informatics and autopsy pathology

Informatics and Autopsy Pathology Bruce Levy, MD, CPE ABSTRACT M any health care providers believe that the autopsy is no longer relevant in high- technology medicine era. This has fueled a decline in the hospital autopsy rate. Although it seems that advanced diagnostic tests answer all clinical questions, studies repeatedly demonstrate that an autopsy uncovers as many undiagnosed conditions today as in the past. The forensic au- topsy rate has also declined, although not as pre- cipitously. Pathologists are still performing a nineteenth century autopsy procedure that re- mains essentially unchanged. Informatics offers several potential answers that will evolve the low- tech autopsy into the high-tech autopsy. OVERVIEW—WHAT IS AN AUTOPSY? An autopsy is a systematic examination of a deceased human body to document the cause of death and document the extent of disease or injury. The word autopsy originally comes from the Greek roots autos (self) and optos (sight). In combination they have been expressed as “to see for oneself” or “eyewitness.” The history of the autopsy stretches back for 5000 years, but the autopsy as currently conceived has its origins during the Re- naissance, with physicians such as Andreas Vesa- lius and Giovanni Morgagni. In the nineteenth century, Carl von Rokitansky performed thousands of autopsies using a method of in situ examination of the organs, although many investigators have erroneously ascribed the en bloc removal method of Maurice Letulle to Rokitansky. Rudolf Virchow is credited with incorporating the widespread use of the microscope with autopsies in addition to the organ-by-organ evisceration technique. 1 The autopsy procedure begins with an examina- tion of the exterior of the body, which includes a description of the body, basic measurements such as height and weight, and documentation of significant external findings. The body is then opened with a Y-shaped incision of the anterior torso and a bitemporal incision of the scalp. The internal organs are removed, weighed, measured, and examined. Sample tissues from the organs are typically submitted for microscopic examination. In many instances, more typically in forensic ex- aminations, blood and other body fluids are exam- ined for the presence of drugs or poisons. Occasionally microbiology cultures are obtained or other ancillary testing is performed. The autopsy procedure practiced today has changed little from the procedure performed in the second half of the nineteenth century by Rokitansky and Virchow. The medical autopsy performed in hospitals is to be distinguished from forensic autopsies per- formed in medical examiner and coroner offices. Autopsies in a hospital setting are typically re- quested by a clinician or family member and require the informed consent of legal next of kin. Clinicians frequently have general and specific questions to be answered by the pathologist per- forming the autopsy. Families, besides wanting to know why their loved one died, are increasingly interested in identifying any inheritable risk that might have an impact on the health of surviving family members. 2 A medical autopsy may identify disease that had not been diagnosed or even sus- pected by the clinical team. 3–5 It is also an excel- lent tool for the investigation of the utility and potential complications of new diagnostic tests, treatments, or procedures. In contrast, forensic autopsies are ordered by a medical examiner or coroner in deaths involving injury, chemical intoxication, or unexpected natu- ral deaths and do not require the permission of the next of kin. The goals of forensic autopsies are focused on detailed documentation of injuries Department of Pathology, University of Illinois at Chicago, MC847, 840 South Wood Street 130 CSN, Chicago, IL 60612, USA E-mail address: [email protected] KEYWORDS Autopsy Pathology Forensic Informatics Synoptic Virtopsy Images Surgical Pathology 8 (2015) 159–174 1875-9181/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Page 1: Informatics and Autopsy Pathology

Informatics and AutopsyPathology

Bruce Levy, MD, CPE


� Autopsy � Pathology � Forensic � Informatics � Synoptic � Virtopsy � Images


M any health care providers believe that theautopsy is no longer relevant in high-technology medicine era. This has fueled

a decline in the hospital autopsy rate. Although itseems that advanced diagnostic tests answer allclinical questions, studies repeatedly demonstratethat an autopsy uncovers as many undiagnosedconditions today as in the past. The forensic au-topsy rate has also declined, although not as pre-cipitously. Pathologists are still performing anineteenth century autopsy procedure that re-mains essentially unchanged. Informatics offersseveral potential answers that will evolve the low-tech autopsy into the high-tech autopsy.


An autopsy is a systematic examination of adeceased human body to document the cause ofdeath and document the extent of disease or injury.The word autopsy originally comes from the Greekroots autos (self) and optos (sight). In combinationthey have been expressed as “to see for oneself”or “eyewitness.” The history of the autopsystretches back for 5000 years, but the autopsy ascurrently conceived has its origins during the Re-naissance, with physicians such as Andreas Vesa-lius and Giovanni Morgagni. In the nineteenthcentury, Carl von Rokitansky performed thousandsof autopsies using a method of in situ examinationof the organs, although many investigators haveerroneously ascribed the en bloc removal methodof Maurice Letulle to Rokitansky. Rudolf Virchowis credited with incorporating the widespread useof the microscope with autopsies in addition tothe organ-by-organ evisceration technique.1

The autopsy procedure begins with an examina-tion of the exterior of the body, which includes a

Department of Pathology, University of Illinois at Chicago60612, USAE-mail address: [email protected]

Surgical Pathology 8 (2015) 159–174$ – see front matter � 2015 Elsevier Inc. All

description of the body, basic measurementssuch as height and weight, and documentationof significant external findings. The body is thenopened with a Y-shaped incision of the anteriortorso and a bitemporal incision of the scalp. Theinternal organs are removed, weighed, measured,and examined. Sample tissues from the organs aretypically submitted for microscopic examination.In many instances, more typically in forensic ex-aminations, blood and other body fluids are exam-ined for the presence of drugs or poisons.Occasionally microbiology cultures are obtainedor other ancillary testing is performed. The autopsyprocedure practiced today has changed little fromthe procedure performed in the second half of thenineteenth century by Rokitansky and Virchow.

