforDocument Management, and M3.

All interactions are performed with the user credentials in the source and target systems, complyingwith any security configuration, and ensuring that the audit trail is not compromised.

You can also invoke APIs without having a current SSO session (such as in a scheduled task or AESevent). This is done using a service account, without the user’s own identity; the service account identityis chosen when you provision the Mongoose application as an authorized backend app.

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Chapter 12: Verifying drillbacks to the ERP throughInfor Ming.le

Verify the drillbacks that are included for your application.

About drillbacksInfor Ming.le users can share screens and business data in some applications that are integrated withCloudSuite Industrial. There are two types of drillbacks:• Context-sensitive embedded drillbacks: The screens and business data can include embedded

drillback links to CloudSuite Industrial.

See Understanding business context messages on page 115.

• BOD-based drillbacks: If a screen or business data is associated with a BOD that was sent fromCloudSuite Industrial, and the screen or data has an associated drillback link, then users can clickthe link to view the screen that has the supporting information for the source transactions.

A drillback link can be defined for each type of BOD noun, for example, SalesOrder or ItemMaster.The link is configured to open a specific CloudSuite Industrial screen for that noun. Not every BODnoun has an associated drillback view in CloudSuite Industrial.

Available drillbacksAn Infor Ming.le search result, alert, or share can include a link to the form with a reference to specificCloudSuite Industrial data. This type of drillback is displayed in the Infor Ming.le user interface as alink that opens CloudSuite Industrial to a specific form filtered for specific results.

This table shows the BODs associated with drillbacks, the views that are currently available for thisdrillback, and the CloudSuite Industrial form that is launched:

CloudSuite Industrial formDrillback viewBOD Noun



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CloudSuite Industrial formDrillback viewBOD Noun
















Loading the BODs that are used in drillbacksIn order to use these drillbacks, you must perform an initial load of the BODs listed in “Availabledrillbacks,” using the Replication Document Manual Request Utility in CloudSuite Industrial.

See Sending the initial data load on page 100.

Verifying a drillbackTo verify that the drillbacks are working for shared links in Infor Ming.le:

1 From the App menu, open CloudSuite Industrial.

2 Open a form that has a drillback, for example, Customers.

Note: The user interface does not indicate whether a screen has a drillback. In order for a screento have a drillback, a drillback must be configured and a business context message must also besent. See Available drillbacks on page 112 and Understanding business context messages on page115.

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3 Display the information that you want to share, for example, the record for a particular customer.

4 Click the Share icon on the Infor Ming.le screen.

If prompted, click Share to Feed.

5 On the Share overlay, verify that the drillback icon is displayed, add a comment, and click Share.

6 In the Infor Ming.le feed, find the message that contains the drillback icon, and click the drillbackicon to verify that it is working.

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Chapter 13: Configuring context apps and utility appsthat are used with the ERP

On the right side of the Infor Ming.le page is a collapsible panel that hosts a series of Infor Ming.lecontext and utility applications.

Context apps are lightweight applications that communicate with the application frame to presentcontextual information to the user. These applications subscribe to information published by theapplication frame and display relevant content only when it is available. The values and content of theapplication depend on the current context (form or field) that is shown in the CloudSuite Industrialapplication panel in Infor Ming.le.

Utility apps are lightweight applications that represent information unrelated to content in the application.They do not communicate with the application frame and, if activated, show only when the applicationis open.

Understanding business context messagesA business context message is a JSON message that is sent from a CloudSuite Industrial screen, fieldor other user interface object to establish the current context. These messages can be used for manycontextual purposes within Infor Ming.le, including drillbacks.

Business context messages are used with context-sensitive apps when a certain CloudSuite Industrialform is displayed:

• Determine which related files from IDM are shown in the Related Information context app, basedon the context

For more information about the available context-sensitive IDM documents, see the Infor CloudSuiteIndustrial User Guide for Infor Operating Service.

To find the business context message that is sent by a specific object, use theInfor Ming.le ContextViewer app. See the Infor Ming.le online help.

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Process default settings that allow context messages to besentIn CloudSuite Industrial, these options are set on the Process Defaults form:

• Send Context Message on Form Focus enables sending of business context messages forforms. This value is automatically set to 1 for CloudSuite Industrial through initialized data. Whenset to 1, the context message "screenId": "mongoose_Formname" is sent for all forms, whereFormname is the form name, for example, “screenId”: “mongoose_UsersMaint”.

• Optional Context Message Form Prefix replaces the mongoose_ default prefix on all forms witha specified prefix. For CloudSuite Industrial, the prefix is set to CSI_. So, for example, the UsersMaintform is sent as CSI_UsersMaint.

The context messages sent from forms allow Infor OS context apps to display context-sensitiveinformation related to the form.

Supported business context messagesBusiness context messages contain sets of contextual information called entities, which includeinformation similar to that of Infor BODs. CloudSuite Industrial can pass information about multipleentities in one business context message.

When each CloudSuite Industrial form is displayed, a script runs that passes standard metadata in aJSON message. The standard metadata includes the screen ID of the form and the logical ID of theCloudSuite Industrial application. However, the message can contain additional context-sensitivemetadata that is specific to the form and current record.

This example shows an inforBusinessContext context message that was sent from the Customersform:

{"type":"inforBusinessContext","data":{"screenId":"CSI_Customers","entities":[{"entityType":"InforAccountingEntity","id1":"DALS"},{"entityType":"InforShipToPartyMaster","id1":"4851","id2":"0","accountingEntity":"DALS","drillbackURL":"?LogicalId=lid://infor.syteline.dals&page=formonly&form=Customers(FILTER(CustNum%3D%27%20%20%20%20%2013%27%20AND%20CustSeq%3D0)SETVARVALUES(InitialCommand%3DRefresh))","bodReference":{"noun":"BillToPartyMaster","documentId":"4851","accountingEntity":"DALS","logicalId":"lid://infor.syteline.dals"}},{"entityType":"InforCustomerPartyMaster","id1":"4851","name":"Brand Central Dept Store","accountingEntity":"DALS"}]}}

The message informs context apps that the Customers form is currently displaying a record for theBrand Central Dept Store, which has the customer ID 4851 and the Ship To address ID 0, in theaccounting entity DALS. The message contains one or more business entities, or collections ofinformation, associated with the current record. The entity information can include a relative URL thatcan be used to drill back into the application and display the form and record. It also can include a BODreference that maps from the current entity in the user interface to a corresponding BOD noun.

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Any context apps that are associated with CloudSuite Industrial receive all of the information in thismessage. Each context app searches its data to determine whether it has contextual information todisplay that is related to information in this message.

For example, you might display the Customers form with the customer ID 4851. The Related Informationcontext app uses the entity type, or context, and its parameters from the message to determine if thereare any documents related to that context in its database. If so, the documents are listed in the appand can be opened. If you drag and drop files into the Related Information app pane while this formand record are displayed in CloudSuite Industrial, the files are automatically linked in Infor DocumentManagement to each of the entity types (contexts) listed in the context message.

Context and utility apps that work with the ERPThese standard context and utility apps are available for use with CloudSuite Industrial.

• Alerts• Context Viewer• Paparazzi• Posts• Related Information• Tasks

For information about how to use most of the standard apps, see the Infor Ming.le online help or userguide.

For information about using Related Information, see the Infor Document Management User Guide.

These application-specific context apps are also available:

• Related Information

This app can display context-sensitive files that are stored in Infor Document Management but thatare associated with specific CloudSuite records. You can set up workflows in CloudSuite Industrialto handle this. See About the Document Management integration on page 122.

For information about how to use the other application-specific apps, see the Infor CloudSuite IndustrialUser Guide for Infor Operating Service.

Some of the apps are initially disabled. When the apps are enabled for CloudSuite Industrial, theircontent is displayed in small app panes to the right of your application.

Enabling a context or utility app for the ERPTo enable one or more of the context or utility apps to work with CloudSuite Industrial:

1 From the User Menu, select Admin Settings.2 In the Manage Applications tab, double-click to select the CloudSuite Industrial application.

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3 In the Manage Context/Utility Apps tab, select the app that you want to enable.4 in the Permissions tab for that app, either select Grant access to all users or click Add new

users and/or IFS security roles to specify certain users or roles in CloudSuite Industrial that canaccess this context app.

5 In the Applications tab for that app, select your application and enable it for the app.6 Save your changes.

In order to see the changes, you might need to sign out of the application and Infor Ming.le. Close yourbrowser and reopen it.

Authorizing users to display critical numbers in widgetsTo enable users to view and select critical numbers for display in widgets or home pages, you mustset up the appropriate authorizations in CloudSuite Industrial.

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the Critical Number Users form.

