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  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project




    With reference to


    Project report submitted to Andhra University, Visakhapatnam in partial

    Fulfillment for the Award of the Degree in


    Submitted by


    "Re#d!N$! %&'()*&&&('+

    U,de- t.e e/teemed #uid0,1e $2


    Faculty Member In M.B.A Department


    ADITYA INSTITUTE OF P!G! STUDIES(Affiliated to Andhra University)



  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project





    SURAMPALEM4(66)67 E!G!Dt "A!P+


    This is to certify that project report entitled A STUDY OF SALESS


    HYDERABAD is a bona fide work done by K.V.V.N.SURESH KU!R

    with Re"d. No!%&'()*&&&(' #nder $y "#idance and s#per%ision d#rin" ay

    to ne '((). This project is s#b$itted to ANDHRA UNIVERSITY in

    partial f#lfill$ent of the award of de"ree of MASTER OF BUSINESS



    r. K.*!+! KR,SHN!- M!B!A SR,. &. N!EN/R! KU!R- M!B!A

    E0ternal E0a$iner

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    This is to certify that project report entitled A STUDY OF


    HYDERABAD is a bona fide work done by K.V.V.N.SURESH KU!R

    with Re"d. No!%&'()*&&&(' #nder $y "#idance and s#per%ision d#rin" ay

    to ne '((). This project is s#b$itted to ANDHRA UNIVERSITY in

    partial f#lfill$ent of the award of de"ree of MASTER OF BUSINESS


    P:01e1 SUR!2!+E


    . 3r. K.*!+! KR,SHN!4-

    2roject #ide-

    !ditya ,nstit#te of 2. St#dies.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    , here by declare that this project report entitled A STUDY OF


    HYDERABAD has been prepared by $e d#rin" the year '(() in the $onth

    of ay and ne is partial f#lfill$ent of the re5#ire$ent for the award of



    , also declare that this project is a res#lt of $y own effort and that it has

    not been s#b$itted to any other #ni%ersity for the award of any /e"ree or


    P:01e1 SUR!2!+E




  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    , wish to thank 8!N0#e,d-0 um0- H6/- !/,T7! ,NST,TUTE 68

    2..STU/,ES for his %al#able s#pport in doin" this project.

    , feel happy to thank- Head of the /epart$ent- and /epart$ent of

    ana"e$ent St#dies for pro%idin" $e her %al#able "#idance and e0pertise in

    s#ccessf#l co$pletion of this project.

    , thank $y project "#ide- !BALA RISHNA 8ac#lty $e$ber in

    ana"e$ent St#dies for pro%idin" $e his %al#able "#idance and e0pertise in

    s#ccessf#l co$pletion of this project.

    , thank $y project internal "#ide M-! !RA8A 3Sales ana"er4 who

    shows infinite patience and perse%erance in teachin"- s#""estin" re$edies forthe proble$s enco#ntered in $y project and in answerin" all $y 5#estions.

    , also e0tend $y heartfelt thanks to $y friends for their cooperation

    d#rin" $y entire project period.


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    C.0e1ti?e/ $2 t.e /tudy

    Need 2$- t.e /tudy


    Limit0ti$,/ $2 t.e /tudy


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    CHAPTER4*!"#$DU%"$!, !&&D "$# "'&

    ("UD), *&"'$D$+$),

    +*"A"$!( $F "'& ("UD)

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    The c#rrent $eanin" of $arketin" we ha%e to #nderstand different points of %iews. 6penly

    there are two di$ensions fro$ which we can disc#ss the $eanin" of $arketin".

    2rod#ct oriented %iew H#$an wants are #nli$ited and respecti%e in nat#re. *#siness

    acti%ities ai$ at ac5#irin" of wealth and con%ertin" it into desire for$s $akin" the final

    prod#ct a%ailable for e0chan"e for the satisfaction of h#$an wants. The acti%ities fall

    #nder ind#stry- co$$erce and trade these three batches ha%e one co$$on f#nction the

    e0chan"e. This i$portant and powerf#l f#nction is ter$ed as $arketin". arketin"

    occ#pies an i$portant position in the or"ani9ation of b#siness #nit. Traditional %iew of$arketin" that the c#sto$er will accept what e%er prod#ct the seller presents. ,n this way

    the $ain concern of the prod#cer is to prod#ce with o#t considerin" the choice of the

    beha%ior of the c#sto$er. *#t this point of %iew of $arketin" has chan"e. The $odern

    concept $ay be centered on the c#sto$er. The $an#fact#rer cannot be prod#cin" whate%er

    he likes b#t whate%er c#sto$er wants.

    arketin" $ay be e0plained as a b#siness f#nction entr#sted with the creation and

    satisfaction of c#sto$er to achie%e the ai$s of b#siness. Th#s the process of $arketin"


    :. 2rofit $akin" by sales.

    '. The presence of c#sto$er.

    ;. Satisfaction of c#sto$er by $eetin" his need.

    held that cons#$ption is the so#l p#rchase of

    all prod#cts and interest of the prod#cer o#"ht to be attendin" to only so far as it $ay be

    necessary for pro$otin" that of the c#sto$er. Under the $ercantile syste$- the interest of

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    the c#sto$er was %irt#ally sacrificed to that of the prod#cer. They coincided prod#ction

    and net cons#$ption as the #lti$ate end and deject of the ind#stry and co$$erce. ,t was

    as ta" when the role of $arketin" was i"nored. With down of ind#strial re%ol#tion $ajor

    chan"es took place.

    There was a shift for$ a"ric#lt#ral to ,nd#stry. The linin" standards of the people

    rose with the de%elop$ent of transport and co$$#nications. Howe%er no ser%ice efforts

    were $ade to satisfy the wants of the c#sto$ers. The abo%e definitions of the $arketin"

    are prod#ct oriented beca#se they lay $ore e$phasis the prod#ct rather than one c#sto$er.

    !ccordin" to the$ the $arketin" process co$es to an as soon as the prod#ct reaches the

    hands of c#sto$ers. ,n fact the $arketin" is wider than that.

    arketin" is related to the needs of the b#yer. 6nly s#ch prod#cts which can satisfy

    the wants and tastes of the c#sto$er. To please the c#sto$er at the sales ser%ice are

    needed. He we 5#ote so$e of the well knows c#sto$ers oriented definitions of $arketin".

    =arketin" is the b#siness process by which prod#ct are $atched with $arkets and

    thro#"h which of ownership is effected>

    ?UN/,88 !N/ ST,++

    These definitions s#""est that $arketin" is conca%ed with the $o%e$ent of "oods and

    ser%ices fro$ the plant to the c#sto$er. arketin" acti%ities are directly connected with

    the de$and sti$#latin" and de$and f#lfillin" of the enterprise. !ll these acti%ities are

    interested and inter.

    We can distin"#ish between a social and a $ana"erial definition of $arketin". !

    social definition shows the role $arketin" plays in society. 6ne $arketer said that

    $arketin"@s role is to =deli%er a hi"her standard of li%in".> Here is a social definition that

    ser%es o#r p#rpose1 arketin" is a social process by which indi%id#als and "ro#ps obtain

    what they need and want thro#"h creatin"- offerin" and freely e0chan"in" prod#cts and

    ser%ices of %al#e with others. 8or a $ana"erial definition- $arketin" has often been

    described as =t.e 0-t $2 /e::i,# b#t people are s#rprised when they hear that

    the $ost i$portant part of $arketin" is not sellin". Sellin" is only tip of the $arketin"


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    The objecti%es of the st#dy are

    :. To st#dy the sales process in ,ns#rance ,nd#stry with reference to ,N V7S7! life


    '. To st#dy the sales process position in Sec#nderabad.