Themedical autopsy performed in hospitals is tobe distinguished from forensic autopsies per-formed in medical examiner and coroner offices.Autopsies in a hospital setting are typically re-quested by a clinician or family member andrequire the informed consent of legal next of kin.Clinicians frequently have general and specificquestions to be answered by the pathologist per-forming the autopsy. Families, besides wantingto know why their loved one died, are increasinglyinterested in identifying any inheritable risk thatmight have an impact on the health of survivingfamily members.2 A medical autopsy may identifydisease that had not been diagnosed or even sus-pected by the clinical team.3–5 It is also an excel-lent tool for the investigation of the utility andpotential complications of new diagnostic tests,treatments, or procedures.

In contrast, forensic autopsies are ordered by amedical examiner or coroner in deaths involvinginjury, chemical intoxication, or unexpected natu-ral deaths and do not require the permission ofthe next of kin. The goals of forensic autopsiesare focused on detailed documentation of injuries

, MC847, 840 South Wood Street 130 CSN, Chicago, IL

rights reserved.


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in trauma cases, quantization and interpretation ofsubstances found within the body in poisonings orintoxications, and determination of the medicalcause(s) of death for sudden unexpected naturaldeaths. A forensic pathologist anticipates thequestions that the criminal justice or public healthsystems might have regarding these deaths andattempts to answer these questions through theirexamination. These examinations are typicallymore focused compared with hospital autopsies,although they may involve more extensive dissec-tion in certain instances.


In the early years of the twentieth century, the au-topsy rate in American hospitals hovered atapproximately 10% of all hospital deaths. Afterthe issuing of the Flexner Report in 1910, therewas a steep rise in the autopsy rate into the middleof the century, with approximately half of all hospi-tal deaths receiving an autopsy in 1950. Thenbegan a gradual decline in the autopsy rate toapproximately 45% in the middle 1960s andapproximately 30% in 1970. In 1971, the JointCommission on Accreditation of Hospitals elimi-nated theminimum autopsy requirement for hospi-tal accreditation. The autopsy rate continued itsdecline and a century after the Flexner Reporthas come full circle, once again at less than10%. Academic teaching hospitals have variablerates generally higher than 10%, but many com-munity hospitals perform no autopsies at all(Fig. 1).6–8

Not only have the autopsy rates changed overtime but also the distribution of the types of deathsand ages of those autopsied have changed overtime. Although the autopsy rate for deaths fromdisease decreased from 16.9% to 4.3% betweenthe years 1972 and 2007, the autopsy rate fordeaths due to external causes increased from

43.6% to 55.4%. Of the 10 most common causesof death autopsied in 2007, only 1 (pregnancy,childbirth, and puerperium) was related to disease.Over the same years, the age distribution of thoseautopsies has also changed, with fewer autopsiesperformed with increasing age (Figs. 2 and 3).9

This decrease in the autopsy rate led GeorgeLundberg, in an editorial in 1998, to state, “The au-topsy is not dead, but it slumbers deeply, appar-ently the victim of a vast cultural delusion ofdenial.”10


Dr Lundberg goes on in his editorial to opine, “Infact, there is still a giant gap between what high-tech diagnostic medicine can do in theory in idealcircumstances and what high-tech diagnosticmedicine does do in practice in real life circum-stances.”10 Approximately 20 years after thiseditorial many people still wonder whether the au-topsy remains relevant in the twenty-first century.There are many postulated reasons for the

decline in the autopsy rate (Box 1).

Joint Commission Eliminates Minimum

Autopsy Rate

Many persons point to the 1971 decision of theJoint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitalsto eliminate a minimum autopsy requirement forhospital accreditation. Although that decisionmay be a contributing factor, the reality is thatthe hospital autopsy rate was already decliningprior to 1971, raising the question as to whetherthe Joint Commission decision was their reactionto a perceived change in the value of the autopsywithin the health care community.

Clinicians’ Better Diagnostic Skills

Another explanation for the decrease in the au-topsy rate is greater diagnostic confidence by

Fig. 1. Changes in the US autopsyrate: 1910–2010. (Data from Refs.6–8)

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A BFig. 2. Percent distribu-tion of cause of deathfor autopsied deaths:United States, 1972 (A)and 2007 (B). (FromHoyert DL. The changingprofile of autopsieddeaths in the UnitedStates, 1972–2007. NCHSdata brief, no. 6. Hyatts-ville (MD): National Cen-ter for Health Statistics;2011; with permission.)

Informatics and Autopsy Pathology 161

clinicians, primarily due to the increase in thequantity and quality of medical diagnostic tools.There have been many studies over the decadesstudying the rate at which autopsies reveal previ-ously unknown diagnoses, which helps addressthe question of whether “high-tech diagnosticmedicine” has actually improved diagnostic capa-bility. The overwhelming evidence is that althoughthere may have been some improvements, au-topsies still regularly discover significant diagno-ses and conditions not recognized prior to death.