2 Select a user record.

3 On the Categories tab, specify user authorizations for a critical number category, or on thePermissions tab, specify user authorizations for specific critical numbers.

4 Save your changes.

5 Ask the user to log out of CloudSuite Industrial and then log in again, so the changes can takeeffect.

6 Verify that users can view critical numbers that they are authorized to view.

Adding the What’s New widget to a homepageThe What’s New widget provides highlights about upcoming updates to multi-tenant products that arelicensed by your organization. The widget provides advanced notice of important changes, by product,and the date the changes will be generally available.

The What’s New widget is available from the Infor Ming.le Homepages Widget catalog. For instructionsto add and configure widgets, see the Infor Ming.le Online Help – Cloud Edition on

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Chapter 14: Verifying Homepages for the ERP

Homepages are a flexible and configurable way to present information and activities to users.Administrators can build pages for various groups of users, roles, departments, or business functions.You can select from the library of available Infor widgets or build your own.

The predefined Homepages and widgets for CloudSuite Industrial were imported automatically whenthe application was added to Infor Ming.le.

In this section, you will verify that they are working for your users.

For general Homepages administration tasks, see the Infor Ming.le online help.

For information about using the homepages and widgets, see the Infor CloudSuite Industrial UserGuide for Infor Operating Service.

Verifying the homepage and widget content1 Log into Infor Ming.le as a non-administrative user who has access to both Infor Ming.le and

CloudSuite Industrial.

2 Open the Homepages application.

3 Add a Homepage:

a Click the ellipses (…) and select Page Catalog.b Select All to see all available homepages.c Select one of the predefined CloudSuite Industrial Homepages, such as Controller Home or

Project Manager Home and click +.

You must be authorized in CloudSuite Industrial to open that “home page” form. These arethe default authorization groups/roles associated with each home page and its widgets:

Security role/groupHomepage name

Mobile ControllerController Home

Order Entry, ServiceCustomer Service Home

Mobile ExecutiveExecutive Home

InventoryInventory Control Home

Shop Floor ControlProduction Planner Home

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Security role/groupHomepage name

ProjectsProject Manager Home

PurchasingPurchasing Home

QA ProcessQuality Control Home

Order EntrySalesperson/Sales Manager Home

System AdministrationSystem Administration Home

d Close the catalog to view your new Homepage. Verify that the widgets display as expected.

4 Add a CloudSuite Industrial widget to a custom homepage:

a From the ellipses (…) menu, select New Page.b Specify a title, description and color for the page and click Create.c Click Add Widget.d Under Categories, select Application. You should see a lot of application-related widgets.

You can use the filter icon in the toolbar to find specific widgets.e Select the CloudSuite Industrial widget and click + (Add Widget).f Close the catalog and save the page to view your new widget.g Initially the widget shows a default page. Click the ellipses (…) in the widget and select

Configure.h Leave the Title and Application values as-is. Select a widget from the list and click Save.

You must be assigned the appropriate CloudSuite Industrial authorization group/role to displaythe .home form that underlies this widget.

5 Add a critical numbers widget, and configure it. Ensure that you can view critical numbers that youare authorized to view in this widget.

You must be authorized in CloudSuite Industrial to view the critical numbers.

6 Drill down to CloudSuite Industrial forms from the appropriate widgets.

Modifying permissions for standard pagesThe CloudSuite Industrial Home pages are included in the Standard Pages tab.

If you want only a specific group of users to access the standard page, you can restrict the standardpage to a security role in Infor Ming.le.

To view or change the permissions that are assigned to a page:

1 Open the Homepages application.

2 Click the ellipses (…) button and select Advanced > Administration.

3 Click the Standard Pages link and select the home page you want to edit.

4 Select Permissions > Edit Permissions.

Note: Permissions can be set at the group, role or user level.

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Adding the What’s New widget to a homepageThe What’s New widget provides highlights about upcoming updates to multi-tenant products that arelicensed by your organization. The widget provides advanced notice of important changes, by product,and the date the changes will be generally available.

The What’s New widget is available from the Infor Ming.le Homepages Widget catalog. For instructionsto add and configure widgets, see the Infor Ming.le Online Help – Cloud Edition on

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Chapter 15: Configuring Infor Document Management(IDM) to work with the ERP

The Infor Cloud team imported the CloudSuite Industrial document types, Business Context Model,and Access Control List (ACL) into the Infor Document Management (Document Management)application as part of the provisioning process.

About the Document Management integrationSome reports and documents that are generated in CloudSuite Industrial can be automatically sent toInfor Document Management for storage. You can then view the documents in Document Managementor in the context of a CloudSuite Industrial form, through the Related Information context app. Forexample, you can view a specific customer invoice while you are in that customer’s record in theCustomers form.

You can also manually add documents and tag them with CloudSuite Industrial-specific documenttypes, which allow them to be associated with certain CloudSuite Industrial forms.

This integration uses predefined CloudSuite Industrial document workflows, APIs that transmit the datafrom CloudSuite Industrial to Document Management, and this predefined CloudSuite Industrial-specificinformation in the Document Management app:

• A predefined business context model that is used to link context-sensitive documents stored inDocument Management to the appropriate forms in CloudSuite Industrial

• A set of Document Type definitions• Access control list (ACL) security definitions

You can customize the integration to include additional document workflows, or to modify the existingworkflows. You can also customize the ERP-specific information in Document Management.

Attribute values are assigned as metadata that accompanies the documents. The attributes can beused for filtering within Document Management, and for associating related documents in the RelatedInformation context app.

For example, the metadata for a purchase order includes the PO number and the number of the vendorto whom the PO is assigned.

The API integration has this high-level flow:

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In the case of failure, a notification is sent to the email address that is assigned on the CloudSuiteIndustrial Users form to the user who originated the report. The PDF file that could not be stored inDocument Management is included as an attachment in the email.

CloudSuite Industrial also supports a BOD-based integration with Infor Document Capture (usingEphesoft). See the Infor CloudSuite Industrial Integration Guide for Infor Document Capture.

Document Management-related forms in the ERPThe Document Management connection information is preset on the External App Parameters form.You should not change these settings.

The API call to Document Management impersonates the user who is actually creating the documentsin CloudSuite Industriall. CloudSuite Industrial users are matched to Document Management usersthrough the Infor Ming.le (IFS) GUID value, which is shown in the Workstation/Domain ID field of theUsers form.

Look at the IDM Document Workflows form to understand which document workflows are predefined.You will activate some of the predefined workflows in a later step.

Later, you could also use the advanced features on this form, along with the Application Event System,to customize the integration. See the online help for assistance with the advanced fields.

Other document management optionsIn addition to the features of the Document Management application, there are document managementfeatures built into CloudSuite Industrial. The CloudSuite Industrial built-in feature can associatedocuments with IDO rows and IDOs. There might be times when you need to use these features insteadof, or in combination with, the Document Management features.

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See the CloudSuite Industrial help topic about working with document (file) attachments.

Tasks performed by the Infor Cloud teamThe Infor Cloud team performed these tasks related to Document Management:

• Set up the Document Management connection information on the External App Parameters formin CloudSuite Industrial.

• Set up the Document Management connection point and the erp_idm document flow in ION Desk.• Imported a CloudSuite Industrial-specific model into Document Management. The model includes

document type definitions, Access Control List (ACL) security definitions, bundling rules (alsoknown as related documents) and a business context model (BCM) that is used to linkcontext-sensitive documents stored in Document Management to the appropriate forms in CloudSuiteIndustrial.

Prerequisites for IDM integrationBefore you start integrating Document Management with CloudSuite Industrial, ensure that theseprerequisites are met:

• On the Sites/Entities form, verify that the value of the Configuration Name field exactly matchesthe configuration that you are using.

• On the CloudSuite Industrial Document Types form, ensure that the document type PDF exists,with the pdf extension.

• On the CloudSuite Industrial Report Options form, verify that every defined output type matchesan extension shown on the Document Types form.

• In the Shared Groups tab on the Document Types form, for any document type that you want tosend to Document Management (including PDF), ensure that appropriate groups are assigned tothe document type. Then ensure that those groups are assigned to the users who will be generatingthe documents that are sent to Document Management.

• On the Event Handlers form, verify that an event handler called TaskPostPerform is definedand active.

• Ensure that users who will generate documents through these workflows have the IDM-User andIDM-RelatedInformation security roles, as well as the appropriate roles to access the CloudSuiteIndustrial forms, assigned in Infor Ming.le. Users who will view the generated documents inDocument Management or the Related Information context app must also have the appropriateroles assigned.

• If you have enabled TaskMan Options and set the value to debugrep on the Process Defaultsform, then you must define a txt extension for a document type in the Document Types form. Thissetting should only be used for report debugging purposes, and must be removed as soon astesting is done.