    ;. To st#dy abo#t how the sales process is "oin" in ,ns#rance ,nd#stry.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    Now a day ,ns#rance plays a %ery i$portant role in the H#$an +ife. The

    ter$inolo"y of the ins#rance is chan"in" accordin" to the chan"e in the world. 2eople in

    ,ndia are $ostly payin" policies in ins#rance sector. They are s#fferin" to choose the

    correct one. There is n#$ber of policies which are of different co$panies. So they are

    #nable to choose the best one. So the ,N V7S7! +ife ,ns#rance took se%eral $eas#res

    to i$pro%e the $arketin" syste$ for distrib#tin" policies accordin" h#$an race.

    This st#dy is to know the sales process and to know the whether the policy holders

    are $e$bers in ,N V7S7! +ife ,ns#rance ?o$pany- are satisfied with the ser%ice of the


    :. ,ncrease awareness in the $ind of the people.

    '. To #nderstand and to know the opinion of the people towards ins#rance co$panies.

    ;. Helps in identifyin" the co$petitors

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    !s the st#dy was based on pri$ary data- 5#estionnaire was fra$edD s#r%ey is confined to

    the c#sto$ers and in Sec#ndrabad only.

    Sa$plin" proced#re1

    Ha%in" fra$ed the 5#estionnaire- the c#sto$ers of Sec#ndrabad ?ontacted

    personally. The re5#ired infor$ation present in the 5#estionnaire. The infor$ation is

    tab#lated for the analysis.

    The st#dy is done by pri$ary and secondary data.

    /!T! ?6++E?T,6N

    /ata collection is the i$portant aspect of any research. The collection of data "i%es

    the researcher the scope to analy9e the sit#ation. The data of the st#dy is collected fro$

    %ario#s so#rces. 8or the p#rpose of achie%in" the data effecti%ely the infor$ation consists

    of two kinds of data.

    :. 2ri$ary data

    '. Secondary data

    The pri$ary data are those- which are collected freshly and for the first ti$e- fro$

    the c#sto$er directly. This is %ery i$portant beca#se this is basis on which analysis and

    s#""estions can be drafted.

    The secondary data are those which ha%e already been collected by so$e one or else which

    ha%e been passed thro#"h statistical process.

    This "i%es a base for the researcher to Know the past infor$ation and the kind the chan"e

    that has occ#rred fro$ that ti$e till now.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    !s it is not a :(( co$prehensi%e st#dy- it s#ffers fro$ few li$itations which are

    as follows.

    !s the ti$e a%ailable in cond#ctin" the s#r%ey and the analysis is li$ited i.e.- only

    a period of ei"ht weeks- it restricts in st#dyin" the aspects of 5#estionnaire in a

    detailed $anner.

    !s the s#r%ey is $ade only a$on" ::( o#tlets it is diffic#lt to "et co$plete and

    acc#rate infor$ation of the prod#ct attrib#tes and the awareness created by the


    The st#dy is s#bjected to li$ited re"ion in Sec#ndrabad.

    +ack of awareness of s#r%ey in the $ind of the c#sto$er.

    ! sincere atte$pt was $ade to collect and draw concl#sions in the best possible

    way and $ini$i9e the errors.

    /#e to %ast area of $arket- it beco$es %ery diffic#lt to $eet each and e%ery


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  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    WH!T ,S ,NSUR!N?EF

    The basics of ins#rance are related to the protection of the econo$ics %al#es of

    assets. E%ery asset has a %al#e. The asset wo#ld ha%e been created thro#"h the effect of the

    owner. The asset is %al#able to the owner- beca#se he e0pect to "et so$e benefits- fro$ it.

    The benefit beca#se it $eets so$e of it needs. ,n the case of a factory or a cow- the prod#ct

    "enerated by is sold and inco$e "enerated. ,n the case of a $otor car- it profiles co$fort

    and con%inces in transportation. There is no direct inco$e.

    E%ery asset is e0pected to last for a certain period of ti$e d#rin" which it will

    perfor$. !fter that- the benefit $ay not be a%ailable. There is lifeGti$e for a $achine in a

    factory or a cow or a $otor car. None of the$ will last for e%er. The owner is aware of this

    and he can so $ana"e his affairs that by the end of that period or lifeGti$e- a s#bstit#te is

    $ade a%ailable. Th#s- he $akes s#re that the %al#e or inco$es are not lost. Howe%er- the

    asset $ay "et lost earlier. !n accident or so$e other #nfort#nate e%ent $ay destroy it or

    $ake it nonGf#nctional- wo#ld be depri%ed of the benefit and the planned s#bstit#te wo#ld

    not ha%e been ready. There is an ad%erse or #npleasant sit#ation. ,ns#rance is a $echanis$

    that helps to red#ce the effect of s#ch ad%erse sit#ation.

    THE H,ST6R7 68 ,NSUR!N?E

    The b#siness of ins#rance started with $arine b#siness traders- who #sed to

    "ather in the +loyd@s coffee ho#se in +ondon a"reed to share the losses to their "oods

    while bein" carried by ships. The losses #sed to occ#r beca#se of pirates who robbed on

    the hi"h seas or beca#se the ship. The first ins#rance policy was iss#ed in :A; in En"land.

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    ,n ,ndia- ins#rance be"an in :C( with life ins#rance bein" transacted by an En"lish

    co$pany- the E#ropean and the !lbert. The first ,ndian ins#rance co$pany was the

    *o$bay $#t#al ass#rance society ltd- for$ed in :C(. This was followed by the oriental

    life ass#rance co. in :C

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ,ns#rance does not protect the asset. ,t does not pre%ent its loss d#e to the peril

    cannot be a%oided thro#"h ins#rance. The peril can so$e ti$es be a%oided- thro#"h better

    safety and da$a"e control $ana"e$ent. ,ns#rance only tries to red#ce the i$pact of the

    risk on the owner of the asset and those who depend on the asset. ,t only co$pensates the

    losses and that too- the f#lly.

    6nly econo$ic conse5#ences can be ins#red. ,f the loss is not financial-

    ins#rance $ay not be possible- e0a$ple of nonGecono$ic losses are lo%ed and affection of

    parents- leadership of $ana"ers- senti$ental attach$ents to fa$ily heir loo$s. ,nno%ati%e

    and creati%e abilities etc.


    The $echanis$ of ins#rance is %ery si$ple. 2eople who are e0posed to the sa$e

    risks co$e to"ether and a"ree that- if any one of the$ s#ffers a loss- the others will share

    the loss and $ake "ood to the person who lost. !ll people who send "oods by ship are

    e0posed to the sa$e risks. Which are related to water da$a"es- ship sinkin"- piracy-

    etc.those ownin" factories are not e0posed to these risks- b#t they are e0pected to different

    kinds of risks like- fire- hailstor$s- earth5#akes- li"htin"- b#r"lary- fire different

    kinds or risks can be identified and separate "ro#ps $ade- incl#din" those e0posed to s#ch

    risks- by this $ethod- the hea%y loss that any one of the$ $ay s#ffer is di%ided into

    bearable- s$all losses by all. ,n other words- the risk is spread a$on" the co$$#nity and

    the likely bi" i$pact on one is red#ced to s$aller $ana"eable i$pacts on all.


    ,n a %illa"e there are

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    ! h#$an bein" is an inco$e "eneratin" asset. 6ne@s $an#al labo#r- professional skills

    and b#siness ac#$en is the asset. This asset also can be lost thro#"h #ne0pectedly early

    death ca#sed by accidents. !ccidents $ay or $ay not happen death b#t the ti$in" is

    #ncertain. *#t if it happens $#ch earlier when the alternate arran"e$ents not in place-

    there can be losses to the person and dependents. ,ns#rance is necessary to help those

    dependent on the inco$e.

    The person- who $ay ha%e $ade arran"e$ents for his needs after his

    retire$ent- also wo#ld need ins#rance. This is beca#se the arran"e$ents wo#ld ha%e been

    $ade on the basis of so$e e0pectations.

