ingilizce broŞÜr the...

- TUTUM MICRO - VENUES BIRIM TESTY CAMEKAN NERU mon-KEY Mina Başar Sercan Okay Irmak Yenice Yusuf Utku Dedetaş Kaan Öründü P etek Doğa Dayıoğlu Ayşe Esma Sayıntürk Adem Sınağ Naz Feryal Cezayirli Ali Sarp Aktan Atakan Uzun Ekin Cunbul Şevval Naz Çakar Derin Gürgün Efe Akıncıoğlu Beyza Özmen Egehan Eren Çağla Şahin Melisa Feride Öztürk RIO Türkan Yaprak Kaynar Zeynep Kişioğlu CROîTRE R&Dairy Rana Cabi Tuğçe Yakup Zümra Yağmur Çetinler The hall is the public space of the house and an area that provides information-object continuity in a cultural context. With this knowledge-object continuity, the hall becomes a museum. The system of goods is created by the value system with rhythmic interventions. This system creates different layers with a semiological difference; Layers can change over time between themselves. Camekan is a project that started to be examined on the scale of the hall, inspired by Marcell Duchamp’s ‘Boite en valise’. It is the system of building their personal museums in the halls of people who prefer to collect, hide, and display something. The system offers a modular display product that allows people to build different value systems in their domestic space. It pays attention to the concept of furniture systems in the living room and therefore varies in materials and forms. Different glass types are used to create different perceptions of the items. The desired objects can be seen or become invisible because of the system. Objects can be removed with its layer and create a different composition outside the body, when they are wanted to be examined. The people working in the offices usually work all day sitting at the fixed tables, according to that they want to move around occasionally, pick their heads up and feel the need to stop by their colleagues or get some fresh air. My aim is to combine and apply the fixed working areas in the offices with a design that change according to the movement needs of the employees and respond to their working principles. To provide them with this flexibility in the office to help employees use their creativity more effectively, increase their productivity and be motivating. It aims to encourage them to work in a way they feel comfortable and want. Feeling themselves in their habitats. Consumerism is the short-cut of comfort and luxury age. The consumption madness enshrouds the world and direct people to consume without any remorse and affects the judgement of the people and make them not to think about the consequences. This consumption madness is not limited by the common mass but also affects the designers. Designers all over the world uses a ton of materials for their designs. I don’t support the event of using more materials and producing more when there is already usable material source in the earth, so upcycling can be a solution to decrease the consumption rate. Upcycling is not a new and groundbreaking thing, but it is surely an underestimated subject. Just because the products rolling around the market does not appeal to the customers, majority of the population think upcycled products as failures. Some of the products in the market are non-functional and crafted for making art. The other products are despised because of their origin which is considered as trash by the majority. My solution as a designer is tackling this problem by creating comfortable, functional, good quality product collection from waste material and creating a brand from them to entice the population. The new eating culture, which is formed with changing home life, enables individuals and even families from setting the table while eating. We find ourselves trying to do several things together. Eating at the same time while watching the new episode of our favorite series from Netflix, while returning to the incoming mails or searching and shopping online, we can choose to have a quick meal and make them in a comfortable area such as a sofa. Although this has become a common use and eating habit, conventional food equipment may be insufficient in response to the fast meals consumed by hand and on a lap by sitting on the sofa. Food equipment can adapt to things that develop and change around us. LAPLATE is a family of plates consisting of three products that supports eating without the need to use a table and making it easy to eat on the hand and lap in domestic areas. LAPLATE, which has forms suitable for the human body, provides ease of grip with different alternatives, grasps the leg and supports the created scenario. Eating is a biological action, but people’s behavior when consuming food takes food beyond being a biological action, allowing them to enjoy the food. In the globalizing world, the dice between cultures and geographies, between the old and new forms of existence, has begun to evolve. With the harmony of flavors and aromas created on the tableware, people have become interested in exploring culinary cultures. As a result of the people who like to discover new and untested, and who want to be aware of different culinary cultures the work in the field of “Fusion Fine Dining”, which corresponds to the phrase “experiential eating”, has started to increase. An unusual tableware that will create a more universal, experiential, useful and awareness-oriented tableware that will appeal to everyone who likes to cook and eat in accordance with Fusion Fine Dining, which is born as a new food culture, by combining and reconstructing different cultures. The EATE consists of five plates and seven tools. These double-sided products are designed to be ergonomic and stackable for ease of use. The rush stop is a food trailer that is capable of being a stationary mini restaurant with its expandable add-ons for people who are mostly in a rush but also those who want to eat healthier and more fresh. All of the foods inside the trailer are packaged and prepared and the interior is equipped with industrial kitchen components that are capable of keeping the food fresh, hot or cold during the active hours. The reason behind this in our present, most habits have changed, this also includes eating habits. Today people like to bring their food to the office, to school, etc. from their home kitchen. They want to eat healthy and be healthy. This routine alone, generates a need. It is also a trending movement and everyone is mirroring this habit slowly. Since they are always on a rush, the RushStop will be meeting their requirements in a trending setting. Cities are designed from a much larger scale with a bird’s eye view, by decision making mechanisms. Within this designed order, contexts of some units expand. Lampposts can be an example of these units. Revealing themselves as tiny dots on a grid system, yet being ten times taller than a person in 1:1 scale; lampposts’ main purpose is to lighten the urban areas, however with the intervention of urban life it starts to deviate from its main purpose. Sometimes it transforms into a waiting station, a resting surface or a billboard with posters attached to it. These instinctive or conscious behaviors constitute collective information called ‘urban memory’. ‘Urban Pause’ project is a modular urban product set that takes these values into account and multiplies them, creating a meeting point in the crowd. This set of products was designed based on the observations I made in the Kadıköy Rıhtım region throughout the process. Interactive cylindrical units enrich the product’s relationship with people and include uses such as sitting, leaning, playing. Modular units can come together and create space in many variations. This way, they can be placed in any square, pedestrian road, park of any city and gain new meaning in every new location. Music box is an interactive platform that can be used by more than one person at a time, where users can create their own rhythm and music with the help of visuals on the led screen. This creates an environment that not only enables people to have a good time, but also helps them socialize and move. We, the people in these offices and campuses, spend a considerable amount of time under these public roofs. If so, how active are we as participants in the environments we spend so much time and labor? Micro-venues embarks on this idea and questions the active-passive relationship between the public interior environment residents and the