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Verifying the IDM connection in the ERP1 Open the CloudSuite Industrial app.

2 Select Form > Open and open the External App Parameters form. The connection informationshould already be entered by the Infor Cloud team.

3 Click Verify. A green check mark is displayed next to the button if the connection was successful.

If the connection was not successful, a red X is displayed. If the Is Active field is not selected,select it and click Verify again. If it still fails, log a support incident with Infor.

Activating the IDM workflows in the ERPWhen CloudSuite Industrial users generate a document that has an active workflow, the document issent to Document Management. To activate the workflows:

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the IDM Document Workflows form.

2 Select Active for each predefined workflow if you want that type of document to be sent to DocumentManagement. Your choices should be based on business decisions for the company.

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Note: Any generated output format from a workflow background task must have a Document Typerecord associated with that extension and appropriate groups assigned.

3 Save your changes.

Later, you could use the advanced features on this form, along with the Application Event System, tocustomize the integration. See the online help for assistance with the advanced fields.

Verifying the configuration for IDM workflowsAfter the configuration is set up in all applications, use these steps to generate a document in CloudSuiteIndustrial and verify that the document is available, with the appropriate attributes, in DocumentManagement.

For verification purposes, just ensure that the PO report is generated and displayed:

1 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the Purchase Order Report form and print a purchase order.

2 Open the IDM Workflow Logs form and verify that a record exists for the new PO.

See the online help for an explanation of the fields on this form.

3 In the Infor Document Management application, verify that you can find and preview the documentusing these options in the Search:

Document TypeSpecify CS_PurchaseOrder.

Property or AttributeVerify that these attributes are in the list: Purchase Order and Vendor Number. SelectPurchase Order.

OperationSelect Like.

Search ValueSpecify the PO number. Use the % wildcard character to allow for leading and trailing spaces.

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4 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the Vendors form.

5 Select the vendor associated with the purchase order number that you printed.

In the Related Information context app, the document should be displayed automatically. Thedefault entity type is All, which displays any document that matches the current record.

6 Verify that you can preview the purchase order.

If you encounter problems with workflows, see the help topic on troubleshooting IDM workflows.

Configuring Infor Document Capture with Infor OSInfor Document Capture (Ephesoft Transact) enables you to convert a high volume of unstructureddocument data from multiple formats into structured information by using machine learning and analytics.The automated conversion of document data categorizes each document by type and captures andstores relevant data for each document, providing greater efficiency, productivity, and a more detailedanalysis of your business processes within the ERP.

To configure Document Capture with CloudSuite Industrial, see the Infor CloudSuite Industrial IntegrationGuide for Infor Document Capture.

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Chapter 16: Configuring and integrating otherapplications in the CloudSuite

You must configure some of the optional products in the CloudSuite to work with the components ofInfor OS (which include ION, Infor Ming.le, Infor Document Management, and Infor Localization Services).

Some products also require additional integration steps to work with the ERP.

Integrating with Infor CPQIf Infor Configure Price Quote (Infor CPQ, formerly known as Product Configuration Management) isincluded in the CloudSuite, the Infor Cloud team adds the application to Infor Ming.le, configures thepoint-to-point connection to the ERP, and set up the configuration parameters in the InventoryParameters form.

During post-provisioning, some sample ruleset data was added to Design Studio, and sample contentwas added to the Infor CPQ Workbench app. See Configuring CPQ on page 63.

Use these steps to verify that the connection to Infor CPQ was successful:

1 From the Infor Ming.le App Menu, select Infor CloudSuite.2 If your tenant has more than one site, a login dialog is displayed. Select the configuration for the

site that is integrated with CPQ, for example, xxxx_DEM_DALS.3 In CloudSuite Industrial, open the Inventory Parameters form.4 Select the Product Configuration tab and verify that all fields are populated. If not, contact the

Infor Cloud team (Infor CPQ) for the correct values. Also contact the cloud team if any values mustbe changed.

To complete the integration between the ERP and Infor CPQ, see these documents:

• "Setting Up a Configuration Interface for an Item or Job” in the ERP online help• Infor SyteLine Integration Guide for Infor Product Configuration Management

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Integrating with Infor Enterprise QuotingIf Infor Enterprise Quoting is included in the CloudSuite, the Infor Cloud team adds the application toInfor Ming.le and configures both the web service and BOD connections to the ERP. Also, some sampleruleset data was added to EQ Designer.

During post-provisioning, the configuration parameters were initialized in theCloudSuite IndustrialInventory Parameters form, and application preferences and drillbacks to CloudSuite Industrial wereset in Enterprise Quoting. See Configuring Enterprise Quoting on page 72.

To complete the integration between the ERP and Enterprise Quoting, see these documents:

• "Setting Up a Configuration Interface for an Item or Job” in the ERP online help.• Infor Enterprise Quoting Integration Guide for Infor CloudSuite Industrial

Integrating with Infor CRMInfor CRM 8.x is a hybrid integration; that is, CRM is either installed on-premises or in a single tenantcloud, and then communicates with ION through the Enterprise Connector.

Infor CRM CE is a multi-tenant cloud integration.

1 For an Infor CRM 8.x hybrid integration, you must install the Enterprise Connector and set up theCRM connection point for ION in the Cloud. See these guides:

• Infor CRM Back Office Extension Configuration Guide for Infor ION• Infor CRM Implementation Guide

2 For the CRM 8.x hybrid integration, the Infor Cloud team partially configures the flow of BODsbetween CRM and the ERP during provisioning. Infor Consulting or the business partner mustcomplete the configuration during Post Provisioning.

See Adding BODS to the Infor CRM connection point for the ERP integration on page 44.

3 To complete the hybrid integration between CRM 8.x and the ERP, see the Infor CloudSuiteIndustrial Integration Guide for Infor CRM - Cloud Edition.

Alternatively, to complete the multi-tenant integration between CRM CE and the ERP, see the InforCloudSuite Industrial Integration Guide for Infor CRM CE - Cloud Edition.

Integrating with Infor EAM1 If EAM is included in the CloudSuite, the Infor Cloud team partially configures the EAM connection

point and the flow of BODs between EAM and the ERP. You, Infor Consulting, or the businesspartner must complete the configuration during Post Provisioning. See these sections:

• Configuring BODs for the Infor EAM connection point on page 25•

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2 To set up additional EAM configuration with Infor Ming.le and ION, see these guides:

• Infor EAM Configuration Guide for Infor Ming.le: See the section on configuring drillbacks.Other sections are mainly intended for the on-premises version.

• Infor EAM Configuration Guide for Infor ION: See the sections on Configuring DatabridgePartners, Configuring EAM, Sending the initial data load, and Infor EAM BOD dependencies.Other sections are mainly intended for the on-premises version.

3 To complete the integration between EAM and the ERP, see the Infor CloudSuite IndustrialIntegration Guide for Infor EAM – Cloud Edition.

Note: In order to test the integration, you must first set up company-specific data in both applications,as described in the integration guide.

Integrating with Infor Expense Management1 If Infor Expense Management is included in the CloudSuite, the Infor Cloud team partially configures

the EAM connection point and the flow of BODs between Infor Expense Management and theERP. You, Infor Consulting, or the business partner must complete the configuration during PostProvisioning. See these sections:

• Configuring BODs for the Infor Expense Management connection point on page 61• Completing the erp_xm document flow on page 61

2 To set up additional Infor Expense Management configuration with Infor Ming.le and ION, seethese guides:

• Infor Expense Management Configuration Guide for Infor ION• Infor Expense Management Configuration Guide for Infor Ming.le

3 To complete the integration between Infor Expense Management and the ERP, see the InforCloudSuite Industrial Integration Guide for Infor Expense Management – Cloud Edition.

Integrating with Infor Factory TrackIf Infor Factory Track is included in the CloudSuite, the Infor Ming.le connection and the point-to-pointconnection to CloudSuite Industrial are configured by the Infor Cloud team. That team also createsone administrative user for Factory Track in Infor Ming.le and Factory Track. After provisioning, theSite Parameters form in Factory Track includes ERP-specific connection information.

1 To verify that the provisioning setup is working, use these steps:

a In Factory Track, open the Site Parameters form.

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b In the CloudSuite Industrial Communication tab, click Test Communications to verify thatthe applications are communicating.

c In the CloudSuite Industrial Communication tab, click Test Communications to verify thatthe applications are communicating.

d Open the Jobs List form, and make a note of how many jobs are currently listed there, forlater reference.

e Open the Load Orders from ERP form. Specify the number of days prior and into the futureto import data. Select the types of orders to import, and click Process.

f Reopen the Jobs List form and filter to show all jobs. If there are more jobs than were shownin step d, then Factory Track is communicating with the ERP site and is pulling data properly.

