ingv mediterranean sea level rise scenarios from circe s. dobricic on behalf of the circe project...

INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari, M. Déqué, V. Artale, A, Bellucci, J. S. Breitgand, A. Carillo, R. Cornes, A. Dell’Aquila, C. Dubois, D. Efthymiadis, A. Elizalde, L. Gimeno, C. M. Goodess, A. Harzallah, S.O. Krichak, F.G. Kuglitsch, G.C. Leckebusch, B. L’Heveder, L. Li, P. Lionello, J. Luterbacher, A. Mariotti, R. Nieto, K. M. Nissen, P. Oddo, P. Ruti, A. Sanna, G. Sannino, E. Scoccimarro, M. V. Struglia, A. Toreti, U. Ulbrich, E. Xoplaki, G. Coppini, N. Pinardi, A. Bonaduce, G. Larnicol, I. Poujol, M. Ablain

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Page 1: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,


Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE

S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot,

W. May, S. Castellari, M. Déqué, V. Artale, A, Bellucci, J. S. Breitgand, A. Carillo,

R. Cornes, A. Dell’Aquila, C. Dubois, D. Efthymiadis, A. Elizalde, L. Gimeno, C. M.

Goodess, A. Harzallah, S.O. Krichak, F.G. Kuglitsch, G.C. Leckebusch, B.

L’Heveder, L. Li, P. Lionello, J. Luterbacher, A. Mariotti, R. Nieto, K. M. Nissen, P.

Oddo, P. Ruti, A. Sanna, G. Sannino, E. Scoccimarro, M. V. Struglia, A. Toreti, U.

Ulbrich, E. Xoplaki, G. Coppini, N. Pinardi, A. Bonaduce, G. Larnicol, I. Poujol, M.


Page 2: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,

• Main principles of the multimodel forecasting in CIRCE

• Ongoing changes of the sea level in the Mediterranean

• Multimodel forecasts of main parameters including sea level



Page 3: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,

• Provide a basic assessment of the climate change signal

• A multi-model approach

• Collaborative and coordinated assessment

• Evaluate the ability of models to make long term forecasts

Main principles of CIRCE forecasting


Page 4: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,

Coarse resolution models (e.g., ENSEMBLES, PRUDENCE and CMIP3-IPCC AR4, …)


Orography, Land-Sea mask and Mediterranean Sea bathymetry in a CMIP3 (IPCC-AR4) model with horizontal resolution of ~300 Km

~300 Km



State of the art before CIRCE

Page 5: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,


High-resolution and coupled atmosphere-ocean in the Mediterranean region

CIRCE models

Page 6: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,


CIRCE models

Page 7: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,


CIRCE simulations

• Spin-up: long integration performed with the observed 1950s (permanent) conditions (radiative forcing)

• Initial conditions: oceanic mean state obtained from Levitus or MedAtlas-II

• Integration 1951-2000: radiative forcing (GHGs and aerosol) prescribed according to observations (CMIP3)

• projection 2001-2050: radiative forcing (GHGs and aerosol) prescribed according to the A1B AR4-SRES (CMIP3)

Page 8: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,


Evolution of the T2m

Page 9: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,






T2m trend 2001-2050 JJA

T2m trend 2001-2050 DJF





Precip trend 2001-2050 DJF

Precip trend 2001-2050 JJA

T2m and Precipitation projected trends

Page 10: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,


Present Sea Level trends





Page 11: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,


Ongoing Sea Level Change: Observations and CIRCE reanalyses

Satellite SLA








Page 12: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,


Steric component of Sea Level Changeestimated by CIRCE

Page 13: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,


Summary of CIRCE forecasts

The CIRCE projections for the 21st century suggest that remarkable changes in the climate of the Mediterranean region might occur already in the next few decades

•The Mediterranean lands will be about 20C warmer

•The SST will be 1-20C warmer.

•The precipitation will decrease (5% -10%)

Page 14: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,


Summary of CIRCE forecasts:Ongoing sea level change and future projections

•Satellite observations show that the Mediterranean sea level rise trend is lower than the global. The CIRCE reanalyses suggest that the expansion of water due to the sea temperature rise is suppressed by the contraction due to the rise of the salinity. The total steric height trend is negative and it balances the global sea level rise due to the ice melting. •The CIRCE forecasts indicate that this trend will be inverted already in the next decade and the steric sea level will rise by 15cm in the first half of the 21st century

Page 15: INGV Mediterranean Sea Level Rise Scenarios from CIRCE S. Dobricic on behalf of the CIRCE project team: M. Adani, S. Gualdi, S. Somot, W. May, S. Castellari,


Averaged value (± std) over the periods 1961-1990 and 2021-2050 of the outflow, inflow, and net water transport. Observations are from the period 2004-2009 (Soto-Navarro et al. 2010)




Water transport:Strait of Gibraltar