environment itself. It aims to both democratize the space with the creative participant process of the user and create various social reflections. Micro-venue modules incorporate the user into the lifecycle of the product, starting at the beginning with the production of the modules, in spaces where creative professions are performed. The modules consist of 3d prints, wood, metal, fabric, and semi-manufactured material. The user defines versatile relationships and combines these parts with trial and error. With the creative experience that it makes you go through, it also criticizes the contemptuous attitude of the designer and the conventional archetypes. It creates an empty grid too, builds upon; personalize, share, express, rest, exhibit, speak, and so forth. While questioning and observing the potential of user/object collaboration about selected public and personal actions, designing furniture-like objects that can host the community member (as the user) upon the acts on their creative use acts. Tools and Fields which people can use anytime in the outdoors, according to their sportive desires. A system design in which users who play basketball can safely store their belongings, while at the same time spectators and other players waiting on the sidelines can sit. The harm caused by disposable plastic has reached an indispensable point.The harm it causes earth, especially the water ecosystem is affecting every kind of creature and every part of the living environment. Unfortunately people have developed a need for single use plastic over time and it became an undeniable habit to consume disposable plastic. Creating non-destructive single use plastics without having to change the habit of using disposable plastic. And doing this for the takeaway food and beverage places, which are the most common areas of disposable plastic consumption, by using their own product residues for creating bioplastic packaging. Bio’c is a brand where new recipes and methods are designed special to the specific takeaway food and beverage places according to their menus. Using the advantages of the bio material, creating new ways of usage and integrating auxiliary ingredients like sauces and spices to the packaging. Due to the rapid developments in globalization and information technologies, there are radical changes in organizational structures and management understanding. These changes also affect the factors that determine working relationships such as employee profile, employment structure and conditions. Developments in information and communication technologies; offered the option of working at home and at any time for employees as an opportunity. With the pandemic period, many of us experienced working from home, but this was not as easy as we thought. In addition to being comfortable working from home; while working from home, we learned by struggling with the difficulties of separating and concentrating on work and housework. This product aims to identify people’s workspaces at home and to facilitate the rapid transition between work and home NERU is a family of open-source, CNC milled furnitures that gain integrity from rope tension. It is targeted for whom needs temporary furniture, both for a temporary home - such as working or studying abroad and for a temporary setting where occasionally, extra seating is needed. The service this project provides is mostly design work, which is for the most part distributed as CAD files online. For the physical distribution part, the machine work is done and the parts are packaged and sent via order or to the distributors. Two main positions are observed in the treatment process of a child cancer patient. The child can be seen as she/he is mobile or due to the medications she/he is not capable of moving around very easily. The activity level of the child is the biggest problem in the hospital environment. Therefore, the product that I have designed offers a solution to this significant problem. The structure of Rio was designed accordingly to the movements of a child in a small room. It is adaptable to several positions such as sitting or bunking. The product offers the opportunity of regular life activities to the children in the room. Therefore, it makes it easier for the kid to adapt to the outside world when she/he leaves the area. Besides, used material in the product is compatible with the hygiene habitat of the hospital and its design is specific for the cleaning processes. The size of the product is suitable for 3-6 years old ones. Rio will be a service that will be provided by the hospital administration to the patient. Turkish people are very food centered. They organize gatherings, events and special occasions around food. It is a way for people to spend quality time together. They enjoy eachothers company as much as the food they share. Inspired by a Turkish delicacy, testi kebabı, I designed an individualized tableware set for cooking and serving food, one that offers people a new experience. The existing sources providing instant heat for foods in outdoor expeditions are cumbersome, impractical in hard weather, or some environmental conditions and sometimes contain substances harmful to nature such as LPG burners. This food heating set for campers, named Lawa, offers an alternate way of producing heat, based on the chemical reaction of calcium oxide mixed with water, which produces heat and calcium hydroxide. Both calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide are environmentally friendly. Moreover, it is risk-free and the compact design of the product provides a comfortable eating experience in all weather conditions. Playing games is one of the most essential parts of kids’ daily routines. For the children to have a viable city life, the surrounding environment must be designed around their needs. Playgrounds are at the top of children’s living spaces in the cities. When we consider today’s cities, it is an obvious fact that most of neighborhoods and streets are not child-friendly. In the context of Istanbul, this is more of an issue in poor neighborhoods. Narrow streets between stratified and intertwined buildings have become the playground for children. Mobile Playground is a project designed to make the playgrounds accessible to children living in the disadvantaged neighborhoods of Istanbul. It is planned to be accomplished in partnership with the municipality together with the support of corporate social responsibility projects. Mobile Playground is a playground that can be taken anywhere with a trailer tow hook system. It consists of modules where children can create sound through trial and errors while being able to move enough to satisfy their need of spending energy. Self-expression has always been a major struggle for human beings. Throughout history, people created new mediums to express themselves. With the increase of information cycle speed and individualism, need and right to give speeches expands to private citizens rather than the politicians or famous people. Platforms that provide freedom like social media force you to stay in boundaries such as square photographs or 280 characters. Is it possible to design a modular pedestal which can exceed these boundaries? “Rhetoric” is a modular stage system that can be assembly in any place. These modules can be assembled in various ways for users needs. The rhetoric, which means the art of speech, covers all the discourses developed to impress a group of people in everyday use. This product constructs the physical output of the rhetoric, which is democratized in social media. Consumerism is the short-cut of comfort and luxury age. The consumption madness enshrouds the world and direct people to consume without any remorse and affects the judgement of the people and make them not to think about the consequences. This consumption madness is not limited by the common mass but also affects the designers. Designers all over the world uses a ton of materials for their designs. I don’t support the event of using more materials and producing more when there is already usable material source in the earth, so upcycling can be a solution to decrease the consumption rate. Upcycling is not a new and groundbreaking thing, but it is surely an underestimated subject. Just because the products rolling around the market does not appeal to the customers, majority