ingles (traducción)

LESSON 1: exercise 3A and 3B (track 20) Marcy: ok, I’m going to ask you some questions about driving laws. Jack: ok, I’m ready. Marcy: what does a yield sign look like? Jack: it means you have to let other cars go first. Marcy: right. What do you have to do if an emergency vehicle behind you has flashing red lights? Jack: uh, you have to slow down so they can pass. Marcy: no. you have to move to the right side of the road and stop. Jack: move to the right and stop. OK, got it. Marcy: if a school bus is stopped, what do you have to do? Jack: you have to pass the bus very slowly. Marcy: no, jack. All drives must to stop behind a stopped school bus. Jack: OK,OK. Ask me an easy question. Marcy: fine. What does a solid yellow line on your side of the road mean? Jack: no passing. Yeah, I knew that. Marcy: yeah, right. OK, last chance, jack. What will a police officer ask for if you are stopped? Jack: that’s easy. You have to show you driver’s license and your proof of insurance. Marcy: yes! You knew that one, at least. LESSON 2 Exercise 1A and 1B. (Track 22) Edith: what’s the matter?

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Page 1: Ingles (traducción)

LESSON 1: exercise 3A and 3B (track 20)

Marcy: ok, I’m going to ask you some questions about driving laws.

Jack: ok, I’m ready.

Marcy: what does a yield sign look like?

Jack: it means you have to let other cars go first.

Marcy: right. What do you have to do if an emergency vehicle behind you has flashing red lights?

Jack: uh, you have to slow down so they can pass.

Marcy: no. you have to move to the right side of the road and stop.

Jack: move to the right and stop. OK, got it.

Marcy: if a school bus is stopped, what do you have to do?

Jack: you have to pass the bus very slowly.

Marcy: no, jack. All drives must to stop behind a stopped school bus.

Jack: OK,OK. Ask me an easy question.

Marcy: fine. What does a solid yellow line on your side of the road mean?

Jack: no passing. Yeah, I knew that.

Marcy: yeah, right. OK, last chance, jack. What will a police officer ask for if you are stopped?

Jack: that’s easy. You have to show you driver’s license and your proof of insurance.

Marcy: yes! You knew that one, at least.

LESSON 2 Exercise 1A and 1B. (Track 22)

Edith: what’s the matter?

Adam: nothing, really.

Edith: you seem worried.

Adam: well, OK, I am. I just don’t know what to do.

Edith: what’s the problem?

Adam: well, it’s difficult to explain.

Edith: you should tell me. Maybe I can help.

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Adam: well….. One of my friends has a girlfriend.

Edith: yeah?

Adam: yeah, and the thing is, I saw him yesterday with another girl.

Edith: maybe she was just a friend.

Adam: uh, no. he was kissing her. What should I do?

Edith: you mean, should you tell his girlfriend about it?

Adam: yes.

Edith: hmm. I don’t think so. In my opinion, you ought to talk to your friend and tell him what you saw. Tell him he should be honest whit his girlfriend. He should tell her if he wants to date a different girl.

Adam: if you ask me, I think he wants to date both of them!

Edith: well, he shouldn’t do it without telling both of them. Personally, I wouldn’t like that, but maybe they would be OK with it. Maybe they want to date other people too.

Adam: so do you think I shouldn’t say anything to his girlfriend?

Edith: I definitely think you should talk to your friend first. Then, he ought to talk to both girls.

Adam: OK, thanks for the advice.

LESSON 3 Exercise 2A and 2C. (Track 23)

Kat: guess what? I’m going to Chicago on vacation!

Tom: really? That’s great. I went there last year. It’s a fabulous city.

Amelia: definitely. I was there a couple of years ago, and I love it.

Kat: do you have any advice for me?

Tom: driving there is difficult, so you should get a visitor’s pass for the Chicago Transit Authority. It’s the cheapest and best way to get around.

Amelia: hmm. I agree to a certain extent. It’s the cheapest away to get around Chicago, but sometimes it’s better to take a taxi.

Kat: ok. What is there to do in Chicago?

Tom: there so many fun things to do. There are great museums like the Field Museum and the Art Institute of Chicago. A lot of people go to the “Shedd Aquarium”, but in my opinion, the Lincoln Park Zoo is better. There’s fantastic African Ape exhibit. And it’s free.