    ,NSUR!N?E 68 ,NT!N,*+ES

    The concept of ins#rance has been e0tended beyond the co%era"e of tan"ible assets.

    E0porters r#n at the risk of losses if the i$porters in the other co#ntry defa#lt in pay$ents

    or in collectin" the "oods. They will also s#ffer hea%ily d#e to s#dden chan"es in c#rrency

    e0chan"e rates- econo$ics policies or political dist#rbances in the other co#ntry. These

    risks are ins#redD doctors r#n the risk of bein" char"ed with ne"li"ence and s#bse5#ent

    liability for da$a"es. The a$o#nt in 5#estion can be fairly lar"e- beyond the capacity of

    indi%id#als to bear. These are ins#red. Th#s ins#rance is e0tended to intan"ibles.


    ,ns#rance co$panies are called ins#res. The b#siness of ins#rance is to brin"

    to"ether persons with co$$on ins#rance interests- collect share fro$ all of the$ and pay

    o#t co$pensation to those who s#ffer. The pre$i#$ is deter$ined on the sa$e lines as

    indicated in e0a$ples abo%e- b#t with so$e f#rther refine$ents.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ,NSUR!N?E !S ! S6?,!+ SE?UR,T7 T66+

    The United National /eclaration of h#$an ri"hts :)< pro%ides that e%ery one

    has a ri"ht to a standard of li%in" ade5#ate for the health and well bein" of hi$ self and his

    fa$ily incl#de food clothin" ho#sin" and $edical care and necessary social ser%ices and

    the ri"ht to sec#rity in the e%ent of #ne$ploy$ent.

    R6+E 68 ,NSUR!N?E ,N E?6N6,? /EVE+62ENT

    8or econo$ic de%elop$ent- in%est$ents are necessary. ,n%est$ents are $ade at

    sa%in"s. ! life ins#rance co$pany is a $ajor instr#$ent for the $obili9ation of sa%in" of

    people- partic#larly fro$ the $iddle and lower inco$e "ro#ps. These sa%in"s are

    channeled into in%est$ents for econo$ic "rowth.

    !s on ;:.;.'(('- the total in%est$ents of the +,? e0ceeded Rs.'

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    $ake a f#ll disclos#re to the #nderwriter witho#t bein" asked- of all $aterial

    circ#$stances. This is e0pressed by sayin" that it is a contract of #t$ost "ood faith>.

    The law i$poses a "reater d#ty on the parties to an ins#rance contract than in

    the case of other co$$ercial contracts- to disclose rele%ant infor$ation. This d#ty is one of

    #t$ost "ood faith or Uberri$ae 8ides. ,t is the d#ty of the proposer to $ake a f#ll

    disclos#re to the #nderwriter. The i$plication is that- in how e%ent of fail#re to disclose

    $aterial facts- the contract can be held to be %oid abGinitio.

    E%ery circ#$stance that wo#ld ha%e a bearin" on the j#d"$ent of a pr#dent

    ins#rer in fi0in" the pre$i#$ or deter$inin" the acceptability of the proposal for ins#rance

    is a $aterial fact. Therefore- facts re"ardin" a"e- hei"ht- b#ild- nat#re of occ#pation-

    s$okin"drinkin" habits- $edical history- s#r"eries- earlier ins#rances- etc.- $#st be

    disclosed. The proposer cannot defend nonGdisclos#re by contendin" that he did not think

    that the fact was not $aterialL

    There are certain circ#$stances- which need not be disclosed.

    They are

    :. 8acts of co$$on knowled"e- which e%ery one is s#pposed to know.

    '. 8acts of law

    ;. 8acts which a s#r%ey wo#ld ha%e re%ealed.

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    :. S#bstantially false and known to the proposer as false not known to the

    second party

    '. ?oncerned with facts which are $aterial to the acceptance or assess$ent of

    the risk or $aterial to the benefits obtained by the proposer.

    ;. ?alc#lated to ind#ce the other party to enter into a contract on its own


    ,n a proposal for life ins#rance- the proposer $akes a declaration to the effect that all the

    state$ent in the proposal for$ are tr#e in e%ery respect and if any #ntr#e state$ent be

    contained therein- the ins#rer wo#ld be entitled to treat as n#ll and %oid and forfeit all the

    $oneys paid therefore.


    !ll risks are not ins#rable. 6therwise- an ins#rance contract wo#ld be no different

    fro$ a wa"erin" contract. Wa"erin" contract is ille"al in ter$s of sec.;( of the ,ndian

    contract act and therefore in%alid. What distin"#ishes an ins#rance contract fro$ a

    wa"erin" contract is that the ins#red $#st ha%e an ins#rable interest in the s#bject of

    ins#rance. ,n si$ple ter$s- it $eans that the proposer $#st ha%e a stake in the contin#ance

    of the s#bject ins#red and co#ld s#ffer loss- if the risk is not co%ered thro#"h ins#rance.

    The ins#red $#st be in a relationship with the s#bject of ins#rance.


    ,n the case of life ins#rance policy- ins#rable interest $#st e0ist at the inception of the

    policy. There is no- re5#ire$ent for ins#rable interest at the ti$e of a clai$ #nder the

    policy. ,n the case of $arine policy- ins#rable interest $#st e0ist at the ti$e of the clai$.

    ,n other ins#rance- ins#rable interest $#st e0ist at the ti$e of inception as well as at the

    ti$e of clai$.

    2R,N?,2+E 68 ,N/EN,T7

    ,ns#rance is $eant to co$pensate losses. *y i$plication- the $echanis$ of

    ins#rance cannot be #sed to $ake a profit. This is broadly the principle of inde$nity.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ,ns#rance sho#ld place the ins#red in the sa$e financial position after a loss as he enjoyed

    before it not better.

    /,88ERENT R,SKS

    The +ife ,ns#rance b#siness deals with risks relatin" to life of h#$an bein"s. ,t can

    $iti"ate the conse5#ences in those circ#$stances.

    !s a r#le- risks are $ana"ed in ; ways

    :. 2re%ention

    '. Retention

    ;. Transfer

    /eath and old a"e are not pre%entable at all.

    NEE/S !N/ ,NSUR!N?E

    Risks arise beca#se there are needs to be f#lfilled. The risks attached to early death arise

    beca#se of the need to $aintain the fa$ily that is left behind. /ifferent plans are desi"ned

    with different benefits. While sellin" life ins#rance- therefore it is necessary to be aware of

    the needs of people.

    *roadly the needs of indi%id#als $ay be classified as follows.

    :. 2rotection of the standards of li%in" of the fa$ily- which is at risk on early death.

    '. 8#t#re e0penses on acco#nt of children@s ed#cation- $arria"e- start of so$e

    b#siness and so on- which are a$bitions and drea$s.

    ;. ?ontin#ance of b#siness when financiers ask for life ins#rance policies as collateral


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    !ll the abo%e needs ha%e to be $et- after $eetin" the costs of inflation. 2eople

    wo#ld not be conscio#sly aware of these as for$idable proble$s in the f#t#re. E%en if they

    do- they $ay not be willin" to sacrifice so$e of the pleas#res of the present in order to

    pro%ide for the f#t#re. This is the diffic#lty- which life ins#rance a"ents face.


    2re$i#$ is the consideration the holder has to pay in order to sec#re the benefits

    offered by the ins#rance policy. ,t can be looked #pon the price of the ins#rance policy. ,t

    $ay be a oneGti$e pay$ent. That is not co$$on. 6ften it has been paid re"#larly o%er a

    period of ti$e.

    R,SKS- NET !N/ 2URE 2RE,U

    The fi"#re of rs '(( $entioned wo#ld be the cost of co%erin" the risk of death of

    persons at the a"e of A( for one year. This cost is for ins#rance of Rs '(-((( which can be

    e0pressed also as Rs :( per tho#sand.


