information for applicants

Information for Applicants

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Information for applicants


Page 1: Information for applicants

Information for Applicants

Page 2: Information for applicants

Our Vision Chipping Sodbury School is a place where staff and students work together in a peaceful and harmonious climate. Achievement is valued and there is an expectation that staff and students cooperate, share and innovate together through exciting teaching and dynamic learning. There is a mutual respect between our staff and students and together they aspire to the highest possible standards. All members of our specialist technology school collaborate and support each other in a trusting and caring environment where learning is overtly our priority. Above all everyone is happy! The school has developed and agreed four core values to underpin its work. Chipping Sodbury School Core Values:

Aspiration, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility

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Our Aims 1. To encourage and enable every pupil to achieve the highest level of which (s)he is capable both academically and socially. 2. To develop in pupils personal moral values, respect for religious values and tolerance of race, religion and ways of life other than their own, so that they come to understand the world of which they are part of. 3. To establish and maintain a working atmosphere in which every pupil is encouraged to succeed and is able to work without hindrance. These broad aims are underpinned by the mission statement for our status as a Technology College.

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Technology College Mission Statement • To raise standards of achievement for pupils of

all abilities resulting in the highest standards of achievement in Design and Technology, Science and Mathematics leading to high levels of whole school performance, underpinned by the development of ICT.

• To develop lively enterprising students with enquiring minds able to use technology, including ICT, and understand its role in helping them develop as individuals as well as the benefits it can bring society in general

• To help pupils and members of the community acquire the understanding, knowledge and skills necessary to thrive and succeed in an increasingly technological world through sharing expertise and resources in high quality partnership activities.

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Technology College Mission Statement • To equip pupils with relevant and transferable

skills through increasing post 16 participation in a range of areas in Design and Technology, Science and Mathematics and wider use of ICT.

• To help pupils and members of the community aspire to develop their own ambitions and taking pride in their own achievements.

• To build and develop partnerships between the school, its community of parents and carers, employers, education providers and other local organisations for the benefit of all learners associated with the school.

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Introduction Chipping Sodbury School is a successful mixed comprehensive school. It is situated on the southern outskirts of the medieval market town of Chipping Sodbury, on the southern edge of the Cotswolds. It attracts pupils from Chipping Sodbury, Yate and the surrounding villages. Governors are very supportive of the school and take interest in school activities. Each governor is linked to a curriculum area and most are members of at least one committee. Parents are similarly supportive, there being an active Parent Teacher Association.

The school is a short drive from the cities of Bath and Bristol. It is easily accessible from the M4/M5 motorway network. Exmoor, Dartmoor, South Wales and the Forest of Dean are all within easy reach.

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Pupil Support We have four Heads of Learning. These colleagues are supported by full-time House Coordinators. Between them they lead a team of tutors and mentors. Each member of staff, not just tutors, has a cohort of students to mentor, meeting on a scheduled timetabled period where conversations about learning, progress, targets and support the student happen and are recorded online.

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Teaching and Learning Teaching is organised in the faculties of English, Mathematics, Science, Modern Foreign Languages, Humanities, Expressive Arts, Design Technology, Business & ICT and Physical Education. There are two cross school Divisions. Inclusion works in a variety of ways to support students’ inclusion in school whether from a special needs, behavioural or gifted and talented perspective. The Life Division coordinates the work of careers, guidance, PSHE, PLTS and a range of further cross-curricular initiatives across the school. As well as regular faculty meetings, a number of cross-curricular groups meet regularly working on issues such as literacy, staff development, international education, numeracy and so on.

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Teaching and Learning We have high expectations for the quality of teaching. This is the main focus of our performance management system, our professional development activities and our school self-evaluation processes. Sixth Form teaching is provided through a joint arrangement with our partner school, Brimsham Green School. Called The Sixth Form at Chipping Sodbury School the P16 curriculum offers a full range of level 3 and level 2 courses. A common timetable for the sixth form across two schools allows for close collaboration in the teaching and delivery of our provision. The School makes extensive use of pupil data to set targets for individuals, groups and whole year cohorts. This data and on going review information is managed through and it relates to indicative projections available from Raise online data, Fischer Family Trust data and NfER Cognitive Abilities Test data.

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Staffing There are around 58 teachers with a mix of new and experienced staff at the School. Teachers are supported by other dedicated staff including office staff, teaching assistants, librarian, site staff, cover supervisor, patrol officers and technicians.

Policies and Planning The Governing Body has a well developed committee structure which plays an important role in policy development and review. The School works to a long term Strategic Plan, supported by a bi-annual planning process which involves staff and governors in its inception, development, monitoring and evaluation.

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Extra-curricular Activities These play a large and central part in the life of the School. There is a wide range of competitive and leisure sports. The School enters teams for the annual Ten Tors competition. There are strong musical links with the local community with music and drama featuring strongly in our biannual school musicals. Business links are very good, with support from the Chipping Sodbury Rotary Club, the Lions Club and other individual organisations. There are regular trips abroad. With a new sports centre and all-weather pitch, the school is well placed to support a wide range of additional activities both within school and through community use.

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ICT There is an extensive ICT network of over 500 workstations across the school including wireless. Each classroom has a projector linked to a laptop docking station. Teachers and a number of support staff each have a laptop allowing flexible use of docking stations to access the school network. A virtual learning environment, OSCAR allows work to be issued to students digitally as well as providing a vehicle for communication with parents, governors and staff.

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Chipping Sodbury Endowed School Foundation The school has an ancient foundation, first mentioned in 1638, when the sum of twenty pounds was donated from charitable funds for the free education of townsmen children. Generous support is still given by the Chipping Sodbury Endowed School Foundation and, as a result, the school has Voluntary Controlled status. The present site was first used in 1938, though since then numerous adaptations have been made as the nature of the school and its curriculum have changed.

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Where to find or contact us

Chipping Sodbury School Bowling Road Chipping Sodbury Bristol BS37 6EW

t: 01454 862900 f: 01454 862901 email: [email protected]