A retrospective study of 100 randomly selectedautopsies from 1960, 1970, and 1980 revealed 1 of10 deaths in each of the 3 decades contained 1 ormore class I major missed diagnoses, in which“detection before death would in all probabilityhave led to a change in management that mighthave resulted in cure or prolonged survival”(Fig. 4).3 A more extensive review and analysis of53 autopsy series over a 40-year period lookedat both major missed diagnoses (missed diagno-ses involving the primary cause of death) and class

Fig. 3. Percent distribu-tion of age for autopsieddeaths: United States,1972 (A) and 2007 (B).(From Hoyert DL. Thechanging profile of au-topsied deaths in theUnited States, 1972–2007. NCHS data brief,no. 6. Hyattsville (MD):National Center forHealth Statistics; 2011;with permission.)

I discrepancies. They concluded that althoughthere were statistically significant decreases inboth rates from decade to decade, in 2003 a UShospital with an autopsy rate of 5% could observea major missed diagnosis rate of 24.4% and aclass I discrepancy rate of 6.7%. This represents71,400 deaths per year, with up to half of these pa-tients surviving to discharge had these diagnosesbeen known prior to death.4 A more recent studyof patients dying in an ICU of a tertiary cancer cen-ter with an autopsy rate of 13% discovered amajormissed diagnosis rate of 26%, with more than halfrepresenting class I discrepancies. Opportunisticinfections and cardiac complications were themost commonly missed class I discrepancies.The authors concluded, “The autopsy remains aninvaluable tool for retrospective diagnostic under-standing of difficult cases, medical education andquality assurance.”5

Discrepancies between clinical diagnosis andautopsy findings are not limited to natural deaths.A study analyzed trauma-related deaths in Utah for

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Box 1Reasons for decline in autopsy rate

The Joint Commission eliminated minimum au-topsy rate for accreditation.

Clinicians have greater confidence in diagnosticskills and tools.

Autopsies only lead to malpractice lawsuits.

Pathologists are not interested in performingautopsies.

Families do want autopsies on their loved ones.


a 1-year period. They determined that among per-sons dying in hospitals the cause of death opinionbased on clinical findings was changed after au-topsy in 13% of these hospital deaths.11 Althoughthis study does not directly measure major or classI discrepancies, the changes in the cause of deathindicate significant missing information from theclinical evaluation of these trauma victims andconfirms the value of the autopsy in the forensicsetting.

Autopsy Only Leads to Malpractice Lawsuits

Another misconception by clinicians is that obtain-ing autopsies only reveals information that can beused to initiate and support malpractice lawsuits.The College of American Pathologists studiedstate court records of malpractice actions over30 years. They discovered that in 61% of caseswhere the autopsy favored the plaintiff (revealedmajor discrepancies that would have affectedtreatment) and 100% of cases where the autopsyfavored the defendant, the defendant physicianswere acquitted of malpractice.12 The autopsyonly becomes a point of contention in malpracticeactions when there are issues over the quality ofthe autopsy, delays in generating autopsy reports,or inconsistencies between the autopsy report anddeath certificate.13

It seems that poor communication betweenhealth care providers and families regarding thecause of a loved one’s death is one major driverof malpractice actions.14 If true, then a thoroughwell-written autopsy designed to provide answersto clinicians and families in a timely manner will goa long way to preventing unnecessary malpracticelitigation.

Pathologists and the Autopsy

Pathologists also seem to have lost interest in per-forming autopsies. The reasons for this change aremultifactorial. Pathologists are busier than everboth in the areas of surgical pathology and clinicalpathology. The lower numbers of autopsies meanthat fewer pathologists have sufficient autopsyexpertise to be able to perform an autopsy effi-ciently. Busy pathologists simply do not have suf-ficient time in their schedule to perform autopsies.Autopsies do not generate revenue and representa cost center to pathology departments and hospi-tals.15 There is also the perception that cliniciansdo not appreciate autopsies and may be antago-nistic if an autopsy reveals missed diagnoses ortechnical errors in procedures. As a result, thefew autopsies that are obtained are treated withlow priority within pathology departments, contrib-uting to a negative feedback cycle between clini-cians and pathologists. This attitude is notshared by resident physicians in pathology, whobelieve that autopsies are important for education,answer clinical questions, have value for medicalresearch, and are important for quality control inmedicine.16

Family Misconceptions Regarding the


Families, although commonly believed to beopposed to autopsies, in reality tend to be inclinedto agree to the examination despite several

Fig. 4. Major missed class I and II diag-noses by type: 1960–1980. (Data fromGoldman L, Sayson R, Robbins S,et al. The value of the autopsy inthree medical eras. N Engl J Med1983;308:1002.)