Note: Optionally, you can set up a background task to run the import from the ERP on a regularbasis.

2 For users who will work in both Factory Track and other Infor Ming.le applications such as CloudSuiteIndustrial, set up those users in Infor Ming.le. These user accounts are coordinated with the FactoryTrack user accounts through BODs sent between Infor Ming.le and Factory Track.

Users who work only in Factory Track can be set up only within Factory Track.

3 To complete the integration between Factory Track and CloudSuite Industrial, see the Infor FactoryTrack Integration Guide for CloudSuite Industrial.

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Integrating with Infor Global HR and TalentManagement1 If Infor Global HR is included in the CloudSuite, the Infor Cloud team partially configures the Global

HR connection point and the flow of BODs between Global HR and the ERP. You, Infor Consulting,or the business partner must complete the configuration during Post Provisioning. See thesesections:

• Configuring BODs for the Global HR connection point on page 82• Completing the erp_ghr document flow on page 83

2 To complete the integration between Infor Global HR and the ERP, see the Infor CloudSuiteIndustrial Integration Guide for Infor Global HR and Talent Management.

Integrating with Infor Localization ServicesIn order to use some features in certain localizations, Infor Localization Services is required. See thesedocuments for information about configuring and integrating Infor Localization Services with yourapplication:• The appropriate country guide for information about whether Infor Localization Services is required,

and if so, which components must be downloaded and imported.• Infor CloudSuite Industrial Integration Guide for Infor Localization Services for information about

how to set up the ERP and Infor Localization Services to work together.• Infor Localization Services Product Overvew for more information about the components of Infor

Localization Services.

Integrating with Microsoft OfficeBefore using the integrated Office features with CloudSuite Industrial, users must download the plug-insfor Excel, Word, and Projects from the Infor Support Portal Download Center to their local devices.The Trust setting must be enabled for Excel.

See the Infor CloudSuite Industrial MicrosoftOffice Integration User Guide.

Configuring add-in applicationsAdd-in applications are built into the ERP application. However, some of the add-ins require additionalconfiguration. See these documents:

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ReferenceAdd-in module

Help topic: “APS: Initial Setup Steps”APS

Automotive Industry Pack help topics and userguide

Automotive Industry Pack

Infor CloudSuite Industrial Credit Card InterfaceConfiguration Guide

Help topic: “Setting Up the Credit Card Interface”

Credit Card Interface module

Help topic: “Employee Self Service Overview”Employee Self Service

Infor CloudSuite Industrial Forecasting UserGuide


Help topic: “Setting Up Mobile Access”Mobile

Molding Industry Pack help topics and user guideMolding Industry Pack

Infor CloudSuite Industrial Portal AdministrationGuide - Cloud Edition


Printing Industry Pack help topics and user guidePrinting Industry Pack

Process user guideProcess Industry Pack

QCS help topics and user guideQuality (QCS)

Help topic: “Setting up Service Parameters”Service

Infor CloudSuite Industrial SytePlan Implementa-tion and User Guide


Infor CloudSuite Industrial Tax System InterfaceConfiguration Guide

Help topic: “Setting Up a Tax Interface”

Tax System Interface

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Appendix A: User and role BOD usage

This appendix provides detailed information about how the security BODs are used between CloudSuiteIndustrial and Infor Ming.le.

BODs that send roles (authorization groups) from theERP to Infor Ming.leSome authorization groups from CloudSuite Industrial are preconfigured as security roles in InforMing.le when the CloudSuite Industrial application is added in Infor Ming.le.

When you create or edit an authorization group in CloudSuite Industrial, a Sync.SecurityRoleMasterBOD is generated. This BOD is defined at the tenant level. The information from this BOD is used inInfor Ming.le to automatically create a matching security role. The name of the role created in Thename of the role created in Infor Ming.le depends on whether the group name is currently mapped toan External Role Alias. If so, the alias is used. If not, the group name is used.

Note: Remember that CloudSuite Industrial is the system of record for roles/groups. It sends theSync.SecurityRoleMaster BOD when a group is created or changed in CloudSuite Industrial.

Alternatively, you can create a security role in Infor Ming.le that does not exist in CloudSuite Industrial.If you assign that role to a user, then when Infor Ming.leInfor Ming.le sends the Sync.SecurityUserMasterBOD for that user to CloudSuite Industrial, CloudSuite Industrial automatically creates a “placeholder”group for that role. (First, it checks both the External Role Alias table, for license modules, and theGroups table, to make sure the Infor Ming.le security role does not already exist in CloudSuite Industrial.If not, CloudSuite Industrial assigns the placeholder group to the user.) The placeholder group is justa name and description, with no assigned privileges. CloudSuite Industrial then sends aSync.SecurityRoleMaster BOD back to Infor Ming.le for the new group/role.

If you delete a role in either CloudSuite Industrial or Infor Ming.le, you must also delete the correspondingrole in the other application.

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Person IDsAny CloudSuite Industrial users who plan to use Infor Ming.le or other Infor OS components must beset up as users in Infor Ming.le, and the user’s Person ID must be synchronized between Infor Ming.leand CloudSuite Industrial.

Person IDs in Infor Ming.leThe user details page in Infor Ming.le includes an ERP Person ID tab. The ERP Person ID tab ispopulated if CloudSuite Industrial publishes the Sync Person BOD. The ERP Person ID is used as theidentifier of the user in the ERP application, and allows you to link the Infor Ming.le user to the ERPapplication user. The ERP Person ID tab shows all ERP person IDs that are associated with this InforMing.le user.

The IFS ION-Person ID is used as the user identifier in ION, which then links the Infor Ming.le userwith the ION BODs. By default, the IFS ION-Person ID is set to the User Principal Name (UPN) of theuser. UPN is an AD FS concept.

The IFS Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) is the same as the UPN.

Sending the Person ID from the ERP to Infor Ming.leWhen certain information is manually added or updated in CloudSuite Industrial for a user, aProcess.SecurityUserMaster BOD is published by CloudSuite Industrial.

The Workstation/Domain ID field on the Users form in CloudSuite Industrial contains the IFSION-Person ID for a user. This value should not be changed. It is possible to update this value inCloudSuite Industrial and then manually publish the Process.SecurityUserMaster BOD to Infor Ming.le;however, Infor Ming.le is the system of record for user information, so you should only maintain theIFS ION-Person ID value In Infor Ming.le.

BODs that send user information from Infor Ming.le tothe ERPWhen you add a user in the Infor Ming.le portal, a SecurityUserMaster BOD is sent through ION toyour application at the specified intervals, where a matching user record is created or updated. ThisBOD contains the user name, login, creation date, status, description, email address, and the roles,or groups, to which the user is assigned.

Infor Ming.le is the system of record for the SecurityUserMaster BOD.

When CloudSuite Industrial receives the BOD, these actions occur:

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• For a new user that does not exist in CloudSuite Industrial:• A new user record is added.• The Workstation Domain/ID field is populated with a row pointer value that should not be

changed.• The group authorizations for that user are added.• By default, the Transactional license module is assigned to all new users in CloudSuite Industrial.

(In a usage-tracking environment, this assignment is ignored.)• In addition, if any CSI-License-xxxx security roles were assigned to the user in Infor Ming.le,

the matching license modules are assigned in CloudSuite Industrial, as mapped in the ExternalRole Alias form. (In a usage-tracking environment, this assignment is ignored.)

• A primary email type description is added that contains the user’s email address.• The user’s First Name and Last Name values from Infor Ming.le are combined into the

CloudSuite Industrial User Description field, separated by a space.

• For an existing user in CloudSuite Industrial:• The user status, user descriptions, and primary email address are updated.• The user record is updated with any new user group authorizations, user modules, based on

the assignments in Infor Ming.le.• An Acknowledge SecurityUserMaster BOD is sent back to Infor Ming.le.

About the "Keep Groups in SecurityUserMaster" process default

You can set a process default in the Process Defaults form that determines how the groups assignedto a user should be treated in CloudSuite Industrial when synchronizing user records with Infor Ming.le:

• When set to 0 or left as null (the default), any groups that are assigned to the user in CloudSuiteIndustrial, but that are not referenced by (or known by) Infor Ming.le are automatically removedfrom the user record in CloudSuite Industrial during synchronization.

• When set to 1, the default behavior is overridden and the groups assigned to the user are left intactin CloudSuite Industrial. In this case, if you want to remove a group membership for a user inCloudSuite Industrial you must remove it manually on the Users form.