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Amelia: well I don’t know. I love “Shedd Aquarium”. It is the largest indoor aquarium in the world.

Kat: maybe I should see both! What about shopping?

Amelia: You should go to Michigan Avenue. There are lots of famous stores, and many have good prices.

Tom: but if you don’t have a lot of time in Chicago, you shouldn’t waste it shopping. Amelia: I disagree. Chicago is one of the best cities in the world for shopping!

Kat: ok. Anything else?

Amelia: you ought to go to Navy Pier on Lake Michigan. There is a huge Ferris wheel there, and you can take a boat ride on lake. It’s spectacular!

Kat: well, thanks for the tips, guys! I can’t wait!

LESSON 4 EXERCISE 1A and 1B (Track 24)

Rob: are you afraid of spiders?

Ashley: yes, I hate them. Why do you ask? There isn’t one here, is there?

Rob: no, don’t worry. I read something yesterday about the things people are afraid of. You know, 50% of women said they were afraid of spiders.

Ashley: I’m not surprised.

Rob: well, I am! I think it’s so irrational. Most spiders are harmless. What else are you afraid of?

Ashley: umm… I was afraid of the dark when I was younger.

Rob: I was too. But that’s typical for children.

Ashley: I thought there were monsters under the bed. I slept with le light on.

Rob: so did I, but I’m not afraid of the dark now. Are you claustrophobic?

Ashely: no, I’m not, but my brother is. The other day ha was stuck in an elevator for 20 minutes, and he had a terrible panic attack. We had to take him to the doctor. Are you afraid of being stuck in an elevator?

Rob: no.

Ashley: neither am I.

Rob: are you afraid of heights?

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Ashley: no, I’m not.

Rob: I’m not either. But lots of people are.

Ashley: and dogs. A lot of people are afraid of dogs.

Rob: I love dogs.

Ashley: yeah, I do too. But I’m afraid of rats.

Rob: so am I. isn’t everybody? Shall we stay for another coffee?

Ashley: no, thanks. I don’t want any more coffee.

Rob: I don’t, either. Let’s go.

LESSON 5 EXERCISE 2A and 2B (Track 25)

Max: dad, can I talk to you for a minute?

Father: sure. What’s up Max?

Max: dad, it’s time for you to stop smoking.

Father: oh, come on. It’s my only bad habit.

Max: yeah, well, it’s one of the worst habits a person can have. Why do you think they have to put those health warnings on cigarette packets?

Father: I know, I know. But I don’t smoke that much. What’s more, I just had a physical check-up, and the doctor says I’m in perfect health.

Max: dad, that’s just not true! You smoke a lot, and you do have health problems! You cough all the time. You get a lot of respiratory infections too. And maybe you don’t care about your health, but there are problems with smoking in addition to health problems.

Father: like what?

Max: you really want to know? Ok. Your clothes always smell like cigarettes. And I’m sorry, but you also have bad breath! Furthermore, smoking is expensive! You’re taking money from the family every time you buy a packet of cigarettes.

Father: yeah, I know, and I’m sorry, I know it’s a terrible habit, but it’s so hard to quit smoking.

Max: I know, dad. Nicotine is a drug, and it causes addiction. By the way, when did you start smoking?Father: when I was about 17

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Max: yeah, most heavy smokers started when they were teenagers. Look, why don’t we make a plans as a family to help you stop smoking? Will you try?

Father: yes, I will. Let’s do that. You guys can help me.

Max: you can to do it, dad! You’ll feel a lot better. Our family will be happier as well.


In case of a fire, there are a number of things should do. Before there is a fire, everyone in the building should know about a place to meet that is away from the building. You must leave the building immediately. You should not try to take your possessions. You should walk quickly, but you must not run. You should leave in an orderly manner. You must not push other people. You must not use the elevator. You must use the stairs. When you are outside, go to the meeting place. After everyone arrives at the meeting place, you should do a head count to be sure everyone is with you. You should not panic, you try to stay calm.


Teen forum. get advice from other teens

SuzyQ: I’m worried about one of my friends. She’s really thin, but she thinks she’s fat. She never eats lunch, she says she doesn’t eat breakfast either. She always tell her mom that she’ll eat breakfast at school, but that’s not true.

Paulo: her mom probably wants her to eat a lot of fattening stuff like bacon and eggs. I like skinny super-model girls, so in my opinion, she shouldn’t eat a lot if she doesn’t want to!