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Box 2Why clinicians value the autopsy

� Confirm clinical diagnoses

� Increase own medical knowledge

� Educational value for residents and students

� Quality control/assurance in medical practice

� Important for medical research

Informatics and Autopsy Pathology 163

misconceptions regarding the autopsy among thegeneral public. These misbeliefs include that au-topsies do not add anything of value, thedeceased has suffered enough, the patient is tooyoung or old for autopsy, autopsy mutilates thebody and prevents open-casket viewing, and au-topsy creates delays until burial or cremation.17,18

A large part of this misunderstanding involves poorcommunication between health care providersand families regarding the autopsy and poor con-sent processes.19

The issue of religious objections also frequentlyarises as a barrier to autopsy. It is commonlybelieved that there are well-established broad pro-hibitions to autopsy in several of the major reli-gions, notably Islam and Judaism. The reality ismore complicated depending on the different sub-divisions of each religion.20 Although the religiousprohibition to autopsy among Orthodox Jews isperhaps one of the more commonly known andaccepted, even within this group there is disagree-ment as to whether the prohibition to autopsy issuperseded by the greater commandment ofsaving of a life, when the autopsy may result inthe saving of other lives.21 In the end, it is typicallythe personal religious beliefs of the next of kin,rather than the specific religion to which theybelong and the religion’s opinions on the autopsy,that is most important.



Therefore, the question is whether to allow thehospital autopsy to die a “natural” death despitethe obvious evidence that postmortem examina-tions remain relevant, desirable, and valuable.The alternative to continued dwindling of the hos-pital autopsy is to study how to “resurrect” the au-topsy, taking advantage of newer medicaltechnologies and clinical informatics to catapultthe autopsy from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century and restore its prominent place inhealth care and quality improvement.


To improve the autopsy, the potential value of theautopsy from the point of view of the consumers ofthe autopsy must first be better understood. Incases of hospital autopsies, there are familiesand clinicians. In the forensic world, the criminaljustice and public health systems also need to beconsidered. What these very different groupsexpect from the autopsy, what they are currentlyreceiving, and which of their needs are currentlynot being met need to be asked. Once this gap

is identified, which informatics techniques andtools might eliminate this gap can be examined.

Clinicians’ Needs from the Autopsy

Despite evidence that clinicians still value the au-topsy, their inclination to order one is at its lowestlevel in a century (Box 2, Table 1). A 1996 studyexploring the factors that influence clinicians’ deci-sions to request an autopsy revealed that the ben-efits of requesting an autopsy include confirmingclinical diagnoses, increasing a clinician’s medicalknowledge, aiding medical research, and theautopsy’s educational value, whereas the draw-backs are the request is time consuming, concernthat relatives may be distressed by the request,and discomfort of the requestor.22 A survey of in-ternal medicine residents confirms the factorsthat discourage physicians from ordering au-topsies, with their top 3 reasons for not obtainingautopsy consent being the family is distraught/extremely agitated, the clinician perceives thatthe family is unwilling, and requesting an autopsyis unpleasant.16 These residents also agree thatautopsies are important to medical education,answer clinical questions, and are valuable formedical research, quality control, and publichealth. They believe that having a brochure ex-plaining autopsies that can be provided to familieswould be most helpful in obtaining more au-topsies.16 Better training of health personnel in re-questing autopsies as well as education of thegeneral public on the importance of autopsies isalso believed to be important in increasing the au-topsy rate.23

Looking at the attitudes of physicians to currentautopsy reports gives insight into their needs. Asurvey of general practitioners revealed that a ma-jority find autopsy reports useful to both them-selves and families, yet only a minority plan todiscuss reports with families. Overwhelming ma-jorities agree that the clinical circumstances wereclearly summarized; the reports were clearly writ-ten and interesting to them. A majority statedthat an autopsy report was the first indicationthey received of how their patient died and more

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Table 1Influencing physician behavior

Encourage OrderingAutopsies

Discourage OrderingAutopsies

Training in requestingautopsies

Requests are timeconsuming

Brochure aboutautopsies forfamilies

Requests areunpleasant toperform

Better communicationwith pathologistthroughout autopsyprocess

Families may bedistraught or angryregarding request


than 20% agreed that the cause of death was acomplete surprise, representing a missed oppor-tunity by pathologists to improve communicationswith clinicians.24 Better communication betweenclinicians and pathologists and quicker turnaroundtimes for autopsy reports will help increase the au-topsy rate.23

Communications between clinicians and pathol-ogists need to be bidirectional. Pathologistsrequire the input of clinicians to provide the clinicalhistory, and a conversation often reveals detailsand nuances that are not easily obtained frommedical records. It is valuable for pathologists toknow what questions a clinical team has for thepathologist to answer, and it is incumbent on pa-thologists to provide those answers clearly. Onestudy looking at 125 autopsies found that specificreasons for autopsies are provided by cliniciansonly 55% of the time. Of the 103 clinical questionsasked, only 88% of the questions were answeredin the autopsy report and more than 10% of thoseanswers were not in the final anatomic diagnosissummary, but in another part of the report, withthe implication that the clinician would have tosearch for these answers.25

Families’ Needs from the Autopsy

It is no surprise that families are also interested inwanting answers to questions regarding how theirloved ones died. Families are interested in betterunderstanding the cause of death of their lovedones, have a desire to learn about any infectiousor inheritable conditions that could have an impacton the health of surviving family members, and areopen to the concept that autopsy findings can helpthe health of society at large.2,26,27 The generalpublic has a generally positive attitude toward au-topsy, and family members are likely to consent toautopsy when its value is presented to them suffi-ciently, their questions are answered, and their

concerns are allayed.18,28 As with clinicians, it isapparent that an autopsy report that can be readby or discussed with families, provided in a timelymanner with respect for their needs at a time ofgreat loss, can go a long way to increasing the au-topsy rate.