of the population think upcycled products as failures. Some of the products in the market are non-functional and crafted for making art. The other products are despised because of their origin which is considered as trash by the majority. My solution as a designer is tackling this problem by creating comfortable, functional, good quality product collection from waste material and creating a brand from them to entice the population. Team work that we have been exposed to in many areas of our lives can sometimes become a situation that we have difficulties. This product gives children the opportunity to experience teamwork in a fun way. In order to achieve the result, they have to communicate and act with each other at every stage of the game. The game includes a three-person vehicle, objects that should not be collected and toppled over. There are three primary and three intermediate colors on the vehicle. By directing each other through these colors, children both reinforce the colors and reach their goals by working together. At the same time, this tool was designed to be simple enough for children to install. The game starts after the vehicle is installed by children. In this way, they both work together and enjoy playing with their own toy while developing their manual skills. The role of designers in providing brand value is directly related to packaging and user culture. In this context, the user culture contradicts the lifetime and functionality of the packaging. The user’s desire to re-evaluate and interpret the packages can be reinterpreted as functionality and sustainability. Packages can be much more than just simple containers where we stick brands. Redefining and designing second life cycles, usage values, and their relationship with the user while designing the packaging. Redefining the second life cycle of dairy products packaging, its functions and sustainability in the second life cycle. While designing, it is freeing the user and designing the life cycle of the packages and the users’ re-evaluation requests with a packaging system. Nowadays, automobiles have an important place in human life. Cars have become part of the society and have developed a new era in their lives. As with any design and technology, automobiles can cause some problems. When these problems prevent the solutions and opportunities they produce; our lives can be affected in many ways. When we look at the issues, there may be some significant and less significant problems. At the same time, due to inexperience, small problems can grow suddenly. There are many ways to solve these complications in cars. One of these ways is the road assistance service. The existing roadside assistance vehicles are not as developed and well-designed as the cars we drive. To reinterpret the system, I designed RoadGaz, a motorcycle roadside assistance vehicle. This roadside assistance tool takes a minimal and effective approach to look for solutions to the problems. Before going to the circumstance, the motorcycle’s bags are prepared by the driver, focusing directly on the solution of the faulty car. This provides many advantages in terms of time, fuel, and brand face. The tools on the motorcycle are the more minimalist and function-oriented versions of the tools we use today. PROJECTS PROJECTS Instead of treating the furniture as a finished product with limited use, designing furniture that can be updated according to functional needs, by designing each component of the furniture separately, providing the opportunity to come together differently. Cali furniture family is a modular furniture system that designs each unit indivi- dually and offers the opportunity to be updated according to the function require- ment, instead of treating the furniture as a finished product with limited usage area. This family has a sofa-bed group, desk group, bookcase-wardrobe group. It is made of metal pipes for low production cost and easy to assemble disassemble the product. Groups (sofa-bed group, table group and bookcase-wardrobe group) consist of pipe parts of the same size in themselves. Since the purchaser will make the assembly of the furniture, it is easy to assemble and the assembly logic of all furniture is the same. The basic module is made with C and L shaped pipes, and then accessories can be added according to the needs of the people. Living alongside with domesticated cats, sharing our environment and furniture inside the house as a part of our families become one of the main notions of domestic living. However, furniture sector hasn’t been able to develop products that consider the well-being of cats. There is a lack of furniture design that understands cat human co-habitation, behavioural patterns, daily routines and transform this togetherness into the design process. Habicat is a group of modular furniture that considers co-habitation of humans and cats in domestic space and includes this togetherness into the design process. It aims to provide a public space to spent time together and private spaces for a cat to rest while being close to their owner. Modular pieces can be combined by the user to create different scenarios. Each module has a different opening to create a playful space for cats, while providing human to watch and spend time with the cat. Nature was irreversibly damaged with urbanization and industrialization. Citizens living in cities became ignorant of plants, nature, agriculture and food production in daily life and this relationship has changed. The fact that the food we receive is not organic and healthy affects our lives and health poorly. In addition, our everyday living spaces; houses, plants and our relationship with nature are also distant. With this project, people living in cities can produce their own organic, healthy food where they live, and they can become aware of the products they consume or grow their own plants and maintain a daily life that interacts with plants and nature. They can also reduce both the harm to nature and the harm that people do to themselves and lead a healthier, higher quality life. Croitre enables its users to grow their own food and plants in their living spaces. It consists of a product family with 3 different products on growing aromatic plants, leafy plants and fruit plants. Users choose their beginner, advanced, expert packages made according to the type and number of plants they want to grow and create their own gardens according to the number of individuals in the number of families they want. CALI Deniz Birkalan WORKSTATION LAPLATE EATE LAWA RUSHSTOP SEYYAR RHETORIC URBAN PAUSE MUSIC BOX SOUND of the COLORS SeTeam ROAD GAZ BIO’C “Absent Present : Na/Mevcut” Istanbul Bilgi University Industrial Design Department 2020 Graduation Projects Exhibition, brings together 43 designer candidates who conceptualized their projects while questioning the context, material, user definition, life cycle, conventional norms of usage and the future of the products they are dealing with, as well as the “present” they are trying to create. Before you start looking at the first project that draws your attention and start contemplating the questions you might want to ask its designer, we would like to tell you a bit about our unique design process, which took place not at the studio nor at the workshop but at different settings and using various resources, that inspired the name of our exhibition. Faced with the newly emerged conditions as the limitation of the opportunity of learning by doing, disappearance of chances to feed on coincidences, decrease in the possibility of direct observations and opportunities to access materials and not being with any peers physically; we transferred ourselves to a context where we pushed the limits of possibilities of the digital world, simplified our processes, broadened our perspective in undertaking research, used what we had on hand and developed reasonable predictions with educators and professionals. All these conditions became our absence, yet at the same time, our presence. 2020 Spring Semester, while being the first virtual studio experience of our graduates, our exhibition is also displayed solely on digital platforms. We believe not only our project outcomes but also our process speaks for the future of design. We wish our experience will shed light on the search for alternative futures. HABICAT