Note: This process default has no effect on the ability to add roles to users in Infor Ming.le, which endup as group memberships for that user in CloudSuite Industrial. It also has no effect on whether therole/group itself is deleted entirely from the application.

About the "Keep Modules in SecurityUserMaster" process default

This process default handles license module updates the same way that the "Keep Groups inSecurityUserMaster" process default handles updates for groups.

BODs that send user information from the ERP to InforMing.leWhen any of this information is manually added or updated in CloudSuite Industrial for a user, aProcess.SecurityUserMaster BOD is published by CloudSuite Industrial:

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• User login status• User description: A value is required in this field if you are passing user information from CloudSuite

Industrial to Infor Ming.le through the Process SecurityUserMaster BOD. The field must containvalues separated by a space. The first value becomes the First Name in Infor Ming.le. Everythingafter the space becomes the Last Name in Infor Ming.le. For example, if the CloudSuite IndustrialUser Description is Tom Van Winkle, Tom is the First Name and Van Winkle is the Last Name inInfor Ming.le.

• Workstation login• Primary email address: A value is required in this field if you are passing user information from

CloudSuite Industrial to Infor Ming.le through the Process SecurityUserMaster BOD.• Group authorizations• License modules (In a usage-tracking environment, this information is ignored.)

However, if the user information was changed in CloudSuite Industrial because of an incomingSync.SecurityUserMaster BOD from Infor Ming.le, the Process.SecurityUserMaster BOD is not published.

CloudSuite Portals usersIf a new user is created in CloudSuite Industrial based on a request from the CloudSuite vendor,customer or reseller portals, the BOD is not sent to Infor Ming.le.

See the portal administration guide for information about creating new portal users.

Adding users in the ERPIt is possible to add users in CloudSuite Industrial rather than in Infor Ming.le. If the user informationis set up correctly, it will be transmitted in the Process.SecurityUserMaster BOD to Infor Ming.le andthe user is created automatically there, too.

Note: This method is not recommended, because Infor Ming.le is the system of record for users. Werecommend that you instead use the method described in Configuring user access to the ERP throughInfor Ming.le on page 88.

1 If you are using AD FS, create the user in AD FS before you add the user in CloudSuite Industrial.Otherwise, Infor Ming.le will reject the BOD.

2 In the CloudSuite Industrial Users form, specify this information:

User NameSpecify the user name in the format domain_name\user_name.

Workstation Domain/IDSpecify the user name in the format domain_name\user_name.

Email Type AddressFor the Primary email address, specify the user's email address.

3 For the rest of the field values, see the online help.

4 After the Process.SecurityUserMaster BOD is received by Infor Ming.le, the user is created there.

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Appendix B: Troubleshooting

This section describes actions that you can perform to solve Infor OS integration issues.

Data is not flowing properlyCause: A problem is preventing the flow of BOD data to ION.

Solution: After you complete the configuration setup, if BOD data is not flowing to ION, use ION OneViewto identify the problem.

ION OneView can be found in the menu for ION Desk. You can perform these actions in ION OneView:

• Track business documents from a single consolidated view; search for documents using differentsearch criteria.

• View all ION components that were triggered by the incoming document: Connection Points;document flow filters and content-based routing; mappings; ION engines for example, Monitor,Workflow, and Pulse; monitors; activation policies and workflows.

• View more details about these ION components:• Detailed properties for each ION component• List of events that were logged by each ION component while processing the message• Drilldown views that are used to display the appropriate management pages for the selected

ION component• Visibility and correlation of the different messages sent or generated:• Original BOD messages that triggered the whole list of components displayed; Confirm BOD

messages that were generated due to any error while processing the Original BOD message.Mapped/Updated BOD messages that were created during the processing of the Original BODmessage

• View content of BOD messages. This information is only available to authorized users, basedon the roles and permissions that are configured.

For more information, see the section on ION OneView in the Infor ION Desk User Guide - CloudEdition.

To avoid business discrepancies between this application and integrated applications, correct anyerrors as soon possible.

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BOD information needs to be purgedInformation from every inbound BOD, including sequencing information, is collected in a table in theCloudSuite Industrial application. This data constantly builds up and, over time, could cause performanceissues. For this reason, system administrators should periodically use the Purge BOD Informationform to purge information from that table. You can set up a background task to perform this functionautomatically

You can also use the Replication Document Inbox/Outbox Utilities form to clear out older BODsfrom the Replication Document Inbox and Replication Document Outbox.

ERP help is not workingVerify that the user’s web browser has popup blockers turned off. Clear the browser cache, restartInfor Ming.le and try again.

Verifying ION Desk provisioned settingsSome connection points and some data flows were provisioned for you by the Infor Cloud team.

This section is provided in case you make a change from the provisioned settings and need to correctyour system back to the original setting.

Provisioned connection pointsIn ION Desk, select Connect > Connection Points. You should see at least these connection points:

• Infor Document Management• Infor Ming.le• CloudSuite Industrial. There might be multiple CloudSuite Industrial sites.

Connection points for optional applications in this tenant might also be provisioned.

Connection points provide the information that ION uses to connect to an application’s message inboxand outbox. At least one connection point is defined for each application instance that integrates toION.

The Documents tab for each connection point lists all of the documents (BODs) that can be sent orreceived by this application instance for any integration. For each document, the list indicates whetherthe document can be sent, received, or both.

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Verifying the provisioned ERP connection pointsIf you have a multi-site system, one connection point is defined for each site. Verify that they containthe correct documents.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Connection Points.

2 Select one of the predefined CloudSuite Industrial connection points.

The CloudSuite Industrial connection points should contain these documents after provisioning:

Used in integra-tion with

Send from appli-cation

Receive in appli-cation





ION (for alerts)XProcess.PulseAlert

CRM, EQXProcess.Quote


CRM, EQXProcess.SalesOrder

Infor Ming.leXProcess.SecurityUserMaster

CRM, EQXProcess.ShipToPartyMaster

CRM, EQXSync.BillToPartyMaster

CRM, EQ, Ex-pense Mgt



EQ, ExpenseMgt


CRM, EQXSync.CustomerPartyMaster


Expense MgtXSync.EmployeeTimesheet

Expense MgtXSync.ExpenseReport


CRM, EQXSync.ItemMaster




Expense MgtXSync.Personnel

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Used in integra-tion with

Send from appli-cation

Receive in appli-cation


Expense MgtXSync.ProductionOrder

Expense MgtXSync.ProjectMaster


CRM, EQ (set toReceive in Appli-cation if EQ issending Sync in-stead of Pro-cess)




Expense MgtXSync.RemittanceAdvice



Infor Ming.le,IRC


Infor Ming.leXSync.SecurityUserMaster

Expense MgtXSync.ServiceOrder


CRM, EQXSync.ShipToPartyMaster


This list might change later, if integrations with other products are added or removed.

Verifying the provisioned Infor Ming.le connection pointThe Infor Cloud team has already set up the Infor Ming.le connection point. Verify that it contains thecorrect documents.

1 In ION Desk, select Connection > Connection Points.

2 Select the Infor Ming.le connection point.

The Documents tab should contain these documents after provisioning:

Send from ApplicationReceive in ApplicationDocument



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Send from ApplicationReceive in ApplicationDocument


Verifying the provisioned Infor Document Management connectionpointThe Infor Cloud team has already set up the Infor Document Management (Document Management)connection point. Verify that it contains the correct documents.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Connection Points.

2 Select the Document Management connection point.

The Documents tab should contain these documents after provisioning:

Send from applicationReceive in applicationDocument


Provisioned data flowsIn ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows. You should see these data flows; the actual list dependson the optional integrations that you are using:

• erp_mingle• erp_crm• erp_eam• erp_idm• erp_xm• erp_irc_ifs• ft_mingle

Each data flow should contain application boxes with connection points. For document flows, thedocument icon between the application boxes should list only the documents (BODs) that are sent orreceived between the applications in that part of the flow.

Verifying the provisioned erp_mingle document flowThe Infor Cloud team has already set up a document flow between CloudSuite Industrial and InforMing.le to pass user account and role (group) information. Verify that the flow is activated and that itcontains the correct connection points and documents.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

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2 Find the erp_mingle document flow and verify that it is marked as Active.

3 Select the document flow to open it. The document flow should look like this diagram:

4 Click in each of the application boxes and verify that the appropriate connection point(s) are listedas applications. If not, add them.

Note: In this flow, the ERP_1 application box contains only oneCloudSuite Industrial connectionpoint (site). Because the sites are all in one database, basic user data is shared between all sites.However, if you want to ensure that updates to roles (groups) are also shared between all sites,you must set up a master site and shared user tables in CloudSuite Industrial. (See the InforCloudSuite Industrial Multi-Site Planning Guide – Cloud Edition.) If you don’t want to use a mastersite and shared user tables, then you must include all of the CloudSuite Industrial site connectionpoints in this document flow.

