infusing accelerated learning in science “combining the art of teaching with the science of...

Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science

“Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Page 2: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Accelerated Learning

Principals of brain based learning

• People do not learn effectively when placed under negative stress

• Concentration span is approximately 2 minutes in excess of chronological age

• People access information through all their senses

• People remember context rather than content

• People learn in different ways (Howard Gardner –” Multiple Intelligences”

• Recall is dramatically improved when information is regularly reviewed

• Learning is greatly enhanced when the whole brain is engaged

“Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Page 3: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

4. Activity -

The Search For Meaning

1. Create a supportive

Learning Environment / Connect the

Learning 2. Agree Learning


3. Present New

Information Through All The Senses

5. Demonstrate Your

New Understanding

6. Review -

Step Back And Reflect On Your


The Accelerated Learning Cycle

Page 4: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Create a supportive Learning Environment

Prepare the Learner•Motivation and readiness for learning

•Avoid classroom stressors

•Classroom rituals

•Developing skills for learning such as effective group work

•Being equipped with tools for learning e.g the use of graphic organisers, concept maps or mind mapping techniques

Page 5: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Create a supportive Learning Environment

Prepare the Physical Environment

•Display – Attractive, Stimulating, Relevant

•Room Layout – Group work, Review, Presentation

•Room is tidy, resources are well organised and accessible

•Room is well lit

•Room is right temperature


“I remember the look of that classroom as if it were Yesterday”

Page 6: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Connect the Learning

Prepare the Learnerby Connecting theLearning (at thebeginning of thelesson):• getting students to write

down the 3 most important things they learned from the previous lesson - then pair share it with a friend and try to make it up to 5

• Getting students to solve anagrams of keywords from previous lesson

“You only understand information relative to what you already understand”

Page 7: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Agree the Learning Outcomes

“Do your students know why they are doing what they are doing? Have you told them?”

•Learning Outcomes need to be clear and unambiguous

•Should be set within a context and the big picture

•May be based around an issue or key question

•May be focussed on content/skill/thinking or all three

•Share/Agree success criteria

Page 8: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Present NEW information VAK

“The brain is an image processor not a word processor”

Present new information through as many senses as possible

See it

Hear it

Touch it

and if possible

Smell it

and taste it

Page 9: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

ACTIVITY-The search for meaning

“There is little point giving students ready made meaning”

Allow students to process information through their dominant learning style

Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Kinesthetic, Musical, Visual, Logical-mathematical,

Activities which are designed to develop Higher order thinking

Activities may be Closed

Activities may be Open

Page 10: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Demonstrate new understanding

“If you understand it you can explain it”

•Allow students to demonstrate their new understanding in a variety of different ways e.g. Each one teach one, Group Presentation, Assignment, Hot seating, Exam question

•Relate to learning intentions

•Seek to Develop Higher order thinking skills

Page 11: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

Review-Step back and reflect on Learning

“Learning without reviewing is like trying to fill the bath without putting the plug in”

Allow students to step back and reflect on the learning experience

Review of key learning points

Teach memory techniques

reflect on the process of learning (Debrief)

preview the next learning steps

Page 12: Infusing Accelerated Learning in Science “Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”

4. Activity -

The Search For Meaning

1. Connect


2. Agree Learning


3. Present New

Information Through All The Senses

5. Demonstrate Your

New Understanding

6. Review -

Step Back And Reflect On Your


The Accelerated Learning Cycle