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Post on 26-Sep-2020




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Page 1: INGILIZCE BROŞÜR the advantages of the bio material, creating new ways of usage and integrating auxiliary









Mina Başar

Sercan Okay

Irmak Yenice

Yusuf Utku Dedetaş

Kaan Öründü

Petek Doğa Dayıoğlu

Ayşe Esma Sayıntürk

Adem Sınağ

Naz Feryal Cezayirli

Ali Sarp Aktan

Atakan Uzun

Ekin Cunbul

Şevval Naz Çakar

Derin Gürgün

Efe Akıncıoğlu

Beyza Özmen

Egehan Eren

Çağla Şahin

Melisa Feride Öztürk


Türkan Yaprak Kaynar

Zeynep Kişioğlu



Rana Cabi

Tuğçe Yakup

Zümra Yağmur Çetinler

The hall is the public space of the house and an area that provides information-object continuity in a cultural context. With this knowledge-object continuity, the hall becomes a museum. The system of goods is created by the value system with rhythmic interventions. This system creates different layers with a semiological difference; Layers can change over time between themselves.Camekan is a project that started to be examined on the scale of the hall, inspired by Marcell Duchamp’s ‘Boite en valise’. It is the system of building their personal museums in the halls of people who prefer to collect, hide, and display something. The system offers a modular display product that allows people to build different value systems in their domestic space. It pays attention to the concept of furniture systems in the living room and therefore varies in materials and forms. Different glass types are used to create different perceptions of the items. The desired objects can be seen or become invisible because of the system. Objects can be removed with its layer and create a different composition outside the body, when they are wanted to be examined.

The people working in the offices usually work all day sitting at the fixed tables, according to that they want to move around occasionally, pick their heads up and feel the need to stop by their colleagues or get some fresh air. My aim is to combine and apply the fixed working areas in the offices with a design that change according to the movement needs of the employees and respond to their working principles. To provide them with this flexibility in the office to help employees use their creativity more effectively, increase their productivity and be motivating. It aims to encourage them to work in a way they feel comfortable and want. Feeling themselves in their habitats.

Consumerism is the short-cut of comfort and luxury age. The consumption madness enshrouds the world and direct people to consume without any remorse and affects the judgement of the people and make them not to think about the consequences. This consumption madness is not limited by the common mass but also affects the designers. Designers all over the world uses a ton of materials for their designs. I don’t support the event of using more materials and producing more when there is already usable material source in the earth, so upcycling can be a solution to decrease the consumption rate. Upcycling is not a new and groundbreaking thing, but it is surely an underestimated subject. Just because the products rolling around the market does not appeal to the customers, majority of the population think upcycled products as failures. Some of the products in the market are non-functional and crafted for making art. The other products are despised because of their origin which is considered as trash by the majority. My solution as a designer is tackling this problem by creating comfortable, functional, good quality product collection from waste material and creating a brand from them to entice the population.

The new eating culture, which is formed with changing home life, enables individuals and even families from setting the table while eating. We find ourselves trying to do several things together. Eating at the same time while watching the new episode of our favorite series from Netflix, while returning to the incoming mails or searching and shopping online, we can choose to have a quick meal and make them in a comfortable area such as a sofa. Although this has become a common use and eating habit, conventional food equipment may be insufficient in response to the fast meals consumed by hand and on a lap by sitting on the sofa. Food equipment can adapt to things that develop and change around us. LAPLATE is a family of plates consisting of three products that supports eating without the need to use a table and making it easy to eat on the hand and lap in domestic areas. LAPLATE, which has forms suitable for the human body, provides ease of grip with different alternatives, grasps the leg and supports the created scenario.

Eating is a biological action, but people’s behavior when consuming food takes food beyond being a biological action, allowing them to enjoy the food. In the globalizing world, the dice between cultures and geographies, between the old and new forms of existence, has begun to evolve. With the harmony of flavors and aromas created on the tableware, people have become interested in exploring culinary cultures. As a result of the people who like to discover new and untested, and who want to be aware of different culinary cultures the work in the field of “Fusion Fine Dining”, which corresponds to the phrase “experiential eating”, has started to increase. An unusual tableware that will create a more universal, experiential, useful and awareness-oriented tableware that will appeal to everyone who likes to cook and eat in accordance with Fusion Fine Dining, which is born as a new food culture, by combining and reconstructing different cultures. The EATE consists of five plates and seven tools. These double-sided products are designed to be ergonomic and stackable for ease of use.

The rush stop is a food trailer that is capable of being a stationary mini restaurant with its expandable add-ons for people who are mostly in a rush but also those who want to eat healthier and more fresh. All of the foods inside the trailer are packaged and prepared and the interior is equipped with industrial kitchen components that are capable of keeping the food fresh, hot or cold during the active hours. The reason behind this in our present, most habits have changed, this also includes eating habits. Today people like to bring their food to the office, to school, etc. from their home kitchen. They want to eat healthy and be healthy. This routine alone, generates a need. It is also a trending movement and everyone is mirroring this habit slowly. Since they are always on a rush, the RushStop will be meeting their requirements in a trending setting.

Cities are designed from a much larger scale with a bird’s eye view, by decision making mechanisms. Within this designed order, contexts of some units expand. Lampposts can be an example of these units. Revealing themselves as tiny dots on a grid system, yet being ten times taller than a person in 1:1 scale; lampposts’ main purpose is to lighten the urban areas, however with the intervention of urban life it starts to deviate from its main purpose. Sometimes it transforms into a waiting station, a resting surface or a billboard with posters attached to it. These instinctive or conscious behaviors constitute collective information called ‘urban memory’. ‘Urban Pause’ project is a modular urban product set that takes these values into account and multiplies them, creating a meeting point in the crowd. This set of products was designed based on the observations I made in the Kadıköy Rıhtım region throughout the process. Interactive cylindrical units enrich the product’s relationship with people and include uses such as sitting, leaning, playing. Modular units can come together and create space in many variations. This way, they can be placed in any square, pedestrian road, park of any city and gain new meaning in every new location.

Music box is an interactive platform that can be used by more than one person at a time, where users can create their own rhythm and music with the help of visuals on the led screen. This creates an environment that not only enables people to have a good time, but also helps them socialize and move.

We, the people in these offices and campuses, spend a considerable amount of time under these public roofs. If so, how active are we as participants in the environments we spend so much time and labor? Micro-venues embarks on this idea and questions the active-passive relationship between the public interior environment residents and the environment itself. It aims to both democratize the space with the creative participant process of the user and create various social reflections. Micro-venue modules incorporate the user into the lifecycle of the product, starting at the beginning with the production of the modules, in spaces where creative professions are performed. The modules consist of 3d prints, wood, metal, fabric, and semi-manufactured material. The user defines versatile relationships and combines these parts with trial and error. With the creative experience that it makes you go through, it also criticizes the contemptuous attitude of the designer and the conventional archetypes. It creates an empty grid too, builds upon; personalize, share, express, rest, exhibit, speak, and so forth. While questioning and observing the potential of user/object collaboration about selected public and personal actions, designing furniture-like objects that can host the community member (as the user) upon the acts on their creative use acts.

