inglés iii final review

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guía para examen final de inglés


Ingles III Final review

INGLS III - FINAL REVIEW!! I.! Circle the correct answer.!1. I like something / anything in this shop, but I can only buy one ! thing.!2. There are flowers somewhere / everywhere in the hotel, so all the rooms are very pretty.!!3. Theres something / somewhere about your friend Lina in the paper.!!4. Theres somebody / everybody in the living room. He wants to see you.!!5!. Our hotel is somewhere / everywhere in the city centre.!6!. Is everybody / everything in your family tall?!7. Can you help me with the cooking? I cant do something / everything.!!8!. Listen. Somebody / Something is singing. I think its Jill.!9!. I want to go everything / everywhere in the world.!II. Complete what Anna says, Use something, somebody, somewhere, everything, everybody !or everywhere.!I want to be a doctor. I like working with people and I think that ________________ about the human body is fascinating. Id like to work _________________ in Africa. Theres an organisation that works with children there. I know _______________ who works for it. Id like to work for it, too. There are a lot of health problems ______________ in the world and I want to do ________________ about them. I cant help ________________, of course, but I want to help some people.!! III. Complete the conversation. Use the words below.!!anybody anything(2) anywhere nobody nothing nowhere!!A: Hi, Julie. Im in town Its very quiet here. What are you doing?!B: Im not doing _______________. Its very quiet here, too. Theres _________________ at home with me. Are you with ________________?!A: No, Im not. Im alone and Im standing outside a clothes shop. The clothes are horrible! I dont like ____________ in the window. Listen, Julie, I cant find my new sunglasses _____________. Are they at your house? On the table?!B: No, theres _______________ on the table. Sorry.!A: Oh dear! Theyre _______________ at home!!B: Dont worry. Youll find them. Maybe Isabels got them.!!IV. Circle the correct answer. !!1. I cant come to the cinema because Im meeting I Ill meet ! Anne at seven.!2. They arent coming / wont come with us tomorrow. Theyre busy.! !3. I dont want to talk to Lisa about it. She isnt listening / wont listen !to me.!4!. Adam is meeting / will meet Debbie at 8 oclock tonight.!5!. You are enjoying / will enjoy the film tonight. Its really good.!6. You can leave your books here. Nobody is taking / will take them.! !7!. Heres our new address. We are moving / will move next week.!8. Steve is not knowing / wont know the answer. He doesnt know much about computers.!!9. We are going / will go to the concert on Saturday. Ive just bought our tickets.!V. Complete the conversations. Use will, present continuous or be going to ! and the verbs in brackets.!1. A: Are you ready to leave now?! B: Yes. I _________________ my coat. (get)!!2. A: Is your birthday on the twenty-fifth?! B: Yes, and I _______________ a party. Heres your invitation! ! (have)!!3. A: Would you like to join the drama group?! B: Thats a good idea. I _________________ about it. (think)!!4. A: This coats nice.! B: Which one? Oh yes, its lovely. I _______________ back ! tomorrow and look at it. I havent got time now. (come)!!5. A: Have you got a mobile?! B: No, but I _________________ one next month. (get)!!6. A: Can I talk to you or are you busy?! B: No. Its OK, I _______________ that later. (read)!!7. A: Why are you putting those books in boxes?! B: I _________________ them. I dont want them. (sell)!!8. A: I _________________ Sam and Jessica on Saturday. I have! already talked about it with them. Would you like to come ! with me? (visit)!!9. A: Whats the largest city in the USA?! B: Hmmm I dont know. Wait. I ____________ my dad. (ask)!!VI. Complete the conversations. Use will or be going to and the verbs below.!! ask borrow bring come drive go try!!A: I __________________ to get a ticket for the V Festival tonight. Do you want one? The tickets cost $230, with camping. Its a great festival. I went last year.!!B: OK, yes, I ______________________!!!A: Brilliant! How many tickets do you want?!!B: One. Or maybe two. I ______________ Jane to come with me.!!A: Do you want two tickets with camping?!!B: Yes. We _______________ a tent from somebody.!!A: OK. Great. I _________________ my tent. I bought it last year. I __________________ there, so you can come with me in my car, if you want.!!B: Thanks very much.!!A: Well, dont thank me. We havent got the tickets yet! I __________________ on their website tonight, so I hope Im lucky.! !VII. Match 1 - 8 with a - h.!! _____!There are _______! Theres ________!There are _______!There isnt _______!There arent ________! Is there ________!Are there _______a a few bottles.! b many bags.!c any rubbish bins?! d a little yogurt.! e any rubbish?!f a lot of packaging.! g much water.! h a lot of jars.