    The ad$inistrati%e e0penses of the ins#rer ha%e to be $et o#t of the pre$i#$ paid by

    the policy holders. To this e0tent the pre$i#$ to collect will be hi"her. S#ch additions to

    the p#re pre$i#$ are called loadin"s

    +EVE+ 2RE,US

    ,f it is e0pected that o#t of :(((( persons at a specified a"e- one is likely to die with in

    one year- the $ortality rate at that a"e is said to be (.(:. The risk pre$i#$ char"eable

    for persons at that a"e wo#ld be (.(: per Rs :((( s#$ ass#red- if a policy has a ter$ of '(

    years- the risk pre$i#$ and therefore the pre$i#$ wo#ld %ary for each of the '( years.

    688,?E 2RE,U

    The pre$i#$ fi"#re arri%ed at after loadin" the net pre$i#$ is called the office

    pre$i#$. They are now ready for #se. The pre$i#$ fi"#res printed in the pro$otional

    literat#re and broch#res are the office pre$i#$.

    EMTR! 2RE,U

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    E0tra pre$i#$ $ay be char"ed are any partic#lar policy. This $ay happen beca#se of

    the "rand of so$e benefit in addition to the basic benefit #nder the plan- like accident

    benefit- riders pro%ide additional benefits. E0tra pre$i#$ $ay beco$e char"eable beca#se

    of #nder writin" decisions. These are #s#ally stated as say- Rs :( per :(((- and will be

    added to the pre$i#$ otherwise char"eable.

    ?!+?U+!T,6N 68 !E1

    !"e has to be deter$ined has on the date of co$$ence$ents of the policy. ,f a person is

    born '(th!#"#st :)CB- the a"e ne0t birthday on :(thly '((' wo#ld be 'B.

    2RE,U ?!+?U+!T,6NS

    StepG:1 find o#t tab#lar pre$i#$ for the rele%ant plan and ter$. This pre$i#$ is :(((

    s#$ ass#red. !ss#$e that the fi"#re is Rs

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    !?TU!R,!+ V!+U!T,6N

    2re$i#$ is calc#lated takin" into acco#nt likely f#t#re e0periences in respect of

    $ortality- interest and e0penses. These are ass#$ptions. The f#t#re e0perience $ay or $ay

    not confor$ to these e0pectations. The ins#rance act in ,ndia re5#ires that act#arial

    %al#ations be done e%ery year.


    The distrib#tion of the %al#ation s#rpl#s to policy holders is done thro#"h the

    declaration of bon#s. 6nly policy holders who opt for participatin" or with profit policies

    wo#ld be entitled to bon#s. 6ther policy holders who ha%e none participatin" or witho#t

    profit policies wo#ld be payin" a sli"htly lesser a$o#nt of pre$i#$ for the sa$e kind of

    ins#rance co%er.

    ,f a co$po#nd re%ersionary syste$- the bon#s will be added to e0istin" S.!.incl#din"

    bon#ses attached earlier.

    ! %ariety of practices are followed with re"ard to bon#s. So$e $ake the %estin" of

    bon#s conditional on the policy contin#in" to be in force thro#"ho#t.

    i%en below details of the bon#s declared by the +,? after the %al#ation on ;:G;G'(('.



    +ess than :: years Rs .

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    *on#s is #s#ally declared policies- which are in force on the date of %al#ation. The

    bon#s after the %al#ation as on ;:G;G'((; will be declared so$eti$e in Septe$ber '((;

    and will benefit holders of policies which are in force on ;:G;G'((;. ,n order to o%erco$e

    s#ch ano$alies- act#aries #s#ally declare ,nteri$ bon#s payable on s#ch policies- which

    beco$e clai$s between two %al#ations.


    *!S,? E+EENTS1

    +ife ins#rance prod#cts are #s#ally referred to as Jplans of ins#rance@. These

    plans are ha%e two basic ele$ents. 6ne is the J/eath co%er@ pro%idin" for the benefit bein"

    paid on the death of the ins#red person within a specified period. The other is the JS#r%i%al

    *enefit@ pro%idin" for the benefit bein" paid on s#r%i%al of a specified period.

    2lans are ins#rance that pro%ides only death co%er are called JTer$ !ss#rance@ plans.

    These that pro%ide only s#r%i%al benefits are called J2#re Endow$ent@ plans. ,f the ins#red

    does not die with in the specified period- no pay$ent is $ade #nder a ter$ ass#rance plan.

    Si$ilarly- if the ins#red dies with in the specified period- no pay$ent is $ade #nder a p#re

    endow$ent plan. *oth these are like fire ins#rance policies. ,f the specified contin"ency

    does not happen- the policy holder does not "et anythin" fro$ the ins#rer.

    !ll ins#rance plans are co$binations of these two basic plans. ! ter$ ass#rance plan

    with an #nspecified period is called a JWhole life policy@ #nder which the s#$ ass#red is

    paid on death whene%er it $ay occ#r. ! ter$ ass#rance plan alon" with a p#re endow$ent

    plan when offered as a sin"le prod#ct is called an endow$ent ass#rance plan- #nder which

    the S.!. is paid on s#r%i%al of the specified period or on earlier death. ! ter$ ass#rance

    plan with a p#re endow$ent plan of do#ble the %al#e is called a do#ble endow$ent

    ass#rance plan #nder which the a$o#nt payable in s#r%i%al is do#ble the a$o#nt payable

    in death.

    ! plan of ass#rance will ha%e the followin" feat#res. *y $akin" chan"es in these

    feat#res or addin" and co$binin" so$e of the$.

    :. Who can be ins#redF

    The %ario#s possibilities are indi%id#al ad#lts- children- two or $ore persons

    jointly #nder one policy.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    '. What can be the S.!F

    So$e plans stip#late a $ini$#$ S.!. there are $a0i$#$ li$its also for

    certain benefits- like accidents benefits.

    ;. ,n what contin"ency wo#ld the S.! be payableF

    ?o#ld be on death or on s#r%i%al.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    Reference has been $ade in an earlier para"raph to the whole life and the

    endow$ent plans. ,n a whole life plan- the S! beco$es payable only on death whene%er it

    $ay occ#r. *#t #nlike a ter$ ass#rance plan- so$e pay$ent will be $ade at so$e ti$e.

    !ltho#"h- in the case of whole life policies- the S! is payable only on death so$e ins#rers

    pay the S!- when the life ass#red co$pletes say- :(( years. ,n the endow$ent plan- the S!

    is payable on s#r%i%al to the end of the ter$ or on earlier death.

    ?6NVERT,*+E 2+!NS1

    ?on%ertible plans of ass#rance are plans- which pro%ide- in its ter$s and conditions-

    that it can be chan"ed to another plan after- or within- a certain period after

    co$$ence$ent. 8or e0a$ple- a con%ertible ter$ ass#rance plan can be con%erted in to a

    whole life policy or an endow$ent policy- within a period specified in the ori"inal plan.

    This period $ay be not later than two years before the e0piry of the ori"inal ter$. ,n other

    words- if the ori"inal ter$ ins#rance co%er is for B years- the option to con%ert sho#ld be

    e0ercise before the end of the fo#rth year. ,n so$e plans- the option can be e0ercised at any

    ti$e- b#t before a"e B(- a con%ertible a whole life plan can be con%ertible into an

    endow$ent plan

    W,TH 2R68,T !N/ W,TH6UT 2R68,T 26+,?,ES1

    With o#t profit polices are not entitled to bon#ses declared after %al#ation. With profit

    policies pay a sli"htly hi"her pre$i#$ for the ri"ht to participate in the pro"ress of the

    ins#rer. With profit polices are pop#lar beca#se the bon#ses are e0pected to be $ore than

    e0tra pre$i#$ paid.