StarDust: that is a very serious problem. Girls can get stick and die from eating disorders. I think you should talk to her and refer her to some websites about eating disorders. If she still doesn’t eat, you ought to talk to a teacher about it.

Lenny: there´s a girl at school that I really like. I want to ask her out, but I know that my best friends likes her too. I think he’s going to ask her out. It is bad if I ask her out first? I mean, she isn’t dating him or anything. Not yet…

Rokk_Girl: personally, I think you should talk to your friend first. It’s always better to talk about things so there are no misunderstandings. You shouldn’t risk losing your best friend.

Kevin288: if you ask me, you should just go for it, man. You shouldn’t wait for you friend to ask her out first. Maybe she doesn’t want to go out with you anyway! Ha ha !

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Going Places

Every time you travel to a new place, there are things that you should do and other things that you shouldn’t to. Here is some general advice for any travel situation.

You Should….

…Take enough money with you and keep it in a sale place.

…Wear comfortable clothes.

…Drink a lot of water and always have some water with you.

…Put on sunblock to go in the sun and avoid the hottest sun at midday.

…Ask the price before you agree to a service.

…Learn about the place you are visiting before you.

You Shouldn’t….

…Walk at night, especially in places you don’t know.

…Show you money in public places.

…Take taxis on the street. Always use a registered taxi.

…Wear expensive jewelry or carry an expensive camera.

…Accept help from strangers (if you aren’t sure it’s safe).

3. Grammar phrases (pag. 59).

A. look at the conversation. Find phrases of agreement and disagreement and write the in the table.

Tom: really? That’s great. I went there last year. It’s a fabulous city.

Amelia: definitely. I was there a couple of years ago, and I love it.

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Tom: a lot of people go to the “Shedd Aquarium”, but in my opinion, you should go to the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Amelia: well I don’t know. I love “Shedd Aquarium”. You should go to Michigan Avenue for great shopping.

Tom: that’s true if you like to shop. But if you don’t have a lot of time in Chicago, you shouldn’t waste it shopping.

Amelia: I disagree. Chicago is one of the best cities in the world for shopping!


Can you name these famous people? Read the article and find out what their phobias are.

Famous phobias

The secret fears of the stars

A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear that causes a person to feel intense anxiety. According to medical experts, there are more than 700 currently documented phobias. For most people, the anxiety is controllable. For some, it is not, and according to gossip on the internet and in celebrity magazines, the rich and famous are not immune yo such fears either.

Michael Jackson, for example, seemed to have a fear of germs (mysophobia), judging by the face masks and gloves he frequently wore. In addition, Woody Allen, who seems to be a more extreme case, confesses to a morbid fear a spiders, sunshine, dogs, children, heights, small rooms, crowds, and cancer, among other things. Furthermore, Justin Timberlake is reportedly a galeophobiac. He is said to freak out when he is near the ocean and refuses to go surfing because of his irrational fear of sharks.

It seems that fears and phobias, irrational or otherwise, can affect us all, whether we are just ordinary members of society or rich and powerful celebrities. So, next time you suffer an attack of your own particular phobia, console yourself with the thought that you are not alone. Maybe you and Brad Pitt are afraid of the same things!

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LESSON 5 bad habits 1A.

Teen smoking on increase

Recent studies show that, in general, that number of smokers in the US is declining. However, the same studies indicate that the number of teenage smokers is increasing. Statics report that 23% of high school students smoke at least occasionally. In addition, statics show that 80% of all habitual smokers in the US began smoking before the age of 18, which is particular troubling.

Psychologists say that teenage smoking often reflects low self-esteem. Teenagers who take up smoking are more likely to be open to peer pressure than teens who do not smoke. In other words, these teenagers copy what their friends do to fit in socially, or to show that they are more adult and cooler than other kids.

Furthermore, experts say that there is a connection between teenage smoking and drug abuse or violent behavior, and police records confirm this. The theory is that bad habits are contagious, and that you are more likely to try other substances if you smoke. And, of course, there are plenty of studies which link drug abuse to violence and crime.

In addition to this, smoking isn’t cheap. Many teenagers spend approximately $1,000 per year on their smoking habit.

Smoking is linked to fatal health problems and criminal behavior, as well as financial problems. There are no benefits. So why do people keep on doing it?