Tools and Fields which people can use anytime in the outdoors, according to their sportive desires. A system design in which users who play basketball can safely store their belongings, while at the same time spectators and other players waiting on the sidelines can sit.

The harm caused by disposable plastic has reached an indispensable point.The harm it causes earth, especially the water ecosystem is affecting every kind of creature and every part of the living environment. Unfortunately people have developed a need for single use plastic over time and it became an undeniable habit to consume disposable plastic. Creating non-destructive single use plastics without having to change the habit of using disposable plastic. And doing this for the takeaway food and beverage places, which are the most common areas of disposable plastic consumption, by using their own product residues for creating bioplastic packaging. Bio’c is a brand where new recipes and methods are designed special to the specific takeaway food and beverage places according to their menus. Using the advantages of the bio material, creating new ways of usage and integrating auxiliary ingredients like sauces and spices to the packaging.

Due to the rapid developments in globalization and information technologies, there are radical changes in organizational structures and management understanding. These changes also affect the factors that

determine working relationships such as employee profile, employment structure and conditions. Developments in information and communication technologies; offered the option of working at home and

at any time for employees as an opportunity. With the pandemic period, many of us experienced working from home, but this was not as easy as we thought. In addition to being comfortable working from home;

while working from home, we learned by struggling with the difficulties of separating and concentrating on work and housework. This product aims to identify people’s workspaces at home and to facilitate the rapid

transition between work and home

NERU is a family of open-source, CNC milled furnitures that gain integrity from rope tension. It is targeted for whom needs temporary furniture, both for a temporary home - such as working or studying abroad and for a

temporary setting where occasionally, extra seating is needed. The service this project provides is mostly design work, which is for the most part distributed as CAD files

online. For the physical distribution part, the machine work is done and the parts are packaged and sent via order or to the distributors.

Two main positions are observed in the treatment process of a child cancer patient. The child can be seen as she/he is mobile or due to the medications she/he is not capable of moving around very easily. The activity level of the child

is the biggest problem in the hospital environment. Therefore, the product that I have designed offers a solution to this significant problem.

The structure of Rio was designed accordingly to the movements of a child in a small room. It is adaptable to several positions such as sitting or bunking. The product offers the opportunity of regular life activities to the children in the room. Therefore, it makes it easier for the kid to adapt to the outside world when she/he leaves the area. Besides, used material in the product is compatible with the hygiene habitat of the hospital and its design is specific for the

cleaning processes. The size of the product is suitable for 3-6 years old ones. Rio will be a service that will be provided by the hospital administration to the patient.

Turkish people are very food centered. They organize gatherings, events and special occasions around food. It is a way for people to spend quality time together. They enjoy eachothers company as much as the

food they share. Inspired by a Turkish delicacy, testi kebabı, I designed an individualized tableware set for cooking and

serving food, one that offers people a new experience.

The existing sources providing instant heat for foods in outdoor expeditions are cumbersome, impractical in hard weather, or some environmental conditions and sometimes contain substances harmful to nature such as LPG burners. This food heating set for campers, named Lawa, offers an alternate way of producing heat,

based on the chemical reaction of calcium oxide mixed with water, which produces heat and calcium hydroxide. Both calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide are environmentally friendly. Moreover, it is risk-free

and the compact design of the product provides a comfortable eating experience in all weather conditions.

Playing games is one of the most essential parts of kids’ daily routines. For the children to have a viable city life, the surrounding environment must be designed around their needs. Playgrounds are at the top of children’s

living spaces in the cities. When we consider today’s cities, it is an obvious fact that most of neighborhoods and streets are not child-friendly. In the context of Istanbul, this is more of an issue in poor

neighborhoods. Narrow streets between stratified and intertwined buildings have become the playground for children.

Mobile Playground is a project designed to make the playgrounds accessible to children living in the disadvantaged neighborhoods of Istanbul. It is planned to be accomplished in partnership with the

municipality together with the support of corporate social responsibility projects. Mobile Playground is a playground that can be taken anywhere with a trailer tow hook system. It consists of modules where children can create sound through trial and errors while being able to move enough to satisfy their need of spending


Self-expression has always been a major struggle for human beings. Throughout history, people created new mediums to express themselves. With the increase of information cycle speed and individualism, need and right to

give speeches expands to private citizens rather than the politicians or famous people. Platforms that provide freedom like social media force you to stay in boundaries such as square photographs or 280 characters. Is it

possible to design a modular pedestal which can exceed these boundaries? “Rhetoric” is a modular stage system that can be assembly in any place. These modules can be assembled in various ways for users needs. The rhetoric, which means the art of speech, covers all the discourses developed to impress a group of people in everyday use.

This product constructs the physical output of the rhetoric, which is democratized in social media.

Consumerism is the short-cut of comfort and luxury age. The consumption madness enshrouds the world and direct people to consume without any remorse and affects the judgement of the people and make them not to think about the consequences. This consumption madness is not limited by the common mass but also affects the designers. Designers all over the world uses a ton of materials for their designs. I don’t support the event

of using more materials and producing more when there is already usable material source in the earth, so upcycling can be a solution to decrease the consumption rate. Upcycling is not a new and groundbreaking

thing, but it is surely an underestimated subject. Just because the products rolling around the market does not appeal to the customers, majority of the population think upcycled products as failures. Some of the products in the market are non-functional and crafted for making art. The other products are despised because of their

origin which is considered as trash by the majority. My solution as a designer is tackling this problem by creating comfortable, functional, good quality product collection from waste material and creating a brand

from them to entice the population.

Team work that we have been exposed to in many areas of our lives can sometimes become a situation that we have difficulties. This product gives children the opportunity to experience teamwork in a fun way. In order to achieve the result, they have to communicate and act with each other at every stage of the game. The game

includes a three-person vehicle, objects that should not be collected and toppled over. There are three primary and three intermediate colors on the vehicle. By directing each other through these colors, children both

reinforce the colors and reach their goals by working together. At the same time, this tool was designed to be simple enough for children to install. The game starts after the vehicle is installed by children. In this way, they

both work together and enjoy playing with their own toy while developing their manual skills.