The Public’s Needs from the Autopsy

Public health surveillance is collecting, analyzing,interpreting, and disseminating data for specificpublic health needs. Although the basic purposesand goals of public health surveillance have notsignificantly changed, they are being transformedin the twenty-first century by the evolution of elec-tronic methods of storing health information, therapid increase in the quantity of data to analyze,and new challenges.29 Syndromic surveillancecan have a significant impact on protection ofthe public health as has been documented with in-fectious diseases and heat-related illness/mortality.30,31

The National Violent Death Reporting System(NVDRS), although currently limited to 32 states,is an excellent example of how the collection ofdata from forensic autopsies can be successfullyused for public health.32 The National Missingand Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) isanother successful application of using infor-matics to match unidentified bodies with missingpersons.33 Both of these systems, unfortunately,do not pull information directly from autopsy re-ports or medical examiner databases but requirethe forensic offices to enter this informationdirectly into the respective NVDRS or NamUs da-tabases. Creating systems surrounding autopsies,both hospital and forensic, that permit direct min-ing of information would greatly enhance the utilityof the treasure trove of information collectedthrough the autopsy.34



Workflow Analysis

Autopsies are complex procedures with manydifferent steps and stages, each of which repre-sents a potential source of delay. Although mostpeople think of the autopsy as a procedure thatstarts with the first incision on the body and endswhen the body is sewn closed, the entire autopsyprocedure includes many facets both before andafter the examination of the body. Just as in otherareas of pathology and laboratory medicine, thereare preanalytical, analytical, and postanalyticalphases.The preanalytical phase includes confirming the

autopsy permit, reviewing the medical history,

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discussing the case with a clinician, and identifica-tion of the body. The analytical phase, in addition tothe autopsy procedure itself, includesobtaining im-ages, tissue for histology, and specimens for otherassociated testing. After the examination of thebody is the generation of the provisional anatomicdiagnoses (PAD), preparation and review of micro-scopic slides, performance and reviewof other lab-oratory tests, and additional dissection of organsthat have been fixed and saved, such as the brain,culminating in the completion and dissemination ofthe final autopsy report. In the forensic world, chainof custody also needs to be maintained.

Accreditation standards exist for the productionof the PAD and final autopsy report. The Collegeof American Pathologists accreditation standardsrequire the PAD be submitted to the attendingphysician and medical record within 2 days andthe final autopsy completed for all cases within 60working days.35 The Joint Commission standardsrequire the PAD be recorded in the medical recordwithin 3 days and the autopsy report included in themedical record within 60 days.36

In the world of forensic pathology, the require-ments for autopsy report production are evenless stringent. The National Association of MedicalExaminers (NAME) Inspection and AccreditationChecklist from 2009 required that 90% of nonho-micide autopsy reports be produced within60 days and 90% of homicide autopsy reportsbe produced in 90 days.37 Those standards wereloosened in the 2014 revision of the NAME accred-itation checklist so that the 90% in 90-day require-ment applies to all autopsy report and not justhomicide cases.38 The NAME Autopsy Perfor-mance Standards makes no mention of any reportturnaround time.39 The International Association ofCoroners and Medical Examiners accreditationchecklist has the same standard, 90% of reportscompleted in 90 days, as NAME.40

It can be easily argued that these accreditationstandards in both the hospital and forensic au-topsy environments are not sufficient for reportingof the results of an autopsy.

Hospital autopsy results can and should bemade available to clinicians in a more timelyfashion. Families likely contact clinicians lookingfor answers from the autopsy within a short periodof time, and it is important that pathologistssupport their colleagues by providing them withthis information quickly.41 Timely feedback to clini-cians when a case is fresh in their minds is alsoimportant in order for these cases to be usedeffectively for quality improvement and patientsafety. Supporting clinicians’ conversations withfamilies by providing them autopsy results whenthey require them instead of when pathologists

can get around to producing them will encourageclinicians to request more autopsies.

Forensicautopsy reportsareusedby lawenforce-ment and district attorneys in making decisionsregarding criminal charges as part of their investiga-tions. These forensic reports are also increasinglyimportant for monitoring risks to public health andsafety by myriad government agencies at local,state, federal, and international levels. Families arealso looking for answers and closure. Timelycompletion of forensic autopsy reports should alsobe encouraged, not discouraged. Complaints byfamilies or government agencies regarding unac-ceptabledelays in the production of autopsy reportscan lead to negative media reports and political dif-ficulties for forensic offices.42–46

The production of timely autopsy reports is notas difficult as it may seem. Lean production is awell-studied system to eliminate waste in produc-tion. Lean’s basic assumption is that anything thatdoes not add value to the customer is waste andshould be eliminated from the production process.Although commonly associated with the ToyotaProduction System, lean is believed by many peo-ple to have had its first practical applications byHenry Ford as far back as 1927.47,48

The principles of lean production have beenapplied to the production of an autopsy report. Asystem that defined and evaluated 12 essentialsteps in the autopsy process and increased theirpriority reduced the autopsy completion timefrom a mean of 57 days to a mean of 4.8 days.49

