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Post on 30-Mar-2016




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1.- Trip of DBH 1

2.- Trip of DBH 2

3.- Free time

4.- Trip of DBH 3

5.- Trip of DBH 4

6.- Jokes

7.- Drugs

8.- Week of Don Bosco

9.- Korrika 18

10.- Join the dots

11.- Latest news

12.- Horoscope

The students of DBH 1, new in our college, went away to Senda Viva (Navarra) on October 17 and 18. They did many activities, drove carts, mounted in an alive uncle, wallowed in boats, and could see and take in hands to some animals, in these days they spent it very well.

The students of 2 º of IT have been in Arritxulo's lodging on the 11th, March 12 and 13. These days have fulfilled activities related to the mountain and the nature as well as the tirolina, escalation and the visit to Arditurri's mines. Last day they had an extraordinary opportunity to have a good time with the snow and to come with a good flavor of mouth to house. And tiny how they spent it ..!

Free time

On April 9 (Tuesday) the students of DBH 4 went to excursion to Barcelona.

The first day they visited a company of champagne called "freixenet”, after that they went to ate to the hotel Bruc. Rose to the Montserrat mountain and then they went to the hostel and they installed.

The second day (Wednesday) in the morning they admired the sacred family and later the students had free time of them 10:00 to 17:00 to give a return, to walk for “Las Ramblas” and to eat something.

The third day (Thursday) they woke up very early to go to Port Aventuraaaaaaaaaa!!!

Students ant teachers mounted in attractions, for example: furius baco, shamabala, dragon khan, freefall and more.

The furius baco is a very very fast attraction, is the 2nd fastest roller coaster in Europe, gets the 135 km / h in 3.5 seconds.

The Shambala is the tallest (76m) roller coaster in Europe, and is also has the tallest drop (78m) and the longest hyper coaster track (more than 1,650m).

There they ate in “La Cantina”, is a Mexican restaurant and they spent the majority of the day. Later, at sunset they went to the hotel Belvedere, had dinner and to the night they went out to a discotheque.

Next day, in the morning they returned to Port Aventura to was a few more hours, later they took course to house. The students of DHB 4 had a very good time, for them the trip will be unforgettable.


Three people are standing under an umbrella and one person is not standing under the umbrella. All four people are staying dry. Why?

Because it isn't raining!

- What happens in the African jungle from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. everyday, even on Sundays?

- Two hours.

- I want a bottle of wine, please.

- White or red?

- It doesn’t matter. It’s for my grandfather and he’s blind.

A man is talking to God.

The man: "God, how long is a million years?"

God: "To me, it's about a minute."

The man: "God, how much is a million dollars?"

God: "To me it's a penny."

The man: "God, may I have a penny?"

God: "Wait a minute."

Mari José García is a psychologist specialized in drugs. She has been coming for 16 years to our center, to explain the topic of drugs and the prevention consumption of substances. This year has been with the students of DBH in a workshop that has had a duration of one week.

The week of Don Bosco is one very important week for our college. In these days we do many activities, tourney of several sports, for example: tourney of five-a-side football, shots of triple, ping-pong, “esku pilota”, ladies, chess, 4 in a row, card game and many more.

Apart from it, every day we made something special instead of giving lessons, this year we have seen a film, a few sportsmen have came to spoke about the sport they practise, a person came to spoke on a NGO and other one to spoke about the social networks, and up to the teachers of our center they did a theatre, awesome. In the day of Don Bosco (January 31) as every year, we did contest of “patata tortilla”, students of DBH we did relays and the courses from BATXI 1 did “cross”. We happen one very agreeable week between all.

Since surely already you will know, last March 14 began 18 edition of the KORRIKA. This one is a race in favour of the euskara that crosses the whole Euskal Herria organized by AEK. The objective of this race is double: on one hand, to impulse the euskera , and for other one, to obtain funds to carry out the above mentioned work day after day in the centers of learning of euskara of AEK.

We, from SALESIANOS URNIETA, we wanted to contribute, wherefore, thanks to the economic voluntary contribution of students, teachers and workers of the center, we had bought a kilometer.

Join the dots

Mourinho: "Like I'm not here next Champions"

" The contracts do not matter because in the football they break when they want to break. The important thing is the respect that I have as the club and as Florentino. We will speak at the end of season. I know that in England they love me, specially one club. And that the fans and the means me want also. There they treat me fairly. In Spain there are persons who hate me and many are here, in this room of press. It is difficult to take a decision because I like this club and I like the president, but I have to be honest ".