The role of designers in providing brand value is directly related to packaging and user culture. In this context, the user culture contradicts the lifetime and functionality of the packaging. The user’s desire to re-evaluate

and interpret thepackages can be reinterpreted as functionality and sustainability. Packages can be much more than just simple

containers where we stick brands. Redefining and designing second life cycles, usage values, and their relationship with the user while designing the packaging. Redefining the second life cycle of dairy products

packaging, its functions and sustainability in the second life cycle. While designing, it is freeing the user and designing the life cycle of the packages and the users’ re-evaluation requests with a packaging system.

Nowadays, automobiles have an important place in human life. Cars have become part of the society and have developed a new era in their lives. As with any design and technology, automobiles can cause some

problems. When these problems prevent the solutions and opportunities they produce; our lives can be affected in many ways. When we look at the issues, there may be some significant and less significant

problems. At the same time, due to inexperience, small problems can grow suddenly. There are many ways to solve these complications in cars. One of these ways is the road assistance service. The existing roadside

assistance vehicles are not as developed and well-designed as the cars we drive. To reinterpret the system, I designed RoadGaz, a motorcycle roadside assistance vehicle. This roadside

assistance tool takes a minimal and effective approach to look for solutions to the problems. Before going to the circumstance, the motorcycle’s bags are prepared by the driver, focusing directly on the solution of the

faulty car. This provides many advantages in terms of time, fuel, and brand face. The tools on the motorcycle are the more minimalist and function-oriented versions of the tools we use today.


Instead of treating the furniture as a finished product with limited use, designing furniture that can be updated according to functional needs, by designing each component of the furniture separately, providing the

opportunity to come together differently. Cali furniture family is a modular furniture system that designs each unit indivi- dually and offers the opportunity to be updated according to the function require- ment, instead of

treating the furniture as a finished product with limited usage area. This family has a sofa-bed group, desk group, bookcase-wardrobe group. It is made of metal pipes for low production cost and easy to assemble

disassemble the product. Groups (sofa-bed group, table group and bookcase-wardrobe group) consist of pipe parts of the same size in themselves. Since the purchaser will make the assembly of the furniture, it is easy to assemble and the assembly logic of all furniture is the same. The basic module is made with C and L shaped

pipes, and then accessories can be added according to the needs of the people.

Living alongside with domesticated cats, sharing our environment and furniture inside the house as a part of our families become one of the main notions of domestic living. However, furniture sector hasn’t been able to develop products that consider the well-being of cats. There is a lack of furniture design that understands cat human co-habitation, behavioural patterns, daily routines and transform this togetherness into the design process. Habicat is a group of modular furniture that considers co-habitation of humans and cats in domestic space and includes this togetherness into the design process. It aims to provide a public space to spent time together and private spaces for a cat to rest while being close to their owner. Modular pieces can be combined by the user to create different scenarios. Each module has a different opening to create a playful space for cats, while providing human to watch and spend time with the cat.

Nature was irreversibly damaged with urbanization and industrialization. Citizens living in cities became ignorant of plants, nature, agriculture and food production in daily life and this relationship has changed. The fact that the food we receive is not organic and healthy affects our lives and health poorly. In addition, our everyday living spaces; houses, plants and our relationship with nature are also distant. With this project, people living in cities can produce their own organic, healthy food where they live, and they can become aware of the products they consume or grow their own plants and maintain a daily life that interacts with plants and nature. They can also reduce both the harm to nature and the harm that people do to themselves and lead a healthier, higher quality life.Croitre enables its users to grow their own food and plants in their living spaces. It consists of a product family with 3 different products on growing aromatic plants, leafy plants and fruit plants. Users choose their beginner, advanced, expert packages made according to the type and number of plants they want to grow and create their own gardens according to the number of individuals in the number of families they want.


Deniz Birkalan














“Absent Present : Na/Mevcut” Istanbul Bilgi University Industrial Design Department 2020 Graduation Projects Exhibition, brings together 43 designer candidates who conceptualized their projects while questioning the context,

material, user definition, life cycle, conventional norms of usage and the future of the products they are dealing with, as well as the “present” they are trying to create.

Before you start looking at the first project that draws your attention and start contemplating the questions you might want to ask its designer, we would like to tell you a bit about our unique design process, which took place not at the studio nor at the workshop but at different settings and using various resources, that inspired the name of our

exhibition. Faced with the newly emerged conditions as the limitation of the opportunity of learning by doing, disappearance of chances to feed on coincidences, decrease in the possibility of direct observations and opportunities to access materials and not being with any peers physically; we transferred ourselves to a context where we pushed the limits of possibilities of the digital world, simplified our processes, broadened our perspective in undertaking research,

used what we had on hand and developed reasonable predictions with educators and professionals. All these conditions became our absence, yet at the same time, our presence.

2020 Spring Semester, while being the first virtual studio experience of our graduates, our exhibition is also displayed solely on digital platforms. We believe not only our project outcomes but also our process speaks

for the future of design. We wish our experience will shed light on the search for alternative futures.


Page 2: INGILIZCE BROŞÜR the advantages of the bio material, creating new ways of usage and integrating auxiliary




İdil Beliz Saraç

Can Bartu Çelik

Gülfem Naz Yılmaz

Öykü Kangül

Maria Deniz Kadıoğlu


Pelin Ventura







Latif Mahmutoğlu

Gün Kerimoğlu

Eylül Tulçalı

İsmail Deniz

Nisa Taylan

Dilge Arslancan

Evren Dövenci

İrem İlayda Çeçen

Mehmet Olgaç Keskin

Didem Erdem

Derin Deniz Akmanlar

Hande Akın

Clothing is chosen by the user as identifiers of their tastes. The choices they make in garments is a way they can show who they are, but when the designed clothing is not enough for this purpose, users end up customizing these items to fit their styles better. Customization is a way of identification and self-expression. Wearable items such as footwear have the potential to be unique to the wearer by introducing the wearer to the design process. This was the goal in mind when ‘build&step’ was designed. ‘build&step’ is a modular shoe set that is customizable to the user via color and material options also with the functions they serve. The modules that are offered are designed to be suitable for the ‘summertime’ or warm weathers. They are also suitable for light packing since each module serves a different function such as open toed slippers, espadrilles, and laced shoes. Different modules also help with repair, since when a module is ripped or torn the user can easily buy another module instead of throwing the shoes away.