Another study that formally applied lean principlesidentified a total of 77 steps and multiple queuesthat introduced delays in their autopsy process.This pathology department was able to reducethe number of steps by 8% and minimize queues.The department’s autopsy turnaround time wasreduced from a mean of 53 days to 25 days.They increased the percentage of final reportscompleted within the 60-working-day CAP guide-line from 71% to 100% and the percentage ofPADs completed within 2 days from 26% to87%. Most significantly, 85% of surveyed clini-cians stated they were receiving reports soonerand 71% believed the autopsy service was func-tioning better.50

Autopsy Report

Autopsy reports are the main method by which au-topsy and forensic pathologists communicatetheir work and thus their value to their clinical col-leagues and the larger community. So it is not onlythe timeliness but also the content of the autopsyreport by which pathologists are judged. Theimportance of reports has been long recognized

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in radiology, a field of medicine similar in manyways to pathology. Radiologists list the attributesof a good radiology report as the 8 Cs: clarity, cor-rectness, confidence, concision, completeness,consistency, communication, and consultation,along with timeliness and standardization.51

The autopsy report has changed little over theyears. In both the hospital and forensic worlds,the autopsy report is basically narrative, withsome sections in outline form, notably the PADand final anatomic diagnoses. The length of thereport can vary greatly depending on the level ofdetail and the thoroughness of the descriptions.Features that are incorporated into other pathol-ogy and medical reports, such as coding, struc-tured reporting, and images, have not yet beenadopted into the autopsy report.The organization of an autopsy report also varies

greatly. The specific locations of different sectionsof the report vary from hospital to hospital or med-ical examiner to coroner office. For example, theclinical correlation, a major feature of hospital au-topsy reports, may be placed at the beginning orend of the autopsy report. In other cases, a sectioncontained within one institution’s autopsy report,such as the microscopic description, may be aseparate report in another institution. Some still-born autopsy reports contain the description ofthe placenta whereas others have a separate sur-gical case report referenced by the autopsy report.The Autopsy Committee of the College of Amer-

ican Pathologists recommended a set of consis-tently used headings for all autopsy reports. Theyopined that these headings would be useful byreducing of errors of omission, facilitating the loca-tion of information from the report by pathologistand third parties, and enhancing electronic dataanalysis.52

Structured reportingAs the era of paper medical records moves toelectronic medical records, many areas of medi-cine are taking advantage of the opportunitiesinherent in digital documents. In this new era ofelectronic medical records, an autopsy reportneeds to be more than a text dump or a pdf filetransferred into an electronic health record ore-mailed to a local law enforcement agency. Rele-vant data within autopsy reports need to be struc-tured, which will facilitate searching, analyzing,and researching these invaluable data innumerous ways.Radiologists have recognized the opportunities

and advantages offered by structured reportingcompared with the traditional free text reportingin the new era of pay for performance, evidence-based medicine and the physician quality

reporting initiative. They are actively investigatingstructured reporting to add value to radiology re-ports and their profession.53 Similarly, there arenumerous articles related to synoptic or structuredreporting in surgical pathology, especially with re-gard to cancer.54–57

In contrast, there are no articles identified in thesummer of 2014 when searching for different com-binations of the terms, autopsy report, structured,and synoptic. Yet there is no doubt that structuringautopsy reports would have similar benefits for au-topsy and forensic pathologists that structuringsurgical pathology reports have had for pathologyand radiology reports for radiology.For example, in an evaluation of suicide risk

assessment, it was recognized that a structured,systematic approach toward collecting informa-tion is critical to formulating suicide risk.58 Theintegration of this historical data with results of au-topsy reports on persons who have successfullycommitted suicide (including method used, evi-dence of prior attempts, significant medical diag-noses, and so forth) could be invaluable inhelping to identify those at highest risk and inmost need of intervention and treatment.

ImagesThe incorporation of images is another area wherethe value of autopsy reports can be greatlyenhanced. Digital images are being included insurgical pathology reports, especially among pri-vate pathology groups that are focused onproviding services to their clinician customers.These are typically digital snapshots from a micro-scopic slide showing relevant diagnostic informa-tion that frequently is not adequately annotated.In these cases, the image is little more than a mar-keting tool and not a value-added educational toolto assist clinicians in treating patients.Properly annotated images can add value to an

autopsy report, creating an image-enhancedreport (IER) that can serve as an invaluable educa-tional tool. Clinicians who were surveyed after theinstitution of IER perceive the inclusion of properlyannotated images as adding value to the autopsyreport and assisting them in understanding thedeath.59 When using digital images in medical re-ports, it is important to use appropriate guidelinesin how these images are selected, edited, anno-tated, and used.60

Issues involving the use of images in forensicautopsy reports are complicated by the frequentlysensitive nature of these images, the fact thatmany states consider autopsy reports public re-cord whereas other states specifically restrictthe release of digital forensic autopsy images,and the needs of public safety during the

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investigation of deaths. The public reaction to thepublication of autopsy images showing the gun-shot wounds on a person shot by law enforce-ment or a reaction of a family member to animage of a loved one in a state of advanceddecomposition can be imagined. Yet even withinforensics, the use of properly prepared and anno-tated images could add great value to the narra-tive report of a forensic pathologist in helping toexplain the death (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. (A) The gross and microscopic text description for ashowing the surface and cut section of the spleen.