    &6,NT +,8E 26+,?,ES1

    ,N THE ?!SE &6,NT +,8E ,NSUR!N?E1

    ! joint life declaration is necessary to create a joint interest in the policy.

    ,n case of partner ship ins#rance the partner ship deal will be e0a$ine the nat#re of interest

    of each partner.

    Each life will be #nder written separately.

    *on#ses accr#e on the sin"le basic S! only.

    ?H,+/ERN@S 2+!NS1

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ,ns#rance can be taken on the li%es of children- who are not $ajor@s. The propose

    will ha%e to be $ade by a parents.

    ,n these plans- risk on the life on the ins#red child will be"in only when that

    child attains a specified a"e. 2ractices %ary widely the ti$e "ap between date of

    co$$ence$ent of the policy and the co$$ence$ent of risks called the defer$ent period.

    There is no ins#rance co%er d#rin" the defer$ent period. ,f a child dies d#rin" the

    defer$ent period- the pre$i#$s will be ret#rn.

    V!R,!*+E ,NSUR!N?E 2+!NS1

    The #nit tr#st of ,ndia has #nit linked ins#rance plan. This plan is desi"ned for any

    resident in ,ndia between the a"e@s of :' and AA plannin" to sa%e between Rs. B(((G and

    Rs. CA-(((G to be contrib#ted in half yearly are ann#al install$ents o%er a period of :( or

    :A years. 2ersons o%er AA years can "o in for a :( year plan. No $edical e0a$ination is


    The $oney back type policies help the policy holders to so$e e0tent. The l#$p

    s#$s paid periodically with o#t affectin" the a$o#nt of ins#rance o%er- can be in%ested.

    Re"#lar state$ent for the ins#rer wo#ld indicate the "rowth of each of these f#nds and the

    policy holder wo#ld ha%e a choice of shiftin" fro$ one to another.


    ! rider is a cla#se that is added on to a basic policy pro%idin" an additional benefit-

    at the choice of the proposer .Val#ation s#rpl#s also is offered a rider. *#t that is not so

    with re"ard to all riders.

    So$e of the riders bein" offered by ins#rers in ,ndia1

    ,ncreased death benefit.

    !ccident benefit allowin" do#ble the S! if death happens

    2er$anent disability benefits- co%erin" loss of li$bs- eye site etc.

    G#aranteed increases in co%er at specified periods.

    ?o%er to contin#e beyond $at#rity a"e for sa$e.

    !s per re"#lation $ade by the ,R/! in !pril '((' and a$ended in 6ctober '(('.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    2+!NS ?6VER,N H!N/,?!22E/1

    2hysically handicapped persons are ins#red. E0tras are char"ed in so$e cases like

    loss of both ar$sD deaf in both ears- blind in both eyes- etc. these details will ha%e to be

    "athered fro$ the co$panies #nder writin" depart$ents.

    +!W !N/ REU+!T,6N1

    The ins#rance act :);- which ca$e in to effect fro$ :


    ly :);)- and was ana$ended in :)A( and later in :)))- is the principal enact$ent relatin" to the b#siness of

    ins#rance in ,ndia.

    Section '3A!4 defines chief a"ent as a person who- not bein" a salaries e$ployee of an

    ins#re- in consideration of co$$ission- e$ployin" to be e$ployed ins#rance a"ent on be

    half of the ins#rer.


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    !/V!NT!ES 68 +,8E ,NSUR!N?E

    E%en so- a co$parison with other for$s of sa%in"s will show that life ins#rance has

    the followin"

    ,n the e%ent of death- the settle$ent is easy. The heirs can collect the $oney@s 5#icker-

    beca#se of the facility of no$ination and assi"n$ent. The facility of no$ination is now

    a%ailable for so$e bank acco#nts. There is a certain a$o#nt of co$p#lsion to "o tho#"hthe plan of sa%in"s. ,n other for$s- if one chan"es the ori"inal plan of sa%in"s- there is no

    loss. ,n ins#rance- there is a loss.

    ?reditors cannot clai$ the life ins#rance $oneys. They can be protected a"ainst

    attach$ents by co#rts.

    There are ta0 benefits- both in inco$e ta0 and in capital "ains

    arketability and li5#idity are better. ! life ins#rance policy is property and can be

    transferred or $ort"a"ed loans can be raised a"ainst the policy.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    CHAPTER46%$*PA!) P#$F+&

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    ,N R6U2 ,NTR6/U?T,6N1

    ,N is a fort#ne A(( co$pany- acti%e in the field of bankin"- ins#rance- and asset


    Ranked :;thin the "lobal fort#ne A((

    :A( years of financial e0pertise.

    Tr#st of si0 crores c#sto$ers.

    World@s lar"est financial ser%ices co$pany 3in Re%en#es4.

    6%er RsB:.Alakh crores in assets.

    6%er last :A( years- ,N "ro#p has "rown to beco$e one of the lar"est life

    ins#rance or"ani9ations in the world. Today it to#ches the li%es of o%er B crore people

    across :A; cities. ,t offers a ran"e of financial ser%ices incl#din" ins#rance- pension-

    bankin" and asset $ana"e$ent. ,n the year '((- total asset of the "ro#p stood o%er:;BBB)A.C $illion with e$ployees ::A;(( and profits ac5#ired are )A.) $illion. ,N

    is now pro%idin" its ser%ices to A( co#ntries.


    ,N "ro#p ori"inated in:)): to ens#re people felt protected and at peace. To

    pro%ide the sa$e- $er"ers- ac5#isitions and or"anic "rowth took place to for$ a stron"er-

    lar"er or"ani9ation. The o#tco$e is the ,nternational Netherlander ro#p ,n :)):. Which

    is abbre%iated as ,NF

    The ,N "ro#p- the world@s lar"est financial ser%ice pro%ider partnered with

    ,ndia@s pre$ier pri%ate sector financial instit#tion- the V7S7! bank. ,N V7S7! +ife

    ,ns#rance is an o#tco$e of this partnership.

    The +ion was here to address e%ery need it was sy$bol that ,ndian@s e5#ated

    to inte"rity- tr#st and wealth.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ,N V7S7!1

    The core b#siness operations are

    o ,ns#rance

    o *ankin"

    o !sset $ana"e$ent

    ,N V7S7! $#t#al f#nds 3started in :)))4 and is now one of


    +eadin" asset $ana"e$ent co$panies.

    ,N V7S7! +ife started in Septe$ber '((:

    ,N "ro#p ac5#ired V7S7! bank in '(('.

    ,N V7S7! bank pro%ides retail- wholesale- pri%ate bankin"



    B0,i,# Mutu0: 2u,d/ A//et M0,0#eme,t


    Ret0i: /e-?i1e/

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ;.$:e/0:e /e-?i1e/

    P-i?0te b0,i,# /e-?i1e/

    ,N V7S7! +ife ,ns#rance offers fle0ibility and choice to "o with e%ery sta"e of life.

    ING VYSYA LIFe4%&&*

    ?o$$enced operations in Septe$ber '((: with 'Gbranches

    ,nitial ,n%est$ent Rs::(cr

    Head 5#artered in *an "alore

    ,nitial shareholders were ,N- V7S7! *!NK- R ro#p.

    !t ,N V7S7! +ife one thin" that they held in the hi"hest estee$ is h#$an life


    This si$ple philosophy endows the$ with a de"ree of sensiti%ity and dedication

    that they feel $akes the$ that $#ch $ore special to their c#sto$ers. Thisphilosophy s#pported well to achie%e best f#lfill$ent of c#sto$er needs in '((B.