For the times that feel like you have lost the control of your surroundings and overwhelmed with emotions, Grounding is an awareness practice to cope with anxiety and stress. It invites the anxious-self to reconnect with the body. Grounding Collection includes 5 headwear to highlight 5 senses; VISION for sight, INHALE for smell, SAVOR for taste, FLOW for hearing and CARESS for touch. They all are reproducible and customizable craft goods designed with natural, local and sustainable materials. The aim of the collection was not to objectify the senses or emotions, but to enhance them. The products are designed to attach with both the inner and outer stimulators. They are intimate objects that create personal sanctuaries. They aim to bond with impressions. The only instructions they come with are to connect and practice. And keep your balance! Grounding Collection is designed for an upcoming initiative, Anxious Things.

In the nature of human being, we attached to make things personal.The way we interact with products differs from person to person. With ways that we live with products, we also shape things around us with “using” things. I take “Using” as creative act just like designing. And the fixed using scenarious in the car interior limits user potential and sequeeze that creative act in the boundaires. VESTA expands these boundaries with new interior design which reveals the potential of families as users with the possibilities of free movement space and large volume offered by Level 5 autonomous driverless vehicle technology.Larger green space and new technologies allows user to feel like in home and gives freedom which is unusual in todays car.

Caddy is a modular transportation unit. It can be used as a push for transporting pets while meeting the need to use the shopping cart by pulling. It is aimed to facilitate the relations of humans and animal friends during use. People experience similar problems in different products. It is very tiring to carry things and go from place to place with a load. Pet owners without a car often choose the veterinarian who is close to their home because traveling with their animals is a difficult process for them. Cats become stressed and aggressive when they leave their safe environments, their homes. For this reason, cat owners avoid long distances, they talk to their cats and try to calm them, regardless of the scenario of using the cat bag they have during the trip. Similarly, people who shop frequently have a shopping bag or car and prefer to go to nearby places as they do not want to carry the bag empty when going shopping. By examining these two different products together, Caddy offers a cat cart that makes it easier to communicate with the cat of the user and also offers a shopping trolley that can be transformed.

Juno sweeper is an up-to-date version of the products that can only be cleaned with a brush, which we once called ‘Gırgır’ which is an indispensable part of our homes. No matter how many options are available in today’s market, it is very difficult for people who do not have high income to obtain these products. We know that there are products that can only be cleaned with a brush in Juno style in the market, but there are no products that satisfy the user in terms of design, material quality and ease of use compared to other advanced vacuum cleaning products. Therefore, the biggest goal of the project named Juno is to present these shortcomings to the user. In addition, the most advantageous feature of the product named Juno is a project that is considered in terms of light, quiet, instant usage hours and ease.No matter how skilled today’s products are, they are not products that everyone can access because their prices are very high. Juno is an intermediate product that is one step ahead of its competitors.

One of the indispensable drinks of Turkish society is, of course, tea. Turkish people can consume tea almost at any time of the day. And most tea consuming country in the world Turkey. Also in the top five in the tea production in Turkey.According to the data, tea is an important and cultural drink for the Turkish society. Turkish people continue to consume tea in collective organizations. Tea is consumed quite a lot especially in workplaces and companies, but reaching fresh and quality tea and getting a healthy tea service is a problem.Demden is a tea making and serving machine that aims to serve fresh and high quality tea without the need for a service person during the day, for the needs of companies that need high capacity tea service.

Clay modelling equipments require an amount of specialized gestures, positioning and lighting. Each material,tool and medium has their own rules. Artists who have special studios for sculpting can design and divide their work-places according to their needs. But people without defined spaces for sculpting should store, rearrange, save their equipment efficiently in their regular living spaces. Clayground is an ergonomic desktop set specialized for clay modelling in narrow workplaces. It takes up minimum place in the living area, organizes clay equipment and allows efficient working with proper lighting and positioning. Clay ground has six main components. Wide angled, curved, bendable desktop lamp that provides soft lighting and non distracted working experience; medium sized low whirler suitable for scaled works, elevated curved palette, liquid tanks designed for sensitive mediums to be reusable and easy to refill, asymmetrical brush & tool holder with detachable pieces, and clay container.

Today, with the development of technology, even though children are extremely surrounded with technology and robots, they are not able to acquire information on how electrical and mechanical appliances work.Robobot, justifying that ‘learning by playing’ is the most fun and effective learningmethod, fits the recent trend of ‘do it yourself’. It’s a kit with low-tech motors which could easily be manipulated by children. Robobot is a flexible toy robot assembly kit for kids to create their version of toy robot. Robobot consist of two main components: main components (engine) and movement components. By this toy, children will create unique toys. This toy aims to gain experience and skills such as multi-faceted thinking, problem solving, motor skills and being productive.

Space hackers: ChildrenThe way children play shows us a different aspect of our daily objects. So, how conscious are we?The creative minds of children enable them to adapt the everyday objects into a spatial fiction during playtime. These fictional plays are related to the physical and mental needs of children in the development process. The imagi-nation adds new meanings to daily objects. Children benefit from “Making Do” with what is available around them. They see seat cushions as a cave or bed sheets as a tent and transform their definition according to their usage in the space. Since each child undergoes different developmental processes like children with sensory development difficulties on the autism spectrum, playing and communicating through play is not easy for all of them. Therefore, this project aims to develop an adaptable toy kit named “PLAYable” that puts the sensory communication first and allows children to apply various actions in space. In that way, PLAYable will increase physical awareness and the ability of spatial imagination of all children, including the ones with special needs.

Buying a product is a political decision that includes a series of ethical responsibilities and yet products do not provide the consumers with enough information for them to decide on. Most of the information about the

products’ existence is turning into absent referents while they are facing consumers. Is it possible to turn absent referents into present communicators by revealing the decisions which made that product?

Humane: is lighting equipment designed to position the user as a collaborator of the product. Uses aboveground sources that produce minimum waste as raw as possible with improved labor conditions and

transparent process of not only what is designed but also outsourced components.