The Virtual or Minimally Invasive Autopsy

This discussion has involved how changes in thereporting of autopsy findings through the use ofinformatics might have a significant positiveimpact on the practice of autopsy pathology,help restore the value and importance of the au-topsy, and lead to an increase in the autopsyrate. Attention is turned to how applying moderntechnology and informatics might change theautopsy procedure itself.

spleen from an autopsy. (B, C) Annotated gross images

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Fig. 5. (continued). (D, E)Annotated low- andhigh-power microscopicimages of the spleen.


A virtual autopsy is a nondestructive or mini-mally destructive examination of the body utilizingscanning modalities, such as CT or MRI scans.The promise of a virtual autopsy is that equivalentor superior information can be gathered as a resultof the examination without the destruction of thephysical evidence or damage to the deceasedbody.Virtual autopsies to date have been primarily

involved with the practice of forensic medicine.In Europe, virtual autopsies were first used inacademically situated forensic offices to study al-ternatives to the traditional autopsy. In the UnitedStates, the virtual autopsy got its start in the mili-tary setting with the use of these techniques tosupport, not replace, the traditional autopsy. Thereare only a few examples of virtual autopsies beingstudied for nonforensic hospital deaths.

Virtopsy projectThe Institute of Forensic Medicine of the Universityof Bern, Switzerland, has been one of the earlyleaders of the study of virtual autopsy in Europe.It is this group that created and trademarked theterm, Virtopsy. The group started their revolution-ary work in the 1990s with a study of 3-Dphotogrammetry-based optical scanning of theexternal surfaces of the body as a way to betterdocument external injuries and compare them toalleged weapons or mechanisms of injury. Withina few years they began using both multislice CT(MSCT) and MRI scans of deceased bodies andcompared them with conventional autopsy. Theydiscovered that MSCT is equivalent and even su-perior to conventional forensic autopsies in theevaluation of skeletal injuries, the detection ofpneumothorax or gas emboli, and the location

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and recovery of foreign bodies. MRI is well suitedfor the evaluation of soft tissue injuries but is notnearly as effective for documenting the commoncauses of sudden natural death, especiallycardiac.61

Postmortem angiography has been performedfor many years, primarily by infusing the coronaryarteries after removal of the heart at autopsy; how-ever, the ability to properly perfuse a deceasedbody using methods similar to living patients hasbeen technically difficult.62 The Institute ofForensic Medicine investigated different methodsto perfuse the vascular system with contrast,finally discovering an adequate method throughthe use of a modified heart-lung machine. Theydemonstrated that this method was able to detectnot only significant coronary artery disease withthe same accuracy as conventional autopsy butalso other vascular diseases, such as aorticdissection, pulmonary emboli, and aneurysms ofthe major vasculature (Fig. 6).63

The Institute of Forensic Medicine also studiedthe use of image-guided biopsy to obtain speci-mens to document disease histologically. In thesame study in which they studied CT angiographyin sudden deaths due to chest pain, they also ob-tained biopsies of the heart, lungs, and blood clotsfrom the pulmonary arteries under CT guidance. In2 of 3 cases, the myocardial biopsy was concor-dant with the histologic sections obtained fromconventional autopsy. Sampling error was

Fig. 6. Postmortem CT angiography showing a normal leftright coronary artery (arrow) filled with air (B). (From Sacomputerized tomography angiography: past, present apermission.)

responsible for instances where the biopsy didnot reveal the histopathology. This method wasalso adequate in distinguishing a pulmonaryembolus from postmortem clot in the pulmonaryartery and a pulmonary neoplasm.63

Studies have also demonstrated that postmor-tem CT scans are comparable to autopsy in theevaluation of free blood in the abdomen,64 pericar-dial effusion, and hemopericardium65 and in organvolume measurements for most internal organs ininfants dying of sudden unexpected death (Figs.7 and 8).66

The Institute of Forensic Medicine has com-bined this technology into a virtual autopsy sys-tem, called the Virtobot. This system can performautomated 3-D surface documentation of injuriesand image-guided robotic needle biopsies. Sur-face scanning has recently been reduced from30 minutes to 10 minutes per side of the body,although the complete documentation takes be-tween 2 and 3 hours. They have used this systemto surface scan a variety of blunt, sharp, and gun-shot injuries. Needle biopsy accuracy currently av-erages 1.4 mm from the target.67

Armed Forces Medical Examiner virtualautopsyIn the United States, the Office of the ArmedForces Medical Examiner (OAFME), responsiblefor the postmortem examination of all active dutymilitary personnel, began to use multidetector CT

coronary artery (arrow) opacified by contrast (A) andunders SL, Morgan B, Raj V, Rutty GN. Post-mortemnd future. Forensic Sci Med Pathol 2011;7:276; with

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Fig. 7. Axial CT images of the abdomen at 3 distinct levels (A–C). The free abdominal blood is manually markedduring segmentation (red colored areas). (From Ampanozi G, Hatch GM, Ruder TD, et al. Post-mortem virtual esti-mation of free abdominal blood volume. Eur J Radiol 2011;81:2134; with permission.)