    ,n%ested B

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    EN! R6U21

    ,t is one of ,ndia@s leadin" financial ser%ice pro%iders rep#ted for its ability to percei%e the

    tr#e potential of b#sinesses and enhance their %al#e. The c#lt#re at EN! "ro#p is deeply

    rooted in Ethics- ,nno%ation and 8inancial sobriety

    EM,/E ,N/USTR,ES +,,TE/1

    ,t is the $arket leader in both the a#to$oti%e and ,nd#strial se"$ents JEM,/E@ and

    JS8 3standard 8#r#kawa4@- the fla"ship brands of the co$pany are also the leadin" battery

    brands in the co#ntry.

    U&!R!TH !*U&! ?EENTS +,,TE/1

    ,t is the third lar"est ce$ent co$pany in ,ndia.

    ,NV7S7! +,8EG6!+1

    o To be in the top fi%e +ife ,ns#rance players in ,ndia.

    With the abo%e ,N V7S7! +,8E has a lon" standin" relationship with its c#sto$ers and

    deep #nderstandin" of the ,ndian $arket.

    2ER86R!N?E ST!N/!R/S- R6+ES I RRES26NS,*,+,T,ES1

    To allow internal $obility of e0istin" e$ployees and recr#itin" new

    applicants into the co$pany ,N has set so$e perfor$ance standards.

    2ER86R!N?E !N/ ?62ENS!T,6N REV,EW 2R6?ESS1

    ,$ple$ented fro$ &!NG:G '((C

    =!nni%ersary Re%iew =replaces the e0istin" =!nn#al Re%iew>.

    Re%iews for e%ery si0 $onths be"in fro$ :' $onths of ser%ice 3i.e. :'- :- '

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    !UT6!TE/ ?ENTR!+ 2ER86R!N?E !N!EENT S7STE1

    ,ndi%id#al perfor$ance re%iew is based on ten#re linked tar"et


    New perfor$ance standards is based on classified ten#res

    :stre%iew1 (GB $onths 3confir$ation re%iew4

    'ndre%iew1 :' $onths 3co$pletion4

    ;rdre%iew1 : $onths 3co$pletion4

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    Establishin" $ana"in"

    !cti%ity standards of the

    Tea$ $e$bers

    Trainin" need assess$ent and

    Sched#le deli%ery

    Retention of



    /#e and ti$ely reco"nition

    Ti$ely disb#rse$ent of co$$ission

    and incenti%es

    aintenance and #pdatin"

    perfor$ance records

    onthly tea$ $eetin"

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    7ear :))< ,N *earin"s NV 6ffers ,n%est$ents bankin"- corporate finance and

    other financial 2rod#cts and ser%ices.

    7ear :)CC ,N ,ns#ranceGrepresentati%e office.

    7ear :))) ,N ,n%est$ent $ana"e$ent 3,ndia4 2%t. +td.1

    2ro%ides $#t#al f#nd prod#cts to c#sto$er thro#"h ,N

    Tr#st- Established in early :))).

    /eli%ers on pro$ises 7ear '((( ,n" Vent#re *erin"s pri%ate



    7ear '((: ,N V7S7! +ifeGla#nched in the $onth of


    7ear '((' ,N b#ys a

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    Treats ?#sto$er fairly

    6ffers "ood 5#ality prod#cts I ser%ices

    6ffers clarity in prices and conditions

    ?o$$#nicates openly and with o#t jar"on.

    ,s easy to deal with

    !ccessible when needed

    8le0ible sol#tions fittin" with c#sto$er needs

    8riendly and carin".


    ,t is the process by which applications for ,ns#rance are selected and are classified

    accordin" to the le%el of risk that each one represents.


    ,s the possibility of ad%erse conse5#ences that $i"ht res#lt in loss of life.

    NEE/ 86R UN/ERWR,T,N1

    We need to $aintain e5#ity a$on" policyholders.

    Keep with the $ortality ass#$ptions #sed for calc#latin" pre$i#$ rates.

    Re$ain co$petiti%e.

    2rotect the co$pany fro$ anti selection.

    To offer co%er to a lar"e "ro#p of li%es.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    !E 2R668S1

    2re$i#$s are calc#lated on the life to be ass#reds@ a"e. Therefore a"e ad$ission by

    the life to be ass#red is a precondition for the acceptance of any proposal of life ins#rance.

    !E 2R668S

    ST!N/!R/ !E 2R668S

    N6N ST!N/!/ !E 2R668S

    ST!N/!R/ !E 2R668S1

    ?ertified e0tract fro$ school or colle"e records.

    ?ertified ori"inal copies of school colle"e certificates.

    ?ertified e0tract fro$ the ser%ice re"ister in case of "o%ern$ent e$ployees.

    /ate of birth certificate.


    /ri%in" license.

    2!N card

    N6N ST!N/!R/ !E 2R668S1

    Election ,/ card.

    /ri%in" license iss#ed less than ' years prior to the date of proposal

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    Ration cardG,ss#ed ' years prior to the date of proposal

    ES, card.

    ?+!SS,8,?!T,6N 68 UN/ERWR,T,N1

    Non $edical



    St#dent life



    O#alified 2eople eneral 2#blic

    O#alification :(thstandard and abo%e

    ini$#$ a"e at entry : years

    a0i$#$ a"e at entry A( years

    a0i$#$ s#$ #nder consideration for a"e :G;A :((((((.


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    E/,?!+ UN/ERWR,T,N1

    S#$ #nder consideration is the total s#$ ass#red of all policies at ,N V7S7! +ife ,ns#rance

    ?o$pany +i$ited.

    R6+ES RES26NS,*,+,T,ES !?T,V,T,ES

    aintainin" a


    aintain $ini$#$ tea$


    aintain $ini$#$ tea$



    ,nd#ction and


    ana"in" tea$


    oal settin" for

    Tea$ $e$bers

    Establishin" $ana"in"

    !cti%ity standards of the

    Tea$ $e$bers

    !cti%ity $ana"e$ent

    Trainin" need assess$ent and

    Sched#le deli%ery

    Retention of



    /#e and ti$ely reco"nition

    Ti$ely disb#rse$ent of co$$ission

    and incenti%es

    aintenance and #pdatin"

    perfor$ance records

    onthly tea$ $eetin"

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    8E!+E UN/ERWR,T,N1

    ?ate"ory SelfGE$ployed8e$ale

    Ho#se wife Widow life

    S! +i$its Up to '.Alakhs3SU?4With o#t ,nco$eproof8or SU?P'.A+akhs,nco$e proof is


    a0i$#$ '.A+akhsWith o#t h#sband,ns#rancea0i$#$ :A+akhsH#sband ,ns#ranceis


    a0i$#$ ?o%erA+akhs


    2roof of earned,nco$e

    T?8- ?ER2lans are notallowed




    Ter$W62!re not "i%en

    !ny other N,+ 2re"nant ho#se wifeWill not be offeredany co%er

    No$inee can beSonda#"hter who is either a$inor or 8inancially/ependent on the +!



    ?#rrent schoolcolle"e proof

    inor life O#estionnaire andatory for a"e "ro#p (G:< years

    2arent $#st be proposer.

    other can be proposer.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    +ife !ss#red can propose on self with parent inco$e details.