5 Select the document icon between MINGLE_1 and ERP_1 and verify that it lists these documents:

• Sync.SecurityUserMaster

6 Select the document icon between ERP_1 and MINGLE_2 and verify that it lists these documents:

• Sync.SecurityRoleMaster• Process.SecurityUserMaster

Verifying the provisioned erp_idm document flowThe Infor Cloud team has already set up a document flow between CloudSuite Industrial and InforDocument Management. If you will be using the Infor Document Capture (using Ephesoft) documentscanning application and Infor Document Management with CloudSuite Industrial, verify that the flowis activated and that it contains the correct connection points and documents.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Find the erp_idm document flow. If you are using this integration, verify that it is marked as Active.

3 Select the document flow to open it. The document flow should look like this diagram:

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4 Click in each of the application boxes and verify that the appropriate connection point(s) are listedas applications. If not, add them.

5 Select the document icon between IDM_1 and ERP_1 and verify that it lists this document:Sync.CaptureDocument.

Verifying the provisioned erp_crm document flow.

The Infor Cloud team has already set up a document flow between CloudSuite Industrial and InforCRM. If you are using this optional integration, verify that the flow is activated and that it contains thecorrect connection points and documents

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Find the erp_crm document flow. If you are using this integration, verify that it is marked as Active.

3 Select the document flow to open it. The document flow should look like this diagram:

4 Click in each of the application boxes and verify that the appropriate connection point(s) are listedas applications. If not, add them.

5 Select the document icon between ERP_1 and CRM_1 and verify that it lists these documents:

• Sync BillToPartyMaster• Sync CodeDefinition• Sync ContactMaster• Sync CustomerPartyMaster• Sync CustomerReturn• Sync Invoice• Sync ItemMaster• Sync.Location• Sync PayFromPartyMaster• Sync.Person• Sync Quote• Sync ReceivableTransaction• Sync SalesOrder• Sync Shipment• Sync ShipToPartyMaster

6 Select the document icon between CRM_1 and ERP_2 and verify that it lists these documents:

• Process BillToPartyMaster

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• Process ContactMaster• Process CustomerPartyMaster• Process Quote• Process SalesOrder• Process ShipToPartyMaster

7 Click on the Filter decision box between CRM_1 and ERP_2 and verify its attributes:

8 Verify that its condition looks like this example:

Where the Expression contains the accounting entity IDs for each of the CloudSuite Industrialsites that should receive BODs from Infor CRM.

Verifying the provisioned erp_eam document flowThe Infor Cloud team has already set up a document flow between CloudSuite Industrial andInfor EAM.If you are using this optional integration, verify that the flow is activated and that it contains the correctconnection points and documents.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Find the erp_eam document flow. If you are using this integration, verify that it is marked as Active.

3 Select the document flow to open it. The document flow should look like this diagram:

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4 Click in each of the application boxes and verify that the appropriate connection point(s) are listedas applications. If not, add them.

5 Select the document icon between ERP_1 and EAM_1 and verify that it lists these documents:

• Sync.CodeDefinition• Sync PurchaseOrder• Sync ReceiveDelivery• Sync SupplierPartyMaster

6 Select the document icon between EAM_1 and ERP_2 and verify that it lists this document: ProcessRequisition.

Verifying the provisioned erp_xm document flowThe Infor Cloud team has already set up a document flow between CloudSuite Industrial and InforExpense Management. If you will be using this optional integration, verify that the flow is activated andthat it contains the correct connection points and documents.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Find the erp_xm document flow. If you are using this integration, verify that it is marked as Active.

3 Select the document flow to open it. The document flow should look like this diagram:

4 Click in each of the application boxes and verify that the appropriate connection point(s) are listedas applications. If not, add them.

5 Select the document icon between ERP_1 and XM_1 and verify that it lists these documents:

• Sync CodeDefinition• Sync CurrencyExchangeRateMaster• Sync Personnel• Sync ProductionOrder• Sync ProjectMaster• Sync RemittanceAdvice

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• Sync ServiceOrder

6 Select the document icon between XM_2 and ERP_2 and verify that it lists these documents:

• Sync EmployeeTimesheet• Sync ExpenseReport

Verifying the provisioned erp_cpq_eq document flowThe Infor Cloud team has already set up a document flow between CloudSuite Industrial and InforEnterprise Quoting. If you will be using this optional integration, verify that the flow is activated andthat it contains the correct connection points and documents.

1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Find the erp_cpq_eq document flow. If you are using this integration, verify that it is marked asActive.

3 Select the document flow to open it. The document flow should look like this diagram:

4 Click in each of the application boxes and verify that the appropriate connection point(s) are listedas applications. If not, add them.

5 Select the document icon between CPQ_EQ_1 and ERP_1 and verify that it lists these documents:

• Process Quote• Process SalesOrder• Process ShipToPartyMaster

6 Select the document icon between ERP_1 and CPQ_EQ_1 and verify that it lists these documents:

• Sync BillToPartyMaster• Sync CodeDefinition• Sync CurrencyExchangeRateMaster• Sync CustomerPartyMaster• Sync Item Master• Sync ShipToPartyMaster

Verifying the provisioned ft_mingle document flowThe Infor Cloud team has already set up a document flow between Infor Ming.le and Infor FactoryTrack. If you will be using the optional Factory Track integration with CloudSuite Industrial, verify thatthe flow is activated and that it contains the correct connection points and documents.

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1 In ION Desk, select Connect > Data Flows.

2 Find the ft_mingle document flow. If you are using this integration, verify that it is marked asActive.

3 Select the document flow to open it. The document flow should look like this diagram:

4 Click in each of the application boxes and verify that the appropriate connection point(s) are listedas applications. If not, add them.

5 Select the document icon between MINGLE_1 and FT_1 and verify that it lists this document:

• Sync.SecurityUserMaster

6 Select the document icon between FT_1 and MINGLE_2 and verify that it lists these documents:

• Sync.SecurityRoleMaster• Process.SecurityUserMaster

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Appendix C: Business events that generate outboundBODs

This table shows the events, which are user actions in CloudSuite Industrial that generate an outboundBOD from CloudSuite Industrial:

User action to generate the BODNounVerb

Run the Replication Document Manual RequestUtility with AccountingBookDefinition selected.This should be done once per site.


Run the Replication Document Manual RequestUtility with AccountingChart selected. This shouldbe done once per site, after the Chart of Ac-counts is set up at the site.


Run the Replication Document Manual RequestUtility with AccountingEntity selected. This shouldbe done once per site, after the tenant ID is setup at the site.


* Ship the order, either manually with the Trans-fer Order Ship form, or automatically in responseto a received Sync Shipment BOD.

* Perform material transactions that remove in-ventory tied to these types of orders: Project,Job, Customer Order, Purchase Order (with anegative quantity), RMA, Production Order orTransfer Order.

* Run the Multi-Site Quantity Move utility.


Acknowledge the receipt of a BillofMaterials froman external application.


Indicate that changes have been made in theapplication after receipt of a Process BillofMate-rials from an external application


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User action to generate the BODNounVerb

Perform a cost rollup in:

* Current BOM Cost Roll Up form (current itemBillOfResources BOD)

* Single Level Current BOM Cost Roll Up form(current item BillOfResources BOD)

* Roll Current Cost to Standard Cost form (finan-cial standard BillOfResources BOD)

(BOD is not currently active)


Acknowledge the receipt of a BillToPartyMasterfrom an external application.


Change any information on the Customers form.

Change any information on the Ship Tos form.


The system could not process a BOD sent fromanother system because of validation or othererrors.


* Delete a Resource Group.

* Add or update a resource on the Resourcesform (creates a BOD for each shift line)

* Add or update a Resource Group, or changethe elements of a group (creates a BOD for eachshift line that is affected)

* Add or update a shift calendar in SchedulingShifts.

* Update a Shift Exception (creates a BOD forthe affected resource with WORKFG (Work) setto Y if the resource is free or N (Down Time) ifthe resource is busy.

* Update a resource schedule (creates a BODfor the affected resource and resource group,indicating that the resource is busy).

* Add a holiday. This creates a BOD that indi-cates all resources are busy on that day.


Select the Physically Shipped check box on theSpecial tab of the Delivery Orders form.


Create or update an account record in the Chartof Accounts form. Statistical and allocation ac-counts are not included.