Textile is a global industry worth 2.4 trillion, employing around 50 million people, and is said to be one of the world’s most polluting industries because %85 of used textiles are ending up in the landfills. In Turkey, only

considering cotton and polyester, 50 million TL is thrown into the landfills each year. Since it is so hard to recycle fabric, I wanted to design a sustainable system for reusing the textile waste that comes from textile

manufacturing in different ways, thus minimizing the harmful effects of textile manufacturing. With this system, I aimed to make sure that designers, manufacturers and also consumers can access these

fabrics and use them as raw materials.

Nearly every house has a shopping trolley, and looking around we can see that people have some troubles with this product. Generally, it is used for shopping at local markets but it’s commonly used at supermarkets too. While

shopping at the local market we have to be careful while organizing our groceries and decide which one goes to the bottom, and which one goes to the top, to avoid smashing nutrients. Since all the groceries are placed in one place,

tasks such as transferring them to cars or carrying them through stairs become harder which cause complications. The other issue is the consumption of plastic bags. Every vegetable comes with a new plastic bag, so at the end of the

day, we have lots of them. There are some strategies like charging money for the plastic bag but still, this is not an adequate solution. 2 CARRI aims to facilitate those problems and minimize the consumption of plastic bags for users

and nature.

IstCycle, briefly is a electrical scooter for Istanbul shortly. It has designed for the city life and culture of Istanbul. It has aimed to be a retro-looking scooter to obtain a product that suits the streets of Istanbul.And of course, it is able to climb hills of the city easily.The most significant difference between IstCycle and the other

scooters is, IstCycle does not claim to be portable, because the scooters are almost 12-14 kg which mean those are not actually suitable to carry. Instead of carrying, pulling it like a luggage is the factor that creates

the basic structure. The two wheels on the front, makes easier the pulling process and increase the using comfort. This system provides to turn the wheels right and left by balance movements, instead of turning the handlebars.Furthermore, to belong Istanbul for real, IstCycle has designed being suitable for local product

usage and production technologies. It has pieces together by plywood bending and CNC with using mi mum welding process. For plastic parts, it has designed forms to easy toproduce with 3D printer.

Snowboarding is a sport where random falls and fall related injuries happen densely. Falling back is known as a safe fall and is repeated too many times during snowboarding. Injuries or pain may occur in these minor accidents.

This product developed to prevent injuries where can happen at the back, at the hip or at the waist. Product contains five (5) protective foams eva. It is aimed to minimize damage to be taken by this injuries by the

eva foam protective pads. Considering the cold winter conditions, the neoprene fabric we prefer will prevent body temperature from

coming out and there will be a Wall against cold weather. Protective pads that can be removed and put back are intended for easy cleaning of the product. My multi-use product is a candidate to be the new favorite of snowboard


A compact kit that makes the experience of extracting herbal essential oils and preparing herbal products at home visible for those who are curious about medicinal and aromatic plants.

The most fundamental thing when making complementary/supplementary herbal medicine products is to extract herbal essential oil from plants. Steam distillation and maceration, one of the traditional vegetable oil

production methods, are popular and efficient methods.A kit that allows the production of customisable products by making the experience of preparing

complementary medicine products visible for the people who is curious about medicinal and aromatic plants

Humans and cats have been living together for thousands of years and been companions to each other for a longtime. Designing products for both of them can help affect positively both their mental and physical health

also improving the relationship with each other and their living environment.multiBOX is a litter box kit designed to cover multiple steps in its usage scenario. It aims to change the existing products with a multifunctional one for

more comfortable and pleasant user experience.There are lots of variations of litter boxes with different features but there is a need for convenient litter boxes that combine these functions and have better cleaning


ROBBU storyplay is a discovery space where children turn the abstract objects into concrete imagination, build places, objects and take on the characters that complete their buildings while developing their creativity,

fine&gross motor skills by playing. Children have the ability to play with everything with an unlimited imagination. Play and imagination allows them to create. Creativity is an important skill to develop in childhood; It can shape social awareness by encouraging critical thinking, editing, expressing .It’s important that to support

children’s development so that they can adapt to changing world dynamics. I use the power of play with the idea of “good toys make good people”. I aimed help children to narrate their imagination. Children between the

ages of 3-6 leave the world we were in and go to a completely different world by giving various meanings and narrating objects around them with curiosity, desire to explore and imaginations. The play set consists of

minimum number of plates, sticks, connectors. Each component in the set communicates differently with each other. Children begin to constructive thinking by attaching components together and put into a different

storytelling by perceiving the communication between them.

Children of the modern age are immersed in media ( cartoons, games, high-tech toys etc.). Yet, few of them actually know how they work. The aim is to give children a different look at what they passively watch most of

the time. As a tool is posed frame-by-frame, motion becomes visible helping the user easily retain the relationship of what is being displayed. Animation is a visual communication medium that can help kids

visualize their thoughts & ideas. Vivus is an educational kit that helps kids understand the concept of motion while giving them an opportunity

to create their own stories via mechanical animation techniques.




Ayça İnce / Berkan Kaplan / Can Altay / Deniz Tümerdem / Emine Boyner / Emre Ergene / Ezgi Taşkın Kuyumcuoğlu / Gizem Aytaç / Gözde Şekercioğlu / Murat Erbaş / Nil Tel l i / Niyazi Erdoğan /

Onur Ceri toğlu / Sadett in Çayıroğlu / Sevin Coşkun / Sezgin Öztürk / Sibel Kutlusoy / Sı la Karakaya / Teppei Yamashita / Ülgen Ayrancı / Vel i Şafak Uysal / Yeşim Eröktem / Yeşim Kunter










Derin DenizAkmanlar


Mehmet OlgaçKeskin


Beyza Özmen

Egehan Eren

İrem İlaydaÇeçen


Yusuf UtkuDedetaş

Ali SarpAktan


Hande Akın

Melisa FerideÖztürk

Şevval NazÇakar

Can Bartu Çelik

Ekin Cumbul





Dilge Arslancan



Tuğçe Yakup

Çağla Şahin




Zümra Yağmur Çetinler

Ayşe EsmaSayıntürk

Efe Akıncıoğlu

İdil BelizSaraç

Naz FeryalCezayirli

Türkan YaprakKaynar




Petek DoğaDayıoğlu

Derin Gürgün

Gülfem NazYılmaz

Maria DenizKadıoğlu

Rana Cabi

Ahmet SertaçÖztürk





-We appreciate everyone who has been with us during this process-