    8,N!N?,!+ UN/ERWR,T,N1

    !E T6T!+ R,SK ?6VER


    '( ti$es of "ross inco$e- B ti$es for ?,


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    N6NE/,?!+ 6R STR!,HT THR6UH 2R6?ESS1

    2roposal acceptance

    2olicy bond

    *ond will reach c#sto$e


    edical report s#b$ission

    E0tra pre$i#$ will be paid

    edical reports can be s#b$itted in $edical center

    Report will be prepared

    2roposal acceptance

    2olicy bond

    *ond will be "i%en to c#sto$er

    8ree look period will be "i%en


    Re"istered office at *an "alore

    Re"ional offices Q H7/ER!*!/

    3,t will be #nder re"ional "eneral $ana"er I %ise president4

    !rea ana"ers

    Hyderabad Waran"al Tir#pathi Vijayawada Vi9a" #nt#r

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    *ee$a%ara$ #di%ada achilipatna$ Tan#k# El#r#

    Vijayawada Tadepalli"#de$




    A( H6UR TR!,N,N W,++ *E ,VEN Q ,NSUR!N?E ,NST,TUTE 68 ,N/,! !22R6VE/ TR!,N,N ?ENTRES

    EM! ?6N/U?T,6N


    /6?UENT SU*,SS,6N



    ?+U* E*ER

    8,N!N?,!+ ?6NSU+T!NT

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    !/V,S6R 6WN *US,NESS 6THERS,N V7S7! +ife ,ns#rance ai$s at protectin" the predictable and Unpredictable e%ents.

    2RE/,?T!*+E EVENTS1

    Ho#se hold E0penses


    ?hildren $arria"e

    *#yin" an asset


    +ea%in" a +e"acy

    UN2RE/,?T!*+E EVENTS1




    ?ritical illness

    ,N V7S7! +ife ,ns#rance is pro%idin" the +ife $aker to assists yo# in b#ildin" a

    co$plete financial plan for life by o#tlinin" the basic needs for life ,ns#rance.





  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    TER 2+!NS

    S!8!+ &EEV!N EN/6WENT 2+!N

    ?RE!T,N +,8E EN/6WENTG?hild protection plan

    S!8!+ &EEV!N 6NE7 *!?K 2+!N

    ?RE!T,N +,8E ?hild protection $oney back plan.

    NEW 8U+8,++,N +,8E !nticipated whole of life plan.

    NEW 8REE/6 2+!NG Unit linked policy.

    H,H +,8E 2+US G Unit +inked Re"#lar 2re$i#$.

    *EST 7E!RS RET,REENT 2+!N.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    TER 2+!NS

    TER +,8E G ! 2R6TE?T,6N S6+UT,6N

    ini$#$ a"e at entry :

    a0i$#$ a"e at entry BA

    2re$i#$ pay$ent Ter$ :( to ;( years.

    ini$#$ 2re$i#$

    Re"#lar 2re$i#$s

    ,n case of +i$ited 2re$i#$

    3AGyear pay$ent ter$4

    ,n case of sin"le pre$i#$


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ?6NOUER,N +,8EG?R,T,?!+ ,++NESS 2+!N

    ini$#$ a"e at entry :

    a0i$#$ a"e at entry A(

    2re$i#$ payin" ter$ :( to 'A years

    ini$#$ 2re$i#$

    Half yearly




    /eath *enefit :(( SU !SSURE/

    S#r%i%al interi$ A( of S#$ !ss#red on dia"nosis

    6f critical illness to a $a0i$#$ of


    at#rity G

    Riders !%ailable Ter$- !/*!///*.

    EN/6WENT 2+!NS1

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    S!8!+ &EEV!N EN/6WENT 2+!N

    ini$#$ a"e at entry :

    a0i$#$ a"e at entry

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ini$#$ a"e at entry :

    a0i$#$ a"e at entry AA

    2re$i#$ payin" ter$ :( to 'A years

    ini$#$ 2re$i#$Half yearly7early


    /eath *enefit :((SU !SSURE/ W!,VER 68 2RE,US3W624

    S#r%i%al interi$ G

    at#rity :(( S! ?R* T*.

    Riders !%ailable !/*!///* and W62.

    RE!SSUR,N +,8E EN/6WENT 2+!N

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ini$#$ a"e at entry (

    a0i$#$ a"e at entry B(

    2re$i#$ payin" ter$ :( to ;( years

    ini$#$ 2re$i#$Half yearly7early


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ini$#$ a"e at entry :'

    a0i$#$ a"e at entry A(

    2re$i#$ payin" ter$ :A- '(- 'A years

    ini$#$ 2re$i#$Half yearly7early


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ini$#$ a"e at entry :

    a0i$#$ a"e at entry

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    a0i$#$ a"e at entry Ais the b#yin"- sellin"- and $arketin" cycle defined as the preG and postGeffects of that #ni5#e


    The transaction itself holds a key position as the h#b of co$$erce. Each sale is identified and

    handled separately as a #ni5#e transaction e0perience. Each ti$e a si"nat#re is pro%ided by the

    b#yer- and a sale is cons#$$ated by the b#yin" or"ani9ation- a sin"le transaction has

    occ#rred- b#t the transaction e0perience $ay only be half way o%er.

    ,NSUR!N?E S!+ES 2R6?ESS1

    This co#rse describes the i$portance of personal sellin" for ins#rance co$panies and the steps

    incl#ded in the ins#rance sales process. ,t also describes the beha%iors that c#sto$ers e0hibit

    when $akin" p#rchase decisions and the steps in the p#rchase decision process. 6ther

    i$portant topics described in this co#rse incl#de $ethods of identifyin"- contactin"- and5#alifyin" prospecti%e c#sto$ers- and the ways in which ins#rance prod#cers "ather

    infor$ation- analy9e c#sto$er needs- and prepare proposals to $eet those needs.

    Usin" The New ,ns#rance Sales 2rocess 1
  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    Now with ' years e0perience of the 8S! ,ns#rance re"#lation we ha%e #ndertaken a total

    re%iew of the ,ns#rance Sales process in Ho$e *#yer.

    Whilst the ori"inal process has ser%ed o#r c#sto$ers well and let@s re$e$ber that Ho$e

    *#yer is the only syste$ that pro%ides an ,ns#rance Sales syste$- it was ti$e to re%iew it. !s

    sho#ld be apparent to all of o#r c#sto$ers- we are constantly lookin" to add facilities yo# want

    or need and spend a lot of ti$e with c#sto$ers findin" o#t what we need to do.

    ,n re%iewin" the ins#rance sales process we ha%e worked with $any c#sto$ers who ha%e

    considerable e0perience in ins#rance sales. There are too $any to $ention b#t we are %ery

    "ratef#l to each and e%eryone. This %ery $#ch typifies the spirit that Ho$e *#yer c#sto$ers

    ha%e en"endered- of all wantin" to $ake contrib#tions that better the syste$ for the "ood ofthe$sel%es and e%eryone else #sin" it.

    We belie%e that the new %ersion that we now present to yo# represents a $ajor i$pro%e$ent

    and will $ake this process $#ch 5#icker as well as pro%idin" a better presentation to yo#r


    ! #ide to Usin" the ,ns#rance Sales 2rocess 1

    The ,ns#rance sales process p#lls in all the rele%ant details fro$ the 8act find so that when yo#

    arri%e yo# already ha%e the infor$ation yo# will need.

    The process is di%ed into < sta"es1

    : :. !ffordability

    : '. /e$ands

    : ;. Needs


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    :. !ffordability

    When yo# arri%e at the ins#rance screen the total =onthly /isposable ,nco$e> the

    c#sto$er has will be displayed.

    onthly /isposable ,nco$e

    preGcalc#lated fro$ 8act find

    ,np#t the a$o#nt of disposable inco$e that can be #sed

    !$o#nt +eft to spend will red#ce when prod#ct sale a"reed the syste$ then re5#ires that yo#

    ask the c#sto$er how $#ch of this they can afford to spend on protectin" the$sel%es and their

    ho$e. The fi"#re is entered in the field $arked =How #ch can yo# afford to spend on

    ,ns#rance 2re$i#$s.

    '. /e$ands

    The de$ands section will ha%e calc#lated fi"#res that show ideally the le%el of co%er

    the c#sto$er needs for each of the risks they and there ho$e are potentially liable to.

    ,f yo# click the li"ht bl#e b#tton on any of the different protection types a window will

    open that shows yo# how the fi"#res ha%e been calc#lated. ,t also allows yo# to enter

    additional infor$ation.