Acknowledge the receipt of a CodeDefinitionfrom an external application


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User action to generate the BODNounVerb

* Add or update Billing Terms

* Add an Education Major

* Add a Certification/License

* Add a Commodity Code

* Add an External Expense Type

* Add an Indirect Labor Code

* Add an Inventory Adjustment Reason Code

* Add or update an ISO U/M on the Unit of Mea-sure Codes form

* Add an Item Category

* Add an Obsolete Slow Moving Reason Code

* Add an Opportunity Source

* Add an Opportunity Stage

* Add a Payment Type

* Add a Position

* Add a Price Code

* Add a Product Code

* Add a Project Cost Code

* Add a Province/State

* Add a Shift ID on the Scheduling Shifts form

* Add a Ship Via Code

* Add a Skill

* Add a Tax Code of type Exempt

* Add a Tax Jurisdiction

* Add a Territory

* Add a Training Course

* Add a unit code on the Unit Code 1 - 4 forms

* Add a Work Code

* Add a Work Experience

BODS for some other codes, such as languageIDs and cost methods, are automatically gener-ated when the Replication Document ManualRequest Utility is run.


Insert or modify a Shift ID (creates a BOD forassociated resources)


Acknowledge the receipt of a ContactMaster froman external application


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User action to generate the BODNounVerb

* Add or change a Contact

* Create a Customer Sales Contact Cross-Refer-ence


* Add or update Customer Order header

* Add or update Customer Order Blanket Line


* Create a Bank Reconciliations record for avendor payment, employee payment, or cus-tomer payment

* If certain country packs such as Sweden orPoland are enabled, only vendor payments fromthe AP EFT and Wire Payments form are usedto generate a CreditTransfer BOD. Employee orcustomer payments do not generate this BOD.


Add or update a Currency RateCurrencyExchangeRateMasterSync

Acknowledge the receipt of a CustomerPartyMas-ter from an external application


Change any information on the Customers,Prospects, Customer Sales Contact Cross Ref-erences, or Sales Contact Salesperson Cross-References, or Customer ShipTos form


* Print the RMA Order Verification Report

* Change the status of an RMA


Post a direct debit transaction from a customeron the A/R Direct Debit Posting form.


Acknowledge the receipt of an expense report.ExpenseReportAcknowledge

* Change any information on the AccountingPeriods form

* Run the change Reports To Entity utility


* Perform Quantity Adjustment

* Perform Miscellaneous Receipt or Miscella-neous Issue

* Perform Cycle Count Posting - one BOD isgenerated for each combination of item, ware-house, and location where the quantity on handhas changed

* Perform Physical Inventory Posting - one BODis generated for each combination of item,warehouse, and location where the quantity onhand has changed


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User action to generate the BODNounVerb

* Run the Cycle Count Posting utility

* Run the Physical Inventory Posting utility

One InventoryCount BOD is sent for eachitem/warehouse combination


Change either of these for an Item StockroomLocation record: Location Type or Non-NettableFlag

(BOD is not currently active.)


* Print and post an invoice through the Consoli-dated Invoicing form

* Post an invoice through the Invoice Posting(A/R) form

Note: The Invoice BOD publishes one line forevery order line included in the Invoice. WhenLine Summarization is turned on in ConsolidatedInvoicing, the summary invoice lines are notpublished; instead, each customer order line willbe published as a line in the Invoice BOD.


Acknowledge the receipt of an item from an ex-ternal application.


* Create a new item on the Items form

* Make a change to these fields on the Itemsform: Item, Description, ABC Code, Commodity,Cost Method, Material Status, Reason, Back-flush, Last Change, U/M, Unit Cost, S/N Track,Lot Track, Source, Order Minimum, Order Maxi-mum, Alternate Item, Country of Origin

* Add or change an item description on the Multi-Lingual Items form


* Print EU Sales List Report

* Print SSD Transaction Listing Report


* Create a new Warehouse

* Update General Parameters form (creates aLocation BOD with the site as the location)


* Create or update a record on the Opportunities,Customer Orders, or Opportunity Tasks form

* Delete an Opportunity


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User action to generate the BODNounVerb

* Post a voucher or an Adjustment through theA/P Voucher Posting form

* Post a payment from any of these forms: A/PCheck Printing/Posting, A/P Draft Printing/Post-ing, A/P EFT Posting, A/P Wire Posting


* Post a voucher through the A/P Voucher Post-ing form

* Post a payment from any of these forms: A/PCheck Printing/Posting, A/P Draft Printing/Post-ing, A/P EFT Posting, A/P Wire Posting

* Set or release a Hold status on a voucher


Acknowledge the receipt of a PayFromPartyMas-ter from an external application


* Change any information on the Customers form

* Change any information on the Ship Tos form


* Add or update information about a salespersonor sales manager on the Salespersons form

* Update information related to a salesperson onthe Employees form (for employee sales people)or Vendors form (for outside sales people)


* Add or update information on these forms:Employee, Employee Skills, Employee Cert/Li-cense, Employee Education, Employee TrainingCourses, Employee Work Experience, or Employ-ee Position


Acknowledge the receipt of a Planning Schedulefrom an external application.


Acknowledge the receipt of a ProductionOrderfrom an external application


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User action to generate the BODNounVerb

* Applied filters on the Background Task gener-ate this BOD for a firm job that is scheduled forthe first time. This does not apply to jobs thathave just been processed by the TriggerProduc-tionOrderBGSyncSp Background task. You canadd subsequent filters to reduce the number ofBODs triggered by this task. Without filtering,after every scheduling or planning function asignificant number of BODs could be created.

* Delete a job or production schedule release,where the job status is not Firm or the productionschedule status is not Planned.

* Change the status of a job or productionschedule.

* Change the Qty Released of a job or productionschedule when the status is Released.

Notes: Creating a job generates this BOD, butchanges to a firm job do not generate this BOD.This BOD must be included in an initial load ofProductionOrder data.


* Create or update an unposted job transactionthat moves inventory into stock for a job orderor a co-product job order

* Delete an Unposted Job Transaction that wasto receive inventory.

(BOD is not currently active)


Create a Project or update the project status onthe project header.


One or more of these publications is triggeredby a system event: CustomerCreditHoldAlert;CustomerInteractionFollowupAlert Cus-tomerOrderCreditHoldAlert; CustomerShipmen-tAlert; DCShopFloorTransactionErrorAlert; Job-MaterialCostAlert; JobOperationHoursAlert;JobOverProductionAlert; JobProjectedLateFor-CustomerAlert; LateOrderShippingAlert;LeadAs-signedAlert; LockedUserAlert; OpportunityDueAl-ert; OverBudgetAlert; ProjectedLateShipAlert;ProspectInteractionFollowupAlert; Scheduled-MaintenanceAddedAlert; ScheduledMainte-nanceAlert; TransactionAmountAlert

Note: This BOD is not related to the ReplicationDocument forms.


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User action to generate the BODNounVerb

* Print the Purchase Order Report

* Print the Builder Purchase Order Report

* Change the Purchase Order status to Complete

* Delete a Purchase Order

* Print a Change Order Report


Acknowledge the receipt of a Quote from an ex-ternal application.


Change the Estimate status to Quoted

* Delete an Estimate


Create an invoice, payment, credit memo, debitmemo or finance charge transaction for a cus-tomer with a 'Balance Forward' balance method.


* Generate an invoice for customers with an'Open Item' balance method. The status is setas Open.

* Generate a debit memo/finance charge forcustomers with an 'Open Item' balance method.The status is set as Open.

* Make a payment and apply it to an invoice forcustomers with an 'Open Items' balance method.The status changes to Paid.

* Generate a credit memo and attach it to an in-voice for customers with an 'Open Item' balancemethod. This changes the status to Paid.

(For bullet points 2, 3, and 4: If all or part of thedebit memo/finance charge, payment, or creditmemo is left unapplied, a second BOD is gener-ated. Similar transactions are grouped andshown under an invoice number '0' with a statusof Unapplied Cash.)* Create an invoice, payment,credit memo, debit memo or finance chargetransaction for a customer with a 'Balance For-ward' balance method. The system maintainsone balance under invoice number '0'. Its statusis set as follows: for a debit balance, the statusis set as Paid; for a credit balance, the status isset as UnappliedCash.


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User action to generate the BODNounVerb

* Perform material transactions that add inventorytied to these types of orders: Project, Job, Cus-tomer Order (with a negative quantity), PurchaseOrder, RMA, Production Order or Transfer Orderthat cause a material transaction to occur

* Run the Multi-Site Quantity Move utility

When Poland Country Pack is enabled, Re-ceiveDeliveryPL is sent instead


* Post a payment from any of these forms: A/PCheck Printing/Posting, A/P Draft Printing/Post-ing, A/P EFT Posting, A/P Wire Posting, orPrint/Post Payroll Checks


* Add or update Vendor information

* Update the vendor's address information

* Update Bank Address information


Acknowledge receipt of a Requisition from anexternal application


* Print the requisition on either the PurchaseRequisition Report or the PO Requisition Reportforms

* Delete a requisition

* Convert a requisition to a purchase order

* Convert additional items on an existing requisi-tion (in this case, another BOD is created, replac-ing the original BOD)


Acknowledge the receipt of a SalesOrder froman external application


* Print the Customer Order Verification Report

* Delete an order

* Change order header status to Completed


Add, delete or change the objects that a groupor user can access.