Pau exclusive interview: "I am prepared for everything and I would be surprised to be amnestied"

" Would like to return to be a champion with the Lakers. Probably be Utopian. It is a nice dream. I sit down part of the Lakers and I would like to gain another ring here. Me it would be difficult to meet in another equipment, though I understand that in this League the changes are habitual. It is an idea that I would like that real was making, but do not be if it will be able to be "

The colossal pair Marc Gasol-Randolph makes Memphis one win away from the semis

The Memphis Grizzlies assaulted the Staples Center (103-93) and 2-3 put to favor in the eliminating one opposite to some Los Angeles Clippers without his habitual magic, reduced by the injury Blake Griffin and without scarcely resources in assault - beyond there of his base Chris Paul - due to the excellent defense of his opponent.

THE STEAM BOX At the BAFTA awards was the genius Gabe Newell, which was not saved words to talk about the most important thing on the horizon Valve, Steam Box. Gaben said that in less than four months since the prototypes would be ready out of the factories.

And speaking of factories in plural because Gabe was clear in saying that they are working "with several partners trying to figure out how fast we can do it." Eventually, after the details are ready, "we will be delivering some prototypes to consumers to gauge reaction, I suppose, in about three or four months."

The price is not set, but not the battle. PlayStation 4 is like a PC more than ever, and on the same side is the next Xbox 720, but Steam Box could have a large user base, a large ecosystem and a great community store, even when it appears almost as while the following consoles. Only hope that these prototypes give green light soon.

How do you imagine Steam Box? Do you think it will give tough fight to consoles?


An unexpected expense, perhaps requiring repairs to the house or car, might take a chunk out of your bank account, Aries. This may be disheartening. You've worked hard for your money and now you might have to put some of your plans on hold. Still, you need to be philosophical about it. Take care of it and move on. You built up your bank account once and you can do it again.


Career changes may be on the horizon, Taurus. Although positive in the long run, the events leading up to the change may seem catastrophic. Your employer could go out of business or move too far away for you to commute. The secret here is not to panic. Accept the situation and move on. In the end, you will probably be glad that this happened. Success and good fortune are coming.


Premonitions today might be rather disturbing, Gemini, and you might actually feel some fear because of them. Don't panic! Your intuitive abilities aren't quite as sharp as usual. What you feel could be distorted or untrue. This doesn't mean you've lost it, either. Try to be objective about everything you pick up psychically. You will be glad you did.


Changes within a group you're affiliated with might profoundly affect you today, Cancer. Perhaps the group is veering in a new direction that doesn't particularly interest you. You might need to reevaluate your involvement. This could make you rather sad since you've grown fond of the people and won't want to lose them as friends. You need to think. Only you can decide what to do.


A scandal concerning a celebrity you admire could be in the news today, Leo. This might throw you for a loop. You might even suffer some disillusionment. Withhold judgment for the time being. Much of what you hear may be traced to gossip or misinformation. Shocking though it may be, you will want to hear the celebrity's side of it. Only then can you form an objective opinion.


Some rather shocking news could come to you from a friend who lives far away, Virgo. This probably won't affect you directly, as it most likely concerns the world economy, politics, or big business, but you still might worry about its long-term effects on society. You could discuss it with friends. You need to remain objective and see how the news develops. It might be less serious than it seems.


A dip in the stock market might cause you to worry about your own financial future, Libra. You may have some investments that could be temporarily negatively affected. Bear in mind that such events don't necessarily reflect future trends. Take steps to create some kind of safety net if you wish, but don't assume the worst. The market could go back up tomorrow!


Today you might find that some of your more ambitious plans finally seem to be paying off, Scorpio. You should be happy about this, but you might panic a bit, fearing that everything could crash at the last minute. Don't assume the worst and don't waste your energy worrying. Keep striving! You've gotten this far. With a little effort, all should go well.


If you've been doing some creative or job-related writing, today you might be tired, blocked, and unable to muster the energy to turn on the computer. Sagittarius, you need to ask yourself how important it is to get it done today. It's far better to wait another day and do it well than grind out something that isn't up to your standards. That could be counterproductive.


A project of some kind you've been working on could be going well, Capricorn, but today you might experience a sudden rush of inspiration that makes it a lot better than you originally envisioned. This could involve effort that seems intimidating at first, but the results should be worth it. Summon all your energy and determination and get to it. You will be very glad you did!


A family member could be experiencing business difficulties, Aquarius. Your sensitivity could cause you to feel their anxieties, too. You might want to make it clear to this person that you're there for him or her, but you also need to be objective about the situation. Protect yourself psychically, perhaps by surrounding yourself with white light. It won't help your relative if you're stressed.


A friend or relative could be ill, out of work, or otherwise beset by problems. You may want to do whatever you can to help out. This could be frustrating, but you will feel better for having done what you can. This person needs to face and deal with his or her responsibilities. They're out of your control to fix, Pisces.