    ;. Needs

    The Needs section allows yo# to record whether yo#r c#sto$er intends to follow yo#r

    reco$$endation or not.

    ,f they do it $i"ht be that they a"ree with takin" o#t protection for that risk b#t not at the

    le%el yo# ha%e ad%ised. The syste$ reco"ni9es this and yo# can record the le%el of co%er

    the c#sto$er wants. The c#sto$er $i"ht also decide they do not want or cannot afford the

    co%er and this is catered for too.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    6nce it has been decided that the c#sto$er is "oin" to be takin" o#t ins#rance then in

    Section < yo# can so#rce it. To do this click on the rele%ant so#rcin" b#tton in the section

    titled =,ns#rance O#ote>.

    When yo# ha%e selected the prod#ct that yo# are "oin" to be reco$$endin" yo# click the

    =!dd 2olicy> b#tton.

    When yo# do yo# will "et the followin" screen- which allows yo# to enter the details of

    the reco$$ended policy. 6nce yo# ha%e added the$- click on the S#itability Tab and add

    yo#r co$$ents to yo#r c#sto$er that e0plain why this prod#ct is s#itable for the$. !"ain

    as in the =Needs> section yo# can sa%e yo#r para"raphs. 2lease see that section for

    instr#ctions on how to do it.Then yo# do the sa$e for !ffordability- which has been calc#lated in section : for yo# to

    check. Then if the policy has any E0cl#sions or conditions on clai$s yo# sho#ld enter

    the$ in the =E0cl#sion and ?lai$s> section.

    7o# then click the =?ontin#e> b#tton when this section is co$pleted. The policy will then

    be record as shown below.

    To "o back into the details yo# do#ble click on the co$pany na$e and it will brin" the

    window #p for yo#.

    7o# now "o on and repeat this for all the prod#cts that the c#sto$er is "oin" to effect.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    CHAPTER4(DA"A !"P#&"A"$!

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    :. !nalysis based on those who are #sin" ,ns#rance policy of ,N


    Sl.No Response Respondents 2ercenta"e

    :. 7es A

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    '. !nalysis based on awareness of ,N Vysya +ife ,ns#rance ?o$pany


    Sl.No Response Respondents 2ercenta"e

    :. 7es

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ;. !nalysis based on so#rce of awareness abo#t ,N Vysya +ife ,ns#rance?o$pany


    Sl.No Response Respondents 2ercenta"e

    :. 8riends 'A ''.C;

    '. !"ents ;A ;:.:

    ;. Relati%es 'A ''.C;

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    Sl.No Response Respondents 2ercenta"e

    :.Traditional3+on" ter$4

    BC B(.):


    3Short ter$4

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    Sl.No Response Respondents 2ercenta"e

    :. :(-((( A'

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    Sl.No Response Respondents 2ercenta"e

    :. onthly ;( 'C.'C

    '. O#arterly '( :.:


    'A ''.C;

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    C. !nalysis based on $ethod of pay$ent


    Sl.No Response Respondents 2ercenta"e

    :. ?ash

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    Each and e%ery person didn@t #se credit cards and che5#e books.

    . !nalysis based on the interest of people to takin" children plan of ,N Vysya+ife ,ns#rance


    Sl.No Response Respondents 2ercenta"e

    :. 7es C' BA.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    The life ins#rance plan e%en it is %ery #se f#ll to children@s also $a0i$#$ respondents

    are #sin" for their children@s.

    ). !nalysis based on interest of people in takin" retire$ent plans of ,N Vysya+ife ,ns#rance


    Sl.No Response Respondents 2ercenta"e

    :. 7es

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    The retire$ent plan e%en it is %ery #se f#ll to retired peoples also the $a0i$#$

    respondents are not #sin" beca#se the $any co$petitors are offerin" so$e $ore

    benefits to this plan. So it is necessary to attract the retired people.

    :(. !nalysis based on kinds of policies which wo#ld people prefers to take


    Sl.No Response Respondents 2ercenta"e

    :. ?hildren 2lan

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    The n#$ber of people prefers the children@s plan beca#se it has $ore ret#rns and

    benefits and also it is a lon" ter$ plan.

    :: !nalysis based on the s#$ of a$o#nt yo# are ready to in%est for childins#rance


    Sl.No Response Respondents 2ercenta"e

    :. :(-(((G'(-((( A;

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    To in%est '((((G;(((( for their child- ''.C; of c#sto$ers are interested to in%est ;((((G

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    6#t of ::( c#sto$ers- AC.'C of c#sto$ers ha%e taken one policy- '( of

    c#sto$ers ha%e taken two policies- :;.B

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    !N!+7S,S I ,NTER2RET!T,6N1

    6#t of ::( c#sto$ers-

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    The findin"s of the st#dy are

    ost of the people are interested to ins#re policies b#t they are not aware of ins#rance


    ost of the people were not yet ins#red any plans.

    ost of the clients were not aware of ,N V7S7! +,8E ,NSUR!N?E.

    !d%ertisin" re"ardin" ,N V7S7! is not #p to the $ark.

    ?#sto$ers are not so interested in takin" Short ter$ plans and $any of the$ are

    interested in takin" Traditional plans.

    ?#sto$ers ins#red '((((G and ;((((G plans were less to that of the :((((G plans.

    +ar"e no. of c#sto$ers prefer yearly $ode of pay$ent.

    ost of the c#sto$ers are not interested in takin" ?hildren plans.

    ?#sto$ers who ins#red : lakh plan are lar"e in n#$ber to that of the ' lakh and ; lakh

    policy holders.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    ost of the c#sto$ers are not interested to prefer Retire$ent plans.


    ,N Vysya +ife ,ns#rance ?o$pany has to i$ple$ent children policies. So that in

    lon" ter$ it will "i%e $ore benefits which is less of risk.

    ,N Vysya +ife ,ns#rance ?o$pany sho#ld take the $eas#res of awareness thro#"h

    ad%ertise$ents and news papers etc.-

    ,N Vysya +ife ,ns#rance ?o$pany pro%ides proper trainin" in sellin" pro$otin"

    ins#rance b#siness.

    ,N Vysya +ife ?o$pany $#st ha%e to "i%e the $ore i$portance to the ,ns#rance

    plans which are in yearly $ode of pay$ent.

    ,N Vysya +ife ?o$pany has to brin" awareness in the people re"ardin" ,ns#rance.

    ,N Vysya +ife ?o$pany has $#st introd#ce $ore +on" ter$ plans.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    The co$pany can foc#s on $arketin" on pro$otional acti%ities to brin" in $ore

    c#sto$ers. ,t sho#ld keep the consistency and transparency in its $ana"e$ent and it $ay

    contin#e to "i%e the best res#lt keepin" in $ind the c#sto$ers objecti%e in $akin" their


    ost of the c#sto$ers are satisfied with the ret#rn obtained thro#"h life ins#rance.

    ,N V7S7! +ife ,ns#rance offers fle0ibility and choice to "o with e%ery sta"e of life. ,N

    Vysya +ife ,ns#rance ?o$pany has attained "ood awareness thro#"h $edia ad%ertise$ents.

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project





  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    B. Which $ethod of pay$ent do yo# preferF

    a4 ?ash b4 ?redit card c4 ?he5#e

    C. How $#ch oney yo# are payin" to yo#r prod#ct in ,N Vysya +ife ,ns#rance?o$panyF

    a4 :(-((( b4 '(-((( c4 ;(-((( d4 $ore than

  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project



    B$$/ 0,d 0ut.$-/9


  • 8/13/2019 Ing Vysya Project


    *! @@@!#$$#:e!1$m

    %! @@@!i,#?y/y0:i2e!1$m

    6! @@@!i,/u-0,1e!i,di0!1$m