Add or delete a group authorization, change thegroup description, or change the permissionsassociated with the group..


Acknowledge the receipt of a SecurityUserMasterfrom an external application.


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User action to generate the BODNounVerb

Add or change the user status, user descriptionor workstation login, or add/change a group as-signed to the user.


Add or update Service Order or Service OrderOperations or Lines.


* Add or update Vendor information

* Update the vendor's address information

* Update Bank Address information


* For customer orders or lines that are assignedto the local site and that are assigned to an ex-ternal controlled warehouse, print the OrderVerification Report.

* For transfer orders or lines where the ShipFrom site is the local site and the Ship Fromwarehouse is an external controlled warehouse,print the Transfer Order Report.

When Poland Country Pack is enabled, Shipment-PL is sent instead


* Perform material transactions that remove in-ventory tied to these types of orders: Project,Job, Customer Order, Purchase Order (with anegative quantity), RMA, Production Order orTransfer Order

* Run the Multi-Site Quantity Move utility


Acknowledge the receipt of a ShipmentSchedulefrom an external application


Acknowledge the receipt of a ShipToPartyMasterfrom an external application


* Change any information on the Customersform, Ship Tos form, or Customer Sales ContactCross References form


* Run the Change Reports To Entity utility

* Run the Copy Balances to Budgets utility

* Modify Chart of Accounts Budget and Plan in-formation

* Run the Rebalance Ledger Period Totals utility

* Run Ledger Posting for Journals

* Run the Mass Journal Posting utility


* Post journal entries to a ledgerSourceSystemJournalEntrySync

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User action to generate the BODNounVerb

* Change the price on a Purchase Order Line

* Change the status or vendor on a PurchaseOrder

(BOD is not currently active)


* Post voucherSupplierInvoiceSync

* Add or update Vendor information

* Update the vendor's address information

* Update Bank Address information


* Perform a Transfer Order Ship

* Perform a Transfer Order Receive

* Perform a Combined Transfer Order Ship/Re-ceive


Add a Work CenterWorkCenterSync

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Appendix D: Inbound BOD usage

This table shows the incoming BODs that CloudSuite Industrial can accept. It also indicates, whenpossible, what area of CloudSuite Industrial shows the processed inbound data.

Destination of processed data inCloudSuite IndustrialNounVerb

Bank Statements form, and A/P automat-ic payments generated


Engineering Workbench, Current Opera-tions, Engineering Board


Customers form and related formsBillToPartyMasterProcess

chart tableChartOfAccountsProcess

Depends on type of codeCodeDefinitionProcess

Depends on type of code.CodeDefinitionSync

Contacts form and related formsContactMasterProcess

currate tableCurrencyExchangeRateMasterProcess

Customers form and related formsCustomerPartyMasterProcess

Service order transactions, attendance,project Labor transactions, unposted jobtransactions (Indirect, Run or Setup)


Employee absence/time-off formsEmployeeWorkScheduleSync

prtrx tableExpenseReportSync

Miscellaneous Receipt and Miscella-neous Issue forms


Miscellaneous Receipt and Miscella-neous Issue forms


Items form and related formsItemMasterProcess

Updates Vendor Paid YTD, Paid FiscalYTD and Last Paid Date


Employees form and tablesPersonnelSync

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Destination of processed data inCloudSuite IndustrialNounVerb

coitem table (blanket items)PlanningScheduleSync

job tableProductionOrderProcess

Estimates form and related formsQuoteProcess


Updates Customer Posted BalanceReceivableTransactionProcess

If Type=”Transfer” and Status=”Re-ceived” create transfer order receipt.

If Type=”Purchase Order” and Sta-tus=”Received”create PO receipt

If Type=“Customer Return” create RMAreceipt

If Type=“Sales Order” create negativeCO receipt.


preq tableRequisitionProcess

Customer Orders form and related formsSalesOrderProcess

coitem or trnitem table (depending onrecord type), last_external_ship-ment_doc_id


If Type=“Transfer” and Status=”Shipped”create Transfer Order Shipment

If Type=“Purchase Order” create Pur-chase Order Return

If Type=“Sales Order” and Sta-tus=”Shipped” create Customer OrderShipment


coitem or trnitem table (depending onrecord type), last_external_ship-ment_doc_id


coitem table (blanket items)ShipmentScheduleSync

Customer Ship Tos form and relatedforms


Creates an unposted AP voucher thatmust be manually cross-referenced to aPO.


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Inbound BOD usage

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Appendix E: BODs used in integrations with thisapplication

This section contains the list of BODs that are available for integrations with CloudSuite Industrial.

Outbound BODs from the ERP to integratedapplicationsThis table shows the BODs that are available with CloudSuite Industrial. Where the application is blank,the BOD is not currently used by interfacing applications, but the BOD is generated by CloudSuiteIndustrial and is available to be processed through ION and any application that is set up to receive it.

To applicationsNounVerb


Infor Localization Services



Infor Localization Services


CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement


Infor Localization ServicesBankStatementAcknowledge




CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement



Infor Localization Services


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BODs used in integrations with this application

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To applicationsNounVerb





Expense Management

Infor Localization Services




Expense Management





Infor Localization Services

CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement



Infor Localization ServicesDebitTransferSync

Infor Localization ServicesFinancialCalendarSync

Infor Localization ServicesInventoryAdjustmentSync

Infor Localization ServicesInventoryCountSync

Infor Localization ServicesInventoryHoldSync



Infor Localization Services





Infor Localization Services

CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement




Infor Localization Services


Infor Localization ServicesPayableTrackerSync


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BODs used in integrations with this application

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To applicationsNounVerb


Expense ManagementPersonnelSync

Expense ManagementProductionOrderSync

Expense ManagementProjectMasterSync

Infor Ming.lePulseAlertProcess


CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement





Infor Localization ServicesReceivableTrackerSync


Infor Localization Services



Infor Localization Services

CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement

ReceiveDelivery (sends Re-ceiveDeliveryPL when PolandCountry Pack is enabled)


Expense ManagementRemittanceAdviceSync





IRC ( Approva)SecurityPermissionMasterSync

Infor Ming.le

IRC (Approva)


Infor Ming.le

IRC (Approva)


Expense ManagementServiceOrderSync

Infor Localization Services

CloudSuite WMS


Infor Localization Services

CloudSuite WMS

Shipment (sends ShipmentPLwhen Poland Country Pack isenabled)





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BODs used in integrations with this application

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To applicationsNounVerb




Infor Localization Services

CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement



Infor Localization Services



Infor Localization Services


Infor Localization ServicesSupplierInvoiceSync


CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement

Infor Localization Services


Inbound BODs to the ERP from integrated applicationsThis table shows the BODs that can be received and processed by CloudSuite Industrial. Where theapplication is blank, the BOD is not currently used by integrating applications.

From applicationsNounVerb

Infor Localization ServicesBankStatementLoad


Document ManagementCaptureDocumentSync

Global HRCodeDefinitionSync



Expense ManagementEmployeeTimesheetSync

Global HREmployeeWorkScheduleSync

Expense ManagementExpenseReportSync

CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement


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BODs used in integrations with this application

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From applicationsNounVerb

CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement


Global HRPersonnelSync

Infor Ming.lePulseAlertAcknowledge




CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement







Infor Ming.leSecurityUserMasterSync

CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement


CloudSuite WMS WarehouseManagement





Infor Localization ServicesSupplierInvoiceLoad

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BODs used in integrations with this application

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Appendix F: Useful URLs

The Infor Cloud team provided you with working URLs to the products in your CloudSuite. Theseexamples are provided for your convenience.

Standard URLs

Infor Ming.le Web:



Web Client:



Mobile Client:


Example: &page=formonly

Smart Client:



IDO Web Service Connection:



Config Server Service Connection:

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Useful URLs

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ERP specific URLs

Credit Card Interface (Production):



Credit Card Interface (Development):



Employee Self Service:



Tax Interface (Production):



Tax Interface (Production):



Service Mobile:

ERP_Prod_Domain with HTTPS setting turned on

Factory Track standard URLs

Light Client:



Shop Floor:

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Useful URLs

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Warehouse Mobility:



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Useful URLs