!VIII. Choose a word from the table below to fill each space. Some words may be used more than once.!!a a few any a little much a lot of some many an a lot !1. How __________ children do you and Tony have?!2. I dont __________ have patience and I find jigsaw puzzles boring.!3. We only have _________ carrots. We should go and buy some more.!4. "Do we need any mushrooms?" "No, we have _________. Look, three bags!"!5. There was an explosion at the factory and __________ people were injured. We don't know how many yet.!6. When you make the pie, put ________ wine in too. But not too much! It makes it really tasty.!7. When you go out, buy me _______ apple and a bottle of Coke.!8. I don't need _________ advice from you. You don't understand the problem!!9. "Do you like this programme?" Not _______. You can change the channel if you want."!10. Lots of people in Spain like to take ______ siesta during the hottest part of the day.!11. I have been to Brazil ________ times. Twice in 1996 and again last year.!12. Can you give me ________ information about the buses in the city centre please?!13. _________ people think he is stupid, but he's actually quite intelligent.!IX. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb, comparative or superlative of the words provided.!!1.! This is ___________________________ (fancy) dress I own.!2. In my opinion, a deer moves ___________________ (graceful) of all the animals.!!3. The politician spoke ________________ (loud) than was necessary.!!4. When we travel, my suitcase is always _____________ (heavy) than my husbands.!!5!. January is _____________________ (cold) month of the year.!6. Mrs. Anderson speaks ______________________ (fluent) than her husband, but her daughter speaks _____________________ (!fluent) of the whole family.!7. December 21 is the ________________(short) day of the year. It is ______________ (short) than any other. !!8!. Andrew is _________________ (fast) runner on the team.!9. This apartment is __________________(convenient) of all the apartments I have seen.!!10. Annie usually gets up ________________(early) than her sister.!11. Max finished the homework _________________ (fast) than anyone else in the class. !!12! . A turtle moves _____________________(slow) than a rabbit.!13. Bonnie works ___________________(hard) of all the employees in the office.!!14. This book is _____________________ (interesting) than the one I read last week. !!15. Daniel drives _________________________ (careful) than his father.!!16! . Judy goes to the library ________________ (often) than I do.!17. That gold necklace is ____________________(expensive) one in the whole store.!!18! . This is ___________________ (bad) movie I have ever seen.!19. Sarah sings even __________________(beautiful) than her mother, who is a famous opera star. In fact, she has ___________________ (beautiful) voice Ive ever heard.!!X. Put the adjectives in the correct form. Superlative, comparative or equative.!!1!. Her dress is (pretty) .................................................... as mine.!2. Cheetahs are (fast) ........................................ animals we can find.! !3. Eating fruit and vegetables is (healthy) ::. than eating hot dogs.!!4. I think tea is as (good) coffee.!5. China has (many) ........................... people than any other country in the world.!!6. The blue whale is (heavy) ................................ animal in the world.!!7!. Which is (big) ........................., Portugal or Spain?!8. Travelling by plane is (comfortable) ............................ than travelling by car.!!9!. He is (untidy) ......................................... person in class.!10 Buying things from plastic is (bad) .....................than buying things from recycled paper.!!11! . The Nile is (long) ........................... river in the world.!12. In Marks opinion History is (difficult) . as Geography. However, it is (interesting) !!13. Antarctica is one of (cold) ................................... places on Earth.!!14! . Greece is (hot) ................................ than England.!15. Mirror, mirror on the wall, whos (pretty) ............................... of them all?!!16. Elvis Presley is one of (popular) ................................. rock singers ever.!!17! . Jenny is as (tall) Alice.!18. Switzerland is one of (rich) ...............................countries in the world.!!19. People in Africa are the (poor) ................................ in the world.!!20. Alexander the Great was a (good) ................................ leader than Xerxes.