(MDCT) scanning to detect unexploded ordinancein military personnel prior to autopsy. They quicklyrealized that CT scans combined with autopsyhave the potential to provide better evaluation ofthe nature of wounds sustained by militarypersonnel in combat. They were able to betterdefine wound tracks and locate metallic fragmentsfrom high-velocity gunshot wounds.68

Once combat wounds were better character-ized, it became easier to retrospectively evaluatethese injuries for potential survivability, separatingthese injuries into not survivable (NS) and poten-tially survivable (PS). Understanding the nature ofthese injuries will allow the military to not only

Fig. 8. (A) Volume measurement by segmentation using axally for each slice or resampled slices. (C) 3-D reconstructiAmpanozi G, Ruder TD, et al. CT based volume measureJ Forensic Legal Med 2012;19:127; with permission.)

identify injuries that are PS so they can quicklyreceive life-saving medical treatment but alsodevelop techniques and equipment to minimizeexposure to wounds that are NS.69,70

The OAFME has also studied the implications ofusing postmortem MDCT for nonmilitary situa-tions. During the response to January 2010 Haitiearthquake, the OAFME had the responsibility toexamine and repatriate US citizens who were vic-tims of that mass fatality disaster. They discoveredthat using MDCT in combination with digital radio-graphs and external examination allowed them totriage cases for virtual or conventional autopsy.71

This has the potential to greatly improve the

ial CT images. (B) Pericardial effusion is marked manu-on of segmented pericardial effusion. (From Ebert LC,ment and estimation in cases of pericardial effusion.

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efficiency of the response of medical examiners tomass fatality incidents, directing appropriatelevels of scarce resources to where it is mostneeded.

Virtual autopsies in the hospital settingVirtual autopsies have been studied in the hospitalsetting. Similar to the studies in forensic practice,the use of a single modality (CT or MRI) revealedsignificant deficiencies in the accuracy of virtualautopsy compared with conventional autopsy.

When compared with the gold standard of thetraditional autopsy, major discrepancy rates of32% for CT alone, 43% for MRI alone, and 30%for combined CT-MRI have been reported, withthe most common missed diagnoses ischemicheart disease, pulmonary emboli, and pneumonia.Radiologists in this study identified cases in whichthey thought traditional autopsy would not benecessary, and in those cases the major discrep-ancy rate fell to 16% for CT, 21% for MRI, and16% for CT-MRI imaging.72 The approximatelyone-third major discrepancy rate for postmortemCT was confirmed in another study, which deter-mined the positive predictive value for cause ofdeath by postmortem CT at 75%. Demonstratingthe potential value of using postmortem CT as anadjunct to autopsy instead of a replacement, thesame study reported a combined diagnostic yieldof 133% compared with autopsy alone.73

The ability of ultrasound-guided needle biopsy toincrease the accuracy of virtual autopsy in hospitalautopsies yielded a sensitivity of 94% and

Fig. 9. An autopsycase presentation on apathology department’smultitiled high-resolutiondisplay running the scal-able adaptive graphicsenvironment (SAGE). Au-topsy data, gross images,and whole-slide imagescan be viewed simulta-neously and discussedwith participants both inthe space and throughvideoconferencing.

specificity of 99% compared with conventional au-topsy, with agreement on the cause of death in77% of cases. The major area of deficiency in thisstudy was related to cardiac deaths.74

These studies show some promise for the use ofCT and/or MRI to either increase the value of theautopsy or replace it in selected cases. One poten-tial advantage of a virtual autopsy is the increasedlikelihood that families will consent to a non- orminimally invasive procedure, especially in casesof religious objections.75 Adapting some of thetechniques pioneered in the forensic Virtopsy proj-ect, especially the use of postmortem angiographyand image-guided needle biopsies, has the poten-tial to raise the accuracy of the virtual procedure tonear that of the conventional autopsy. Intelligenttriaging of cases through the use of scanning todetermine which deaths require a conventional au-topsy can also help to increase efficiency in everbusier pathology departments.

The potential downside of adoption of virtual au-topsy involves the logistics and expense ofproviding this service.Given that there are currentlyno government or private insurer reimbursementsfor conventional autopsies, it is unlikely that therewill be reimbursements for virtual autopsy. Thecosts for CT and MRI scanners are significant.They require specially shielded rooms as well asproperly trained technicians to operate them. Incontrast, the cost of autopsy space, equipment,and personnel is considerably less. Either radiolo-gists will provide the interpretations or pathologistswill have to be trained to interpret them.

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The hospital autopsy, despite the decline in au-topsy rates over the past 3 decades, still has a sig-nificant role to play in patient care. Even in thetwenty-first century world of high-tech medicine,the autopsy discovers unexpected findings on aregular basis. As an era of personalized medicineand accountable care is entered, the autopsy iswell positioned to provide insight and evidence tosupport new therapies and enhance patient safety.The autopsy cannot remain unchanged from

how it has been practiced for more than a century.It needs to adapt to the changing demands ofmedicine by adopting informatics and new tech-nology to keep pace with the rest of clinical careand pathology. For example, at the University of Il-linois at Chicago, the Department of Pathologyand the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL)in the Department of Computer Science devel-oped an application to display whole-slide imageswithin EVL’s collaborative SAGE, expandingSAGE’s existing capacity to simultaneouslydisplay and share a variety of high-resolution im-ages, video, and data (Fig. 9).Pathologists need to take leadership of the evo-

lution of the autopsy, document the value of theautopsy to patient care, and advocate for appro-priate financial reimbursement for this medicalprocedure.


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